The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1900, Image 7

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0e -
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9a When the niuscler. feel drawn and
tied up and the flesh tender , that e
teiibion is &
| Stiffoess
0 from cold or over exercise. It
lasts but a bhort time after 0
V r OI I St. Jacobs Oil
.0 is applied. The cure
O is prompt and sure.
Martin Stickel , who was arrested
and brought to Tacoma , has made a
confession to the effect that ho and
E. G. Pierce murdered Cornelius Knapp
and his wife near Castle Rock , Wash. ,
last week ; also that they murdered
a rancher named Slianklin a year ago.
r. *
Grain-O is not a stimulant , like
coffee. It is a tonic and its effects
are permanent.
A successful substitute for coffee ,
because it has the coffee flavor tha * ;
everybody likes.
Lots of coffee substitutes in the
market , but' only one food drink
All grocers ; 15c. and 25c.
Eflust Bear Signature of
See Fac-SImllc Wrapper Below.
Tory small ami as
to tolco os eager
Price I
25 Cents I
SPECIAL Tours to Florida , Key "West ,
Cuba. Bermuda , Old Mexico
and the Mediterranean and
HALF Rates for the round trip to
many points south on sale first
and third Tuesday each month.
CRATES To Hot Springs , Ark. , the famous -
mous water resort of America.
on sain every day in the year.
Tickets now on sale to all the winter
resorts of the south , eood returnlnj ; until
'June 1st , 1901. For rates , descriptive mat
ter , pamphlets and all other information ,
call at C. & St. L. R. R. City Ticket
Office , 1415 Farnam st. ( Paxton Hotel
Bids ) or write
C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
The real -worth of
ti. Douglas S3.0O and r :
S3.5O shoes compared
irith other makes is
84.00 to 85.00.
cannot be equalled at
any price. Over l.OOO-
OOO satisfied -wearers.
pair of W. L. Douglas
S3 or $3.50 shoes will
II positively outwear tl
two pairs of ordinary tln
S3 or $3.50 tlvv
shoes. vv
TVearetho largest makers of men's S3
and S3J5O shoes In the -world. "Wo make fc
and sell more S3 and S3.50 shoes than any
other two manufacturers In the U > S >
ihcei * rc old than OUT other make ii becaam 'JCHEf
jVIEE THli jfc.ST. lour dealer thonld kee ?
them < ws give one dealer ezclanre ale in each tonn.
'I'uke no niilintlmtc : Iniiit on haring W. I *
Douglas .hoes with name and pnre ttaniped on bottom. is
If your dealer in 11 not get them JOT you. itnd direct to
factory , enclosing pnee and 23e. extra lor carnage.
State kind o leather , tlze , and wiJth , plain or cap toe.
Our shoe * will reach you any vhrrc. Catalogue i'rte. I TV
W Xt. Douzlas Uttoc Co. Olrocktoa ,
Forethought Is easy ; it's the after
thought that pulls hard.
Your Storekeeper Can Sell Yea
| Carter's Ink or lie can [ jet It for you. Ask him.
i Try it. Car loads uro Kent annually to every
1 state in the Union. Do you buy Carter's ?
H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A
Lots of people who arc inclined to
do good keep putting it off until to
first day's IIHU f Dr. Xllnu'a Great N'er\e Krrtoicr.
Send fur FilKK * $ . ( ) ( > trial bottle nml tn-atise.
Uiu It. II. KUKL- . Lta.'J51 Arch St. . 1'hilaUelpbU. Pa.
flic czar has 2 < ,000 woodpollce , wno
each cut $45 worth of wood a year.
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
The most uncommon thing in the
world is common sense.
The stomach has to work hard , grinding the
food we crowd Into it. Make Its vrork easy by
chewiui ; Beuuiau'b I'cpsin Gum.
Every time a wise man fails it teach
es him something.
IrwrjiKtN refund the money if It falls to cure.
E.V. . Grove's fcignature is on the box. 25c.
It is easier to find fault than it is
to lose it again.
All goods are alike to PUTNAM
FADELESS DYES , as they color all
fibers at one boiling.
More failures are due to lack of will
than to lack of strength.
The only .way to CURE diseases of the
skin is by cloansinp the system and puri
fying the blood : take Garlield Tea , it is
the best blood purifier known.
The lawyer's best friend is the man
who makes his-own will.
Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal.
A woman's face is of more import
ance than her frock.
