The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 10, 1900, Image 2

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. M. KIMMELI > , Fublliltor.
The Chinese insist that all mes
sages must bo In plain language here
Heat and lack of water and iqe are
causing many deaths and great dis
tress in Paris.
Anarchists of New York are rejoic
ing greatly over the assassination of
King Humbert.
At Enid , Oklahoma , Major J. B.
Crump was run down and killed by a
train at a crossing.
Judge George H. Morgan , one of the
most prominent men in the state , died
at Cookeville , Tenn.
The slayer of King Humbert says
he would make way with others if he
was given opoprtunity.
At Vincennes , Ind. , B. Kuhn &
Co.'s dry goods store was burned. The
loss is estimated at $50,000.
James R. Clark , a postal clerk of
Louisville , was found dead on a mail
care on the Chesapeake & Ohio train.
Richard D. Yelland , the distin
guished landscape artist , died of pneu
monia at his residence in Oakland ,
At San Antonio , Tex. , the wife and
daughter of Secretary Shaw of the
Y. M. C. A. were drowned while boat
A competent engineer is to deter
mine value of the Omaha water works
plant preparatory to purchase by the
Berlin button , feather and hosiery
manufacturers complain of a loss of
business owing to the Chinese situa
The secretary of the interior has
appointed Eugene McComas of Illinois
a special Indian -agent at $2,000 a
George Daniels , United States con
sul at Hull , England , under Piesi-
dent Harrison's administration , died at
General Sternberg says that 100 ad
ditional medical officers are wanted by
the surgeon general for duty in the
The Continental Iron company op
erating mills at Niles , O. , and Wheat-
land , Pa. , filed a petition in voluntary
At St. Louis five cars of the Transit
company were damaged by dynamite
placed on the tracks. Nobody wab in
jured so far as learned.
George B. Nichols , manager of the
Globe theater at Joplin , Mo. , died at
the Kansas ( Jity University hospital
after a surgical operation.
J. P. Faurot , cashier of the Bank of
Armstrong , 111. , has bet $1,000 that
Richard Yates will be elected governor
of Illinois by 50,000 majority.
A firm of American contractors is
advertising at Santiago for 4,000 la
borers to begin work on the Central
railroad in Cuba on November 1.
General Greely , chief signal officer ,
has left Washington for Alaska to su
perintend arrangements for telegraph
communication with that territory.
It is denied that Geronimo , the noted
Apache prisoner , has gone stark mad.
He is not imprisoned , but is living
with his squaw on the Fort Sill reser
The latest experiments in wireless
telegraphy on cruisers of the northern
squadron , between Cherbourg and
Brest , resulted in perfect transmission
at a distance of forty miles.
At Scranton , Pa. , the runners and
drivers at the Delaware & Hudson
mines struck for an increase of wages.
This has caused a complete tie up of
4,000 men and boys employed at the
Mrs. Augusta Bergenthal , a Chicago
widow , was shot and killed without
apparent provocation by Ludwig Ras-
musser , who then killed himself. The
latter was a widower and the father
of six children.
The Temescal ranch of 14,000 acres ,
situated partly in Ventura and Los
Angeles counties , California , the prop
erty of David C. Cook , the Chicago
publisher , has been purchased by a
syndicate of Los Angeles oil men for
about $1,500,000. Drilling for oil will
be begun Immediately.
Colonel Webb H. Hayes has left
Fremont , O , . for China , via San Fran
cisco. He says he is going on a sight
seeing tour , but it is hinted that he
goes as President McKinley's personal
representative. Mr. Hayes was re
cently a guest of the president at
According to oriental papers , 250
persons were killed and many hun
dreds Injured by the eruption of Mount
E. C. Senkler , gold commissioner
of the Yukon territory , has received
unofficial Information that the Cana
dian government is about to intro
duce radical reforms in the Klondike.
The Fifty-second Iowa volunteers
held a reunion at Perry last week. .
Harry Arinott , locator and part
owner of the Little Annie group of
mines in the Big Bug district , Arizona ,
has committed suicide by taking
strychnine. Despondency due to ill
health was the cause.
Bressl , the murderer of King Hum
bert of Italy , claims to have a wife in
Hoboken , New Jersey.
