The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 14, 1900, Image 8

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We have shoes to fit them all.
In good style , best make and
low in price.
The time is fast approaching
when all the children must have
shoes for school. Don't fail to
see our line and get our prices
on good'goods ; we warrant every
p ffj
n - \
$ $
ft Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000 ft
W ' H ' H ' tt
R. McDonald is the new moderator in dist.
S , E. J. Baker resigning.
I. T. Birdsall and family have moved to the
house lately vacated by Bert Overman.
A number of horses in this part of the val
ley have died from the effects of pink eye.
There was a good turn-out at the Pickens
school-house to hear Rev. G. W. Sheafor , last
Sunday afternoon.
The school in dist. 8 opened , Sept. 3d , with
a good enrollment of scholars and only one
complete book. The board has ordered an
entire new supply.
John Randall finished his haying , Friday
evening , assisted by quite a number of the
young people and J. A. Schmitz with his
violin. It was the unanimous verdict that the
closing exercises were a success.
The hasty departure of the young man from
Driftwood precinct , whose name and actions
denote different colors , bids fair to end the
tender romance that seemed for a time to
hover around the "little white house on the
corner. "
VOCAL Music A really first-class free
musical entertainment is now in full blast.
Began the nth and will continue indefinitely.
John Randall , manager. Although Mr. Ran
dall does not ciaim to be a singer , it is plain
ly evident that his ear is being cultivated.
White's Cream Vermifuge s essentially the
child's tonic. It improves the digestion and
assimilation of food , strengthening the nerv
ous system and restoring them to health ,
vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to child
hood. Price 25 cts. A. McMillen.
Mrs. Sawyer's house is completed , and they
will move into it at once.
Holton Longnecker will lake a year's course
in pharmacy in a DCS Moines , Iowa , schooh
Charles Suitor sold his farm a quarter in
Coleman precinct , recently , to Mr. Rozell , for
John Rozell of Missouri Ridge is threshing
in this neighborhood with his gasoline engine
power thresher.
John Sly of Driftwood was in this section
buying calves , recently , and incidentally visit
ing old-time friends.
We believe that the Republicans will carry
this precinct , this fall. There are several as
pirants for the nomination as road overseer
on the Republican ticket.
Cuts arid Bruises Quickly Healed.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cut ,
bruise , burn , scald or like injury will instantly
allay the pain and heal the parts in less time
than any other treatment. Unless the wound
is very severe it will not leave a scar. Pain
Balm also cures rheumatism , sprains , swell
ings and lameness. For sale by McConnell
& Berry.
A lion always places his head near the
ground when roaring. The stump speaking
ass lifts his high in the air.
Thousands suffer with torpid liver , produc
ing great depression of spirits , indigestion ,
constipation , headache , etc. Herbine will
stimulate the liver , keep the bowels regular ,
and restore a healthful bouyancy of spirits.
' Price 50 cents.
The Boers still hold the mountain passes
and frustrate every effort of Conductor Rob
erts to take them up.
It is no experiment to recommend the
Sportsman to all smokers. Wherever
it has been introduced it has found an
appreciative legion of buyers. To smoke
it once is to wish for it again.
The SPORTSMAN is hand-made and
shows throughout that careful workman
ship found only in first-class goods. The
'filler is of high quality tobacco very
' much costlier than that usually found in
a 5-ceut cigar and the wrapper is as
solidly genuine as it is agreeable to the eye
It is a straight pure tobacco product.
Stamped witli the Name and On Sale Anywhere.
I. B. Stryker hauled a load of wheat to Me
Cook , Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. B.Wales departed , Mon
day , on a visit in Iowa.
John and Roy Stryker cut 400 shocks o
corn for M. H. Cole , recently.
T. J. Parsons has gone on a pleasure-busi
ness trip to several places in Iowa.
Mrs. Thomas Real has gone to the eastern
part of the slate on a visit to relatives.
H. T. Church went to Milwaukee with a
car-load of fine Nebraska horses , recently , to
Coleman precinct was well represented a
the band concert in McCook , last Saturday
There was a dance at Wilbur McClam's
last Saturday night , which received its share
of palronage.
W. 11. Epperly has sold his farm to Dorse ]
Shepherd ; the deal is not closed at this writ
ing , the nth , however ,
William Sharp working on Joseph Allen's
fine new barn. Lizzie Wilson is assisting
Mrs. Sharp during his absence.
Mrs. Robert Traphagen and son John
started , overland , recently , for the eastern
part of the state , where Mrs. T. will visit a
The wolves made a raid on II. K. Bixler'
turkeys , recently , feasting on a score , more or
less ; he set some traps and caught four of the
young robbers.
Rev. Gould preached a beautiful sermon in
Coleman school-house , last Sunday , on the
life of Joseph of patriarchal times. There
was a lesson in it for everyone.
The wind blew so hard , last week , that hay
ing and other work were much retarded ; and
on Monday of this week , it drizzled all day ,
prolonging the rest of the farmers.
