The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 21, 1900, Image 5
v You are doing this very thing , "testing shoes , " every day of your life. Do the shoes you are now wearing stand the test ? Don't worry if you bought them here. Ours stand every reasonable test. Good shoes always do , and that is the only kind you can buy here. Fifteen years of shoe selling have taught us the differences in shoes. Some coated-over-to-sell shoes are excellent imitations , but we can see through a shoe , and no shoddy dare remain in our establishment. Made-to-sell shoes are different than made-to-wear shoes. Buy good shoes and you'll feel safe because there are no risks in the comfort , style , shape and wear in "good shoes. " BOYS9 SHOES the kinds that wear. So many don't. We know how hard boys are on shoes ; we also know good shoes. No risk in trying our Boys' Seamless Shoes. The makers of this line author ize us to thoroughly guarantee every pair sold. Your boys need them. A visit to our store will prove to you the truth of this lesson on "Testing Shoes. " SHOE STORE VAHUE & PETTY , PROPRIETORS. p Mf W M W You have used alh I R = sorts of cough reme-1 I dies but it does not 1 [ yield ; it is too deepi | seated. It may wear J | itself out in time , but | fit is more liable to ! = produce la grippe , ! i pneumonia or a seri-1 1 ous throat affection. 1 I You need something I { that will give you } f strength and build | f up the body. j I sfftTps I j EMULSION I I will do this when everything T else fails. There is no doubt ] about it. It nourishes , I strengthens , builds up and i makes the body strong and ] healthy , not only to throw = off this hard cough , but to | fortify the system against | further attacks. If you are | run down or emaciated you j should certainly take this 1 nourishing food medicine. I . . . , , oc. and ti.oo all druggists. ; SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York. - _ . _ in in - ui- ii in i i in inc ] . McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn J .35 Wheat 58 Oats 40 Rye 33 Hogs 4-25 Eggs 20 Butter : 15 New Potatoes 65 Butter fat at Creamery 18 To California in a Tourist Sleeper. In no other way can you go to Cali fornia so quickly , so comfortably , and yet so economically , as in a tourist sleep ing car. The tourist cars used for the Burling ton overland excursions are models of comfort and convenience. They have wide vestibules , high back seats and double windows. They are lighted by gas. The heating arrangements are ad mirable and the bed furnishings are clean and of good quality. The Burlington excursions leave Omaha every Tuesday and Thursday and go through to San Francisco and Los Angeles without changes or delays of any kind. You can join them at Lin coln , Hastings , Oxford , or any other station at which the train stops. The route is through Denver and Salt Lake City , past the finest scenery visible from car windows anywhere on the globe. An experienced excursion manager is in charge of each excursion party and a uniformed porter accompanies each car. Folder giving full information mailed on request. Beautifully illustrated 72- page book about California sent on re ceipt of six cents in stamps. J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. , io-26-nts. Omaha , Neb. Mid-Winter Holiday Rates. On account of the Christmas and New Year holidays tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip for points within 200 miles on December 23 , 24 , 25 and 31 , 1900 , and January i , 1901 , good to return up to and including January 2 , 1901. A. P. THOMSON , Agent. Cheap Trip to Lincoln. The Burlington will sell tickets from McCook , Neb. , to Lincoln and return for $6 90 on December 25 , 26 and 27 , on account of the annual meeting , Nebraska State Teachers' association. Return limit December 29. 11-30-415. ! c lort 13 I ) square inch lock * I .r 1 anc ori. y m"i Sofa . Cush.uutc. . I.sUi > tinid with and croceiul ( Jcsiun to be worked in il' . 1 < > ornt per . po'tpud. Oar ropy ot ponular soni , Tor the I ri . Dear Mother , " rosuKr s at 40 icnt shwt rnuE'.c , sent free wilb fMkase. Address. MRS. E. V. GLANDON. BARTLEY. NEB. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE UDE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for gccurlng-patents. Patents taken throuch Munn & Co. receive tpeclal notice , without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms , $3 a year : fourmontha , fL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.361Broad New York Branch Office. 625 F SU Washincton. D. C. Noiseless Clean and Thorough. THE BISSELL "CYCO"-BEARINC CARPET SWEEPER. Useful , handsome , lasting and satisfy ing. A Christmas present possessing rare points of merit. The Bissell "Cyco" Bearing Carpet Sweeper. 