The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 01, 1900, Image 1

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    jlt' pt Xt Journal
Memorial Day.
Again have the living paid their an
nual debt of gratitude and love t'o the
memory of the dead , and another Me
morial day , with all its cherished mem
ories , has passed into history. The day ,
as to weather , was ideal , and the cele
bration in keeping with the day.
About ten o'clock in the morning , the
comrades of the post and the ladies of
the circle assembled in the Odd Fellows
hull , where the floral , tributes had been
gathered , and proceeded to the cemeter
ies to bedeck with fair garlands the
graves of the departed veterans. The
services were according to the solemn
and impressive and beautiful ritual of
the Grand Army of the Republic. The
following graves were decorated in
Charles E. Fox , R S. Cooley ,
Chester Walker , Marion B. Brown ,
Moses Huttershull , Peter Groves ,
John D. Gerver , Daniel A. Clements ,
John B. McCabe , David Keithly ,
Smith Gordon Elias H. Conrad ,
William M. Irwiu.
Thomas B.Walker , C. Luther Nettleton.
At Lougview cemetery the grave of a
Confederate soldier , Robert R. Stewart ,
of Albert Hamilton , a son of a veteran ,
J. G. Hamilton of Brookhaven , Miss. ,
and of other dead of soldier families were
also decorated ; and at Riverview ceme
tery the same programme was carried
out , besides the decoration of the splen
did monument to the unknown dead.
The list is swelled , this year , by the
death of William M. Irwin , making fif
teen Union soldiers now buried in the
cemeteries of this city.
At the conclusion of this tender and
beautiful ceremony , the procession re
turned to the city and disbanded until
after dinner , when the members of the
post and circle , together with the people
generally , crowded the Methodist church
to overflowing to hear the regular pro
gramme prepared for the afternoon. Dr.
A. P. Welles presided. The following
\ programme was rendered :
Voluntary March Miss Blanche McCarl
Song Quartette
Prayer Kev. W. J. Turner
Reading orders J. II. Yarger
Song Quartette
Reading Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg
Florence Johnson
Song Quartette
Address to the Unknown Dead. . ] . A. Wilcox
Song Quartette
Addresses. . Revs. J. W. Walker , W. J. Turner
Song "Ameiica" Congregation
Benediction Rev. J. W. Walker
There was some disappointment over
the failure of the announced speaker of
the occasion to be present , but Revs. J.
W. Walker and W. J. Turner substituted
very satisfactorily with patriotic utter
ances of an extemporaneous nature.
Not a Field-Day.
There is a growing and well-founded
feeling among the veterans of the G. A.
R. , the ladies of W. R. C. and others
that Memorial day should be exclusively
devoted to its original uses and purposes
and that it should in no wise be con
founded with the idea of a field-day and
sports ; and with * this sentiment THE
TRIBUNE is in hearty accord. We now
express the hope that when another
Memorial day shall have rolled around ,
the sentiment of the people will be such
on this subject that no effort will be
made to devote any part of the sacred
day to sports , but that the programme
of the day shall be comprehensive and
interesting enough to engross the time
and attention of all. This day should
be made an educational one to the youth
in the line of patriotism and veneration ,
and the good and proper lesson is large
ly lost sight of and forgotten when sports
are injected into the day , which then
becomes simply another holiday-day.
A Fine Shower.
Preceded by a severe wind-storm , a
fine and much-needed shower fell over
this section , last evening. Clouds of
dust scurried along before the stiff
breeze , and the tumultuous few minutes :
before the rain began to fall caused
timid souls some alarm.
The rainfall was not heavy , but will
serve to keep the crops moving until
more profuse relief is given. It was en :
couraging revivifying. :
Advertised Letters.
\ The following letters were advertised
by the McCook post-office on M y 27th :
R. T. Edger , Manfred Briggs ,
C. Snyder , Dr. J. J. Hanna ,
C. A. Darvin , C. D. Graham ,
Asa P. Merrill , R. H. McCrosson.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMELL , Postmaster.
Changes of Dates.
