The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 01, 1900, Image 4

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    c SliWI
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor
C. II. DIETRICH of Adams.
For Lieutenant Governor
E. A. SAVAGE of Custer.
For Secretary of State
GKORGE W. MARSH of Richardson.
For Treasurer
For Auditor
AuditorCHARLES WESTON of Sheridan.
For Attorney General
For Land Commissioner
GEORGE D. FULLMER of Nuckolls.
For Superintendent of Schools
\V. K. FOWLER of Washington.
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman
W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow.
CORN , steers , hogs , beef , mutton , eggs ,
pork , bacon , hams , lard , hides , cotton
and hay all advanced iu price during
April. The farmer is still getting a
share of the general prosperity.
IN order to secure employment at
their trade the hundreds of shipbuilders
in the district represented ( ? ) by John
F. Fitzgerald in congress will be com
pelled to go to England that is , if his
policy of free ships should , ever be
adopted by congress.
A SHOVBI , cost 6j cents more last
year than in 1896. Corn was I4"ceuts a
bushel higher , so that the farmer could
buy two shovels , last year , and the only
additional cost would be his extra profit
on two bushels of corn. Even then he
would still have a cent left to put in the
baby's bunk.
ONE New York city plutocrat has an
nounced hia intention of giving $100-
ooo to the national Democratic cam
paign fund , provided Bryan is the nom
inee. This information , however , is not
for circulation among the middle-of-the-
readers of the west ; is for home ( New
York ) consumption.
BEFORE Representative Fitzgerald of
.Boston became a Democratic "leader"
lie used to declare that he favored pro
tection for American ships in competi
tion with foreign ships. Now , in order
to show that he is a "leader , " he has
been compelled to right-about-face and
oppose protection and advocate free
THE Fusion convention of the Fifth
congressional district will be held in
Holdrege on the aad day of August. A
lively time may be confidently expected
The minority Democrats will insist that
its their turn now , while the great ma
jority Populists will naturally demand
the nominee.
WHII.E the discussion goes on as to
whether congress shall come to the re
lief of American shipping by passing
the pending subsidy bill , the foreign
shipping doing 92 per cent of our foreign
carrying keep right on taking $200,000-
ooo a year out of the United States
about as much as is annually collected
at all of our custom houses.
DURING the first four months of this
year railway earnings for the whole
country were 15 8 per cent larger than
in the corresponding months of 1899.
In the same months of 1898 there was an
increase of 15 per cent over the earnings
of 1897. In 1899 the increase was 4.5
per cent over 1898. Business has kept
on steadily improving ever since Pres
ident McKinley was inaugurated.
COLORADO'S bank deposits have more
than doubled in five years , increasing
from $9,379.733 " l894 to $20,058,377 iu
1899. The number of people who had
bank accounts increased in the same
time from 18,532 up to 30,047. This can
be credited up to McKinley prosperity ,
and accounts in part for the fact that
thousands of Colorado men who left the
Republican party in 1896 are returning
to it.
ACCORDING to the Omaha Bryan or
gan the turning down of Congressman
Sutherland in the Fifth district is al
ready assured and the fight will be be
tween Judge Shellenberger as the Fusion
candidate and W. S. Morlan as the Re
publican nominee. If this is correct
Congressman Sutherland will soon be
able to add a sting of ingratitude to his
collection of political relics. Omaha
UNDER the American administration
of Porto Rico the old Spanish taxes are
being gradually abolished. The con
sumption tax , landing and transportation
charges are now done away with on pe
troleum , charcoal , fire wood , , fresh beef ,
veal , pork and mutton , fowls and eggs ,
fruits , vegetables , flour , cornmeal , bread ,
rice , beans , salt pork , ham , bacon , fresh
fish , codfish , herring , soup paste , dried
beef , sugar , molasses and coffee. The
Porto Ricans will now be able to take a
bite without being taxed for it , and they
will soon be able to enjoy the privilege
of a free square meal , paying less in
taxes and having more money for food.
