The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 03, 1900, Image 2

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V. M. KIAIKKEX , Publisher.
Incendiaries are operating at Mc-
Cook , Neb.
The military force In Cuba Is to be
reduced to 5,000 men.
Illinois apples were awarded first
prize at the Paris fair.
Democratic national headquarters
have been opened at Chicago.
Death Is announced of ex-Governor
Ellas Carr of North Carolina.
Unsolicited subscriptions are being
secured for the St. Louis fair.
Drought reports from Arizona are
said to have been exaggerated.
A lottery concession-has been grant
ed to Alex Bermudez at Masaya.
Joseph Mullen was electrocuted at
the Sing Sing , New York , prison.
From August 1 Berlin will have a
special department of theater censor
Portugal has put up $3,500,000 to
cover the Delagoa Bay arbitration
Dr. Blias S. Peabody , a pioneer Illi
nois physician , died at his home in
Taylorville , aged 87.
President Gompers hopes to bring
about a settlement of tne St. Louis
street railway strike.
Eleven negro men were drowned In
the Warrier river near Akron , Ala. , by
the capsizing of a skiff.
Heury J. Newman , who mysteriously
disappeared from Omaha , has been
heard from in London.
An oleomargerine trust has been
formed in Germany to go into effect
the beginning of next year.
The resignation of Perry S. Heath as
first assistant postmaster general has
reached the posmaster general.
Additional rural free delivery service
will be established on August 1 at
Davenport , Scott county , Iowa.
J. D. Via , of Chicago , a department
clerk , claims the bureau of education
has been sending out anti-Boer litera
Elmer E. Clark , a prosperous farmer
near Petersburg , 111. , was indicted by
the grand jury for the murder of Harry
Major John J. Caperton , a wealthy
resident of Louisville , Ky. , died sud
denly at the Chicago Beach hotel of
heart failure.
Emperor William has accepted from
the manufacturers three automobiles
In which he intends to ride curing the
August maneuvers.
At a special meeting of the stock
holders of the Indiana , Illinois & Iowa
railroad the issuance of $12,000,000 ,
fifty year , 5 per cent bonds was rati
Fire destroyed the power house of
the Chattanooga Rapid Transit com
pany , operating between tnat city anu
Chickamauga Park. Loss is $65,000 ;
The large Lehigh Valley freight
Louse at East Buffalo N. Y. , together
with fifty cars loaded with merchan
dise , was destroyed by fire. Loss ,
Fred Puffer , who for several years
was the champion hurdle racer and
broad jumper of the United States and
Canada , Is dead at his home in New
York city.
The number of enlistments for for
eign service at the barracks at Colum
bus , O. , during the past few days has
been very large. Many recruits are
eager to go to China at once.
Joseph Rapley , wanted in Williams-
burg , Va. , for robbing the Peninsula
bank on May 24 last , was arrested at
Portland , Ore. Three men robbed the
bank of $5,500 and escaped after a
desperate fight with the officers.
The annual statement showing the
total issue of postage samps , stamp
books , stamped envelopes , newspaper
wrappers and postal cards for the fis
cal year ending June 30 , 1900 , was
given out at the postoffice department
recently. It shows the aggregate num
ber of all such matter issued to have
been 5,283,687,010 articles , valued at
A sensational Indian murder oc
curred at Kamloopo , B. C. Two In
dian women were seen riding up .the
street at a full gallop. They were
closely pursued by a mounted Indian ,
who was armed with a rifle. On nearing -
ing them he raised his rifle and shot
one dead.
The comptroller has authorized the
First National bank of Coon Rapids ,
la , , to begin business with a capital of
Mme. Fanny Janaushek , the tragic
actress , is a patient In St. Mary's hos
pital , Brooklyn , suffering from almost
total paralysis of the left side , due in
part to the recent excessive heat.
Colonel Adam S. Baker , president of
the South Bend ( Ind. ) Wagon company
and a pioneer citizen , died , aged 70.
The earnings of the Chicago Great
Western railway ( Maple Leaf Route )
for the second week of July , 1900 , show
an Increase of $3,992.43 over the cor
responding week of last year.
