The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1900, Image 7

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    How are the children this spring ? Com
plaining a good deal of headache , can't
study as well as usual , easily fall asleep ,
and are tired all the time ? And
how is it with yourself ? Is your
strength slipping away ? Do yova
tremble easily , are your nerves a !
unstrung , do you feel dull and sleepy ,
and have you lost all ambition ?
* m
Nearly every one needs a good spring medicine ; a medi
cine that v/ili remove impurities from the system , strengthen
the digestion/ bring back the old force and vigor to the
aerves. s A perfect Sarsaparilla is just such a medicine ; a
Sarsaparilla that contains the choicest and most valuable in
gredients ; a Sarsapariila accurately and carefully made , and
one that experience has shown is perfect in every way.
"The only Sarsaparilla made under the personal supervision of three graduates : a
graduate in pharmacy , a graduate in chemistry , and a graduate in medicine. "
$1.00 a bottle. All druggists.
"I am perfectly confident that Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Pills have saved my life by taking them every fall and
spring. I have kept them in the house for the past twenty years. " EVA N. HART , Buffalo , N. Y. , March 29 , 1900.
WorthS * to S6 compared ,
with other makes.
Inclorscd by over
1,000,000 wearers.
T7ie Genuine havcW. L.I
Douglas' name and price I
stamped on bottom. Take (
no substitute claimed to be
as good. Vour dealer
i should keep them if , ,
not , wx ; will send a pair *
on receipt of price and 2c.
extra for carriage. State kind of leather ,
size , and width'plain or cap toe. Git. free.
. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton. Mass.
> TJEV/ DISCOVERY ; Clve. < =
au Jck relief imd curcevroi'st
raves. liook of testimonials anil lit DAYS' treatment
FREE. 1)K. II. U. CUKr-VS SUIkS. Box i : . Atlanta. Go.
aud up-to-Uate churns. The "J hepara-
ton ? I have work iierj'ectly. C. Ilardr.
Allo heny Co..ra. Clrculursfree ; write
julckly. GI SON - STEWAKT
MFG. CO. , lbsonla , Pa.
Ge ? Your Pension
i Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent.
j 1425 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. O. C.
Man soon wearies of the worship o !
R'S IlAtn BAL'\J ! Is the favorite for diessics
the huir and renewing us Hie and color.
IIUtDCKcoKxs , the best cure tor i-ornp. 13cte.
Some men helieve in drowning care
in the flowing bowl.
Hall's Catarrh C'uro
Is a constitutional cure. Price , TSc
One cup of butter weighs one-half
Causes bilious head-ache , back-ache
and all kinds of body aches. Spring
is here and you want to get this bile
poison out of your system , easily ,
naturally and gently. CASCARETS
are just what you want ; they never
grip or gripe , but will work gently
while you sleep. Some people think
the more violent the griping the better
the cure. Be careful take care of
your bowels salts and pill poisons
leave them weak , and even less able to
keep u regular movements than be
fore , ihe only safe , gentle inside
Spring cleaner for the bowels -are
sweet , fragrant CASGARETS. They
don't force out the foecal matter with
violence , but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall , strengthen
the muscles and restore healthy , natural action buy them and try them.
You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly
and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work.
To any needy mortal suffering fromSowcl troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. Address
Sterling Remedy Company , Chicago or New York , mentioning advertisement and paper. 428
( JiiotiittoiiK From NCMV York , Chicago
Siiutli Omalm nn l IClMou-licri- .
Miirkt-t active anil steady to strung ;
heavy natlvoy. J4.GQrf. 2. . ; stockcrs ar.d
f feelers. J.XV/n.M | ; tiutclK r cows and
he-iffrs , | 3.VJf/5.00 : cannery. Si.7.rii3.30 : : fed
\ve--tc.-us. J4.2.ViO5 { : Texans. $ I.OOH- -
HOJS Markc-t tjtiul > and : . < 7i lOc 1 > wt-r ;
heavy.'5 : mlxpd , 5V > .Vu V.0 ! : Ufi-t ,
jj ic > t/r.i'5 : IIK. ! . : n.r..vjC. ! . .
