The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 07, 1900, Image 5

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is only a symptom not a
disease. So are Backache.
Nervousness , Dizziness and the
Blues. They all come from an
unhealthy state of the menstrual
strualorgans. . If you suffer
from any of these symptoms
if you feel tired and languid in
the morning and wish you could
lie in bed another hour or two
if there is a bad taste in the
mouth , and no appetite if
there is pain in the side , backer
or abdomen BRADFIELD'S
bring about a sure cure. The
doctor may call your trouble
some high-sounding Latin
RBi name , but never mind the name.
atl The trouble is in the menstrual
organs , and Bradfield's Female
Regulator will restore you to
health and regulate the menses
like clockwork.
Sold by druggists for Ji a bottle. A free Illustnled
book will be tent to any woman if request be mailed leTHE
You assume no risk when you huy Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. McConnell & Berry will refund your
money if you are not satisfied after using it.
It is everywhere admitted to he the most
successful remedy in use for bowel complaints
and the only one that never fails. It is pleas
ant , safe and reliable.
Take life as it comes , and make the most of
circumstances , but for a bad cough or cold
take Ballard's Horehound Syrup , the best
known remedy for quick relief and sure cure.
Price 25 and 50 cts. A. McMillen.
William J. Holtschnoidcr , iipti-rcsident. You
are hereby notified that there is an old well , un
covered and not in use , into which stock may
fall and receive injury , situated on the south
west quarter south-east quarter section 29 ,
township 1 , range 30 , west of Cth P. M. , in Ne
braska , and that complaint of the same has
been made to the road overseer of the district
in wluch said land is located. You are hereby
notified to fill or cause to be filled with dirt said
well , from the bottom to the top , as required by
law , or the same will bo filled by said overseer
and the expense thereof taxed to said real
Dated , August 24th , 1900. S-24-3ts.
C. F. ELLIOTT , Overseer.
Mary E. Johnston , non-resident. You are
hereby notified that there is a well , uncovered
and not in use , into wliich stock may fall and
receive injury , situated on the south-west quar
ter of section 13 , township 1 , range 30 , west of
Oth P. M. . in Nebraska , and that complaint of
the same has been made to the road overseer in
which said land is located. You are hereby
notified to fill or cause to bo filled with dirt
said well , from the bottom to the top. as re
quired by law , or the same will be filled by said
overseer and the oxixsuse thereof taxed to said
real estate.
Dated , August 21th , 1000.-S-21-Sts.
C. F. ELLIOTT , Overseer.
Hartford Theological Seminary , non-resident.
You are hereby notified that there is an old
well , uncovered and not in use , into which stock
may fall and receive injury , situated on the
south-west quarter of section 31 , township 1 ,
range 30 , west of Gth P. M. , in Nebraska , and
that complaint of the same has been made to
the road overseer of the district in which taid
land is located. Yon are liereby notified to filler
or cause to be filled with dirt said well , from
the bottom to the top , as required by law , or
the same will bo filled by said overseer and the
expense thereof taxed to said real estate.
Dated , August 24th , 1900. 8-24-3ts.
C. F. ELLIOTT , Overseer.
Georco S. Cundiff , non-resident. Yon are liere
by notified that there is an old well , uncovered
"and not in use , into which stock may fall and
receive injury , situated on the south-east quar
ter north-west quarter , east half south-west
Quarter , south-west quarter south-east quarter ,
section 28. township 1. range 30 , west of 6th P.
M. , in Nebraska , and that complaint of the
tame has been made to the road overseer of the
district in which said land is located. You are
hereby notified to fill or cause to be filled with
dirt said well , from the bottom to the top , as
required by law , or the same will be filled by
said overseer and the expense thereof taxed to
said real estate.
Dated , August 24th. 1900.-S-24-3ts.
C. F. ELLIOTT , Overseer.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
district court of Red Willow count- . Nebraska ,
uuder a decree in an action wherein Phebe E.
