The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 14, 1900, Image 5

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    "We have the highest regard for the
medical profession. Our preparations
arc not sold for the purpose o antagon
izing them , but rather as an aid. We
lay it down as an established truth that
internal remedies are positively injuri
ous to expectant mothers. 'The distress
and discomforts experienced during the
months preceding childbirth can be al
leviated only by external treatment by
applying a liniment that softens and re
laxes the over-strained muscles. We
make and sell such a liniment , com
bining the ingredients in a manner
hitherto unknown , and call it
We know that in thousands of cases
it has proved more than a blessing to
expectant mothers. It overcomes morn
ing sickness. It relieves the sense of
tightness. Headaches cease , and dan
ger from Swollen , Hard and Rising
Breasts is avoided. Labor itself is
shortened and shorn of most of the pain.
We know that many doctors recom
mend it , and we know that multitudes
of women go to the drug stores and buy
it because they are sure their physicians
have no objections. We ask a trial
just a fair test. There is no possible
chance of injury being the result , because
' is scientifically
cause Mother's Friend
ally compounded. It is sold at $ i a bottle
tle , and should be used during most of
the period of gestation , although great
relief is experienced if used only a short
time before childbirth. Send for our il
lustrated book about Mother's Friend.
A Powder Mill Explosion
Removes everything in sight ; so do drastic
mineral pills , but both aie mighty dangerous.
No need to dynamite your body when Dr.
King's New Life Pills do the work so easily
and perfectly. Cures headache , constipation.
Only 250 at McConnell and Berry's.
A candidate named Amos Keeter is buzzing
around in the political field in a Missouri
Take life as it comes , and make the most of
circumstances , but for a bad cough or cold
take Ballard's Horehound Syrup , the best
known remedy for quick reliefand sure cure.
Price 25 and 50 cts. A. McMillen.
An astronomer estimates that 17,000,000
comets are shooting aimlessly around through
space. lie had perhaps just stepped on a
banana skin when he made the estimate.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss.
At 11 county court , held at the county court
room , in and for said county , September 5 , A. D.
1900. Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In
the matter of the estate of David Bryan , de
ceased. On reading and filing the petition of
Edward Bryan and Ward Brj an , paying that
the instrument , filed on the 5th day of Septem
ber , 1000 , and purporting to be a duly certified
copy of the last will and testament of the said
deceased , may bo proved , approved , probated ,
allowed , and recorded as the last will and
testament of the said David Bryan , deceased.
Ordered , that October 1 , A.D. 1900 , at 10 o'clock ,
a. m. , is assigned for hearing said ixstition ,
when all persons interested in said matter may
appear at a county court to bo hold in and for
said county , and show \\hytlioprajcrof
petitioner should not be _ grantednnd ; that
notice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof , bo given to all ixjrsons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this
order in THE McCopK TRIBUNE , a weekly news
paper printed in said county , for three success
ive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
[ SEAL ] a-7-3ts G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
uuder a decree in an action wherein Phobo E.
Boyd et al. are plaintiffs , and Loyal M. Hayes
ct al. are defendants , to mo directed and de
livered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to
the highest bidder for cash , at the east doer of
the court-house , in McCook , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on the 24th day of September. 1900 , at
the hour of ono o'clock p. m. , the following dc-
tcribed real estate , to-wit : The south-west
quarter of section thirty-five , in township two ,
north , in range twenty-eight , west of the 6th P.
M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this 21th day of August , 1900.
G. F. KIXGHORX , Sheriff.
S-24-5t < ! . By A. C. CKABTKEE , Deputy.
W. S. MonLAN , Attorney.
Red Willow County. PSt
At a county court , hold at the county court
room , in and for said county , August 2S , A. D.
" Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge.
"v. In the matter of the estate of Eliza G. Nettle-
ton , deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of T. B.
Graves , prajing that administration of said es
tate may bo granted to him as administrator.
