I Oxfords ! Oxfords ! Oxfords ! ( P' ' 1 k : TAN SHOES FOR MEN AND | WOMEN. JUST WHAT YOU X WANT FOR SUMMER WEAR. J } * Light , Cool , Comfortable In all the latest shades = = Tan , Chocolate , Wine and Black. We are sole agents for the Streetman Cush ion Sole Shoes and Oxfords , for ladies. Shoes , $3.00 ; Oxfords , $2.50. A large stock to select from and our prices are the lowest. "You are invited to call and * examine these goods for yourself. $ JVtodef , VAHUE & PETTY. MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. A Life and Death Fight. AV. A. limes of Manchester , la. , writing of of his almost miraculous escape from death , says : "Exposure after measles induced seri ous lung trouhle , which ended in consump tion , lhad frequent hemorrhages and coughed ight and day. All my doctors-said 1 must soon die , when I began to ui > e Dr.King's New Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds liave used it on my advice , and all say it never fails to cure throat , chest and lung troubles. " Regular size We and $1. Trial bottles free at INIcConnell & Berry's drug store. An exchange says Neely's Indiana career "was not creditable. " Neither was his Cuban career. He did a strictly cash business. A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its victim is a type of constipa tion. The power of this malady is felt on or gans , nerves , muscles and brain. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best "n the world for stomach , liver , kidneys and bowels. Only 25c at McConnell & Berry's drug store. Alfred Austin claims that his Mafeking poem is alter Tennyson's Balaklava. It will never overtake it. Thou hast strange notions for one so young a substitute to think that thou art the same as Rocky Mountain Tea , made by the Madison Medicine Co. 350. Ask your druggist. For Infants and Children. etabe ! Pr eparalionfor As similating IheFoodandReguIa- liii the Stomachs andBowels of Bears tlie Signature Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful- ness andRcsl.Contains neither of Opium.Morpliine nor"Miueral. I OTIC. Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa- Tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions feverishness - ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Pac Simile Signature pF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOHK CITY Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Per A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured. sons with indigestion are already half starved. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol of the ankle , " says Geo. E. Gary , editor of the Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the Guide , Washington , Va. "After using several body can be nourished while trie worn out or- well recommended medicines without success tjans are being reconstructed. It is the only I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm , and am preparation known that will instantly relieve pleased to say that relief came as soon as I and completely cure .all stomach troubles. began its use and a complete cure speedily Try it if you are suffering from indigestion. followed. " Sold by McConnell & Berry. It will certainly do you good. D. W. Loar. Senator Clark's wedding present to his "Populism may receive a quite large acces daughter was valued at $14,000,000. Sons-in- sion to its ranks in Boston. The barbers of law come a little higher than senatorial seats that city have doubled the prices of shavis in Montana , this year. and haircuts. If you are troubled with that most uncom Neglect is the short step so many take from fortable disease called piles , don't neglect it. a cough or cold to consumption. The early Don't let the complaint get a firm hold. Ev use ofOne Minute Cough Cure prevents con ery day the disease is neglected it grows sumption , it is the only harmless remedy worse. Commence _ at once to use Tabler's that gives immediate results. It cures all Buckeye Pile Ointment ; the relief is immedi throat and lung troubles. Children all like it ate , and cure infallible. Price. 50 cents in and mothers e'ndorse it. D. W. Loar. bottles , tubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen. SOUTH SIDE. Lin ford Fitch is working on the Morlan much. Roy Barnes is working for the Burlington , at present. John Hurtless is irrigating on the Morlan ranch , this week. Charles Green of Vailton is helping . G. Dulton , this week. There was a good attendance at Sunday- school , last Sunday. Remember the preaching , next Sunday ; all are cordially invited. Rain is needed very badly in this part of the country , at present. The South Side farmers are harvesting their first crop of alfalfa. We regret to note that grasshoppers are be coming more numerous. Leslie Jones of Pleasant Ridge is helping Win. Thomas irrigate , this week. Andrew Culbertson of Pleasant Ridge called in South Side , Wednesday of this week , on business. Those who have the work in charge are making big preparations for Children's day exercises , which are to be held on the ith of this month. The work of preparing the pro gramme is in the hands of Florence Johnston , Eurilla Fitch and Winona Jones. It is to be a great day for the children and all are cor dially invited. If troubled with rheumatism , give Chamber- lam's