ALL good and patriotic citizens deplore
the humiliating developments of fraud
and embezzlement in the Havana post-
office and note with satisfaction the ef
forts being put forth by the administra
tion to bring the perpetrators , those who
have outraged the confidence of the pres
ident and his advisers , to a full account
ing. And yet , the public should not be
unmindful of the other fact that Uncle
Sam's postal and money order system
is unparalleled for magnitude and hon
esty of management on the face of the
globe ; and this honesty is doubtless the
result of good character rather than fear
of detection , as the few scores of inspect
ors cannot possibly cover completely , no
matter how diligent , the 70,000 post-
offices and hundreds of thousands of
post-routes in the country. The loss on
17,000,000 pieces of mail matter , esti
mated value $500,000,000 , is not above
1-1,000 of I per cent. Two billion ordi
nary letters , valued at almost $500,000-
ooo , are carried annually at an estimated
loss of 77-10,000 of i per cent. The rec
ord is absolutely unequaled.
Best Grades
Dennison Street
THE world will herald with joy the
termination of the war in South Africa.
The end seems to be now definitely in
sight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
THE Illinois Republicans have ruined
a large batch of Democratic expectations
by holding a harmonious convention
and placing an excellent ticket in the
field. The indications are that this is
going to be a record-breaking year for
Democratic disappointment.
BIRMINGHAM is shipping three train
loads of pig iron per day to New Orleans ,
where it is loaded on vessels for the
foreign trade. This in a measure ac
counts for the expansion sentiment in
Alabama. The only regret in this con
nection is found in the fact that the out
put of the Birmingham furnaces is car
ried abroad in foreign bottoms.
REPUBLICANS are willing that the
United States government should con
tribute to the upbuilding of an American
merchant marine , so that the ships em
ployed in doing our import and export
carrying may be built by Americans in
home shipyards. Democrats , on the
other hand , favor the purchase of ships
built abroad by aliens , chiefly the
English. _
A second large shipment of lawn
mowers just received at the "Bee
Hive. "
Cheap Rates Galore.
Here's a list of reduced rates that will
interest you. Look it over. If you
want more information , call at the Bur
lington ticket office the agent will take
pleasure in answering your questions.
Des Moines and return , June 18 to 22 ,
Philadelphia and return , June 14 , 15
and 16 , $38.90.
Chicago and return , June 25 , 26 and
27 , $21.10.
Denver , Pueblo , Colorado Springs and
return , June 21 , $11.40 Denver , $16.05
Pueblo , $14.30 Colorado Springs.
Glenwood Springs and return , June
21 , $28.65.
Ogden , Salt Lake and return , June 21 ,
$32 oo.
Hot Springs and return , June 21 ,
1-6-31. J. FRANCIS , G. P. A.
If you want new , bright , up-to-
date queensware , visit the "Bee
Hive. "
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
. . . . . . . . . . . . * * * $ 35
Wheat 5 °
Oats 25
Rye 35
Hogs 4-6o
Eggs 09
Butter 15
Potatoes 35
Butter fat at Creamery 16
The High School base ball club went
over to Oberlin , close of .last week , to
contest with the school lads of that
place for honors on the diamond. They
were so badly defeated that the boys
positively refuse to disclose any of the
particulars of the disaster.
Not the largest stock , but the best
selected , will be found at the "Bee
Hive. "
A Wealth of Beauty
Is often hidden by unsightly pimples , ecze
ma , tetter , erysipelas , salt rheum etc. Buck-
len's Arnica Salve will glorify the face by cur
ing all skin eruptions , also cuts , bruises , burns ,
boils , felons , ulcers , and worst forms of piles.
Only 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
That Westerner who went down to New
York and sold a gold brick to a Wall street
man must have left a lurid streak of exultant
snicker behind him all the way back to his
mountain home.
A Monster Devil Fish
Destroying its victim is a type of constipa
tion. Tht power of this malady is felt on or
gans , nerves , ' muscles and brain. But Ur.
King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain
cure. Best ; n the world for stomach , liver ,
kidneys and bowels. Only 25c at McConnell
& Berry's drug store.
Wire screen all new prices at
the "Bee Hive. "
Small in size and great in results are De-
\yitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little
pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They
do not gripe. D. W. Loar.
Restores vim , vigor , mental and physical
power _ , ( ills your body with warm , tingling
life. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does.
35c. Ask your druggist.
For a shoe that fits your foot and
your pocket-book as well , go to the
"Bee Hive. "
Many women fail to digest their food , and
so become pale , sallow , thin and weak , while
the brightness , freshness , and beauty of the
skin and complexion departs. Remedy this
by taking Ilerbine after each meal , to digest
what you have eaten. Price , 50 cents. A.