$148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Sclimoller & Mueller , 1313 Farcain
street , Omaha.
Feminine beauty is the rock on
while masculine intelligence is often
C.1I. Crabtref. DCS Moint's. Iowa , will on rrqurs
explain all aliont the Gladiator Gold-Mining com
pany ; extremely luU'ri-stliiK ; write me.
Wise is he who learns from the ex
perience of others.
What Shall We Have for Dessert ?
This Question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it today.
Try Jell-0 , a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
boiling ! no baking ! add boiling water
and sot to cooL Flavors : Lemon ,
Orange , Raspberry and Strawberry. At
your grocers. 10 cts.
One authority on botany estimates
that over 50,000 species of plants are
known and classified.
SlOO Howard 81OO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn th V there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to euro in all its
stages , and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease , requires n constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,
ncting directly upon the blood and muc9us sur
faces of the system , thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease , and giving the patient
strength , by Building up the constitution and
tissisting nature in doing its % vork. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
my case that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by druggists 7. > c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Try swallowing saliva when trou-
jled with your stomach.
"Wheat-0 , the new breakfast food , is
prepared by a scientific process that
removes all indigestible parts of the
wheat , but preserves all the phos
phates In the grain , consequently it is
in ideal food for the building up of
muscle , brawn and brain. It is good
tor healthy people and a godsend to
the tired and fagged dyspeptic. Get a
package from your grocer and give it a
: rial. You will then use no other.
Man \vants butl ittle here belo\r ,
) Ut the -wants of woman are an un-
cnown quantity.
Best for the Bowels.
No matter what ails you , headache
to a cancer , you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
3ASCARETS help nature , cure you
without a gripe or pain , produce easy
latural movements , cost you just 10
: ents to start getting your health back.
3ASCARETS Candy Cathartic , { he
genuine , put up in metal boxes , every
ablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be-
rare of imitations.
A man should get up before the
reak of day in order to have the whole
ay before him. -i
Try Magnetic Starch it will last P
than other.
onger any i
The band of hope an engagement a
ing. b
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch P
ry it now. You will then use no other. c ]
Wine drowns care and it serves
are right for killing the cat.
'ob. Business and Shorthand College
Boyd Bid ? . , Omaha.
Most perfectly equipped College in
ie west. $2,500.00 new banking fur- w ,
iture. $3,000.00 Avorth new typer1 ,
-liters. Send for catalogue. A. C. j ,
ing , A. M. , LL. B. . Pres. 01
An old bachelor says that marryinj
> r love is but a tender delusion.
A vigorous growth end the original color given to
le hair by PAKKEE'S HAII : BU.SAII. ta
HIXDEBCOZLNS , the host cure for conn. 13ct3.
Heaven helps those who help thom- fe
> lves only to what belongs to them. .th
Mrs. TVI Rlotv's Soothing Syrnp. w :
sr children teething , softens the gums , reduce * In * ai
immaUon , allays pain , cures wind colic 2ic abottlo. th
A married man's idea of a good time C (
doing the things his wife objects to.
No man knows what it is to be a
foreign Ministers at P kin Eoach Agree
ment Satisfactory to All.
Brief Details Show Diplomatic Victory
for the United States Chief American
Contention Accepted Offenders to lie
Severely Punished.
WASHINGTON , Dec. C. The State
department has been informed that
the foreign ministers at Pekin yes
terday reached an agreement , whic'i
was submitted to the home offices.
Secretary Hay today received Min
ister Conger's signature on the part
of the United States government. It
is difficult to gather details of the un
derstanding at this time. However ,
it is known that in the two important
issues , namely , those relating to pun
ishment and indemnity , the view of
the United States government has
prevailed. As to punishments , they
are to be the severest that can be
inflicted by the Chinese govrnment.
As to the indemnity , the Chinese gov
ernment is formally to admit its liabil
ity * and then the matter is to be left
for future negotiation. It was un
derstood that on the other points the
French proposition has formed the ba
sis of the agreement.
