The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 20, 1900, Image 1

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One of the Famous McCooks.
Attached to No.6 , last Saturday night ,
was General Manderbon's private car ,
containing the general counselor and his
guest , General Anson G. McCook , who
were on their way east from u trip through
the mountains and resorts of note. Gen
eral McCook was ao interested in the
city named after another of the famous
fighting McCooks , his uncle , General
Alexander McDowell McCook , of the
regular army , who was a guest of the
city during the great reunion of 1891 ,
that he remained up to catch a glimpse
of our enterprising little city out here on
the Nebraska frontier , and expressed
gratification and felt repaid for the ef
fort. Though not so famous as his un
cle , General Anson G. McCook has filled
many high places with honor and credit ,
having hoth an army and civil record
of note : He was colonel of the 25th
Ohio infantry during the civil war and
was hrevetted brigadier of volunteers.
In civil life he was a member of the
' house in the 45th , 46th and 4th con
gresses from the city of New York ; sub
sequently , secretary of the United States
senate , and still later chamberlain of
the City of New York under Mayor
Strong' .
A Serious Problem.
It may not be denied that that the
grasshopper and chinch-bug question
in South-western Nebraska , has as
sumed importance demanding attention
and definite action. They are apparent
ly increasing in numbers and consequently
quently in destructiveness. While relief
may properly be demanded and expect
ed from the next legislature , united ac
tion on the part of the people will beab-
solutely necessary. The use of the hop
per-dozer should be encouraged , the
chicken industry should be increased on
every farm to the utmost limit , the best
methods of poisoning should be followed
where practicable , chinch-bug inocula
tion should be practiced as directed by
the state entomologist , Prof. Bruner.
These methods , where followed careful
ly and vigorously , have materially re
duced the destructive ravages of the
pests ; if followed generally , would result
in very largely solving the problem.
The life of every wild bird should be re
ligiously presenel , and legal enact
ment ma } * be necessary to cover this
Public Sale.
I will offer at public sale at my farm ,
four miles north-east of Box Elder , on
Tuesday , July 31 , at 10 o'clock a. m. ,
iny farming implements , live stock ,
household goods , etc.
Terms : All sums ofio and under ,
cash ; on all sums over $10 a credit of
twelve months will be given , purchaser
giving note with approved security ,
drawing 10 per cent interest per annum.
A discount of 6 per cent will be given
for cash on all sums over $10. No prop
erty is to be removed until terms of sale
are complied with. Free lunch at noon.
Creditable Collections.
'Notwithstanding the unfavorable con
ditions and the fact that but two distress
warrants have been issued , the total col
lections of the county treasurer's office
have already reached 66 per cent of the
1899 levy. Down in Douglas county the
dailies recently referred with satisfaction
to the fact that the collections in that
county had reached 59 per cent of the
levy for 1899. Consequently , Treasurer
Thompson may well feel gratified over
his record , which has not been marked
by distress.
Millions in It.
A general song of rejoicing is heard
all over Nebraska on account of the
great rain of last Saturday and Sunday ;
The rain was general from river to range ,
and the precipitation ranged from 3
inches in Eastern Nebraska to .56 of an
inch at McCook. It takes seven or eight
figures to indicate its value to Nebraska
and over much of the state guarantees a
corn crop. The fall in this section was
small and the benefits somewhat meager.
A Hard Fight.
Lightning struck and fired the open
prairie , Wednesday night of last week ,
at the north-west corner of 30-1-29 ,
Grant precinct , and endangered the
grain belonging to A. V. Olmstead , Ed
Lawthers and William Relph , in all
about 300 acres. By hard work , Thurs
day morning and part of the afternoon ,
12 or 15 men finally put the fire out.
Refreshments and Music.
The ladies of the G. A. R. promoted
a successful lawn social at the residence
of Mrs. S. A. McCarl , Tuesday evening.
Ice-cream and cake and lemonade were
served to a fairly generous patronage.
The decorations were in patriotic colors.
