.r. 1 NINETEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY ; NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , AUGUST 1O , I9OO. NUMBER 13 The Danger Limit. A great many letters have come to the experiment station asking for advice as to pasturing sorghum. The publicity given to the injurious effects of sorghum through the investigations carried on by this station to ascertain the cause ha moved people not heretofore acquainted with this occasionally exhibited peculiar ity of the plant to become suspicious o it. While no further positive informa tion has been obtained on the subject there yet remains a word or two that may be profitably spoken. The records of this station do not show any cases of sudden death from sorghum occurring in the eastern portion of Nebraska , with the exception of a few which occurred on second growth sor- ghum. There is also reason to believe that plants producing this disastrous effect have not made a healthy growth , and are yellow and wilted , a condition easily detected by the farmer. It would therefore seem reasonable to conclude that no danger is to be encountered in pasturing sorghum of healthy growth in Eastern Nebraska. Again it would appear that no danger is incurred if the sorghum is fed after cutting and allowing to lie for some time. A sample of sorghum was recently received by the station with a letter ac companying it stating that the plants were parts of a very few partially eaten by a cow which was killed by them in two minutes. The sample was fed to a cow on the station farm without injur ing her in the least. This together with the fact that no poison has been detected in samples sent to the station for anal ysis would indicate that any toxic sub stances which the plants might have contained have become dissipated after cutting. The length of time required for this is not known , but it is certainly accomplished in a few days. As sorghum is undoubtedly the best annual midsummer forage crop for this region , it is important that its limita tions should be well defined. The use of healthy sorghum for pasturage with j the ordinary precautions in Eastern Ne braska , and of sorghum hay , may be considered safe. T. L. LYON. Nebraska Experiment StationLincoln , July 21 , 1900. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook post-office on August sth : . Mr. T. Blant , Mr. F. O. Fritz , Dr. Davis , Jr. , Mr. H. W. Lewis , Mr. Joe Lower , MissH. F.Lewis , (2) ( Fred Gray , Mrs. Jane Long , Mr. O. E. Hunt , Mr. Charley Griffin , J. W. Sharitt , Miss Mary Singer , Mr. Jno. Moore , Mr. Nathan Bolens , Mrs. Youman , Mr. Fred Soltow , Chas. Wrently(2) ( ) Stella H. Brown , Rudolph Kneidug , Miss Ina Remedy , Miss Iva Irene Smith. In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KIMMEI.II , Postmaster. Seven New Members. The Ladies Circle of the G. A. R. met in regular session on last Saturday after noon. Five new members were initiated , making seven additions to the circle at the last two meetings. After the regular business session ice-cream and cake were served. Mrs. M. E. Barger of Bartley was among those present from out-of- town. Why Think Of sending away for a sewing machine , when S. M , Cochran & Co. do and will meet any competition on earth , quality considered. See their machines and get their prices and terms first , and you will buy of reliable home business men. They are here , too , to make good their guaranty. At S5 Per Ton. Corn fodder for sale , fine quality , bound in bundles , delivered in McCook for $5 per ton. Write or see J. W. BURTLESS , McCook , Neb. Estrays Taken Up. Four head of cattle , July 16 , 1900 , at McCook. 7-ao-3ts. SAM HORNBACK. Ball and Bat Free. To the boy who buys a suit of clothes at $2.50 or up at DeGroff & Co.'s. The Great Majestic is alwajs just the same the best range on earth. Hot or cold , wet or dry , the people must have them , when they want an absolutely re liable range. diIi Bed-bug , roach and ant exterminators ; warranted effective. MCCONNELL & BERRY. se " Handsome Mixtures and Polka Dot tlpi Dress Flannels 27 0. for school dresses piY at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Y Bed Comforts of our own make 6 ft. x 7 ft. , $1.65 to $2.25. at The Thompson g > Dry Goods Co. D Mosquito Netting 250. per bolt of eight yards at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. fo MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MRS. IDA HOWLAND is in the city. MRS. H. M. FlNlTY is out of the city on a vacation. Miss VIRGIE CASSELL has been quite ill , this week. W. F. LAWSON is absent in Wiscon sin , this week. MRS. AND Miss NOREN were Hast ings visitors , Tuesday. Miss MAUD CHAMPLIN is a guest in C. W. Barnes' home. KENNETH WELLES arrived home from Colorado , first of the week. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE RANDEL are the fond parents of a daughter. Miss LILLIE BURNETT is visiting her grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith of Red Cloud. MRS. BELLE HEDLUND returned to the city , yesterday noon , from a short visit in Holdrege. i MRS. M. E. BARGER came up from Bartley , Saturday , and has been visiting here , part of the week. MRS. FRANK CARRUTH and daughter came down from Denver , yesterday morning on 2 , on a visit. MRS. L'Rov ALLEN departed on 5 , Wednesday evening , for Denver , on a visit to Mrs. Frank Harris. MRS. FORD of Green Bay , Wisconsin , is in the city on a visit , guest of her brother , Master Mechanic Archibald. CHAIRMAN JAMES of the congressional committee was in the city , brief parts of Monday and Tuesday , on matters politi cal. ALBERT HELM and Lon Miller , two young men of Redwillow , will leave , Monday , for Oklahoma , to look up a location. WILL WALTERS returned , Tuesday evening , from spending three weeks visiting relatives in Northern Dundy : ounty. Miss JULIA RYAN arrived home from tier vacation , and resumed her position is stenographer in W. R. Starr's office , ; arly in the week. Miss MOLLIE RYAN returned , first of the week , from visiting relatives in Sut- : on andGrafton , and will take a position .u McAdarns' store. EVAN SAGE arrived in the city , Satur- iay evening last , from Beatrice , and is he guest of his uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Morlau. MR. AND MRS. Louis LOWMAN , who lave been spending a few weeks at Madison Lake , Wisconsin , arrived home > n No. 5 , Saturday evening. c SUP'T G. H. THOMAS was up from ; Harvard , close of last and fore part of his week , looking after school matters , leparting for Harvard again on Wednes- lay morning. MRS. M. LAWRITSON and children vere the guests of Agent and Mrs. H. awritson of Cambridge , Monday. Mrs. v. Lawritson joined them at Indianola , ind spent the day in Cambridge. C. C. NORTHRUP departed , this morn- ng , on a trip which will keep him away intil the first proximo. He will first isit in Neligh and Omaha , after which te will go to Detroit , Michigan. MR. HARBICAN aud daughter are in he city , a few days , while en route to ialt Lake City. Mr. Harbican is the iwner of what is known as the Jacob | iquires farm over in Driftwood precinct , nd was looking after matters while in he city. MRS. WILLIAM LEWIS and Miss Eva eparted , Tuesday night , for Colorado u iprings , Colorado , whither they have one on account of Miss Eva's health , rhich has been a source of some solici- ude on the part of her parents and riends of late. It is fondly hoped by 11 that they may find health. School Library Open. The High School library will be open ach Saturday morning from 9 to 10 'clock , when pupils can secure and re- irn books. Naomi Woolton will be in barge. _ Organ for Sale. n A six-octave Estey organ , in good con- sc ition , for sale cheap. A rare bargain. iquire at TRIBUNE office. Miss Folmer , a student of Knox con- : rvatory of Galesburg , Illinois , is in le city and wishes to form classes in W iano and voice culture and theory. scat bur patronage solicited. Nice Plaids at ioc. , 150. and 350. for at rls' school dresses at The Thompson ry Goods Co. tb All-Wool Dress Skirts to your measure r $2.50 at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Royal Highlander's Field-Day. Greatest gathering of the clans of the history of Nebraska , Lincoln , August 15. Bruw laddies and fair ladies from all over the state will be there. Three special Highlander trains to Lincoln over the Burlington Route one from Falls City , another from Kearney.still another from Grand Island. All three trains will reach Lincoln at 10:00 a. in. Returning leave Lincoln at 10:00 p. m. . giving visitors a whole day to enjoy the program arranged for their entertainment. Only $6 90 for the round trip , McCook to Lincoln. Get tickets from the local ticket agent. For information about train service , see fly bills. Died of Heart Disease. A young lady by the name of Mabel Snell of St. Louis died on No. 6 , last night , between here and Denver , and the remains were taken off of the train at this point and prepared for shipment to St , Louis. The body was forwarded by express on No. 2 , this morning. The deceased was a rather robust looking young lady , an" probably died from some affection of the heart. Some Choice Offerings. I wish to say to my friends and patrons that I have for sale some choice O. I. C. pigs of May farrow , 8 to 10 weeks old , for $10 each. They are simply good at both ends out of Perfection blood and stand right up on their feet. Also.B. P. Rock chickens aud Bronze turkeys. Come and see me or write your wants. J. H. WARFIELD , Box 238. McCook , Nebr. Desirable House for Sale. I will offer for sale at a low price my residence property , corner Marshall and Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part , or will name an attractive price for spot cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LA TOURETTE , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent. One Chance Yet To realize something from your corn crop. Buy a Deeriug corn harvester and bind your corn fodder good , clean , bound fodder will make you from $3 to 5 per acre. S. M. Cochran & Co. , sell them. Frank Schoonover hauled out the lutn- aer , this week , for a new frame house on ais farm over in Frontier county. Joseph \llen , who also lives a short distance > ver the Red Willow county line , is en- arging his already commodious barn to hree times its present dimensions. R. T. Eller & Co. received an invoice > f sixty-five boxes of California fresh ruits on Wednesday of this week , and old nearly all out the same day. They vill have another invoice of one hundred : > exes on Tuesday morning of next week. The "Little Hoosier" five-hole drill is : he machine with which to put your fall : vheat in the stalks where it does the lest. Cochran & Co. , of course. Wall paper remnants enough for one ooni very cheap. MCCONNELL & BERRY. COURT-HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. License to wed has been granted to : larry W. Strubbe of Lincoln and Anna > J. Ritchie of Bartley. They were mar- ied by Rev. E. B. Crippen of Bartley on he 28th ult. Albert J. Helm and Lizzie Brahler , ioth of Redwillow. Married by Judge lishop , Thursday afternoon. August gth , judgment was rendered gainst Henry S. and Mary C. Ough and ii favor of Richardson , Robertson , , lyrne Dry Goods Co. for $976 and costs. DISTRICT COURT. Mabel G. Hall vs. James Hall , Sr. ; ivorce and injunction. T. J. Cress vs. William E. Marquis ; quity. JULY MORTGAGE RECORD. Farm filings , $7,588.74 ; releases , $4- 02.50. City filings , $8,318.78 ; releases , 1,245. Chattel filings , $ I2O47.85 ; ; re- : ases , $50,698.36. The board of education hopes to secure ) me additional room for school purposes i the court-house , the coming term of cl : hool. Conductor and Mrs. S. E. Callen and Irs. J. E. Beyrer went up to Benkelman , uesday , on a short visit to friends. P' ' tcei F.-C. CORSETS Money back after four ei eeks wear , if dissatisfied. The Thomp- ti ; m Dry Goods Co. it itcl Braid Trimmed Percale Wrappers 550. cl The Goods . el : Thompson Dry Co. i [ E. E. Saddler commenced braking , rt is morning. rtPi House to rent. Inquire of W. O. in i inw orval. w RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Monday will be pay-day. There were two sections of No. 3 , Wednesday night. There were three sections of No. i , Wednesday , due to low rates. Brakeman J. F. Utter visited in Bart ley , Tuesday , between trains. T. A. Erb was down from Akron , yes terday , on business at headquarters. Brakeniau Lew Lyons has been visit ing the Franklin reunion , this week. Ex-Switchman Frank Wiggins and family have gone to Houston , Texas. -Conductor L. E. Gilcrest visited his parents in Akron , Saturday aud Sunday. Tuesday was a lively day for stock shipments from and through this station. Engineer and Mrs. E. C. McKay are ooking after the welfare of a prospect- ve engineer. Operator W. F. Pate is visiting in Fre mont , part'of the week , leaving for there on Tuesday night Conductor J. E. Beyrer has Conductor F. A. Starks' run during the latter's slight indisposition. An entire train of extra passenger equipment passed through from Denver , Thursday morning. Operator C. S. McElherron has been transferred to the train service , and is now braking on freight. Brakeman G. E. Murdock is spending the week in Wymore , visiting his folks and taking in the reunion. Conductor Lyman has gone east on a is-days vacation , and Conductor W. O. Simons has his run until he returns. An Englishman has patented a device whereby the sides of railway cars may be thoroughly washed and cleansed without the use of hand labor The rain of Sunday night caused a slight wash-out on the Imperial line , which delayed the arrival of 176 at this point about two hours , Monday evening. Engineer Fred Bosworth brought Fire man Ed Ford down from Denver , Wednesday morning on 2 , and Mr. Ford is now at the home of Master Mechanic Archibald , quite sick with an attack of pneumonia. Brakeman M. B. Harbaugh had the side of his face cut in an ugly manner , Friday , while playing ball on the Ath letic grounds. The ball glanced from the bat and made an ugly gash over his right eye. The B. & M. will get along without a belper at this station , after this , and Rob't Hinze , who has been acting in that capacity , will leave for his home at Holyoke , the first of next week. Ber- rand Herald. Agent and John Thomson will go up o Boulder , Colorado , tonight , to visit he family at the Chautauqua over Sun- iay. They will return here , Monday , ind John will leave on Tuesday for Port- and , Oregon , to be absent a year or two. The game of base-ball , Sunday after- loon , between the Boilermakers and 31acksmiths was a most exciting one ind filled the grand-stand with enthusi- istic and demonstrative rooters for both lubs. The Boilermakers won , the score eing 8 to 7. Rufus Carlton , the official impire , escaped with his life , we are lappy to relate in this connection. W. A. Bartholomew and wife arrived n the city , last Friday , from Denver , vhere he has been an engineman on the iio Grande for the past eight years. 