Ordered , that September 21 , A. D. 1900 , at 9
o'clock a. m. . is assigned for hearing said peti
tion , when all persons interested in said matter
may appear at u county court to be held in and
for said county , and show cause why the prayer
of petitioner should not be granted ; and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof , bo given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in Tnn McCooit TRIBUNE , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three suc
cessive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
[ SEAL ] b-31-3ts. G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , August 27.1900.
Notice is hereby gheu that the following-
named settler ha filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturdav ,
October 6.1900 , viz : George B. Cooper , on H. E.
No. 10.974.lfor the SEi Sec. l.l , Twp. 1 , N. R. 30 ,
W. 6th P. M. Ho name * the following witnesses
to jvrove his continuous residence upon and cul-
vation of said land , viz : Wilson H.Hartman ,
Thomas C. Roller. Andrew Anderson , Abraham
Peters , all of McCook , Nebraska.
S3l-Gts. F. M. RATIIBUN , Register.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
-tato of Nebraska. In the matter of the appli
cation of W. S. Fitch , guardian of Edward L.
Nettleton , insane , to sell real estate. This
cnu e coming on for hearing on the petition of
W. S. Fitch , guardian of the estate of Edward
L. Nettleton , insane , praying for license to sell
the following described real estate , to-wit : The
south half of the southeast quarter , and lot
eight , in section twenty-nine , and lot five in sec
tion twenty-eight , in township three , north , in
range thirty , west of the 6th P. M. , in Red Wil
low county , Nebraska , and invest the proceeds
of sucli case in interest bearing securities , for
the benefit of said , ward ; and it appearing to
the court from said petition that it vouldbo
beneficial to said ward to have said real estate
j-old , it is therefore ordered by the court , that
the next of kin and all persons interested in
said estate , appear before mo at my office in the
city of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
on the 6th day of October. 1900 , at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m. of said day , and show cause
why license should not bo granted for said guar
dian to sell the above-described real estate of
said ward ; and that service of this order shall
be made by publishing a copy of the same for at
least three consecutive weeks in THE McCooK
TEIBDNE. Dated this 8th day of August , 1900.
9-14-3ts. " G. W. NOERIS , Judge.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. 111.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday-school at 2:30 p. ni.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKKY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Services during summer :
Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer
and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock.
Sunday morning service , also Friday
evening Litany , discontinued until fur
ther notice. Holy communion to be an
nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector.
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at II and 8. Prayer meeting
and Bible-study , Wednesday evening at
8. Morning subject , "Ate We Better
Thau They ? " Evening subject , "Solo
mon's Wise Choice. " All invited.
J. W. WAI.KER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3. Epworth League at 7.
Preaching by Rev. Samuel Gates at 8 on
"Morinanism Unveiled. " Prayer and
Bible-study on Wednesday evening at 8
at Mrs. Sawyers' . All are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at II. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7.
Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting on
Tuesday evening at 8. Morning sub
ject , "Immediacy of the Religious Life "
Evening theme , "The Life of an Amer
ican in Constantinople Cyrus Hamlin ,
Missionary , Diplomat , Philanthropist. "
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
The annual thank-offering meeting of
the Missionary society of the Congrega
tional church was held in the church on
Wednesday afternoon. Papers were read
by Mrs. W. J. Turner and Mrs. A. P.
Thomson. Two solos were sung by
Miss Stella Norval. Refreshments were
served. The offering amounted to $17.
Mrs. M. C. Maxwell presided.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .40
Wheat 50
Oats . - 40
Rye 33
Hogs 4.60
Eggs ) . .10
Butter 15
New Potatoes 50
Butter fat at Creamery 15
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook post-office , Sept. gth :
J. F. Williams , C. B. Sentance ,
R. R. Gwinn (3) ( ) , Mrs. M. Stevens ,
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster.
One Chance Yet
To realize something from your corn
crop. Buy a Deering corn harvester and
bind your corn fodder good , clean ,
bound fodder will make you from $3 to
$5 per acre. S. M. Cochran & Co. , sell
them. _ _ _
The "Little Hoosier" five-hole drill is
the machine with which to put your fall
wheat in the stalks where it does the
best. Cochran & Co. , of course.