The artillery at Fort Riley , Kansas ,
has been ordered to prepare for the
A letter has bjeen received by the di
rector of the mint from the United
States assay office at Seattle reporting
that during the first eleven days of the
present month gold arrivals there
amounted to $4,400,000.
Brig.-Gen. Patrick Henry Jones died
at his home at Port Richmond , Staten
Island , aged 70 years. He served
throughout the civil war and was com
missioned brigadier general of volun
teers in 1864. He was postmaster of
New York city during Grant's first
Debs , socialist candidate for vice-
president , says lie has no intention of
withdrawing from the race.
After a long period of imprisonment ,
which he has endured more like a fero
cious wild beast than like a human
being , Geronimo , one of the most
bloodthirsty Indians that ever figured
In history , has gone static mad ,
Another Day of Silence from the Chinese
Capital Passed ,
Washington Official ! Are Looking : for
Answer to the Numerous Inquiries
Minister Wu. la Still Confident that the
Lcgatloners Are Alive.
WASHINGTON , July 30. There is
a growing expectation at the State de
partment that news of the utmost im
portance may be forthcoming at any
moment from Pekin. It was even
thought that something might be re
ceived today , but this hope was
doomed to disappointment. The few
cablegrams that were received re
ferred to minor matters and did not
touch at all upon conditions in the
Chinese capital. It is believed that
the basis for this expectation Is the
knowledge on the part of officials that
certain machinery heretofore set in
motion may result in the opening up
of communication through some se
cret and reliable channel. It is known
that a second effort has been made by
our own government to get another
message from Mr. Conger and that
nearly all of the powers also have re
sorted to private agencies in their own
interest with a like object.
The fact has just been developed
that one of the last acts of the late
Colonel Liscum before his death at
Tien Tsin was to undertake the dis
patch of a spi' to Pekin. General Dor-
ward , the British commanding officer
at Tien Tsin , also sent out two mes
sengers and it is believed that the
Japanese did the same. Up to date
not one of the messengers has returned
to Tien Tsin , nor has there been a
single word heard from any of them.
This fact , however , has not caused the
abandonment of hope , and this is true
in particular of the message expected
from Mr. Conger.
Minister Wu is perhaps the basis for
this hope on our part and he main
tains unshaken confidence in his orig
inal assertion that the news , when it
does come , will show that the lega-
tioners are alive. The message re
ported to have come through Mission
ary Wilder at Che Fee is regarded
as most promising.
Minister Wu had no cablegrams him
self today , nor had the State depart
ment any directly from China. Noth
ing further has been heard as to the
date set for the beginning of the move
ment toward Pekin , and it is remem
bered that the details must be fixed
by the military commanders upon the
A message came to the War depart
ment from the quartermaster on the
Lennox , announcing the arrival of that
ship , together with the Conemaugh , at
Kobe , Japan. They have aboard the
mounts for the Sixth cavalry , and al
though they will start for Taku at
once , not less than five days will be
consumed in this last stage of the
voyage. It is doubtful whether Gen
eral Chaffee would care to leave Taku
without horses for the Sixth cavalry ,
particularly as , according to all re
ports , mounted cavalry is needed for
successful operations in the flat coun
try lying between Tien Tsin and Taku.
This fact alone may delay operations
until late in the present week , though
at least a portion of the international
column may start on the day fixed ,
namely , tomorrow. Assurances re
ceived here show that the Japanese
government is doing all in its power
to facilitate tVe international move
ment and although the good will of
the Japanese was never suspected , as
far as the Jnited States is concerned ,
the knowledge is gratifying.
Secretary Long has a cable message
today from the commander of the Buf
falo" , at Hong Kong , stating that he
has sailed for Taku. The Buffalo is
taking out much needed relief men
for the naval crews and also a lot of
stores aboard for the approaching
Situation Demands More Troops Chinese
Going to 1'ckln.
LONDON , July 30. The Shanghai
correspondent of the Times , wiring
yesterday , says :
"I learn that Li Hung Chang and
Lu Chuan Lin , governor of Kiang Su ,
both rabidly anti-foreign , are advanc
ing toward Pekin with large bodies
of troops. Their advent must seriouly
affect the situation there.
"Today the consular body decided
that the situation demands the pres
ence of a military force in Shanghai
and the consuls have notified their
governments accordingly. "
Relief at Nagasaki.
