The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 06, 1900, Image 10

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    There is a "comfortable feeling" that
eomes after a hath with Ivory Soap which
is-conducive to a good night's rest. ; vf.
By virtue of an eider of tain issued from the
district court of Hod Willow comity. Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein L. J. Burt-
les-j is plaiutitl and John AVhittaKcret al. arc
dofo idnjits. to mo directed and delivered. I t-hall
ofler at public sale and soil to the highest bid
der for cash , nt the eat door oniie court house ,
in ilcL'ook , ] { ed Willow county , ' Nebraska , on
the 2nd day of May , 1KX ! ) , at the hour , of 0110
o'clock p. in , the following de eribi-d real
uatulu , to-wit : All that part of the t-ontheast
quarter of Iho MHitlu a-t quarter ai.d lots six
and feovun , in section thirrj-one , township three , :
northin rnliKO t\vent-nino\\e-tof the ( Jth i1. II. j
I ) iug witet nf a line commencing fifteen chains
and seventfour links west of the southeast
corner of said quarter section , running thence
north four chains and sovonty-four Jinks , thence
sast four chains and seventy-four links , thence
north twontj-M'vcn chains and twoutj-live links
to the south bank of the Itcpublirnn river , rou-
taiuhiK 02.65 acre * according to the government
survey thereof , in Uod Wdlow countj , Ne.bra.-ka.
Dated this 20th day of March , IfflUI.
: { -SHJts. G. F. KINGHOUX , Sheriff.
W. S. Morlan , Attorney.
.I5.v virtue of nn order of sale , issued _ from the ,
di-trict court in Red Willow county , Nebraska , i
under a decree in an action wherein Walter E. j
Oorwin isplaintill and Robert T. Allam et al.ure.
defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall
offer at public s-alo to the hi he-t bidder for i
cash , at the ea.-.t door of the court-house , in Me- I
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 7th
day of May , 11KX ) , at the hour of 2 o'clock , p. in. ,
( he'following described real e = tate , to-wit : The
southeast quarter of "section three ( S' ) , township
ono (1) ) , north , range thirty ( . : , ( ) > , \\ost of the Oth
p. in. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated
this 20th day of March , JflOO.
: K50--ts. G. F. KIXGHOKN , Sheriff.
J. E. Jvelley. Attorney.
Cleanse the liver , purify the blood , invigor
ate the body by using D.eWitt's Little Early
Uiseis. The famous little pills always act
promptly. D.V. . Loar.
State of N ebras-ka , Red Willow county , s. = . At
a county court held at the county court room , in
and for said county , March 9th , A. D. 1'JW ) . Pres
ent. G. S. Jj'fahop , county judge. In the matter
of the estate of Marshall W. Gallagher , deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Emma T.
Gallagher , ] > ra.\ing that administration of said
estate may bu granted to her as administratrix.
Ordered , that March Hist , A. D. 1000 , atl o'clock
p. m. i < assumed for hearing said petition , when
all pnrsons interested in Paid matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for said
county , and ' how cau-e why the prajer of peti
tioner should not bn granted ; and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and the hearing
thereof , bo given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copv of this order
in THE McCoou THIIHTXE , a weekly newspaper
printed in bind county , for three SUCCBSM\O
weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
A true copy. : MC-tt ; . G. S. BISHOP ,
I.SEA&J County Judge.
By virtue of au order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
under a decree in aii action wherein Rachel
Knox i ? plaintiff , and William Pate , Jame L.
Brown and Vocaneos Franldin are defendants ,
to mo directed and delivered , I shall offer at
public .sale and tell to the .highest bidder for
cash , at the east door Of court house , in Mc
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on thelOth
day of April , liKX ) , at the hour of 2 o'clock , p. m. ,
the following described real estate , to-wit :
North\ quarter of section eighteen ( IS ) in
township four (4) ( , range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west
of Oth p m. , in Ifed Willow counts , Nebraska.
Dated this 7th day of March , 1001) .