"The Right Place" to call up is No. 12.
You are sure of getting just as choice
meats by phone as by personal inspec
"Home Visitors' " Excursions.
Nebraskans caff go east very cheaply ,
September loth and 26th.
On these dates the Burlington Route
will sell tickets to all points in Iowa ,
Wisconsin and Northern Peninsula of
Michigan at rate of one fare plus $2.00
for the round trip.
Same low rate will apply to points in
Southern Miunesota , Northern Missouri
and Central and Western Illinois.
Tickets will be good to return any
time within 30 days from date of issue.
For further information consult near
est ticket agent , or write to J. Francis ,
G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. 8-24-515.
If not , something must be
* wrong with its food. If the
mother's milk doesn't nourish -
* ish it , she needs SCOTT'S
I B1ULSION. It supplies the
elements of fat required for
| the baby. If baby is not 4
I nourished by its artificial *
food , then it requires
coifs Emuision 6
Half a teaspoonful three f
or four times a day in its |
bottle will have the desired
effect It seems to have a 1 [
magical effect upon babies o
and children. A fifty-cent |
J bottle will prove the truth ]
& of our statements.
Should be taken la summer as
well as winter.
< oc. and $1.00. all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists , New York.
Indications That It Will Give
Its Vote to McKinley.
Public Sentiment Steadily
Aljuso of Executive Authority.
Omaha , Sept. 10.-At a pace that
evinces deliberation and sober thought
Nebraska is making Its way toward
the Republican column.
It Is no idle assertion to say that at
this very time Nebraska is a doubtful
state , with sentiment steadily chang
ing In favor of the Republicans , in that
degree as to justify the assertion that
it will give its electoral vote to McKin
ley.The effort of the fusion campaign
managers to stem the tide by trying
to meet the logic of events with bug
aboos and vagaries is falling far short
of accomplishing its purpose.
In the first place , the people of Ne
braska are too intelligent to be duped
in any such way. They know that the
cry of "imperialism" and "militarism"
Is only a scheme to divert attention
from the real issues. They know that
It is intended for no other purp eettem
to keep them from thinking of the ter
rible distress of four years ago , and
from comparing the philosophy and
prophecy of the "boy orator" in 189(5 ,
as to what terrible things would hap
pen if McKinley was elected , with
what really has happened. Knowing
this , the people are turning their backs
upon bugaboos and are giving prob
lems associated with their domestic uf-
fairs careful consideration.
The people are asking themselves
what guarantee have they , if Bryan is
elected , that the terrible industrial
and commercial distress of four years
ago will not return ?
They are asking themselves why
they should desert a wise leader and
sound policy a policy that has brought
good prices for all farm products , that
has closed the free soup house and
opened the factories to ten million la
boring people for an unwise leader
and an unsound policy that , every time
it has been tested and applied , has
precipitated a financial and industrial
crisis , has stilled the hand of labor
and extinguished the fires in nearly
every factory.
They are asking themselves why
they should reject that which has been
proven to be for their best interest
for that which history proves to bo
weighted down with Injury and dan
There was a time when many of the
people of Nebraska permitted others
to think for them. They were too bu > y
with their o/n personal affairs , or too
confiding , to devote attention to polit
ical problems. For that reason many
honestly believed in the vagaries of
Bryan in 1S96. They accepted what
he said as gospel truth without stop
ping to consider for a moment.
It is different today. They have
learned to the contrary in the school of
experience. They have been taught to
think for themselves , and , in doinqj
this , they have discovered to what ex
tent their confidence has been imposed
upon. They have discovered that not
one of Bryan's predictions of 1S96 has
come true. That he was wrong in
each and every instance. He told
them McKinley's election would visit
upon the country inconceivable disas
ter. He told them that just so sure as
McKinley was elected this country
would be visited by such suffering and
distress as it had never before known.
