GUILTYS INNOCENT ? By AMY BRAZIER. % CHAPTER V. ( Continued. ) Something must have happened. People are running. There Is a little crowd round the bank , and a police man is pushing his way through. What can it be ? Sebastian Joins the crowd , and the people fall back and make way. Mr. Saville Is a magis trate , and every one stands aside to lot him pass. In the bank Itself a small , eager crowd are peering over the counter at a strange scene within. The bank manager Is stooping over a prostrate figure the body of the cashier , limp and insensible. That there has been an outrage is plain to the commonest understanding. The floor is strewn with papers , and a stool Is overturned. There must have been a desperate struggle before the young man was overpowered. The place Is a regular wreck. At flrst the general opinion is that the cashier is dead murdered , most probably. There is a heavy , faint odor of some drug. Mr. Kelly , the bank manager , lifts an ashen face. "It must have been very quickly done ! I had not left the bank ten minutes ! I was at my lunch , and when I got back I found Grey like this ! " "Has any one gone for a doctor ? " Mr. Saville puts the question- he stands looking down on the livid , in sensible face of the bank clerk. "Give him air ; open his collar , " he says , and glances around on the scene of confusion the money lying on the floor , the books , the Sebastian stoops suddenly and picks up a cheque off the floor. George Bou- vere is scrawled across the back of it. Without a word he hands the cheque to the bank manager , remarking : "Mr. Bouvere may be able to throw some light on this. I met him com ing out of the bank about a quarter of an hour ago. He can at least say if everything was right then. " "Where is Mr. Bouverie now ? " "Gone home , I fancy. He was wir ing off a large sum of money at the postofSce when I met him. " Mr. Kelly turns white as his eyes meet those of Sebastian. "I do not know if anything has been taken , " he says very low , still chafing away at the limp hands of Mr. Grey. Then the doctor hurries in and makes an examination. "The man is not dead ; he has been chloroformed. " luis is the verdict , and the news goes out to the little knot of people outside. Not only has the cashier been chloroformed , but the bank has been robbed. So far has been ascertained by a hastly examination. It is a very clever robbery , evident ly well planned and carried out suc cessfully during the time the manager was at his lunch. Nothing further can be known till Mr. Grey recovers consciousness. The cashier , who is a very uninteresting young man , be comes all at once an object of excite ment and discussion , and through the length and breadth of Portraven the news goes like wildfire. CHAPTER VI. "It was a very near thing indeed , " the doctor says , when at last he suc ceeds 'in restoring Mr. Grey. "This young man has a weak heart , and very little more would have finished him. " As it is , the cashier lies limp and liv id from the effects of chloform , by whom administered it were hard to say. say.Sebastian Sebastian Saville watches eagerly , hungrily , while Mr. Grey's dazed sen ses come back , and he casts terrified glances round. "There , now you are all right , " says the bank manager nervously and im patiently. He is anxious to find out if the cashier can give any account of the as sault upon him , any clue to the per petrator of the outrage. A couple of policemen stand by. Mr. Grey's eyes turn towards them almost apprehensively. He must have got a terrible shock to be so unnerved and shaken. "Now , Mr. Grey , try and give us some account of this mystery. You must know something , " Mr. Saville says. "Every moment's delay gives the thief time to get off. It seems from the hasty inspection made by Mr. Kelly that over a hundred pounds have been taken. " The injured man's lips writhe , and a damp sweat stands out on his fore head ; he lifts two shaking hands. "He tried to murder me ! " he gasps almost inarticulately. "I was all alone , and he sprang over the counter ! " "Who ? " asks Mr. Saville , with des perate earnestness. "Quick ! do you know who it was ? " The cashier's face turns ashen ; he has not yet recovered by any means. His eyes rove anxiously round. Mr. Grey , you are losing time , " the manager says. "It is of the greatest importance that your statement should be made perfectly clear. " "I