Attention is called to changes in dates :
of the mass convention announced by J. >
K. Stevens in last week's TRIBUNE : The
date of the county convention has been
changed from June 23d to July I4th , and
the state convention from June 27th to
Jul3r 2oth. Parties interested will please
Desirable House for Sale.
I will offer for sale at a low price my
residence property , corner Marshall and .
Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part ,
or will name an attractive price for spot
cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LA TOURETTE ,
Cedar Rapids , Iowa.
C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent.
A Great Revival. s
Major Cole has just closed a great and
prolonged revival effort in the city of
Springfield , Missouri. The revival con
tinued through five mouths , and 3,000
conversions are reported.
Ball and Bat Free.
To the boy who buys a suit of clothes
at $2.50 or up at DeGroff & Co.'s.
There will be an important meeting
of the A. O. U. W. lodge on next Mon
day evening and all members of the
order are urged to be present.
KENNETH WELLES arrived home ,
close of last week.
C. J. RYAN has been home with the
family , this week.
MRS.J.E. KELLEY is visiting relatives
in Kirwin , Kansas.
L. MORSE is down from Benkeluian ,
today , on business.
L. W. Cox returned home , last night ,
from his trip to Missouri to see the baby.
BISHOP BONACUM of Lincoln was in
the city , Saturday , on business of his
MARKj. SMITH returned , first of the
week , from his visit to Eluiwood , Illi
MRS. G. A. NOREN went down to
Orleans , Tuesday morning , on a brief
MRS. F. D. BURGESS went down to
Oxford , yesterday morning , on a short
visit to friends.
TIFF BABCOCK of Yuma , Colorado ,
was the guest of his brother Charles of
our cit } ' , yesterday.
MRS. J. F. CuSTER and the children
arrived home , Monday evening on 5 ,
from visiting in Wymore.
W. G. WILSON , who has been ill , and
whose life was despaired of for several
days , is slowly improving.
Miss ALICE GAINES , whose home is
northeast of Arapahoe , is the guest of
her aunt , Mrs. F. D. Burgess , this week.
Teddy arrived home , Wednesday night ,
from their visit to Beaver City relatives.
MRS. C. E. ELDRED and the children
went down to Phillipsburg , Kansas , last
Saturday morning , on a visit to her
MRS. J. B. MESERVE came up from
Lincoln , Monday night on 3 , and is the
guest of her daughter , Mrs. F. M. Kim-
MRS. S. P. HART entertained a com
pany of lady friends , Wednesday after
noon , in honor of Mrs. L. S. Sage of
H. W. COLE arrived home on i , Tues
day , from his trip east , visiting Wash
ington , Chicago and other points during
his absence.
National arrived from Los Angeles , Sun
day morning , going on to Omaha on 6 ,
the same night.
MRS. L. S. SAGE , wife of the Burling-
: ou agent at Beatrice , arrived in the city ,
last Friday night , and is the guest of her
sister , Mrs. W. S. Morlan.
MRS. E O. OSTHOFF who has been the
guest of Rev. and Mrs. G. Essig , was
called home to Lincoln , last week , by
the illness of her husband.
MRS. W. S. MORLAN gave a picnic ,
Tuesday morning , in the park , for a
couipaii3r of little folk , in honor of her
young nephew , Webster Sage of Beatrice.
MRS. L. J. BuRTLESS arrived home ,
early in the week , from her sad mission ;
to Auburn. Mrs. Burtless has the sym
pathy of many friends in this sorrow.
The deceased formerty lived here , and :
was quite well known to old settlers of
the western part of the county.
REV. AND MRS. J. A. BADCON arrived j. .
home , Wednesday night , from attending C
the general conference in Chicago. They
stopped over at Arapahoe , Wednesday
afternoon , on their way home , where
Mr. Badcon delivered the Memorial day >
address. The visit was one of continu
ous interest and joy to them.
Miss MINNIE PADE , who has for the
past six years given such efficient and S
satisfactory service as deputy in the
McCook post-office , retired from that
position with the close of last month ,
ind will in future devote her time ,
energy and talents to the furniture bus
iness. Bert Beyrer succeeded her.