WASHINGTON , July 30. The war
department has received the following
cablegram :
"Nagasaki , July 2'/ . Relief arrived
at Nagasaki July 26. Claude R. Leslie ,
Company I , Fourteenth infantry , died
of disease contracted in line of duty
dysentery. His remains will be
shipped to San Francisco. Civilian
Employe Arthur Hennessy drowned
June 21 ; buried at Nagasaki.
"Major , Medical Department. "
Prohibits Arms for China.
ROME , July 30. The Official Jour
nal publishes a royal decree prohibit
ing the exportation of arms , ammuni
tion or other munitions of war to
Kills His Wife and Escapes ,
ELDORA , la. , July 30. In a jealous
rage Otto Pennington at Owasa today
shot and killed his wife in the pres
ence of their two children and several
members of Mrs. Pennington's family
and was prevented from taking the
lives of all those about him onlyby a
severe struggle , during which he emp
tied his revolver at the objects of
his wrath. None but his wife , how
ever , was hit Pennington had been
separated from his family and the
tragedy" was the sequel to a long story
of domestic unhappiness. The mur
derer so far has eluded capture.
Assassin Bhoota , Down Humbert In
Crowded Thoroughfare.
MONZA , Italy , , July 30. King Hum-
has been assassinated.
Hero was shot here last evening by
a man named Angelo BressI de Frato
and died In a few minutes.
King Humbert was shot at 10:45
o'cllock last evening and died at 11:30
in the evening. The murderer cyni
cally avowed his guilt of the crime.
The king had been attending a dis
tribution of prizes in connection with
a gymnastic competition. He had
just entered his carriage with his aide
do camp , amid the cheers of the crowd
when ho was struck by three revolver
shots fired in quick succession. Ono
pierced the heart of nis majesty , who
fell back and expired in a few -min
utes. The assassin was immediately
arrested and was with some difficulty
saved from the fury of the populace.
Ho gave his name as Angelo Bressi ,
describing himself as of Prate in Tus
ROME , July 30. The news of the
terrible event did not arrive here until
after midnight. Senor Sarraco , the
premier , immediately summoned a
meeting of the cabinet and the minis
ters will start at the earliest possible
moment for Monza.
The prince and princess of Naples
are on board the Yela , yachting in the
LONDON , July 30. Angelo Bres'si
the assassin of King Humbert , accord
ing to a special dispatch from Rome ,
dated today , is an anarchist.
Ono Killed and AInny Injured iu Wreck
Nenr Detroit.
DETROIT , Mich. , July 30. Section
one of tne Buffalo Bill wild west show
train suffered a severe collision near
Milwaukee Junction shortly before
daylight yesterday , resulting in the
smashing of a show employes' sleeping
car containing some forty sleeping in
mates. One of the latter is dead and
nine others are in Detroit hospitals
suffering from more or less serious
injuries. The dead man is Edward
Sullivan , of Bridgeport , Conn.
Mystic minister Arrested.
OTTUMWA , la. , July 28. Rev. Z.
T. Queen , a prominent Christian min
ister of Mystic , was placed under ar
rest , charged with bigamy. The information
mation was sworn to by James Queen
of Bancroft , Neb. , who claims that he
is a son of Rev. Queen and that his
mother is still living and has not
been divorced. Rev Queen was mar
ried in May to a Mystic woman , who
listens to her husband's denial of the
charges with an equanimity that be
speaks her confidence in him. The
son says that his father resided in
Oxford , Neb. , until about seven years
ago with his mother , when he myste
riously disappeared.
Wult for Rathbone's Bonds.
HAVANA , July 30. The court be
fore whom Estes G. Rathbone , for
merly director of posts , was
arraigned yesterday , after his arrest
on charges of fraud , issued an order
directing that the prisoner be remov
ed this afternoon to the carcel , but
Lieutenant Colonel Scott , acting gov
ernor general , advised that he be al
lowed to remain in the vivac until it
was known whether bail would be se
cured. His attorneys are confident of
getting a satisfactory bondsman to
morrow. Many persons called upon
Mr. Rathbone to express their sympathy -
, thy with him in his predicament.
Among them was General Lee.