will tell all I know , " the young man whispers with diffculty. "You had gone to your lunch , Mr. Kelly. It was very quiet , about two o'clock , a time very few people are about. I was writing in the ledger when the bank door opened and a man came in. He had a small bag in his hand. He presented a cheque for payment ; it was for five pounds. He said he would have it in gold , and I turned to get it for him. This is God's truth , Mr. Kel ly. In a' second' " he % sprang over the counter , seized me by the collar , chok ing me. We struggled desperately , but I could not call out I was choking. And then he stuffed a handkerchief soaked with chloroform in my mouth. He held It there. I do not know any more. " He shivers as he speaks and covers his ghastly face with his hands. Sebastian Saville bends forward. "Who was the man ? " He asks the question intently , earnestly Mr. Grey lifts his head. "It was George Bouverie. " "I knew It , " Mr. Saville says quiet ly. "I saw him coming out of the bank , and immediately after dispatch money by telegraph. It was a bold robbery indeed. Now , Mr. Kelly , what are you going to do ? " Mr. Kelly's face looks grey with ter ror. ror."I "I cannot believe it ! " he exclaims "George Bouverie ! The thing seems to me impossible , Mr. Grey ! " fixing stern eyes upon the drooping figure o the cashier. "Do you swear that Mr. Bouverie drugged you and robbed the bank ? Before God , is this the truth ? ' "Yes , It is the truth ; I am prepared to vwear It ! " The cashier's tones are steady enough now. He looks Mr , Kelly straight In the face. "I did not know the bank was robbed ; I only know for certain that George Bouverie attacked and drugged me. " "He has been financially embar rassed , " Mr. Saville says. "He has been in desperate straights for money ! " "I know , " admits Mr. Kelly reluc tantly , remembering a passionate re quest from young Bouverie to be al lowed to overdraw his account. But , still , from money difficulties to a bank robbery was a wide and awful gulf. Mr. Grey is examined and cross-ex amined ; he sticks to his statement in an unshaken manner. "This is terrible ! " groans Mr. Kelly. "To think young Bouverie should sink to an act of burglary ! It will kill his mother ! " Mr. Saville prepares to depart. "It is sad indeed ; but that young man is steeped to the lips in turf transactions more or less discreditable. I suppose you will have a warrant made out immediately ? " He lowers his eyes to conceal the look of triumph. Branded as a crim inal , Barbara can no longer think of George Bouverie ! The bank manager sighs and passes his hand across his forehead. "I suppose it will have to be done , " he says slowly ; "but , Mr. Grey , I could almost believe you the victim of a hallucination ! " Sebastian laughs. "Hallucination can not chloroform a man or rob a bank. " "I mean , " said Mr. Kelly , "that he might have been mistaken he might have fancied it was Bouverie. " Mr. Saville holds out the cheque he had picked up on the floor of the bank. "This is conclusive evidence. This is the identical cheque Mr. Grey was giving gold for at the moment he was attacked. I cannot see the slightest loophole for doubt. I myself can swear to having met George Bouverie running hastily down the steps of the bank , carrying a small bag , and ten minutes after saw him handing in a pile of gold at the postoffice. Let him account for that money being in his possession. " Mr. Grey sits white and listless , ner vously clasping and unclasping his hands. "I feel ill , " he says , looking at the doctor , who has turned his back and stands in pale consternation. George Bouverie a thief ! Impossible ! The doctor has known him since he was born , and now to hear that he has sunk so low is appalling ! He feels stunned ; yet , lie remembers the young man's altered look of care that sat so oddly on the young face. During those anxious weeks of Mrs. Bouverie's ill ness he had noticed George , often find ing him sitting moody and depressed. "Poor , poor lad ; if he had only made a clean breast of it to me ! " says kindly old" Doctor Carter to himself , "I would have helped him only too gladly. " But facts are facts , and , within an hour two constables are driving rap idly towarus the Grange on an outside car , and one of them holds a warrant for the arrest of George Bouverie. The warrant is signed by two magis trates , one of whom