A. J. CLUTE and family will on tomor
row morning depart for Frnnklin , where
they will make their future home. One
ity is the desire to give the boys the ad
vantages of the business department of =
Franklin academy an excellent school , U
jy the way. The family have long been a :
esidents of McCook , and a numerous
:5rcle of warm friends will follow theme , .
o their new home with best wishes. .
o ;
Burlington fast mail train No. 7 estab- eist
ished a new record for running time in stb
iVestern Iowa , Tuesday. This train b :
eaves Chicago at 3 o'clock in the inorn-
ng and arrives at the Council Bluffs re
ransfer at 2:30 p. in. Tuesday , for some tc
other the train consider- tl
eason or , was - tld
ibly delayed east of Creston , and when d
ingiueer W. A. Simmons , with engine e :
STo. 1612 , started out from Creston to o !
nake the last lap of the journey , he de- b !
ided to do a little fast running on his P <
wn account , "just to show the boys , "
is he expressed it , "that 1612 is the
vinley Mac of the Burlington engines. "
Pile train fairly flew along the rails and
ver a part of the "Q" track which is
low undergoing extensive improvement
lecause of its official recognition as the fa
rorst stretch on the entire system. Up
teep grades and around heavy curves af
he fast mail traveled at a terrific speed , siPi
.nd when Pacific Junction was reached , Pi
ighty-six miles from Creston , the actual ce ;
unning time was exactly eighty-five in
ainutes. No special preparation had in
icen made for this record-breaking run , cr
nd for this reason its accomplishment sc :
all the more a matter of appreciation gi
o interested officials. Bee. al '
License to wed was issued James Hall
nd Mabel G. Hill , both of Indianola , Sc :
londay.and the happy event was at the th
ame time consummated by the county to i
adge in due and approved form. bs
A Bargain.
te :
We have two good show-cases which on i
re will sell at a bargain. of
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. ni.
Preaching at 11 and 8. Morning sub
ject , "Prayer. " Evening subject , "Life
of Moses. " J. W. WALKER , Paster.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at n a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 7
No service at 8 p. in. Prayer-meeting
Wednesday evening at 8. Everybod
GEO. SCOTT , Pastor pro tern.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at iixx
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. ui
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 o'clock
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school a
10. Preaching at n. Y.P.S.C.E. at 7
Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting , Wednes
day evening at 8. Morning subject
"True Religion an Integral Part of Rea
Life. " Evening subject , "Prayer as Re
lated to God's Providence. "
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 2:30. : Epworth League at 7.
Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible-study
on Wednesday evening at 8. Morning
"The Herald of Christ. "
subject , . Even
ing subject , "Childhood in the City
Slums. " All are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
The following report for the mouth of
May , ending on the 25th instant , has
been made by the superintendent to the
board of education :
No. of days enrolled 305
No. of girls enrolled 322
Average daily attendance 586
Per cent of attendance 93
Not tardy during month 378
Cases of tardiness 39
Entered during month i
Withdrawn during mouth 17
Promoted during month 536
Visitors 102
No. non-residents 25
Most of the teachers of our city schools
for the next school-year will improve
their time during a good part of the sum
mer vacation by attending summer-
schools showing a commendable spirit
uid desire to keep abreast the progress
jf the day in educational methods etc. :
Misses Thomson anct Leonard expect
o attend a summer-school in Boulder ,
Mr. Holmes will spend some time at
he Ann Arbor summer-school.
The out-of-town members of the
eacher corps have for the most part
lied them away to their several homes ,
joing the early part of the week : Miss
elley to Cambridge , Miss Wibley to
lulbertson , Miss Powers to Trenton ,
VIrs. Duffy to Grafton , and Mr. Holmes
o Hudson , Mich.
And George Burgess , Jr. , is still in
ondage to rheumatism. C
Mrs. Hedlnnd gave the members of „
ler grade the Sixth a delightful pic-
lic on the river at Button's ranch , last .
