The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 14, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Republican National Ticket.
For President ,
For Vice-President ,
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor
C. II. DIETRICH of Adams.
For Lieutenant Governor
E. A. SAVAGE of Custer.
For Secretary of State
GEORGE . MARSH of Richardson
For Treasurer
For Auditor
AuditorCHARLES WESTON of Sheridan.
For Attorney General
For Land Commissioner
For Superintendent of Schools
W. K. FOWLER of Washington.
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman
W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow.
HON. W. C. AMOS of Colorado will |
open the Republican campaign in Red
Willow county , next Thursday afternoon
at three o'clock , in McCook.
AMIDST the busy buzz of general pros
perity , it is difficult to hear the cry.o
calamit3' , notwithstanding the energeli
efforts being directed to that end.
W. J. BRYAN gives warning : "If there
is any one who believes the gold standn
ard is a good thing , or that it must br
maintained , I warn him not to cast hi
vote for me , because I promise him i
will not be maintained in this country
longer than I am able to get rid of it. '
FARMER MORLAN'S fame as a farmer
and fruit-raiser has become so generally
known over the Fifth district that even
Banker Shallenberger has discovered
himself to be a farmer. Some people
don't know the difference between farm
ing out county funds and deposits and
tickling the soil.
THB Chattanooga News thought it a
gave a new turn to an old joke when it ,
as a Democratic paper , admitted that
four months after the inauguration of
Bryan every national bank in the country
would close its doors. The next day it
explained that it meant the national Ci
banks would close their doors on the 4th 'e
of July. The Br3an organ is as badly [
mixed on this as it is on some of its en
financial statements. To begin with
national banks don't open their doors
on the 4th of July , and had it followed CO
the speeches of its presidential candidate ;
it would have learned that the 4th of sa ;
July is to be abolished.
I BELONG to neither party. I vote in wlmi
local and national elections as my inde mi
pendent judgment dictates. Nebraska ha
is prosperous. Four years ago the times th :
were very hard. Our farmers burned na
their corn for fuel. Then it was that bl
Mr. Bryan argued for free silver as the Tl
only remedy for those apparently hope to
less conditions. The country did not sh
take his remedy , and yet got well. ofa
What is the inference ? Mr. Bryan's
remedy was not as much of a remedy as
he thought it. Mr. McKinley will be
re-elected because of the prosperity now f "
existing. A very large percentage of the ou
citizens will pay no attention to free te
silver , imperialism or anything else than
our great prosperity. J. A. Smith ,
Humphrey , Neb. I PPa
THE demand for city and state war a
rants is one of the best signs of the i ,
times. When 4 per cent state warrants
bring a premium , and when 7 per cent
city warrants that run but a short time eij
bring 2 per cent premium , thinking people
ple conclude that money is more pleuti-
ful and that times are not to be com-
pared to the gloomy period from which
the country emerged shortly after the fO1 :
election of 1896. The organization of Clr
new savings banks and the seeking of a
small investments by wage earners in
dicate that the money power has for the | pr
time being relaxed its hold on the coun n
try's financial throat , and that it is possible - 361
sible to live and enjoy plenty while the br
country is administered by a wise aud siDe
capable government. Lincoln Journal. siU
THERE is one utterance of Lincoln's [
that Bryan is not likely to quote. It
was made in 1 63 , when the Democratic De
leaders protested against sending Val- s
landighaui across the federal lines to the
confederacy , and is as follows : "He who vb
dissuades one man from volunteering or mi
induces one soldier to desert , weakens ter
the cause as much as he who kills an
American soldier in battle. Must I shoot
a simple-minded soldier boy who deserts
while I must not touch a hair of a wily
agitator who induces him to desert ?