A Ranchman Under Arrest.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , July 30.
Meyer Winter , who conducts a large
ranch and mercantile business at
Westover , eighty miles west of this
city , was brought before United States
Commissioner Tidrick , in this city ,
upon the information of Brand Inspector
specter Jack Foster , charged with
driving away issue cattle from the
Rosebud Indian reservation. He was
held to answer to the next United
States grand jury at Deadwood , in
September , and was released under
$500 bail , and rearrested by Sheriff
Julifs of Lyman county charged with
receiving stolen property.
Cubans Approve of Decree.
HAVANA , July 30. The decree
calling the constitutional convention
and providing for the election of dele
gates meets with almost universal ap
proval at the hands of the Cuban
press. Th element which has always
clamored for independence sees in the
convention the probable consumma
tion of the plans of a Jifetime.
The Cubano says that the United
States government has been "frank
and honest in declarations that are of
vital importance to Cuba. "
Cure for Yellow Fever.
CITY OF MEXICO , July 30. Ad
vices from Vera Cruz show that Dr.
Bellinzaghis' experiments with yellow
fever patients continue to show re
markable results. All the new patients
treated with the serum are improving
and the black vomit has been stop
Long's Secretary Dies.
WASHINGTON , July 30. News was
received here tonight of the death of
Lewis Harvie Finney , private secre
tary to Secretary Long , at Warm
Springs , Va. , today. He was a native
of Virginia. He had been private sec
retary to Assistant Secretary Soley
and to Secretary Herbert.
A Crank or Anarchist.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , July 30 Jer
ome Fedeli , Italian vice consul In Kan
sas City , was greatly shocked when
he learned of the assassination of
King Humbert of Italy.
"King iiumbert was greatly beloved
by his people , " said Mr. Fedeli , "and
I cannot conceive why anyone but a
crank or an anarchist should wish to
take his life. He was good and kind
and charitable. I knew him well. He
will be succeeded in all probability by
his oldest son , the Prince of Naples ,
who is a " young man not yet 30 years
of age.- " "
She Attempts to Exterminate Fart ol
Her Family.
8CHUYLER , Neb. , July 28. Mrs.
James Garden has been mentally de
ranged for some time past and has
been confined in one of the
Omaha hospitals most of the time
during the past four months , returnIng -
Ing home at intervals. If she has been
considered dangerous it was not
known to her neighbors and friends.
The other night she returned quite un
expectedly. At 2 p. m. next day , while
Mr. Gadsden was getting the horse and
carriage ready to ride shits were
heard In the house. Rushing In Annie
Gadsden , a little daughter about twelve
years old , was found lying in a pool
of blood with her mother standing
over her with a smoking 38-calibre re
volver in her hands. The mother had
fired two shots , one taking effect in
her right side , the other just below
the left arm.
The woman was disarmed after a
severe struggle. Mr. Gadsden ordered
a carriage from the hotel and taking
the child hurried to the 2:30 train and
with Dr. Cavanaugh started for St. Jo
seph hospital at Omaha.
Sheriff McLeod took Mrs. Gadsden in
charge. She says she thought they were
all going to be chopped in pieces with
hatchets and she had intended to kill
them to avoid such a horrible fate.
The extent of the injuries of the little
girl are not known.
Enforcement of Game
LINCOLN , July 23. Governor Poyn-
ter has addressed the following com
munication to the ninety county sher
iffs of the state , attention to
their duty to prosecute- Violations of
the state game laws :
Dear Sir : My attention has been called
to frequent violations of the game laws
of the state in the killing of young
chickens before the opening of the sea
son. The law makes it your duty , un
der severe penalties , to prosecute all
such violations. Thene prosecutions
are made binding upon yourself , youi
deputy or any constable or peace offi
cer in your county.
I would refer you to the game laws ,
section 86 , and direct that you enforce
its provisions within your jurisdiction.
W. A. POYNTER , Governor.
The law cited by the governor pro
vides a penalty of $5 for every ruffled
grouse or pheasant , pinnated grouse ,
prairie chicken , sharp-tailed , duskyor
other species of killing quail between
January 1 and September 1. A similar
penalty is provided for killing quail
between January 1 and September 1 ,
and for killing wild ducks or geese be
tween May 1 and September 1.