'Twill be a source of constant comfort and make the present toils of sweeping day an antici pated pleasure. Its marks of superiority are the "Cyco" bearings which give a surprising ease in action and an entire absence of jar or noise , making the work ing as smooth as velvet. Then there are the dust-proof axil tubes which cover the axils so that dirt cannot wind around them and disturb the action of the ma chine. There is only one "Bissell" sweeper and only Bissell sweepers have these fine points of merit. Sold by the Leaders , S. M. COCHKAN & CO. NORTH COLEMAN. Reports would indicate that they are hav ing a very interesting literary in the Ryan district. We are having a very fine winter , thus far , which makes it most favorable for stock and economical on feed. Hogs are the principal product the farmers have to sell , just now ; and they are receiving a good round price for them. Spring Creek will have a Christmas tree , which the old and young will enjoy , if your correspondent is not mistaken. There was a rag sewing-bee at Mrs. Car- others' recently , the ladies turning out a large stint of work and doing justice to a fine din ner spread by the hostess. The people of this neighborhood are some what afraid to turn their stock into corn-stalks on account of the so-called corn-stalk disease. Quite a number are losing horses and cattle. The old folks and the young folks are about to organize a Christmas hunt. The party getting the lesser number of points will pro vide the oysters for a supper , unless other arrangements shall be made. The school at Spring Creek is now being taught by a Mr. Thompson , who changed schools with Miss Greve. It is to be hoped that there will not be any more changes in the teacher of this school , this term. August Flower. "It is a charming fact , " says Prof , llouton , "that in my travels in all parts of the world , for the last ten years , 1 have met moie people having used Green's August flower than any other remedy , for dyspepsia , deranged liver and stomach , and for constipation. 1 find for tourists and salesmen , or for persons filling office positions , where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist , that Green's August Flower is a grand remedy. It does not injure the system by frequent use , and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi gestion. " Sample bottle free at A.McMillen's. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. A set of false teeth is an emblem of time. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills , but they never fail to cleanse the liver , remove obstructions and invigorate the system. McConnell & Berry. Love makes the world go round only when the lovers are intoxicated with happiness. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. McConnell & Berry. Many women lose their girlish forms after they become mothers. This is due to neg lect. The figure can be preserved fccyonc question if the ex pectant mother will constantly use during the v/nole period of pregnancy. The earlier its uc-c is begun , the more per fectly will the sbzpe be preserved. not only softens and relaxes the muscles iuring the great strain before birth , but hep ! = the skin to contract naturally afterward. It keeps unsightly wrinkles away , and the muscles underneath retain their pliability. RlOtber'S friCnfl is that famous external liniment which banishes morning sickness and nervousness during pregnancy ; shortens labor and makes it nearly painless * ; builds up the patient's constitutional strength , so that she emerges from the ordeal without danger. The little one , too , shows the effects of mother's Trlenfl fay its robustness and vigor. Sold at drug stores for $1 a bottle. Send for our finely illustrated boot for ex pectant mothers. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA. GA. HIS STAET IN LIFE. IT WAS A GOOD ONE AND WAS THRUST ON HIM BY ACCIDENT. The Incident Wouldn't Have Hnp- liciicd If a SlifirtnlKhtril Ileitl Kn- tiitc Auctioneer 1 1 ml Nut Forgotten IIlH "I owe my start In life to the fact that an estimable old gentleman forgot to put his eyeglasses In his pocket one morning , " said a prosperous business man from a sister city. "It's rather n curious story , " he went on. "and I'll tell it as briefly as possible. A good ninny years ago , when I was a young fellow of 25 or thereabouts , I drifted into Louisville in search of a Job that didn't materialize , and the upshot of it was that I found myself practically broke In a strange city. Up to that time I had always worked for small wages and had never succeeded in ac cumulating as much as $30 , but I had an abiding faith that if I could once get hold of a modest stake I could launch out for myself and make some money. "One morning , when I was wander ing about with only two or three silver dollars iu my pocket , looking for a chance to go to work at anything that might offer , I dropped into a big down stairs room where some real estate was being sold at auction. A large crowd was present , and there was an indescribable feeling of ten sion in the air that warned me some thing unusual was about to happen. "While I was standing there , only vaguely interested , the auctioneer , who was quite an elderly gentleman , put up a piece of improved city property and after a considerable pause receiv ed a bid of $200. I could see that the smalluess of the amount excited sur- .prise , and I was also aware of a com motion In one corner where half a dozen previous bidders were gathered together in an excited group. They seemed to be quarreling about some thing , and meanwhile the auctioneer was indignantly appealing for a re spectable offer. " 'Make it $2,500 ! ' he shouted. 'Does any gentleman bid ? 2,500 ? ' He looked directly at me , and I made a gesture of denial. 'Thank you ! ' he exclaimed , greatly to my surprise. 'The gentleman over there bids $2.500 , and , if I can help it , no combination of buyers is go ing to be .allowed to dictate prices at this sale ! ' With that he suddenly knocked down the property to me. "No sooner was this done , " continued the story teller , "than a great uproar of protests arose from the group in the corner. They insisted that they had been given no chance to bid , but the auctioneer stood firm and , calling mete to the platform , requested my name and address and a 20 per cent cash de posit on the $2,500. "By that time I realized , of course , that some extraordinary chance had thrown a fine piece of property into my hands at a fraction of its real value , and I did some quick thinking. 