The "Bee Hive" shoe department
has a most competent shoemaker.
Unless food is digested quickly it will fer
ment and irritate the stomach. After each
meal take a teaspoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It digests what you eat and wijl allow
you to eat all you need of what you like. It
never fails to cure the worst cases of dyspep
sia. It is pleasant to take. D. W. Loar.
Willis Gossard was the guest of his son
Ben , deputy county treasurer , at McCook ,
J. R. Neel , our genial and substantial ex-
sheriff , had business in the county's capital ,
The little insurgent editor announces that
he is so evenly balanced on the political
tight-rope that it wont take much to pull him
either way. But no one feels rash enough to
throw the weight of a feather into the balance ,
He and his leather-lunged compatriot of the
Inter-Ocean are disturbing elements in every
activity and expression of life , and their polit
ical company is little sought.
Your correspondent notes that the Reporter
blacksmith shop has been awarded the print
ing of the premium lists for the fall meeting
of the Red Willow County Agricultural soci
ety. This insures the usual , diabolical job.
The management of the agricultural society
seems to abhore the very idea of having pre
sentable job-work at a white man's price.
The management needs to broaden out in
several particulars , if they hope to organize
and pull out a successful county fair.
If you are troubled with that most uncom
fortable disease called piles , don't neglect it.
Don't let the complaint get a firm hold. Ev
ery day the disease is neglected it grows
worse. Commence at once to use Tabler's
Buckeye Pile Ointment ; the relief is immedi
ate , and cure infallible. Price. 50 cents in
bottles , tubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen.
This will positively be the last
week of those low prices on ice
cream freezers at the "Bee Hive. "
A gospel car is traveling through Missouri
supplying the Living Word to persons whose
clothes are not good enough to wear to
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured.
"At one time I suffered from a severe sprain
of the ankle , " says Geo. E. Gary , editor of the
Guide , Washington , Va. "After using several
well recommended medicines without success
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm , and am
pleased to say that relief came as soon as I
began its use and a complete cure speedily
followed. " Sold by McConnell & Berry.
Do you like to trade where there
is but one price on shoes ? That's
the "Bee Hive. "
Mothers who would keep their children in
good health should watch for the first symp-
tons of worms and remove them with White's
Cieam Vermifuge. Price , 25c. A. McMillen.
In referring to a sacred concert a Missouri
editor Says : "The symphony rendered by
Prof. Balche on the great pipe organ was a
dream of melody. " Sort of a pipe dream , eh ?
To save mending , avoid breaking , and to
avoid suffering , prevent coughs and colds by
the timely use of Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup.
It is a _ safe , sure and swift icmedy for all
bronchial ailments. 25 and 5oc. McMillen.
That Boston woman who has paid $50,000
for a casket in which to be buried no doubt
thinks she will be the envy of every other
sleeper in the silent city.
Neglect is the short step so many take from
a cough or cold to consumption. ' 1 he early
use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents con
sumption. It is the only harmless remedv
that gives immediate results. It cures all
throat and lung tioubles. Children all like it
and mothers endorse it. D. W. Loar.
Thou hast strange notions for one so young
a substitute to think that thou art the same as
Rocky Mountain Tea , made by the Madison
Medicine Co. 35c. Ask your druggist.
The New York Sun refers to Post-Laureate
Austin's latest war rhyme as "The last effort
of the laureate. " This seems almost too good
to be true.
If troubled with rheumatism , give Chamber-
lam's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you
a cent if it does no good. One application
will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains
and bruises in oue-tliird the time required by
any other treatment. Cuts , burns , frostbites ,
quinsy , pains in the side and chest , glandu
lar and other swellings are quickly cured by
applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price ,
25 and 50 cts. McConnell & Berr ) % Druggists.
F '
- >
I If not , something must be |
* -.vrong with its food. If theJ -J
* ' mother's milk doesn't nour-1
> ish it , she needs SCOTT'S |
> ' B1ULSION. It supplies the t
| elements of fat required for
} the baby. If baby is not
nourished by its artificial
I food , then it requires
| Half a teaspoonful three 1'
| or four times a day in its ] .
| bottle will have the desired < f
| effect. It seems to have a |
magical effect upon babies !
| and children. A fifty-cent < >
I bottle will prove the truth V
of our statements. |
Y Should be taken in summer as $
Y weas winter.
