The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 17, 1900, Image 7

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    Minister Conger Gables That Allies Must
Hurry On to Pekin ,
Escort of NutlrcH Pronoscd by Tsnn'g 1,1
Vumeii aieiinH Certain Death Receipt
of Latest Meditate Determines Govern
ment to IluHh Itclicf to the Capital.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 11. In the
light of the latest dispatches from
Minister Conger , received by the
State department through Minister
AVu today , the attitude of the admin
istration is that there is but one
thing to be done in the present cir
cumstances , namely , to press on to the
relief of the besieged garrison at Pe
kin. This was made known after ex
tended communications between AVash-
ington and tne president at Canton.
The Conger message was accepted as
showing conclusive justification for
the imperative demand of the United
States sent to the Chinese govern
ment on Wednesday night , insisting
that the imperial troops co-operate
with the international forces in the
rescue of the ministers , and until
-Avis . condition , as well as the cessation
of the bombardment , is fully conceded
by China , there is no other course open
but to press steadily onward in" the
mission or relief.
The Conger dispatch was received
before daylight at the Chinese lega
tion , and as soon as the official day
opened Minister Wu presented it to
Acting Secretary Adee at the State de
partment. It was in the American ci
pher and was found to be an identical
note with that of the other minis.ers
at Pekin ( that of the French minister ,
M. Pinchon , already having appeared ) ,
with the additional fact that seven
members of the American guard had
been killed and fifteen wounded.
The text of the message , as given
out by the State department , is' as
follows :
"Secretary of St'ate , Washington :
The tsung li yamen states to the dip
lomatic body that the various foreign
governments have repeatedly asked
through the respective Chinese minis
ters that we immediately depart from
Pekin under suitable escort. The ya
men asks us to fix a date for our de
parture and to make the necessary
arrangements to do so. Our reply is
that we seek instructions from our
governments and that in the absence
of such instructions we cannot quit
our post. I must inform you that in
order to insure our safe departure
foreign troops only can safely escort
us and they must be in sufficient force
to safely guard 800 foreigners , includ
ing 200 women and children , as well
as 3,000 native Christians , who cannot
be abandoned to certain massacre. We
cannot accept a Chinese escort under
any circumstances. All my colleagues
are dispatching the foregoing to their
respective governments. Of the Amer
ican marines seven have been killed
and sixteen Avounded , among the lat
ter Captain Myers and Dr. Lippitt ,
who are getting along well.
The discussion with the president
led to the determination of the secre
tary to reply to the Conger message
at once and accordingly Secretary
Root and Acting Secretary Adee con
ferred on the terms of this reply. The
taxt was ready by 3 o'clock and it
was forwarded late in the day. It
was announced officially and positively
that this message would not be made
public , either in whole or in substance.
It was made plain , however , that the
message was sufficiently guarded as
not to further increase the jeopardy
of our minister in case the Chinese
have access to our cipher. As to the
terms of the message , they are believed
to make plain that this government
will not advise , much less direct , that
Mr. Conger leave Pekin under Chinese
escort , when the minister has advised
fa , Washington that this would mean cer
tain death.
Discovery of Extensive Beds Xear "White
VANCOUVER , B. C. , Aug. 11. The
steamer Cutch from Skagway brought
seventy passengers and also news of
discoveries of extensive coal beds
near the Dalton trail and not far from
White Horse. The discovery was
made by Gustav Gervais , who has been
interested in coal mining at Leth-
bridge. News of his find had been re-
'ceived just as the Cutch was sailing ,
but to substantiate his statements
Gervais had brought in with him a
small sack of his samples.
Wnldersec's Chief of Staff.
BERLIN , Aug. 11. The evening
papers here announce that Major Gen
eral von Schwartzkop , commander of
the First East Asiatic brigade , has
been appointed Field Marshal von
Waldersee's chief of staff.
The Official Reichsanzeiger this
evening publishes a proclamation for
bidding the export of arms or war
material to China or ports adjcent to
Chinese" .territory.
Second Infantry for China.