LONDON , Dec. C. The Times in the
course of a skeptical editorial con
cerning the chances of an agreement
at Pekin , says :
"Are the Chinese to be the judges
of what is the severest punishment
they can inflict or the European pow
ers ? If the latter is the case , the ac
ceptance of the American view will
not take us much nearer a solution
and the same thing mvy be said of
the indemnity question. It seems , in
fact , that there is no settlement , but
simply an adjournment. "
"It is believed here- ' says the
Shanghai correspondent of the Times ,
"that the Yang Tse viceroys are gain
ing 'power over the court and substi
tuting their troops for General Tunpr
Fu Hsiang's. The new governor of
the province of Che Kiang has been
instructed to arrange forthwith the
question arising out of the Chu Chou
massacre. "
"It is the general belief here , " savs
the Tien Tsin oorresnondent of the
Daily Mail , wiring Tuesday , "that
China will accept the demands of the
joint note , which all the powers ap
prove , within a fortnight or three
weeks and that then the second stage
of the procepdings the examination
of proposal after proposal in detail
will becrin. "
BERLIN. Dec. 6. The Chinese min
ister here has handed the foreign offi
cials a telegram from Li Hung Chang
to the effect that Sih Liang , the new
governor of Shan Si , has publicly ex
ecuted upward of eighty rebel leaders
and asserting that he is otherwise
acting with the greatest severity in
the sunpression of the Boxers and
energetically 'protecting the mission
Prevalence of Wet Goods Emporiums
Creates Discussion.
MANILA. Dec. C. The hall occupied
by the United States commission was
crowded today , the occasion being the
public discussion of the Manila license
bill. The section providing for ban
ishing intoxicants from the escolta
and down town plizas was strongly
criticised. Judge Taft explained that
the -United States courts settled the
right of the police and the power to
limit he sale of liquors and yet the
places where they were sold were un
limited. He declared that the condi-
: ion of the escolta , owing to the pres-
mce of saloons , was disgraceful. The
iudge admitted that it was a hardship
: o some , but he denied that injustice
vas being done. The licenses expire
n January end the section of the bill
equiriiiE : removals Avill t".ke effect ii-
The bill provides for a license of
! 00 pesos semi-annually , for a regular
ialoon ; 800 for a ti'.eater and 500 for
L hotel , besides a bar license. None
) f these will be allowed to sell a na
ive intoxicants. Places are licensed
ieparately for the latter. They ar
irohibited from selling to soldiers autl
Sunday closing is required. But heels -
els can serve liquors with meals. Li-
lenses are imposed on distillers , bre'r-
irs and wholesale dealers. The com
mission has passed an act requiring
wholesome food supplies for animals
ised in transportation and imposing
lenalties for cruelty to animals.
fiercer Culls a Meeting : .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 6.
lhairman Mercer of the public build-
ags committee of the house has call-
d a meeting for Friday to consider
ublic building measures. It is in-
snded first to give attention to those
uildings requiring more money on
ccount of the rise in the price of
uilding material , some of the main
nes being at Seattle , Salt Lake and
ortland. Ore. These are to be in-
luded in one general bill.
Cantellunei Going : to London.
LONDON , Dec. G. "Count and
ountess Boni de Castellane are ne-
atiating for a house in London , " says
anity Fair , "where , in future , they
ill spend a portion of the year , as
ount Boni is deeply hurt at the want
: sympathy shown him by his friends
id compatriots in his recent finan-
al troubles.
Turks Admire the Kentucky.
in Colby H. Chester , Lieutenants t :
rilliam P. Scott and William A , Mof- t ;
tt and Ensign Leigh C. Palmer of n
le United States battleship Kentucky titi nti
ill remain here until after the Sel- ti
nlik , Friday. The othe officers of i ;
e Kentucky are expected to visit E
> nstantinople. While at Smyrna , ESI
iptain Chester exchanged visits with SI
e Vali ( governor ) and the naval au- SIti
orities. The latter greatly admired tia :
e super-imposed turret system or the ii
Latest OuotntloiiN from South Oicuhn
aiiU Ivaiisuit City.
Union Stool ; 1'urds.-Cattle There was
a fairly good run of cattle , but thu inar-
xct was in Kood uliapu on the better kinds
itf. both fut cattle untl feeders. The corn-
ful fatosrs were in good demand If the
quality was satlbfactory ami they nold at
good steady prices as compared wtlh yes
terday. The half fat stult. however , was
as slow sale as ever and sellers In some
cases experienced some dirtlculty In get-
tint ; what th y called atcady p-lces There
were about thirty cars of cow stuff on
sale , and the niAiKot on the better grades
of cows and heifers was steady and the
demand In good shape. There were a
good many common cows offered , and on
such the marhet was mean. Buyers bid
very unevenly on them , but as a' general
thing- sellers had to take less money for
them than they would have brought yes
terday. The market on that class of cat
tle was rather draggy. The supply of
good feeders was rather limited , and us
buyers nil wanted a. few they paid good
strong prices in order to get them. The
demand from the country , while not
heavy , is fully equal to the supply so far
as choice cattle are concerned. Kungc
cattle werer scarce on the market.
