The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 13, 1900, Image 1

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About That Cyclone.
The people of this city and section of
.Nebraska viewed at a safe distance ,
Monday afternoon , what appeared to he
a formidable and destructive cyclone ,
but which transpired to be quite an in
nocent demonstration when the facts
and details became known. The stately
wind-aud-dust column , joining the earth
and clouds , as it passed with delibera
tion along the north-western horizon ,
from south-west to north-east , caused
terror to many hearts in this city , and
jnauy retired to their cellars until the
threatening clouds had dissolved. The
cloud could be seen Ironi all over- this
.section , Curtis , Hartley , on the Imperial ,
on the Beaver slope ; and at each separate
point it was the opinion of many that
the storm was close at hand. In this
city , many thought the storui to be
within a few miles , when in fact at the
closest point it was about fiften miles
away. The sight will long be remem
bered by hundreds of people , to whom
the experience was excitingly new.
The storm formed in the north-eastern
corner of Hitchcock county , ( about the
north-west corner of section 10-4-31 , a
witness reports , ) and moved in a north
easterly direction over into Frontier
county , where it dissolved in the neigh
borhood of Spring Creek.
The damage caused was but nominal :
Damaged some wire fencing at Casper
Hakencamp's ; a self-feeder and a little
roofing on one of the stock sheds at
Joseph Allen's ; demolished a deserted
sod-house , unused wind-mill and a gran
ary on G. W. Groves' farm ; and shortly
H afterwards dissolved by mutual consent ,
having fortunately missed about every
thing of value in its course.
The cyclone was about 100 feet wide
and moved with surprising deliberation ;
it is said that one walking rapidly could
have evaded it.
Chinch Bug Inoculation.
The Nebraska Agricultural Experi
ment Station for thiee years furnished
inoculated chinch bugs for the purpose
of ascertaining whether or not this
method of fighting the insect was prac
tical. It was learned during this time
that , where instructions were followed
faithfully and the climatic conditions
favorable , the disease worked well. On
the other hand , where conditions were
unfavorable and instructions only in part
or not at all complied with , the results
were almost invariably negative.
Since no supply of the infection can
be obtained from private sources by our
farmers , the pressure has been sojjreat ,
recently , for a continuation of this work
here that the university has concluded
V -f to send out a limited supply of the fun
gus to those who are sufficiently inter
ested in it to give it a fair trial. It can
be obtained by writing to the Depart
meiit of Entomology , .University of Ne
braska , Lincoln.
How He Deals With Them.
L. E ! Larson , a farmer in the neigh
borhood of Chadron , uses the following
recipe in his efforts to control the grass
hoppers : "Put tablespoonfuls of
Paris green into three gallons of water ,
and stir well until thoroughly mixed ;
then stir in bran until a thick niash is
formed : Care must be taken to keep up
the stirring as the tendency of the Paris
green is to settle to the bottom. The
mixture is to be thinly scattered on the
bare ground between the edge of the
field and the growing crop , being care
ful not to scatter it upon the grass or the
crop , as it will poison the feed. Mr.
Larson reports the ground upon the
borders of his field literally strewn with
the dead hoppeis within a week of the
application. He says they will forsake
all other feed to eat the bran. "
Cards are out announcing the wedding
of Mr. Joseph Albert Wells and Miss
Mary Harriet Howell at Southold , N.
Y. , on July 5th. They will be at home
in Toronto , Canada. Mr. Wells will be
remembered by many of our readers as a
clerk in the dry-goods store conducted
here , not many years since , by his father
of the same name , and will join THE
TRIBUNE in expressions of congratula
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook post-office on July Sth :
James Silverts , Mr. George Taylor ,
J. W. Kelly , Mr. Harry Lewis ,
Prof. R. E. Clark , Mr. F. R.Jamison ,
Mrs. Mary J. Green , Mrs.Hattie Krofoot ,
Mrs. Caroline Denheni ,
Mr. W. F. Lemerberger.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster.
Desirable House for Sale.
