The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 05, 1900, Image 5

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jgc Jgt
Fall Stock is
now on hand
and we are dis
playing the finest and
biggest line of Ladies' ,
Misses' and Children's
Shoes ever opened in
Western Nebraska.
An immense stock
of all kinds of Men's
wear now here and
more on the way.
Prices just as low as
this grade of goods can
be bought for any =
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison , VVis. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
in bulk. Accept no substl-
iHcoRponATcoiaa2 tute. Ask your druggist.
It is not the flowerpot that makes the
Job Couldn't Have Stood It
If he'd had Itching Piles. The're terribly
annoyingbut Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure
the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured
thousands. For injuries , pains or bloody
eruptions it's the best salve in the world.
Price 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
McConnell & Berry.
It is vain boasting of your sap unless you
produce the fruit.
"For three days and nights I suffered agony
untold from an attack of cholera morbus
brought on by eating cucumbers , " says M. E.
Lowther , clerk of the district court , Center-
ville , Iowa. "I thought I should surely die ,
and tried a dozen different medicines but all
to no purpose. I sent fora bottle of Cham
berlains Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy and three doses relieved me entirely. "
This remedy is for sale by McConnell 6c Berry.
To substitute the good is the best way to
eradicate the bad.
Your blood goes through your body with
jumps and bounds , carrying warmth and ac
tive life to every part of your body , if you take
Rocky Mountain Tea. A k vour druggist.
Ground that is barren to seed is often rich
in gold.
Happiness depends very much on the con
dition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of
life make but little impression on those whose
digestion is good. You can regulate your liver
and kidneys with llerbine and enjoy health
and buoyancy of spirits. Price , 50 cents. A.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Mary F.
Thomas is plaintiff , and Irvee S Hartley and
Julia A. Hartley are defendants , to me directed
and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and
> ell to the highest bidder for cash , at tin- east
door of the court-house , in McCook , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , on the ± J(1 day of October ,
1900 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the follow-
K described real estatf , to-wit : The south-
Oth Principal ilerirtian.
Dated this 20th day of September , 1900.
W. R. STARE , Att'y. G. F. KINGIIOEX , Sheriff.
0-21-5ts By A. C. CKABTREE , Deputy.
Land Oflice at McCook , Neb. , August 27.1900.
Notice is hereby piven that the followinK-
uamed settler has filed notice of his intention to
h make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satunlav ,
October 6,1900 , viz : George B. Cooper , on H. E.
No. 10,974 , for the SEii Sec. 15. Twp. 1 , N. R. 30 ,
W. Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and cul-
vation of said land , viz : Wilson H.Hartman ,
Thomas C. Kelley , Andrew Anderson , Abraham
Peters , all of McCook , Nebraska.
8-31-6ts. F. M. RATHBDNRegister. .
The most dainty and effective pills made ,
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are un
equalled for all liver and bowel troubles.
Never gripe. McConnell & Berry.
The pious gentleman fn Illinois who rents a
pew in a fashionable church for $2,500 a year
and sublets it for $5,000 seems to be a follower
of the Lord for revenue only.
It'brings to the little ones priceless gift of
healthy flesh , solid bone and muscle. That's
what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask
your A
A vice is always more dangerous than a
Large sun spots , astronomers say , caused
the extreme heat , this summer , and doctors
declare nearly all the prostrations were in
duced by disorders of the stomach. Good
health follows good digestion. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure digests what you eat. If you
have indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly
relieve and permanently cure you. McCon
nell & Berry.
During the visit of the Prince of Wales to
Scotland the brain-famined chappies on this
side of the water will no doubt wear kilts and
confine their diet to Scotch oats.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are prompt ,
palatable , pleasant , powerful , purifying little
pills. McConnell & Berry.
"We have four children. With the fircl
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours , and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform. I used three
bottles of Mother's Friend before our lost
child came , which
is a strong , fat and
healthy boy , doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of birth , and suf
fered but a few hard
pains. This lini
ment is the grand-1
est remedy ever
made. "
will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let *
ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering.