An unknown vandal wrenched the
head from the queen's statue in Else-
wick park , Newcastle. The police
think it wa's the work of a crank whose
mind has been unsettled by the as
sassination of King Humbert
A number of new routes for rural
free delivery are to be established in
Nebraska in the near coming months.
All the Italian troops took the oath
of allegiance to the ntfw king amid
the applause of the people. Perfect
tranquillity reigns throughout the en
tire country.
The president has tendered the ap
pointment of ambassador to Italy to
former Governor Roger Wolcott of
Twenty-seven Japanese and seven
teen Chinese officers are attaches tp
the German army for instruction , be
sides representatives of other foreign
Said to Have Given -Before Ultimatum
of Mr. Hay ,
Cheng Reports an Imperial Edict. Order-
that All Restrictions He Removed and
Sending Lcgatloners to Tien Tslu
The General Situation.
SHANGHAI , Aug. 6 ( New York
World Cablegram. ) An imperial edict
has been issued , providing for the escort
cert of the diplomatic corps to Tien
Tsin by a high official , rendering fur
ther action for their relief by the al
lied forces unnecessary.
This is the first step towards the
solution of the situation.
PARIS , Aug. G. ( New York World
Cablegram. ) China has backed down
squarely before the United States.
The American secretary of state ca
bled an ultimatum August 1 , demand
ing free communication with Minister
The very next day a Chinese impe
rial edict was issued , ordering that
the envoys have free communication
with their governments.
The news of China's instant knuck
ling to the United States when mat
ters came to a climax was received
here in a special dispatch dated yes
terday to Temps , a newspaper of the
highest reputation for conservatism
and accuracy of information.
That dispatch , dated from Shanghai ,
announced that Sheng , the director
general of Chinese railways and tele
graphs , had just communicated to the
foreign consuls there "an imperial de
cree , dated August 2 , authorizing the
foreign ministers in Pekin to commu
nicate without restriction with their
governments and ordering their de
parture for Tien Tsin under a govern
ment escort. "
No message has been sent out since
that date by Mr. Conger or any of the
other envoys , but one may be expected
at any hour.
The Shanghai correspondent of the
Temps , telegraphing today , also says :
"The number of allies leaving Tien
Tsin is no better known here than are
the facts as to the march itself , but
it is rumored that the advance guard j
had been repulsed.
"Li Ping Heng ( former governor of
Shan Tung ) , who is intensely hostile
to Europeans , has been named com
mander of the Chinese forces. "
The French foreign ministry has re
ceived the following dispatch from the
French consul at Che Fee , dated Au
gust 2 : "The governor of Moukden
in a proclamation has urged the people
ple of Manchuria to massacre Chris
tians. Nearly all the missions have
been destroyed. The missionaries
have organized for defense , and are
assisted by other Christians. "
The French'consul at Shanghai , tel
egraphing Saturday , says : "Li Hung
Chang informs me that Li Ping Heng
was appointed general of the troops
in the north of the empire on his ar
rival at Pekin. "
So Arranged that Not Ono of Five Cart
ridges Will Explode.
PARIS , Aug. 6. The French police
have arrested at Abbeville Augeste
Vallete , a dangerous anarchist , who is
supposed to have been the instigator
of Salson's attempt upon the shah of
Persia's life. Vallete left Paris imme
diately after the crime. He and Sal-
son will be confronted. Today the po
lice tried to discharge Salson's revolver
ver , but not one of the five cartridges
exploded , because of the way in which
he had filed the hammer.
Is Very Despondent , bat Has Made no
Attempt at Suicide.
SHANGHAI , Aug. G. The report
that Li Hung Chang had committed
suicide is without foundation. He is
only in a very despondent state.
The Japanese consul here has re
ceived a message from Pekin saying
that General Tung Fuh Siang has stop
ped all provisions going to the lega
Admiral Seymour arrived at Shang
hai today.
Fay Well Known In Denver.
DENVER , Aug. G. W. J. Fay , who
was killed on a Union Pacific train
near Hugo , Colo. , while resisting train
robbers , was formerly a prominent
resident of this city. He established
the first gas and water plants here
and was superintendent of the old Den
ver Gas company for a number of
years. He was a prominent member
of the Odd Fellows and had organized
a number of lodges in Colorado. He
moved to Anaheim , Cal. , seven years
ago and had since lived in that state.