A musical programme was an appreci
ated part of the evening's pleasure.
Desirable House for Sale.
I will offer for sale at a low price my
residence property corner Marshall and
Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part ,
or will name an attractive price for spot
cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LA TouRKTTE ,
Cedar Rapids , Iowa.
C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent.
Stock Hogs Wanted.
Hogs from TOO Ibs. up. Will pay $3 50
to $4.00. EVERIST , MARSH & Co.
Estrays Taken Up.
Pour head of cattle , July 16 , 1900 , at
McCook. 7-2O-3ts. SAM HORNBACK.
Ball and Bat Free.
To the boy who buys a suit of clothes
at $2.50 or up at DeGroff & Co.'s.
"Flyo-Curo" protects all kindsof stock
from flies , gnats and other insects ; costs
only a trifle. McCONNELL & BERRY.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Burn Bullard's wood.
A. A. WELLER of Syracuse is here on
REV. J.W. WALKER is entertaining his
father from Kearney.
MRS. J. B. MESERVE returned to Lin
coln , Saturday night on 6.
J. W. GULL of Hayes Center was a
city visitor , Tuesday evening.
Miss KATE SLAVEN of Boone , Iowa ,
is visiting Miss Mary Mugau.
home from Peru , last Friday evening.
Haigler , last Friday night , to be absent
a week.
MRS. W. K. WILLIAMS of York , a
cousin of Mrs. F. E. Palmer , is in the
city on a visit.
the guest of her daughter , Mrs. Freder
ick Montmorency.
HARRY WALTERS is visiting his mother
and sister at Benkelmau and thus enjoy
ing a short , well-earned vacation from
store life.
MRS. MARY MULLEN , Misses Joseph
ine and Katheryn arrived home , Tues
day on i , from their visit in Sheridan ,
MR. AND MRS. W. S. McKiNNlE de
parted , Saturday evening , for Hastings.
They will be absent from the city until
on Tuesday morning for Button , to be
absent a few weeks , visiting relatives
and friends.
GEORGE BURGERT , JR. , departed on
Tuesday morning for Syracuse , and will
briefly visit in Lincoln and Nebraska
City en route.
REV. J. W. HiCKEY is absent from the
city , this week , in attendance upon a
"retreat" at the Sacred Heart convent ,
Yorkj Nebraska.
Miss ANNA CHAMPION , who has been
the guest of Mrs. D. W. Lear for a few
weeks , departed for her home in Beaver
City , yesterday morning.
C. F. BABCOCK , chairman Republican
csunty committee , is in Omaha today ,
attending a conference of county chair
men with the state chairman.
E. E. MAGEE went up to Benkeluian ,
Sunday night , to fill a two-weeks' en
gagement in institute work. Mrs. Magee
joined him on Wednesday afternoon.
MRS. IDA L. KAIME arrived from
Fontanelle , Iowa , close of last week ,
and is the guest of Mrs. S. M. Cochran ,
while in the city on a visit to old scenes
and friends.
MRS. J. G. SCHOBEL and little Marjorie -
jorie went down to Minden , Saturday
morning , on a visit of several weeks to
the grandparents , Postmaster and Mrs.
L. M. Copeland.
were up from Red Cloud , yesterday , to
attend the funeral of her sister , the late
Mrs. John McManigal. Mrs. Jack Cook
of Oxford also attended the funeral.
ed her birthday , Wednesday afternoon ,
with a picnic on the parsonage lawn ,
the members of the infant class of the
Sunday-school participating with her in
the happy event.
MRS. F. M. KiMMELL and Schell de
parted , yesterday morning on 2 , for
Sheridan , Wyoming , via Lincoln , on a
visit to her brother , Engineer L. L Me-
serve , and | family. Mrs. J. B. Meserve
will join them at Lincoln.
enjoying a visit from Miss Theodora
Mussey of Cincinnati , Ohio , who ar
rived in the cityTuesday evening. They
will go up to Denver , Saturday , and
Miss Mussey will depart for home on
their return.
tawa , Illinois , arrived in the city on T ,
Wednesday , and are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Hupp , Mrs. Strawu being a
sister of Mrs. Hupp. They expect to go
to Denver , tomorrow , and Mr. and Mrs.