This is none the less injurious when effected
: 01
fected by getting father or mother or 01h
: he
friend into a public meeting and there
working upon his feelings till he is persuaded - j s
suaded to write the soldier boy that he t
is fighting in a bad cause , for a wicked
, ind
administration of a contemptible gov-
eminent. I think that , in such a case , she
to silence the agitator and save the boy
is not only constitutional , but withal a
great mercy. " N. Y. Tribune. rNE
Dennison Street
It lends a touch of humor to this cam
paign to see the representatives from
these states which have been disfran
chising the negro engaged in a campaign
whose war-cry is the enormity of governing
without their con
erning ; subject-races
sent. If imperialism means government
without the consent of the governed ,
then imperialism exists in North Carolina
lina j , in South Carolina , in Mississippi ,
and in Louisiana. It would be absurd
to ' claim that the colored races of the
Philippines or of Porto Rico are any
more fit to govern themselves than the
negroes in these states. The proclaim
ing of the doctrines of human rights for
distant islands by such men as these is
little less than a farce , and it is hard to
see how any man from any state can de
claim for the Philippines while silent ou
these southern outrages , and maintain r
reputation for deep sincerity on th
question. N. Y. Advance , Sept. 6 , 1900
The above quotation from a religiou
paper is the more deserving of carefu
thought because it does not emanate
from any party organ , nor is it thrus
upon the attention as capital for anj
political .advantage. But when it is
remembered that the states above men
tioned are the states that are the strength
and capital of the Democratic party , i
may well cause every friend of justice
and right to pause and ask himself , how
can I identify myself with such a party
even though it have a Gabriel for its
presidential candidate. The make-up of
party that has a i6-to-i silver man for
its president aud a Gold Democrat for
its vice-president is thus clearly fore
shown , should its aims be realized and
its nominees elected. The simple truth
remains ; that the convention in Kansas
2ity , last Independence day , was a per
fect < transcript of the cave of Adullam ,
ist Samuel , xxil-2 , ) with this differ-
nce , that while the company convened
u Kansas City had its original in Adul- *
am , there was no David in that national
ouvention to assume its captaincy. "I
peak as to wise men ; judge ye what I
ay , " FRANK.
MR. BRYAN says he wants a republic
.vhere the coach-owner and the coach
man , the mistress and the maid , will
iiave the same chance and share alike in
he good things of this life , but unfortu-
lately he neglects to explain how this
blessed state is to be brought about.
Flie question is suggested that , in order
be consistent with such views , he
should arrange with Adlai in the event
their election to put their respective
salaries into a pool and share alike.
BY actual count fifty-four of that er
"army of commercial travelers thrown at
jut of employment by the trusts" at-
tended ; a drummers' "mass meeting" in
3t. Louis. It afterwards turned out that
seven of the whole number had lost their
positions by the reorganization of com
panies. Not a bad showing for a city of
city of 600,000 people in which perhaps drummers live. wire
MR. BRYAN should cede the sover-
jignty of his farm at Lincoln to Spain or n
rance. The land was acquired by the tic
Jnited States without the "consent of
he ( governed" by another Democrat ,
fhomas Jefferson. How Mr. Bryan can
onseut to live in Nebraska , when this
lircunistance is considered , is unexplain- ,
THE pessimistic predictions of the i20
irophet of calamity , so freely proclaimed
1896 , have been disproven by the ex-
eriences of the past two years. His rt-i
oresight was bad. This year his proph-
sies appeal to history for confirmation ,
the facts of history show that his
lindsight is no better than his foresight.
THE charge of militarism made by the
Jeniocratic candidate for the presidency
an insult to every American soldier For
erving under the flag. All soldiers , : he
vhether regulars , volunteers or in the
nilitia , are volunteers. They have en-
ered the service of their own free will
accord. None drafted.
were .
: : u
S.-W. Baptist Association. Be.
The South-West Baptist association
! hold a three-days session in McCook ,
ommencing on the zist and closing on bo
23d. A number of speakers and for
thers are expected from abroad , and it
expected that the sessions will be in-
eresting and valuable to all who may
time to attend them. A full pro- ' oc
ramme has been prepared and will
hortly be made public.
office. B st in the market. fin
It is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted to the convention , and that primaries
be held in the various precincts on Saturday ,
September I5th. C. F. BABCOCK ,
C. B. GRAY , Secretary. Chairman.
Precinct Primaries.
A meeting of the Republican electors of
Redwilloiv precinct is hereby called at the
Indianola school-house , Saturday , September
I5th , at four o'clock , for the purpose of elect
ing six delegates to the Republican county
convention to be held in McCook , Thursday ,
September 20th , 1900.