I will offer for sale at a low price my
residence property , corner Marshall and
Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part ,
or will name an attractive price for spot
cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LATOURETTE ,
Cedar Rapids , Iowa.
C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent.
Stock Hogs Wanted.
Hogs from 100 Ibs. up. Will pay $4.00
Ball and Bat Free.
To the boy who buys a suit of clothes
at $2.50 or up at DeGroff & Co.'s.
R. T. Eller & Co. shipped an invoice
of queensware to Wauneta , Nebraska ;
also one to Atwood , Kansas , on Thurs
day of this week.
"Flyo-Curo" protects all kinds of stock
from flies , gnats and other insects ; costs
only a trifle. McCoNNELL & BERKY.
For a quick fire use Barnett's stove
wood , it will please you. Telephone 5.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
RBVS. GOULD and Clifton were city
visitors , Thursday.
Gus NORBERG of Holdrege was with
us briefly , Tuesday.
W. E. BOSSBRMAN departed , Tuesday
morning , for his home in Grafton.
MRS. E. F. CAFFREY is up from Ox
ford , the guest of Mrs. Frank Real.
MRS. J. H. BURNS was a Hastings
visitor , Monday , returning home on 3.
Miss EMMA PALMER arrived home ,
Tuesday night , from her Fairfield visit.
Miss MOORE of Sioux City , Iowa , is
visiting Engineer and Mrs. David Mag-
MRS F. S. CURRY and Mrs. C. I. Hall
were Denver visitors , early part of the
A. E. HARVEY , the Lincoln lawyer ,
was a Saturday visitor of the "Valley's
Finest. "
MRS J. K. COUZINS was called to Ox
ford , early in the week , by the illness o
a sister.
MRS. F. W. BOSWORTH came up from
Hastings , this noon , on a visit to Me
Cook relatives.
Miss MABEL WlLCOX returned home
Monday evening , from her visit to He
bron friends.
MRS. W. D. BURNETT is enjoying
visit from her mother , Mrs. E. B. Smith
of Red Cloud.
home , Sunday , from her visit to Beave
City relatives.
MRS. ANNA SAYERS and little niece
returned to Des Moines , Iowa , Tuesday
night on No. 6.
DR. B. B. DAVIS of Omaha spent Mon
day in the city , on business , guest of J
A. Wilcox and family.
MRS. S. A. McCARL and Misses Ida
and Blanche went down to Lincoln
Wednesday night , on a visit.
MRS. MARY A. BROWN and daughters
Tillie and Roxie , have gone to Loug-
inont , Colorado , on a vacation.
A. A. BATES returned , Tuesday , with
the family , from Kansas , where they
have been visiting her parents.
MRS. T M. PHILLIPPI and Miss Win
nie arrived home , Monday night , from a
visit east of a number of weeks.
tia arrived in the city , today , and are
* uests in Agent Thomson's home.
MR. AND MRS. J. W. HUPP were Leb
anon visitors , Sunday and Monday , re
turning home on 5 , Monday evening.
MRS. M. E. BRADEN and two children
of Beardstown 111. , arrived in the city ,
this noon , and are guests of Mrs. Vina
F. S. WILCOX was in St. Joseph and
Kansas City , fore part of the week , with
cattle. E. J. Wilcox accompanied him
on the trip.
MRS. W. V. GAGE and Master Jack
arrived home , Monday night , from their
visit in Alliance. The doctor met them
at Hastings.
J. F. HASKINS of the Benkelman News
was with us a few hours , Saturday night ,
hearing the closing numbers of the Bri
gade concert.
IRVING ELDRED came over from Phil-
lipsburg , Kansas , close of week past ,
and was the guest of his brother Charles
E. for a few days.
MRS. H. C. BROWN and Miss Pearl ,
who have been spending a couple weeks
in Denver and the' mountains , returned
home on Tuesday.
MRS. J. B. MESERVE came up from
Lincoln , Monday night , and has been
the guest of her daughter , Mrs. F. M.
Kimmell , this week.