Boyd et al. are plaintiffs , and Loyal M. Hayes
ot al. arc defendants , to me directed and de
livered. I shall offer at public sale and sell to
the highest bidder for ca-h , at the east door of
the court-house , in McCook , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on the 24th day of September , 1900 , at
the hour of one o'clock p. in. , the following de
scribed real estate , to-wit : The south-west
Dated this 21th day of Ancnst , 1900.
G. F. KIXGHOKX , Sheriff.
S-24-ots. By A. C. CRABTKEE , Deputy.
W. S. MOKLAX , Attorney.
Red Willow County. )
At a county court , held at the county court
room , in and for said county , August 23 , A. D.
Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge.
In the matter of the estate of Eliza G. Nettle-
ton , deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of T. B.
Graves , praying that administration of said es
tate may be granted to him as administrator.
Ordered , that September 21 , A. D. 1900 , at 9
o'clock a. in. , is assigned for hearing said peti
tion , when all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a county court to be held in and
for said county , and show cause why the prayer
of petitioner should not be granted ; and that
notice of the pendency of saiil petition and the
hearing thereof , be given to all i > ersons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in THE McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three suc
cessive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
[ SEAL ] 8-3Kts. G.S. BISHOP , County Judge.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , August 27.1900.
Notice is hereby given that the followiug-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
maJvO final proof in support of his .claim , and
that said proof will be made before .Register or
Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday ,
October 6,1900 , viz : George B. Cooper , on H. E.
No. 10,974.lfor the SEM , Sec. 15. Twp. 1 , N. R. 30 ,
W. 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and cul-
vation of said land , viz : Wilson H.Hartman ,
Thomas C. Kelley , Andrew Anderson , Abraham
Peters , all of McCook , Nebraska.
S-31-6ts. F. M. RATHBTJX , Register.
Arapahoe Tournament.
The base-ball tournament at Arapahoe ,
this Week , has attracted the "fans" from
all over this region. The following are
the results of the several names played
up to the time of our going to press :
Superior 20204 2 1 00-11
Arapahoe . . .0 0021 ! i 000 8
Indlnnolu 2 0212021 2 12
Bertram ! 070000001 8
Minclcn 0 001210 ! i * 0
Indinnola 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ! i
Stiixjrior 0 0000020 * 8
Hertrntid , 0 04020000 C
Araiwhon 1 2015110 * 11
Bertram ! 0 00101010 3
Superior 0 1 4 1 2 Ml 1 * 23
Miudon 3 00002001 C
Bertram ! 1 05 301 330 16
Miiiilcu 2 0520000 3 10
Indiauola 0 01010000 2
Arapahoe 1 0362000 0-12
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook post-office , Sept. ad :
Geo. Rogers , Margaret Shipley ,
Mary Roach , Ida M. Hast ,
Albert Hogg , JJuiely Lewis ,
G. M. Palmer , Mabel Thompson ,
C. A. Darien , . Juo.V. . Adair ,
Jerry Millard (2) ( ) , Bird E. Hunt ,
Bessie Miller (2) , J. N. Anderson.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMELI. , Postmaster.
One Chance Yet
To realize something from your corn
crop. Buy a Deering corn harvester and
bind your corn fodder good , clean ,
bound fodder will make you from $3 to
$5 per acre. S. M. Cochran & Co. , sell
them. _ _ _ _ _ _
You'll Be Sorry :
If you paint or paper your house with
out seeing what we have to offer in end-
of-the-season bargains.
Bert Wales bought six head of cattle.
Jacob Betz was quite sick , but is better now.
J. B. Smith was in town , Saturday , with a
load of wheat.
George Howell bought a horse for $15 and
sold one for S6o.
A new well is being sunk on the Nicklas
farm. George Brown is doing the work.
S. L. Bryan left , Tuesday , for his home in
Indiana. He spent nearly two weeks here
visiting his cousin , J. W. Corner. He was
pleased with the country.
On last Saturday evening , the neighbors
dropped in at Uncle William's and had a
general good time. It was a surprise , gotten
up by the neighbors on Mrs. Coleman. Over
seventy were present.