NCINNATI Aug. ll The Second
_ .fantry received orders today to le&v
Fort Thojgas , Ky. , next WSUliesday
for San Francisco for services in
Colonel Corliss in command and
among his captains is Francis G. Fre
mont , son of General John C. Fre
mont , the "Pathfinder.71
r To tnlld Troops at Shanghai *
\ WASHINGTON , Aug. U , The navy
7 ; department received a cablegram from
- . / Shanghai which , it is understood ,
gives notice of the Intention Cit Admir
al Seymour to land troopss there for
the defense of the city. The Shanghai
newspapers , according to the 'cabte ,
while acquiescing in the landing of
' British troops , deprecate the idea that
England's -example should be followed
'b > the powers. The United States now
has two XvaY flhipss at Shanghai to
" -Amer-ican. intereste.
Adoe's MeiBiigc to Tating LI Yamen For *
wurcled In Cipher to I'ckln.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. Following
Is the demand by the United States on
the Imperial government of China
transmitted to Minister Wu :
"We are availing ourselves of the op
portunity offered by the imperial edict
of the 5th of August allowing to the
foreign ministers free communication
with their respective governments in
cipher and have sent a communication
to Minister Conger , to which we await
an answer.
"We are already advised by him in a
brief dispatch received August 7 that
imperial troops are firing daily upon
the ministers in Pekin. We demand
the immediate cessation of hostile at
tacks by imperial troops upon the lega
tions and urge the exercise of every
power and energy of the imperial gov
ernment for the protection of the le
gations and all foreigners therein.
"We are also advised by the same
dispatch from Minister Conger that , in
his opinion , for the foreign ministers
to leave Pekin as proposed fn the edict
of August 2 would be certain death , in
view of the fact that the imperial
troops are now firing upon the lega
tions , and in view of the doubt ex
pressed by the imperial government in
its edict of August 2 , as to its power
to restore order and secure absolute
safety In Pekin , it is evident that this
apprehension is well founded , for if
your government cannot protect our
minister In Pekin , it will presumptive
ly be unable to protect upon a journey
from Pekin to the coast.
We therefore urge upon the imperial
government that it shall adopt the
course suggested in the third clause of
the letter of the president to his maj
esty , the emperor of China , of July 23 ,
1900 , and enter into communication
with the relief expedition so that co
operation may be secured between
them for the liberation of the legations ,
the protection of foreigners and the re
storation of order. Such action on the
part of the imperial government would
be a satisfactory demonstration of its
friendliness and desire to attain these
ends. ALVEY A. ADEE ,
"Acting Secretary , Department State.
"Washington , August 9 , 1899. "
American Demands Upon China Approved
by Minister Wu.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. Mr. Wu ,
the Chinese minister , said tonight that
he had received information from Chi
na that eight foreign legations in Pekio
had sent cipher messages to their re
spective governments. This was per
mitted in accordance with the imperial
edict of the imperial government , al
lowing all the foreign ministers free
communication with their respective
governments in cipher.
A cipher telegram intended for the
Spanish government was inadvertently
sent to Minister Wu here , who , discov
ering the mistake , immediately had it
transmitted to Madrid. The fact that
the legations are being allowed to send
cipher dispatches to their home offices
shows , in Mr. Wu's opinion , that his
government is living up to the imperial
edict permitting the ministers to have
free communication with their govern
ments. Mr. Wu says tne consuls' ci
pher dispatches , which also were re
ported as having been held up , have
been forwarded.
Mr. Wu tonight sent to his govern
ment the memorandum addressed to
bin by Acting Secretary Adee and de
manding the immediate cessation of
hostile attacks by imperial troops upon
the legations and urging the imperial
government to enter into communica
tion with the relief expecltion for the
liberation of the legation. The minis
ter accompanied it with , an explanatory
statement , in which he gave the rea
sons why , in his opinion , a compliance
with the representations of the United
States would be for the best interests
of all. He expects it will take several
days for the memorandum to reach the
imperial authorities.
The latest message sent to Mr. Con
ger in response to that received from
him on Tuesday afternoon- was filed
for transmission last night. State de
partment officials estimate that , allow
ing for the interruption of telegraphic
communication , the time require.d in
deciphering the message and in form
ing a reply , at least five days will
elapse before an answer is received.
Germans Eager to Fight.
