l-v CHICAGO LKTTER. When the local committee in charge of the thirty-fourth national encamp ment of the Grand Army of the Repub lic commenced to make plans for the big gathering : hero , it not only had in view the Interests of sightseers , but at the same time planned to avoid con gesting any one district , such as bos been the result during other big func tions In this city. During the fall fes tival a year ago State street business Interests were almost stagnated by the eroctlon of a court of honor and arches from Randolph to Van Buren streets , drawing such Immense crowds to that thoroughfare that it was Impossible for business men to be reached by buyers. Consequently the selection of Michi gan avenue over ether downtown streets for the Grand Army encamp ment arches and court of honor was a particularly happy one. Business Interests will not suffler ; the proportions tions of the arches and columns will not be dwarfed by high buildings ; and the green of the trees , the grass of the park and the effect of the lake area all lend beauty to the architectural result. .The material used in the work on the exterior of the columns and arches represents marble in effect. The open ings of the arches , through which the marching columns of the G. A. R. will pass , are twenty feet wide and thirty feet high. The arches have been decorated with statuai y and relief panels in plaster , symbolizing appropriately the differ ent branches of the army and navy. Richard W. Boch , sculptor , executed the sculptural part of the work. The frieze of the arches contain in re lief the names of some of the great generals of the army and noted admir- Majc JVordaa. Zionist. Dr. Max Nordau was by far the most conspicuous figure in the meetIng - Ing of Zionists held in London last week. He is likewise one of the ablest adepts among the Jews in the defense of his race , and is possessed , at the same time , of one of the most brilliant minds in Europe. Nordau is best known by his work , "Degenera tion , " which was published in 1893 , and which at once attracted interna tional attention. His "Conventional Lies , " published in 1883 , prepared the way for his supreme conclusions in psycho-physiological science , which were exploited in "Degeneration. " He als of the navy. The columns con necting the arches are pure Corinthian shafts , decorated with shields claspIng - Ing a group of flags and containing a large fac-slmilo of the different army and navy corps badges. The reviewing stand is flanked on either side with large four-column pylons decorated on the top with a large American eagle in plaster , resting on an illumin ated ball. The president's box and the balustrade guarding the space reserved -distinguished guests Is decorated with staff in rich design. The illumination of the court of honor is a feature in Itself. The lights are placed in such a way that they simply high-light the statuary and architectural feaures of the arches and give them an added artistic effect. Search lights are to be placed on top of the. arches at each end of the colon nade. In the Lake Front park , just east of the court of honor , will be centered the main effort at illumination. Here on each night of the encampment there will be a special illumination with displays of fireworks. A boat will be sent out into the lake every G.A.R. MEMORIAL ARCH . A * . 1 * BI. * * Kd' Kd'JS GAR. COURT OF HONOR DECORATION OF MICHIGAN AVENUE. MAX NORDAU. iolds in that book that all modern tendencies in art , letters and life are proofs positive of physical , mental and moral degeneracy. Dr. Nordau is a Hungarian Jew , born at Budapest in 1849. He was educated at the univer sity there , and set himself up in the practice of medicine , but was driven from the city by race prejudices. He then settled in Paris as a physician. Friendly With Germany. In the rapid movement of events connected with the Chinese crisis Americans the pleasing ericans should not overlook recent interchange ing significance of the Kaiser change of messages between Wllhelm and President McKlnley. This Is something more than a mere polite exchange of dlplomzic plati tudes. Nothing could more thorough ly demonstrate the complete passing momentary irritation of away of the of the actions arising two years ago put admiral at Manila. tions of a German The United States was among tte first of the powers to accept the nomi nation of Count Waldersee as general issimo of the allied forces in China. This fact promptly called forth the following spontaneous and cordial ut terance from the German emperor : Homburg Schloss , Aug. 11. His Excel lency the President of the United States : I received with pleasure the decision of the United States that the American and German soldiers shall light together for the common cause of civilization under one commander-in-chlef. The brave army of your country , which has shown of late so many warlike qualities , united with Europe's , will be irresistible. Field Mar shall Count von Waldersee. who will have the honor of leading your forces , is not a stranger to America. Ills wife is an American by birth. F beg your excellency to accept my heartfelt thanks for the confidence the United States places in the leadership of Count Waldernec. WILHEL.M II. To this message President McKinley was able to reply in the same cordial sDirit : Washington , D. C. . Aug. 12 , IDOO.