This week we offer * ! \ s an 85-piece dinner set , of decorated - rated semi-porcelain. You have a choice of two colors for only $6.98. This set is now on show in our window , and if you are going : to buy a medium priced set 'of dishes this season it will pay you to take advantage of this offer. They will be on sale just one week at this price. THE BEE HIVE NEBRASKA SOUTH SIDE. Threshing is about over. The grasshoppers are beginning to fly. Roy Dutton is expected home , next Friday. Roy Jacobs and Frank Fitch expect to go to Oklahoma , shortly. Remember the preaching , next Sunday at 3:00 p. m. ; all are cordially invited. Ira Clark from the Willow has been thresh ing in this locality , all the week , and is giv ing good satisfaction. Rev. Francis Lawson was one of the guests at the South Side Union Sunday-school , last Sunday , and very kindly took charge of the Bible-class. - Rev. W. J. Turner preached in South Side , last Sunday , and in spite of the fact that the South Side editor forgot to mention it in last week's issue , there was a good turn-out ; and as usual we had the pleasure of listening to one of his splendid sennons. I. H. Wasson is having good success with his gasoline engine in irrigating his farm. The captain is the first to succeed in damming Driftwood. It took about 150 loads of rock and a large quantity of willows , besides a great deal of hard work. The dam has al ready withstood one freshet and is still in good order. In this way he has a good supply of water on hand and is irrigating several acres. The young folks of the Sunday-school , as sisted by some of the older ones and two or three outsiders , are beginning the work of getting ready for the entertainment to be given , the last of the month. The entertain ment is to be in 'the nature of a concert and the proceeds will go to make up the minis ter's salary ; and if there is anything over it will go to help purchase new books for the Sunday-school , as the children need some new books to sing from. It has been demonstrated by experience that consumption can be prevented by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is the favorite remedy for cough , colds , croup , asthma , grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Cures quickly. D. W. Loar. COLEMAN. Bert Wales' arm is about well. George Ilowell is getting away with the grasshoppeis. Thomas Whitmer will build a new house in the near future.- Charles Bixler marketed hogs in McCook , close of last week. Corn has "come out wonderfully since the three inches of rainfall. Matt Droll has purchased the William Divine farm of 360 acres. Maud Coleman is in Hayes county , this week , visiting Lillie Beach. James Kelley hauled out three loads of lumber , last week , for improvements. The hum of the threshing-machine is heard in the land also of the grasshopper. The presiding elder of the Methodist church preached in the Coleman school-house , last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs. Frank Bur gess of McCook were in this township. Wednesday. To Cure La Grippe n Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle. 25c. 4-1- REDWILLOW. Miss Maggie Kummer was so far recovered that she was able to pay McCook a visit , last Saturday. Charlie Byfield having missed the oppor tunities offered by the institute of this county went up to Hayes Center to attend the insti tute there. Harvey Woodworth struck a paying job before he had reached his destination in Washington. Success to Harvey is the wish of his old neighbors. J. F. Helm has recently lost seven or eight head of steers through their breaking out of their enclosure and getting into a cane field We learn that John Longnecker lost one head from the same cause. FIVE POINTS about D.B.LoNGtSoN $ SPORTSMAN 5 * CIGARS IThe SPORTSMAN a made of WHOLE LEAF by the hands of the best American workmen. SPORTSMAN is not doctored up to look good 2The it Is good. 5The SPORTSMAN is the best-selling 5-cent cigar on the market proof of its genuine merit. 4The S'PORTSMAN has been deservedly named "the King of 5-cent cigars" by experienced smokers. 5 The SPORTSMAN is stamped with the name proof that those responsible for it are not ashamed of it. The Sportsman can be had of all dealers. NAVE & flcCORD MERCANTILE CO. , Distributors , ST. JOSEPH , MO. INOIANOLA. Clark NlcClunjj and Ed Smith have gone to Oklahoma. The two new papers are expected to be is sued , today. F. E. Teel shipped his threshing outfit to Trenton , first of the week. Bill Hall , late catcher for. the In'dianola club , left the city , this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith were McCook visitors - itors , Thursday , on business. Clark McClung arrived home , close of last week , from his visit in Colorado. Indianola has arranged for street sprinkling advantages for the rest of the season. John McClung was in McCook , Wednesday , talking with the "fans" on base-ball topics. Del Teel has signed with Oxford for the rest of the seasou , going down there on Mon day. day.