Mother's Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and clear intellect , which in
turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes
the muscles and allows them to expand. It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness.
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour , so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless. Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided , and recovery's merely a matter of
a few days.
Druggists sell Mother's Friend for $1 e bottle.
The Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Send for our free Illustrated book.
Fusionists Painfully Silent on
the $100,000 Deficiency In
the Public Funds.
Bryan EmliriiccH the Tammany Tiger ami
BOI.H C'rolu-r In Winking the
Other Eye.
Omaha , Got. 1. Governor Poyntcr
and the fusion newspapers , as well as
all of the fusion leaders , are painfully
silent on the report that at the end of
Poynter's term there will be a delicit
or shortage in the public funds of 110
less than . < ttOO,000.
Their answer to this is abuse of Re
publicans , but abusing Republicans
will hardly satisfy the tax payers , who
will have to go into their pockets and
pay the bills.
The fusionists have boasted of the
savings they have made in managing
the state institutions. How does this
compare with facts ?
Four years ago they pointed to the
reduction in the amount asked of and
appropriated by the legislature. The
result was that at the end of the first
two years there was a deficiency ap
proximating nearly ? 40,000. Two
years ago they came to the legislature
with a demand for more money than
had ever before been required , with a
large deficiency and any number of
unpaid claims. The legislature two
years ago , not only made a large de
ficiency appropriation , but appropri
ated more than ? li,000,000 for the two
years ending in 1001. All this has been
squandered and it will require $100-
000 more to pay unpaid bills and labor
The shortage in the penitentiary
fund alone will amount to about $30-
000. There are at least 11 institutions
that will come in with shortages rang
ing all the way from § 3,000 to § 10,000.
and in some instances the amount Avill
be even larger.
This amount added to the amount ap
propriated will run the expense of
maintaining these institutions to a
higher figure than has ever before
been reached in the history of the
These statements are based , not upon
observation alone , but upon the show
ing made by the official records in the
auditor's office at Lincoln.
It is useless , therefore , for the fu
sion leaders to deny them , for two rea
sons : First , because they are abso
lutely true and substantiated by the
official records ; and , secondly , because
it is only a few months until the legis
lature meets and then all the facts will
have to come out. When the legisla
ture meets and the various institu
tions make their wants known , when
the request for a deficiency appropri
ation of at least § 100,000 is made , as
it surely will be , perhaps those who
may doubt the truthfulness of the
statements now will be fully con
vinced of it then.
As an executive officer Governor
Poynter is notoriously incompetent.
This fact so openly manifests itself
that it is hardly necessary to call at
tention to it. Aside from extrava
gance , it is a fact patent to everyone
that in the exercise of executive au
thority he has been both weak and
vacillating. Every time he has had
occasion to exercise this prerogative he
has evinced pitiable weakness. His at
tention has been called to corruption
and malfeasance on the part of some
of his appointees , but in each instance
he has signally failed to apply the law
ful remedy. The manner in which he
handled the management of the Insti
tute for the Feeble Minded Youth at
Beatrice has become almost a public
scandal. His appointees have learned
that , no matter how they may violate
the law , all they have got to do to
keep from being removed by the gov
ernor is to show fight and he will
weaken. This accounts for the con
tinuous turmoil and clash between
the governor and his appointees ever
since he assumed the executive chair.
Such conditions as these must of ne
cessity result in the demoralization of
the public service. As the head of a
family and as the head of a business
establishment must , Avlien the occasion
requires , be resolute , so , too , the head
of a state government must be. Va
cillation in any position in life where
business customs , Avherc law or where
organized society requires resolution ,
must ultimately be attended by results
inimical to the indiA-idual and public
alike. Nebraska is a large state with
large business interests. The chief
executive not only has supervisory
control over the expenditure of mil
lions of dollars of the people's money ,
but be is entrusted with the respon
sibility of executing all laws on the
statute books. The time may never
come when vacillation on the part of
the executive might endanger life and
property , thus this , even in the best
regulated communities , is a danger al
ways to be reckoned with. But the
time is always at hand , in the manage
ment of domestic affairs , Avhen weak
ness of this character means corrup
tion on one hand and increased ex
pense to the taxpayers on the other.
