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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1900)
n Scftoof ? cftoof We have shoes to fit them all. In good style , best make and low in price. The time is fast approaching when all the children must have shoes for school. Don't fail to see our line and get our prices on good goods ; we warrant every pair. SOUTH SIDE. Very hot and dry at present. Alfred Fitch is helping John Burtless , this week. John Randall is haying north of the river , this week. The concert people cleared $ n , last Mon day evening. Roy Dutton arrived home , last Tuesday , from his extended journey in the east. The programmes are out for the county C. E. convention to be held , next Sunday after noon , in the Fitch grove. All are cordially invited. There will be an ice-cream social at the home of I. H. Wasson , next Friday evening. All are cordially invited. The proceeds are to help buy supplies for the Sunday-school. The people of South Side have lost a good neighbor and one of the best families in the community. W. G. Higby has lived among us for a long time and his many friends have expressed their regrets at his leaving. He has the best wishes of all and will be kindly remembered. ' 1 he law holds both maker and circulator of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of De- Witt's \Vitch Hazel Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit. You can not trust him. DeWitt's is the only genuine and orig inal Witch Hazel Salve , a well known cure for piles and all skin diseases. See that your dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve. D. W. Loar. That one-legged man , who is to travel on foot from San Francisco to New York has not as yet announced which candidate he will stump for. To Cure La Grippe In Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle. 250. 4-1- Just to preserve the fashion equilibrium , as the tailless horse goes out of favor the tailless shirt comes m. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harm less remedy that produces immediate results. Try it. D. W. Loar. Fool and ITlB Money. It chanced that the miser and the spendthrift took ship together. En voyage the spendthrift bought much wine and sat long at the gaming table. "The fool and his money soon part ! " sighed the miser. Presently , a storm rose , and the ship foundered , and they were all cast into the water , and the miser , having his gold in a belt about his waist , sank to the bottom. "The fool and his money , " observed the spendthrift sadly , for he was a generous soul , "don't always part ! " After that the spendthrift swam to a raft , where he starved to death. De troit Journal. A Golf OntrnKe. The Earl of Wemyss was on a Fife golf course not long ago , accompanied by an old caddie. His lordship got his ball on one occasion so near the hole that to play it was , as it appeared to him , superfluous. So he simply tipped - pod it in with the toe of his boot. The caddJe revolted instanter , threw down the clubs and looked horrified. When he found words to speak , it waste to say , "Hang it , me lord , gowf's gowf ! " DIHlnifi nml Xevrrrmn. The author of the life of Millais tells the following anecdote : When Cardinal Newman came to sit to the artist for his portrait , he asked where he was to pose. "Oh , your eminence , on that emi nence , if you please , " answered Sir John , pointing to the models' dais , and , seeing him hesitating , added , "Come , jump .up , you dear old boy. " Oysters and Strawlierrien. The oyster and strawberry are said to be the greatest of evangelists. They have built and furnished more church es , paid the salaries of more preachers and helped more heathen than any two other natural agencies in the world. Reynoldsville ( Pa. ) Star. Time D.D.LONG &SONS After meals , after the theater , riding , driving , hunting , playing , working , idling , in office , or in home , always have a Sportsman at hand. A good companion under all circumstances. First-Glass Workmanship , straight , long-filler leaf High Quality Tobacco. Hand-Made. < * * B * * Wtffett V JM7MT0 a y Oi tUG JWX < 7 flJ recommends it to all smokers and makes it "The King of 5-ccnt Cigars. " Do you smoke the Sportsman ? Stamped with the Name. Sold Everywhere. B NAVE & McCORD m i Bi MBM MERCANTILE MM CO. , Distributors , ST. _ - - JOSEPH . . _ . . , MO. , ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Miss ELLA LEONARD arrived at her post of duty ? last evening on 5. MRS.V. . H. BROWN was a