Y soc. and St.oo , all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York.
The steam merry-go-round is raking in the
nickles , this week.
Prof. Pate and wife are visiting with his
folks at Orleans , this week.
A very heavy wind prevailed here , last
Wednesday night , but no damage was done.
Vanche Plumb.who has just been graduated
from the McCook High school , has returned
Ed Lister and Jim Robinson were county
capital visitors , Monday , on matters otherwise
and political.
A nice little shower here , last Tuesday
evening ; but a heavier one west and south of
town on the same evening.
Judging from the size of the crowd that at
tended the show , last Monday , the show people
ple left more money in the town than they
took awayjthe people must have been too busy
to attend shows. Their show was much
better than last year.
The porch of the hotel has been repaired ,
the last week , and has added much to the
neatness and safety of the sidewalk along that
side of the street ; it was lowered to a level
with the other sidewalk , making it about two
feet lower ; and now if the other business
houses all along'that side of the street will do
likewise , Danbury can boast of one good line
of side walks.
Memorial day was observed here by the old
soldiers and citizens , Wednesday. The band
played several of their appropriate pieces on
the street at 10 o'clock , and then the crowd
left in procession for the Danbury cemetery ,
where the graves of those that have gone on
before were again covered with flowers in
memory of the past. Services were held in
the Congregational church at 2:30 p. m. , Kev.
Peas of Atwood preaching the Memorial ad
A large gathering of old Indianaians as
sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E.
Ashton , last Sunday , May 27111 , and partook
of a beautiful spread in the grove , in honor
of Grandfather Henry Naden and Mr. and
Mrs. John Wilson of Pans , Indiana , who were
here on a visit with relatives. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ashton , Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Ashton and family , Mr. and Mrs. John
Wilson and Grandfather Naden of Paris ,
Ind. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Naden and family ,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Witham of Bird City ,
Kans. , Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Witham and fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Pew , Mr. and Mrs. U.
S. Leisure , Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Smiley , Miss
Maud Eno , Miss Mary Andrus and Frank
Fanta. The dinner consisted of good things
too numerous to mention ; ice cream , cake
and lemonade were served in the afternoon ,
and the entertainment of the day consisted of
telling stories and jokes of their boy and girl
hood days in and around their old homes
near Paris in Jennings county , Indiana. A
photograph of the gathered members was
taken that _ they may recall to memory their
happy visit , this day had , in the future.
The graduating exercises of the class of
1900 of the Danbury public schools rendered ,
last Friday evening , were highly appreciated
by a crowded house of patrons and friends.
Miss Maud Ruby's essay , "We Learn by Our
Failures , " was very appropriately arranged
and spoken , based on actual facts. "The
Uses of the Ocean. " by Ray B. Ryan , showed
that he has spent his time in the school-room
to a good advantage ; his essay was full of up-
to-date events , explaining the use of the water
in a creditable manner. Geo. A. Whitaker's
Essay on "Our Heroes , " received close atten
tion , was instructive to the old and young , he-
ing full of history and logical thoughts. Miss
Pearl Hayes read the "Past , Present and Fut
ure Life of the Class , " which was composed
of funny jokes as well as good tidings for the
class , including herself ; but , she will remain
an old maid ( ? ) . The presentation of diplo
mas by Philip Gliem was neatly done ; he
made the class a very impressive talk , one
that will be a guide to them in future studies.
The other parts of the evening's entertain
ment were well rendered , especially the
ladies quartet , composed of Misses Louie
Ruby and Sophia Wright and Mrs. Gertie
Pate and .Mrs. Pheme Bariteau , who received
a hearty cheer from the crowd.
You feel better at once after using Ilerbine ,
you enjoy your food more , and you get more
nourishment and invigorating force out of
what you eat. Hence Ilerbine makes you
strong , vigorous and cheerful. Price , 50 cents.
A. McMillen.
We pay the highest price for
eggs , and they count the same as
cash , at the "Bee Hive. "
Ivy poisoning , poison wounds , and all other
accidental injuries may be quickly cured by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also
a certain cure for piles and skin diseases.
Take no other. D. W. Loar.
Is Box Elder to celebrate the Fourth of
July ? If not , why not ?
BORN To Mr. and Mr . Mahlon Campbell ,
May 2ist , a daughter.
