The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 20, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Republican National Ticket.
For President ,
For Vice-President ,
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor
C. II. DIETRICH of Adams.
For Lieutenant Governor
E. A. SAVAGE of Custer.
1'or Secretary of State
GIJORGE W. MARSH of Richardson.
For Treasurer
For Auditor
For Attorney General
For Land Commissioner
GEORGE D. FULLMER of Nuckolls.
For Superintendent of Schools
W. K. FOWLER of Washington.
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman
W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow.
THH Democratic platform can be re
duced to \vords"Ag'in' the govern
ment. "
THE man who votes the Republican
ticket , this year , will vote to keep the
$200,000,000 in the United States that is
now annually paid to foreign shipowners
for doing our foreign carrying. The
man who votes the Democratic ticke
endorses the proposition to leave this
business in the hands of foreigners
where it now is.
THE conservative , patriotic and hoii
orable administration of President Me
Kiuley cannot fail to recommend itsel
to the good sound sense and judgment
of the business men of America , ant
their voice will be a powerful element
in the decision of the voters at the polls
in November. President McKinley
stands for just and righteous and equitable
able government unswervingly , and to
his unstained standard believers in such
a government will enthusiastically
THE books of the Third Assistant Post
master-General , for the fiscal year end
ing June 30 , 1900 , show an increase in
the sale of postage stamps for 1900 over
the year ending June 30,1899 , of 467,417-
460 stamps , the total number sold being
3i963i374i3ro stamps , valued at $76,276-
804. The increase in revenue was $9-
474,413.50 In addition to these stamps
there were issued 2,263,040 books of
twelve stamps each , valued at $830,648.-
48 , making the total increase of sales of
stamps $10,305,061.98 , or about 13 per
"FEWEST failures in eighteen years" is
the headline on Bradstreets1 record for
the first half of this year. That nonpartisan -
partisan business journal says :
"The number of failures reported for
the first six months of the calendar year
1900 is the smallest noted for eighteen
years past. Compared with a year ago
the falling off in number is 3.3 per cent ,
and even larger decreases are noted
when comparisons are made with the first
half of the years 1896 and 1897. This
year , in fact , for the first time in eight
een years , the six months' failures have
fallen below 5,000 in number. "
Stock Hogs Wanted.
Hogs from 100 Ibs. up. Will pay $3.50
to $4.00. EVERIST , MARSH & Co.
Cool , refreshing "Ginger Mint Phos
phate" at McMillen's.
A ' % / % / % ' % / % ' % ' % / % / % * ' * < * * > % / * % , ' * * \ * * > + ' * ' + w * + * * .
* &g& Best arades
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ra Barnett Lumber Co ,
Dennison Street
Ex-SBNATOR HILL made a hard fight
for sound money at the Democratic con
vention. In an interview at Kansas
City , he said :
"The strongest silver men are with us.
Even Jones is with us , and has so de
clared , but he is dominated by Mr.
Bryan. Just the same as I am opposed
to Imperialism in a nation , so I am op
posed to it in an individual. This is
imperialism of the worst sort. "
The Plunge Bath at Hot Springs.
Hot Springs' popularity as a summer
resort is due to its plunge bath more
than to anything else. There is nothing
like it anywhere else in the country.
Larger swimming pools there are , but
none whose waters are so clear , so crys
tal-like , so wonderfully refreshing. All
summer long it is thronged with bathers
from early morning till a late hour at
night. Not everyone who visits Hot
Springs patronizes the plunge , but near
ly everyone makes a point of spending
an hour or two there daily.
The water is of a uniform temperature
of 96 degrees and you experience a
slight electric shock when you enter it.
The action of the heart is also percept
ibly stimulated. These sensations are
of brief duration and are quickly followed
by feelings of pleasure , comfort and te-
During July the Burlington Route will
run ten cheap excursions to Hot Springs.
The dates are : July 3-7 8-9-10-14-17-18
The rate is one fare , plus $2.00.
for the round trip. Tickets bear liberal
return limit and the Burlington's service
to the Black Hills is unrivalled.
Call on the local ticket agent of the
B. & M. R. R. R. and let him tell you
what it will cost you to make the trip.
Beautifully illustrated advertising mat
ter descriptive of the Black Hills mailed
on request. J. FRANCIS ,
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Public Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public
sale , at his farm ten miles south-west of
McCook , at Vailtou post-office , Thurs
day , July 26 , commencing at i o'clock ,
"arming machinery , live stock , house-
lold goods etc.