Lepers In the Philippines.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 6 General
MacArthur has convened a board con
sisting of Major Louis M. Maus , sur
geon ; Captain George P. Ahren , Ninth
infantry , and Captain W. E. Horton.
assistant quartermaster , to select an
island in the Philippine archipelago
for the segregation of lepers , to pre
pare plans and estimates for suitable
buildings thereon and estimates of sal
aries for the necessary officials and em
Brings Klondike Gold.
SEATTLE , Wash. , Aug. 6. The
steamship Humboldt arrived from the
north yesterday with forty-one passen
gers and $200,000 in treasure. Hum
boldt Gates and C. W. Hall brought
out $150,000 , a portion of it being the
proceeds of the sale of Gates' interest
in No. 28 Eldorado. Gates is one of the
pioneers of the Klondike. Juneau pas
sengers report a rich quartz strike on
Windham bay. It was made in Al
May's mine , a vein twenty feet wide
being found which carries high val
ues. The vein was traced for 6,000
feet. The poorest average gave assay
returns of $19.60 per ton.
DUpatches to London Papers from Tien
Tain Seeua Not to Agree.
LONDON , Aug. 0.Th'J American
and British forces began the advance
on Pekin last Thursday , according tea
a dispatch dated August 2 from Tien
Tsin to the Daily Expresss.
"The main body of the allies , " con
tinues the correspondent , "marched on
July 30. General Chaffee was delayed
by difficulties of disembarkation. Gen
eral Dorward , the British commander ,
had no such obstacles and his de
lay is inexplicable.
"The other foreign troops are now
half way to Loofa. The force includes
20,000 Japanese under General Yama-
chuehi and 10,000 Russians. The Brit
ish fcfrcG totals 9,000 and the other for
eign troops number 7,000. We are
weak in artillery.
"On August 1 a strong force of Chi
nese from the native city attacked
Tien Tsin. By a series of brilliant
charges our troops drove the enemy
from their positions. The naitve city
is still defiant and the allies are un
willing to march troops through its
streets , as this would mean an Im
mense slaughter. When the Chinese
saw so large a body of troops march
ing westward they apparently believed
they would have an easy victory over
those who were left. "
Certain Streams Conceded to lie Canadian
SEATTLE , Wash. , Aug. G. 0. H.
Titman , United States commisssioner
in the matter of international boun
dary between Alaska and Canada , has
arrived from the north. He and F.
W. King , the British commissioner ,
have been setting monuments in ac
cordance with the agreement reached
in the modus vivendi. Titraan states
that Glacier , Bouolder Rock and other
creeks which the miners claim con
stituted a portion of the Porcupine
district , are now in British territory.
Kill a Man in a Holdup.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. G. A Journal
special from Salina , Kan. , says :
Union Pacific eastbound train No. 4 ,
which left Denver last night , was held
up by two men several miles west of
Hugo. , Colo. , ninety miles this side of
Denver. The passengers in the Pull
man sleepers were robbed of their
money and valuables. An old man
named Fay refused to surrender his
valuables and fired a shot at one of
the robbers , but missed. Thereupon
the robbers fired in return , one shot
entering Fay's mouth and coming out
at the back of his head , killing him
almost instantly. The robbers es
Conger Again Heard From.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 6. A belated
message from Minister Conger was
received yesterday at tiie state depart
ment. It came through Consul General
Goodnow at Shanghai , who transmit
ted messages received by Mr. Ragsdale ,
United States consul at Tien Tsin ,
from Mr. Conger and Mr. Squires , sec
retary of the United States legation
at Pekin. The advices are the ssame
as those received a day or two ago
by the state department from Consul
Fowler at Chee Foo. Mr. Goodnow's
message was transmitted to President
McKinley at Canton.
New Rule for Philippines.
MANILA , Aug. G. On September 1
the commisssion headed by Judge
Taft will become the executive body
of the Phillippines , with power to
take and appropriate insular moneys ,
to establish judicial and educational
systems and to make and pass all laws.