Hastings visitor , Saturday , between trains. MRS. L. A. ROYCE departed on 12 , last Saturday morning , for Button , this state. Miss JOSIE HOULIHAN arrived home from her visit in Missouri , last Saturday evening on 5. MRS. FOLK accompanied her njjed and helpless father , Mr. Adams , to Omaha , last Saturday on 12. j MRS. SYLVESTER. CORDEAL returned home , Tuesday evening on 6 , from a short visit in Denver. Miss ERNINIE RATHBUN will return to Peru , Monday , and continue her studies at the state normal. MISSES MABEL JORDAN and Nellie Brown departed for Grand Island , last night , to attend the street fair. MRS. A. J. ZINT left , this morning , for Orleans , and her mother , Mrs. E. M. Razee , for Cheyenne , Wyoming. MRS. D. F. SHAW and sister , Mrs. Frank Parker were east-hound passen gers , Wednesday morning on 12. EDITOR PAGE of the Hdldrege Prog ress spent Sunday with J. Will Johnson on the latter's ranch over in Valley Grange precinct. MR. AND MRS. D. P. CLARK returned , first of this week , to Cleburne , Texas , with their son Bert , who has been mak ing them a short visit. MRS. JAMES M. BRADY and daughter Katheryn arrived home , Wednesday on i , from a nine-weeks' visit to relatives in Kewanee and other Illinois points. W.M. LEWIS returned , Monday morn ing on 2 , from visiting his wife and daughter in Manitou , Colorado. He re ports Miss Eva as improving slowly. J. T. HOLMES , High school assistant , arrived , Thursday noon , from Michigan , where he has been visiting and attend ing school during the summer vacation. Miss ONA SIMONS and Master Dare Kenyon arrived home , last night , from Anderson , Iowa , where they have been spending a number of weeks , visiting relatives. RRV. G. W. SHEAFOR arrived from Denver , Wednesday evening on 6 , and will on next Sunday commence to sup ply the Baptist pulpit during the month of September. MRS. SAMUEL TATE , mother of Mrs. W. C.LaTourette of Cedar Rapids , Iowa , spent Wednesday in the city , guest of Mrs. Vina Wood. Mrs. Tate is visiting Culbertson friends. MRS. DENNIS CULLEN and son Frank left on 6 , Sunday- night , for Chicago , and will visit in Omaha and Burlington en route. Frank may secure and enter a city situation , while absent. MRS. CHARLES POTTER and Miss Maj'tne Beale , spent a day here , early in the week , on their return home to Red Cloud from an excursion to Ogden , Utah , guests of their brother Conductor H. A. Beale. B. F. SlBBiTT was up from Bartley , Tuesday , and with Ed Noel secured the contract from the commissioners to do the grading to the approaches of the river bridge , south of Bartley , which the joard is arranging to thoroughly repair. LITTLE LESLIE THOMSON fell off his jrother Matt's bicycle , Thursday , and received an ugly cut on his forehead that tile surgeon had to stitch up. He s getting along very nicely , however , and will soon be none the worse for his gainful experience. MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL BOYER , par ents of Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Herman Hegenberger , arrived from Glenwood , Iowa , Tuesday , most happily surprising their daughters , whom thej' will visit a couple of weeks. They formerly lived near Herndon , Kansas , and will visit in that section before returning to Iowa. W. G. HIGBY departed , early in the week , for his new home in Hebron , Thayer county , driving through with the horses. The rest of the goods and family followed during the week. It is a distinct loss to lose such estimable and substantial people as the Higbys , and it is with regret we note their departure. However , we hope their lines may fall in pleasant and profitable places. INDIANOLA. A kid base-ball club went from here to Cambridge , Wednesday. An additional pension of $10 has been granted Eugene L. Wines of tin's place. Willis Gossard and S. R. Smith had busi ness in the county's metropolis , Tuesday. Myrl Powell listened to Button's band's last concert of the season , Saturday evening last. Mis.D.J.Fitzgerald came out from Omaha , Wednesday of last week , on a visit to the home-folks. Miss Effie Teel returned , last week , ftom Lincoln , where she has been attending busi ness college. Misses Josephine and Clara llappersett went up to McCook , last Friday night , on a visit of a few days to Miss Nellie Brown. G. C. Hill anil R. H.Thomas were in Mc Cook , Tuesday , on business with the county commissioners , who were in session , first of the week. Miss Leota Powell is the guest of Miss Maude Cordeal in McCook , tins week. Slie will return home in time to enter school on Monday morning. The Indianola base-ball team has entered the tournament which will open at Arapahoe , September 3 , and close on the 7th. The boys will give a good account of themselves. Percy M. Bell , who learned the baiber's trade in Indianola , was married to Edith M. Messner of Danbury , Thursday , by County Judge Bishop in McCook. His friends here congratulate him. Watermelon "sniping" seems to be a pastime of picnic parties on the Willow. We hear of several complaints and damage to fencing as well , both of which should be tabooed by city folk. Mrs. Harry Barbrzett of McCook was the guest of Larry McEntee , first of the week , re turning home on Wednesday. She was ac companied by two of the McEntee girls , who will visit her in the capital. Miss Grace Barton , Miss Jennie McClung. Mrs. D. J. Fitzgerald and John McClung went up to McCook , last Saturday evening , to hear the last concert of the season of the celebrated Nebraska Brigade band of the big red standpipe - pipe town. The institution of Indianola lodge No. 37 , L. M. O. T. W. , last Saturday , and the subse quent public installation of its officers , con stituted the leading order event of last week. The lodge was instituted during the day by Grand Organizer Lady Louie M. Bouk of Omaha , assisted by Grand Mistress at Arms Lady A. J. Kittenhouse , local organizer , of McCook , supported by a team of twelve ladies from the McCook hive of the order. The lodge starts with a charter membership of 25. The officers were chosen during the day ses sions and were publicly installed in Masonic hall in the evening as follows : Lady Barton , P. L. C. ; Lady Beardslee , L. C. ; Lady Wei- born , L. L. C. ; Lady McCool , record keeper ; Lady Strayer , finance keeper ; Lady Russell , mistress at arms ; Lady Lytle , sergeant ; Lady Miller , sentinel ; Lady Simpson , picket ; Lady Ilayden , captain of the guards. The march ing of the team of twelve from the McCook hive , uniformed and accoutered , during the public installation , was a very pretty feature of the event. In the * evening , following the installation , the knights of Indianola lodge , K. O. T. M. , entertained the instituting and installing officers , the ladies of the visiting liive and the officers of the local lodge , serv ing ice-cream and cake in the office of the old [ lobson house. The hive commences its ex istence among the orders of the town with an encouraging outlook , under favorable auspices. Editor's Awful Plight. F. M. Iliggins , Editor Seneca (111. ( , ) News , ; vas afflicted for years with piles that no decor - or or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve , the best in the \yorld. lie .vrites , two boxes wholly cured him. Infal- ible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. A Kentucky man walked 100 miles , after lis neck had been broken , to find a skilled surgeon who could again put it in shape for sluicing purposes. White's Cream Vermifuge is essentially the : hild's tonic. It improves the digestion and issimilation of food , strengthening the nerv- aus system and restoring them to health , vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to child hood. Price 25 cts. A. McMillen. BOX ELD R. J.H.Stephens is building a new frame barn. Dick Brewer has rented the James Doyle ranch , moving there this week. Harry Younger has left home to try his own luck at taking care of himself. John White and wife and I. II. Atkinson md wife attended the Christian church in McCook , Sunday. Sunday evening is the last sermon of Rev. Robinson at Box Elder. They will leave soon o visit Mrs. Robinson's parents at Kearney Before conference. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything in sight ; so do drastic nineral pills , but both are mighty dangerous. STo need to dynamite your body when Dr. ving's New Life Pills do the work so easily md perfectly. Cures headache , constipation. 