who have been relieved of painful menstruation by LytSia E Penkham's Vege table GoiMjsounEly are con stantly writing grateful letters to Mrs , Pinkham * I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I cured them , St always relieves painful periods and MO woman who ssjjf * * ffers sSiouidl OQ without .J tffass knowledge * Nearly all the His off women result from somQ efferasagtemeesf of tfso female Mrs organism * * fPinkhamys great medi cine snakes women -healthy ; of thes thera is overwhelming proof * 1 Donyt experiment * If you suffer get this medi cine and get Mrs * Pink- ham's free advice * Her address is Lynn , Mass * IjABASTINTS Is the original and only durable wall coatintr , entirely different from all i al- somlnes. Heady for use In white or fourteen beautiful tints by adding cold water. &DIES naturally prefer AL.A- BASTINB for walls and cell- Ings , because It Is pure , clean , durable. Put up In dry pow dered form , in flve-pouna pack ages , with full directions. ULi kalsomines are cheap , tem porary preparations made , from whiting , chalks , clays , etc. , nnd stuck on walls with de caying animal glue. ALABAS- TINK is not a kalsomlne. BWARB of the dealer who says he can sell you the "same thing" as ALABASTINE or "something Just as good. " .Ho Is either not posted or 13 tryIng - Ing to deceive you. ND IN OFFERING something : he has bought cheap and tries to sell on ALABASTINE'S de mands , he may not realize the damage you will suffer by a kalsomlne on your walls , BNSIBLiE dealers will not buy " "a lawsuit. Dealers risk one by selling and consumers by using Infringement. Alabastlno Co. own right to make wall coatIng - Ing to mix with cold water. HE INTERIOR WALLS of every church and school should be coated only with pure , dur able ALABASTINE. It safe guards health. Hundreds of tons used yearly for this work. N BUYING ALABASTINE , customers should avoid get ting cheap kalsomines under different names. Insist on having our goods In packages and properly labeled. UIBANCE of wall pacer Is oh- vlated by ALABASTINE. It can be used 011 plastered walls , wood ceilings , brick or can vas. A child can brush It on. It does not rub or scale oft. STABLISSED In favor. Shun all Imitations. Ask paint deal er or druggist for tint card. \Vrite us for Interesting boo.c- let , free. ALABASTINE CO. , Grand Rapids , Mich. A Hug of Many 1'leces. A "Washington man has on his din ing room floor a remarkable rug. It is composed of 225 pieces so artistically sown together that no seam is visible. It seems that there is a certain wild sheep in Brazil whose general color is solid brown , with the exception of a small spot , snow white , about four inches square , on its breast. The rug in question is made of these white spots , and 225 sheep were killed to pro vide them. Correcting an Krror. The editor of the Star of Hope , Sing Sing , 1,500 denounces as fallse the re port that "the convict editor of the Star of Hope has been deposed , and that a citizen printer has been assigned to the position. " The paper , he says , is entirely the inmates' paper , and is edited , contributed to and printed by the inmates themselves. It is strictly an institution journal , conducted by the inmates themselves in every branch. It depends on what we do whether we are really industrious. arc the pains and aches of RHEUMATISM NEUKAiGIA ' Sure as taxes is the cure of them by G d d rtsi si sio o tlC d tlr r < : LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE. Omaha , Chicago and ? iow York Market Quotations. SOUTH OMAHA LIVE STOCK. SOUTH OMAHA. April 2.-CATTLE With the yards full o ( beef cattle buy ers had the opportunity to pound the mar ket , and they were not slow about mak ing the most of It. They started out blddlntr at leaat IOS15c lower on steers and they did not net like raising their bids. However , sellers * were determined to get as much as possible , and they .were holding on , so that the early trade was very slow and It was late before very many cattle had changed hands. . Beef steers , $3.50 5.25 ; steers and heifers , $3.50 ii4.20 ; cows , $2.00 .25 ; cows and steers , $15.801.50 ; heifers , J3.M5J4.50 ; calves , $6.50 07.00 ; bulls , $ U505.2T ; stags , $3.35(83.50 ( : stock calves , $4.00 .75 ; stock cows and heifers , $2.0054.23 ; stackers and feeders 52.50Ll.75. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITY , April 2.-CATTLE.- Murket trifle slow , averaged steady ; hea vy native steers , $4.83@j.25 ; , lightweights $4.50S5.25 ; stockers and feeders. $3.50 5.20 : butcher cows and heifers , $3.35'fr-.50 ' } : cun- ner.s , 12.7503.35 ; fed westerns , $1.00(5-4.90 ( western feeders , $3.5034.23 ; Texans , $3.50 5/4.40. HOGS Market ruled slow , Cc lower ; heavy , $5.155.0 : ! ; mixed , $5.10tj3.23 ; light , $4.85'3.10 ' ; pigs. ? 4.GOft4.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Lambs , 1013c higher ; muttons higher ; Colorado lambs , } G.t > 0 ( f7.09 ; muttons , ? 5.50g5.7f : ; stockers and feeders , $4.50C.OO ; culls , $4.00J4.73. ( ( CHICAGO L1V13 STOCK MARKET. CHICAGO , April a. CATTLE Butcher stock steady ; bcht load on sale today. $3.53 ; natives , good to prime steers , § 4.00 03.73 ; poor to medium , 51.OOir-S.75 ; mixed stockers , about steady. { . .403.UO : selected feeders , steady , $4.00ii4.75 ; cows , steady , $3.00f4.30 ; heifers , steady , $3.2Ki4.iO ( ; cun- ners , slow , $2.00J2.75 ; bulls , steady , $2.50 05.15 ; calves , unchanged , $4.505.75. . HOGS Generally 5c lower ; top , J5.E2 * ; mixed and butchers , $5.15@5.47'good : to choice , heavy , $5.20 < ft5.52 * ; rough , heavy , $5.1505.25 ; light , $5.11)35.37 ) % ; bulk of sales , $5.30@5.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Steady ; good to choice wethers. $5.830C.23 ; fair to choice mixed , $4.8505.90 ; western sheep , $5.75@ G.25 : yearlings , $6.0000.75 ; native lambs , $5.CO@7.33 ; western lambs , $0.0007.33. NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET. NEW YORK. April 2. WHEAT May. 73 5-16074&C. closed at 74c ; July , 73' , 74c , closed at 74 ? c ; September , 73 % @ 74 > 4c. closed at 71fcc. ? CORN Options opened wenk as a vc- stilt of lower provision prices , but ral lied later on a general speculative de mand , large export orders and ' . -ovcrlns ; closed strong at 'a Je net advance ; May , 4344ygc. closed at V4e ; July , Wi 44c. closed at 44c. OATS No. 2 , 28. . c ; Xo. 2. CSNo. ; . 2 white , 32c ; No. 3 white , 31Uo ; truck mixed , western , 29@30c ; tracli whsto. 3i' , @ 3cc. Options dull ; May -.losc-el st 18e ; No. 5 white , May , "Xc ) , clos-id at S0c. CHICAGO GRA1X AND PRODUCE. CHICAGO. April ! . WHEAT Xo. S spring , 6306Gc ; No. 2 red , r.9-J70e. CORN No. 2. 3S03SV4c ; No. 2 yellow. OATS No. 2 , 21'c ; No. 3 white. c ; No. 3 white. 2G027c. RYE No. 2. 55 0. BARLEY No. 2. 40j43c. SEEDS Flaxseed , No. 1 .irn ? nortli- west , $1.65. Prime timoth ; . ? 1.23Q2.40. Clover , contract grade. S7.50&7.SO. PROVISIONS Me. s pork , per lb : . , $12.05012.70. Lard , per 100 lb ? . . $ .J ? i8.4aV6. Short ribs , sides ( loose ) , $ 'i.0006.85. ' Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $6.2300.50 ; eliort clear sides ( boxed ) , $6.S507.CO. MANY AMERICANS AMONG THEM. Fighting Men From Everywhere FlockIng - Ing to Boer Standard. NEW YORK , April 2. A World correspondent writing from Pretoria. March 7 , says : The Boer army has thus far been strengthened by about 3,000 men who have come into the country through Delagoa bay since the war began. Three thousand is a low estimate , but the exact number cannot be ascertained , even from the war office here , which is willing to tell al most anything concerning the con duct of the war. This large body of men has been recruited chiefly in Eur ope , where sympathy for the Boers is second only to the hate of England , but many men have come from Amer ica , and even Australia. Ever since the war began this steady stream of fighting men has been pouring into the Transvaal over the Portuguese border , although the English officials there have done everything in their power to stop it. Every