The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 08, 1900, Image 1

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At An Advanced Age.
Mrs. Adele Rofinot , mother of Mrs.
Joseph Menard , and widow of the late
Peter F. Rofinot , died at the home of
her daughter at an early hour on
Wednesday moming.after a short illness
with paralysis , at the advanced age of
81 years. Mrs. Rofinot attended church
services on last Sunday and was appar
ently in her usual health up until Tues
day about noon , when she became
speechless and unconscious under "a sud
den stroke of paralysis , from which
there was not the slightest recoveryand
death came peacefully at about two
o'clock on Wednesday morning.
Funeral services were held in St. Pat
rick's church , at ten o'clock this morn
ing. Rev. J. W. Ilickey conducting the
solemn Requiem Mass , after which the
remains were interred in Calvary ceme
tery beside those of her lately departed
-i Among those present from out-of-town
were a son , V. F. Rofinot of Chicago ,
and a granddaughter , Mrs. F. S. Harris
of Pueblo.
Three sons and two daughters survive
Last fall , Mr. and Mrs. Rofinot were
awarded the gold medal at the old set
tlers' meeting in Chicago for being the
oldest married couple in that city. They
had been married 59 years at that time ,
and their combined ages exceeded those
of any other couple in that city. Mrs.
Rofinot was twice married , her first hus
band's name being Miller , one of Chi
cago's first business men. She spent
about 68 years of her long , eventful and
happy life in Chicago. A noble , dear
old soul , she has gone to meet a sweet
and manly soul beyond.
THE TRIBUNE offers sincerest sympa
thy and condolence to all the bereaved
and sorrowing ones.
Need a Good Soaker.
Txvo or three heroic efforts have been
made , the past xveek , to rain , but xvith-
out general success mere shoxvers for
the most part being the result , lighter in
some sections and Heavier in others.
But a general , soaking rain is needed to
do thorough xx-ork.
Traveling Engineer and Mrs. C. A.
Dixou returned , Tuesday night , from
Lincoln , xvhither they xvent to xvitness
and hear the graduating exercises of the
class of 1900 of the conservatory of music
of .the Nebraska Wesleyan university ,
their daughte'r Edna being among the
graduates. Miss Edna returned xvith
Knud Stangland took in the graduat
ing exercises of the class of 1900 of the
conservatory of music of the Nebraska
Wesleyan university at Lincoln , Monday -
< day , returning home on Tuesday night
Have Joined Forces.
The McCook laundry and Jacob Len
hart have , this week , joined forces , E.
W. Hendrick selling his interest in the
McCook laundry to Mr. Lenhart. The
nexv firm will be knoxvn as Lenhart &
Gaffney. Mr. Lenhart has added his
machinery to t hat of the McCook laundry
and has moved the same into the build
ing noxv occupied by the McCook laun
dry , xvhere the business xvill be conduct
ed in the future. This combination xvill
result in more economical management
and operation , and xvill in no xvise injure
the excellence of the xvork done in the
past. McCook can xvell support one
good laundry , and doubtless the nexv
firm xvill be able to do a profitable busi
ness. Here's success to them.
Pythian Memorial Day.
Next Sunday , June loth , will be the
Memorial day of the order of Knights of
Pythias , and the usual service xvill be
held in the Congregational church at
2:30 p. in. , Rev. W. J. Turner preaching
the sermon. The graves of deceased
knights and of deceased members of
families of knights xvill be decorated in
the cemeteries of the city after the ser
vices in the church. All knights are re
quested to participate , meeting at the
castle hall at 2 o'clock p. m. , sharp.
A. O. U. W. Officers.
The officers of McCook lodge No. 61 ,
A. O. U. W. , elected on Monday night
of this xveek , are as follows : Master
Workman , C. K. Putnam ; Foreman , J.
H. Bennett ; Overseer , C. L. Walker ;
Recorder , C. L. Gray ; Financier , C. F.
Lehn ; Receiver , Dennis Cullen ; Guide ,
Floyd Berry ; Inside Guard , NickSnyder ;
Outside Guard , J. C. Green ; Trustee , F.
D. Burgess ; Medical Examiners , Dr. A.
P. Welles , Dr. E. H. Waters , Dr. J. A.
Desirable House for Sale.