Pain-Halm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will iclieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one-third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts , burns , frostbites , quinsy , pains in the side and chest , glandu lar and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price , 25 and 50 cts. McConnell & Berry , Druggists. PROSPECT PARK. A fine rain , first of the week. Julia Sly is expected home , June loth , on a vacation. The ice-cream social at J. M. Hammond's was well attended. Mrs. W. N. Cratty is at home now and get ting along quite well. Cliildien's-day will be observed on June l6th at the school-house. May Thompson is getting better and will be at home on Satuiday. Charles Shears and family arrived fiom Illinois on Sunday evening. A Wealth of Beauty Is often hidden by unsightly pimples , ecze- na , tetter , erysipelas , salt rheum etc. Buck- en's Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curIng - Ing all skin eruptions , also cuts , bruises , burns , boils , felons , ulcers , and worst forms of piles. Duly 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by McConnell & Berry , Druggists. I low in the world our dear ladies can get hose crooked spring hats on straight is a > roblem too deep for the average man. If the stomach performs its functions act ively and regularly , the food of which it is the eceptarle is transformed into blood of a lourishing quality , which furnishes vigor and varmtli to the whole body. Ilerbine gives one to the stomach and promotes digestion and assimilation. Price,50 cents. A.McMillen. Ref. Mr. Jeffries has gone east to witness a ew prize fights. Ilis pulpit no doubt feels jreatly relieved. You feel better at once after using Ilerbine , 'ou enjoy your food more , and you get more nourishment and invigorating foice out of vhat you eat. Hence Ilerbine makes you trong , vigorous and cheerful. Price , 50 cents. \ . McMillen. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Know all men by thc'-o presents : That we , W. S. 1'orry , J. A. Guun , C. E. Pojxi , J. F. Kenyon nd Frank Carrntli do associate ourselves to other for the purpose of forming and becoming corporation in the State of Nebraska for the runsaction of the business hereinafter de- eribed : (1. ( ) The name of this corporation shall be the McCook Lead and Zinc Mining Company. The principal place of transacting its biibimc-s shall be in McCook , Red Willow county , Ne braska. (2. ( ) The nature of the business shall be the purchasing , leasing , sub-leasing , and soiling mining lauds and properties ; the leasing and promoting of milling properties and companies , and any and all kinds of mines and mining ; the acquiring of such real estate as shall be for the interests of the c < > rporation , either by purchase , lease or otherwise ; the purchase and sale of mining materials and machinery ; the erection and inaintainancc of such buildings and struct ures as may be deemed necessary ; and to carry on a general mining business in any state or ter ritory of the United States of America. ( I ! . ) The authorized capital stock of the cor poration shall be Three Thousand Two Hun dred Dollars ( SS.200.00) ) , in shares of One Hun dred Dollars ( $100.00) ) each , to be subscribed and paid for as follows , to-wit : Fifty Dollars ( $ . " > 0.00) ) to he paid upon making subscription for stock | * j and Fifty Dollars ( $50.00) ) on demand of the i Board of Directors , and when so paid said stock shall bo non-assessable. G (4. ( ) The existence of this corporation phall commence on the 1st day of March , A. D. 1000 , and continue fifty years. (5. ) The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this corporation shall be held on the first Monday in February of each year. ( G. ) The business of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of five Directors , to be elected by the Stockholders at the annual meet ing , provided that the following-named persons shall bo the Board of Directors until the annual meeting in 1901 : AV. S. Terry. J. A. Gunu , J. F. Kenyon , C. E. Pope and Frank Carnith. The Board of Directors elected at the first annual meeting shall hold their offices as follow ? : One for ono year , one for two years , ono for three years one for four years , and one for five years. The term of each to bo allotted at the first an nual meeting , and thereafter ono Director to be elected each year for a term of five years. The manner of conducting the election may bo more fully set forth in the By-Laws of said corpora tion. (7. ( ) The officers of said corporation shall bo a President , Vice President. Treasurer and a Secretary , who shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and quali fied. _ (8. ( ) The corporation . hall have a corpora tion seal on which shall bo such device as the Board of Directors may determine. (9. ( ) The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed Two Thousand Ono Hundred Dollars ( $2.100.00) ) at any time. _ (10. ( ) By-Laws governing the manner of hold d ing the annual and special meetings of the ii Stockholders , and the method of conducting iiP the affairs of the corporation shall be adopted P by the Board of Directors. o (11. ( ) These Articles of Incorporation may bo I ti amended at any mooting of the Stockholders by ' o n two-thirds vote of all the Stockholders. 