Terms : All sums of $10 and under ,
cash ; over $10 a credit of twelve months
will be given , purchaser giving bankable
lotes at 10 per cent. No property to be
moved until settled for. 6 per cent dis
count for cash. Farm will be offered
or rent on day of sale.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
> y the McCook post-office on July isth :
Mr. W. Brown , Mr. Jimmie Matsou ,
lenry Stroh , Mr. Mell Hatcher ,
? rank Marion , Mr. Samuel Harvey ,
Win. Cheney , Mr. D. E. McCarty ,
Hiss Sarah McFearin ,
Mrs. Frank Van Fleet ,
Vliss Mabel Flemming ,
Miss Lillian McGonagle.
Iii calling for any of these letters , please
ay that they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster.
Go to Bullard's for stove wood.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
district court of Red Willow" county , Nebraska ,
uuder a decree in an notion wherein 1'hobe E.
Boyd ct al. are plaintiffs , and Loyal M. Hayes
ot al. are defendants , to me directed and de
livered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to
the highest bidder for cnbh , at the east door of
the court-house , in McCook , Red Willow coun
ty , Nebraska , on the 20th day of Augubt. 1900 , at
the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the following de
scribed real estate , to-wit : The south-west
quarter of section thirty-live , in township two ,
north , in ranpo twenty-eight , west of the 6th P.
M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this 18th day of July , 1900.
Q. F. KINGHOBN , Sheriff.
7-20-5te. By A. C. CKABTEEE , Deputy.
W. S. MOELAN , Attorney.
Land Office at McCook , Nob. , July 7,1900.
Notice is hereby given that the followinp-
narned settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Resistor and
Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday ,
Aufust 18,1900 , viz : Nowlenberg B. Starks. on
H. E. No. 11,015 for the N V4 SE M , NE & SW
and SE V NW } of-Sec. 31 , Twp.2 N , R 30 W 6th
P. M. Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land , viz : Austin W. Dutcher ,
John M. Baldwin , Roxford Simpson , and Wilson
H. Hartman , all of McCook , Nebraska.
7-13-6ts. F. M. RATIIBUN , Register.
Bo it resolved by the Mayor _ and Council of
the City of McCook , Red Willow county , Ne
braska , that the estimate of the probable
amount of money to be raised by taxation of
the assessable property , both real and personal ,
within the City of McCook for the year begin
ning May 2,1900 , is as follows :
Salaries of officers other than police S 500 00
Repairs Streetsalloys and crosswalks. 500 00
Fire Department A wards and supplies. 200 00
Hydrants , troughs and street sprinkling 1,700 00
Supplies , rents , claims and elections 1,800 00
Lighting streets 1,30000
Interest on bonds and sinking fund 1,000 00
Total § 7,00000
McCook , Nebraska , July 9,1900.
Attest : J. A. BEYREK , A. BARNETT ,
7-13-4ts Clerk. .
- - City Mayor.
Notice is hereby given that whereas , while in
session June 16th , 1900 , the report having come
to the attention of the county commissioners of
an accident of rather a serious nature , caused
by horses becoming frightened at a sign or ad
vertisement attached to a bridge on a public
road in this county , the commissioners deem it
a duty they owe to the traveling public to notify
all parties who have signs painted or tacked erin
in any way attached to any bridge in the public
highway in this county to remove the same
without delay. R. A. GREEN ,
6-22-4t County Clerk.
35c , 35C not 250 , not We , 35 , the price of
Rocky Mountain Tea the world over. None
genuine , unless made by the Madison Medi
cine Co. Ask your druggist.
Too Small.
Uncle 'Zek'el Watson was accustom
ed to seeing good sized squares of cup
cake , 'lection cake or gingerbread on
the supper table , and when he had
his first plate of ice cream in a city
restaurant he looked with some dis
favor upon the macaroons and small
sponge drops which accompanied it.
"How do you like it ? " asked his
niece , who was doing the honors of
the city for her uncle.
"The ice cream Is first rate , " said
Uncle 'Zek'el. "I call it extry good.
But when you come to these things , "
he added , lifting one of the sponge
"lady fingers" and surveying it doubt
fully , " 1 presume to say they're all
right enough , what there Is of 'em ,
but there isn't enough of 'em ; just
oothing but gape and swallow ! "
Youth's Companion.
* Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , July 12,1900.
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree , St -
phcn Belles and D. A. Waterman , county com
missioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and
R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved.