If you are troubled with odorous breath ,
heart-burn , flatulency , headache , acidity ,
pains after eating , loss of appetite , persistent
melancholy , or low spirits , you need a tonic.
A few doses of Herbine will give you the re
cuperative force to remove these disorders.
Price 50 cts. A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are prompt ,
palatable , pleasant , powerful , purifying little
pills. McConnell & Berry.
That Chicago fakir who has been selling
gauze belts filled with mustard for electric
belts had what might be called a very hot graft.
People who burn the Lamp ot Reason need
Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest reason pro
ducer known. 350. Ask your druggist.
"What does the census tell us ? " asks an
eastern paper. Lies , principally.
You can spell it cough , coff , caugh. kauf ,
kaff , kough , or kaugh , but the only harmless
remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute
Cough Cure. McConnell & Berry.
God Icves the man who cheerfully pays the
When you are born the Creator starts you
going and you go a long time , if you grease
the mainspring of life with Rocky Mountain
Tea. Great lubricator. Ask your druggist.
The emergency bags sent by a church soci
ety to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines con
tained among the necessities a box of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve , the well known
cure for piles , injuries and skin diseases. The
ladies took care to obtain the original De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve , knowing that all
the counterfeits are worthless. McConnell &
.should always be kept in
the house for the fol
lowing reasons :
'FifSST Because , if any member
of the family has 3. hard cold , it
will cure. it.
OND Because , if the chil
dren are delicate and sickly , it will
make them strong and well.
TUflRSS Because , if the father or
mother is losing flesh and becom
ing thin and emaciated , it will build
them up and give them flesh and
f S TH Because it is the
standard remedy in all throat and
lung affections.
No household should be without it.
It can be taken in summer as well
as in winter. \
joe. and $1.00 , ail druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemisis , New York.
What Republicanism Has Done
for the Farmers of Nebraska.
How Tricos for Farm Products Have
Increased the Last Pour Years
Important Facts Hearing On Local Affairs
In Connection With the Poyiiter
Omaha , Sept. 3. Slowly yet surely
public sentiment iu Nebraska is crys
tallizing against Bryanlsm. x-Hnrd
times and low prices under Democrat
ic rule are so firmly impressed 011 the
memory of the voters that the attempt
of Bryan to divert attention , through
the instrumentality of vulnerable and
fallacious doctrines , has fallen Hat.
The people of Nebraska are too in
telligent' and too discerning to be de
ceived by the mocking-birds of Democ
racy on the question of "militarism"
and "Imperialism , " and they have only
to take their pencil and paper and do
a little quiet figuring to determine
what Republican victory really means
for them.
Xcll-Talc Figures.
The following figures will show the
real difference between applied Demo
cratic and Republican principles , the
first column showing the prices under
Democratic rule in 189(5 , and the second
end the prices prevailing now under
Republican rule :
180G 1900
Wheat 44c 62c
Corn 12c 2Sc
Rye 20c 3Gc
Oats 8c 17c
Hogs ? 2.50 $4.50
Labor $1.00 § 1.75
Horses $25.00 $05.00
Cattle ( fat ) $3.834.85
Cattle ( feeders ) $3.10 $4.15
Sheep 90c $2.15
This means that the Nebraska farm
er tilling 1(50 acres of land , and that
Is not considered a large farm in Ne
braska , will receive at least $800 more
for the same amount of stock and
grain in 1900 than he received in 189G.
There are thousands of IGO-acre
farms and thousands of farmers in Ne
braska , so it can be seen at once that
this Increase in prices in the aggregate
amounts to a large sum.
These figures are unanswerable.
They deal staggering blows to Democ
racy and they at the same time attest
the wisdom and reveal the substantial
benefits of Republicanism. It can be
seen by this that Republican prosper
ity has in four years increased the
value of every cow , steer , sheep , horse ,
and every bushel of grain in Nebraska
more than 30 per cent. It has in
creased the value of every acre of farm
land , and , aside from household effects ,
lias in many instances doubled the
value of all the personal property on
Nebraska farms.