-IIis Imperial Majesty , Wilhelm II. , Homburg Schloss , Germany : I am gratified to re ceive your majesty's message of good will in relation to the selection of Count AVal- dersee , and , like you , I see in our com mon efforts to discharge a common duty of humanity an additional recognition of the kindly ties and mutual interests that exist between this country and Germany. WILLIAM M'KINLEY. Electricity and JVoisc. Many of the noises of the cities to day are due to electricity. There Is the street car , with its whir and clang ing gong , and the "anvil chorus" as it passes along the unevenly joined rails. Yet Charles W. Price , the edi tor of the Electrical World , asserts that the city of the future will be noiseless and the credit will be due to electricity. The chief quieting influ ence as noted by him will be the sub stitution of the automobile for the ve hicles drawn by horses. "The awful and constant volume of sound of un numbered thousands of iron-shod feet hammering resounding pavements will disappear forever , and with it 90 per cent of the noiee and filth and odors of the street. With the passing of the horse also will go the stone pave ments , " he says. The automobile as yet , however , hardly comes up to this glowing picture. Its whir can be dis tinctly heard by the persons seeking sleep on a warm night. Its chief ad vantage as yet is perhaps its rubber tires , and it is strange that the makers of horse-propelled vehicles do not more largely avail themselves of this fealure. It would do much to lessen the noise of cities. The electric motor night at dusk and for several hours thereafter the water will 'be a blaze of light. Set pieces to portray the vari ous generals of the civil war , Presi dent Lincoln and his cabinet and the heroes of the later struggle will be In terspersed through the program to give the old soldiers an opportunity for their heartily enjoyed cheer. Band concerts will be clven each night In connection with the fireworks display in Lake Front park. The band stands have been erected in the neighborhood of the reviewing stand so that the seats thus furnished may be used for the nightly celebrations. The military bands of Chicago and visiting posts will occupy the music stands for short periods throughout the day and even ing. Michigan avenue is broad and clean and well paved ; it has the park on one side and the row of well-kept homes on the other. There Is no crowding of houses along the thoroughfare and no high buildings to cut off the sky line. Moreover , it Is not a busy street and it is not deluged with traffic at all times of the day and night. The ve hicles that are allowed on the avenue AT THE NORTH END OF THE C01JRT OF HONOR. are of an ornamental character , and they will add rather than detract from the court. The decorations give the broadest possible effect to the roadway and there is nothing standing out be yond the curbing to clutter up the street. The court is long enough to give a good perspective and yet not too long for convenience. Everyone will be pleased with it and that it will open the eyes of visitors as to what is quieter than steam , but its chief ad vantage is Its cleanliness. The Haberdasher has discovered that if all letters were business letters , and if all business letters were typewrit ten , the use of "My dear sir" and "Yours very truly" would cost the world $3,350,000 each year in typewrit ers' wages alone. If they meant anything at all , if they softened any asperities , or cre ated any more cordial relations be tween mercantile houses , these phrases might be excused , or even commend ed. But , as a matter of practice , the Haberdasher remarks , they are attach ed to "duns , " to reproofs.to complaints , to every form of communication , "and they are as thoroughly worthless as a campaign button on a cigar store In dian. " This reformer would like one or two business houses with voluminous cor respondence to come out squarely against these superfluities and abolish them. And it would not be one year before there would be a general re volt against this time-squandering , foolish , old fogy formalism , and all hands would be benefited. " Here are some of the titles which officially belong to Abdul Hamld , sul tan of Turkey : The beloved sultan of sultans , emperor of emperors , the shadow of God upon earth , brother of the sun , dispenser of crowns to those who sit upon thrones , sovereign of Constantinople and the great city of Brousa , as well as of Damascus , which is the scent of paradise ; king of kings , whose army is the asylum of victory , at the foot of whose throne is 'justice and the refuge of the world. Daniel Howell of the New York city postoffice , has resigned after an un broken service of forty-seven years. The principle that few die and none resign , is partially kept in counte nance , however , by two officials in the same department , one of whom has been there fifty and the other fifty- five years. The