WILL B. SEXSON , Committeeman.
A primary election for the Republicans of
Valley Grange precinct will be held in the
Pickens ' school-house on Wednesday after
noon , September igth , at three o'clock , for
the purpose of selecting five delegates to the
county convention to be held in McCook on
September 20th , and for the transaction of
any other business that may properly come
before the caucus.
A. D. JOHNSTON , Committeeman.
A meeting of the Republican electors of
Gerver precinct is hereby called at the Pleas
ant Prairie school-house , Saturday , September
I5th , at seven o'clock , for the purpose of
electing four delegates to the Republican
county convention to be held in McCook , vvl
Thursday , September 20th , 1900. in
N. J. JOHNSON , Acting Committeeman. CO
J te
A primary election for the Republicans of wi
Driftwood precinct will be held in the Fred Tl
erick school-house , Saturday , September 151 ! ] , Ri
7:30 p , m. , for the purpose of selecting four
delegates to the Republican county conven
tion to be held in McCook , Thursday , Sep
tember 2oth , 1900. C. T. ELLER , tc
Committeeman. tcK
Willow Grove Primaries. e'i
Primary election for this voting precinct aai
will be held m the Commercial hotel sample- aiV
room , Saturday evening , September I5th , til
1900 , at 7:30 o'clock , for the purpose of elect it
ing twelve delegates to the county conven itai
tion , September 20th. A. BARNTETT , til
Committeeman. he
Primary election for this voting precinct ui
will be held in C. F. Babcock's office , Satur
day evening , September I5th , 1900 , at 7:30 1C
o'clock , for the purpose of electing nine dele ni
gates to the county convention , September
20th. C. B. GRAY , Committeeman. d.i
Primary election for this voting precinct ! f r
will be held in the city hall , Saturday evening ,
September isth , 1900 , at 7:30 o'clock , for the
purpose of electing eight delegates to the .
county convention , September 20th. I of
F. M. RATHBUN , Committeeman. '
Primary election for this
voting precinct ru
will be held in II. H. Berry's office , Saturday "I
svening , September ijth , 1900 , at 7:30 o'clock , nc
the purpose of electing seven delegates to
county convention , September 20th. feel
R. B. CARLTON , Committeeman. ph
To Cure La Grippe In Two Days.
Take Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets.
druggists refund the money if it fails to W (
ure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle.
. 4-1. . i !
At $5 Per Ton. 7
Corn fodder for sale , fine quality ,
bound in bundles , delivered in McCook on
$5 per ton. Write or see pei
J. W. BORTLESS , McCook , Neb. no
We wish to secure the services of a
ocal or traveling salesman to sell our
ine of lubricating and refined oils , cu the (
jreeses , paints and white lead. Salary
commission. Address , The Ameican (
Petroleum Product Co. , Office and Re- kn
inery , Findlay , Ohio. 2240
North-Western's Fast Run.
Boone ( Iowa ) Daily News of re
cent date contains a full account of a
remarkable run made by the NorthWestern -
Western with a Shriners' train , Septem
ber 4th , from Omaha to DesMoines , a
distance of 203 miles , which was covered
in 204 minutes actual ruuning time.
The road foreman of engines makes the
following report of the run : "Delayed at
Missouri Valley 2 minutes for orders ; at
Logan 4 minutes for No. i ; at Carroll 4
minutes for water ; at Boone 8 minutes
for passengers ; at Ames 7 minutes for
water and to turn the "Y. " Made four
railroad crossing stops. Had three dif
ferent slow orders and slowed up six dif
ferent times besides for bad track and
curves. Deducting a loss of two minutes
for each slow order , slow-up and railroad
crossing stop , would make 26 minutes ,
together with the time lost standing at
stations , 25 minutes , would make a tota
loss of 51 minutes , figuring nothing for
the time lost in stopping and starting ai
places where station stops were made
This would make the actual running
time from Omaha to DesMoines , a dis
tance of 203.3 miles , in 204 minutes ,
Train consisted of one baggage car , three
chair cars , one dining car and one pri
vate car. Total weight of train and
engine , 380 tons. "
A Delightful "At Home. "
Mrs. C. H. Boyle , Mrs. W. D. Burnett
and Mrs. T.B.Campbell were "at home"
to a large and brilliant gathering of lady
friends , Thursday afternoon , from three
until half past six o'clock , at the home
of Mrs. Boyle. In its details aud partic
ulars it was one of the most elaborate
and felicitious social functions of the
Frappe was served , Lillie Burnett and
Ruth Campbell presiding over the punch
A three-course lunch was served in two
separate dining-rooms , Mrs. J. A. Gunn
and Mrs. Mabel Stranahan presiding in
the east room and Mrs. Howard Stoy
and Mrs. G. W. Conner in the north
room. Red carnations were the dining-
room decorations. The exhibit of fancy
work , linen , china aud silver-ware was
especially rich and tasteful.