I will offer for sale at a loxv price my
residence property , corner Marshall and
Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part ,
or xvill name an attractive price for spot
cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LATouRETTE ,
Cedar Rapids , Iowa.
C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent.
Strayed Reward.
From my barn , McCook , June ist , one
bay horse , about six years old ; weighs
S6o to 900 pounds ; had harness on xvheu
last seen. Suitable rexvard to party who
xvill bring the above-described horse to
Flyo-Curo ,
A perfect protection for all kinds of
stock. Protects against both flies and
gnats. Sold by McCounell & Berry.
Ball and Bat Free.
To the boy who buys a suit of clothes
at $2.50 or up at DeGroff & Co.'s.
The Deering twine is the only txvine
that has been a success among the 'hop
pers. For sale by S. M. Cochran & Co.
Sixteen pounds evaporated peaches
for $ r at R.T. Eller & Co.'s.
Window screens any old size on
short notice at Bullard's. ;
The first crop of alfalfa is" being
harvested. j
FRED BEARDSLEE xvas doxvu from
Denver , Wednesday.
B. M. SCRANTON'S family of Holdrege
joined him here , this xveek.
HARLOW W. KEYES of Indianola hat
legal business iu the city , Monday.
F. R. SHUMAN xvent doxvn to Guid
Rock , Thursday morning , to remain.
MRS.J. F. FORBES and the childrei
are visiting in Arapahoe , part of th
MRS. C. E. POPE , Jessie and Rober
have been visiting relatives in Oxford
all week.
HARRY WALTERS xvent up to Dundj
county , yesterday , on a visit to hi :
mother and sister.
W. A. STEWART , ex-county clerk o
Hitchcock county , xvas in the city
Tuesday , on business.
"DEACON" FISHER of Wauneta xvas
in the city , Saturday and Sunday , goiii { ,
on xvest , Sunday night.
Miss ANNA GOLDTRAP departed , close
of last xveek , for Cripple Creek , on a
visit to her brother John.
MRS. MAY CLARY wei-t up to Akron
Wednesday night , and xvill visit a fexv
days there and in Denver.
IDA AND CLARA ANTON xvill leave for
Farnaui , tomorroxv morning , to spend a
month xvith Mrs. T. G. Rees.
S. R. SMITH and txvo other Masonic
brethren were up from Indianola , Tues
day evening , to attend blue lodge.
MRS. C. O. LEHEW and children came
up from Hastings , Wednesday evening
on 5 , to visit the family of J. S. LeHexv
MRS. M. R. BATES departed , close ol
last xveek , for loxva , to spend a fexv
months visiting in various portions of
the state.
VpSlER BuRNEY came up from Hend-
ley , Monday , remaining here until
Thursday , xvheu heveut up to Straltou.
He expects to return here.
W. R. CUMMINS came doxvn from
Palisade , Tuesday evening , on his xvay
to Omaha to attend the meeting of the
grand lodge , A. F. & A. M.
MRS. A. P. THOMSON xvent doxvn to
Omaha. Tuesday morning on 2 , on a
visit to her sisters , Mrs William Ran
dall and Mrs. Nellie Guild.
MRS. LOUIE M. BOUKE , state organ
izer for the Lady Maccabees , xvas iu the
city , yesterday , and attended the meet
ing of the local lodge , last evening.
rived , Wednesday noon on No. i , from
Decatur , Illinois , and xvill be the guest
of their son James for a mouth or so.
Miss NELLIE SMITH is "learning the
ropes" and will act as book-keeper for
Cochran & Co. during Miss Bertha
Shaffer's absence in Wyoming for a
MRS. V. H. SOLLIDAY xvas summoned
up to Denver , Wednesday noon , by a
telegram announcing the death of a
young child of her brother , Engineer
Joe Slaby.
Miss BERTHA SCHOBEL of Hildreth
arrived in the city , Tuesday night , on a
short visit to her brother , J. G. Schobel.
Little Marjorie Schobel , xvho has been
visiting iu Miudeu and Hildreth , xvith
her grandparents , returned xvith her.