Hupp may accompany them.
Miss MYRTLE MEYER entertained the
Awl-Os , Tuesday evening. A drawing
contest was the entertainment feature
of the evening , in which Maude Wood
was victorious and Miss Addie Doaii ac
quired the odoriferous booby. Relresh-
ments were served. Altogether the even
ing was up to the traditions of the club.
F. N. MERWIN of the Beaver City
Tribune spent Tuesday in the city on
business bent. Teddy accompanied him ,
and created a local drouth at soda-water
headquarters. Fletcher included a trip
over to Morlan's irrigated farm in his
visit and saw the finest lot of wheat , etc.
upon which his eyes have feasted this
this season. .
MRS. ANNA O'BRIEN arrived from
Chicago , last week , and will for the
next two months be the guest of her
mother , sister and brother , Mrs. Hogan ,
Miss Sarah and Mike. Mrs. O'Brien
was for a number of years in the early
history of McCook a resident of our
city , and old time friends will be pleased
to know of her presence and to warmly
greet her.
MRS. A. BARNETT gave Master Frank
and a host of his youthful friends a de
lightful lawn party , Tuesday afternoon ,
the occasion being a celebration of Mas
ter Frank's birthday. The youths dis
ported themselves on the capacious lawn
about the residence , played the innocent
games of childhood gleefully , disposed
of refreshment in a manner calculated to
do them the most good , and altogether
enjoyed it hugely.
Havilah Hupp vs. William E. Mar
quis ; equity.
Frank E. Whitney and Jane E. Wool-
ton , both of McCook.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Bullard's wood is good wood.
A Farmer First and a Lawyer for
A TRIBUNE reporter made a trip out
to and over Deacon Morlan's farm , one
day this week , and as a result of the
golden vision that was modestly and re-
luuctantly unfolded to his eyes , has
come to the conclusion that Deacon
Morlan should be properly classified as
a FARMER FIRST and incidentally a
lawyer , for recreation , say ; for the re
sults obtained on his farm , this unprom
ising season , cannot be excelled , if even
duplicated , by any farmer in the Fifth
His farm of 280 acres is located a few
miles south aud a little west of McCook.
There are 90 acres in thrifty , growing
fruit trees ot different kinds , and the re
mainder of the laud , save that used as
sites for the farm-house and several sub
stantial farm buildings , is under culti
vation , most of it in wheat , this season ,
with some corn and other crops. But it
was the two fields of wheat that most
attracted and held attention. The wheat
in the smaller field was in the shock ,
and the reporter admits that he never
saw the ground more thic' ly strewn
with shocks of splendid grain. The
average yield from this field was a little
better than 40 bushels per acre. In the
larger aud principal wheat field the
threshers were at work and the yield
was about 38 bushels per acre. In the
two fields of a total of 132 acres , the
yield was in round figures strong 5,000
bushels , which netted him $9 per acre
over and above all expenses. While the
entire farm is under irrigation , the wheat
received but one watering , which was
given last fall.
This , however , is not the only direc
tion in which Farmer Morlan has ex
hibited his energy , enterprise and judg
ment. His manner of dealing witb the
grasshopper and other insect and animal
pests of the farm is not a whit less heroic
aud original. Three miles of chicken-
tight wire fencing encloses his farm ,
within which enclosure range at will
over 500 turkeys , more than 1,500 chick
ens and quite a drove of ducks ; and
these fowls are one of the elements used
by the deacon in controlling the pests :
the hopper-dozer being also energetic
ally exercised to the same purpose.