On motion the board examined the fee book
of O. L. Thompson , county treasurer'and finds
that ho has received in fees from January 4th ,
1900 , to June 80th , 1900 , both inclusive , . . $240 50
and from commissions , 1,080 24
Total $1,32674
The board having made a careful examination
of the accounts of O.L. Thompson , county treas
urer , finds the following to bo a tme and correct
fctntcment of all moneys received and disbursed
by him from the 4th day of January , 1900 , to the
1st day of July , 1900.
Semi-annual report of Lillian M. Welboru ,
county superintendent , examined and on motion
approved and same ordered placed on file.
On motion T. A. Endsleyyas appointed over
seer in and for road district No. 11 , to fill va
The following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved : T. A. Endsley , over
seer road district No. 11 ; R. E. George , overseer
road district No. 12.
In the matter of the petition of E. E. Dovoo
and others , asking that a public road bo estab
lished as follows : Commencing at the south
east corner of the north-east quarter of section
sixteen , township one , range twenty-six west ,
Red Willow county , Nebraska , thence west on
halt-section line to the bouth-west corner of the
north-east quarter of section eighteen in town
ship 1 , range twenty-six , west , two and one-half
miles ; and also to vacate the road commencing
at the north-oast corner of section teventeen ,
thence west on section line one and one-half
miles to the north-east corner of the northwest
quarter of section eighteen , thence north eighty
rods , thence west one hundred and sixty rods ,
all in township , one north , range twenty-six
west , Red Willow county , Nebraska. The fol
lowing resolution was on motion adopted :
"WHEREAS a petition has been filed asking
that a public road bo established as follows :
Commencing at the south-east corner of the
north-east quarter of section sixteen , township
one north , range twenty-six west , Rod Willow
county. Nebraska , thence west on half section
line to the south-west corner of the north-east
quarter of section eighteen , in township one ,
range twenty-six west , two and one-half miles
and "WHEREAS on April 7,1884 , a public road was
laid out as above described , of which there is
but a meagre record in the county clerk's office ,
"WHEREAS said road was at said time opened
to travel , and has been used , worked and trav
eled by the public continuously from said date
to the present time , and is , and has been a pub
lic road during all of said period of sixteen
years ,
"BE IT RESOLVED , That it is not necessary to
pass upon or grant said petition , and that the
same be , and is hereby rejected . p far as the
same relates to the granting of said road ; and
that said petition so far as it relates to the va
cation of Jiho road 'Commencing at the northeast -
east corner of section seventeen , thence west on
section line one and one-half miles to north-east
coiner of north-west quarter of section eighteen ,
thence north eighty rods , thence west one hun
dred and sixtyrods _ , all in township one north ,
range twenty-six west , Red Willow county , Ne
braska * be and the same is hereby granted. "
The following claims were audited and al
lowed , and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund , levy
of 1900 , in payment thereof as follows :
S.R. Smith , supplies $1050
G. F. Kinghorn , assignment of claim 18 25
L. J. Rittenhouse , care of G. B. Rittcn-
house 1H 00
And on county road fund , levy of 1900 , as fol
lows :
O. L. Thompson , road receipt accepted as
cash S5 00
On motion board adjourned to meet July 27 ,
1900. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss : At
a county court , held at the county court room ,
in and for said county , July 7th , A. D. 1900.
Present , G. S. Bishon , county judge. In the
matter of the estate of Lucy L. Swank , de
ceased. On reading and filing the petition of
Alonzo F. Swank , praying that the instrument ,
filed on the 7th day of July , 1900 , and purporting
to be the last will and testament of the said deceased -
ceased , may be proved , approved , probated , al
lowed , and recorded as the last will and testa
ment of the said Lucy L. Swank , deceased , and
that the execution of said instrument may be
committed and the administration of paid es
tate may be granted to Alouzo F. Swank as ex
ecutor. Ordered , that July 30th , A. D. 1900 , at
one o'clock p. m. , is assigned for hearing said
petition , when all ] > ersons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to be held
in and for saidcounty _ , and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof bo given to all persons in
terested in paid matter by publishing a copy of
this order in THE McCpoK TRIBUNE , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three suc
cessive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
JSEAL ] 7-13-3ts G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
In the matter of the estate of Robert Drys-
dale , deceased.
Notice is hereby Riven that in pursuance of
an order of G. W. Norris , judge of the district
court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , made
on June : ! 0,1900 , for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described , there will be sold at the
front door of the court-hou e , in the city of
McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the
llth day of August , 1900 , at the hour of one
o'clock p. in. , at public auction , to the highest
bidder for cash , the following described real es
tate , to-wit : Lot ten in block fifteen , in the
Original City of McCook ; lot twelve in block
eleven , in We-it McCook ; and lot four , in block
sevenin the Original City of McCook ; all in Red
Willow county. Nebraska. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated July 20,1900.