Miss MAUD McMiLLEN , Miss Laura
McMillen and Lillie Campbell departed ,
Thursday morning , for Pennsylvania , to
spend the summer xvith relatives in the
Keystone state. The Misses McMillen
xvill visit in Centerville and Lillie in
Pittsburg. :
Miss ELLA LEONARD departed ,
Thursday on No. i , for Wray , Colorado ,
to visit an aunt until the first of next
mouth , xvhen she and Miss Elizabeth
Thomson xvill go on to Boulder , Colorado
rado , to attend a summer-school for the
rest of the vacation.
GEORGE H. THOMAS of Harvard ,
formerly teacher in the McCook High
school , spent a fexv hours in the city ,
Saturday , returning east on 2 , Sunday
morning. Mr. Thomas has been and
will again teach in Nelson. All his
friends and they are legion xvere de
lighted to see him and xvish him well.
H. W. COLE departed , Wednesday
morning , for Omaha , to attend the an
nual meeting of the grand lodge , A. F.
& A. M. From there he xvill go on to ;
Sioux Falls , S. D. , to attend the meet
ing of the supreme lodge , A. O. U. W.
He is one of three representatives to the
supreme lodge , A. O. U. W. , from Ne
DR. J. A. GUNN and Saui Rogers have
been doxvn in Missouri , most of the
week , on business connected xvith zinc
and real estate business a number of
McCook men have noxv and contemplate
purchasing in thejoplin neighborhood.
Mr. Feeny of Hastings xvas also one of
the party , being interested in the com
af Lincoln arrived in the city , Monday
on No. I , and spent a fexv days in the
city , guests of their sister , Miss Ella
Leonard of our teacher corps , at the
residence of Agent Thomson. They de
parted , Wednesday noon , for California ,
where their parents have preceded them ,
and xvhere they xvill make their future
Meyersdale , Penna. , spent Tuesday and
part of Wednesday iu the city , guests of
Albert McMillen , while on their way to
Salt Lake City , Utah , to visit a brother
of Mrs. Truxal , Herman Kooser , a well-
knoxvn official of the Missouri Pacific at
that place. They departed westxvard on
No. i-Wednesday noon. The reverend
gentleman and wife are old acquaint
ances of the McMillen boys and of the
publisher , they all having been "Frosty
Sons of Thunder" back in Somerset
: ounty , Penna. , a decade or two since.
S. M. Cochran & Co. have repairs for
he Deering , Standard , McCormick ,
Buckeye , Piano , and repairs for a fexv
) ther moxvers.
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at n and S. Morning sub
ject , "Prayer. " Evening subject , "Life
of Moses. " J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. ui.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
xvith choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m
Preaching at n a. in. B. Y. P. U. at 7
No service at 8 p. m. Prayer-meeting
Wednesday evening at 8. Everybody
GEO. SCOTT , Pastor pro tern.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school a
10. Preaching at n. Y.P.S.C.E. at 7
Preaching at 8. Praver-meeting , Wednes
day evening at 8. Morning subject
"The Farthest Reach of the Divine
Seeking " Evening subject , "The Tiue
Source of Greatness. "
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
METHODIST Sunday-school at
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 2:30 : Epworth League at 7
Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible-study
on Wednesday evening at 8. Morning
subject , "The Cry of Discouragement. "
Ex-ening subject , "The Soft South
Winds. " All are xvelcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
To the older residents ofDenison the
announcement that Elder Scott is in the
city and xvill preach at the Baptist
church , next Sunday morning , xvill call
up pleasant memories of the past. Elder
Scott xvas one of the pioneer preachers
of Denison and to his faithful helpfulness
the Baptist church of this city owes
very much indeed. Since he lived here
and preached in the old church on Main
street many of his parishioners have been
called to the silent city. Yet there are
some fexv remaining xvho remember the
pioneer pastor xvith love and esteem.
Denison ( la. ) Reviexv.
Farm filings , $12,076.35 ; releases , $21-
750. City filings , 2,828.23 ; releases ,
5640. Chattel filings , $19,081.41 ; re
leases , $28,469.97.
The folloxving cases have been filed
since our last report :
S. O. Simonds as receiver of the Cit
izen's State Bank of Cambridge vs. J. A.
Boyd et al ; equity.