BERLIN , Aug. 10. The number of
volunteers from the army reserves
who have signified their willingness
to go to China is said to be 120.000.
From this number it is understood
that a corps of not exceeding 20,000
will be formed. A portion of the
corps will leave within a fortnight ,
or as soon as the cabinet meeting
called for tomorrow shall have given
consent to the project.
More Armenian IMastwcres.
vices received from Bitlis , Asiatic Tur
key , say that 200 men , women and
children have been massacred in the
Armenian village of Spaghank , in the
district of Sassun , by troops and
Kurds under Ali Pasha , the command
ant of Bitlis. He is also said to have
ordered the village to be burned ,
> ew 1'rofebsor for loivn.
LAPORTE , Ind. , Aug. 10. Prof.
John E. Kuisenga , of Holland , Mich. ,
a graduate of Hope College , has ac
cepted the chair of English at the
Western Classical Academy at Orange
City , Iowa. Prof. Kuisenga is widely
known in tne educational circles of the
Dutch Reformed church.
Tnennc Father Kills 11U San ,
CHURUBUSCO , Ihd Aug. 10.- Dur
ing a fit of temporary insanity Sal
Bear who was lying at the point of
death from illness , sprang frftm his
bed today , seized a shotgun and killed
MS son Isaac. The son was attending
his father.
Yellow Fever Cured by Serum.
VERA CRUZ , Mex. , Aug. . 10. The
most severe cases of yellow fever here
being treated with Dr. Bellinzaghi's
serum "Seem to improve wonderfully
and 'patients are Quickly relieved of
black vomit.
Uo More Dilly-Dallying on the Part of
the United States.
All of the Conditions Set Forth Must Be
Met Our Government Tired of 1'ala-
Yerliig China Must Now Show Her
WASHINGTON , Aug. 9. The Chin
ese situation is considered very grave
by the authorities in Washington. The
receipt of a message from Minister
Conger last night , which indicated a
continuation of the fignting upon the
legations and the Chinese govern
ment's insistence that the ministers
should leave Pekin , which Mr. Conger
considered would mean certain death ,
brought matters to an acute stage.
All day the cabinet officers who arc
in town have been consulting with
each other and the president has been
communicated with , by telegraph and
over the long distance telephone. Sec
retary Root held two conferences with
Attorney General Griggs and several
with Acting Secretary of State Adee
and their views were communicated to
the presidents a result of this com
munication , it was announced officially
at the close of the "day that a message
to the imperial government at Pekin
had been delivered to Minister Wu for
transmission to his government.
The text of the message was pre
pared by Acting Secretary of State
Adee and Secretary Root and in its fi
nal form was made known to the pres
ident in a talk conducted by Mr. Root
over the White House long distance
telephone. It was then stated definite
ly that the authorities of this govern
ment would not make public the text
of this latest communication to China
until Minister Wu had had an oppor
tunity to lorward it to his government.
The chief officials of the government
were unwilling to outline in any defi
nite manner the contents of the mes
sage , although it was generally accept
ed that the language of the communi
cation was emphatic and to the point.
The state department sent a cipher
cable message to Minister Conger , responsive
pensive to his message made public
last night , and intended to test the as
sertions of the Chinese edict that free
communication would be allowed.
The message sent to the Chinese
government through Mr. Wu , accord
ing to the best information obtainable ,
informs that government that the re
moval of restrictions upon communica
tions with our minister , evidenced
both by the receipt of IMr. Conger's
message and the transmission of the
edict , is very gratifying , but is not in
entire accordance with the original de
mands of the president in his reply to
ihe appeal for mediation. The presi
dent in his original communication to
the emperor of China laid down three
conditions precedent to any action
looking to negotiations for the settle
ment of the difficulties between China
and the powers. These conditions , in
the president's own words , were as fol
lows :
"I most solemnly urge upon your
majesty's government to give public
assurance whether the foreign min
isters are alive , and if so , in what con
"To put the representatives of the
powers in immediate and free com
munication with their respectivegov ,
ernments and to remove all danger to
their lives and property.