Saturday. ,
A Proud Record. to
tii >
THE TRIBUNE believes that the people ii
if McCook were well pleased indeed iiv iii i
irith the result of their recent effort to v
aise funds for the relief of the India I
auiine sufferers , and the following letter
f acknowledgement from the state com-
aissioner will no doubt fill many hearts
jitli excusable pride : :
"The India Famine Relief commis-
ion , G. L. Hosford , Western Manager ,
Iniversity Place. Lincoln , Nebraska ,
lay 25th , 1900. Mr. W. J. Turner , Mc- :
took , Nebraska. Dear sir : Yours of
lay 2ist , containing a draft of $307.21 , c
t hand. This magnificent gift from the
eople of McCook to the suffering people
f India , speaks eloquently of their gen- t ,
rous and kindly spirit. McCook now
tands at the head of all towns in Nefi
fi (
raska in this great humanitarian move-
C (
lent. Surely , the blessing of God will
sst upon all those who have contributed ?
3 the relief of suffering humanity across
lie sea. The people of Nebraska are
oing much to prove that neither vast
xtent of territory nor the wide expanse
f seas can long prevent the universal
rotherhood of the human race and
eace on earth throughout the world. ns
s <
Sincerely yours ,
G. L. HOSFORD , t (
State Commissioner. " n :
The Passion Play. Pn :
The stereopticon production of the „ ,
imous Oberamtnergau Passion Play a fc ]
iven in ihe Catholic church , Monday fcED
fternoon and evening , attracted good-
zed and well-pleased audiences. The
lay was produced in a numerous suc- itW
ssion of stereopticon views and W
ig pictures the latter being especially infc 1
iteresting. The views were but artistic
fc )
reations for the most part. The various fcw
enes in the greatest of all dramas were
iven with a realism quite startling and stai
.ways deeply engrossing. A lecturer
sscribed each picture and view , con-
cting the progression of events.
Three Boys Drown. m
Tuesday evening of this week , Jay
:6tt , Leo Robidoux and Roy Walthall ,
iree Benkelman lads ranging from 12
14 years of age , were drown while [
ithing in a small pond near that place.
The remains of Leo Robidoux were in-
rred in Calvary cemetery of this city
Thursday morning , Rev. J. W. Hickey
'the St. Patrick's church conducting
ass. &
A daughter was born to Conductor am
Mrs. W. D. Beyrer , yesterday.
Engines 308 , 198 and 225 are in the
shops being thoroughly overhauled.
Chief Dispatcher Forbes was in Lin
coin , Saturday , on company business.
There were 41 cars of material in the
McCook yard , last Saturday , for Brush
Speaking of hats , that was a warm one
that Timbliu got up at Akron , the othei
A new emery-wheel grinder has beer
installed in the new machine-shop , this
Engineer and Mrs. Dave Magner vis
ited in Lincoln , early in the week , ar
riving home on 3 , Monday night.
Walter Calhoun arrived from Roscoe
Mo. , Wednesday noon , and is the guesl
of his brother , Dispatcher Calbouu.
Operator N. B. Bush and Miss Elsie
Burgess drove over to Oberlin his
home Saturday , returning on Sunday.
Pat Timblin's eye-sight failing , he has
beui transferred from the main line to
the Hastings-Oberlin branch , this week.
Quite a largely increased number of
carpenters are at work , this week , re
pairing "bad order" cars in the yard
John Roxby was summoned to the
farm near Arapahoe , last evening , by a
telegram announcing the illness of his
Machinist and Mrs. George Enoch
went up to Denver , Saturday on i , Mrs.
Enoch remaining on a visit , he returning
ingon 2 , Monday.
T. A. Erb of the Akron eating-house
was called down to headquarters , Tues
day morning , on business , returning on
No. i , same day.
Richard Carroll and wife were at
headquarters , part of the week. Dick
expects to get back into the company's
service at this place.
No. 342 was in the shop , early in the
week , for repairs to a cracked cylinder ,
caused by the nut on the piston-head
coming loose. The cylinder head was
also partially broken off.
No. 27 , one of the new class KS en
gines , and a recent arrival here from
Havelock , was in the shop , early in the
week , for repairs , one of her piston-
valves being broken near Benkelman , a
few days ago.