R. A. GREEN and C. H. Boyle at
tended the Populist convention in Lin
coln , Wednesday and Thursday , return
ing home on i , today.
DR. AND MRS. J. A. GUNN xvent up to
Denver , Wednesday night , on a visit.
The doctor will take a side-trip to Crip
ple Creek white away.
was the guest of Miss Milly Slaby , Sun-
Say and Monday , departing on Tuesday
morning , for her home.
MRS.R. C.KNOX departed , Wednesday
morning , for Cheyenne , Wyoming , to
join her husband , who is working for
the Union Pacific at that place.
JUDGE BISHOP has moved into the old
Frank Hess property , one door north of
his late residence. Mrs. Cora Kelley
will occupy her own home , next week.
W. E. SCHMIDT was down from Colorado
rado , Saturday and Sunday , on a mis
sion more or less tender. He will re
turn to work in the machine-shop here ,
GEORGE BURGERT , JR. , principal of
the Syracuse high school , is spending
the week in the city , guest of Sup't A.
L. Caviness. Mr. Burgert's many ad
mirers in the city are pleased to greet
him and are endeavoring to make his
brief sojourn a pleasant one.
G. F. HORN departed , Sunday morn
ing , for his home in Chadrou , this state ,
from which point he will accompany a
party overland into the Yellowstone
park , where they will enjoy an outing of
a few weeks. His vacation will cover a
period of five or six weeks. Floyd Pro
per will clerk for Manager Tartsch , the
Stock Hogs Wanted.
Hogs from 100 Ibs. up. Will pay $4 oo.
S. M. Cochran & Co. have repairs for
the Deering , Standard , McCormick ,
Buckeye , Piano , and repairs for a few
other mowers.
BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB-
CINE office. in the market.
Cool , refreshing "Ginger Mint Phos
phate" at McMillen's.
The latest at McMillen's "Frozen
Frappe. "
Affairs of City.
The municipal parents were in regula
session , Monday evening , all present bu
Councilman Osborn , and the following
business was disposed of :
A memorial from the ladies of the W
C. T. U. , petitioning the council to plac <
two drinking fountains on Main avenue
and touching the matter of Sunday clos
ing , was read and action deferred for tht
Bills were allowed as follows :
On fire fund $2 each to H H.Tartsch ,
R. B. Carlton.E.J. Wilcox , C. A.Leach ,
R. J. Moore , Carl Dennis , J. H. Dwyer ,
George Enoch , George Scott , Ed Jeffers ,
Ed Jordan , T. M. Phillippi.J. W. Spiker ,
G. F. Horn , R. J. Predmore , C. G. Cog-
lizer and A. F. Clark.
McCook Electric Light Co $85 oc
F. D Burgess 12 85
Sawyer & McClain 42 5 °
George Hocknell 75 oc
J.A. Beyrer 2 25
Howe Smith 37 5 °
W. C. Bullard & Co 96 55
Ordinance 90 was passed under sus
pended rules ; it provides for building
and repairing sidewalks and appears in
this issue of THE TRIBUNE.
Ordinance 91 received similar action
at the hands of the council ; it provides
the money for the current expenses of
the municipality.
Estimate of expenses for the ensuing
municipal year , beginning May 2d , 1900 ,
was submitted and adopted by resolu
tion ; the estimate calls for a total of
$7,000 , and the same appears in full in
another column. Adjourned.
Golf at Hot Springs , S. D.
The golf links at Hot Springs are
among the finest in the west. They are
located on the tableland south of town ,
a high , wind-swept plain where it is
always cool. The surroundings are ro
mantic in the extreme. Right ahead of
you is the rugged mass of Battle Moun
tain while to the left is Echo Canon ,
one of the most beautiful canons in the
Black Hills.
The links are only a few minutes walk
from the hotels and end near the famous
plunge bath where , after a morning
spent in "teeing" and "putting , " you
can enjoy the delights of a swim in the
clearest , cleanest , most crystal-like water
in all America.
During July the Burlington Route'will
run ten cheap excursions to Hot Springs.