11 ! In witness whereof the undersigned have I n lioreunto set their hands this th day of March , , T \ . D. 3900. W. S. PEKKY , J. F. KEXYO.V , ! p C. E. POI-E , J. A. GUNX , \v ) -Mts FKAXK CAEEUTII. | Earoka Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils , softens , black ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your best harness , your old bar * ness , and your carriage top , and they will not only look better but wear lonner. Sold every where In cans-all eizea from half pints to live gallons. ' WoJo by BTAXU1UU OIL CO. To Cure La Grippe In Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets. All drucgists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Gtovt's name on every bottle. c. 4-1. 'Hie trust is to cut down the output of .whisky. It has evidently outgrown the input. Reports show that over fifteen hundred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe , croup , asthma , whooping cough , bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early- use prevents consumption. D. W. Loar. A Missouri paper that runs two pages of editorial matter is very happily named "Nat ural Gas. " There's no beauty in all the land , That can with her face compare. Her lips aie red , her eyes aie bright. She takes Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Ask your druggist. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AGISTER'S LIEN. Notice is ; hereby given that by virtue of ni agister's lien for the keeping and food of ono bay horse about 10 year.- , old , star in forehead , wire cut and collar marks on right shoulder , blister scar on _ left shoulder , left hind fool white , some white on right hind foot , weight about l.lfiO pounds , from the ! d day of Decem ber , 1899 , until this date , under an implied con tract with one A. Speer * , on which there is now < iiie the sum of $5.10. An aflidavit setting forth the description of said horse , and the amount duo for the keeping of said horse , having been filed in the oflico of the county clerk of this county , being the county whore said horse was fed and kept , on the 21 day ; > f May , 1900.1 will sell the proiwrty above described at public auc tion at the residence of James AVoodworth in Willow Grove precinct in Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 28th day of June , 1900 , at 2 o'clock of said day. Said said will be for cash in hand. Dated this Cth day of Juno , 1P0. ( ! G-S-IJts JAMES WOOD WORTH. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing lx-U\een Mary L. Gaffnoy and E. W. Hendrick under the name and style of "The McCook Steam Laundry" is this day dissolved bj mutual consent. All debt" duo the old firm will be paid to the new firm of GnfTuey 'ind Lonhart , who assume all liabilities of the old firm. Dated this 1th day of Jmu1900. . 5-8-4 ts M. L. GAFFXEV , E. W. HENDUICK. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. Eli Crock-ford will take notice that on the 21st lay of April , HKX ) , II. II. Berry , a justice of the [ H-ace in and for Willow Grove precinct. Red VVillow county , Nebraska , for the sum of 10.00 , in an action pending before him , win-rein John \ . Guun is plaintiff and Eli Crockford is de fendant , that money due and unpaid the de fendant and in the po < st'sion of Jacob Randel. : ias been attached under an order of attach- nent. Said cause was continued to the 15th lay of. June , 1900 , at 9 o'clock a. in. JOHN . A. GUNX. First publication , May 25,11KX ) . ! ! ts. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the listrict court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , mder a decree in an action wherein James Par- lee is plaintiff , and Katie E. Phillips et al. de- 'endants , to mo directed and delivered , I shall jffer at public sale , and sell to the highest bid- ler for cash , at the east door of the court-house n McCook , Red AVillow county , Nebraska , on ; he 25th day of June , 1900 , at the hour of one ) 'clock , p. in. , the following described real es tate , to-wit : The south half of the southeast liiarter of section 20 , and the north half of the lortheast quarter of section 29 in township Ii , lorth , range 27 , west of the Gth P. M. , in Red iVillow county , Nebraska. Dated this 2d : ! day of May , A. D. 1900. -25-5t- < . G. F. KIXGUOKX , Sheriff. By A. C. CRAIITKEL : , Deputy. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. [ ROAD xo. 317. ] To Chas. H. Sloan , Emma E. Atwater , Ira II. larrisou , John F. Miller , and Providence Mut- lal Inv. Co. , and to all whom it may concern : 'he board of county commissioners has estab- ished and ordered opened a road commencing t the southeast corner of section 2 , township 4 orth , range 29 west , in Box Elder precinct. Red Villow county , Nebraska , running _ thence west H section line one and one-half miles , and ter minating at south west corner of southeast quar- er of section 15. township 4 , range 29 , west of the P. M. . and all objection thereto or claims for ainages must be filed in the county clerk's ilice on or before noon of the 30th dav of July , . . D. 1900 , or said road will be established with- ut reference thereto. -l-4ts R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. O. R. RITTENHOUSE , Deputy. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. [ ROAD xo. :548. : ] To Mary A. Funk and William S. Bye. and to 11 whom it may concern : The board of countv ommissiouers has established and ordered pened a road commencing at the southwest orner of the northwest quarter of section 9 , owuship 4 , north , range 26 , in North Valley r > re- inct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running hence south one-half mile between sections 8 nd 9 ; and thence east one-half mile between cctions 9 and 16 ; and further to vacate the oad beginning at said southwest corner of the orthwest quarter of said section 9 and running ast one-half mile , and thence south one-half lile , and all objections thereto or claims for amuges must be filed in the county clerk's ilice on or before noon of _ the 30th dav of July , . . D. 1900. or said road will bo established with- nt reference thereto. l-4ts R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. O. R. RITTEXHOUSE , Deputy. ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county. s = . t a county court , held at the county court 3om in and for said county , May 29 , A. D. 1PUO. 'resent ' , G. S. Bishop , county iudge. In the latter of the estate of John Real , deceased. On jading and filing the petition of Sarah Real , raying that administration of said estate may e granted to John Real as administrator. Or- ered , that Juno IS , A. D. 1900. at 10 o'clock a. i. , is assigned for hearing said petition , when ll persons interested in said matter may aj > - ear at a county court to 1x5 held in and for said suuty , and show cause why the prayer of peti- ouer should not bo granted ; and that notice r the ixjndeucy of said petition and the hearing lereof be given to all persons interested in said latter bv publishing n copy of this order in HE McCooK TRIBUXE , or weekly newspaper rinted in said county , for three successive eeks , prior to said day of hearing. G-l-3t G. S. BISHOP , County Judge. PONT POISON YOURSELF And family by eating cream from an worn out freezer , that has the tin worn * and the rust is mixing with the cream. We have the "WHITE MOUNTAIN" make in allf the sizes $1.45 ' 2-Quart , - - 3-Quart , - - - $1.75 4-Quart , - - $2.25 6-Quart , - $2.75 8-Quarr , - - $3-45 At the lowest price possible to make on this su = perior line of freezers. THE BEE HIVE , McCooK , NEBRASKA . V8S2SSI "I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cured till I began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good I calj it the savioi of my life , " writes \V. R. Wilkinson , Albany , Tenn. It digests what you eat. D.V. . Loar. DR. JOHN McPsEE , DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. S Office over McConnell & Berry's. J. B. BALLARD , < ยง DENTIST. @ All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse" Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- ' Phillips Building. McCOOK SUEGICAI HOSPITAL , D. W. V. GAGE , McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEHKASKA. J5& Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. Xvw > - t"t b V The Kimmel institute of Magnetic Healing. Lear 11 , the Science of us by mail , or at our office. W e guarantee a good business fo all our graduates. - Our office is noxv at 318 South Twelfth street , where we have fitted up rooms on the \ first floor , with separate operating rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Mrs. Kimmel , who has been in charge of the ladies' department at Leavenworth , Kansas , and noted for her brilliant success in the treatment of all female diseases , is now in charge of the female patients at Lincoln. The President , Rev. J. W. Kimmel , gives personal attention to all patients , and is in charge of the gentlemen's operating rooms. Treatment by mail a specialty. The Kimmel Institute has treated hundreds of cases of chronic diseases with uni versal success. Guarantee if desired. Diseases of eyes , ears , brain , throat , bronchial tubes , lungs , liver , stomach , kidneys , bowels , generative organs , bladder , uretha , womb' ovaries , rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis and all nervous troubles are permanently cured without the use of drugs or knives. MAGNETISM AND MIND are nature's own remedies and all that we use. Tes timonials at our office. There is help for all. "Come and see" or address REV. J. W. KIMMEL , 318 South Twe/fth Street , Lincoln , Nebraska. \ \ S-i8-imo. $ X < vw ig ojjirjiifjrJfe ty igfar * - * * TT * JVJS. . - - . / tty jft .A. . . ? _ . . - , f $ V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. ft 1 CITIZENS BANK I f I OF McCOOK , NEB. ' f | Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 I II 1 ? - GQ Tlr = DIRECTORS = V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A ' C ' EBERT H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , 'C.'H. WILURD ' f * A BLIND MAN Is one who fails to profit by experience , even though he has use of both eyes without the aid of glasses. Time and again people buy clothing that is half made and containing mostly "Shoddy and Flock. " Remember .that three years among you has taught you that we carry no satinet goods in the house ; what you buy of us is reliable and made by the best equipped factories in the in the country. Our prices are the lowest named for good goods ; we carry no other. t > etttfcje ( FRANK J. MORGAN , McCook , Nebraska. i r