Chicken-coops and houses , large and
small , are located all over the farm ,
there being some 20 large and about 100
small houses. This distribution makes
the work of the fowls general over the
farm and more effective. These ener
getic measures have reduced the ravages
of the grasshoppers and chinch-bugs to
the minimum on the Morlan farm. The
incubating aud brooding plant is perhaps
the most elaborate , complete and up-to-
date in this section of Nebraska , and is
one of the distinctive features of the
Morlan farm.
In addition to the 90 acres of orchard ,
quite an amount and variety of small
fruit has been planted on the farm ,
chiefly raspberries , strawberries and
grapes. Lack of water the ditch broke
out and could not be used for a whole
month when most needed the grass
hoppers and hail conspired to do up the
small fruit , this season , hence the straw
berry yield was light and 200 quarts
covered the raspberry yield.
There are some 30 or 40 stands of bees
dn the farm.
There are quite a number of- experi
mental plats on the farm : One of them
embraces five acres of sunflowers , and
others Kafir and Jerusalem corn in
small patches.
The farm is the deacon's pride and re
ceives much of his personal attention ,
every detail being given closest and
most business-like consideration , audit
stands today one of the most attractive
visions of thrift , energy and judgment in
the Republican valley.
The Fifth district's population is com
posed for the most part of farmers and
stockmen and it is but natural that they
should desire a farmer to represent them
in congress. Deacon Morlan seems to
be the only man in the field or con
sidered for the position who fills the bill :
Born and raised on the farm , closely in
sympathy with the toilers on the farm ,
a practical and successful farmer , whose
experimental and courageous efforts are
a valuable heritage to every farmer * in
South-western Nebraska , he is an ideal
farmer's candidate , who should com
mand many votes outside his party.
Our Kids Won.
A kid base-ball club of our city went
up to Wauneta , last Friday , and defeated
a kid organization of that burg to the
tune of 32 to 22 scores. Our boys got
everything in sight and came home in
the evening feeling like lords. This is
the second victory scored by the McCook
kids over the Wauneta kids.
Game was a Marker ,
The game , Tuesday , at Minden , be
tween the Minden and Arapahoe clubs ,
was doubtless the strongest contest in
the diamond of the season in this sec
tion' of Nebraska. Minden won ; score
2 to o. The first five innings neither
team made a run.
Pasture for twenty horses. Rate , $1.00
per month. W. E. CORWTN.
Stock Hogs Wanted.
Hogs from 100 Ibs. up. Will pay $3 50
to $4.00. EVERIST , MARSH & Co.
Buy and burn Bullard's wood.
We pay the highest market price for
produce , and handle all we can for them.
Bring in your produce and see us.
R. T. ELLERCo. .
UNE office. B * st in the market.
For summer use nothing beats Bul
lard's wood.
The latest at McMillen's "Frozen
Frappe. "
Get stove wood at Bullard's.
S. D. Belles spent Wednesday in Lin
No. 3 ran in two sections , Wednesday
R. B , Carl ton has been absent in Chicago
cage , this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Enoch were
brief Denver visitors , early part of the
Conductor William Shinsel and family
are visiting relatives and friends near
Sup't Campbell is entertaining his
sister , Mrs. Mary McLean of Calumet ,
Holmes Blair , chief of the civil engi
neering department , was at headquar
ters , yesterday.
Switchman Arthur Avery has gone to
Colorado Springs , Colorado , on a short
visit to his sister.
There were three sections of No. i ,
Wednesday afternoon , caused by the ex
cursion rush to the mountains.
Conductor L. E. Gilcrest and family
were Denver visitors , Saturday-Tuesday ,
returning home on 2 , Wednesday.
With four locomotives in the shop be
ing overhauled , the new shop is pretty
crowded. More room is needed for con
venient aud advantageous operation.
A special train of soldiers of the First
cavalry will pass through McCook today
some time. The train will consist of
three tourist , three box and one baggage
cars. They are bound for China.
Norman and George Campbell and
their guest , Stuart McLean , arrived
borne on Saturday evening from a short
but enthusiastic visit ' '
to Ass't Sup't
Thorgrimson at Eckley , Colorado.