The dates are : 3-7-8 9-10-14-17-18-21-28.
The rate is one fare plus $2.00 for the
round trip. Tickets bear liberal return
limit and the Burlington's service to the
Black Hills is unrivalled.
Call on the local ticket agent of the
B. & M. R. R. R. and let him tell you
what it will cost you to make the trip.
Omaha , Neb.
More ot the Same.
Tuesday afternoon , the Arapahoe base
ball club administered another crushing
rlefeat to the Athletics on the home
iiamond. The figures 12 to 5 tell the
tearful tale. 'Twas a good game up to
the seventh inning , the score at the
: lose of the sixth inning being 4 to 4.
[ n the fatal seventh the Athletics went
Lo pieces and allowed the visitors to
make 8 runs not a few of them on er
rors and the jig was up. The game
: entered a great interest , local and from
surrounding towns , and was largely at-
; ended by enthusiastic admirers of the
jame , Arapahoe sending up her usually
arge and staunch following.
Too Much Pork : Not Enough Fat.
Without doubt the fat in pork is about
is hard to digest as anything can be. A
lerson has to have a strong digestion
md must be engaged in hard work in
rder to take care of this food , although
t is true a large number of persons de-
> end upon it especially through the cold
veather. The fact is , however , that as
i rule fat is largely deficient in our food ;
hat is , a fat which can be easily digest-
id and promptly assimilated by the sys-
em. Cod liver oil , as we find it in
Scott's Emulsion , is the most easily
ligested of all fats ; it is just the food the
> ody must have to give it nerve power ,
> rain power and digestive power.
Anna L. Morse vs. J. W. Pickle et al. ;
; quity.
George Webber and Dora Sonnichson ,
oth of Indianola , were married by * the
: ounty judge , July I2th.
J. E. Kelley has commenced garnish-
uent proceedings against D. H. Rhoads.
Uioads has shipped his goods away and
n effort is being made to collect $60
ent by garnishing his pay-check.
The county commissioners concluded
heir semi-annual settlement , yesterday.
Some Choice Offerings.
I wish to say to my friends and patrons
hat I have for sale some choice O. I. C.
) igs of May farrow , 8 to 10 weeks old ,
erie each. They are simply good at
> oth ends out of Perfection blood and
land right up on their feet. Also.B. P.
lock chickens and Bronze turkeys.
} ome and see me or write your wants.
Box 238. McCook , Nebr.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
$ -35
Vheat 55
) ats 25
tye 35
logs 4.35
5ggs 08
lutter 13
few Potatoes i .35
iutter fat at Creamery 16
Barnett's screens will keep out the
lies and make a happy home.
German Portland cement for stde-
ralks at Barnett's.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Jack Henderson has been promoted to
Bert Colter has gone to work in the
new shop.
Thursday was pay-day , the checks
coming in on No. 5.
Brakeuian F. J. Theme returned from
Brush , first of the week.
Bert Irwin was incapacitated , close ol
last week , by a sore hand.
Engineer H. H. Kingsbury returned ,
first of the week , from Brush.
There were three sections of No. i ,
Tuesday , and two sections of No. 3.
Brakeman D. A. Bowen and F. S.
Curry are on the sicklist , this week.
Auditor C. H. Sampson was out in
specting the store-house , Wednesday.
Conductor F. M. Washburn visited his
parents in Broinfield , Giltner station ,
Julian Andrew , a machinist apprentice ,
has been transferred here from Have
lock , this week.
Four engines are now in the new shop
being thoroughly overhauled : Nos. 45 ,
281 , 214 and 179.
John Thomson went down to Oxford ,
Monday night , to do some light repair
ing to an engine.
Operator Bert Pate was up from Ox
ford , Tuesday , to witness the Athletic's
latest Waterloo.
Conductor Mose Carniony and family
are visiting her parents near Red Cloud ,
part of this week.
A chime whistle has been placed on
the machine-shop. It is much more
pleasing to the ear.
Brakeman John Humphreys has taken
ten-days lay-off and gone to Johnson ,
Nebraska , on a visit.
