The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 27, 1900, Image 8

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    This week we offer
an 85-piece dinner set , of decorated -
' rated semi-porcelain. "You have a choice
of two colors .for only $6.98. This set is
now on show in our window , and if you
are going to buy a medium priced set of
dishes this season it will pay you to take
t\ \ advantage of this offer. They will be bn
J r sale just one week at this price.
Small grain will be in stack soon.
Geo. Uowell took off some fat hog , Tues
Harry Cole is improving. He has been
quite sick.
'On Sunday night about 2/inclies of water
rfell and one inch Monday night.
W. S. Hixler is having a lot of trouble with
" his well. In pulling the pipe three joints
slipped and went to the bottom. He had to
get screws to start them , but he got them out
all right.
Uncle William was driving over this town
ship Saturday with a Hoosier. He said ,
" "Wheat is a total failure in our country. There
nsnot a bushel raised. A large part of the
corn is small. Thousands of acres only eight
-to ten inches high. It won't make feed even ,
-as the stalks are yellow now. The worst corn
I saw in this state is near Minden. "
35c , 35c , not 25c , not < -oc , 35 , the price of
Rocky Mountain Tea the world over. None
genuine , unless made by the Madison Medi
cine Co. Ask your druggist.
Those who live on farms are especially li
able to many accidental cuts , burns and bruis
es , which heal rapidlwhen Ballard's Snow
Liniment is applied. Price 25 and 50 cents.
A. McMillen.
Mis * Maggie Kuinmer is reported as in a
critical condition.
Harvey Woodworth betook himself to Wash
ington , one day this week.
Mrs. Rowland of Herndon is a guest at her
father's home on the Willow.
Mesdames Penny and Hart were visitois at
INIrs. By field's home , Wednesday.
Mrs. Ella Miller is looking for a sister from
the east , who will remain with her indefinitely.
Win. Byfield returned from Kansas City ,
Thursday noon , where he had been market
ing fat cattle.
For burns , injuries , piles and skin diseases
use DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve. It is the
original. Counterfeits may be offered. Use
only DeWitt's. D. W. Loar.
The wise men who went to Cape Nome pro
vided themselves with return tickets , but , they
were not the majority.
Business men who lack the vim , snap and
vigor they once had , should use Herbine , it
will purify the blood , strengthen and invigo
rate the system. Price 50 cents. A. McMillen.
By their sinful actions some men impress
you with the belief that they are endeavoring
to get to hell early to avoid the rush.
If wives have any compassion for the sorrows
rows of cross , crabid husbands , give them
Rocky Mountain Tea. 'Twill remove any
misunderstanding in the family. Ask your
Herbine clears the complexion , gives buoy
ancy to the mind , cures headache , regulates
the stomach and bowels , stimulates the liver ,
and is , in fact , a perfect guardian of health.
Price 50 cts. A. McMillen.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
"Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Platulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C. DeWitt &Co. , Crjlcago.
D. "W. LOAR , Druggist.
Desirable House for Sale. '
I will offer for sale at a low price my
residence property , comer Marshall and
Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part ,
or will name an attractive price for spot
cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LATOURETTE ,
Cedar "Rapids , Iowa.
C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent.
Mrs. William Doyle is visiting in Wyo
Ira Harrison is fencing his wheat field for
fall pasture.
Mrs. James Doyle and children are visiting
friends on Brush Creek.
Charles Monday recently bought a fine year
ling calf from Matt Stewart.
Geo. Younger is buying calves and straw-
stacks , buying nineteen stacks in one day.
William Doyle purchased a section of land
just across in Frontier county , making a fine
additio'n to his already extensive cattle
Ira Kimball lost three coops of chickens ,
one dark night recently. Ira had better get
on a supply of feathers , or get a shot-gun in
readiness for such callers.
John and Ben Johnson have gone to the
eastern part of the state seeking employment.
Mrs. Ben Johnson has moved home to keep
house for her father , Ira Kimball , meanwhile.