Extra Conductor W. O. Simons has
Conductor Cropp's run for a few days.
Brakeman J. H. Frankenfield of this
place went down , Thursday night , to fill
Simons' place with Conductor Starks.
Dispatcher W.F. Pate and A. F. Clark
witnessed the ball game , Tuesday , at
Minden , between the Arapahoe and
Minden clubs , in which Arapahoe sus
tained the first defeat of the season.
The score was 2 to o.
There is a rumor that a railroad men's
club will be formed at this point in the
early fall. It's purpose will be to at
stated and regular times consider and
discuss matters of interest and import
ance to railroad men , a sort of a school
covering all branches of the service.
Chief Clerk Johnson of Master Me
chanic Archibald's office has a married
sister living in Korea. * Her husband is
connected with the Methodist Publish
ing House. A recent letter notices the
public ' .eheading of two Koreans who
became mixed up in the "Boxer" move
ment in China.
President Perkins and family , General
Manager Holdrege and his chief clerk ,
G. W. Looniis , who have been spending
a little time in the mountains , passed
through here , three o'clock on Wednes
day morning , on their way east , in a
special train. Sup't Campbell accom
panied them over the Western division.
Now that the Burlington has com
pleted its extension to Guernsey , Wyo. ,
graders and tracklayers are being trans
ferred to the country between Bridge
port , Neb. , and Brush , Colo. Here the
Burlington is building a line to connect
its Denver main line with its Montana
line. Its completion will help to develop
a rich territory and give a new route
from Colorado to the Black Hills and
the north-west.
Mrs. William Cropp , wife of Con
ductor Cropp of Oxford , died very sud
denly iu Oxford , Wednesday evening.
They were both in the garden. A
neighbor lady came to see Mrs. Cropp
and was directed by Mr. Cropp to the
part of the yard where Mrs. Cropp was.
The lady returned at once and reported
that Mrs. Cropp was lying down , and
very ill. Mr. Cropp hurried to his wife
and found that she was dead. She had
been stricken down by an attack of
heart disease. He has the deep sympa
thy of all who know him.
William E , Curtis of the Chicago
Record came up the valley as far as Ox
ford , Monday night , on a trip over the
Burlington. He traveled in General
Passenger Agent Francis' private car
and was in charge of Mr. Campbell , the
advertising man of the Burlington. The
itinerary contemplated a visit to Mc
Cook , but the car was laid over at Ox
ford and returned eastward on 2 , Tues
day morning. A short trip into the
country was made by Mr. Curtis and
party from Oxford , F. X. Merwin of the
Beaver City Tribune , chief engineer.
The trip embraces a visit to the Black
Hills , S. D. , thence on through Wyom
ing and Montana , to Yellowstone na
tional park. Before returning east Mr.
Curtis will go to Northern Montana ,
where Governor Roosevelt used to
"rough it" on his ranch , for the purpose
of gathering material for a character
sketch of the Republican vice-presiden
tial nominee.
The newest aid in railroad education
is an airbrake school car , maintained by
the Burlington Route to instruct its
enginemen and trainmen in the proper
uses of airbrakes. The car makes regular
visits to the principal points on Burling
ton lines , the airbrake school being in
charge of Instructor A. J. Cota. Each
morning and afternoon he spends several
hours at the cars showing railroaders
just how to get the best results from the
brakes. The machinery in the car is
rigged with the same amount of airpipe
and cylinder space that is found in a
train of thirty air cars with the engine.
Mr. Cota says it is a mistaken opinion
of many that to make faster time the
railroads have been compelled to devote
all their energies toward building faster
locomotives. The locomotives run fast
enough to make the fastest schedules ,
but the main trouble has been to make
quick stops. Every time the Burlington
has made radical reductions in its time
it has placed in service improved air
BAPTIST Preaching at ir. Union
services in the Congregational church at
8 , Rev. J. W. Walker to preach.
GEO. ScoTT , Pastor pro tern.
CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at ir. Morning subject , "The
Christian Race. " Union service at 8.
Sermon by W. J. Turner.
J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at n. Union meeting at
Christian church at 8. Prayer-meeting ,
Wednesday evening at 8. Morning sub
ject , "The Transfer From a Lower to a
Higher Civilization. "
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month. HOWARD STOY , Rector.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3:00. Epworth League at 7.
Union service in Christian church at 8.
Prayer and Bible-study on Wednesday
evening at 8. Morning subject , "A Di
vine Socialism. " All are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
The union service in the Congrega
tional church , last Sunday evening , was
in the interest of the American Bible
society , in which behalf a collection
was lifted. Rev. Walker preached the
sermon. Albert McMillen is in charge
of the local repository. The local soci
ety , as well as the mother organization ,
is in good condition.
Engineer J. H. Moore was on the sick-
list , Thursday.
Fireman Walt Stokes has gone to his
home in Iowa on a month's visit.
Engineer F. W. Bosworth has been
transferred from Hastings to McCook.
Engine 209 arrived here , Thursday ,
from Havelock , after a general over-haul
EngineerTomOrton and Fireman Roy
Zint are on passenger vice Stokes aud
President Perkins' special went over
all lines of the Burlington on a trip of
Engine 308 has gone to the Northern
division , the Western division getting
339 in exchange.
The old stationary engine in the round
house , we understand , is to be sent to
Denver , for use there.
Machinist William Lydgate and wife
and C. D. Noble and wife are absent on
a visit on a trip to Salt Lake City , Utah.
Conductor C. W. Bronson is visiting
in Alliance , Sheridan , and other points
up on the Wyoming branch , this week.
Engine 191 on train 145 ran off the
switch at Atlanta , Tuesday. A gang
and block cars went down to get her on
track again.
Frank E. Whitney and Jane E. Woot-
ten were married by Rev. Howard Stoy
in the Episcopal chapel , last Sunday
evening. They departed on 6 , last eve
ning , for Omaha , They expect to be ab
sent about a month. They have the best
wishes of many friends.
Ass't Gen'l Sup't Rhodes and Chief of
Motive Power Hawksworth were here ,
Tuesday , on a trip of inspection. They
departed , Wednesday , for Cheyenne , and
Master Mechanic Archibald accompanied
them. He expects to take in the regular
monthly meeting of the Rocky Moun
tain Railway club in Denver , tomorrow
evening , and to return home on Sunday.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Rocky Mountain Railway club will be
held in the American hotel , Denver ,
Saturday evening , commencing at 7:30.
Subjects for discussion are : "The Im
portance of a Standing Committee to In
terpret the Book of Rules , " opened by
C. H. Quereau ; and "Retention of Dum
my Air-hose Couplers on Freight Cars , "
opened by D. McClelland. Ass't Sup't
Harris is treasurer of the club , which
numbers some of the Burlington men at
this place in its membership.
Some Choice Offerings.
I wish to say to my friends and patrons
that I have for sale some choice O. I. C.
pigs of May farrow , 8 to 10 weeks old ,
for $10 each. They are simply good at
both ends out of Perfection blood and
stand right up on their feet. Also.B. P.
Rock chickens and Bronze turkeys.
Come and see me or write your wants.
Box 238. McCook , Nebr.
Colorado Excursions.
Low rates , Thursday , August 2 ; one
fare plus $2 for the round trip. Denver ,
Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Glenwood
Springs , Salt Lake' City and Ogden. Re
turn limit Oct 31. See the local ticket
agent of the Burlington Route. Beauti
fully illustrated book descriptive of Col
orado mailed on receipt of six cents in
stamps. J. FRANCIS ,
Gen'l Pass. Ag't , Omaha , Neb.
To Organize a Club.
A meeting will be held in the city hall ,
next Tuesday evening at eight o'clock ,
for the purpose of organizing a Republi
can club for the present campaign. It
is hoped that there will be a large turn-
put of Republicans of McCook and vicin
ity , and that the club may start out with
a large aud enthusiastic membership.