Results have demonstrated that this ,
to say the least , was a vicious and
shameful Imposition on public credul
The people of Nebraska know by
this time fiat they have nothing to
gain by voting for the Bryan electoral
ticket. They know full well that es
tablished policies of government are in
such close sympathy with industrial
conditions that they cannot be dis
turbed without causing unrest , and
they know further , that to substitute
policies that are a tax on enterprise
and energy for policies that are stimu
lative means to do that which sober
reason holds to be inimical to the pub
lic weal.
It is vastly more important to the
voters of Nebraska that there shall bo
good markets and good prices for farn
products , that labor shall be employe- ! ,
that the money of the nation shall be
free from spurious contamination aiid
shall be the very best , that money may
be had at a low rate of interest as a
stimulant of industry and as a relKf
to the debtor , than that the Philip
pines shall be turned over to Aguin-
aldo's tribal government.
Concerned as all patriotic Americans
are in the proper solution of the Phil
ippine problem , the first and foremost
thing to be considered is the welfare
of the American people at home , espe
cially since the McKinley administra
tion has demonstrated its ability ami
intention to adjudicate the Philippine
question along that line most consist
ent with American customs and tra
There is no danger , as regards the
Philippines. That problem will b < *
properly solved. The sreat danger that
confronts the American people is free
trade , spurious money and consequent
low prices , idle labor and hard times.
Attorney General Smyth is off on an
other "trust-smashing" expedition.
Why he had to put the state of Ne
braska to the expense of a junket to
New York with no possible objective
point , other than to achieve partisan
notoriety , is a question difficult of so
lution. Thus far he has accomplished
nothing , nor Is he likely to , but o the
other hand has added a few more fig
ures to the enormous amount ex
pended by his department In one way
and another the last two years. No
other attorney general ever made more
grand stand plays for political effect
and no other was ever less successful.
No attorney general ever gave the people
ple such small returns on the money
expended. From first to last it has
been a play to the galleries , with the
result that much money has been ex
pended and very little if anything ac
complished. If Attorney General
Smyth really intended to drive trusts
into exile he would hardly indulge in
the profitless practice of chasing phan
toms about the country when he has
any amount of material to work on
right within the limits of his home
community. It may be enjoyable sport
for him , but it is rather expensive sport
to the tax payers , who Avill have to
go down into their pockets and pay the
Reports from the various towns and
cities throughout Nebraska , bearing
on the financial condition of the people
ple , go to indicate that there has been
a substantial increase in the earnings
and savings of the people the last four
years. Of the many reports received
not one shows a decrease in the
amount of money deposited. All show
a substantial increase. Four years ago
money was a scarce article and the
borrower , even on the best collateral ,
found it difficult to negotiate a loan.
Today money is abundant , and , what
is more significant , much of the money
being loaned out , is , not the money of
eastern capitalists as formerly , but
money deposited by and belonging to
the people of Nebraska. More than
$30,000,000 is money belonging to people
ple of Nebraska. Nearly 50 per cent
of the mortgages held against Nebras
ka collateral is held by Nebraska pee
ple. In the last four years the people
of Nebraska have increased their
bank deposits by more than $30,000,000 ,
while the amount that has gone into
new homes , new farms , new enter
prises and new industries , is fully
twice as large. The prosperity of the
business man , of the farmer and of the
laborer , is abundantly attested by
these figures.
Since it has been discovered tha < -
the editor of the Des Moines Globe , a
paper frou which the fusion organs
have been gathering campaign mate
rial as a result of its incendiary utter
ances on imperialism , was formerly an
inmate of an asylum for the insane ,
the fusion editors have with a display
of reluctance deserted him , and they
now find themselves subjected to the
humiliation of having quoted as au
thority the irrational , irrelevant and
insane opinions of an insane mind.