The two late rains made quite a change in
the weather and crop conditions , and the
hustling fanners are plowing for rye. There
will be considerable corn raised yet on the
creek ; some of it is looking fine.
It stands alone , it lowers above. There's
no other , its nature's wonder , a warming poul
tice to the heart of mankind. Such is Rocky
Mountain tea. 35 cts. Ask your druggist.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous
little pills for liver and bowel troubles. They
never gripe. D. W. Loar.
The rumor that Oem Paul has shaved off
his whiskers atid had his hair cut is probably
a bare-faced lie.
There is no longer an excuse for anyone to
endure the torture inflicted by piles , when
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure
them , a remedy so moderate in price and so
effective. Price 50 cents in bottles. In tubes
75 cts. A. McMillen.
It seems that Li Hung Chang was also
obliged to pull out for the capital after ar
ranging to spend the summer on his porch at
BOAD J0. 350.
To Lincoln Land Company and Melissa Porter
and to all whom it may concern : The commis
sioner appointed to locate a road commenciuf *
at the west end of Camden street in the town of
Lebanon , Red Willow county , Nebraska , run
ning thence west to the line between the NE l
of the SW H and the NW H. of the SW YI of sec
tion 17. township 1 , north , ranpe 26 , west of the'
6th P. M. , running thence south on the east side
of said line to the section line between sections
17 and 20 , said township and range , said line be
tween NE H of SW X and NW H of SW H to bo
the western boundary of said road , has reported
in favor of the location thereof as follows :
Commencing at the west end of Camden street
in the town of Lebanon , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , thence running directly west to the
line between the NE M of the SW M and the NW
" 4 of the SW J4 of section 17 , township 1 , north ,
range 26 , west of the 6th P. M. , thence south
along the east side of said line to a point 5 rods
north of the south-west corner of the south-east
of the south-west of section 17 , township 1 , range
26 , thence south-west to intersect the section
line between secti9ns 17 and 20 in said township
and rnngo at a point 5 rods west of the south
west corner of the southeast of the south
west of section 17 , township If range 26 , and
terminating thereat ; and all objections
thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in
the county clerk's office on or before noon of the
1st day of October , 1900 , or said road will be es
tablished without reference thereto.
7-27-lts R. A. GBEEN. County Clerk.
its Coming is Looked Porward to
"With Both Joy and Fear and its
Safe Arrival is Hailed With
.Pride and Delight by All.
The arrival of the first baby hi the
household is the happiest and most im
portant event of married life. The young
wife who is to become a mother delights
to think of the happiness in store for her
when the little one shall nestle upon her
breast and latterly she shall hear it lisp
the sweet and holy name , "mother. "
But her happy anticipation quickly van
ishes when she realizes the terrible pain
and suffering through which she must
pass while bringing the little one into
the world. An indescribable feur of the
danger attendant upon the ordeul soon
dissipates her joyfulness.
Thousands of women have learned
by experience that there is absolutely
no necessity for the sufferings which at
tend child-birth ; they know that by
"Mother's Friend" scientific
the use of a
tific liniment for a few weeks before
the trying hour , expectant mothers can
so prepare themselves for the final
hour that the pain and suffering of the
dreaded event are entirely obviated and
it is safely passed through with com
paratively little discomfort.
All women are interested , and es
pecially expectant mothers who for the
j first time have to undergo this trial , in
such a remedy ; for they know the pain
and suffering , to say nothing of the dan
ger , which is in store for them. "Moth
er's Friend" is woman's greatest bles
sing , for it takes her safely through the
severest ordeal of her life Every woman
should be glad to read the little book
' 'Before Baby is Born , " which contains
information of great value to all. It
will be sent free to any one who sends
their nddress to The Bradfield Regulator
later Co. , Atlanta , Ga. . '
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
JSIPSpfacial attentiou paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
at either lumber yard.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison , Wls. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
in bulk. Accept no substi *
tute. Ask your druggist.
Haying has commenced.
The new chuich is being painted.
Mrs. J. F. Moore is reported to be very sick.