During the function Miss Bertha Childe
played on the guitar and sang most ar
The affair was a noticeably "dressy
Mrs. M. A. Northrup assisted.
Quite a Scare.
On their way h'ome from attending
the fair at Indianola , yesterday , Mr. and
Mrs. M. R. Bates stopped at the Willow
to enjoy a lunch , tying the horses mean
while. A dog frightened the animals
and they broke loose , running all the
way to McCook , where they arrived at
the home livery barn very much ex
hausted. Fearful that Mr. Bates and
family had been injured , A. A. Bates
aud the liveryman started out after them.
. . . . Bill
missing them , however , as they were
brought to town by another road by a
Mr. King , living near the Red Willow
Why Think C.
Of sending away for a sevving machine , E.
when S. M. Cochran & Co. rlo and will
meet any competition on earth , quality
considered. See their machines and br
get their prices and terms first , and you was
will buy of reliable home business men
They are here , , too , to make good thei rac
guaranty. Co. >
: em
? Snowfall.
The heaviest fall of snow that ever rate :
took place in England occurred in 1615. rateR
The snow commenced falling on the 'Tl
16th of January , 1015 , and continued I
every day until the 12th of March fol-
lowing. It covered the earth to such
depth that passengers , both horse by
and foot , passed over gates , hedges and the
walls , which had been obliterated by whc
the -white sheet On the 12th of March sucl
began to decrease and so by little lector
and little consumed and wasted away nice
till the 2Sth of May , for then all the
heaps and drifts had disappeared ex
cept one upon Kinder scout , which lay !
until "Whitsun week.
A heavy fall occurred in Scotland in
1620 , the snow falling 13 days and Dea
nights with little or no intermission. or w
One i of the heaviest falls on a single cast
day occurred on the 21st of February ,
1762 , the snow in some places being C.I
from < 10 to 12 feet deep.
Conrt nnd Witness Asrree. Tl
An amusing incident occurred in one Con
the common pleas courts the other ,
U ° C
day. The lawyer for the defense was
making ! a very lengthy cross exarnlna- '
tion of an old lady when he was inter latei
rupted by the judge -with the remark ,
think you have exhausted this wit '
ness. " UNE
"Yes , judge , " she exclaimed , "I do folio
very much exhausted. " Philadel- we c
phia Call. '
The \VIieeImnn's View. Detr :
Mrs. Sprocket George , \vbat in the Lesli
world happened to the pipe organ in Praii
church this morningwhile you were Chic
singing that solo ? New
Mr. Sprocket ( who always talks bi Dem
cycle ) Why , the organist -was coastin O Tole
easy grade with her feet off the Nebi
pedals when she ran into some sharp Line
notes , and the old thing punctured. Cam
Ohio State Journal. New
Nothing is so Indicative of deepest St.L
culture : as a tender consideration of Kans
ignorant >
] Kans
Chinese coinage In the shape of a
Icnife has been traced back as far as .
P p
B. C. '
Sold at
for the
Council Proceedings.
The councilmen were in regular ses
> n , Monday night , all being present
11s as follows were allowed :
cCook Electric Light Co $86.7
wyer & McClain 52.50
K. Miller 3.25
D. Burgess 7.65
B. Gray 60 oo
R. ] Banks 50.00
ul Perrenaud 40.00
Bid of John Schlagel to build sidewalks
the city at 29 cents per lineal foot
is accepted.