No moneys will be permitted to be
drawn from the insular fund except by
authority of the commission. Judge
Taft and his colleagues will also ex
ercise certain legislative functions.
They will appoint judges , officials in
the educational department and officers
of municipalities.
Photographs of the New Comet.
CAMBRIDGE , Mass. , Aug. 6. Seven
photographs of the newly discovered
comet were taken at Harvard observa
tory last night , and at the same time
Prof. Wendell measured the light of
the 10.5 magnitude star in the com
et's path. The passage of the comet
only diminished the star's brightness
.03 of the magnitude.
Geneva Has a Scare.
GENEVA , Neb. , Aug. 6. Geneva has
a genuine mad dog scare. Mayor H.
P. Wilson has issued a decree that all
canines at large not muzzled must
suffer the death penalty. One boy , a
calf and some shoats are said to have
been bitten. The shoats and calf act
To North. Pole August llth.
BERLIN , Aug. 6 Captain Banen-
dahl of the imperial navy , who has
been arranging for an expedition in
search of the north pole , will set sail
from Hamburg August 11 on the Mat
ador , a fishing schooner of forty-four
tons burden. He now intends to enter
the pack ice east of Spitzbergen.
Secretary Hay 111.
BOSTON , Mass. , Aug. 0. A special
to the Journal from Sunapee , N. H. ,
says that Secretary of State Hay is ill ,
suffering from nervous exhaustion due
to his arduous labors at Washington.
Suicide of a Brakeman.
CLINTON , la. , Aug. G. Despondency
over losing his position as a brakeman
on the Northwestern railway caused
James Morton to commit suicide.
Bresl'8 Relative Horsetrhlpped.
BUENOS AYRES , Aug. 6. Buiseppe
Castagni , brother-in-law of Bressi , has
secured passage for Montevideo , after
failing to secure the return passage
money to New York , which he paid
three weeks ago. He boasts that Bres
ci committed a highly commendable
deed and assserts that Queen Victoria
will be the next victim. Some clerks
in a British shipping office here gave
him a horsewhipping for his remarks
regarding the queen. It is not known
whether he will sail for Montevideo
or New York.
Chinese Viceroy Makes Diplomatic , but
Threatening Answer to Hay ,
Dispatch from Goodnow Indicates Impe
rial Sanction of Outrages Resistance
Being Encountered by Foreign Scouts
Indicates Strong Opposition.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 4. The State
department makes public the follow
ing telegrams received yesterday , Au
gust 3 , from the consul general at
Shanghai and the consul at Che Fee :
"SHANGHAI , Aug. 3. Secretary of
State , Washington : Americans left
Chun King yesterday. Li told French
consul today no messages will be de
livered ministers because foreigners
advancing on Pekin. Two pro-foreign
members of the.tsung li yamen be
headed 27th for urging preservation
ministers by Li Ping Han , now com
manding troops Pekiu. He ordered
Pao Ting massacre. GOODNOW. "
"CHE FOO , Afternoon , Aug. 2. Sec
retary of State , Washington : Just re
ceived telegram from governor of Shan
Tung , requesting me to transmit to you
the following : 'Have just received tele
gram , dated July 30 , tsung li yaraen.
stating various ministers , the German
legation , and others ( foreigners ) all
well ; not in distress. Provisions were
repeatedly sent. Relations most friend
ly. Now conferring as to proper
measures to protect various ministers
to Tien Tsin for temporary shelter ,
which conference will soon be ended.
" 'YUAN , Governor. '
Li Hung Chang's answer to Secre
tary Hay's peremptory demand of Au
gust 1 , to be put in communication
with the foreign ministers at Pekin ,
is evasive and not final and leaves
the matter open to diplomacy. But
Li's action , as reported by Consul
General Goodnow , are undoubtedly
sinister and will amount to a rejec
tion of the proposition. Mr. Good-
now's dispatch contains some further
information bearing on the question
of responsibility for Pekin conditions ,
in the statement that the commander
of the Chinese troops , by inference an
swerable to the Chinese government ,
ordered the Pao Ting massacre. It
is learned here that Li Ping Hong ,
the commander referred to , is a civil
official and well known to all the Chi
nese officials abroad as one of the
most rabid anti-foreign leaders in
China. He is a close friend of Prince
Tuan , and the association of these
two in Pekin affairs , with power
enough behind them to cause the igno
minious death of two high officials , is
regarded here as a bad sign.