Rye is suffering badly'for rain ; and \\heat
won't stand it much longer.
Mrs. Hannah Barnes has accepted a posi
tion as cook in one of McCoo 's hotels.
About a dozen of our young people enjoyed
the Louise Brehany Co. and report a great
Ira Harrison has gone to a hospital in Om
aha to have a cancer removed from one of his
Rev. Spears of Lincoln delivered a fine
temperance address to a large audience , Sun
day evening.
Florence Younger entertained a company
of young friends , Saturday evening , at a lawn
party ; ice cream was served , and a delightful
time reported.
Mrs. F. S. Schoonover has returned home
from her visit in Northeastern Iowa. She re
ports plenty of moisture in that locality too
much indeed.
Mrs. A. W. Campbell and daughter came
liome from Wymore , recently , where they
liave been staying until the mother should be
able to stand the journey home. Mrs. Camp-
hell is as well as her friends expected she
could be under the circumstances.
If the stomach performs its functions act
ively and regularly , the food of which it is the
receptacle is transformed into blood of a
nourishing quality , which furnishes vigor and
warmth to the whole body. Ilerbine gives
tone to the stomach and promotes digestion
and assimilation. Price , 50 cents. A.McMillen.
A Good Cough Medicine.
It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy when druggists use it in their own
families in preference to any other. "I have
sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the
past five years with complete satisfaction to
myself and customers , " sajs Druggist ] . Gold
smith , Van Etten , N. Y. "I have always used
it in my own family both for ordinary coughs
and colds and for the cough following la
grippe , and find it very efficacious- . " For sale
by McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
B. 3. ASHTOM. Pre : . T. E. MeDMULD , Cah.
A General Banking Business
business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
I !
The Reign
Shirt Waist
Is Supreme in its Realm.
Combined with separate skirt
of Worsted , or of Linen or Cotton -
ton Wash Goods , It makes the
most sensible and desirable
combination possible.
We are very active in these
lines , showing the largest assortments -
sortments and handsomest
styles in our history.
400. 5oc. 75C-
cts. furnishes handsome
provides .1 75
50 cents
40 cents buys a plain
and percale
with some lawn
waist with French back , stout percale
detached collar , made of yoke , plaits in back , full waists with deep circular
, bias fronts , etc
light weight lawn in re front. As durable as any yokes
liable colors. waist 'in stock. Also Also white lawns , sever
other materials. al styles.
I'01" Si.oo we offer choice of 1)lack and white itriPes b.ias fronls lace
* * trimmed fronts , etc. , etc.
$1.25 and $1.50 $1.75 , $2.00 and $2.25
At these prices our most attractive These are our specials extra fine
and stylish goods are sold. Also the materials with elaborate trimmings ,
largest assoitment of styles ; not easy such as full lace fronts , etc. must be
to describe. seen to be properly appreciated.
Si.oo buys linen colored wash skirt with two rows blue braid at bottom.
Si.oo buys wash skirt of Fancy Cotton Covert.
51.25 buys best quality Cotton Covert Skirt.
31.35 buys fancy figured Linen Wash Skirt.
$1.65 buys heavy striped Linen Skirts of best quality.
the above all our own make.
$1.35 buys black figured Mohair Skirt factory made.
32.50 buys all wool black Albatross Skirt our make.
32.75 buys all wool black Nun's Veiling Skirt our make.
$3 25 buys Worsted Skirts of Jamestown goods our make.
Plain 7-gored skirts made to your measure from any goods in stock" , including
black silk skirts ; price 37-50 and down to 32.50.
We Solicit Your Trade ,
Postoffice Per
In same Building GEO. E. THOMPSON.
Are always to be found in the big store in the First National
Bank block-
Dress Goods
Organdies , Lawns , Dimities , Percales
, Prints , Calicos , and everything
in this line that could be desired. Prices the S
lowest * sib e for he r
grade of goods offered. v
Summer Underwear
° f thistseasonab *
for Men , Women and
Our Shoe stock is large and the
assortment good se ? it fnf . ,
InlMen's , Boys' , Ladies'.or Children's Shoes anythlnr
Everything from a handsome and dainty
g ° ° d' durable
umbrella ; and at prices that are winners. '
We keep our Groceries on the move and our
stock is always fresh.
"Never Sleeps. "
Farm produce as good as cash. .