Conductor L. E. Gilcrest of the Im
perial line was in Denver , Saturday and
Sunday , on business.
Conductor C. W. Bronson took a short
lay-off , early in the week , and visited
his parents near Mindeu.
James Cuniuiings of the St. Joe rail
road shops was looking over the new
machine-shop , Wednesday.
President Perkins and party have been
over the Western division , this week , on
a general tour of inspection.
Conductor Al Sharp is down from
Denver , ill with an attack of typhoid
fever at Mrs. M. A. Hobson's.
Sup't Campbell went east on his pri
vate car 10 , Tuesday morning. Fred
Zell of Denver accompanied him.
Grant Smith has taken a brief lay-ofl
and to Kenesaw , to visit the family ,
which will-shortly move here to live.
Conductor T. F. Enright and Brakeman -
man Walter Sayers had President Per
kins'special over the.divisionyesterday.
Clnef Clerk Montmorency and M. E.
Smith of M. E. Smith & Co. of Omaha ,
spent Wednesday at Brush and Wray ,
Engineer and Mrs C. K. Coleuian ,
family and party arrived home , this
noon from their three-weeks visit in
Hailey , Wyoming.
The work-train at Long Island has
been suspended for a while , and Con
ductor T. E. McCarl and crew have re
turned to headquarters.
Conductor A. L. Kuowland had Con
ductor Bronson's run , during the latter's
short absence , and Conductor Ed Beyrer
had Conductor Knowland's.
Engineer Jack Cook was at headquar
ters , Thursday , to see the wife and fam
ily , who have been visiting her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. V. McManigal , for a few
Scott Odell has quit the position of
messenger at the depot , and Claude
Ward is discharging its duties now.
Scott is helping his father on the board
Owing to the rush of business incident
to the settling of the new machine-shop
and oth'er work at this point , a second
switch engine has been placed in the
day service.
Conductor Eph. Benjamin and crew ,
who have been with the steam-shovel at
Brush , Colorado , for the past six weeks ,
returned to McCook , Sunday. The
steam-shovel has been returned to divi
sion headquarters.
R. D. Cutler has taken Bush's place in
the telegraph service , Bush occupying
Dan McAlpine's place at Lyons , Cole
rado. McAlpine has gone to Texas for
his health , being in a serious condition
with Bright's disease.
Ass't Gen'l Sup't Rhoades , Purchas
ing Agent Yeoinans of the Q , Purchas
ing Agent Guild of the Burlington and
a Mr. Sturgis were at Western division
headquarters , Thursday , on a tour of in
spection of store-houses.
Among other matters , the statistical
report of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission for the year ending June 3Oth ,
1899 , has the appended information :
Total single-track mileage in the United
States , 189,294 , an increase during year
of 2,898 ; total mileage of all tracks , 252-
364. Engines in service , 36,703 ; increase
of 469 for year. Cars of all classes ,
1,375,916 ; increase , 49,742. No. of em
ployes , 928,924 ; increase , 54,466. Amount
of outstanding capital , $11,033,954,898 ;
capitalization per mile , $60,556. Of this
capital stock $3,275,509,181 paid no divi
dend , and $572,410,746 no interest. Pas
sengers carried , 523,176.508 ; increase ,
22,109,827. Tons of freight , 959.763.583 ;
increase , 80,759,276. Gross earnings ,
1,313,310,618 ; increase , $63,284,497.
Operating expenses , $856,968,999 ; in
crease , $38,995,723. Total dividends de
clared , $111,089,936. Total casualties ,
51,743 ; killed , 7,123 ; injured , 44,620.
Passengers killed , 239 ; increase , 18 ; pas
sengers injured , 3,442 ; increase , 497 ; or
me passenger killed for every 2,189,023
: arried , and one injured for 151,798 car
ried. Employes killed , 2,210 ; injured ,
Two Evening Parties.
Misses Mollie and Julia Ryan enter
tained the young ladies of the Awl-Os
club , last Friday evening , in the tradi
tionally felecitous fashion of the club.