SHKKP AND l.AMHH-Oood trad.- ;
lambhteady to Iflc higher ; muttons.
ttronf , ' : iVilorado lamb ? , ? 7.1 ( > ; slipped Col-
rado lamli : ; . JG.liVfiti.Sr , : clipped muttons.
jr. ( .o r. . : : : , ; feeders , ; cuiis. ja.GO'fj
r.iJlOrlr WIT ; iijiUyss. host on sale today ,
nliuarload.s , at * r .3U : tf'iod to prime
. tiers. J3.G < V ! > n.7 < > : poor to mvdivin. ? l.2" > 'fi
i Hi ; f < > elerahout s'e.idy at Sl.r.Ortin.OO ;
in\ - < j htcckfri- . slow at fj..WH.H' : cows.
? : : . ! } / ! . ( / : heifer * . 53.2r.ft5.00 ; caniier ,
ste-aelV fit I2.r.Of/3.25 : ! > iiIs. ! ahout sti-idy
at J3.OOfi-J.LT , . calves cask" ' at $ J.r.C..ri ;
Tixa.leel steers , J1.0t"J3.13 ; Texas hulls.
J.Ki ! ! : ! . ( , . - . .
I IOiS Mostly 10c iower ; top. J.I.-'UVi :
mixed and butchers. > . ( if/t/ri.40 : Ken < l to
elieiice. lieavv. $ r > . .2'f2Ii. ! : rouyli heavy ,
J.'i 0 : ( ? ; , ; light , Sa.Oyf5.321hulk ; of sales.
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Sheep. , 10c low
er. good to choice wethers , $7 > .ltft > . i.V.
lair to choice mixed , f-UiOftfi.l.'i : west * * n ,
sheep. 33.13fi5.35 ; yearlings. i.VA"/ . iO ;
native lambs , HjOtfi7.2 > ; western lainos ,
JF i.Wfj7.25 ) , spring Iambs , much lower < H
Large receipts and reported easier mar
kets at Chicago had a. depressing effect
upon the market at this point and \alues
were unevenly lower. In some cases sell
ers thought they got about as good prlct s
as yesterday and in other cases they were
calling Jt lOc lower. The actual condi
tion of she market couid perhaps be be-st
described by calling it weak to lOc lower.
Ueef steers. $3.30ia.l5 : steers and heif
ers. J4.nOfi4.GO ; cows and heifers. Si.-T.ft
< ! .r.O : heifers , $ -i.CGfc4.M > ; bulls. $ : ; .OOJH.10 ;
calves , ? 3.50fi".CO ; stags. $ t.flO < R4.15 ; stock
ccws and heifers. f3. < K Ti . ' , 00 stock calves
S3fi5.fO ; stockc-rs and feeders , * i.00fi >
HOGS The yards were full , 13S cars
being reported in sight , and in addition
other selling points reported large re
ceipts and 'way lower markets. The re
sult was that bsiyers determined to take.
oft IPc at this point and they made their
bids accordinsly. Sellers fought against
the reduction and livid on to their hogs
in many cases , hut buyers held the win
ning hand j-nd In the end got th < - hogs
their way. It made- % 'ery slow and drag-
ping market from start to finish. The
gentral run of the good mixed ' injr sold
at t.i.lOf/n.lPij , as against $5.2C'Tfa.22v-i yes
SIIKEP The market , it is safe to say.
is a little wore en account of the increase
in thf receijtls of grass sheep at south
ern markets. Quotations : Clipped weth-
< -rs. J3.15l&3.3f , : clipped yearlings , W.40f/
. ' < : u ; clipped ewes , peed to choice. SI. COW
: . . " : fair to good clipped ewes. Sl.21Til.fiO ;
good to ehoics.- Colorado wooled lambs.
$7..0'7.L" ( ' > : fair to good Col rado wooleil
lambs. $ n.7iT7.0.'i : jjoori to choice clipped
iMnbs , ft."ili 6M > ; fair to good clipped
lambs , ? 3.30fir'.75.
CHICAGO. Slav 21. WHEAT No. 3.
lEWfCfio : No. 2 reel. 72fi7 : > c.
< "ORN No. L , SSffjSS'ac : No. 2 yellow.
OATK No. 2 , aP.V'iSn-lKC : No. 2 white ,
L..M' ie ; No. n white , zy/-ttZfr-.c.
RYE No. 2. r.4-ic.
HARTLEY Geiod feeding. : j7 .fi2Sc.
SEEDS No. 1 ilax. Jl.SO. No. 1 north
western. $1 SO. Primp timothy , S2.43. CIo-
\ e : contract prssde. $7.00.