is Sebastian Sa ville , who never in all his life signed his name with such alacrity before , for ue downfall of his enemy is com plete ! CHAPTER VII. The evening sunlight is slanting across the lawn , making a glory of the dancing daffodils ; and the birds are nolding a concert that commenced with the dawn this morning. Such a tender , loving spring evening. The sun shines in at the windows of the Grange , and one shaft rests lov ingly on the fair head of George Bou verie. Mrs. Bouverie looks at the sunshine and at the face of her handsome son , and smiles as she gazes. Her own eyes are very sweet and patient. She Is very happy this evening. tween her and George stands a tea- table , and George is laughing and pouring out the tea , desperately par ticular as to sugar and cream , waiting on his mother with gentle * courtesy. Her pale cheeks have taken a pink * ' tinge , soft as tn'o blush on a girlish face. She wears lilac ribbons In her" filmy lace cap ; and lace ruffles fall over her slender hands. In upon this homelike scene stalks a trouble dark and horrible. The maid , with a pale face , opens the door and stands trembling , looking from her mistress to the face of the young man who is so calmly helping himself to a second cup of tea. "Well , Mary , what is it ? " he asks , gaily tossing a lump of sugar to a fox terrier sitting at his feet. "Oh , Mr. George , I don't know ! " stammers the girl. "It is something dreadful , sir. There Is a sergeant and a constable in the hall ! " George lays down his cup , but no Idea of the truth rises in his mind. "The bank robbed ? That is odd ! But I am not a magistrate. What do they want me for ? " he says. "I'll just step out and ask the sergeant what It means. " But before he can leave the room there is the sound of a little confusion In the hall , and Doctor Carter , with a grave , desperate face , hurries in and goes straight to Mrs. Bouverie. "My dear old friend , there is some monstrous mistake ! There , don't get frightened , the whole thing is impos sible a travesty of justice , that's what it is , a driveling idiot making a statement like a lunatic ! You'll set them right in ten minutes , George , won't you ? " a shade of anxiety creep ing into his voice. "What is it ? " asks Mrs. Bouverie , sitting up , pale and trembling. "Doc tor Carter , what Is it all about ? " He pats the trembling hands he holds. "My dear lady , leave it to George. It s all nonsense the blundering Saville and that fool of a bank clerk ! " "But I don't understand ! What has my son to do with it ? " asks Mrs. Bou verie , getting frightened. "Sure , I'm telling you ! " cries the doctor , his natural tongue getting the upper hand , "It seems some one drugged the clerk and robbed the bank and the fool , dazed with chloroform , has saddled the crime on George ! " "On me ? " George exclaims , a flush of indignation dyeing his forehead. 'How dare any one say such a thing ? " "They have dared ! " retorts the decor - - , or furiously. "Mrs. Bouverie , George : an explain everything ; you mustn't excite yourself. George , my boy , you were at the bank this morning ? " 'Yes ; I cashed a cheque , " George gays , his face growing stern. "Yes ; afterwards Saville saw you wiring off a hundred pounds your money , of course ; but you've just got to tell them that. And , look here " Doctor Carter stops short at the look that has come over the face of George Bouverie a stricken , conscious look. "A hundred pounds ! Oh , George , what does it mean ? " cries his mother , weeping now in her fear. George gives one look at her , and then his eyes meet the troubled , in quiring gaze of the doctor. "My boy , my boy , surely you'll set it right ? " the old man stammers. George Bouverie's face is as white as death. He touches Doctor Carter on the arm. "I will go and speak to the sergeant , " he says , in a hard , cold voice. ( To be continued. ) Greek to Her. An exchange quotes the following conversation between husband and wife. She suddenly addresses him : "What are you reading so absorbing ly ? " "It's a new Scotch novel. " "Oh , " ' cries the wife with enthusiasm , "I'm so fond of those dear dialect things ! Do read me a little ! " "Can you un derstand it ? " "Can I understand it ? " ' ] she repeats , loftily. "Well , I should J hope anything you are reading need not be Greek to me ! " "No , but it might be Scotch. " "Well , go on , read just where you are. " " 'Ye see , Elspie , ' said Duncan , doucely , 'I might hae mair the matter wi' me than ye wad be spierin' . Aiblins ma e'en is a bit drazzlit , an' I'm hearin1 the poolses thuddiu' in ma ears , an' I ma toongue is clavin' when it sud be gaein' ; an' div ye no hear the dirlin' o' ma hairt ; an' feel the shakin' o' ma hond this day gin I gat a glimpse o' ye , sair hirplin' like an auld mon ? Div ye nae guess what's a' the steer , hinney , wi'out me gaein' it mair words ? ' " "Stop ! Stop ! For good ness' sake ! What in the world is the creature trying to say ? " "He is mak ing a declaration of love. " "A decla ration of love ! I thought he was tell ing a lot of symptoms to his doctor ! " Swapping : War Storie * . Senator Shoup and Gen. Eppa Hun ton were swapping war stories the i other day , and the talk ran upon great : losses in a single battle. "My regi ment , " said Gen. Hunton , "had been reduced from its full complement to 200 men when it participated in Plck- ett's charge at Gettysburg. How many . men of that regiment do you think came out of that alive " charge ? Sena : tor Shoup could not guess. "Only ten , " said Gen. Hunton. - . Tags on Children. . The children of the poor in Japan are always labeled , in case they should stray away from their homes while their mothers arc engaged in domestic duties. The French color manufacturers are , not credited with one new product this , year , while the Dutch , Swiss and Ger > mans are fully represented with a gen erous quota. TALMAftE'S SERMON. COMMON DUTIES AND REWARD THE SUBJECT Addressed to the Tellers and Stragglers " on Life's Difficult Highway Heroes and Heroines of Our Times The He roes of Heaven. [ Copyright , 1000 , by I.ouls Klopsch. ] Text , II Timothy II , 3 , "Thou there fore endure hardness. " Historians are not slow to acknowl edge the merits of great military chief tains. We have the full length portraits traits , ofthe < Cromwells. the Waahlng- tons , the Napoleons and the Welling tons of the world. History is not written in black ink , but red ink of human blood. The gods of human ambition do not drink from bowls made out of silver or gold or precious stones , but out of the bleached skulls of the fallen. But I am now to unroll before you a scroll of heroes that the world has never acknowledged those who faced no guns , blew no bugle blast , conquered no cities , chained no captives to their chariot wheels and yet in the great day of eternity will stand higher than some of those whose names startled the nations , and ser aph and rapt spirit and archangel will tell their deeds to a listening universe. I mean the heroes of common , every day life. In this roll , in the first place , I find all the heroes of the sickroom. When satan had failed to overcome Job , he said to God , "Put forth thy hand and touch his bones and his flesh , and he will curse thee to thy face. " Satan had found out that which we have all found out , that sickness is the great est test of one's character. A man who can stand that can stand any thing. To be shut in a room as fast as though it were a bastile ; to be so nervous you cannot endure the tap of a child's foot ; to have luscious fruit , which tempts the appetite of the ro bust and healthy , excite our loathing and disgust when it first appears on the platter ; to have the rapier of pain strike through the side or across the temples like a razor or to put the foot into a vise or throw the whole body into a blaze of fever , yet there have been men and women , but more women than men , who have cheerful ly endured this hardness. Through -years of exhausting rheumatisms and excruciating neuralgias they have gone and through bodily distress that rasped the nerves and tore the muscles and paled the cheeks and stooped the shoulders. By the dim light of the sickroom taper they saw on their wall the picture of that land where the Inhabitants are never sick. Through the dead silence of the night they heard the chorus of the angels. j Heroes In Sickness. In this roll I also find the heroes of toil who do their work uncomplaining ly. It is comparatively easy to lead a regiment into battle when you know that the whole nation will applaud the victory ; it Is comparatively easy to doctor the sick when you know that your skill will be appreciated by a 1 large company of friends and rela tives ; it is comparatively easy to ad