"To place the imperial authorities of
China with the relief expedition so
that cooperation may be secured be
tween them for the liberation of the
legations and tne protection of foreign
ers by the restoration of order. "
These three demands were practical
ly reiterated in the dispatch which
Secretary Hay sent to Consul General
Goodnew at Shanghai on August 1 for
submission to Earl Li Hung Chang.
The authorities consider that the open
ing of communication with Minister
Conger , therefore , only partially com
plies with the president's demands.
With the legations , still under fire , the
Chinese government cannot be said to
ha\e removed "all dangers to their
lives and liberty , " and , r oreover , so
far as known here , tae imperial au
thorities of China have made no ef
forts to communicate and cooperate
with the relief expedition.
Reports from Canton Indicate Departure
of Chinese Troops.
HONG KONG , Aug. 9. Two detach
ments of Indian troops here have been
notified to prepare to proceed to ahang-
About 2,000 Black Flags left Canton
today , ostensibly bound for Pekin. It
is reported at Canton that the French
intend to clear the Chinese craft from
the creek surrounding the artificial is
land of Sha Mien and Canton. The
Chinese protest against such action
as calculated to cause disturbances.
Rdild to Pbkin Now Open. . ,
CHE FOO , Aug. 9. During the en
gagement on Friday , which preceded
the occupation of Peitsang by the al
lies , the Russians lost 500 killed and
the British fifty. The Germans and
Japanese also lost heavily.
The road to Pekin is supposed to be
open. i
. . , ' i >
Kemarkable Strike of Ore.
LEAD , S. D. , Aug. 9. There is a
general excitement here over a re
markable strike of free milling ore
that has been made in the past few
hours by the Homestake company in
the excavation being made for the new
1,000-ton cyadine plant. A vertical
thirty feet wide has been found cut
ting across the foundation of the new
plant on the south end. The average
value of the ore is about the same as
the Homestake ore. The management
of the company will undoubtdly alter
the plans of the cyadiua
O I c
When a preparation han an adver
tised reputation that is world-wide , it
means that preparation is meritorious.
If you go Into a store to buy an article-
that has achieved universal popularity
like Cascarets Candy Cathartic for ex
ample , you feel It has the endorsement
of the world. The judgment or the
people is infallible because it is im
personal. The retailer who wants to
sell you "something else" in place of
the article you ask for , has an ax to
grind. Don't it stand to reason ? He's
trying to sell something that Is not
what he represents it to be. Why ?
Because he expects to derive an ex
tra profit out of your credulity. Are
you easy ? Don't you see through his
little game ? The man who will try
and sell you a substitute for CASCAR
ETS is a fraud. Beware of him ! He
is trying to steal the honestly earned
benefits of a reputation which another
business man has paid for , and if his
conscience will allow him to go so far ,
he will go farther. If he cheats his cus
tomer in one way , he will in another
and it is not safe to do business with
him. Beware of the CASCARET sub-
stitutor. Remember CASCARETS are
never sold in bulk but in metal boxes
with the long tailed "C" on every box
and each tablet stamped C. C. C.
They Kctp Tah on llin Horsos.
Every horse in the English army is
numbered , and has a little history
kept for it. The number is branded
on the animal's feet the thousands on
the near hind foot , and the units , ten
and hundreds on the off hind foot.
Thus , the horse whose'number is , say ,
8,354 , will have an 8 on his left hind
foot and 354 on the right foot.
It Is Xatnro's Own llemecly.
First used by the Mississippi river
steamboat men in the "early forties , "
v. ho drank their "Benne Tec'd" from the
hands of the colored "aunties. " They
steeped the leaves in hot water , and the
verdict of these steamboat men was that
it "did the business. "
In 1811 , James and Constance ZSIapuire
secured some of these miraculous leaves ,
and , upon investigation , discovered that
they are identical with the Sesam. Ind.
tBenne-Leaves ) , and as the same indi
cates , native of India , containing a
mucilaginous substance of soothing and
healinp properties. Nature here furnished
a remedy for diseases such as Colic ,
Cholera Morbus , Diarrhoea , Dysentery
and kindred ailments. After experiment
ing , the Messrs. Maguire succeeded in
ch micaily combining the use of the
Benne-leaves v.ith other vegetable sub
stances , and so furnished a remedy thut
has saved thousands of lives.