That this deduction is logical is proven
by results attained under the Poynter
It remained for Mr. Bryan to at
tempt to make political capital out of
the strike of Avorking men in the coal
regions. Everybody else knows it to
be a result of a difference of opinion
between the employers and their em
ployes , not over a reduction in wages ,
but over an increase in Avages , a ques
tion with which politics has nothlncr
to do. If Mr. Bryan would only stop
find think for a moment he would
readily realize the folly of his deduc
tions. In the first place workmen can
not strike unless they are at Avork. In
the second place a strike that is due tea
a demand for more wages simply
means that times are good and that
workmen want what they think is their
chare of prosperity.
Then , too , on the subject of strikes
Mr. Bryan and his party should go a
little slow. Under Democratic rule ,
from 1892 to 189(5 , 282,000 laborers
Avent on a strike against a reduction
in Avages. More than . ' { 00,000 Avere
thrown out of employment without any
wages through the operation of the
Wilson law a Democratic free trade
that closed more than half the facto
ries in the United States and Avas an
incumbrance on every industrial en
terprise and domestic industry.
It is well remembered that in the
largo cities free soup houses had to bo
maintained to alleviate the suffering
of the masses. Many citizens of Ne
braska Avill recall that in the city of
Omaha a place known as Rescue hall ,
n large building on Douglas street , Avas
maintained by charity and was each
day and night called 'upon to feed and
shelter hundreds of idle people from
the storm and cold , all Avilling to work
but none able to find employment.
These were Democratic days. Bryan
may have forgotten them , but there
are thousands of others who AA'ere idle
then and arc at work at good wages
noAv Avho have not and never will. The
impression made upon them was one
they Avill ever remember. What Is true
of Omaha IK true of all ti.e large cities ,
especially those cities who. e popula
tion is largely employed in manufac
turing industries and which felt the
full force of the terrible suffering ainl
distress at that time.
It Avill go into history that under the
McKinley administration not one of
the 10.000.000 wage Carriers of this
country went on a strike against a re
duction in Avages. There have been
very few strikes in the last four years ,
and those that have occurred have
been caused , if over a dispute about
wages , not by a decrease , but as the
result of a demand for an increase.
Mr. Bryan's solicitude for labor ,
while advocating free trade and spu
rious money both fatal to the Avelfaro
of the artisan brings the sublime and
the ridiculous into A'ery close contact.
In a public speech Boss Croker of
Tammany Hall stated that it is the
intention of Tammany Hall to give
Bryan on his forthcoming visit to NCAV
York "the greatest reception ever given
a presidential candidate. "
This is a big contract Tammany Hall
has taken , but it ought to be equal to
the occasion. It has stolen enough
from the people of New York City in
the many years it has had its tentacles
fastened upon them to pay for most
anything. At the end of its many
years of existence it enjoys the unen
viable distinction of being the most
iniquitous and corrupt organization of
its kind the world has ever knoAvn.
For years it has been a mentor of pub
lic thieves and a czar in NCAV York
politics. It has existed on the spoils of
oflice from the date of its birth. The
story of the "Forty Thieves" is , with
the exception of a numerical discrep
ancy , a true history of Tammany Hall.
Richard Croker , chief of Tammany
Hall , is as imperious in Democratic
politics in the Empire State as the czar
of Russia is in the government of the
Russian empire. His edict is law and
his command and orders are as exact
ing of obedience as any imperial decree
could possibly be. When Tammany
Hall speaks New York Democracy
bends the knee.