dress an audience when in the gleam ing eyes and tha flushed cheeks you know that your sentiments are adopt ed. But to do sewing when you ex pect the employer will come and thrust his thumb through the work to show how imperfect it is or to have the whole garment thrown back on you , to be done over again ; to build a wall and know there will be no one to say you did it well , but only a swearing employer howling across the scaffold ; to work until your eyes are dim and your back aches and your heart faints , and to know that if you stop before night your children will starve ah , the sword has not slain so many as the needle ! The great battlefields of our civil war were not Gettysburg : and Shiloh and South Mountain. The great battlefields were in the arsenals and in the shops and in the attics , where women made army jackets for a sixpence. They toiled on until they ; Qied. They had no funeral eulogium. but , in the name of my God , this day , enroll their names among those of whom the world was not worthy. Heroes of the needle ! Heroes of the machine ! Heroes of the s'c ! Heroes of the cellar ! Heroes s.i.d heroines ! Bless God for them ! * * * * * * Heroes of Domestic Injustice. { Society to-day is strewn with the ro.-ecks of men who , under the north- O1 35 st storm of domestic Infelicity , have lwen driven on the rocks. There are tens of thousands of drunkards to-day , , > such by their wives. That is not ° ppotry ; that is prose. But the wrongs t s generally in the opposite direction. Ym would not have to go far to find wife whose life is a perpetual mar- ' j rdom something heavier than a ilirke of the fist , unkind words ; stag * s' ' rius home at midnight and constant ijaltreatment , which have left her inly a. wreck of what she was on that r.ay when in the midst of a brilliant issemblage the vows were taken , and nP' ull organ played the wedding march , P' ' ind the carriage rolled away with the " -.enediction of the people. What was he burning of Latimer and Ridley at .he stake compared with this ? Those nen soon became unconscious in the w ire , but there is a 30 years' martyrsi lorn , a 50 years' putting to death , yet pi mcomplaining. No bitter words when hi he rollicking companions at 2 o'clock pi ; t the morning pitch the husband dead it runk into the front entry. No bitter 01 'ords when wiping from the swollen Drew > row the blood struck out in a mid01 light carousal. Bending over the hi mttered and bruised form of him who fli when he took her from her father's home promised love and kindness and protection , yet nothing but sympathy and prayers and forgiveness before they are asked for. No bitter words when the family Bible goes for rum and the pawnbroker's shop gets the last decent dress. Some day , desir ing to evoke the .story of her sorrows , you say , "Well , how are you getting along now ? " and , rallying her tremb ling voice and quieting her quivering lip , she says , "Pretty well , I thank you ; pretty well. " She never will tell you. In the delirium of her last sick ness she may tell all the other se crets of her lifetime , but she will not tell that. Not until the books of. eternity are opened on the throne of judgment will ever be known what she has suffered. Oh , ye , who are twisting a garland for the victor , put It on that pale brow ! When she Is dead the neighbors will beg linen to make her a shroud , and she will be carried out in a plain box , with no silver plate to tell her years , for she has lived a thousand years of trial and anguish. The gamblers and swindlers who de stroyed her husband will not come to the funeral. One carriage will be enough for that funeral one carriage to carry the orphans and the two Christian women who presided over the obsequies. The Celestial Door Opened. But there is a flash and the opening of a celestial door and a shout , "Lift up your head , ye everlasting gate , and let her come in ! " And Christ will step forth and say , "Come in. Ye suffered with me on earth ; be glorified with me in heaven. " What Is the highest throne in heaven ? You say , "The throne of the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. " No doubt about it. What is the next highest throne in heaven ? While I speak it seems to me it will be the throne of the drunk ard's wife , if she with cheerful pa tience endured all her earthly tor ture. Heroes and heroines ! * * * Reward of Devotion. You