Scftoof We have shoes to fit them all. In good style , best make and low in price. The time is fast approaching when all the children must have shoes for school. Don't fail to see our line and get our prices on good goods ; we warrant every pair. > i V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. I CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000 iDIRECTORS W Jl V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , JS Tf ( / / . r. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. S # TYRONE. Omer Griffith started to Colorado , Monday , May Moore , Emily Borkman and Birdie Davis are attending school in town. Arthur Cullen of McCook visited his sister here , last Sunday , in company with Erwin Hopt. W. P. Crosby , Lou Ilollingsworth and C. II. Nichols , with their families , start overland for Arkansas , today. The delegates chosen to the Republican county convention are : I. N. Horton , J. C. Moore , Frank Moore and Frank Helt. C. S. Blair has recently bought 160 acres of land of J. E. Tupper and John Hillman. The price was $1.300. No improvements except plowing. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything in sight ; so do drastic mineral pills , but both are mighty dangerous. No need to dynamite your body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do the work so easily and perfectly. Cures headache , constipation. Only 25c at McConnell and Berry's. Mi. Lemon and Miss SweeUvater were married in California the other da } ' . Let us hope there may never be a stick of discord in that tankard ot domestic lemonade. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy , its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people everywhere. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds.croup and whooping cough , as it always affords quick relief , and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug , itmay be given to a baby as confidently as to an adult. For sale by Mc Connell & Berry. Thousands suffer with torpid liyer , produc ing great depression of spirits , indigestion , constipation , headache , etc. Ilerbine will stimulate the liver , keep the bowels regular , and restore a healthful bouyancy of spirits. Price 50 cents. DANBURY. E. B. Lister heard what the wild waves had to say in the county capita ) , Monday. Recognizing the stalwart Republicanism and splendid ability of Deacon Morlan , the Republican nominee for congressman , the Republicans of Danbury and the Beaver country will give him a loyal support ; and it will not be surprising if the merit and the strong Americanism of the principles he rep resents , should roll him up a vote larger than the regular and usual Republican vole of this section. It is agreed that Farmer Morlan will be a credit to the district and to the county of Red Willow. It is believed that he will nat urally represent this district more satisfactorily than any Democratic banker possbily can. And he will. Work and vote for him. lie is worthy. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Years of Suffering. "I suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea and I thought I was past being cured , " says John S. Halloway , of French Camp , Miss. "I had spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hope of recovery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of la bor , could not even travel , but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , and after taking several bottles I am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all who suffer as I have. " For sale by Mc Connell & Berry. Science tells us that there are 346 different kinds of mosquitoes , but they all use the same vintage of itch juice. You can spell it cough , coff , caugh , kauf , kaff , kough , or kaugh , but the only harmless remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute Cough Cure. McConnell & Berry. When you are born the Creator starts you going and you go a long time , if you grease the mainspring of life with Rocky Mountain Tea. Great lubricator. Ask your druggist. After dinner No meal is complete without the Sportsman. It is to the whole meal what sauce is to meat it tops it off. All epicures and careful diners smoke the SPORTSMAN , and so should you ought .to have a box in 37our room ; you'll appreciate it and so will your friends ; Don't let the low price scare you. There are many cigars cost ing three times a& much not half so good. The Sportsman has flavor , finish and quality , and that is all any cigar can have , no mat ter what the price. "Stamped with the name. " Of All Dealers. NAVE & McCORD MERCANTILE CO. , Distributors , ST. JOSEPH , MO. Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , September 18,1900. Board of county commissioners mot luirstnml to adjournment. Present. Henry Crabtroe , Stephen Hello ? and D. A. Waterman , cominift- nionorsV. . K. Starr , county attorney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Miinifps of previous meet ing read and approved. lie.aJRimtion of Lawrence E. Fisher , road over seer , in and for road district No. ii : read and on motion accepted. On motion the following appointments were made to flll vacancies : II. II. Jones , overscerdistrict No. 13. A. Brown , overseer district No. 43. Contract of Josiah E Moore with Red Willow county for maintaining goer house was entered into between said parties , and same ordered lllcd with the county clerk. It appearing to the board from the allidavit of O. L. Thompson , county treasurer , that Albert Kemp was assessed in both Qorver and Valley Grange nrecincts with a poll tax in the year 1899 , and that said