Hogs Receipts were not excessive and
as the demand was in good shape the
market here opened up u' T'/ic higher.
Buyers thought they were paying too
much for their hogs , as Chicago reported
the bulk theto at $ i.j'r ( 1 > 3 and sellers at
this point were holding their droves at
fU2J/4f4.S5. They had to have hogs , how
ever , and llnally decided to pay the prices.
The market was active at the advance
and the bulk of the offerings changed
hands early in the morning. There was
no very radical change in the market
from start to finish , the great bulk of
the hogs going at HS2Hsl-I-t ! > - > , with a few
loads at W.S7VC- .
Sheep There was a light run here and
receipts were composed mostly of lambs.
A choice bunch ot native fed lambs sold
as high as $5.25 , or about steady , but the
western lambs sold generally a dime low
er. The market was > not particularly act
ive , as packers were not anxious for sup
plies. There were not enough fat sheep
on sale to make a test of the maprkct. A
bunch of native ewes brought $3.50 , which
is probably as much as they would have
brought yesterday. Asideirom that
string there was very little good stun ,
on sale and the market could be called
.steady to a little easier.
Cattle Receipts. 6,500 natives , 1,300
Tcxans , oOO calves ; the liberal supply
caused a slight depreciation in values
for the least desirable lots , while choice
grades ruled steady ; native steers. $1.50
f ii.lM ; stockers and feeders , $ a.001t-l.20 ;
butcher cows and heifers , 3.00ft5.GO ; canners -
ners , J2.50fe3.CO : fed westerns , $ ; : .50f : > 1.90 :
fed Texans , $3.70 ? ( 1.25 : grass Texans , $3.00
T/3.CO ; calves , $3.50 5.50.
Hogs Receipts. 1 , 'JOO head ; market ac
tive at u lOc advance ; heavy , $4.yOft4.9o ;
mixed , $4.85H.)3 ! ! ) : light , $ -UOH.'J5 ; i i
$4.GOj l.J.0.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts , 4,000 head ;
good active trade at steady prices ;
lambs , Sl.DOfto.-M ; muttons , ? 3.9Ul/4.2o ;
stookers and feeders , $3.5004.00 ; culls , ? 3.CO
Commissioner's Keport bhowa a. Nee
Gain Over Last year.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 8. The
annual report of the commissioner
general of immigation shows that dur
ing the last fiscal year the total num
ber of immigrants who arrived in this
country was 44S.572 of which 23,200
oame through Canada. Of the whole
number 304,118 were males and 144,442
females. This is a net increase over
1899 of 136,857. These figures , how
ever , the commissioner general says ,
do not show the total number of alien
ai rivals , as 65.G35 aliens came as cabin
passengers. They would have swelled
the total immigration to 514,207 had
they traveled in the steerage.
The figures show that of the whole
number of arrivals 424,700 came from
European countries , 17,946 from Asia ,
thirty from Africa and 5,895 from all
othher places. . Switzerland and Spain
and the Spanish islands show a small
decrease in immigration , while Austro-
Hungary shows an increase of 83 per
cent ; the Russian empire and Finland
49 per cent increase ; Italy 29 per cent
increase and Japan 340 per cent in
crease. The total arrivals from -apan ,
however , amounted to only 9,791.
While Denies Interview.
BERLIN , Dec. 7. The moinlng
papers here print an interview with
United States Ambassador White re
garding the relations between the
United States and Germany in the
China negotiations. Mr. White gave
the Associate ; ! Press correspondent a
formal repudiation of the interview ,
saying Germany and the United States
had been working harmoniously to
gether and also that nothing more
divides them since it has been found
that the conditions formulated by the
Pekin diplomats are subject to amend
ment , to meet any decided changes in
Chinese alfairs.