School will begin here , September 3d , with
Miss Cullen as teacher.
Wm. Crosby , Sr. , and wife will go on a
visit to Arkansas , next week.
Robert Goreley , aged 86 , died Tuesday
morning , the loth inst. , and was buried ,
Wednesday afternoon , in Tyrone cemetery.
The funeral was preached to a large congre
gation by Rev. Hayes. Father Goreley had
lived here about 16 years. He was a consist
ent Christian and was respected by all who
knew him. Five children and several grand
children are left to mourn his departure.
If the stomach , liVer and bowels fail to per
form their functions regularly and naturally ,
the blood becomes contaminated with impur
ities , and the whole system is'in consequence ,
debilitated. Herbine is remarkable for its ef
ficacy in curing the ailments of summer , and
disorders prevalent during hot weather.
Price 50 cts. A. McMillen.
A Canton letter says the Chinese soldiers
carry umbrellas in battle ; probably to protect
them from the "rain of shot and shell. "
You assume no risk when you buy Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. McConneH & Berry will refund your
money if you are not satisfied after using it.
It is everywhere admitted to be the most
successful remedy in use for bowel complaints
and the only one that never fails. It is pleas
ant , safe and reliable :
_ _ _ _ _ _ a
A Mrs. Angell of Chicago is seeking divorce
from her husband whose name she has dis
covered to be a cognomenic lie of the first
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dolan returned , Tuesday
evening from Wilcox. .
Mrs. Frank McCIung departed , Tuesday
( or Colorado , to join her husband there.
Postmaster McCool had business in Me-
Cook , last night , returning home this morning.
Miss L. M.Welborn , county superintendent ,
transacted business of her office in McCook
last Saturday.
Mayor McCallum sojourned briefly in the
shadow of the big red stand-pipe , last Satur
day evening , on business.
J. G. Dole , Ernest Cordeal , Frank Cullen ,
IJd'Gresham and Amos Rogers of McCpok
were Sunday pilgrims to this burg.
There is a prospect that Indianola will soon
have three newspapers , and that as a "hot
town" it will surpass Culbertson.
' 1 he local base-ball club slaughtered the
High Schooj club of McCook , Tuesday , on
the home grounds. The score was 9 to o.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weller of Syracuse ,
this state , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. An
drews , Sunday. They are old-time friends.
Mrs. A. C. Teel departed. Tuesday , for
Hebron , to speak at a Royal Neighbor and
Woodman gathering in that place , this week.
The game between the McCook and Stock-
ville clubs , next Saturday , on the Indianola
grounds.promisestobe the finest of the season.
Both are strong teams.
Hon. R. D. Sutherland will speak on the
political issues of the day at Indianola , Sat
urday afternoon at 1:30. In the evening a
Bryan club will be organized.
G. C. Boatman , clerk of the district court ,
and E. O. Scott of THE McCooK TRIBUNE
office were city visitors , Sunday , being de
tained until Monday morning by the rain.
W. S. Morlan , our next congressman , circu
lated among his friends here , Monday. The
deacon's sterling integrity and recognized
ability are making him votes in this section
of the county. The thoughtful people here
know a good thing when they see it the
deacon is one of them.
Jasper Phillips' new Democratic or Fusion
paper is expected to make its appearance in
the first week oj August. It will necessarily
be the "Warmest Baby in the Bunch. " There
is talk , also , that a straight Republican paper
may be issued by other parties from Jasper's
office. Indianola will soon have papers to
The new base-ball park and amphitheatre
are.a substantial monument to the energy and
enthusiasm of the "fans. " And in this con
nection we would like to add the plea for a
more liberal patronage of the grand-stand
and park. The proportion of dead-heads ,
who swarm about the grounds , is too large for
the number of paid admissions. Encourage
the sport and the boys by your patronage.
Don't sponge and rubber-neck.