Pianist Sauvlet of the Louise Brehany
Co. lost his pocket-book from the train :
near Alliance , close of last week , while
en route to Broken Bow. Sup't Phelan
took the matter up , and through an
agent and section force , recovered the
lost wallet , which contained considerable ,
mouey and precious stones.
Dispatcher and Mrs. W. B. Mills will
depart , next week , on a delightful trip
and visit of a number of weeks in the
south-land. He will attend the national :
meeting of dispatchers at Atlanta ,
Seorgia , and numerous "side trips" will
be made. A superb programme has
been arranged for the entertainment of >
the delegates and those accompanying
Engine sixty-two , the new "prairie'
engine from the Burlington , la. , shops
irrived at the Lincoln round-house , yes
terday , and will be taken to the Wy-
Diiiiiig division in a few days. Being a )
lew style of engine it was closely scrut-
uized by Lincoln engiueuieu. Assistant
3eueral Superintendent Rhodes paid a
/isit to the round-house during the
iftemoon to inspect it. The most im- .
jortant feature about the big machine ;
s its large grate surface. It having
"orty square feet of fire space. The fire
jox sets on a trailer truck , and extends
ut over the wheels , being so wide that
t is necessary to use two doors to supply
t with coal. It is intended to burn a
rery cheap grade of fuel. Wednesday's
The Burlington , Rock Island and
Jnion Pacific roads have issued circulars
itating that on and after June i foreign .
ars will not be received on their lines
mless supplied with automatic couplers ,
inless the cars so received be en route
o the road owning them. After August
cars unequipped with such safety ap- 1C
iliances , will not be received under any 01
ircumstances. Railroads now buy their
lew cars equipped according to law and
ild cars are properly equipped as fast as
aken to the shops. Nearly all of the
Nebraska roads will have all their cars at
quipped by August i with automatic
ouplers and air brakes. In general ,
bout 60 per cent of the cars are equipped
lth air brakes. The cost of fitting out
car with automatic couplers is about Of
46 , with air brake , about $75.
Under the direction of Master Me-
hanic Archibald the work of moving tt
he machinery old and new into the tl
ew machine-shop has been progressing li !
o favorably that it is hoped to be able
0 set the big engine and machinery in alm
lotion by coming Monday. Indeed , a m
irelirninary trial may be made on to- stw :
" ' " in stm
lorrow. "Neighbor's" pride the
.ew" shop is something fine and the boys m
re sharers of that pride ; and it is well in
auiided and altogether excusable. The
lachinists all look forward with great
atisfaction to the time when "mov-
ig" will have been completed and they Wi
rill all be installed at their machines to >
the comfort and convenience of the nc
ew shop , which will provide facilities
r doing more and more varied work
'ith greater haste and satisfaction. The
tructure is large and airy , well lighted
nd ventilated , with the different ma-
bines conveniently grouped and dis-
osed to secure the best results with the W !
irgest saving of labor. Its completion W
leans much to McCook and the West- de :
rn division. deM
achine Oils ,
Stock Foods , Te :
Condition Powders ,
Purest and Best.
Millet seed for sale at S. M. Cochran
As to Chinch Bugs.
The publisher has received many in
quiries us to whether or not the stme is
lurnishing inoculated chinch bugs for
distribution where needed ; also inquiries
as to whether the inoculated bugs can
be secured from private parties in case
the state is not able to furnish them. A
letter from the s > tate entomologist an
swers both questions. The letter is as
follows :
Dear sir : The agricultural experiment
station of Nebraska , for beverul years ,
carried on experiments for the purpose of
ascertaining whether or not chinch bugs
could be successfully combatted by the
use of the white fungus known as spor-
otncuui globuhferuui. During this time
a great many persons were provided
with infected bugs and requested to
make careful experiments with them ,
following certain lines of procedure as
indicated by printed instructions accom
panying each lot of the infection sent
out. Less than one-half of the persons
to whom such setidings were made paid
any further attention to the matter , and
others did such cureless work that no
very definite results were obtained fur
ther than that it was determined that ,
under certain conditions , the disease
could be imparted to other bugs and
considerable benefit derived therefrom ,
Drovided climatic conditions were favor
able at the time of application.