Resolution was adopted renewing con-
ict with the McCook Electric Light
. for a period of three years from Sep-
riber 29111 , 1900 , for five arc lights and
Ly-seven incandescent lights at the
e of $85.00 per month.
Resolution was adopted as follows
'hat the names of all those persons
gaged in business in the city of ivlc-
ok , who have not paid occupation tax
October ist , 1900 , be furnished by
city treasurer to the city attorney ,
10 shall at that time proceed to take
h steps as shall be necessary to colt -
t same. " Adjourned till next regular
leting on Sept. 24th , 1900.
Desirable House for Sale.
will offer for sale at a low price my
idence property , corner Marshall and
arborn streets. Terms , time on part ,
will name an attractive price for spot
ih. s-4-tf. W. C. LATOURETTE ,
Cedar Rapids , Iowa.
F. BABCOCK , Local Agent.
A Lunch Stand.
he ladies of the Dorcas society of the
agregational church will conduct a
ch stand on Roosevelt day , October
Particulars and prices will be given
Tribune Clubbing List.
'or convenience of readers of THE TRIE
, we have made arrangements with the
owing newspapers and perodicals whereby
can supply them in combination with THE
IBUNE at the following very low prices :
roit Free Press . Si oo 150
lie's Weekly. . 400 300
irie Farmer . i oo 175
cage Inter-Ocean . I oo i 35
cinnati Enquirer. . I oo 150
York Tribune. . I oo 125
norest's Magazine . I oo I 75
edoBlade . I oo 125
jraska Farmer . I oo 150
Homestead . I oo 145
coin Journal . I oo 175
npbell's ; Soil-Culture . I oo 150
York World . I oo 165
ahaBee . . . i oo 150
mopolitan Magazine . I oo I go
Louis Republic . I oo 175
isas City Star . 25 115
raska Dairyman and Up-
Farmer . 50 125
isas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15
isas City Journal , daily. . . 400 420
are prepared to fill orders for any other
ers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
The Brnvery Of Women
was shown by Mrs. John Dowling of Butler ,
Pa. , in a three years struggle with malignant
stomach trouble that caused distressing at
tacks of nausea and indigestion. All remedies
failed to relieve her until she tried Electric
Bitters. After taking it two months , she
wrote ; "I am now wholly cured and can eat
anything. It is truly a grand tonic for the
whole system as I gained in weight , and feel
much stronger since using it. " It aids diges
tion , cures dyspepsia , improves appetite , gives
new life. Only 5oc. Guaranteed , at McConnell -
nell & Berry's drug store.
To prevent consumption quickly cure throat
and lung troubles with One Minute Cough
Cure. McConnell & Berry.
The tailor who is running for office in Ill
inois should be able
to number the men
whom he has given long credit and good fits
among his con-stitch-uency.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are prompt ,
palatable , pleasant , powerful , purifying little
pills. McConnell & Berry.
Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms
have caused frequent deaths , this year. Be
sure to use only the genuine. Observe the
same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counter
feits. DeWitt's is the only original Witch
Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for
piles and all skin diseases. McConnell &
This thing of endeavoring to mix endless
! chain prayer with politics in the campaign
has a sacrilegious look but
, perhaps we have
no right to kick if the Lord doesn't.
Corn-huskers' sprained wrists , barbed wire
cuts and sprains , or cuts from any other
cause are quickly healed when Ballard's Snow
Ointment is promptly applied. Price 25 and
50 cents. A. McMillen.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is not a
panacea , but it is recommended for
blind ,
bleeding or protruding piles and it will cure
the most obstinate cases. 1'rice 50 cents in
bottles , tubes 75c. A. McMillen.
A New
York paper seems inclined to give
the Judes representation in its columns. It
has established a department headed "
, "Men ,
Women and Things. "
f Loved by the people , hated by its would-be
rivals ; the foe of disease , the friend of human
ity Kocky Mountain Tea , made by the Mad
ison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist.
nd light loads.
bed for everything
that runs on wheels
Sold Everywhere.