The Steele-Wedeles Co. vs. David
Diamond ; equity.
The Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs.
Sterling O. Hart et al ; equity.
License to marry has been granted
Charles Cashen and Johanna Moore.
Suits as folloxvs have been filed in
: ourt :
James E. Hill vs. Joseph S. McBrayer ;
; uit on contract for sale of a horse.
Richardson Dry Goods Co. vs Henry
5. Ough et ux ; suit on promissory note
: or $976.
The large clock that once-upon-a-time
jraced the postoffice lobby , has been
rausplanted to the corridor of thecourt-
louse by H. P. Sulton.
Need Some Repairs.
The committee on buildings and re-
Dairs of the board of education xvas out
> n a tour of inspection , this xveek , and a
lumber of minor repairs xvill have to be
nade :
The South McCook school building
vill be re-floored. The East building xx'ill
equire some re-papering as to its inter- x
or , and ought to be "pointed up" and
sainted on the outside. The West school
vill need the touch of the paper-hanger
n several places. The storm-doors and .
) ther protection arrangements will re-
mire some repairs , also.
But the most serious question before
he board is the provision of morejroom
ind seating capacity. A number of the
oorns are noxv seriously over-croxvded :
ind should be relieved ; the problem is :
io\v to do it.
Will Teach German.
Rev. G. Essig will open a school for t ;
he teaching of German , next Monday 1I
norning , in the German Congregational I
: hurch. School every forenoon , except
Saturday. Tuition , 75 cents a month. c
Vlachine Oils , x .
Stock Foods ,
Condition Powders ,
Purest and Best.
Say , mister , if you are going to build
lave it put in the contract that plaster- ,
ng must be done xvith "O.-K" cement ,
t is the best and is guaranteed by Bul-
The Majestic recommends itself if you ;
; iye it a trial. It is the most meritorious
ange on earth and S. M. Cochran &
2o. are its prophets.
S. M. Cochran & Co. have repairs for
he Deering , Standard , McCormick ,
Juckeye , Piano , and repairs for a fexv
ither moxvers.
Stayner is organizing his drum corps :
or the fall campaign. George Shepard -
> ard is also moving in that direction.
Chester Rogers succeeds Laura Mc- :
Jillen at McMillen's soda fountain.
McMillen's for paints and xvall paper.
Bullard's screens keep out flies.
Dispatcher W. F. Pate xvas a Monday
visitor to Denver.
Brakeman C. W. Dexvey is spending a
short lay-off in Red Cloud.
Dispatcher L. E. Cann visited the
folks at Danbury , Sati\nay. !
Arthur Avery and Paul Bigger are nexv
switchmen employed , this xveek.
Sup't Campbell entertained his friend ,
Fred Zell of Denver , last Saturday.
Brakeman D. M. Taylor and C. E.
Ryaiuare off duty with slight injuries.
Conductor J. T. Brady and Brakemau
L. S. Watson are taking short lay-offs.
Robert Byers of the Holdrege eating-
house xvas up on business , last Saturday.
Ethel Pope went doxvn to Oxford ,
Thursday morning on 12 , on a visit to
Conductor W. O. Simons and family
are in Illinois on a visit of a month or
six weeks.
MRS. E. G. EVANS xvent doxvn to
Holdrege , Thursday morning on 12 , on
a short visit.
Trainmaster Web. Josselyn xvas up
from Orleans , Saturday , on business at
Burlington employes in Plattsuiouth
raised $267 to assist the city in erecting
a library building.
John Thomson and J. G. Dole enjoyed
a short visit in Denver , close of last and
first of this xveek.
Conductor Eph. Benjamin and crexv of
the steam-shovel were doxvn from Brush ,
Colorado , over Sunday.
Conductor and Mrs. F. W. Rank ar
rived home , Saturday night last , from
their visit in the northeast.
Engine 71 xvas up from Oxford , first of
the xveek , for repairs , having one of
her cylinder-heads bloxvn out.
Ass't Sup't J. D. McFarland xvas doxvn
from Holyoke , Saturday evening , trans
acting business at headquarters.