About four years ago the head office of
he experiment stations located in Wash-
ngton decided that the work was no
o'nger experimental and would neces
sarily have to be carried by state instead
of national appropriations. Since no
state appropriations have ever been
made for this purpose the experiment
tation and university are unable any
onger to provide relief to farmers by
his process.
With the above statement of condi-
ions as now existing , you will no doubt ,
inderstand that , unless the coming leg-
slature makes some appropriation for
lie office of state entomologist , no fur-
lier aid can be expected from him.
Yours very truly ,
State Entomologist.
The above clearly disposes of any
bope of securing the inoculated bugs
from the state ; and our inquiry concern
ing private enterprise developed the
fact that the party , who sought to fill
the demand , last year , met with such a
scant patronage that he did not feel at
ill encouraged to continue his endeavor ,
his year. The demand , last year , bare-
y returned his postage expense. t
So the matter is up to the next legis-
ature to provide an appropriation for
he office of the state entomologist , who
vill then be able to fill all legitimate
: alls of this kind.
Circus Comlngr. ,
Our city is soon to be visited by a cir-
us. The coming of Walter J. McDon-
dd's Combined Colossal Shows will be
in epoch in the life of the auiuseiuent-
oviug people of our vicinity. A clean ,
ne-ring performance where you can see
ind hear everything that may be said or
lone. A grand tented enterprise of unal-
eyed merit and magnitude. The world's
jreatest areuic celebrities brought right
o your doors. Chief among the stars
nay be mentioned May and J. L. Daveu- :
ort , graceful and daring bareback riders ,
ate of 4paw & Sells' show. Stall and
arlysle , the two modern hercules , per-
bruiiug feats of strength that are be-
vilderiug and supreme. Two separate
.nd distinct troups of trained dogs , the
reatest animal actors of the canine
yorld. A grand performing troupe of
horoughbred Shetland ponies lately ini- C
lorted from the Shetland Islands. Blou- T
lin and Montcayo , aerialists supreme in b
heir fearless and thrilling flights in mid-
ir. The two Cereno's , May and Sig , in
heir daring , yet graceful phases of cow-
oy life , introducing lassoing , shoot
ng , knife throwing , and other frontier
astimes. Chas. Johnson , king of high
ire. DeValro , the eccentric comedian ,
be funniest of all the funny clowns. A h
rand free street parade , free to every- ir
ody , takes place each day at 10:30 tl
'clock a feast for the eye worth com- tlw
ig miles to see. Grand free exhibition
n the show grounds immediately after
arade. No old worn out free attrac- 01
ons , but something new and novel , will &
shibit at McCook , Monday , June 4th. n :
wo performances daily. Come early aib
ad spend the day with the circus. b ;
A game has been arranged for Wednes-
ay , June 6th , between the Athletic base '
all club of our city and the well-known
agregation ; of base ballists at Arapahoe.
he Athletics are doing better work with
ic sphere and stick , and the prowess of at
le Arapahoe club is already well estab- atM [
shed ; so a fine contest may be expected. i :
The Athletics will appear at that time hi
11 resplendent in their new uniforms of tl :
trunks shirts and black
laroon , caps , as 3
ockings , and belts. The club name
ill appear in white letters on their
lanly breasts. Altogether the boys will tl
lake an imposing spectacle. re ;
h (
Notice of Dissolution.
The co-partnership of J. Cress Si Sons afm
as dissolved by mutual consent , Oc- m
ber 5th , 1892 , of which we now give at
otice. April 26th , 1900.
25-313. J. CRESS ,
GEO. F. CRESS , in
" -o ;
Notice of Dissolution. at
I have this 2jth day of Mar , 1900 ,
ithdrawn from the firm of Parsons &
ralker and will not be responsible for :
bts by same contracted on or after
av 25 1900. 6-i-2t. C.L.WALKER. be :
House for Sale.