The Omaha World-Herald , Avhich
has devoted column after column of
space to the reproduction of the edi
torials of this poor unfortunate , after
having learned that he was at one
time an inmate of an asylum for the
insane , and after knowing that his
mental faculties have not as yet re
covered their equilibrium , still persirts
in palming off his spurious opinions
upon its readers. Other fusion papers
have discovered their mistake and quit
it. The AVoiId-Herald alone still keeps
at it , presumably because it had given
up more space to the reproduction of
his articles and was therefore all the
more sadly taken in. Its readers , how
ever , will hardly fail to hold it to ac
count , even though partisan , for per
sisting in filling its columns with the
distorted conceptions of a disordered
brain. It is , no doubt the concensus of
opinion that the fusion editors are
abundantly able to distort facts , even
to that extent as to reflect insanity ,
without going into partnership with a
person admittedly insane.
It is safe to assume , though having
discovered that the author of these ar
ticles which they have been palming
off on their readers is irresponsible by
reason of a disordered mentality , not
one of the fusion editors will have the
manhood to apologize to the public or
to acknowledge the mistake.
In attempting by this ruse to fore
shadow the policy of the Republican
party the Fusion editors are less con
siderate thsm humanity generally , for
it is a Aveil established principle of
ethical jurisprudence that no ono of
unsound mind shall be held accounta
ble for his words or deeds. In this in
stance , however , not alone do they af
fect to hold the lunatic accountable ,
but they persist in holding the Repub
lican party accountable along with
him. It is a flagrant imposition upon
the public , nothing moro.
The custom or practice which per
mits officials to sell public property
and not moke a proper accounting of
the funds to the treasurer and auditor
is a vulnerable one at best. Surround
ed by every safeguard possible it nev
ertheless affords an opportunity for
the dishonest and designing official to
rob the taxpayers.
In the reports that have been pub
lished from time to time , concerning
the management of the state institu
tions the last two years , evidence of
this character stands out prominently.
In more than one instance it has been
discovered that property has been sold
and the money misappropriated. Sotno
of Governor Poynter's appointees have
not been slow to make use of this op
portunity to replenish their exchequer.
Just to what extent this practice has
been carried is not as yet fully known ,
though there is evidence that much
money has been diverted from the
proper channel in thisway.
This custom or practice has been in
vogue for some time , yet it is a most
expensive one to the taxpayers.
We have stacks of good
clothes at prices which can
not be duplicated in the
Now is the time to buy School Suits
for the boys. New lot just received ;
ball and bat free with each boy's suit
costing $2.50 or more
Ail summer stuff is going at a sacrifice to
make room for fall and winter goods.
O jffZ. O
THE . . . .
< LT
5 ; i
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $60,000
GEO. HOCKHELL , President. B. tL FREES , V. Pros.
W. F. LAWSOfi , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge , in
THE PATENT RECORD , an illustrated and widely circulated journal , consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address ,
( Patent Attorneys , )
m G
The progressive nations of the world are
the great food consuming nations. Good food
well digested gives strength. If you cannot
digest all you eat , you need Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It digests what you eat. You need not
diet yourself. It contains all of the digestants
combined xvith the best known tonics and re-
constructives. It will even digest all classes
of food in a bottle. No other preparation will
do this. It instantly relieves and quickly
cures all stomach troubles. McConnell &
A Colorado editor who has a side door lead
ing from his sanctum into the saloon next
door refers to the ginnery as "a dern-near
resort. "
Large sun spots , astronomers say , caused
the extreme heat , this summer , and doctors
declare nearly all the prostrations were in
duced by disorders of the stomach. Good
health follows good digestion. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure digests what you eat. If you
have indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly
relieve and permanently cure you. McCon
nell & Berry.
Endured Death's Agonies.
Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson
of San Antonio , Texas , to lie down when af-
tacked by asthma , from which he suffered
four years. He writes his misery was often
so great that it eemed he endured the agony
of death ; but Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption wholly cured him. 'I his mar
velous medicine is the only known cure for
consumption , coughs and cold , and all throat ,
chest and lung troubles. Price SOG and Si.oo ,
guaranteed. Trial bottles free at McConnell
i : Berry's drug store.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison. WLs. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no aubsti-
tute. Ask your druggist *