Sup't Campbell and Fred Zell of Den
ver xvent east on 12 , Wednesday morn
ing , in the superintendent's private car
Machinist George Enoch xvent doxvn
to Oxford , Saturday , to do some repair
ing on engine 151 , returning on i. Sun
Roaduiaster T. A. Wilburn xvas up
from Red Cloud , Saturday evening , on
business at Western division headquar
Regular trains xvill run into Guernsey ,
Wyoming , by next Sunday. Work on
the Bridgeport-Brush cut-off isalso _ progressing -
gressing rapidly.
The Burlington has commenced in
terior improvements on its headquarters
in Omaha xvhich xvill cost the company
about $40,000.
Emil Henckel , xvho has been at the
Lincoln sanitarium for a fexv xveeks for
treatment for the rheumatism , is back
and at xvork , this xveek.
Sxvitchnian J. H. Patterson , it is re
ported , contemplates resigning from the
serx-ice , and going to Southern Colorado
to engage iu the ranch business.
Since Dispatcher Mills' departure.Dis-
patcher Simmons has taken the first
; rick , Calhoun the third , vice Simmons ,
ind Canii xvotks the second alone.
Fireman George Frey xvas quite pain- :
"ully injured at Holdrege , Wednesday
light , xvhile taking xvater at that place.
brakeman had to finish the run for
The 163) ) was iu the hands of a machinist :
from the McCook shops , last Wednesday
norning , and the xvork train did not get
> ut till noon. Republican City Demo-
: rat.
No. i has been late about an hour , the
Dast fexv days , on account of heavy pas
senger traffic. There xvere txvelve cars ,
Wednesday , requiring txvo engines xvest
) f here.
The Burlington is building immense 1
iheep yards at Stockxvell. There are
, ioo acres of land in the yards , xvhich
vith the buildings , fences etc. , will cost
Trainmaster Kenyou , Master Dare and :
i number of young friends xvent up to
.he Blackxvood , yesterday , on a fishing
expedition , returning home on the Im-
aerial in the evening.
T. A. Jordan , who has been at nome
n Arapahoe , ill , for a week or txvo , re-
urned to the city on Tuesday night and
o work on the folloxving morning in the
superintendent's office.
Roy Dixon witnessed the graduation
) f Miss Edna xvith the class of 1900 of
he conservatory of music of the Ne
braska Wesleyan university , Lincoln ,
Monday , arriving home on i , Tuesday.
Bert Brigner , xvho has been employed
jut at Cheyenne for several months past ,
-eturned to Oxford last Friday ; but he
eft again Monday , going to McCook ,
.vhere he has a job in the Burlington
yater service. Oxford Standard.
xvill be distrib-
The May pay-checks -
Ued from the master mechanic's office ,
iVeduesday , June I3th , commencing at
sight o'clock a. m. The distribution
vill be made in the folloxving order :
Snginemen , shopmen , xvipers , trainmen ,
station men. bridge men , water service :
nen , section men , office men.
First and second sections of freight
rain No. 50 , mixed up in a rear end
ollision , three miles west of Alliance ,
Sunday morning , at 3 o'clock , killing
Engineer C. E. Hunting of Wyniore ,
ind badly injuring Fireman G. W. John
ston. The xvreck reduced many cars to
cindling wood and blocked the track so
hat a track had to be built around it. t :
Fifteen miles of the Bridgeport-Brush
ut-off have been built out of Bridgeport.
Che track laying gang is now at Brush i
ind will lay eleven miles of track out of
hat place so the bridge across the South
Platte river may be built. When this
> iece of track is completed the track
ayers will again go to Bridgeport , con-
inuing the work from that end of the
Entertained the Boys. Too.
The young ladies of the A\vl-Os club
were entertained by Miss Nell Gunn and
Miss Ella Nordin at the home of the
former , Tuesday evening , in the usual
happy style of the club , except that the
young men xvere invited to participate
much to the surprise of the members of
the club not posted in that regard. The
social feature xvas a unique "guessing"
affair. Paper apples xvere distributed
among the guests , a letter and a figure
being xvrilteu on each apple ; the figures
indicated the number of letters in the
xvord and the letters formed the name of
different apples. The sections guessing
the name of the apple xvere required tote
to make a bit of poetry concerning the
apple guessed. Over the poetry xve art
requested to throxv the broad mantle o
charity most of it xvas poxverfnl bad
that much is admitted. The "Pippins'
[ jot the first prize and the "Greenings'
the booby. Dainty refreshments xvere
also served' , and altogether it xvas a very
clever and delightful affair.