.Regarding prosecutions the law
says : "It is made the duty of all
county attorneys to see that the provi
sions of this act are enforced and they
shall prosecute all offenders on receiv
ing information of the violation of any
of the provisions of the act ; and it is
made the duty of all sheriffs , deputy
sheriffs , constables and police officers
to perform against and prosecute each
and every party whom there is reason
able or probable cause to believe are
guilty of violating any of the provi
sions of this act. "
Not Hurt by Dry Weather. '
HAYES CTNTER , Neb. , July 28.
An enthusiastic dairy meeting was
held here in the town hall. The pur
pose was to increase the interest and
discuss questions of importancs to
those engaged in the dairy business.
There was a large attendance. The
meeting was presided over by Mr.
Blood , county treasurer and president
of the local creamery company. Mr.
Wilkenson , superintendent of the Be
atrice Creamery company , took an ac
tive part in the discussion of different
questions and gave some very valuable
information. The dry weather will not
affect this county much because of the
interest taken in the milk business.
What Nebraska Exports.
LINCOLN , July 28. According to
figures compiled by the state bureau
of statistics , the shipments of corn
from Nebraska last year exceeded by
over 10,000,000 bushels the shipments
of the year before. In other grains
there was a slight falling off , due
largely to increased home consump
tion. The growth of the flour indus
try for the year is shown in an in
crease of over 10,000,000 pounds in
shipment. Shipments of hogs were
larger by 100 000 head and sheep an
increase of 600,000 head. In other
kinds of livestock there was but little
Large Yield of Winter Wheat. "
BRADSHAW , Neb. , July 28 Far
mers in this vicinity who have thresh
ed make a very favorable report In re
gard to the yield of winter wheat.
Some fields have yielded forty bush
els , while the lowest yield we have
heard of was above twenty bushels.
Spring wheat is not quite so good ,
the yield ranging all the way from
twelve to twenty bushels. Oats , rye
and barley are making a fair yield
and the present prospects for a good
corn crop is flattering.
Is Admiral Deivey's Brother
OMAHA , July 28. William Henry
Dewey , brother of the hero of Manila
bay , is in the city , stopping at a hotel.
He resembles his illustrious brother
somewhat , but is considerably older ,
Deing now in his 7Gth year. But for
: he full beard , which is heavy and
streaked with gray , he might easily
3e mistaken for "Dewey. " The senior
Dewey is a railroad contractor of Nam-
ja , Idaho , and is now on his way to
Sew York in the interests of the Idaho
Northern Railway company.
State Capital Notes.
LINCOLN , July 28. The supreme
: ourt bar docket , now being prepared
for the printer , will contain more cases
; han any previous docket for the last
.en years. The exact number of cases
isted is slightly over 1,700 , while the
ast preceding docket for the last ten
rears. The exact number of cases
isted is slightly over 1,700 , while the
ast preceding docket named only 1,400.
State Treasurer Meserve has issued
i call for state warrants numbered
> 8,451 to 58,850 , amounting to $42,000 ,
myable August 6.
* - -
Stat Board of Equalization Complete *
Ita Annual Tax Levy.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 27. The state
board of equalization has completed its
labors and announced the valuation
and levy for state taxes for the fiscal
year 1900. The total valuation la
$171,747,692.75 , as compared with $169-
105,995.10 in 1899. The total levy Is
$1,208,984.94 , as .compared with $1,286-
792.58 in 1899. The decreased levy is
made possible by the wiping out of the
sinking fund , the levy for which last
year amounted to $98,045.11. The gen
eral fund levy this year is $858,737.96 ,
and in 1899 was $845,529.54 ; school
fund , 1900 , $178,499.39. 1899 , $174-
114.02 ; university fund , 1900 , $171-
747.59 , 1899 , $169,105.91.
The total valuation , it will be no
ticed , is approximately $2,600,000 great
er this year than last. The increase
comes laigely under the personal prop
erty class. The aveiage valuation of
both improved and unimprovel land is
slightly decreased , the figures being as
follows : Ave-age value improved land
per acre , 1899 , $3.56 ; 1900 , $3.46 ; aver
age value unimproved land per acre ,
1899 , $1.32 ; 1900 , $1.21.