'Shorty" formerly fired on the Western iivision. They were on their journey to llinois on account of Mrs. Bartholo- new's ill health. They went up to layes county , first of the week , on a hort visit to her old home. It is remarked officially that while ravel to the Black Hills has been some- hing tremendous , this season , the nuni- ler of visitors to the grandeur of Yellow- tone park has been disappointingly mall , and most of them came from afar nd were elderly people. Doubtless the rouble with Yellowstone park is the act that the poor accommodations are ot at all in harmony with the heavy barges imposed everywhere. Next Thursday evening a Railroad Ten's club will be organized at this oint' The purpose of the club will be | j bring together the men in the differ- v ut branches of the service in an educa- c onal way , to give and receive ideas and iforinatiou along railroad lines. These lubs have proven to be of great value Isewhere , and it is expected that the cCook club will be no exception to the lie. Already quite a few of the em- loyes have shown and expressed interest the contemplated organization , of hich more later. A Good Fruit Year. Indications are multiplying that this has been so far an exceptionally good year for fruit. Lyman Miller exhibited at THE TRIBUNE office , this week , a number of samples of apples , plums , grapes etc. , grown on his farm on the divide north of the city , this season , which are indeed very fair articles and altogether encouraging. One specimen , a smallish apple of good flavor , Mr. Miller thinks can be raised here success fully witlfout much trouble. As to cher ries and plums , they do nicely almost any year. Mr. Miller's orchard is small but fairly thrifty , and has never been irrigated. The general difficulty has been to have apples grow to maturity ; this year , this draw-back has not been : o apparent , and the hope is revived that apples may grow to maturity without undergoing the spraying operation. Low Rates to Chicago. One fare for the round trip via the Burlington route. The Burlington has offered one fare "or the round trip ( $21.10) ) from McCook : o Chicago , August 24 and 27 , on ac count of the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. The return limit on these tickets is September i , subject to extension to September 30. The nearest ageut of the Burlington Route will be pleased to give you ad ditional information about rates , dates , baggage and train service. Financial Trouble. F. J. Shervellan itinerant piano-tuner , and his financial agent.Dr.G.A.Knowles of Mussquawkie Indian medicine fame , had a fight in the city , last evening , over financial matters , in which Shervell was distinctly worsted. Shervell afterwards sought to have the doctor arrested for assault and battery , but as the doctor left the city per buggy after the fight he was not found. Shervell left the city on one of the night trains and failed to ap pear in county court this morning. Both were the worse for whisky. Hawkins Gets Life Sentence. Clerk Lee Herdman of the supreme court has sent out a mandate command ing the lower courts to carry out the judgment of a life sentence against Hawkins , the Frontier county murderer. It will be remembered that Hawkins was found guilty of murdering old man Jensen and throwing his body into an abandoned well. Hawkins has been in the penitentiary for some time for safe keeping. Declined the Offer. Last Saturday , Director Suttou of the Nebraska Brigade band of our city re ceived a telegram from Colonel Killian of the First Nebraska regiment making a tender of the position of regimental band to the famous Nebraska Brigade. The offer was declined with thanks. a ' Stewart Hall Destroyed. Stewart hall , the boys' hall at Frank lin academy , was destroyed by fire on Saturday night last. The building was insured for about half its value , A large juantity of furniture was also burned. You'll Be Sorry : If you paint or paper your house with- jut seeing what we have to offer in end" jf-the-season bargains. MCCONNELL & BERRY. Cotton Batts the right length , right ividth ; unfold and open without pulling jr picking. The only real Cotton Batts sold in McCook. The Thompson Dry 3oods Co. Exclusive selling agent for Jamestown Worsted Mills ; 50 styles in stock. The rhompson Dry Goods Co. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. j c McMillen serves pure fruit flavors | e , vith ice-cream soda. c ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS. Brakeman George Martin is off duty vith slight injuries. Operator Albert Thorgrimsou , late of ickley , has resigned and is now in V Denver. si In The sick-list , this week , is composed 01 iall game , Monday , and did not creditable to if Conductor , A. P. Benne , and F. A. reU U ! itarks and Brakemen O. D. Keith and ) . M. Taylor. Conductor C. W. Bronson was called o Chicago , Tuesday on 6 , on Burlington diP oluntary relief business. Conductor A. P < / . Knowland has his run meanwhile and w iteve Dwyer has Knowland's car. 41 : Vanie Modrell received an ugly face otT ] round , Wednesday , in the machine- at hop. He was holding a punch , which atN ionrad Brenning was striking with a ledge hammer ; the heavy hammer lipped off of the punch , striking Mod- sa zll in the face , breaking his nose and lashing his face in a painful manner. Di MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS/ Lear sells drugs. Lear bells wall-paper. A great leader Lonr. Lear sells machine oil. Lear sells prescriptions. The freshest and best drugs are found- at Loar's. Summer drinks at Taffy Charlie's candy kitchen. Flower-pots cheap at Mrs. Douglass' , opera-house block. Summer Corsets 230. at The Thomp son Dry Goods Co. Delicious ice-cream soda with fruit flavors at McMillen's. Full Ruffled Sun-Bonnets 190. at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. The great eclipse continues the way Loar's soda eclipses all others. Best Shirting Prints3 0. , Dress Prints 4C. , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Bread get it at Taffy Charlie's candy kitchen , opposite Pioneer hardware store. Gentlemen wanting rooms and board should inquire opposite East school- house. Buy your confectionery at Taffy Char lie's candy kitchen , opposite Pioneer hardware store. It is always in order to call at th'e captain's office and make right your de linquent subscription. The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of ; very month in Odd Fellows hall. Quite a party of young people of the : ity held a picnic on * the more or less : lassic Driftwood , Sunday afternoon. Soaps , perfumes and toilet articles ; iverything that's new. MCCONNELL & BERRY. A show-case in Morgan'sclothing-store was broken , Saturday , by a section of plastering falling onto it from the ceiling. A whirlwind , Wednesday afternoon , : ompletely destroyed a windmill for 3enry Oellerich of Coleman precinct , oss , $75. You know ill Everist , Marsh & Co. tre at the head of the procession when ; oed meats are on parade. Try their narket. Russian thistles have come to be quite . pest , north and east of Culbertson ; and hey are moving into North-western Red Villow county. Remember we are originators of low irices in McCook. If you appreciate his come and see us ; we will do you ; ood. R. T. ELLER & Co. A cooling shower , Sunday night , and nether on Monday night. The rainfall 'ii Monday night was a half inch as aeasured by the Burlington people at his station. Thursday night , W. N. Rogers of ihadeland Park stock farm expressed a ine male calf to Marshall , Wiscousin. 'he fame of Shadeland Park stock is apidly extending beyond the state of lebraska. It is not a debatable question but one f privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh it Co. , when in quest of the best the narket affords in the meat line. They re prompt and accommodating in the largain. Phone 12. C. C. Rethemeyer of Washington , Kan- as , has opened a candy kitchen in the lenard building , opposite the Pioneer lardware store. He will keep candies , ummer drinks , bread etc. Give him a hare of your patronage. J. P. Notley reports having so far dis- overed no trace of his buggy , harness tc. , recently stolen. If the thief will ome back , he can perhaps negotiate rith Mr. Notley for the horse , on a very sasonable basis. He wants to bring his ghting clothes along with him , too. Prices are no object on queensware. 7e are going to sell out our present tock at prices that will startle the atives not on pretense of closing it at to quit the business , but to make > om for our fall stock. Come and see 3 before purchasing. R. T. ELLER & Co. A. J. Cole was up to McCook , a couple lys last week , and brings back the re- jrt that W. S. Morlan's wheat crop , hich had just been threshed , went from to 49 bushels to the acre and weighed it from 62 to 64 pounds to the bushel. bis is a sample of what good farming id irrigation will do in South-western ebraska. Oxford Standard. A clearing sale that IS a CLEARING le at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Shirt Waists 250. at The Thompson ry Goods Co.