have all seen or heard of the ruins of Melrose abbey. I suppose in some respects they are the most ex quisite ruins on earth. And yet , lookIng - Ing at it I was not so impressed you may set it down to bad taste but I was not so deeply stirred as I was at a tombstone at the foot of that ab bey , the tombstone placed by Walter Scott over the grave of an old man who had served him for a good many years in his house the inscription , most significant , and I defy any man to stand there and read it without tears coming into his eyes the epi taph , "Well done , good and faithful servant. " Oh , when our work is over , will it be found , that , because of anything we have done for God or the church or suffering humanity that such an inscription is appropriate for us ? God grant it ! * * * * John llroivn's Prayer. John Brown fell upon his knees and began to pray. "Ah , " said Claver- house , "look out if you are going to pray ; steer clear of the king , the coun cil and Richard Cameron. " "O Lord , " said John Brown , "since it seems to be thy will that I should leave this world for a world where I can love thee better and serve thee more , I put this poor widow woman and these helpless , fatherless children into thy hands. We have been together In peace a good while , but now we must look forth to a better meeting In heaven. And as for these poor crea tures , blindfolded and infatuated , that stand before me , convert them before it be too late , and may they who have sat in judgment in this lonely place on this blessed morning upon me , a poor , defenseless fellow creature may they in the last judgment- that mercy which they have refused to me , thy most unwort > y but faithful servant. A. men. " He arose and said , "Isabel , the hour has come of which I spoke to you on he morning when I proposed land and heart to you , and are you tvilling now , for the love of God , to : et me die ? " She put her arms around lim and said : "The Lord gave , and : he Lord hath taken away. Blessed je the name of the Lord. " "Stop that ) sniveling , " said Claverhotise. "I have lad enough of it. Soldiers do your : vork. Take aim ! Fire ! " And the lead of John Brown was scattered m the ground. While the wife was J jathering up in her apron the frag- nents of her husband's head gather- ng them up for burial Claverhouse . , ooked into her face and said , "Now , fi ny good woman , how do you feel now ibout your bonnie man ? " "Oh , " she a i aid , "I always thought weel if him ; he has been very good to me ; tla tlJ had no reason for thinking anything J ut weel of him , and I think better tl if him now. " Oh , what a grand thing tlh tlg ; will be in the last day to see God h lick out his heroes and heroines. [ Vho are those paupers of eternity if f rudging off from the gates of heaven ? iftl tl Vho are they ? The Lord Claver- tltl louses and the Herods and those who tl lad scepters and crowns and thrones , tlg tlP ; ut they lived for their own aggrand- P zement , and they broke the heart of P ations. Heroes of earth , but pau- I ers in eternity. I beat the drums of fi heir eternal despair. Woe , woe , woe ! ti * * * * * The Heroes of Heaven. What harm can the world do you 'hen the Lord Almighty with un- heathed sword fights for you ? I reach this sermon for comfort. Go ome to the place just where God has 3 ut you to play the hero or the hero- le. Do not envy any man his money- r his applause or his social position. o not envy any woman her wardrobe w ' r her exquisite appearance. Be the ere or the heroine. If there be no our in the house and you do not i J thing tappng win and you the window Go to pane and open Snd of raven it la the beak a * the will fly and there the window , that fed Elijah. Do you messenger the who grows think that the God cotton , ol the South will let you freeze for lack of clothes ? Do you think that disciples on the God who allowed his Sabbath morning to go into the grain field and then take the grain and ruD and eat-do you tblnK it in their hands God will let you starve ? Did you ever hear the experience of that old man , "I have 'been goung and now am old. yet I have tver , seen the righteous forsaken'or bs seed begging bread. " Get up out of your discouragement , 0 troubled soul , O sewing woman , O man kicked and cuffed by unjust em ployers , 0 ye who are hard beset in the battle of life and know not which way to turn , 0 you