Congressional library.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 7. The
annual report of the librarian of con
gress was submitted to that body to
day , it shows that during the year
there were 38,110 books and pamphlets
adaed to the library , making a total
sf 995,166. Of the books added dur
ing the year 10,599 came through the
operation of the copyright law. There
tvere other accessions of 16,605 pieces
> f music prints , 14,048 maps and charts
5,536 , and manuscripts 778.
Honorable Retirement of Uoutelle.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 8. The bill
iiithorizing the appointment of Rep
resentative Boutelle of Maine on the
retired list of the navy , upon his
esignation fiom congress , was favor-
ibly reported today by the houfa3
: ommittee en naval affairs , over
> vhich Mr. Boutelle presided until his
present affliction.
FOBS Succeeds Itoutelle.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 8. The house
lommittee on naval affairs today
: omplimentJ the acting chairman of
he committee , Representative Foss
> f Illinois , by unanimously selecting
im to the important ehairmansnip
> f that committee , made vacant by
he recent resignation of Mr. Boutelle
if Maine.
Military Academy to Have Attention.
WASHINGTON , Dec. S. The mili-
ary academy appropriation bill will be
aken up by the house committee on
lilitary affairs next Tuesday. At that
ime also it is expected that the resolu-
ion asking the secretary of war to
avestigate the alleged hazing of CadPt
looze at West Point will be favorably
sported , as Chairman Hull says the
Bcretary of war probably has insti-
ited an inquiry on his own account
nd there is no objection to
ig the wish of the house that the in-
uiry shall be made.
iydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound
The Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's III.
No other medicine in the world has received such widespread
and unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles
or such hosts of grateful friends.
Do not be persuaded that any other medicine is just as good.
Any dealer who asks you to buy something else when you go into
his store purposely to buy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ,
has no interest in your case. He is merely trying to sell you some
thing on which he can make a larger profit. He does not care
whether you get well or not , so long as he can make a little moro
money out of your sickness. If he wished you well he would
without hesitation hand you the medicine you ask for , and which he
knows is the best woman's medicine in the world.
Follow the record of this medicine , and remember that these
thousands of cures of women whose letters are constantly printed
in this paper were not brought about by " something else , " but by
L&eiis E Psifcfa&mys WGegefa&fG GSMjaQtanei ,
TSse Great Woman's RosnosSy for W&man's His , *
Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded
a hundred thousand times , for they get what they want a cure.
Moral Stick to the medicine that you & 3iow is Best.
When a. medicine has been successful in restoring
to health more than a million women , you cannot
well say without trying it , " I do not believe it will
help me. " If you are ill , do not hesitate to get a bottle
tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at
once , and write Mrs. Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. , for
special advice. It is free and helpful.
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the wo : Id.
Marriage was invented to show that
there were two sides to every ques
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Helen Keller , the famous blind deaf
mute , has been elected vicc-presidnt of
the frshman class at RadclitFe college.
Jell-O , tlm is'etv Dessert ,
pleases all the family. Four flavors :
Lemon , Orange , Raspberry and Straw
berry. At your grccers. 10 cts. Try
it today.
If you would know a man as he j
really is you must dine with him oc- j
casionally. !
Cures all 1 hroat and Affections.
Gcttheeeuuine. Rr fuse substitute * .
Salvation OH cures Rheumatism. 15 & 35 cte.
it injures ncrvoi" , system lo ilo so. BACO--
CUPO is the o-.iy i urr. that REALLY CURES
and iiotilies $ > > . : whr-n to stop. Sold with a
Pfuarantee that tlmv boxes > ; ul cure any case
RfiPfl PIIRfl is U'jrPisiWtt a"fi harmless. It-hai
UHUU UUflU curi thousand- will cure you.
At all dru sister l > v mail prepaid. 81 a box ; .
3 hox'-s Si5 < ) . Hooklft free. V/rito
_ _ 9 H quicKrc .efan'lcurcuworett
ra. cH. Book of testimonials an'l 10 iuvs' treatment.
HiEK. UK. jr. II. iW..V3 : Sm , "o ; F , Al.'icU , fl .
Tells all about Winchester Rifles
, Shotguns , and Ammunition
Send name and address en a postal now. Don't delay if you are intorested.
as a rule find it very dif
ficult to fet up their linen
in a satisfac o-y manner ,
chiefly owing to the
of inferior starches. By
using flagnetic Starch
you will find it a simple
matter to turn out as
good work as the best
fctcam laundries. Your
jrrccer sells it. Try it once.
It costs only lOc a pack
age. Insist on getting