Simultaneously with Mr. Goodnow's
dispatch came a characteristically dip
lomatic message from Yuan Shih Kai ,
the governor of Shan Tung , repeat
ing the story of two days ago that the
Chinese government was ai ranging to
deliver the ministers in safety at Tien
Tsin. No effort is made to reconcile
that statement with Earl Li's refusal
to allow communication with the min
General Chaffee's message as to the
unexpected resistance of Chinese re
connaissance is regarded by military
men here as forecasting a greater de
gree of resistance to militan' move
ments than had been expected and
they are now satisfied that Chinese
troops will furnish material for at
least one severe battle before the way
is clear to Pekin.
The Navy department today issued
an order for the co-operation of its
officers abroad with the officers of the
army In landing and transporting
troops destined for Chinese service.
This revives the situation that ex
isted in Cuba when Shafter's army was
landed largely through the efforts of
the navy.
July 17 Was the Time of Sending the
First Message.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 4. The state
department has received a cablegram
from Consul Fowler at Che Fee , which
says that he has obtained the copy of
the cipher dispatch from Minister Con
ger which was sent through Minister
Wu to the department here. The dis
patch is dated July 17 and signed by
Conger. Consul Fowler has no doubt
as to its genuineness.
Wu Calls to Secure News.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 4. The ab
sence of the Chinese minister from
the state department yesterday , des
pite the fact that it was diplomatic
day , taken in conjunction with the
exceeding sharp note of Secretary
Hay , was the subject of speculation.
Minister Wu explained his absence on ,
the ground that ho had no news to
communicate and his appearance at the
department this morning was awaited
with considerable interest. The minis
ter came in the course of the morn
ing , imperturbable as usual. He an
nounced that he had absolutely no
news from China.
Qitpon Also to Be Killed.
NEW YORK , Aug. 4. Information
! rom Rome is printed hereto the ef-
; ect that Antonio Lana , arrested as
an accomplice of Bresci , has confess
ed , affirming that a plot existed in
volving the simultaneous assassination
of King Humbert and Queen Mar
Transport Indiana for China.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 4. The adju-
: ant general received a cable message
from General MacArthur at Manila to
day saying he had arranged for the
.ransport Indiana to meet the trans
port Sumner at Nagasaki and take its
nen and supplies at once to Taku. The
Sumner left San Francisco on July
IV with General Barry and part of the
Fiftenth infantry. General Barry is
ordered to report to General Chaffee
'or temporary service with the troops
in China The Sumner is due at Na
gasaki in about two weeks.
Reply of Secretary liny to Earl X l U
Taken to Indicate a Crisis.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Secretary
Hay's reply to Li Hung Chang has
closed the negotiations with Chjna
unless the old viceroy is able to se
cure the full acceptance of our terms
relative to the foreign ministers and
that at * once. No orders , therefore ,
looking to the relaxation of the prep
arations for the advance on Pekin
have gone out from Washington , for ,
as the situation is described by one
of the leading ofiicials here , "there
will be no bargaining on our part in
advance of the concession by the Chi
nese authorities of full and free com
munication with the foreign minis
ters. "
There is , moreover , a note ominously
nously close to actual war in Secre
tary Hay's declaration that the con
duct of the Chinese government is
"unfriendly. " That kind of language
is extreme in diplomacy and it is only
a narrow step between it and formal
The impression prevails here that
the Chinese government , if it is now
absolutely bereft of power to act in
defiance of the Boxers , will accept
the terms of the United States gov
ernment and some such action is look
ed for very soon. Possibly a battle ,
not more , it s believed , than one at
most , will be required to bring the
imperial government to the point of
acceptance , though in that case it is
questionable whether the original con
ditions would be regarded as still open
to acceptance.
Ll Hung Chang : Wants to Stay March at
International Coin inn.