There is talk of a basket supper in the
Ryan district , when the moonlight nights
come around again , the proceeds to be used
in buying a dictionary for the school.
Miss Anna Hannan is teaching in district
74 ; Mrs. Frank Brown in 58 , or the Coleman
district ; Miss May Rittenhouse in the Ryan
district. The above-named teachers are all
from McCook. The Spring Creek school is
being taught by a lady from some miles
Miss Anna Hannan and Miss Vanche
Plumb had an experience , last Friday , which
they do not desire to have repeated : They
had started for McCook in a buggy ; when
a team behind them that was running away
nearly ran into their buggy ; the horse or
horses ran into James Kelley's trees and
stopped ; the top of the buggy was blown off
in the run. The fright to the ladies can be
Editor's Awful Plight.
F. M. Higgins , Editor Seneca (111. ( , ) News ,
was afflicted for years with piles that no doc
tor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's
Arnica Salve , the best in the world. lie
writes , two boxes wholly cured him. Infal
lible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c.
Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists.
You assume no risk when you buy Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. McConnell & Berry will refund your
money if you are not satisfied after using it.
It is everywhere admitted to be the most
successful remedy in use for bowel complaints
and the only one that never fails. It is pleas
ant , safe and reliable.
John Randall vaccinated his cattle , last
This section was visited by a fine shower ,
last Monday.
There was no Sunday-school , last Sunday ,
owing to a lack of attendance.
Mrs. John Whittaker has been absent , for
some time past , on a visit in the east.
School is progressing finely ; there is an
average attendance of thirty or more.
Mrs. S. G. Goheen and daughter Jennie
will leave shortly for a short visit in Missouri.
The dance at Randall's came off O. K. ;
there was a large crowd and all report a good
I. T. Birdsall and family have moved in the
W. S. Fitch house recently vacated by A. L.
Frank Fitch left for Lincoln , last Thursday
night , where he goes to attend school at the
state university.
Roy Jacobs left , this morning , for Lincoln ,
where he will attend the university , during
.he coming term.
Notwithstanding the fact that there have
jeen several failures of crops in succession ,
his seems to be an era of improvements for
South Side ; frame houses have gone up in all
directions , in the last few years , and the sod-
louse is about a thing of the past , there being
but a few left in the west end of this"harmon-
ous valley. "
IhamberJain's Cough Remedy a Great
The soothing and healing properties of this
remedy , its pleasant taste and prompt and
permanent cures have made it a favorite with
> eople everywhere. It is especially prized by
mothers of small children for coldscroup and
vhooping cough , as it always affords quick
elief , and as it contains no opium or other
larmful drug , it may be given to a baby as
confidently as to an adult. For sale by Mc
Connell & Berry.
Elias Canaga and son visited Park people ,
John Sly is buying calves on the Willow
and vicinity.
A fine rain , Monday , which is encouraging
o the farmer.
J. E. Logue has gone to Iowa on a visit to
lis mother and friends.
A number of the Park people are attending
he county fair at Indianola , this week.
The emergency bags sent by a church soci
ety to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines con-
ained among the necessities a box of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve , the well known
rare for piles , injuries and skin diseases. The
adies took care to obtain the original De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve , knowing that all
he counterfeits are worthless. McConnell &
= y
Pictures of Clothing do not
convey the character = = the
workmanship and style.
O _ _ 9
We have some new wrink = I
les in Nobby Vestees and 4
3 = Piece Suits. In fact , ev = i
erything in - m iP
Leading Clothier
McCook , - Nebraska
R. H. Thomas had business in McCook ,
Mart Anderson had business in the county
capital , Saturday.
Harry \Vhitmore was a Sunday visitor of
the county's metropolis.
The Weekly Reporter has been changed to
The Indianola Independent.
Hon. William C. Amos , one of Colorado's
famous speakers , will open the Republican
campaign in Red Willow county , in McCook ,
next Tbuisday afternoon at three o'clock , the
date for holding the Republican county con
vention. The gentleman is making hits
wherever he appears and should be greeted
by a large and enthusiastic gathering from all
over the county.
S. R. Smith was a visitor of the big and
wicked city on the west , Monday , and rumors
have been sifting down to us since his visit
that he was shown a warm time while there ,
apropos of his recent slanderous remarks
about some McCook ladies , who recently
visited here. It is no trouble for Samuel Ran
dolph to do the blackguard act when a Mc-
Cookite is involved.
Notwithstanding the presence cf three news
papers in this city , it is the opinion of not a
Few citizens that the need of Indianola is a
real newspaper , printed by a man of fair skill
and knowledge , edited by a man of some re
sponsibility and sense of honor. The sub
stantial , conscientious and dependable people
of this community are aweary of all this fake
newspaper business. They art looking for
something that has the appearance of the real
thing about it.
August Flower.
"It is a charming fact , " says Prof. Houton ,
"that in my travels in all pans of the world ,
For the last ten years , i have met more people
having used Green's August flower than any
other remedy , for dyspepsia , deranged liver
and stomach , and for constipation. I find for
tourists and salesmen , or for persons filling
office positions , where headaches and general
jad feelings from irregular habits exist , that
Green's August Flower is a grand remedy.