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were guests of their daughter , Mrs. Ed. Jeffers of McCook , last Friday. Postmaster McCool wandered up to the county's capital , Wednesday evening , on a little business. The Indianola club defeated McCook , last Saturday afternoon , on the home grounds , by a score of 8 to 4. The 'fans. " are all excitement over the game of base-ball to be played here , next Monday , August 6th , between the Indianola and Oberlin clubs. The Oberlin club is one of the best in Western Nebraska ; has defeated Arapahoe 17 to I , McCook 12 to 8 , and Stock- ville in two straight games. Indianola hasn't j been defeated this season , and doesn't pro pose to lose this game. The county fair premium lists are out. They are the easily-recognized product of Samuel Randolph's smithy a typographic nightmare with delerium tremens illumination. The children cry for them ; young maidens go into hysteria over them ; strong men faint at their appearance , and job printers are moved with a well-nigh irresistible impulse to boxercide the blacksmith responsible for the monstros ity. And yet Colonel Leather-Lungs bears eloquent tribute to their artistic execution. Roderick Dim Sutherland , who by grace of the sadly mistaken judgment of the good people ple of this district , is now rattling around in a seat in congress , addressed the people of this place and vicinity , last Saturday afternoon , on the "living issues of the day" as the bills announced. After ringing in his usual assoitment of "warming up" jokes of ancient vintage , he still further digressed from the "living issues of the day" by attempting to disparage and discredit a special telegram that recently ap peared in the Nebraska dailies regarding the splendid yield of wheat on the farm of Farmer Morlan , the Republican nominee , and who will be the next congressman from the Fifth Nebraska district. Roderick Dhu , like the typical anti-everything that he is , didn't be lieve it even the absolutely unanswerable wheat-in-the-bin argument is no trouble to him ; he was the head-push and exclusive promoter meter of a campaign of pure and undefiled "principle , " and would give the Republicans of the Fifth district enough of the "warming- pan" should he be renominated , being utterly blinded to the pathetic fact that the longsuffering fering people of the district have already had more than enough of the "warming-pan" al ready. He took an apologetic snap-shot at free and unlimited coinage of silver , 16 to I , and then passed on hastily to a description of W. J. Bryan's superb and unyielding "steel" spinal column. It is marvelous how these 16 to i-ers now despise the step by which they were dragged from obscurity into the bright white light of publicity and the allurements of the public teat ! The touch-stone of free silver seems to have lost its saving power ; and they are more than ready to drop the contention. But anti-militarism and anti-imperialism , something , anything with anti in it , he rolled over in his mouth like a sweet and juicy morsel ; charging Republican departure from the ways of the immortal Lincoln and paying a tribute to his ideal the volunteer army. We believe , however , that he made no ex tended remarks ( tossed no bouquets ) con cerning Colonel Bryan's brief but brlliant volunteer service. Then he waxed fearful that our conditions might make necessary a standing army of 100,000 men , and agonized over the expense account. Here is where the average Fusion orator shines ! Here is where he refers to the great common people , the down-trodden masses ! Here is where pathet ically and with tearful detail he loves to dwell upon , who pays the'freight ? Here Roderick Dhu was in his glory in the highest ! Oh , my countrymen ! Perhaps half of the address was devoted to remarks concerning the administration's treat ment of the Porto Ricans. He spoke of the recommended 25 per cent tariff , but evidently forgot the passed tariff of considerably lower percentage ; playing the demagogue by leav ing the false impression of the higher tariff being ruthlessly imposed on a starving pee ple. He failed to mention the generous aid extended by the administration. This "crime" he charged to the sugar and tobacco trusts , and "proved" by the constitution that any tariff is unconstitutional between different sections of the United States. Observe , gentle reader , what lovers of the constitution are some of the lawyer-politicians of the Fusion ranks. It's a strong suit with them in fooling the people some of the time. Then he touched the harp lightly on the terrible , man-eating trust question. He did not mention the Tammany ice trust , but thought the fact that six billion dollars worth of industrial stock had entered such combina tions during the past three years "looked sus picious , " and while the evidence would not hang , it warranted "ten dollars and costs. " ( Observe the conspicuous effort to play to the gallery. ) In closing he made several admissions and statements quite overcoming for innate mod esty : He didn't have time to point out "All the iniquity of our Republican friends he could talk two weeks on the subject. " .He certainly has the two qualifications leather lungs , and lies. "We are , " he admitted be tween blushes , "noted above all things else for our honesty. " "I would not , " he modest ly agreed with himself , "if I could , and coujd not if I would , make any mis-statements in your hearing. " Another Daniel come to judg ment , surely ! And again , "For myself , I am not a farmer , but a lawyer. " Not a farmer , but a farmer of the farmers. The record in the case is that Roderick Dim is a politician first and a lawyer incidentally ; a politician of the "warming-pan" kiss-the babies , how-do- you-do sort. Pretends to know everybody in a crowd of absolute strangers , and shakes hands promiscuously , simulating a great in terest in the family and crops , and all that sort of peanut politics. It remains to be seen whether he can fool a majority