PARIS , Aug. 3. The French consul
general at Shanghai telegraphs as fol
lows : Li Hung Chang has stated to
the United States consul that the min
isters will be put in communication
with their respective governments if
the allies arrest their march on Pe
kin. Chang is yet unable to secure a
reply to the message , in his care , to
M. Pinchon ( the French minister in
Pekin ) , as the tsung li yamen will
not consent to the forwarding of ci
pher messages for the ministers.
Reported Murder of Fifty of Them In the
Province of Shan Si.
LONDON , Aug. 3. The Chinonp In
land mission received the following
cablegram from Rev. F. W. Steven
son today :
"SHANGHAI , July 31 Probably
Misses King , Burton and Rasmussen
and Mrs. Cunnells have been murder
ed at Ho Shan , province of Shan Si.
There is a local rebellion in the Ning
Po district and the worst is appre
hended for all the workers , who are
two married couples and four single
women. "
Schlcy Just Escaped.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 3. Ad
miral Schley has advised the Navy
department that he narrowly missed
being quarantined , with his squadron ,
for a period of twenty-eight days , in
the harbor of Montevideo. The South
Atlantic squadron had touched in at
Rio on its way south , and although
there was not even a suspicious case
aboard , the port authorities at Mon
tevideo declared that the warships
should go to quarantine for nearly a
month. Admiral Schley protested ,
and putting himself in communica
tion with United States Minister
Finch , managed to go free after a
three days' detention in quarantine.
Admiral Seymonr Goes to Nankin.
SHANGHAI , Aug. 3. Admiral Sey
mour , on board the British dispatch
boat Alacrity , started for Nankin to
day to consult with Liu-Kun-Yi , vice
roy of Nankin. Admiral Seymour
wired the viceroy of his intended visit
and Liu-Kun-Yi replied : "I am unwell
and cannot see you. " Admiral Sey
mour insisted upon making the visit
and the viceroy responded by wire :
"I am instructing a war ship to pro
ceed down the river to escort the
Alacrity to Nankin in case of mis
understanding in passing the forts. "
United Stites Will Investigate.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 2. The possi
ble connection between Bresci , the
Italian murderer of King Humbert ,
and the New Jersey group of anarch
ists , has moved this government to
take measures to investigate the an
archist situation in and around New
York. Just what steps have been
taken is not made public.
Going : to the North Pole.
BERLIN , Aug. 3 Captain Banen-
dahl of the imperial navy will start
for the north pole in a fortnight. He
will sail directly into the pack ice re
gions north of Spitzbergen and then
eastward to the open sea , when he be
lieves that he can reacn the pole. He
will take three years' provisions.
Col. Cnchran to China.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Colonel P.
C. Pope , now attached to the marine
barracks , Brooklyn has been ordered
to succeed Colonel H. C. Cochran as
commander of the marines at the Bos
ton navy yard. Colonel Cochran has
been ordered to China to take com
mand of the marine forces there.
Afraid to Visit London.
LONDON , Aug. 3. The shah's visit
to England has been virtually aban
doned , according to the Times , on ac
count of the attempt to assassinate
him in Paris.
Young King at His Father's Bier.
MONZA , Aug. 3. King Victor
Emanuel III upon arriving here met
his mother , Queen Margherita , at the
castle. She fell into his arms weep-
ing. The king knelt before the body
of his father and repeatedly kissed
and embraced his mother. Afterward
for an hour he , his mother and his
wife prayed in the death chamber.
Subsequently the king received the
members of the cabinet. All the min
isters except those of war and justice -
tice , who are in Rome , took the oath
of allegiance. .
Hostilities Hava Goosed , but the Foreign-
era Eomain Vigilant.
Dr. George E. Morrison Cables to London
Times Situation in CuplUl Barricade *
About Besieged Legations Are Being
Hade Stronger.
LONDON , Aug. 2. Dr. George Ern
est Morrison , the Pekin correspondent
of the Times , has been hoard from di
rect. The Times prints the following
dispatch from him , dated July 21 :
"There has been a cessation of hos
tilities here ( Pekin ) since July 18 , but
for fear of treachery there has been no
relaxation of vigilance. The Chinese
soldiers continue to strengthen the
barricades around the besieged area ,
and also the batteries on top of the im
perial city wall , but in the meantime
they have discontinued firing , probably
because they are short of ammunition.