In honor of Mr. W. E. Bosserman of
Grafton , an invitation was also extended
to a number of the young men of the
city and a few visitors within our gates.
Refreshments were served and an adver
tisements guessing contest indulged in ,
making a full evening of pleasure for
Mrs. F. M. Kimmell gave an informal
lawn party , Tuesday evening , to the
young ladies of the Awl-Os club and
numerous invited friends , in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Magee. Between 50
and 60 young ladies and gentlemen of
the city were present. The night was
ideal as to quiet coolness and the affair
a pleasurable one. Games were played
and refreshments served on the lawn ,
which was lighted and seated for the oc
casion. Piano numbers by Miss Edna
Dixon and Mrs. Mabel Stranahan added
to the sum total of the evening's enjoy
Selections of partners for refreshments
were made by dividing "Mother Goose"
quotations and requiring the guests to
n't the separated rhymes.
Fire Visits Two Farms.
Fire left a trail of destruction on two
"arms in this vicinity , this week :
Early Wednesday , S. P. Hart's barn
and most of its contents were destroyed ,
entailing a loss of between $400 and
$500. It is not certain how the fire orig-
nated. The barn was entirely destroyed
and the following-named contents as
well : A horse and a mule , two tons of
lay , a quantity- oats and corn , some
arm implements and harness , and a
quantity of meat. There was no insur-
uice. All sympathize with Mr. Hart in
his unfortunate addition to his inis-
Thursday afternoon , the engine puli
ng passenger train No. i set fire to
Frank Stillman's wheat field , located
just north of his house , and the stiff
breeze prevailing at the time soon car
ried the flames over 65 acres of the go-
acre field of wheat. Fritz Buehler was
engaged in heading the grain at the
time , considerable wheat being in the
stack and in a wagon. All was burned ,
including the wagon ; the header was
damaged somewhat also. The field
seemed to have been fired in two or
three places , and the work of destruction
was rapid and complete.
W. O. Bond was in McCook , Tuesday , on
Mrs. J. 15. iMeserve , of Lincoln , is the guest
sf Indianola friends today.
James McCallum saw the Arapalioe hoys
skin the McCook base-hall club , Tuesday , to
: he tune of 5 to 12. *
Mesdames McCool , Barton and Shackelton
ivere among the pilgrims to the big red standpipe -
pipe town , Tuesday.
Forty Indianola people bought tickets to
McCook , Tuesday , to see the Arapahoe-Mc-
1'ook game of base-hall.
Marion Powell shipped a number of cars of
: attle and hogs to Denver , Wednesday , ac-
: ompanying them in person.
It is said that Jasper Phillips will place his
kimming machine in operation soon.and that
jamuel Randolph's will be his first pelt.
S. R. Smith , lord-high-everything of the lo-
: al "Boxers , " went up to hear what the wild
sraves had to say in McCook , Wednesday.
Father L. Blanderfield is looking after the
piritual interests of St. Virgilius parish
iuring the absence on vacation of Father Bar-
Since the late county teachers' institute at
IcCook , Frank Golfer keeps a pretty warm
rail between this place and the big red stand-
Frank Teel arrived here , tins morning , from
IcCook , on his way to Frontier county from
ttending the Populist state convention in
John McClung followed the sports to the
all game , Tuesday , between Arapahoe and
IcCook , at the county capital , and came
ack with some of McCook's hard dollars.
J. W. Dolan and son Paul of our town and
. E. Seeley of Poughkeepsie , N. Y. , the well-
nown money-loaner who is here inspecting
is large interests in this section of Nebraska ,
rere McCook visitors , Wednesday.
Dr. J. M. Brown was in McCook , Monday ,
n business with the county commissioners.
bam Young and Ed Price took in the Arap-
hoe-McCook hall game.Tuesday , in McCook.
F. A. Yickreywho lias been attending busi-
ess college in Omaha , returned home on
Jack DeArmond fell off of the stair-way on
ic south side of the Star restaurant , Monday ,
nd sustained painful injuries about the head
nd one of his ears was badly lacerated.