of the people of the Fifth district even a third time. We think not. After many intricate experiments , scientists .have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural digestants. These have been com bined in the proportion found in the human body and united with substances that build up the digestive organs , making a compound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and allows all dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles are being radically cured by the medicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to take and will give quick relief. D. W. Loar. The law holds both maker and circulator of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve risks 'your life to make a little larger profit. You can not trust him. DeWitt's is the only genuine and orig inal Witch Hazel Salve , a well known cure for piles and all skin diseases. See that your dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve. D. W. LToar. BANKSVILLE. A. V. Olmstead rides in a new buggy now. Quite a number are still busy stacking their grain. Rev. J. E. Tirrill preached at the Dodge school-house , last Sunday. Will Tuttle is threshing his rye and wheat on N. J. Johnson's place , this \veek. J. H. Relph has been helping J. E. Dodge with his threshing , the past week. Wm. Relph was threshing the wheat on his Kansas farm , Wednesday and Thursday. It yielded over ten bushels per acre. The Banksville ball club visited Herndon , Kansas , last Sunday , and came home victor ious over the club there. Score , 10 to II. Last Tuesday was reported to be the hottest day of the year by some who watched the thermometer on the shady side of the house. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Relph and family were among those who attended the surprise party at F. S. Lofton's , Tuesday night , the occasion being his 34th birthday. About fifty guests were present. Ice cream and cake were served. A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns' famous blessing : "Some have meat and can not eat , and some have none that want it ; but we have meat and we can eat , Kodol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked. " This preparation will digest what you eat. It con stantly relieves and radically cures indigestion and all stomach disorders. D. W. Loar. Constipation , impaired digestion and a tor pid liver , are the most common ailments that are responsible for that tired , listless , fagged- out feeling that makes the summer a dreaded period to so many people. Herbine will cure constipation , it improves the digestion , and arouses the liver to normal activity. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. F. D. BURGESS , Plumber McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. The Kind You Have Always Bought , and \vhicli lias been , in use for over 30 years , lias borne tlio signature of and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits , Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle \vith and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment * What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil , Pare goric , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium , Morpnino nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation and Flatulency. It . .assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. * The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORA ! ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You tee Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. For burns , injuries , piles and skin diseases use DeWitt's Witch Ha/el Salve. It is the original. Counterfeits may be offered. Use onlv DeWitt's. D. W. Loar. H. P. STJTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn , Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea , Sick Headache , Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. FriceSOc. and 81. Large sire contains 2H times email size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedf ree Prepared fey E. C. DeWITT a CO. . Crjlcaao. D. "W. LOAR , Druggist. C. H. BOYLE , .ATTORNEY . AT LAW ; . . McCook , Nebraska. j Telephone 44. P. O. Building : | McCOOK SUBGICAL HOSPITAL , | D.W. V.GACE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. j Office and Hospital over First National Hank. JOHN E. KELLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAAV i j McCooK , NEBRASKA. E3y Afjent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. DR. JOHN McPnEE , DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. -Office over McConnell LS : Uerry's. J. B. BALLARD. © DENTIST. Q All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. * CITIZENS BANK t * * OF McCOOK , NEB. # * B * Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , § 5000 ft * i DIRECTORS = V. FRAHKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , # H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN' ' , C. H. WILLARD. . ZSl'lfejSl KfeP' .vafx&c-a& Gf & fs mi < J * il ; | { V J iA443iVl : Cf"O" S r Ji/l / ? % A BLIND MAN Is one who fails to profit by experience , even though he has use of both eyes without the aid of glasses. Time and again people buy clothing that is half made and containing mostly "Shoddy and Flock. " Remember that three years among you has taught you that we carry no satinet goods in the house ; what you buy of us is reliable and made by the best equipped factories in the in the country. Our prices are the lowest named for good goods ; we carry no other. beutfdje FRANK J. MORGAN , McCook , Nebraska.