Delighted the "Fans. "
By common consent the ball game of
Wednesday afternoon betxveen the Arap
ahoe club and the Athletic club of this
city on the grounds of the McCcok
Athletic club is considered one of the
very best exhibitions of the national
game ever xvitnessed on the local
jrounds. From start to finish : t xvas a
jotly-contested and an exciting game.
A coach-load of
- Arapahoe admirers ac
companied that team and gax-e them
continued encouragement and cheer.
The attendance xvas large and most en-
husiastic throughout , the interest never
slacking until the close of the lost half.
The game has clearly given base ball a
decided impetus in this community.
Betting xvas , unfortunately , quite gen
eral. The details are as folloxx's :
Vrapahoc 1 0 0 0 : l 0 0 1 0-5
icCook : t o o o 0 o o o o-t :
Untturu's Araiwhoe , liullniny and 1'atton ;
IcCook , Buriiiy and Pate.
Hits Arapalioen , McCook 7.
Errors McCook ( , Arapalioi- , ' ' , .
Umpire Kmiklr.
Annual School Report.
Folloxving is a copy of the annual re
port made the board of education by
Sup't Caviness of the city schools , year
ending May 25th , 1900 :
No. boys enrolled 382
No. girls enrolled 412
Whole number enrolled 794
Average daily attendance , boys 281
Average daily attendance , girls 312
Per cent attendance on enrollment. . . 75
Not absent during year 47
Not tardy during year 519
Neither absent nor tardy 45
Referred to superintendent 49
Entered school during year 794
Withdrawn during year 167
Promoted during year 610
Visits by board 2
Visits by superintendent 459
Visits by others 850
No. non-residents 35
Elect Another Teacher.
The board of education held a meet
ing on Monday evening. An amount of
routine business xvas transacted , bills al-
oxved etc. Mrs. J. G. Schobel xvas
ilected to teach the South McCook
school. Mrs. Schobel is an experienced
eacher of ability and xvill be able to
serve the children of that school effi-
: iently during the next school year.
Fhe superintendency , orincipalship of
High school and other teachers still re-
naiu undetermined.
Band Concerts.
Arrangements hax'e been made by
private subscriptions for a series of
xvelve concerts to be given by the
Nebraska Brigade band of our city. The
Initial open-air concert xvill be given on
oinorroxv evening at the usual hour , and
he boys xvill doubtless be greeted by a ;
arge hearing.
Notice of Dissolution.
The co-partnership of J. Cress & Sons
vas dissolved by mutual consent , Oc-
ober 5th , 1892 , of xvhich we noxv give
notice. April 26th , 1900.
3-25-313. J. CRESS ,
Notice of Dissolution.
I have this 27th day of M ay , 1900 ,
ivithdraxvn from the firm of Parsons &
Walker and xvill not be responsible for
3ebts by same contracted on or after
May 25,1900. 6 i-2t. C.L.WALKER.
House for Sale.
House of seven rooms , with txvo lots ,
lerms reasonable.
A Bargain.
We have txvo good shoxv-cases which
ive will sell at a bargain.
You must see F. D. Burgess about
he great McCormick before buying a
eaper , inoxver or rake. The McCormick <
iias for many years stood for everything 11
hat is best in that line , and you can't'
ifford to fail to inspect these up-to-date
nachines , if you are in the market for
my of them.
Dr. J. E. Hathorn x\-as up from Bart-
ey , Wednesday evening on 5 , to take
So. 6 for Omaha to attend the grand
edge meeting , A. F. & A. M. ;
The Deering txx-ine is the only twine ;
hat has been a success among the 'hop
pers. For sale by S. M. Cochran & Co.
One dollar will buy txventy pounds of
lice clean rice at the
nexv , up-to-date
store of R. T. Eller & Co.
Cook xvith Bullard's stove wood ; you'll
ive longer.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Burn Bullard's xvood.
Lear sells drugs.
Lear sells wall-paper.
A great leader Loar.
Lear sells machine oil.