Prepared by THE J. & G. MAGUIRE
Great Lawyers Are Irish.
England is almost unrepresented in
the great law offices of the kingdom ,
Sir Richard AVebster , the new master
of the rolls , being an Irishman , as is
Sir Edward Carson , the solicitor gen
eral , while Sir Robert Finlay , the new
attorney general , is a Scotchman.
Best for the Uowels.
No matter what ails you , headache
to a cancer , you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
CASCARETS help nature , cure you
without a gripe or pain , produce easy
natural movements , cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the
genuine , put up in metal boxes , every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be
ware of imitations.
Entitled to U Kest.
Ex-Senator James W. Bradbury of
Augusta , Me. , has resigned his mem
bership on the board of trustees of
Bowdoin college , after holding the po
sition for forty years. In all that time
he has missed only two or three meet
ings of the board. Mr. Bradbury is in
his 99th vear.
are attempting to solve a gigantic
problem , but they are going about it
in the wrong way and will never suc
ceed. Some people , in this country ,
seem to think that they have as great
a puzzle on their hands in selecting a
location for a home. They will cer
tainly go about it in the wrong way
unless they inspect the beautiful farm
ing country on the line of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway in Mar-
inette county , Wisconsin , where the
crops are of the best , work plenty ,
fine markets , excellent climate , pure ,
soft water ; land sold cheap and on
long time. Why rent a farm when
you can buy one for less than you pay
for rent ? Address C. E. Rollins , Land
Agent , 161 La Snlle SL , Chicago , 111.
Porto Rican Judges.
In speaking of the Porto Ricans
Governor Allen , who reached New York
the other day on a short vacation from
his island duties , remarked that one
of the spectacles which impressed him
had been the ceremonies of inducting
into office the judges of the supreme
court. These ceremonies were formal
and the judges themselves wore for
the occasion very elaborate robes. "I
discovered , " said Governor Allen , "that
these judges were not practicing law.
They may have been lawyers once , and
probably were , but they were , in the
words of the Porto Ricans , pursuing a
career. "
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Lord Roberts is one of the best
swordsmen in the British army.
Mrs. Vrinslow's Soothing Syrnp.
r'or children teething , softens the Bums , reduces In
flammation , allays paincures wlndcollc. 23cabottl&
War disorganizes , but it is to reor
ganize. Emerson.
Are Yon Uslnff Allen's Foot EaT
It Is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting. Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
-Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y.
New Scotland Yard is the largest po
lice station in the world.
Use Magnetic Starch It nas no equal.
Statistics show that women marry
later in life than they used to.
Some women deify , while others
defy fashion , the former having an
"i" for that sort of thing. Detroit
Lunndrr Work M ; do Kny
by nshifj "Futiltloss Stnrch. " All grocers
Bull it largo package. lOc.
Minds of steel are often narrowed
down that they may have a cutting
duce the fastest and brightest colors
of any known dye stuff.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Japanese clerks are now employed in
a considerable number of London
stores , and give satisfaction.
Get your wheat seed in first and it
will choke any tares the devil may
Avoid lialilne K. Cray Imlr. dandruff and thin locks ,
) > uslnir I'AKKFK'S ll\n : UAI > AX
Hi.MjEicor..s , the best cure for corns. IScta.
England uses 30,000,000 birds every
year for decorative purposes.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
An Arkansas woman and her seven
children recently traveled to Minnesota
on one ticket.
IIow's This ?
We ofler One Hundred Dollars reward forany
case of Catarrh thutcnniiot bo cured by Hull's
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. . Toledo. O.
"We , the undersigned , have known P. , T.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and iinancially able to carry out any obliga
tions made bv their firm.
West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo ,
OWalding. . Kinnan & Marvin. Wholesale
Drugprists. Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , act-
Ins direct , v upon the blood und mucous surfaces
of the .sysU'tn. Testimonials sent free. Price
J5c per bottle. Sold by till ( irn
Hall's Family Pills are ihe best.
More than a million slaves have
been liberated in Madagascar during
the last four years by the French gov
lndies Can V7t > ar Shoes.