3nly 25c at McConnell and Berry's. EAST RED WILLOW. W. O. Russell of McCook was in this sec tion , Sunday. Fodder-cutting and hay-making are the order of the day in this section. Will Sexson has rented the farm he lives on for a term of two years 1901 and 1902. R. II. Harrison and family of Box Elder visited Will Sexson and family , Sunday. Two weddings are listed for this neighbor hood in the not distant future. Wonder who are to be the happy couples ? Mrs. William Mulford and son Braden of Essex , Iowa , who formerly lived in this neighborhood , visited friends in this vicinity , Sunday. Apropos of fruit-thieves , gathering fruit on the public road , on land presumably belong ing to the county , is not as degrading as some acts that have been committed on the Willow , not many years since. The Redw'illow school-house has been re- plastered and given a general overhauling. Mr. Randel will give it a coat of new paint , which will make it practically as good as new. District No. I is always at the front. J. F. Helm received a letter , August 241(1 ( From his son Bert , who is on his way to Okla homa , stating that they were camping on the Solomon river , under a bearing peach tree , and his horses were feeding in clover up to their eyes. It has been demonstrated by experience that consumption can be prevented by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is the favorite remedy for cough , colds , croup , asthma , grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Cures quickly. D. W. Loar. Thousands suffer with torpid liver , produc ing great depression of spirits , indigestion , constipation , headache , etc. Ilerbine will stimulate the liver , keep the bowels regular , and restore a healthful bouyancy of spirits. I'rice 50 cents. PROSPECT PARK. The people are all busy cutting coin. Mr. and Mrs. John Sly spent Sunday in Box Elder visiting friends. George King and family and several others friends held a picnic on Spring Creek , one day of last week. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Walker of McCook and Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Wasson of the South Side spenti * very pleasant day at John Sly's. last Tuesday. The young people of this neighborhood , who attended the ice-cream party at C. F. Elliott's , last Saturday night , report a very pleasant time. Several pupils from this neighborhood are irranging to attend school in McCook , during he coming term , which will open on Monday , September 3d. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Satura in strengthening and recon- itructing the exhausted digestive or- fans. It is the latest discovereddigest- int and tonic. ! No other preparation : an approach it in efficiency. It in- , itantly relieves and permanently cures | ' Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn , riatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea , > ick Headache , Gastralgia.Crampsand ill other results of imperfect digestion. 'rice 50c. and SI. Large size contains VA times mall size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedfree Prepared toy E. C. DeWITT ft CO. , Cblcaao. D. "W. LOAE , Druggist. For burns , injuries , piles and skin diseases use ; DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Jt is the original. Counterfeits may be offered. Use only DeWitt's. D. W. Loar. II. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , NEBRASKA C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , D. W. V.GACE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Hank. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NKKKASKA. 83y Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. DR. FICKES Gold and Aluminum Plates. - Crown and Bridge Work Office over McConnell & Berry's Drug Store J. B. BALLARD , 0 DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. McCook Transter Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. | 5iiF"Sp6cinl attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. i F. D. BUKGESS , I Plumber and | Steam Filter \ McCOOK , NEBR. 7R 7 R Iron. Lead and Sewer P e , Brass g Goods , Pumps , an Boiler ngs , . Agent for Hal'iday ' , Waupun , Eclipse * Wmdmt'ls ' Basement of the Meeker- f Phillips Building. rTfo-jgmc "gr - s ff iB f V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. [ CITIZENS BANK ! OF MeCOOK , NEB. | | J" 8 * | Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $ cooo I e& * i DIRECTORS = ! | / . FRAHKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT j | H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. A BLIND MAN Is one who fails to profit by experience , even though he has use of both eyes without the aid of glasses. Time and again people buy clothing that is half made and containing mostly "Shoddy and Flock. " Remember that three years among you has taught you that we carry no satinet goods in the house ; what you buy of us is reliable and made by the best equipped factories in the in the country. Our prices are the lowest named for good goods ; we carry no other. T FRANK J. MORGAN , McCook , Nebraska.