The following table gives the valua
tion , levy percentage and total levy
by counties :
Assessed Total
Counties. valuation. L.OVV. assessm't.
' -19.S3n.72
. ' . ,082.15
4.31)0.55 )
15.OS3.4i ;
S..7JG 1C
IS' 745.65
l' { . 134.47
3.178.3' )
Kfya Paha 411.030.00 2,671.70
Kimball . . . . G23.113.GO 4.052.21
Knox 1.S01.W1.20 12.G10.5l
Lancaster . . 69.531.44
Lincoln 2,001.77J.S4 13,031.03
Logan 229.5S2.00 1.192.28
Loup 160.959.00 1.0IG.24
Madison 2.251.S4G.53 16.32o.S9
McPherson . . . 121.092.00 7X7.10
Merrlck 1.834.149.51 12.S39.05
Nance 1.267oM.OO 8 > 72.92
Nemaha 2.767.370.36 2n.OG3.41
Nuckolls 2.257,572.00 15.J03.00
Otoe 4.G70.030.20 33.273 9t !
Pawnee 2,501.176.01 17.S20.S9
Perkins 623.693.00 4.05-1.01
Phelps 1.307.11S.53 R 823.05
Pierce 1.51S.945.30 10.612.63
Platte 2.397. : :0.77 : 17.9S2.23
Polk 1.262.G93.30 M 51.52
Red Willow . 1.219.246.M.9 7 925.12
Richardson . . 3.327.G33.S7 7H 21.125.34
Rock 576.427.50 3717.41
Saline 2.46S.21J.30 17 S94.54
Sarpy 2.250.2 ° M 77 1-i.lS9.10
Saunders 3.443.745.25 24.100.23
Scotts Bluff . . 451.991.0. ) G'A 2.937.9 :
Pownrd 2.59J.576.92 ffli 17,513.40
Sheridan 1.32S.3S0.25 G'A S.G34.47
Sherman SS0.07S.91 Gil 5.940.51
Sioux 41S.Grt2.7S Gil2 2.720.91
Stanton 1.4SJ.245.1G fill 1" 01S.G7
Thayer 2.25S.C.11.79 7 15.S10.45
Thomas 150.S2H.97 61- . 9S1.04
Thurston 519.995.47 61G'2 3,574.98
Valley 975.479.SO 7 fi.S2S.36
Washington . . 2.3G9.S4G.34 7ffti 15 996.47
Wayne 1.865.502.00 12.-92.11
Wehster 1,606.388.66 10.S43.12
Wheeler 298.237.00 fi',2 1.938.55
York 2,319,511.14 10,236.79
Totals $171,747,392.75
the School Land.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 27. Land
Commissioner Wolfe is preparing to
begin another auction of sc aol lamls.
of which there are now about 77.000
unloosed acres. The available land is
located in thirty-three counties.
It is expected that the revenue from
the leases will amount to 8 per cent of
the appraised value except where the
lands were bid off at a bonus last year
and not taken.
Considerable latitude is allowed to
the commissioner of public lands and
buildings , however , and if his best en
deavor fails to dispose of the lands on
a basis of 6 per cent it is within his
power to offer it to the person who is
willing to pay that percentage on the
highest offered valuation. This gives
persons who wish to use the school
land an opportunity to get the lease
at the rate It is really worh to the
Bold Robbers Are Caught.
BROKEN BOW , Neb. , July 27. A
bold robbery occurred in Ansley. The
safe in B. J. Tierney's drug store was
broken into by two men and they se
cured ? 350 in gold , silver and bills. The
robbers took a southeasterly direction
and made their escape about 2 o'clock
In the morning.
Sheriff Armstrong was telephoned
and was on the scene immediately. He
followed them to Saratoga and cap
tured both.
They L.lUe Rural Delivery.
MILFORD , Neb. , July 27. The two
rural delivery mail routes already
established near here are so satisfac
tory that a petition is cut for another
route reaching those south and east of
town. If established , this route will
obviate the necessity of the postoffice
now at Camden.
Soldier's Body Benches Home.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , July 27.