Administrator do bonis non of the estate of
Robert Drysdale , deceased.
- - - -r - - - p- - - p p gfr * Ey
THIS SALE means for US the clearing up of tables , counters and shelves
END OF THE for the oncoming of New Fall and Winter goods. It means for YOU the opportunity to buy what you still need for the &
remaining three months of warm summer weather at prices impossible under ordinary circumstances , and in numerous 5C
instances less than we paid for the goods. And we have not confined the cutting to strictly summer goods. Our desire - /
sire to push sales to the highest possible point during the hot season has caused the addition of V
Our Mid-Summer Clearing SaSe Begins Friday July used in every season. It will be to your pocket's advantage to note your needs among the following many items items that are
, early to select the goods. We quote the following few items :
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts.
Soft finish silk fronts , 5oc , now 3gc
Laundered , 2 collars , 500 , " 3gc
Laundered , collar attached , y c , now 390
Men's White Shirts.
1.50 Laundered Dress Shirts , now l.oo
" " " "
l.oo 75c
& 5c Unlaundered white " " 49c
Boys' Combination Romp Suits.
Waist and Pants , all in one , 5oc , now
Men's Sweaters.
Wine or Navy blue , 65c kind , now. . 49c
" "
Men's Clothing.
16 Suits Young Men's Clothing to close out.
j Best quality cloth , make and trim. Prices
' j from X to % retail prices. Sizes 33.34,35 , 36.
Ladies' Neckwear.
Long Wash Ties , 25c , now . lc
" soc , " . 33c
" Silk c , " . .23c
Silk and Chiffon Bows , 2Sc , now . igc
Stock Collars , soc , now . 39C
" 20C , " . I3C
Men's Pants.
250 pairs extra quality pants in all sizes up to
40 waist. We offer
6.00 fine dress pants for 4.25
" " " "
5-00 , _ 3-75
4 oo wrested or Scotch Cassimere 2.75
An extra good cotton pant Sfjc
Children's Mull Hats.
Shirred Mull hats , 3 wires , Soc , now
Babies' Muslin Bonnets.
25c ones , now . ic
75c "
Fancy Ribbons.
ioc Plaid ones , now
iScBrocaded " " . rjc
250 Plaids and Checks , now . i7c
3oc Striped " . 2ic
3c Plaids and stripes " . 230
Washpress Skirts.
1.65 , n o w . . . . i .25
' ' . v . 75C
Our own make.
Silk Mitts.
Misses Black , I5c , now ioc
" White , 2oc , ' 140
Ladies'White , 2oc , ' i4c
' ' ' ' " " ' ' " ' " " " " ' "
SS ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" Cream 2fc , ' IQC
" Elbow soc , ' v..3Sc
Fabric Gloves.
Ladies' Lisle-thread , 25c , now I7c
Taffeta Silk.ssc , " 23c
Men's Gauze Underwear.
Balbriggan S & D , 35c , now 25c
" " 5oc , " 3Sc
75c , " soc
LOO. " 75c
Shirt Waists.
40c kind , now 25c
75c " ' . . . . . . 49c
5c ' ' 5Sc
l.oo 63c
1.25 Sfc
1.50 95c
2.00 1.25
2.25 1.50
2.50 1.50
Handsomely designed , trimmed and fin
ished. Fit and style perfect.
Remember * Tliat tliese S00is ( are this season's make > fresh from the best markets in the f
fi : * world ; that in respect of style , fit , finish and values they are unsurpassed any- i |
where. Our well known care in these particulars assures every purchaser.
NOT A SINGLE GARMENT , yard , piece , or item of summer stock will be carried over. A word to the
wise is sufficient. We solicit your attention and trade.
Sun Bonnets.
Well made and stiffened bonnets , \rith ruf
fles , drawstring and bow ,
25c kind , now igc
Gingham Bonnets , I5c " ioc
Children's Bonnets at same prices.
Summer Corsets.
We carry the celebrated "F. C. " make. Sat
isfaction guaranteed after four weeks wear , or
money refunded. Sold now at the following
reduced prices without guaranty :
35C grades , now 23c
SQC " " 3Sc
l.oo " " 75c
Wash Goods.
All our Lawns , Dimities , Piques , Batistes ,
Embroidered Mulls , Madras cloths etc.areput
into four lots , viz :
All the 65 , 6 , and $ c ones now 4c
" " 10 , 9 , andS'Ac " " 6c
" " isH andi2j < c " " Sc
" " " "
20 , iSandi7 c i2c
White Goods.