The Republicans in Nebraska pin
their faith to this record. They are
willing to stand on it , confident in the
intelligence and judgment of all the
Under such conditions is it possible
that Bryan and the Democratic cam
paign orators can mislead the people
into deposing the Republican party and
voting the Democracy back into pow
er ? Is it possible that the voters of
Nebraska can , by the seductive and al
luring strains of the political siren ,
be duped into voting for Bryan and a
return of the depression and distress
of four years ago ? A vote for Bryan
means that and nothing else. Nor is
this any more true of Nebraska than
of the rest of the agricultural states.
The report of the bureau of statistics
of the agricultural department just is
sued shows to what extent the farm
ers have profited in the last four years
on live stock values alone. Here are
the figures :
.Tan. 1,1S96 .Tan. 1,1900
Horses $500,140,180 $003,909,412
Mules $103,204,457 $111,117,092
Milch cows. . $363,955,545 $514,812,100
Other cattle.$508,928,410 $ GS9,4SG,2GO
Sheep $05,107,735 $122,005,913
Total . . . $1,541,390,339 $2,042,840,813
This shows a net increase in values
a clear and clean profit to the farm
ers and stock owners of $501,444,474.
Adding to this the increase in the
value of swine and farm cereals , which
is even a greater amount , and it is
found that the entire gain amounts to
the enormous sum of more than $1,000-
Have a Right to Know.
The people of Nebraska have a right
to demand of Governor Foynter an
vxplanation of his conduct in connec
tion with the management of the va
rious state institutions.
They have a right to an explanation
as to why he has permitted officials to
transgress the law without even so
much as a public protest or reprimand.
Within the last few weeks reports of
official corruption have been published
charges upon which prompt inquiry
Ehould be made yet Governor Poynter
ias refused to act , and has made no
apparent effort to stop these abuses.
The gravest charges have not even
commanded official attention , yet these
charges are of such a nature as to beef
of the utmost importance to tax pay
ers , involving as they do a reckless
dissipation of the public funds. With
wholesale pilfering going on in mauy
of the state institutions it is no wonder
that a large deficiency , conservatively
estimated at $100.000 , is staring the
Poynter administration and the people
of Nebraska iu the face.
For this , and fo'r demoralizing the
management of the public institutions
by the appointment of political adher
ents Irrespective of fitness , Governor
Poynter will be held to answer.
Proper management of public institu
tions is not a partisan question. All
political parties profess to favor It.
What shall be said or done with a
party or official who proves recreant
to this trust ? That is the problem be
fore the voters of Nebraska , and that
is the charge upon which Governor
Poynter and his party must stand
trial in the high court of public opln
ion. Economy in the administration
of public affairs Is a matter of dollani
and cents to every tax payer , and the
fact that , with general appropriations
approximating more than $2,000,000 ,
there Is an apparent shortage of $100-
000 , of itself proves that Governor
Poynter has not practiced it.
Other Oillelals Extravagant.
Governor Poynter Is not the only fu
sion official who has fallen short of
party promises and public expecta
tions. The names of State Treasurer
Meserve , Attorney General Smyth and
Land Commissioner Wolf may also be
It is no secret that a portion at least
of the state school funds has been
farmed out to favorite patrons. There ;
Is at least $200,000 of school funds
upon which the state is receiving no
interest and which Is no doubt depos
ited with such concerns as are
"friendly" to the administration. Dili-
gout inquiry has thus far failed to din-
close where this money is , or why the
state Is not drawing interest on it.
This alone represents a clean loss to
the state of $4,000 per year.
In regard to the attorney general's
department , the records show that
that department has not alone been ex
travagant , but has made excessive de
mands on the treasury.
The constitution expressly provides
that the attorney general shall rcccivo
a salary of $2,000 a year and no more.
It declares further , that nothing shall
be allowed that department for depu
ties or clerk hire. The records show
how openly this has been disregarded.