train arriving from Lourenzo Marquez brings from ten to fifty re cruits and a short time ago such a large number of men were clamoring for transportation from the Portuguese town that an extra train was run for their accommodation. POLYGAMIST OUT Of OfflCE. T. C. Graham Super-ceiled as Postmaster at Prove , Utuli. WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 2 It was announced at the postoffice de partment that J. C. Graham had been removed as postmaster at Provo , Utah , on March 28 , and a temporary successor in the person of Read Smoot appointed in his stead. Mr. Smoot was selected by the bondsmen of Gra ham and will retain office until some one is selected to take permanent charge. Graham was removed as a result of an investigation by i.ie house postoffice committee on charges that he was a polygamist. The committee found that he was guilty as charged , but exonerated the president and all officials of the postoffice department of any knowledge that he was guilty of polygamy at the time of his ap pointment. Negroes Denounce Koers. PHILADELPHIA , April 2 At a session of the Delaware Mthodist Episcopal conference , a resolution de nouncing the Boers as slaveholders was presented by Rev. F. H. Butler find was unanimously adopted. The conference is composed of colored preachers and laymen of Delaware , Maryland and a portion of Pennsyl vania. The slavery complained of is the present apprenticeship system in t'ogue in the Boer republic. New Trusts in German ? * WASHINGTON , April 2. Consul 3eneral Guenther , at Frankfort , under iate of January 29 , writes to the state lepartment relative to a trust of soap nanufacturers formed last summer in iix of the Rhenish provinces , with the bject of establishing uniformity in he prices of both hard and soft soap. Certain methods employed in the en- leavcr to force all manufacturers in hese provinces to join the trust have esulted in legal complication. In Paris there is a wine shop for very three houses. 8100 Reward SlOf The renders of this paper will bo pleased to learn tho' , there is at least one dreaded disease that Hrlenco hus been able to euro In all Its stages , and that is Catarrh. Hall'H Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease , requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. Tlioliro- prletors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case Hint It fulls to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by druggists 7. > c. Hall's family Pills are the best "It is a disgrace to die rich , " said the sociological student. "Maybe so , " answered his chum , "but I'd be willing to take chances on being able to ex onerate myself. " Washington Star. FITS Permanently Cured. Koflti ornervousnesj after f.fbt day'n uxe of Dr. KIlne'K ( iieut Nerve llestorer. Rcml for FREE 82.OO trial bottle and treatise. I > B. U. 11. KLINE , Ltd. , U31 Arch St. , I bllailelphlu , I'a. Are You U Ing Allen's Foot-Eftfle ? It is the only cure for Swollen , Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted , LcRoy , N. Y. Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal. O3IAHA & ST. J.OUJS RAILROAD. AVABASH RAILROAD. 48 miles shortest to St. Louis. 28 miles shortest to Quincy. "THE ST. LOUIS CANNON BALL. " Last to leave ; first to arrive. Leave Omaha 5:05 : P. M. Arrive St. Louis 7:00 P. M. Trains leave Union Station daily for St. Louis , Quincy , Kansas City and all points East or South. Home Seekers Excursion on sale first and third Tuesday of each month. Steamship tickets to all parts of the world. For full information , call at 0. & St. L. ticket Office , 1415 Farnam St. , ( Paxton Hotel block ) , or write , Harry E. Moores , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Neb.My My doctor said I would die , but Piso'a Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos Kelnor , Cherry Valley , 111. , Nov. 23 , ' 05. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. EDUCATE YOUR BOWELS. Thousands of Premature Deaths Caused by Neglect. Every Pcrsna Can Prolong Life and Enjoy Health and Happiness Who Will Listen to the Voice of Proeress. If you want to open a door , you don't smash It with a crowbar , but open it with a key. It's easier and less destructive. When you arc costive , or bilious , or con stipated , don't take an old-time dose of physic , throw jour bowels into spasms and turn your liver inside out , as long as everything can be set right , in a nice , gentle , quiet , positive , natural way bv Cascarets , the Ideal laxative. We have all found out that persuasion Is stronger than violence. Instead of trying to force your disor dered organs to do their duty , Educate Your Bowels and make them act natu rally by using Cascarets , Candy Cathartic so pleasant to the taste , so mild , so effec tive. They are guaranteed to cure a in case of constipation or money refunded Buy and try Cascarets ' to-day. It's what they do , not what we say they'll do that proves their merit. All druggists' lOc , 25c , 50c , or by mail for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago ; Montreal' Can. ; or New York. This is the CASCARET tab let. Every tablet of the only genuine Cascarets bears the magic letters "C C C. " Look at the tablet before vou buy and beware of frauds. Imita tions and substitutes. I Keeps both rider ar.d saddle per- j fectly dry In the hardest storms. I I Substitutes will disappoint Ask for i I iSg7 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker j I It is entirely new. If notfor sale in | I your town , write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston , Massj * - * * * " ' i * " > * " > vx--Tr - " ; * < f ir * tV S * V O / NL "Wfgfly'W&r > y" fy fKt vi Mifi . - . . f'y ' \i e vf Kg S ' fHvr''ff" ! fetJi < lSlfi T 5wi Ji4i ! lS- ! ; * 8riHtR7i.ui > PERUNA PROTECTS The Roberts Family , of Falls City , Neb. , Are Healthy and Happy A Rare Sight in These Days. They Say , "We Think Peruna Is The Greatest Medicine On Earth. " No man Js better known in the State of Nebraska than Mr. Carl T. Roberts , contractor and mason. A typical Am erican active , shrewd and full of busi ness sagacity. He is not only a pro vider for his family , but a protector. In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman he writes among other things , as follows : "Our boy , James , had the membra nous croup and repeated attacks of lung fever. Our boy , Charlie , was also subject tov attacks of pneumonia and pleurisy. Our third boy , John , was subject to fever and ague ( malarial ) and liver trouble. Your remedy , Pe runa , cured my boys entirely , and now I have three of the healthiest boys in the State of Nebraska , which I attribute to your medicine. My wife had a stomach trouble which Peruna also cured. Altogether for my whole family we have used nineteen bottles of Peruna. and have thus saved $500 in doctors' bills. I am a contractor and mason by trade , and am known all over Nebraska. I have had stomach trouble , which has been greatly re lieved by your remedy , Peruna , for which I am still taking it We think Your clothes \Vill not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch 5i the world. JJ&i1 Worth S4 to 56 compared , with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. TJic genuine have W. L. I Douglas * nams and price [ stamped on bottom. Take no substitute claimed to be as good. Your dealer should keen them if not , we will send a pair' on receipt of price and 250. extra for carriage. State kind of leather , size , and width , plain or cap toe. Cat. free. W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mass. We wish to cin this year 200.0CO ® new customers , and hence offer Q . City Garden Beet , ICc _ _ . „ 11 Day Radish , lOc Early Ripe Cabbage , IC'c Karly Dinner Onion , 100 Brilliant Flower Seeds , I5c Worth 91.00 , for 14 cents. i-iTui AbovolO Pkgs. worth $1.00 , we will mail you free , toeether with our great-Catalog , telling all about SAUES'S MiUlOl ! DOtlAB POTATO npon receipt of this notice & 14c. . stamps. We invitoyonrtrnde , and Ji knowwhcn yon once try Sal zer's see l8 yon will never do without. * # aoo Prizes on Salzer's 1 ! 