memory of Miss Mary Kingsley , the African traveler , is to be com memorated by a Mary Kingsley memorial hospital. It is to be used primarily for the treatment of disease peculiar to the tropics , and it will probably be erected in Liverpool. can be done in the way of street deco ration. QUARTERS FOR STATES. During the encampment each of the various state departments will occupy separate headquarters In the large down-town hotels. The department commander of each state , with his offi cial staff , will be located at these head quarters to receive and entertain visi tors. The list of headquarters , as is sued by the committee on entertain ment , is aa follows : Alabama Room 54 Sherman house. Arkansas Hotel Grace. California and Nevada Rooms 66 and 67 Leland hotel. Colorado and Wyoming Room 242 Palmer house. Connecticut Auditorium. Delaware Continental hotel. Florida McCoy's hotel. Georgia McCoy's hotel. Idaho Auditorium. Illinois Memorial hall. Indiana Sherman house. Indian Territory Room 242 Palmer house. Iowa Parlor L Tremont house. Kansas 21 , 23 , 24 Leland hotel. Kentucky McCoy's hotel. Louisiana and Mississippi Room 375 Palmer house. Maine Room 12 Leland hotel. Maryland Room 253 Palmer house. Massachusetts Room 246 Palmer house. Michigan Parlor A Tremont house. Minnesota Parlor M Palmer house. Missouri Room 228 Palmer house. Montana Parlors Windsor hotel. Nebraska Leland hotel. New Hampshire Parlor 100 Palmer house. New Jersey Room 250 Palmer house. New Mexico Hotel Grace. New York Palmer house. North Dakota Hotel Norwood. Ohio Rooms D and E Palmer house. Oklahoma Room 342 Palmer house. Rhode Island Room 110 Palmer house. South Dakota Parlor 608 McCoy's hotel. Tennessee Room 53 Leland hotel. Texas Morrison hotel. Vermont Parlor I Auditorium An nex. Washington and Alaska Room 430 Palmer house. West Virgina Parlors B and C Wy oming hotel. Wisconsin Parlor N Sherman house. There are 420 species of flowers of pleasant perfume which are used in making scents and soaps. Consul John Fotvler. John Fowler , United States consul at Chefoo , China , was a consul at Ninko before he was given his present post in 1896. He began his career as a clerk in the navy yard at Wash ington , and later served as ship's writer on the Tallapoosa until the wreck of that vessel in 1885. There after he served as a petty officer on a warship until 1888 , when he went to Boston , and engaged in business. In 1889 Mr. Fowler applied for the post of minister to Korea , but owing to lack of influence failed to secure his appointment. His merits , however , won him a small consulship in China. \-f \ JOHN FOWLER. Since 1896 he has served as a consul at Chefoo , and is regarded as one of the ablest men in the service. Mrs. Laura A. Alderman owns the largest orchard in South Dakota. Ac cording to W. N. Irwin , chief of the division of pomology of the depart ment of agriculture in Washington , she has near Harley , Turner county , 150 acres , in which are 8,000 trees , two acres being given over to plums. Be sides the trees there are 1,000 currant bushes , 1,000 gooseberry bushes , 500 grapevines and three acres of straw berries. Frederick MacMonnies , the Brook lyn sculptor , will be awarded the gold medal of honor for his exhibit at the Paris exposition , which consists of seven pieces the historic "Bac chante , " "Sir Henry Vane. " "Shake speare , " "Venus and Adonis , " two groups of horses and a marine and an army group. The healthiest spot In the whole world is Aumone , a French village con taining forty people. THE BOXERS OF CHINA are attempting to solve a gigantic problem , but they are going about it in the wrong way and will never suc ceed. Some people. In this country , seem to think that they have as great a puzzle on their hands in selecting a location for a home. They will cer tainly go about It in the wrong way unless they Inspect the beautiful farmIng - Ing country on the line of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway In Mar- inette county , Wisconsin , where the crops are of the best , work plenty , fine markets , excellent climate , pure , soft water ; land sold cheap and on long time. Why rent a farm when you can buy one for less than you pay for rent ? Address C. E. Rollins , Land Agent , 161 La Salle St. , Chicago , 111. Australia is the greatest In the way of jewels with her opals. Mr * . IVInalow's Soothing Syrnp. "For children tpcthlnK , Eoftons the Rums , reduces In- Humiliation , allaya pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle France has 38,500,000 inhabitants , of whom about 14,500,000 live by raining. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. Liverpool has shut down Its own electric lightning plant and is buying its light. If you have not tried Magnetic Staith try it now. You will then use no other. More daily papers are published In Buenos Ayres than in New York City. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. Acetylene gas seems destined to play an important role in the illuminating world in Spain. Can Wear Shoes. One size smaller after using-Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder. It makes tight or ne\v shoes easy. Cures swollen , hot sweating- , aching-feet , ingrowing nails , corns and bunions. Alldrurg'ists and slice stores , 25c. Trial package FREEbv mail. Ad dress Allen S. Ohnstcd , Lcffoy , N.Y. An electric road will in a short time be in operation between New York and Boston. FITSPermancntlyCuri-ii. Jfofit * on.prvousnessafJer first day's \tfe i > l Ur. Kllne'.s ( iirat Nerve Hentorer. Send for FREE S2.OO tital bottle utxi trealise. JJB. H. II. KLINE , Ltd. , 331 Arch St. , 1 hllailelphiu , Fa. France will erect a monument at Waterloo in honor of the Frencii sol diers. Kvery Hey and Girl should learn lo write with Carter's Ink , because It Is the best in the world.Inklings in Ink" free. Carter's Ink Co. . Boston. Boston finds that Pingree plan of growing potatoes in vacant lots Is a failure. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of aa a cough cure. J. "W. O'liitiKN , 3il Third Ave. , N. , Minneapolis , Minn. . Jan. C. 190J. All the kangaroos , wombats and llightless birds come from Australia or New Zealand. S1OO Kcnrrtrd J31OO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tho' , there is at least one ilreaded disease that sc'.ence has been able to care in all its stages , and that is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease , requir-- constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting directly upon the n'oort and mucous sur- facsa of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of thoaisea e.andsjivingthepatient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address R J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by druggists Too. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Germany is putting a tax on Import ed beer to help cover the cost of the new warships. Throw physic to the dogs if you don't want the dogs but if you want good digestion chew Beeman's Pepsin Gun : . Most of tne cities on the Atlantic seaboard are more humid in June than is Manila in April. For Kasy Ironing use "Faultless .Starcl : " No sticking , blts- teaiig or breaking. All procers lOe. Sharks have now penetrated Into the Mediterranean through the Suez canal. We refund iOc for every package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES that fails to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co. , Unionville , Mo. In the United States the annual con sumption of borax is about 12,000 tons a year. NOTICE "WANTED. Two traveling salesmen with or without experience. Salary ar.d expen ses. Peerless Tobacco Works , Bedford City , Va. "Where shall we live after we are married ? " said Memory to Gratitude. "In a man ? " "No , " was the reply. "In a dog. I hate to change. " Life. The tripping feet the sparkling eye the graceful movement be long not alone to the budding maiden. These graces are the right aye duty of every woman until the hair whitens and regal dignity replaces them. The mother who guards her strength has so much more to de vote to the care and education of her dear ones. She should be a comfort a cheer always. Yet : how many feel that they have the strength to properly bal ance the ho'me ? The world i : ; list less , weary and morbid. Its blood moves sluggishly and is full of im purities. It needs a kindling , in vigorating tonic to set it afire it needs Pe-ru-na - - , THE ONE MEDICINE in the world which women may . Pe-ru-na is rely upon positively. - - good for everyone , but particularly for women. The various weak nesses which afflict their delicate or ganism spring from inflammation or catarrh of the mucous lining.and Pe-ru-na is a specific for catarrh in any organ of the body. Any congestion of a mucous membrane simply means catarrh of the organ affected. This is why Pc-ru-na cures nil sorts of troubles where other remedies fail. If there is a. catarrhal atfection the matter with you anywhere Pe-ru-na will . - - cure you. BF riMS , Bear Signature of See Fee-Simile Wrapper Below. Very ornnU and as easy to take GS sugar. FGR HEADACHE * GARTERS FOR DI7ZIHESS. ITTLE FOR B1L18USHESS. FOB TORPID LIVER. FOB CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION < . , 2S p c rts I CURE SICK HEADACHE. ST. MARYVACADfMY NOTRE DAME , INDIANA Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cro-o. Charterc'l ! < . " > . " . Thorough Eu - Lsh and Classical education. Regular Collegiate Decrees. Iii Preparatory Department students carefully prepared for Collegiate couise. Physical and Chemical Laboratories well equipped. Conservatory of Music and School of Art. Gymnasium under direc tion of graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. The 4Cth year opens Sept. 4 , 1UUO. Address , DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY , St. Mary's Academy. - Notre Dame. Indiana I A PI I CO ! "hen doctors and otherj fail to re- L ADI LO ! " eyou.tiyS.F.M. 1C. ; It never fails. l-nwikWI . . . . boxfree. 3r .B.L.Boir n.Jlln ukee.1TI. . Mention this paper to advertisers. "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS .sMsrqffl WINCHESTER REPEATS ARMS CO Margins 2,000 Bu. of Grain Five Cents /flkot8 ' " P'ne ' Condition to Make Money. LSr ° ° k Successful Specufation ! > . K. . " COMSTOCK & CO. , Traders BId CHICAGO"