It does not injure the system by frequent use ,
and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi
gestion. " Sample bottle free at A.McMillen's.
Sold by dealers in all civilized countries.
George Harrison and Robert Langtry have
returned from their western trip.
James Oakley had his sale , last Tuesday ,
and will start for Kansas in a few days ,
fames Modrell will move onto his farm.
The Box Elder school opened on Monday ,
the third , with the usual attendance and in
terest , Herbert Beach of Frontier county ,
The rain of Monday caused quite a refresh-
ng change in the atmosphere. It rained
slowly almost all day , giving us about a half
nch of rain.
James Kinghorn and family and Roy Kim-
) all returned on Wednesday of last week
from the state of Washington , where they
spent the past summer , quite satisfied with
dry , windy Nebraska.
Isaac Atkinson , John Dague and family will
start on Monday next , overland , for Maxwell ,
Iowa. They will have seven teams and
hirty head of stock , which will make quite a
procession. We will be right here to welcome
hem back.
The most dainty and effective pills made ,
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are un
equalled for all liver and bowel troubles.
sTever gripe. McConnell & Berry.
When you are born the Creator starts you
going and you go a long time , if you grease
he mainspring of life with Rocky Mountain
Tea. Great lubricator. Ask your druggist.
The Chicago police succeeded in recover-
ng a $1,000 poodle that was abducted the
other day. It probably belongs to a 30-cent
voman. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
People who burn the Lamp ot Reason need
locky Mountain Tea. Greatest reason pro-
[ ucer known. 35c. Ask your druggist.
You can spell it cough , coff , caugh , kauf ,
kaff , kougb , or kaugh , but the only harmless
emedy that quickly cures it is One Minute
Cough Cure. McConnell & Berry.
D.W. V. GAGE ,
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
A gentle rain fell all day , Monday.
Pauline , Mabel and Carl Esher spent Thurs
day evening with Mrs. E. M. htarbuck and
Three children of G. W. Utz started to
school , Monday , making a total of nineteen
scholars in attendance.
Mrs. Iloyt and daughter Vira visited school ,
Tuesday , looking over text-books with a view
of furnishing their own district with same
Audrey and Winona Jones and Cora Mc-
Aninch are attending the McCook high
school , it being Cora's first term there. She
reports herself as being ahead of all the
classes in the tenth grade. Our country girls
will all do good work and come out well to
the front every time.
The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Hatcher gave them a pleasant surprise ,
Wednesday night , it being the twelfth anni
versary of their marriage. The evening was
spent in pleasant conversation and music.
About midnight a bountiful repast was spread ,
to which all did ample justice. About forty
were present.
A party of four very young men came out to
the Ritchie place , early Sunday morning , on a
hunting expedition. They took liberties that
belong to no one , breaking out window panes
and making themselves too much at home
generally. Hunters are not at all desired in
this locality , for several good reasons , most
especially the sort that are inclined to destroy
property belonging to others.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Thirty Years of Suffering.
"I suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea
and I thought I was past being cured , " says
John S. Halloway , of French Camp , Miss.
"I had spent so much time and money and
suffered so much that I had given up all hope
of recovery. I was so feeble from the effects
of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of la
bor , could not even travel , but by accident I
was permitted to find a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ,
and after taking several bottles I am entirely
cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with
the result that I am anxious that it be in reach
of all who suffer as I have. " For sale by Mc
Connell & Berry.
Bert Wales went to Box Elder , Tuesday.
S. E. Cramer has bought the Parson farm.
Ed Osbaugh took hogs to McCook , Thurs
James Kelley will have over 1,000 bushels
of corn.
W. M. Rozell has bought another quarter
C. J. Suiter was in this township , last week ,
on business.
That all-day rain , Monday , was a dampener
on the hot weather.
Miss May Rittenhouse of McCook is teach
ing school in district 76.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wales has gone to Iowa
on a visit of a few weeks.
Mrs. R. J. Traphagen and one of the boys
have gone to Grafton , over-land , on a visit.
Charles Squires has been visiting his sister ,
Mrs. J. Betz. He will return to Washington
state soon.
If you are troubled with odorous breath ,
heart-bum , flatulency , headache , acidity ,
pains after eating , loss of appetite , persistent
melancholy , or low spirits , you need a tonic.
A few doses of Herbine will give you the re
cuperative force to remove these disorders.
Price 50 cts. A. McMHIen.
Gold and Aluminum Plates.
. Crown and Bridge Work
Office over McConnell & Berry's Drug Store
Sr-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
] iF"Sp6cial attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leuve orders
at either lumber yard.
Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun. Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
Dyspepsia _ Cur
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
.Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered dieest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency : It in-
nSly r.ehevTesa.ncl permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn
Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea
Headache , Gastralgia.Crampfand
all othenesults of imperfect digestion
Price 50c. and fl.
Prepared by E. C. DeWlTT a CO. .
McConnell & Berry , Dru ists