Wm. Cowles and H. D. Vickrey went up to
IcCook , Monday and remained over Tues-
ay to see the ball game and the disastrous
efeat of the McCook nine at the hands of
ic invincible and undefeated Arapahoe ag-
They do say that Colonel Mathews thought
ic cyclone was just over the hill , and bor-
> wed a bike to ride out and see and report
ic disaster. As the cyclone was perhaps 30
tiles from here , the colonel and his leather
ings and wooden caput must be going yet.
Lear sells drugs.
Lear sells wall-paper.
A great leader Lour.
Lear sells machine oil.
Lear sells prescriptions.
McMillen's for piiints mid wall paper.
The latest at McMillen's "Frozen
Frappe. "
The freshest and best drugs are found
at Loar's.
Hammocks all prices at McMillen's
drug store.
Cool , refreshing "Ginger Mint Phos
phate" at McMillen's.
Get your threshing coul at Barnett's
and you will be sntisfied.
The great eclipse continues the way
Loar's soda eclipses all others.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms to
let. Inquire at the Dr. Spicklemier res
The minois of Ahmson A. Plumb , Danbury -
bury , have been granted a pension of $14
per month.
Subscribe for the real thing TimMc-
COOK TRIHUNK. Same price as the
others $ r per year.
A number of those cypress stock tanks
of all sizes at Burnett's ; if you need one ,
their's will satisfy you.
Miss Mary Mugan is building a resi
dence on North Main , just south of Con
ductor C. E. Pope's home.
Extra Agent A. J. /int came up from
Cambridge , last night , and went over to
Norton , Kansas , this morning.
During the month of July , I will sell
Eldorado Castor Oil at 25 cents a gallon.
Some delightfully NEW and lasting
odors in our new line of perfumes.
"The Right Place" to call up is No. 12.
You are sure of gettir g just as choice
meats by phone as by personal inspec
The "Kid" base-ball club went up to
Wauneta , this morning , to play a simi
lar club of that place a match game ,
Eccentricity must have some such
saving clause as gray matter , $ $ , genius
jr talent to be at all interesting or en-
You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co.
ire at the head of the procession when
jood meats are on parade. Try their
; narket.
Do you know you can buy the finest
ine of cookies , cakes and crax in the
: ounty at R. T. Eller & Co.'s. They
lave an elegant line of these goods.
U McConnell & Berry's fountain.
The ladies of the G. A. R. will give an
ce-cream social on the lawn at Mrs.
iarah McCarl's residence on next Tues-
lay evening , July 17111. Ice-cream and
ake , 10 cents ; lemonade , 5 cents.
It is not a debatable question but one
f privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh
c. Co. , when in quest of the best the
narket affords in the meat line. They
re prompt and accommodating in the
argain. Phone 12.
BAPTIST Preaching at n. Union
ervices in the Congregational church at
, Rev. J. W. Walker to preach.
GEO. SCOTT , Pastor pro tern.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
ligh mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
; tth choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
til are cordiall ? welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m.
'reaching at n. Morning subject , "Led
f the Spirit. " Union service in the
longregational church at 8.
J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
o. Preaching at ir. Union meeting of
lible society at 8. Sermon by J. W.
talker. Morning subject , "The Pro-
hetic Element in Life. " Prayer-meet-
: ig , Wednesday evening at 8.
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
'reaching ' at n. Union service in the
longregation church at 8. Prayer and
! ible-study on Wednesday evening at 8.
lorning subject , "Paul Before God. "
.11 are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at IIoo
'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany ,
unday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening
rayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. m.
'riday evening lecture at 8:00 o'clock ,
[ ely communion the first Sunday in
ach month. HOWARD STOY , Rector.
Stock Hogs Wanted.
Hogs from 100 Ibs. up. Will pay $4.00
During the month of July , I will sell
Idorado Castor Oil at 25 cents a gallon.
Hammocks all prices at McMillen's
rug store.