The Stockville boys played two games in
Oberhn , Friday and Saturday of last week ,
being defeated in both games. Friday's game
was an excellent exhibition , the Oberlin's
winning in a score of S to 7. Dell Teel and
Jack Powers were m the points. Saturday's
contest was a rather disastrous defeat , the
score being II to 2. Powers was laid out of
the game by an attack of mumps , and Teel
was not in the box , either. Teel has since
played a number of games with the Oberlins.
The law holds both the maker and the , cir
culator of a counterfeit equally guilty. The
dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve risks your life
to make a little larger profit. You can not
trust him. De Witt's is the only genuine and
original Witch Hazel Salve , a well known
cure for piles and all skin diseases. See that
your dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve. D. W.
S. G. Goheen is putting up alfalfa.
Linford Fitch has been helping John Burt-
less thresh.
Clarence Goheen has been helping W. S.
Fitch stack wheat.
There was a good attendance at the preach
ing and Sunday-schoollast Sunday afternoon.
Roy Dutton and A. S. Grannell are spend
ing a couple of weeks in Franklin at the
The South Side choir and Sunday-school
are preparing an entertainment to be given
some time next month.
This locality was visited with a good rain ,
last Sunday night , and this was followed with
quite a shower on Monday night. These rains
will be a great help in maturing the late corn
and bringing on the last crop of alfalfa.
Alfred Fitch of Scranton , Iowa , and a for
mer resident of South Side , is out on a visit ,
the guest of his uncle , W. S. Fitch. Alfred
has a claim in Cherokee Strip and expects to
return to Oklahoma , this fall. He has many
friends in Red Willow county who will be
glad to learn of Ins return.
It Saved His Leg
P. A. Danforth of La Grange , Ga. , suffered
for six months with a frightful running sore
on his leg ; but writes that Bucklin's Arnica
salve wholly cured it in five days. Forulcers ,
wounds , piles , it's the best salve in the world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by McConnell -
Connell & Berry , druggists.
McCook Co-Operative Building and
Savings Association
, of McCook , Nob. , on tho'tOth day of June , HUO.
First mortiiiKO loitiirf . . $21,010 M
Rnulostato lCti : 12
Gush 01520
DoliiKjuont inturost and duos W 2(1 (
Tax sulo cortiflcntud 1M fil )
Totiil S27.12U21
Capital block paid up $17.171 fa
Kosurvo fund 1,7 : 03
Undivided profits 487 19
Matured Block 6,500 ( X )
Other liabilities 'Ml GS
Total $27,12)21 )
YEAR ENDING JUNE : ) , 11)00. )
Balance on hand July 1 , IblK ) $ IU 07
DIICH 5,85589
IiitqrcHt 2,10007
Loans repaid * 2,172 26
Ronl estate stilus 1,11203
Sundries 48 ' '
Total $11,890 S5
Loans . ? 2,755 00
Expenses , 92
Stock redeemed 110 7 < on hand 91520
Matured stock 6,70000
Huiil o tate 68 W )
Tax certificates KM 9."i
Interest on matured stock lift' 82
Total $ llS9ti5
State of Nebraska , Red Willow comity , ss :
I , F. A. Penned , secretary of the above-named solemnly swear that the foregoing
statement of the condition of paid association is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief. F. A. PKNNUI..I. , Secretary.
Subscribed and sworu to before mo this 21th
day of July , 1100. * C. E. EI.DKIHI.
Approved : Notary Public.
W. H Mii.LS , >
E. HANSON , > Directors.
Amelia II. Wells , non-re.sitlent. You are bore-
by notified that there are twoold , wells , un
covered and not in use into which stock mav
fall and receive injury , .situated one on the SW
i. Sec. 11 , T J. R 29 , and one on the NW "i , Sec.
14 , T 1 , R 29 W 6 P. M. , in Nebraska , and com
plaint of the same has been made to the road
overseer of the district in which said land is
located. You are hereby notified to lill or
cause to bo filled with dirt i-aid wells from the
bottom to the surface as required by law or the
will bo filled s-aid . and the
same by - over.-eer ex
pense thereof taxed to said real estate.
Dated , July 17 , 1900.