Bryan and Tammany Hall ! What M
theme for contemplation out here in
Nebraska ! A nice picture , isn't it for
"reformers" to look upon ? The Tam
many tiger snarled and snapped at
Grover Cleveland because that gentle
man refused to be dictated to and in
sisted , even in politics , on his right to
choose his associates. But it has
finally succeeded in luring the "boy
orator" into its den. Cleveland did a
few things for Avhich he deserves to be
remembered , and one of these was
when Tammany Hall demanded ; is a
prh'f for its support all the appointive
offices in that state , when ho boldly
declared that "I'll be doubly damned
if I'll do it. " Whether he meant that
the public Avould so treat him or meant
that he Avould not make such a per
sonal sacrifice has never been ex
So it is today. If Tammany is for
Bryan it is simply a question of spoils.
It exists on spoliation , it lives for it ,
it has no other or higher object in pol
itics. That has been its price for sup
port in the past and it is its price now.
It is but consistent with historical
facts to assume that the bargain has
been made. When Tammany shouts it
is when there is plenty of provender in
sight , plenty of hay in the manger.
But how Avill Mr. Bryan's Nebraska
constituents look at it ? Will they
make room in their affection for that
hydra-headed monster. Tammany
Hall ? Will they follow Bryan in mak
ing a truce with the foulest beast that
ever strode the arena of politics , the
Tammany tiger ? Will they join him in
a compromise Avith what for years has
been known as a menacing evil ? Will
they uphold a man who reforms by
going over to the enemy ? The moun
tain didn't come to Mohammed and
It is just as certain that Tammany
Hall didn't come to Bryan.
It was only a few Aveeks ago that
David B. Hill , in speaking of Tam
many , said it Avas "a monster of igno
rance , tyranny , fraud and persecution. "
This is the same Tammany that , ac
cording to Croker. is goinir to ir've
Bryan one of the "g-i\atest re < - i > t"on
ever given a presidential . ! i : . iil.tte.-
Goods Fall and have Winter come You should call
in abund
great and see the
ance. Our store many
is filled with New ,
Seasonable Mer new things we
chandise We cordially . . . . in have for Fall and
vite you to call
and inspect our
stock before you
make your pur New Dress Goods
chases of fall Ladies' New Tailored Suits
Separate Skirts
Shirt Waists
Capes , Jackets , Furs
Shoes , Men's and Boys'
Clothirc , sncCu i-
coats , too.
All goods are new , stylishfand
up = to = date in every respect. Not
a piece of shop = worn goods in our
store ,
THE . . . .
as ii
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $60OOO
SEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres.
W. F. LAWSOfi , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
\ .I3'U
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention -will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge , in
THE PATENT RECORD , an , illustrated and widely circulated journal , consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address ,
( Patent Attorneys , )
Dm C
In anaemia and most women's ailments the
digestion is weak , the making of color , flesh
and strength out of food is imperfect , so that
the patient is weak , wan , nervous , and dyspep
tic. This condition can be corrected by taking
a course of Herbme. Price,50 cents. A. Mc-
Noah , who could face the world , was over
thrown alone in his own vineyard.
You can spell it cough , coff , caugh , kauf ,
; aff , kough , or kaugh , but the only harmless
remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute
Tough Cure. McConnell & Berry.
Public wrongs will not be righted till men
ire saved from personal sin.
A "stitch in time saves nine. " and a. dose of
Mallard's Horehound Syrup at the beginning
of a cold will save you many weary hours and
even days of distressing and harassing cough ,
r'rice , 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Men are not saved by sentiment.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie E.
Springer of Philadelphia , when Dr. King' *
New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough
that for many years had made life a burden.
She says : "After all other remedies and doc
tors failed it soon removed the pain in my
chest and I can now sleep soundly , some
thing I can scarcely remember doing before.
I feel like sounding its praises throughout the
universe. " Dr. King's New Discovery is
guaranteed to cure all troubles of the throat ,
chest or lungs. Price 5oc. and i. Trial
bottles free at McConnell & Beny's.
Wings of prayer can carry you where ser
pents of sin cannot crawl.
You little knew when first we met
That some day you would be
The lucky fellow I'd choose to let
Pav for my Rocky Mountain Tea.
Ask your druggist.
Dullness sometimes passes for depth.