00 rar- eat earliestTorflato Giant on earth , wnn JOH.t JU B1LZEU SEED CO. , 1.1 fROSSE , WI8. I It is the greatest medicine on earth. " C. T. Roberts , Falls City , Nebraska. Hon. William Youngblood , Auditor for the Interior , writes from Washing ton , D. C. , to Dr. Hartman. Colum bus , Ohio , as fol lows : "I've often heard of your great medicine and have persuad- "ed my wife , who has been much of a sufferer from ca tarrh , to try Peru- runa. and alter using one bottle she has wonder fully improved. It has proved all you have claimed for Ilon. William it , and I take Youngbood. : pleasure * in recommending - mending it to anyone who is afflicted with catarrh. " Peruna has become , in a multitude of households , absolutely indispensable. Mr. T. G. Walker , Carneiro. Kansas , writes : "It is with oleasttre that I re- Scncl for "Choice Kccipes , " by Walter Baker i Co. Mil. , Dorchester , Mass. , mailed free. Mention tha ! pupcr. If you havenot tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. For starching fine iinen use Magnetic Starch. No berries or small fruits are grown in the Philippines. Mrs.Vlnslov's Soothing Syrap. For children teething , softens the Rtima , redures In- on , allays pain , cures wind colic. 2Jc a bottlo. The Krupn works are to be extended at a cost of not far fvom $1,000,000. The hcxt Red Rope Hooting for Ic. IIPF I sq.ft.cnp-iuiil n.iiU I included. Substitute * for planter. Smnplpa freo. THE FAY MAK1UA RODFIHa CO , Cf MDEH. H. J. Tneartdres'esorall rcaorai Soldiers , tnuir nitiowi or WANTED holrs. who mnio a HO.MK- bTEAI ) HUM ! on less than 1KO ncres on or before Jnnn 22 , 1874. no mutter OLOiERS1 ! hetlicr FINAL PROOF wasmaclnornot lu ill OUT Land Warrants. .Address f omrnda ESTEADS W. K M O - > K S. lioz Colorado. i--V. : . Hcnrcr. port that I am hotter than I have been for many years. I boliere Peruna la without a doubt the best medicine that ever was used in a family. It has cured my nervousness , with which I had been afflicted for a great number of years. " It Is a fact of ever-increasing aston ishment that so many otherwise sen sible and provident people will , for the neglect of so simple a precaution as to have a bottle of Peruna at hand , bring upon themselves the needless suffering and foolish expense that a practitioner of medicine is forced to witness every day. As soon aa the value of Peruna is fully appreciated by every household , both as a preventive and cure of thesa affections , tens of thousands of lives will be saved , and hundreds of thou sands of chronic , lingering coses of disease prevented. Peruna is the household safeguard. A complete work on chronic catarrn sent free to any address by The Peru na Medicine Company , Columbus , Ohio. Tlie Wenfler ol Hie No Boiling Uo Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh and crisp a * T/hen first bought new. Try a Sample Fackarzo You'll like it If you try It. . I You'll buy It If you try it. t You'll use It If you try it. Try It. Sold by all Grocers. has stood the test of JX ) years and is still the llt Cough Remedy Sold. Cures vrheu other remedies fail. Tastes freed ; children like it. Sold by all druggists :5 cents. If so , speculate sucressfuliy. We can make you In one month rr.orcJnterc't on vour money than any liank w.n pay you lnayir nowfi ) buy ! , UX > luelicl > > of nliuat or corn and margin tliecmfi cen . Scad forourbuolc oil bjiccuUulon. IT IS riin. All prolit * payatiie on demand. J. K. CO SSTOCK & CO. , Room 23 , Traders' Bids. , Chicago. A STATE STREET SCENE OH A STORMY BAY , PJOTiLLaxative Bromo-Quinine which is advertised on the large banner over State Street , Chicago , as represented above , is the only exclusive cold prescription sold by every druggist in the United States , Canada and in England. This is the sig- ' f > fy\j jt < f\ nature ( /jfyjL , of the inventor and plainly appears on every box of the genuine article. It is sold for 250 a box , and all druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.