One size smal ler after using1 A lien's Foot-
Ease , u powder. It makes tight or new-
shoes easy. Cures swo.lun , hot sweating ,
aching1 feet , ingrowing nails , corns and
bunion . All dm joists and shoe stores ,
25c. Trial package FRE E by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olnibted , LeKoy , N.Y.
Astronomers tell us that in our solar
system there are at least 17,000,000
comets of all sizes.
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
A clock of the year 15SO , which be
longed to Henry III. , is exhibited at
the Paris exposition.
Piso's Cute is the bust medicine we ever used
for all affections of the throat and luntrs. WM.
O. ENDSLEV , Vanburen , Ind. , Feb. 10 , 1900.
All the Boston and New York elec
tric cars are to be equipped with elec
tric heaters.
G A. R.
34th Rational I'liraniiiincnt at Chicago ,
Augr. ' 7 to Sept. 1 , 11)00.
Commencing Aug. 25 , the Chicago
Great Western Railway , the road that
has always proved itself the "friend
of the old soldier,1' will sell excursion
tickets to Chicago at ONE FARE FOR
THE ROUND TRIP , giving a fine op
portunity to see at its best the great
western metropolis on the shores of
Lake Michigan. President McKinley
will attend this encampment. The
tickets will be on sale Aug. 25 to 20 ,
and good to return to Sept. 1 ( with
privilege of extension to Sept. 30 on
payment of 50 cents ) . For further in
formation inquire of any Great West
ern agent or address F. H. Lord , G. P.
& T. A. , 113 Adams street , Chicago.
1 : 4 ailtlKirl/ed the ( union * ICIuwa-Comatv
die rt'-ervntton (3t iO WX ) ncri-i ) opened , under the ( f.
B. ] Ioiif ( cnil , Towim'.ti ) nn < I Mlnliix I.uwn. MorKn'
Mnniml , ( Mamlunl Authority ) . (210 j > ni-e ) , < l - crlbc
there land * , trlla how to InltUtc slid perfect rlnlm to KAUNJS. TOWN l.lTf. and MI.VKItAI.
LANDS. 1'rli-r. with ttno SectlounI Mni , l ( ) . TIIK
KIO'.VA CIIIKI" ( di-Mti-il to uunit HUI ! Information
alMnii theor IittnU ) hvut , imu ) cur , for ll.M ) . Will con-
litln Pniclnuintlnn. nxltigdati * of opening. l'Hi > rrimo
yr..Manual ( , anil Mai all rnrll.Tt. With I lie ulnim
will l.o mailed KltKK , HO pn u lltuxtrntvil Ixxik un
Oklahonm. AceiilM wnntcd. Aildrcm , Dick T. Mor-
iaii ; , Land Attorney , Terry , OUIu.
The native hen of New Zealand is an
expert rat-killer.
If you have not tried Magnetic StniT-h
try it now. You will then use no other.
Anything worth doing at all is worth
having done by somebody else It you
can afford it.
Dyspepsia Is the bann of the htnnim system.
I-rotfi't yourM'lf tiKalusi Us raviigeh by the use
of liecmau'b i'e ; ln ( Jum.
Every piano has a loi-k on It. Do
you know where the key to your jilauo
is ?
Leave Omaha 5.05 p. in. ; arrive SL
Louis 7:00 a. in.
Trains leave Union Station Daily for
Kansas City , Quincy. St. Louis an-1 all
points Kast or Knnth. Half Hates to
( I'lus § 2J > < > ) many southern points on
1st and Jrd Tuesday of Ettch month.
All information at City Ticket Office.
1115 Farnam Street ( Paxton Hotel
Blk. ) or write
City Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Classics , Letters. History ,
Journalism , Ar.t , Science , Pharmacy. Law ,
Civil , ilcchanical and Electrical Enjlneerlnff ,
Thorough Preparatory anil Commercial
Courses. Ecclesiastic-til mVntsat sjnciil ; rules
Rooms Free. Junior or K' nior Yar. ( 'olk'giato
Courses. Rooms to Rent , nio'lerato churfjcs.
St. Edward's Hell , for Imv's under ] ? .
The 57th Year will opc-n September 4th,1900
Catnoe 'es Free. Address
REV. A. MORRI5SEY. C. S C. . President.
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