bereft one , O you sick one with complaints you have told to no one , come and get the com fort of this subject. Listen to our great Captain's cheer : "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the fruit of the tree of life which Is In the midst of the paradise of God. " TEST BUTTER BY PHOTOGRAPH I > roccsk by Which a Spurious Article Caa He Surely Detectetl. State Chemist J. A. Hummel has hit upon a new scheme which he thinks will surely bring the butterlne dodgers to time. By a combination of nickel prisms , microscopes and a lensless camera with a sensitive plate Mr. Hummel has developed a plan which must show the difference between but ters and pseudo butters to every ama teur eye at a moment's glance. Thus , it is hoped , the photographs will carry weight with a jury where chemical formulae failed. When asked to ex plain the process of examination by photographic methods Mr. Hummel said : The simple fact to be considered ! is that pure butter as made in the dairies or at the creamery contains only amorphous fat. Any heating process such as is followed In renova tion and running in of milk Immedi ately generates fat crystals. In the oleomargarine the crystals from the meat fats added to cotton seed oil are very thick. Now , all we need to do Is to place a sample of suspected butter in a glass slide and then under the microscope. We put one prism above and one below In such a way that the light rays cannot pass through , ac cording to a law of physics. Now we push the tube of a camera directly over the head of the microscope and insert a plate at the other end. No direct light , you see , can pass through that Is , as long as these two prisms are properly placed. But , according to the laws of light , as soon as we get a third prism such as a crystal , which , you know , is of prismatic shape , the V light again finds its way through. Consequently , if the butter is free from crystals no direct rays and only a dull translucent light will pass through , while otherwise bright and dark spots will come together and form the pe culiarly shaped picture you see In the oleomargarine sample. The proof Is simple , absolute and convincing. St. Paul Pioneer Press. MIND OVER MATTER. In This Instance It Failed to Bring About Any Result * . "I suppose it was " wrong , said a well-known member of the Detroit bar with a grin , "but I couldn't afford to let the opportunity pass. My wife has become a convert to the mind cure fad , and for the last month I have hear nothing but the power of mind aver matter. I said little , hoping that she would soon tire of it and drop it. But I was doomed to disappointment ! 1 for the longer she harped on it the worse she became. This morning she Siscovered that a water pipe was leak ing , and she went at it with that uni versal woman's tool , a hairpin , with he result that she only made the hole arger and caused a small jet of water o be shot Into the room. Clapping a inger over the hole to stop the flow f water , she called loudly for me , and vhen I appeared on the scene I took he situation in at a glance. 'What is he matter , my dear ? ' I asked. 'There. s a hole In the pipe ! ' she gasped get a plug while I hold the water mck. 'There is no leak there if you vill only think so , ' said I , soothingly Put your mind on it and remove your inger. ' 'John ' Henry' she began , but it that moment her finger slipped and jet of water hit her in the eye , and he valuable remarks that she was ibout to make were lost for all time John , ' she ' ' snapped , 'can't you see that he wall paper will be ruined if I let o ? ' 'Weil , my dear , ' said I , ignorine ier question , 'it is time I was going own town , besides I am afraid that I remain here I may interfere with he calm , reposeful working of your nmd. Convince yourself , my dear , that here is no leak and remove your fln- ' er. With that I left her. I took the irecaution. however , to send up a lumber ; but from what I heard whan left I am afraid her mind was far rom being in a reposeful " mood " Da- roit Free Press. The Postal Card Fad. The postal card fad. which Is SO irulent in Europe to-day , has not vPt r' eacned this country , and the nal ations are that it will never amount the craze here that It haa alr ecome abroad. All sorts of an already be had. and there is carcely a noted spot in the country rom Niagara Falls to * Mammoth a r / j u n continue.