'I've sent n messenger for the money , ' I said as coolly as I could , 'and I'll have it here in 15 minutes. ' "The auctioneer looked at the clock. 'All right , ' lie replied , 'I'll give you that limit. ' "Then I took a desperate chance. I pushed through the crowd , which was already interested in the next sale , and beckoned to a little fat man who had been one of the loudest kickers a few moments before. " 'Look here , ' I said , drawing him aside. 'Do 3-011 want to be my silent partner for an hour or so ? ' " 'What d'you mean ? ' said he. "I gave him the truth in a dozen words. 'Now let me have that $300 deposit money , ' I added , 'and we'll share the profits , whatever they are. ' "The little man looked at me shrewd ly. 'This is a big joke on all of us , ' he said , grinning , 'and I guess I'll risk the deal. ' "At the same time he counted out $300 and put it in my hands. I raced back to the desk with the cash , clinch ed the sale and before noon had the deed in my possession. Then , to make a long story short , my silent partner offered me $1,000 cash for my interest. and as $1,000 looked about as big as a mountain at that stage of the game I promptly accepted. That thousand , for tunately placed , gave me the start that has kept me going ever since. "But what about the eyeglasses , did you say ? Why. the auctioneer , as I afterward learned , was very near sighted , and on the morning to which I refer he had forgotten his glasses. That was why lie mistook 1113" gesture of dis avowal for a sign of assent and forced me , in spite of myself , into a good thing. I never understood the exact true inwardness of the deal , but the facts in the rough were that a clique of speculators had formed a combine to keep down prices , but. owing to some misunderstanding , failed to bid promptly on the property which I se cured. The auctioneer was on to the game and anxious to break it up ; hence his precipitancy in knocking down the lot to yours truly. I heard , later on , that m } ' portly silent partner made 88- 000 out of the transaction , but I didn't begrudge him the money. The $300 ho gave me on faith that morning was worth fully 10 per cent a minute. " New Orleans Times-Democrat. Just ns Advertised. "But suppose , " one of the spectators said , "the parachute should fail to open after you have detached it from the balloon what then' : " "That wouldn't stop me , " answered the daring aeronaut. "I'd come right on down. " Chicago Tribune. In the center of the plaza in Lima is a pretty bronze fountain that was erected in 157S , a gift from some noble Spaniard , and is probably the oldest fountain in America. r YOUR WANTS Large and Small. . . . SUPPLIED AT 0 , L DeOROFF & GO/ & HEADQUARTERS FOR Ladies' Wraps , Men's & Boys' Gapes & Jackets , Clothing , Suits , Waists , Blankets , Rainy-Day Underwear , Skirts , Furs. Sh o es , 0 versh o es. Large Line of Neckwear and Fine Shirts GROCERIES. The assortment in Every Department is larger and better than we have ever been able to show , and YOU KNOW our prices are RIGHT. See Our Stock of Carpets and Rugs. THE . . . . jSt ore . , . G. L. DeGROFF & CO. Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $6O,000 | GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , / . Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. Just Saved His Life. It was a thrilling escape that Charles Davis of 1'owerston , O. , lately had from a frightful death. For two years a severe lung trouble constantly grew worse until it seemed he must die of consumption. Then he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and lately wrote : "It gave instant relief and effected a perma nent cure. " Such wonderful cures have for 25 years proven it's power to cure all throat , chest and lung troubles. Price oc and S'-OO. L"verv bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at McConnell & Berry's drug store. DON'T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison. Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substi * INCORPORATED iB82 tute. Ask your druggist. EJrjivg Men Full Victims to stomach , liver anil kidne > 'r < le as well as women , and all feel the r- in loss of appetite , poisons in the blood , ! , .i ache , nervousness , headache and tiren. less run-down feeling. Hut there's no rte to feel like that. J. W. Gardner of \ < \.i\\ \ \ Ind. , says : "Electric Bitters are just the ' for a man when he don't care whet I i lives or dies. It jjave me new strengt ! good appetite , lean now eat anything- have a new lease on life. " Only 50 ( < ' ' McConnell i ; Berry's drug store. Lvcr > < guaranteed. ' 1 he linker does not want for brearl. , hahi - > hour of knead. Paid Deiir for His Ley. li. D. Blanton of Thackerville , Tex . \ca - paul oier ? 50O to doctor1- tur > niryore on hilet' . ' 1 hen they v. : tu * 't < ff , i jt he -.u-f-i ! . ' v.jti , or I'hVt > - \rr ' , ' " > ' * ' .rar- ' f.r t e- 2 ? r- a ' - > " . . . V M ' PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. ' * IIow to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge , in THE PATENT RECORD , an illustrated and widely circulated journal , consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address , VICTOR J. EVANS & GO. , ( Patent Attorneys , } Evans Building , - WASHINGTON , D. G.