PROVISIONS Mes pork. per bbl. ,
Jlo.tKrtm.75. Lard , per 100 ll.s. . St.S3f7.n.l.
Short rib sides ( loose ) , Sii.nF.'T/G ' SO. "Dry
salted shoulders ( boxed ) . SG.'OtfJGJo. Short
clear sides ( boxed ) . ? 7.10f(7.20.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on
bas's e.f hijrh wines. SI 2. > .
NE\V YORK. May i'l. V.'HEAT Clos
ed iirm at i c net advance. May
closed at 71c ; Julv. ll il'ilZ' , closed at
723 c : September. 72 9-l < Vi73V.
CORN Closed firm and ' . - . e net id-
vance. May closed at i2J/c ; July. Wtt " . ' , ' & < ,
cloned at IS' c : September , 4.11iii , We ; clos
ed at 43Tnc.
OATS Spot , firm : No. 2 27c : No. 3 ,
SC'/ic ; No. 2 v.-lr.te , Lf.c : No. . ' { v.'hite , 28'.c :
track mixed western. 2GI/-3 2iic ; track
white. liS T/Soc. Options , dull and fea
He Gives Up Nearly li\e Thousand r ely
Jlail IMarrd With Him.
HAVANA. May 21. W. H. Reeves ,
deputy auditor of the island , made a
e-onfession at midnight an i gave up
5-1,500 given to him by C. F. W. Xeely ,
the arrested financial agent of posts at
Havana' , to perform certain services
the day he left.
General Wood and the postal inspec
tors refuse to disclose the nature of
the confession , barely admitting that
a confession has been made.
It is claimed that 51,400 more will
be verovered today.
Another charge against Neeley is
that he has defrauded the customs out
of several thousand dollars' worth of
duties by importing nominally for pos
tal u&e large quantities of paper , which
was afterward scld to a printing house
in Havana.
The Cubans are now talking a good
deal regarding postal matters , the main
idea apparently being that the Ameri
cans , having found so many of their
countrymen implicated , will not pro
ceed to extremities. The Cuoans do not
believe that Xeeley will be extradicted.
With the confessions of Reeves and
Rich , supplemented by those of the
stamp clerks , and by the statements
of the Baracoa postmaster , it is con
sidered that the evidence against Xee
ley is complete.
General Wood says that the report
from Muncie. Ind. . that nearly $2,000-
000 worth of stamps have been printed
there and sent for distribution to Cu
ban postoffices can be regarded as a
canard. There is nothing nere to show
that any such counterfeit stamps have
been sent. It is believed now that tiie
whole story is known and that the
amount of the defalcation will fall be
tween $100,000 and $125,000.
Hazel for Federal Jml e.
WASHINGTON. May 21. i-he presi
dent has determined upon the nomi
nation of Joan R. Hazel to be United
States judge for the western uistrict
of New York. It is probable that his
name will be sent to the senate todav.
End of Tril " in Sisht.
ARDMORE , I. T. . May 21. The
Dawes commission and the Choctaw
and Chickasaw commission have
agreed that the enrollment of the two
tribes shall be closed on June 1. No
Choctaw or Chickasaw Indian born
after that date , whether intermarried
or full blood , will be registered on the
tribal rolls or allowed to participate in
the allotment of tribal lands. All new
born , however , will receive their share
of the school funds.
The property of those who die after
that date will descend to the heirs in
accordance with the Arkansas statute
of descent distribution.
Obtains Injunction In < 'im In\oltlnK
Simulation f Lulu-l * .
Brent Geol , president of the fnrter Mexl-
iciuo Company , ycstonlny received a tele-
grmn from his luwyers in Chie'tigo. Moswrs.
London , Kstnbrook & Davis , informing him
that a llnul injunction , with costs , had tit-en
granted ngatnst the Chicago Label and Hex
Compauy. This company makes a hpeerSnlty
of manufactnrin labels , boxes- , etc , for
druggists. The Carter CVnjiaiiy 1ms bo'ii I
following them through the- courts for two i
years e n the complaint that the label coin- i
pany was making simnlntions of the labels '
of Carter's Little Liver rill.Tliey have
now obtained a final injunction witii eosts , i
and t 'je costs are very largeas the case lias |
been submitted to a Master in Cliaworj for |
a final accounting. |
The Carter Med'eine ' Company has been ;
the firht and only onu to prosecute printers !
or enpravcrs who huvo prepared such labels
nnd wrappers. It marks a now departure *
in infringemert raeand their victory is (
01:0 of gio'it imj ornncu : t > the whole "pro- ,
prietary trade,1' uudlso of interest to retail |
druggists. New VOIK i'i' : > s , MAY - ' , I'JO'J. j
Two cups of gnimilnuH" sugar \volgh ;
one pound.