The following figures show to what
extent the treasury has been milked
during the present term of two years :
Attorney general $4,000
W. D. Oldhani 3GOO
Assistant attorney 2,400
Stenographer 2,000
Printing briefs 800
Postage , telegraph , telephonc.etc. 900
Traveling expenses GOO
Though this is a much larger amount
than was ever before required by the
attorney general's department , it ,
even , was not sufficient. The records
show that the $5,000 "prosecution
fund" placed at the disposal of the
governor has been attacked and of
this amount nearly $4,000 has been
used , a portion of it as follows :
C. .T. Smyth $017.93
W. D. Oldham 55.20
Ed P. Smith 025.0' )
G. F. Corcoran 237.SO
Other allowances have been made in
addition to this , so that upon the whole
this department under the present ad
ministration has been the most extrav
agant and expensive in the state's his
More or less odium is attached to the
land commissioner's department. The
manner in which building contracts
have been awarded and executed al
most approaches a public scandal.
Certain contractors have been award
ed contracts and have signally failed
to properly fulfill thorn , yet after hav
ing failed at one place the board has
turned right around and awarded
them contracts at another. In some
instances the bondsmen of the con
tractors have been required to com
plete the work and in each and all in
stances the state has sustained pecu
niary loss.
Contracts for groceries and provisions
are now largely awarded to Lincoln
parties , attending which action is cir
cumstantial evidence of rank favorit
ism. These contracts have been ma
nipulated in the interest of the friends
of the state house ring at Lincoln , and
against the interest of the business
men of the towns in which the institu
tions are located. Commissioner Wolf
and Governor Poyntor are directly re
sponsible for this , as the former is
chairman of the board of public lands
nnd buildings and the latter chairman
of the state board of purchase and sup
plies , boards that have direct charge
of these matters.
Tt may be claimed by the state hoii o
officials , in justification of their acts ,
that the state te gettinar its groceries
and supplies cheaper on this account.
Nothing could bo farther from the
truth. In the first place , the way
business is managed , prices become a
secondary issue. The principal is ue
now is that of weight and quality.
There is scarcely an institution that
has a weighing scale , and there is
scarcely an official at any of the in
stitutions competent to judge as to
We have stacks of good
clothes at prices which can
not be duplicated in the
Now is the time to buy School Suits
for the boys. New lot just received ;
ball and bat free with each boy's suit
costing $2.50 or more .
All summer stuff is going at a sacrifice to
make room for fall and winter goods.
I W +
4//v/ * <
- ?
xwww >
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $60,000
GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros.
W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special notice without charge , in
THE PATENT RECORD , an illustrated and widely circulated journal , consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address ,
J , EV&MS & QQ.y
( Patent Attorneys , )
n , - WASHINGTON , D. G *
To Cure a Cold in a Day.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. t.V. . Grove's signature on every box.
25c. 4-1.
Now comes the days so melancholy ,
And we are weighed down with care
In trying to thintc whom we can joily
Out of some winter underwear.
Large sun spots , astronomers say , caused
the extreme heat , this summer , and doctors
declare nearly all the prostrations were in
duced by disorders of the stomach. Gnod
health follows good digestion. Kodol Dvs-
pepsia Cure digests what you eat. If yru
have indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly
relieve and permanently cure you. McCon
nell & Berry.
It is said that Vanderbih's new swimming
pool represents an outlay of Sioooooo. It
costs William a whole lot to get into the
swim , doesn't it ?
Endured Death's Ayonies.
Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garre" r.
of San Antonio , Texas , to he down when r
tacked by asthma , from which he sutlc'e '
four years. He writes his misery was < , . . - ! .
so great that it seemed he endured the * * ' ny
of death ; but Dr. King's New Discover.- i < r
Consumption wholly cured him. This mtr
velous medicine is the only known cure for
consumption , coughs and cold , and all threat ,
chest and lung trouble * . Price foe and 5i r < \
guaranteed. Trial bottles free at McC.n - > e I
A : Berry's drug store.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Med !
cine Co. , Madison. WJ5. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
in bulk. Accept no substi
tute. Ask your druggist.