Our T1A checked Nainsook , now
" ioc Stripes and checks , now
" " " "
20C I4C
" " " "
2fC I6c
Every pattern a nexv one.
Bargains I
fcind sloreiin the Hrst HaUonal
Are always lo be In the Mff
Bank block.
Dress Goods
Organdies , Lawns , Dimities , Percales , Prints , Calicos , and everything :
in this line that could be desired. Prices the lowest possible for the
grade of goods offered.
A fine new lot"of Rugs and Carpets have just been added to the already
large stock.
Summer Underwear
An immense line of this seasonable article for Men , Women and
Our Shoe stock is large and the assortment good. See it for anything
in Men's , Boys' , Ladies' or Children's Shoes.
Everything from a handsome and dainty sun-shade to a good , durable
umbrella ; and at prices that are winners.
We keep our Groceries on the move and our stock is always fresh.
"NeveiSleeps. . "
Honest John
Farm produce as good as cash.-
CsXSXsXsXsXsXsX ® ®
"White Man Turned. Yellow
Great consternation was felt by the friends
of M. A. Ilogarty of Lexington , Ivy. , when
they saw he was turning yellow , llis skin
slowly changed color , also his eyes , and
he suffered terribly. His malady was yellow
jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors ,
but without benefit. Then he was advised to
try Electric Hitters , the wonderful stomach
and liver remedy , and he writes : "After tak
ing two bottles I was wholly cured. " A trial
proves its matchless merit for all stomach , liv
er and kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by
McConnell & Berry , druggists.
When a sinful Chicago man dies from the
heat it looks very much like a case of jumping
from the frying pan into the fire.
After many intricate experiments , scientists
have discovered methods for obtaining all the
natural digestants. These have been com
bined in the proportion found in the human
body and united with substances that build
up the digestive organs , making a compound
called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what you'eat and allows all dyspeptics to eat
plenty of nourishing food while the stomach
troubles are being radically cured by the me
dicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to
take and will give quick relief. D. W. Loar.
Percale Wrappers.
foe , Plain Make , now 390
75c , Braid Trimmed , etc. , now zzc
85c " " " . . . . . . . . . .U S- C.
1-tXJ , " " " 75c
. " " "
1.25 , Sgc
' So , ' ; " " 1.00
" " "
i-75 , ! .25
. " " ?
2.00 , j ,
Ample Sleeves , Full Skirt , etc.
Fancy Parasols.
I5c , Children's , now jlc
1.25 , Ladies'and Misses , now
1-75 ,
2-00 ,
? en
O0 *
3-25 , 2.00
4.25. " 295
4.75 kind , now. . 3 -
4- ° ° "
i or
* * *
T " 7" *
c " : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ' ' ' 55c
Sold to us direct by the manufactu'r'eVs.
During last May an infant child of our
neighbor was suffering from cholera infantum.
The doctors had given up all hopes of recov
ery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colicr
Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy to the house ,
telling them I felt sure it would do good i
used according to directions. In two days
time the child had fully recovered. Thachild
is now vigorous and healthy. I have recom
mended this remedy frequently and have
never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker , .
Bookwalter , Ohio. McConnell & Beiry. '
It appears that the death of the empress /
I dowager of China was only temporary.
| One Minute Cough cure is the only harm-
i less remedy that produces immediate results.
Try it. D. W. Loar.
j f A female agitator in New York says that
{ lomPlatt is no gentleman. The distinguished
j politician could apply the same remark to her
with equal truth.
It has been demonstrated by experience
that consumption can be prevented by the
early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is
the lavonte remedy for coughs , colds , croup
asthma , grippe and all troubles of the head
throat and Jungs. Cures quickly. D. W. "
Mosquito Netting : .
Best quality , fiive feet wide , S yards in a
holt , prica now , per bolt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Nazareth Knit Waists.
; , for winter and summer ,
" 1 , wear next
Ladies' Gauze Vests.
Sleeveless , 5c ones , now
on *
Half Sleeves. I5c , I0c
Miscellaneous ?
Best Shirting Prints , now
" it1111 ! ! ndl'e ° BIue p"nts , now !
Wide German Blue Prints , now
1 Tancy Dress Prints , now
LL Muslinnow
Best 8-4 Sheeting , now
Best Cambric Skirt Lining , now
Good Indigo Blue Shirting , now. .
Fair Weight Outing Flannel , now. . !
Men s Seamless Rockford Soxnow. ,
Good 25c Steel Grey Jeans , now" ! ' . " ? . " " " " ? , btc. " "
Postoffice in Same Building. . . .