Hammocks all prices at McMillen's
drug store.
Your choice of kinds of wood at Bul
Lour sells drugs.
Lear sells wall-paper.
A great leader Loar.
Lear sells machine oil.
Lear sells prescriptions.
For stove wood go to Bullard's.
You will like it Dullard's stove wood.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Dry stove wood at Barnett's. Phone 5.
Bullard would like to sell you your
The latest at McMillen's "Frozen
Frappe. "
The freshest and best drugs are found
at Loar's.
"The best on earth" Ash Grove lime
at Barnett's.
Hammocks all prices at McMillen's
drug store.
You can't beat Bullard's wood for
summer fires.
Cool , refreshing "Ginger Mint Phos
phate" at McMillen's.
The great eclipse continues the way
Loar's soda eclipses all others.
Quite a mare's-nest was disturbed iu a
South Main restaurant , this week.
Do not fail to see us if yon need a
stock tank. BARNKTT LUMHKK Co.
The class of ' 97 indulged in the de
lights of a picnic at Fitch's grove ,
FOR SALE A new gasoline range ,
cost 535 ; will be sold for $ 15. Inquire
at Mrs. M. Mullen's.
M. Baldridye and wife of Pomona ,
Calif. , have sold the Palace hotel proper
ty to William F. Graham for 4,000.
During the month of July , I will sell
Eldorado Castor Oil at 25 cents a gallon.
Some delightfully NEW and lasting
odors iu our uew line of perfumes.
"The Right Place" to call up is No. 12.
You are sure of getting just as choice
meats by phone as by personal inspec
If you cannot think of what you want
to eat , step into Eller & Co.'s and you
will probably find it. Goods always
You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co.
are at the head of the procession when
good meats are on parade. Try their
Mrs. M. E. Barger reports the loss of
a silk waist from her establishment , last
Saturday , and the theft of $40 in cash on
Tuesday of this week.
The children of St. Alban's Sunday-
school enjoyed the pleasures of a picnic ,
Thursday afternoon , in G. S. Goheen's
grove on the South Side.
At McConnell & Berrv's fountain.
It is not a debatable question but one
of privilege to patronize F/verist , Marsh
& . Co. > when in quest of the best the
market affords in the meat line. They
are prompt and accommodating in the
bargain. Phone 12.
A fan operated by a water motor has
been installed in the First National bank
building this week. It will prove a great
comfort to patrons as well as to those
connected with the bank , reducing , as
it does , the temperature ten to fifteen
degrees , and producing a fine current of
fresh air all the while.
Mrs. John McManigal died of quick
consumption , Tuesday night , at the age
of 24 years. She is survived by a young
husband and three little children , the
youngest being but five months old.
The remains were interred in Riverview
cemetery , yesterday afternoon , funeral
services being conducted by Rev. J. A.
Badcon at the residence in South Mc
Firemen's Tournament at York.
What promises to be the most success
ful firemen's tournament ever held in
Nebraska opens at York , Tuesday , July
24th and closes July 26th.
Almost every town and city in Eastern
and Central Nebraska will be represent
ed. The streets of York will be in gala
attire and the citizens of the town have
resolved themselves into a reception
committee , willing and anxious to ex
tend hospitality to all.
As its contribution to the success of
the tournament , the Burlington Route
has made a rate of one fare for the round
trip to York from all points in Nebraska.
Tickets will be on sale July 23 , 24 , 25.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .49
Wheat 50
Oats 40
Rye 36
Hogs 4.30
Eggs oS
Butter 13
New Potatoes 1.20
Butter fat at Creamery 16
Yes , they have all given it up ; Eller &
Co. sell goods cheaper than anybody in
Western Nebraska. Call and be con
During the month of July , I will sell
Eldorado Castor Oil at 25 cents a gallon.
Barnett's coal will please you for
threshing as well as for stove use.