House of seven rooms , with two lots. seM
rms reasonable. tei
MRS. W. M. IRWIN. "s
Tc j
Millet seed for sale at S. M. Cochran
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Lear sells drugs.
Lear sells wall-paper.
A great leader
Lear sells machine oil.
Lear sells prescriptions.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Millet seed for sale at S. M. Cochran
& Co.'s.
The freshest and best dings are found
at Lour's.
Parsons & Walker , painters , have dis
solved partnership.
The great eclipse continues the way
Loar's soda eclipses all others.
UNE office. Bst in the market.
It is the esprit de corps of the people
that gives McCook her winning gait.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms to
let. Inquire nt the Dr. Spicklemier res
You can buy a screen door nt Milliard's
the day you come to "rubber" nt the
Buy Deering twine and fool well , you
had better fool '
the 'hoppers than to get
fooled yourself.
The Denver National bank has been
made the reserve agent for the First
National bank of our city.
After June 6th , Miss Kdna Dixon will
give lessons on the piano and in musical
history , theory and harmony.
You must see the Buckeye mower and
binder before buying a binder. Pred-
more Bros , are the sole agents.
"The Right Place" to call up is No. 12.
You are sure of gettii g just as choice
meats by phone as by personal inspec
It will be to your gam to see the-fa
mous Buckeye mower and binder at
Predmore Bros , before contracting fora
You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co.
ire at the head of the procession when
oed meats are on parade. Try their
Fruit that is "sufficiently decayed" to
the purchaser is but "full ripe" to the
i-endor. Another phase of "not a theory
aut a condition. "
If you will observe your thermometer
: losely any afternoon , you will find it up
to the point where it reads , "Buy stove-
vood at Bullard's. "
Over the fence , ought to be out in a
jail game , and it would if it was Bul-
ard'sElvvood fence ; you get over that
ind you are sure out.
It is a pleasure to note with what
painstaking pride and care most of Mc-
Zook's residence properties are being
ittended , this summer.
We have it on good authority that
lose observers were able to read this
iign on the sun , Tuesday : "Billiard sells
he best lumber and coal. "
Those gasoline stoves at S. M. Coch-
an & Co.'s are beauties ; so all say who
ee them. They are cheaper and better
nan coal for hot weather.
Barnes , the optician , will be at the
Commercial hotel , McCook , Monday and
Tuesday , June nth and I2th. He will
ie assisted by Prof. Small of Omaha.
Don't give your order for a mower or
liuder until you have called and seen
lie famous Buckeye mower and binder
or which Predmore Bros , are sole
The hot weather is upon us , and per-
aps thoughts of ranges are not in your
lind ; but if your fancy lightly turns to
boughts of ranges , there is but one that
rill fill the bill the Great Majestic.
It is not a debatable question but one
f privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh
c Co. , when in quest of the best the
larket affords in the meat line. They
re prompt and accommodating in the
argain. Phone 12.
Don't buy a. cheap paint ; the best is
one too good to stand Nebraska sun
nd climate. Our paint is guaranteed ;
'e stand behind every gallon.
The Denver optician , Barnes , will be
the Commercial hotel in McCook on
onday and Tuesday , June nth and
2th. If your eyes require attention ,
ave Barnes do the work then , before
ie hot summer days are upon us. Call
early as possible.
You must see F. D. Burgess about
ie great McCormick before buying a
aper , mower or rake. The McCormick
as for many years stood for everything
lat is best in that line , and you can't
Eford to fail to inspect these up-to-date
lachines , if you are in the market for
ay of them.
Maud Cordeal , who has been attend-
ig the X. E. conservatory of music in
oston , will be in McCook about June
th. Those of her former pupils and
iy others who wish to avail themselves
rthe opportunity for piano lessons will
3 well to call early , as she expects to
turn to Boston in September.
Our wall-paper sales , this season , have
en larger than ever before. The reason
plain : We have a bigger stock to
lect from than you have ever seen in
cCook. It is yet complete every pat-
rn still on hand. You don't have to
shape "round" after seeing our line.
see is to buy.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.