7-20-CHs. IIIA II. HAUKISON , Overscor.
Providence Mutual Insurance Co. . non-resi
dent. You arc hereby notified that there is an
old well , uncovered and not in use into which
stock may fall and receive injury , situated on
the NAYli , Sec. 11 , T I , R 29 , W C P. M. , in Ne
braska , and complaint of the same has been
made to the road overseer of the dNtrict in
which said land is located. You are hereby
notified to fill or cause to be filled with dirt
said well from the bottom to the surface as re
quired by law or the same will ho filled by said
overseer and the expense thereof taxed to said
real estate.
Dated , July 17,1900.
7-20-Ht.x. IKA H. HAKKIHON , Overseer.
Ella M. Little , mill-resident. You an- hereby
notified that there is an old well , uncovered and
not in ue into which stock may fall and reecho
injury , situated on the SW > 4 , Sec. 2li , T J , R lil ,
W C P. M. , in Nebraska , and complaint of the
same has been made to the road overseer of thu
district in which said land is located. You are
hereby notified to fill or cause to bo filled with
dirt said well from the bottom to the surface as
required by law or the same will be filled by
-aid overseer , and the expense thereof taxed to
said real estate.
Dated July 17,1900.
7-20-:5ts. : IKA II. HAKUISON. Overseer.
Andrew Benson , non-resident. You are hereby
notified that there is an old w ell. uncovered and
not in use into which stock may fall and receive
injury , situated on the NW J . Sec. So , T 4 , R 29 ,
W C P. M. iu Nebraska , and complaint of the
same has been made to the road overseer of the
district in which said land is located. You are
hereby notified to fill or cause to be filled with
dirt said well from the bottom to the surface as
required by law or the same will lx > filled by
said overseer , and the excuse thereof taxed to
said real e-tate.
Dated , July 17,1000.
7-20-Uts. IRA H. *
- - HARRISON , Overseer.
Charles E. Gibon , nou-resident. You are
hereby notified that there is an old well , nn-
complaint of the same has been made to the
road overseer of the district in which said land
is located. You are hereby notified to fill or
cause to bo filled with dirt said well from the
bottom to the surface as required by law or the
same will bo filled by said overseer , and the ex
pense thereof taxed to said real estate.
Dated , July 17,1900.
7-20-'lts. IKA H. HARRISON , Overseer.
Don't tlo the- top of yonr
Jelly and preserve Jars In
tuo old lusnlouod way. Heal
them by U > o now , quick ,
absolutely euro wny by
u thin contlng ofptire ,
refined 1'urnillno wax.
HUH no taste or odor.
IH ulr tight and field
proof. Easily applied.
Uselulln udozonotlier
waya about the lioupe.
Full directions with
each pound cnko.
Sold everywhere.
The Best Remedy tor Stomach iintl
Bowel TroubloH
"I have been in the drug business for twen
ty years afld have sold alF proprietary inedi
cines of any note. Among the entire list I
have never found anything to equal Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
for all stomach and hoxvel troubles , " says O.
W. Wakefield , of Columbus , Ga. " This rem
edy cured two severe of Cholera Mor-
bus in my family and I have recommended
and sold hundreds of bottles of it to inv custo
mers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a
quick and sure cure in a pleasant form. " Foi
sale by McConnell > V : Berry.
Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
C : H. BOYLE ,
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building-
O. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
36r Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
. . . . of Chicago.
S- Office over McConnell & Berry's.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
p * *
n ? *
* OF McCOOK , NEB. *
Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000
ik r- T kjjScAAjrfV V V Tfv.
m 1x1
.Is one who fails to profit by experience , even though he has use of both eyes without the aid of
glasses. Time and again people buy clothing that is half made and containing mostly "Shoddy
and Flock. " Remember that three years among you has taught you that we carry no satinet
goods in the house ; what you buy of us is reliable and made by the best equipped factories in the
in the country. Our prices are the lowest named for good goods ; we carry no other.
FRANK J. MORGAN , McCook , Nebraska.