The remains of George W. Jloslyn ar
rived in this city from Manila , via
San Francisco , and were taken directly
io the residence of his mother in the
western portion of the city. Mayor
Tom B. Parinele requested that all
flags be hung at half mast and that all
county and city offices and all places of
Dusiness be closed during the funeral.
Deceased was only 18 years of age and
was a soldier in Company C , Thirty-
ninth regiment of Nebraska volun-
taere , U. S. A. , and died on shipboard.
f i
Both Can Bo Secured at the Indiana Min
eral Spring * , Indiana.
Like the young man In springtime ,
whoso fancy "lightly turns to thoughts
of love , " when summertime cornea wo
all turn our thoughts to the consider
ation of the Important Question of
whore wo shall go for rest , recreation
and health.
There are all kinds of health and
pleasure resorts throughout this broad
land of ours , some of them , unfortu
nately , anything but what their names
Imply , and apparently operated for no
other purpose than to relieve the In
valid and pleasure seeker , financial
ly. So much so Is this the case that
it is indeed gratifying to the one seek
ing rest and recuperation from the
cares of the business and social world ,
as well as the pain racked invalid ,
who is fortunate enough to discover a
place where to use a popular expres
sion , ho "gets his money's worth. "
One of the most interesting , pictur
esque and delightful places In this
country is unquestionably the resort
known as the Magno Mud and Li thin
Water Cure , located at Indiana Mine
ral Springs , Indiana. Here como the
overworked business man , the worn
out devotee of society and the proies-
sional man on the verge of nervous
prostration , as well as the sufferer
from rheumatism , kidney and skin
diseases for which the baths are es
pecially beneficial. The place is also
largely patronized by those who only
seek pleasure and recreation , its loca
tion making it particularly adapted for
this purpose. There are many roman
tic and beautiful spots and places of
interest in the vicinity and it would
be hard to find a section of country
containing so many beautiful drives.
The country is very hilly , but the
roads are all graveled and kept In
good condition. This is one of the
things that makes the place especially
attractive to those afflicted with rheu
matism , as driving is about the only
outdoor pleasure one crippled with
rheumatism can indulge in. Some of
the cures effected are really marvel
ous and many who have gone to the
Magno Mud Cure as a last resort have
returned home within a few weeks
filled with renewed health and
The accommodations , service , table
and attendance is all that can be de
sired and the rates very reasonable
indeed. The Springs is under the able-
management of Major H. L. Kramer
and a postal card inquiry addressed ,
to him will bring complete detailed
information as well as a copy ot iho
"Mudlavia Magazine , " a unique and
Interesting publication.
If you would have a good servant
select neither a friend nor a relative.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
If a stitch in time saves nine , that
solitary stitch must also be a time-
Are You Cslnj Alton's Foot-KitT
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y.
The coal production of the world
amounted to 60,000,000 tons for the
year 1898.
Best for the IJowcI * .
No matter what ails you , headache
to a cancer , you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
CASCARETS help nature , cure you
without a gripe or pain , produce easy
natural movements , cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back *
CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the
genuine , put up in metal boxes , every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it Be f
ware of imitations.
A rural editor says the lay of the
hen lays all over that of the poet.
> otre Dauie , Indiana.
We call the attention of our read
ers to the advertisement of St. Mary's
Academy which appears in another
column of this paper. The 46th year
opens September 4th , 1900. We do not
need to expatiate upon the scholastic
advantages of St. Mary's for the cata
logue of the school shows the scope of
work included In Its curriculum , which
Is of the same high standard as that
of Vassar and Bryn Mawr , and is car
ried out faithfully in the class rooms.
We simply emphasize the spirit of ear
nest devotion which makes every
teacher at St. Mary's loyally strive to
develop each young girl attendant
there into the truest , noblest , and most
intelligent womanhood. Every advan
tage of equipment in the class rooms ,
laboratories and study rooms , every
care in the matter of food and cloth
ing , and exceptional excellence of cli
matic condiitons all of these features
are found at St. Mary's , in the perfec
tion of development only to be ob
tained by the consecration of devoted
lives to educational Christian work , in
a spot favored by the Lord. The Fine
Arts Journal.
If afflicted with \ Thompsons Eye Wafer.
sore eyes , aae .
. N. U OMAHA. No. 31 1900