"The main bodies of the Imperial
soldiers have left Pekin in order to
meet the relief forces. Supplies are be
ginning to come in and the condition
of the besieged is improving. The
wounded are doing well. Our hospital
nrrangments are admirable and 15ft
cases have passed through the hospi
"The tsung li yamen forwarded to
Sir Claude MacDonald a copy of a dis
patch telegraphed by the emperor to
Queen Victoria , attributing deeds of
violence to bandits and requesting her
majesty's assistance to extricate the
Chinese government from its difficul
ties. The queen's retfly is not stated ,
but the Chinese minister at Washing
ton telegraphs that the United States
government would gladly assist the
Chinese authorities.
"This dispatch to the queen was sent
to the tsung li yamen by the grand
council on July 3 , yet the day before
an imperial edict had been issued callIng -
Ing on the noxers to continue to ren
der loyal and patriotic services in ex
terminating the Christians. The edict
also commanded viceroys ana govern
ors to expel all missionaries from
China and to arrest all Christians and
compel them to renounce all their
faith. Other decrees applauding the
Boxers speak approvingly of their
burning out and slaying converts.
Their leaders are stated in a decree
to 1)0 princes and ministers.
"On July IS another uecree made a
complete volte face due to the victories
of the foreign troops at Tien isin. In
this decree , for the first lime and one-
month after the occurrence , an allu
sion was made to the death of Baron
von Ketteler , the German minister ,
which was attributed to the action of
local brigands , although there is no-
doubt that it was premeditated and
that the assassination was committed
by an imperial officer , as the survivor , .
Hcrr Cordes , can testify.
"The force besieging the legation
consists of the imperial troops under
General Tung Lu and General Tung-
Fuh Siang , whose gallantry is applaud
ed in imperial decrees , although it has
consisted in bombarding for one month
defenseless women and children cooped
up in the legation sjot and expanding"
bullets. The Chinese throughout , with
characteristic treachery , posted procla
mations assuring us of protection and
the same night they made a general
attack In the hope of surprising us.
"The wounded number 138 , including
the American surgeon , Lippitt , severe
ly wounded , and Captain Myers , who is
doing well. Seven Americans have
been killed.
"The ministers and members of the
legations and their families are in
good health. The general health of the
community is excellent and we are
contentedly awaiting relief. "
Allies Begin Advance In Direction of
Chinese Capital City.
BRUSSELS , Aug. 2. M. Favreau ,
minister of foreign affairs has receiv
ed the following dispatch , dated Shang-
hhai , August 1 , from M. de Cartier do
Marchienne , secretary of thp Belgian
legation , now acting as charge d'af
faires of Belgium at Shanghai :
"The allies are marching on Pekin.
They are eighteen miles from Tien
Tsin and should reach Pekin in eight
"All the Europeans have taken ref
uge in the inner rectorale of the im
perial city. "
LONDON , Aug. 2. "The allies be
gan the advance from Tien Tsin this
morning , " announces an agency bul
letin , dated at Shanghai at 11:10 a. T : .
The Belgian government has re
ceived news that the allies have al
ready marched eight miles in the di
rection of Pekin.
It is assumed that the Americans ,
British and Japanese are taking part
in this forward movement , whether
other nationalities are or not. An ad
vance base will probably be estab
lished twenty or thirty miles nearer
Pekin and supplies will be assem
bled preparatory to a direct stroke at
the capital.
Statement of Coinage.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 2. The
monthly statement of the director of
the mint shows the total coinage at
the mints during July , 1900 , to have
been $8,404,427 , as follows : Gold ? G-
540,000 ; silver , $1,827,827 ; minor
coins , $36,600.
American Forces Arc Ready.
TIEX TSIN , Thursday , July 25 , via
Che Fee , July 30 , and Shanghai , Aug.
2The Amaricaa commander received
orders from Washington not to delay
the advance on Peitin. He was also
informed that heavy reinforcements
are enroute.
Great activity is noticeable at Jap
anese headquarters. Transport prep
arations are being hurried. It is ex
tremely unlikely that either the Jap
anese or the British intend to be left
behind the Americans , though the
British preparations ar a long
from completeness.