The Denver Ac KIO Urande railroad
has just published u second edition of
RADO , " which gives a concise descrip
tion of the vast area of agricultural ,
horticultural and gra/.i.'ig lands located
on its line in the state of Colorado
and the Territory of New Mexico , and
full information as to the stock inter
ests , the sugar beet industry aid farm
ing by irrigation. It is a truthful
representation of the numerous and
wonderful products of thu soil In
that portion of the country and is
of especial interest to all who are in
terested in agriculture or kindred pur
Copies of this book will bo sent fre ?
on application to S. K. Hooper. G.i'.A. .
D. & R. G. R. R. . Denver , Colo. .
or any oflicial of the Denver & Rio
Grande railroad.
Your clothes will not .Tuck if you
use Magnetic Starch.
Two tablespoonfiils of lluid equal
an ounce.
I am sure Pi'-o's Care Tor Consumption saved
my life three ; surs ago. Mrs. Tnejs. ItjlllilNS.
Maple Street , Norwich , X. Y. , I-'eb. 37 , I'JO'J.
Don't forget to close doors behind
you. ]
For starching fine linen us j Magnetic
Don't regard it a burden to be oblig
Use Magnetic Starch JthasnoequaL
Calm seas make areles-'s sailors.
r %
: s ]
The elebilitntinjj drains and
discharges v. hi It wc-alce ri KO
many womenato fatL-uvl by Ca
tarrh e > the elistitu'tly ftrnhiiiic
organs. The sufferer uiy call
her tumble Lciicliorrltocn. e > r
\Veaknt w.or Female 1 > isenspor
eonie ether name , but the mil
trouble is cif.irlt of the fcniale
orga is ard nothing el < e.
Pe-ru-ii.i ladically and perma
nently e me- ; this and all olhel
Ion.ise > fCatarrh. Itisupositive
spee'ihc fur f r.m ! ' ? trouble-s
canel by c.itnnh of theih hi'.tte
lining of tl'.e org-i > p oilun te >
won u. It alwai icim sif used
pet I'tentlv. It i. prompt ami
L'-ave Omaha . ' > -0.r > | i. uarrive \ St.
Louis 7.00 a. n.
\VHKU1- : All 1C Y0t > fJOIXd ?
Trains Ifivo ITiiinn Station Daily
for Kansas City , Qnim-y. .St. Louis : ant
all Points EAST Oil SOHTH. HAM' '
KAT13S to ( I'LS'S 5L'.00) ) many Smilh-
ern Points on 1st and : ; r l TU15SDA\
of EACH AJONTM. All informaf.ioii at
na.ii Street ( I'AXTON liOTICL ULK. )
or write ,
HAURV 15. A1OO11ES ,
City Passenger and TieUet Agent ,
Omaha. Xeh.
Don't ncgJfct the cave of your own
Per Infants and Children.
ling liieSloinachs anclBowels oi'
Fromoles Digcslion.Cheerrtsr-
ness and Rest.Cor.tains neilher
Opitirajvlorpliine nor 1-Iiiierai.
fioefolliSste -
staite Sayi f
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSunilc Signature c ?
5A. 3SI
g 5SS SSSi SSil SlB SK
In -.e * ' cf the many misleading end -anscrup. kur. : mitalor.s cf " Baker's
Chocolate " vhich have recently been put upon he rnarret.c find it necec-
sary to caution consumers against these attempts to deceive
and to ask them to examine every package they purchase ,
and make sure that it has en the front a yellov/ label , v.-ith
our name and place of manufacture.
" on the
La Belle Chocolate
. e. back.
. . if your grocir does not keep the pcr.ti-ne ? rticle , please Je . Jli
TRACE.KARK. . . , . ,
us Know , anc v/e v/ill endeavor- put you in ire way of
T * getting it. Send for a copy of our Choice Recipe book , moiled free to any ap- i
Jff phcant who mentions this paper. j-j
"f / I
9 | WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited , Dorchester , Mass.