Lear sells prescriptions.
McMillen's for paints and xvall paper.
The freshest and best drugs are found
at Loar's.
The great eclipse continues the xvay
Loar's soda eclipses all others.
UNE office. Bst in the market.
You can buy txventy pounds of good
prunes for $ i at R.T. lillcr & Co.'s.
Nebraska has 1,607 census enumer
ators named for the great census of 1900.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms to
let. Inquire at the Dr. Spicklemier res
No use in baking these hot days xvhen
you can buy such delicious cookies at R.
T. Eller & Co.'s.
FOUND A breast-pin. Oxvnercan re
cover by proving property and paying
expense of publication.
You must see the Buckeye inoxver and
binder before buying a binder. Pred-
more Bros , are the sole agents.
The Deeriug twine is the only txvine
that has been a success among the 'hop
pers. For sale by S. M. Cochran & Co.
"The Right Place" to call up is No. 12.
You are sure of gettir g just as choice
meats by phone as by personal inspec
It xvill be to your gain to see the fa
mous Buckeye moxver and binder at
Predmore Bros , before contracting fora
There xvill be a special meeting of the
blue lodge , next Monday ex-ening , for
special xvork in the entered apprentice
You knoxv it ! Kverist , Marsh & Co.
are at the head of the procession xvhen
good meats are on parade. Try their
S. M. Cochran & Co. have repairs for
the Deering , Standard , McCormick ,
Buckeye , Piano , and repairs for a fexv
other moxvers.
Barnes , the optician , xvill be at the
Commercial hotel , McCook , Monday and
Tuesday , June nth and I2th. lie xvill
be assisted by Prof. Smafl
Don't give your order for a moxver or
binder until you have called and seen
the famous Buckeye mower and binder
for xvhich Predmore Bros , are sole
agents. _
The latest fad in summer drinks is a
"Ginger Highball , " one of the coolest
ind most delicious of the soda fountain
productions. Try one at McConnell &
Colonel Mitchell has placed a nexv
lead on his paper. It's an improve-
uent over the old one. The colonel
still retains his oxvn Mauserian caput ,
II. II. Troth has had a store-house
milt on the rear of the lot on Main
street xvhere he is doing business in the
lour and feed line. It is of frame and
steel-siding construction.
"Walter J. McDonald's Combined Co-
ossal Shoxvs" appeared in this city ,
Monday , before a small audience. 'T is
said that the circus xvork xvas good.
Fhey practically had no menagerie.
Don't buy a cheap paint ; the best is
ione too good to stand Nebraska sun
ind climate. Our paint is guaranteed ;
ive stand behind every gallon.
Master Mechanic Archibald lost one
jf his handsome and valuable Jersey
: ows , Tuesday. The coxv ate too much
: ane and found dying the most comfort-
ible way out of the trouble that resulted.
It is not a debatable question but one
jf privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh
& Co. , xvhen in quest of the best the
market affords in the meat line. They
are prompt and accommodating in the
bargain. Phone 12.
The Masonic brethren had work in
the "black , " last Saturday evening , John
A. Rydell taking the degree. Conductor
William Cropp of Oxford and Dr. T. E.
Stack of Holbrood were among the vis
itors present from axvay.
The Denver optician , Barnes , xvill be
at the Commercial hotel in McCook on
Monday and Tuesday , June nth and
I2th. If your eyes require attention ,
lave Barnes do the xvork then , before
the hot summer days are upon us. Call
is early as possible.
The people of South McCook are de-
:5dedly xvarm under the collar over the
recent settlement of a. number of mem
bers of the demi-mondaine in that vicin
ity , and if hades should break lose in
that part of the city one of these xvarm
3ays , no one need be astonished.
The city authorities are about to lay
some Colorado red-stone crossings.
Ihis is a commendable mox-e , and xvill
n the end save the city money. Private
parties in the city are also using this
tone in yard-xvalks and for coping pur
poses , xvhere the streets have been
parked. "
Our wall-paper sales , this season , have
been larger than ever before. The reason
is plain : We have a bigger stock to
select from than you have ever seen in
McCook. It is yet complete every pat
tern still on hand. You don't have to
"shape 'round" after seeing our line ,
ro see is to buy.