Kemp has already paid the tax as asset-bed in Qorvor precinct , on motion the clerk was instructed to strike said poll tax. assessed in Valley Grange precinct , from the tax list. It appearing from the affidavit of Hugh W. Cole that ho was erroneously assessed in Bond- ville precinct for the yours 1S90 and HXX ) , on mo tion the clerk was instructed to strike said taxes from the tax list. In the matter of the application of W. S. Fitch , guardian of Edward L. Nottloton.insane , to soil the following described real estate , to- wit : The south half of the south-east quarter , and lot eight , in section twenty-nine , and lot five in section twenty-eight , all in township three , north , in range thirty , west of the Gth p. in. Moved by Holies and seconded by Water man that the proposed sale bo approved. Mo tion carried. Petition of E. E. Smith and others asking for a public road , read and considered. The board llndb that owners of land along line of proposed road have given consent in writing thereto , on motion same was granted , establishing a public road as follows : Commencing at the center of section _ 'Miorth range 26 , Gth p. in. in Rod Willow county , thence north on naif- section line to intersect road No. 133 as shown by the road plat in county clerk's ollico. Said road No. 1X5 being along the south side of the Re publican river and known as the river road. And clerk was instructed to notify overseer of highways to oiwn saiil road. The following claims were audited and al lowed , and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund , levy of 1900 , in payment thereof , as follows : J. A. Wilcox tfc Son , mdbi > $ 9-18 E. S. Hill , coflin for pauper 151)0 ) Predmoro Bros. , vault door , repairs , etc. . 83 14 C. W. Barnes , printing 21 SO J. R. Neel , work for county 21 00 Ira. II. Harrison , filling old wells 12 50 G. C. Boatman , money advanced 2 45 R. A. Green , county clerk , Urd ( jr. , salary fi2 50 O. L. Thompson , postage , etc 24 G9 J. C. Oakley , board and care of pauper per contract 1144 Henry Crabtroo. service as commissioner 28 20 Stephen Belles , same 28 GO D. A. Waterman , same 2840 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1900 , as follows : Sibbitt & Noel , bridge work per contract NX ) CO Rarnett Lumber Co. , lumber 49 12 Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 52 41 Geo. Younger , bridge work G ( JO And on county road fund , levy of 1900 , as fol lows : Lucy F. Richardson , road tax refunded. 13 Joroph Ogarzalka , same.- 303 Sarah J. Lechler , same 10 On motion board adjourned to meet bine die. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. By 0.11. RITTEXHOUSK , Deputy. SUMMONS. Henry A. Wyman , Trustee , plaintiff , vs. Globe [ nvestment Co. and Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation , defendants. The above-named defendants , non-residents , are hereby notified that the above-named plaintiff , on the 15th day of September. 1900. filed his petition in the dis trict court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prajer of which are to determine plaintiff's money interest in and to the east-half at the south-west quarter of section fourteen , town hip three , north , range thirty , to require defendants to pay the said money interest of plaintiff into court ; and to quiet title of the said premises in the plaintiff , upon failure of lefendants to so pay said money into court. You are required to answer said petition on or before October the 29th , 1900. Dated September ; ho 15th , 1900. HEXRT A. WYMAN , Trustee , By F. M. Flansburg , his attorney. Plaintiff. S-21-lts. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED. To Joseph Williams or to whom it may con cern : You are hereby notified that on the 28th lay of December , 1&9S , S. C. King purchas-ed at : ax sale of the then county treasurer of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the following de scribed lands situated in said county of Red Willow , state of Nebraska , for the delinquent ; axes thereon for the years 1894,1895,1890 and 1897 , to-wit : The south-west quarter of the north-west quarter and the north-west quarter ) f the south-west quarter of section twenty-one , ; own. two , north , range thirty , west Gth p. m. , issessed in the name of Joseph Williams ; that , he time for the redemption of said lands from ; aid sale will expire on the 28th day of Decem ber , 1900 , at which time the undersigned will apply to the county treasurer of Red Willow county , Nebraska , for a deed to said land , above set forth , unless redemption is made according to law. Dated this 30th day of August , 1900. 8-21-4ts S. C. KING. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Nebraska-Kansas Farm Loan Company or to whom it may concern ; You are hereby notified that on the 17th day of December , 1898 , S. C. King purchased at tax sale , of the then county treasurer of Red Willow county , Nebras- ca _ , the following described lands , situated in said county and state , for the delinquent taxes for the years 1893 , 1894,1893 , 18 % and 897 , to-wit : The north-west quarter of section ' - , town. two. north , range thirty , 1fi vest lith p. m. , assessed in the name of the Ne- > ra&ka-Kansas Farm Loan Company ; that the fi ime for the redemption of said lauds , from said sale , will expire on the 18th day of December , 900 , at which time the undersigned will apply o the county treasurer of Red Willow county , Vebraska , for a deed to said land , above de- = cribed , unless redemption is made according to aw. Dated this 30th day of August , 1900. > -21-4ts S. C. KING. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , under a decree in an action wherein Mary F. Thomas is plaintiff , and Irvee S. Hadley and "ulia A. Hadley are defendants , to mo directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and ell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east leer of the court-house , in McCook , Red Willow ounty , Nebraska , on the 22d day of October , 900 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the follow- ng described real estate , to-wit : The south- tvest quarter of section numbered twenty-seven 27) ) , in township numbered three (3) ( ) , north , in ange numbered twenty-eight (28) ( , west of the th Principal Meridian. Dated this 20th day of September , 1900. V. R. STAKE , Att'y. G. F. KIXGHOBN , SheriF. -21-5ts By A. C. CEABTREE , Deputy. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are prompt , palatable , pleasant , powerful , purifying little pills. McConnell & Berry. NORTH COLEMAN. Charles Bixler is working for the Burling ton in McCook. [ The nights are so cool now that frosts are expected any time. ; B. W. Wilson has added another quarter section to his farm. A few friends of the Wilsons were at their home , last Sunday , and report a rare treat to C water-melons. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Ward were summoned to Box Elder , Tuesday , by the serious illness of her sister , Mrs. Ed Branscom. New arrivals two new gold standard daughters one at Charles Cox's on Tuesday , and one at Alva Osburn's , Wednesday. W. H. Epperly has closed his land deal. So manrpeople _ gathered at their home Mon day morning , that it looked like an agricul tural sale was at hand. M. H. Cole says that the young grasshop pers , not much bigger than a pin-head , are very thrck ; but they will all be killed , this winter. Very few old ones are left. To prevent consumption quickly cure throat and lung troubles with One Minute Cough 3ure. McConnell & Berry. A New York paragrapher has scored an mportanl scoop on the scientists by discover- ng that the seat of a dog's pants is located in lis lungs. You assume no risk when you buy Cham- > erlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. McConnell & Berry will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. t is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleas ant , safe and reliable. Oh. > ) < JW 4 % * rr ATM Pictures of Clothing- not convey the character = = the workmanship and style. THEY DO NOT EVEN SHOW THE WRINKLES . . I * ! ! * ! ! ! i M ! M MM I B W B Bl BHHMHHMMlHBMHMMtBMMHHB MH HBMM H BMB We have some new wrink les in Nobby Vestees and 3 = Piece Suits. In fact , ev = erything in - \ & & y MEN'S CLOTHING S ] . MORGAN . . . . THF _ * . . s LeadingClothier _ McCook , Nebraska SOUTH SIDE. J. W. Randall has been putting up hay for Mark J. Smith , the past week. There will be preaching and Sunday-school at the school-house , next Sunday at 3 o'clock. If current rumors are true _ , John Whittaker will soon leave for the Imperial country , where it is said he will engage in the sheep business. Frank Gale was a visitor in this vicinity , last Sunday. He has been working at Wray , for some time past , and returned to that place , Sunday afternoon. He reports plenty of work and good pay. The Republican club of this vicinity held ts regular meeting , last Friday night. A. F. Moore of McCook was the speaker , and han- lled his subject in a very masterly manner. W. R. Starr will address the meeting , tonight. At the Republican caucus held in the Drift wood school-house , last Saturday evening , the : olowing ! delegates were chosen to the Re- luhlican county convention which met in Mc- Jook , Thursday afternoon : C. T. EllerV. . S. Fitch and F. A. Brott. The Harmony Valley correspondent is slightly mistaken in regard to the number of looks on hand at the opening of school , as he moderator says he turned over a box of jooks , the handling of which required the services of two men and one boy. Free of Charge. Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast , bronchitis , throat or lung troubles of any nature , who will call at A. McMillen's , will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup , free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person.and none to children without order from parents. No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boschee's German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away.and your druggists will tell you its success was marvelous. It is really the only throat and lung remedy gener ally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by dealers m all civilized countries. PROSPECT PARK. W. A. Holbrook was able to ride to town , Tuesday. 1 Cora Barnes entertained a number of her Mends at her home , one day last week. Rev. J.V. . Walker of McCook will preach in the Fitch school-house , next Sunday , Sep tember 23d. Mrs. E. F. Gallagher and daughter Eva are visiting friends here , this week , on their way to their eld home in Iowa. At a dance in this neighborhood , recently , beer flowed freely ; not a creditable fact to the neighborhood , nor to the participants. Editor's Awful Plight. F. M. Higgins , Editor Seneca ( III. , ) News , was afflicted for years with piles that no doc tor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve , the best in the world. He ivrites , two boxes wholly cured him. Infal lible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 2 c. Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. COLEMAN. M. Gose marketed hogs , Tuesday. Rhoda Phillips of Iowa is visiting the fam ily of J. W. Corner. II. H. Bixler was on the McCook market , Ihursday , with hogs. James Ryan , who has been east at work , re turned home , last Saturday. Viola Corner , who has been teaching in owa for a number of years , returned home on , Tuesday. Thursday , Robert Traphagen sold a load of wheat in McCook. Mike Coyle sold a load Df hogs on the same day. Thomas Real , who has been working near Grafton since early in August , returned home an Monday of this week , and is making hay. ffl / ' A good looking horse and poor look'tft s ing harness Is the = worst kind of a com bination. Harness Oil not only makes the harness nnilthe If better , but makes ths horse look ifc * * * - " * * * - * - - - leather soft and pliable , puts I tin conI I ditlon to last twice as long' ! as it ordinarily would. ilzti. Terr" Made STANDARD by A OIL CO. Give Your Horse a Chance ! McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , D.W. V. CAGE , McCook. - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Hank. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building INDIANOLA. W. L. Brown of McCook was a visitor , Sun day. J. R. Neel made a short visit to the west end town , Tuesday. Commissioner Crabtree attended a board meeting , Tuesday , in the county seat. Miss Welborn was in McCook , Saturday , on business of the county superintcndency. Mayor William McCallumand John Broom- field gazed upon the big red stand-pipe , Mon day. John McCIung and Chris Vandenburg spent Saturday and Sunday in the county's metrop olis. When it comes to making the "amende honorable , " Samuel Randolph can do the thing up in fine shape. Miss Jennie McCIung witnessed the Stokes- Wpod wedding in McCook , Wednesday night , being a close friend of the bride. To Cure a Cold In a Day. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. i , . W. Grove's signature on every box. pSc. 4-1. People \vho burn the Lamp of Reason need Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest reason pro ducer known. 35c. Ask your druggist. 'BANKSVILLE. y XN * Joe Dodge was in this vicinity collecting for threshing , Wednesday. Abram Peters and part of the family have gone to Missouri on a visit. August Wesch had a load of fat hogs on the McCook market , Monday. Will Sigwing passed through here with his threshing outfit , Tuesday eve , en route to An drew Anderson's. George Cooper put in a couple of days hunting his cows , which broke out of his pas ture , first of the week. G. M. Reed's attorney from Lincoln was in this neighborhood , last" week , looking up evi dence for the Reed vs. Lawther law suit. George Rowland has been hauling corn to Mr. Decker , near Traer , Kansas. George is probably the only person who has a surplus in this township. The Republicans held their caucus at the school-house , Saturday evening. II. I. Peter son , W. H. Benjamin , C. F. Elliot and J. II. Relph were chosen as delegates to the county convention. White's Cream Vermifuge s essentially the child's tonic. It improves the digestion and assimilation of food , strengthening the nerv ous system and restoring them to health , vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to child hood. Price 25 cts. A. McMillen. A New York prophet predicted the Texas horror , but neglected to mention it until after the calamity. If you are troubled with odorous breath , heart-burn , flatulency , headache , acidity , pains after eating , loss of appetite , persistent melancholy , or low spirits , you need a tonic. A few doses of Herbine will give you the re cuperative force to remove these disorders. Price 50 cts. A. McMillen. Prof. Starr says we will all be Indians some day. That will be tough on the clothing stores. Take life as it comes , and make the most of circumstances , but for a bad cough or cold take Ballard's Horehound Svrup , the best known remedy for quick relief and sure cure. Price 25 and 50 cts. A. McMillen. Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused frequent deaths , this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counter feits. DeWitt's is the only original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. McConnell & Berry. A swarm of heathenish Republican bum blebees broke up a Democratic convention at Evansville , Ind. , the other day. The emergency bags sent by a church soci ety to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines con tained among the necessities a box of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve , the well known cure for piles , injuries and skin diseases. The ladies took care to obtain the original De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve , knowing that all the counterfeits are worthless. McConnell & Berry. II. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA 1 > K. FICKES Gold and Aluminum Plates. -Crown and Bridge Work Office over McConnell & Berry's Drug Store JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCooK , NEBRASKA. E * Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. © DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. JSinSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun. Ecbpse Windrpills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. spepsia Cure - Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It instantly - - " stantly relieves and permanently cures - ' Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn , ' " Sick Headache , Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results ol imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 2 Ktlmea amall size. Book all about dyspepsia malledlree PreDared by E. C. DeWITT & CO Cblcaao. ' McConnell & Berry , Druggists.