G. F. KINGIIOICX , Sheriff.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
Otto Kork , Grand Chancelor , K. P. , Boon-
ville , Ind. , says , "De\Vitt's Witch Hazel Salve
soothes the most delicate skin and heals the
most stubborn ulcer with certain and good re
sults. " Cures piles and skin diseases. Don't
buy an imitation. D.V. . Loar.
a a
When Nature is overtaxed , she has
AN HI ! her own way of giving notice that assist
ance is needed. She does not ask for
help until it is impossible to get along without
it. Boils and pimples are an indication that
the system is accumulating impurities which
[ Ci D must be gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance
iL.Ll i a warning that can not safely he ignored.
To nezlect to purify the blood at this
time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and
unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to
remain , the system succumbs to any ordinary illness , and is
unable to withstand the many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer.
' Jlrs. L. Gentile , 2004 Second Avenue , Seattle , Wash .
says : "I was afflicted for a long time with pimples , which
were very annoying , as they disfigured my face fearfully.
After using many other remedies in vain. S S. S. promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blood , and now I rejoice in
a oed complexion , which I never had before. "
° Capt. W H Dunlap , of the A. G S.
R. R , Chattanooga. Tenn. . writes :
" Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me , causing
great pain and annoyance. My blood seemed to be in
a riotous condition , and nothing I took seemed to do
any good. Six bottles of S S. S. cured me completely
and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since. "
is the best blood remedy , because it is purely vegetable
and is the only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury. It
nromptlv purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system , builds up
the general health and strength. It cures Scrofula , Eczema , Cancer , Kheuma-
tism. Tetter. Boils. Sores , etc. , by going direct to the cause of the trouble and
forcing out all impure blood.
Books free to any address by the Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Sarah A Wishon vs. Jacob Wishon ;
Farm filings , $10,947.80 ; releases ,
$17,661 50 City filings , $3,295 ; release ? ,
$4,697.32. Chattel filings , $45,41666 ;
releases , $40,612.00.
McCook Markets'
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn . ' . . : . . $ .35
Wheat , 50
Oats 25
Rye 35
Hogs 4.80
Eggs ; 08
Butter 15
Potatoes 35
Butter fnt at Creamery. " . .17
$115 for Letters About Nebraska.
The passenger department of the B.
& M. R R. R offers thirteen cash prizes
aggregating $115 for letters about Ne
braska Particulars of the contest , which
is open to all , can be liad by addressing
J. Francis , G P. A. , Omaha 3-9 5ts.
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly
in advance.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year
THK TRIBUNE will club with ain * pa
per you may want. Try it.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matches merit for sick
and nervous headaches. They make pure
blood and build up your health. Only 25c.
Money back if not cured. Sold by McConnell
& Uerry , druggists.
"Fighting Boh" Kvans is suffering from a
severe attack of rheumatism , and is baying all
those honid things he used to say in battle
over aga-n.
While's Cream Vermifuge not only effectu
ally destroys worm1 ? , it also increases the ap
petite , aids assimilation and transforms a frail
infant into one of robust health. I'rice , 25
cents. A. McMillen.
A Kansas editor who desTres to have Ins
paper run lor a ueek as an angel would run
it has placed it in cdilonal charge ol Ins \vif < .
The orange blossoms from his wedding are
peihaps yet kept in a vase in the best room.
"I think DeV.'itt's Little Early Risers ate
the best pills in the world , " says \V. E. Lake ,
Happy Creek , Va. They remove all ob
structions of the liver and bowels , act quickly
and never gripe. D.V. . Loar.
Land Oilice at McCook , Nebraska , April 2 ,
19(10. ( Notice is hereby fuvoii that tlip following-
named settler lias lilcd notice of his intcution to
iH.-iko final proof in Mipport of his claim , aud
that saul ptoot will be mude before resist > r
and receiver at McCook , Nebraskaon Satindat ,
May V > . 1KX ! ) . viz : Cimrles T. Lllcr , on II. E. N > .
10i5j.5 : for the SEM. section 5 , township 2 , N , R iiO.
IIo names the following wituo es to prove lu
continuous roidcncn upon and cultivation of ,
s-aid land , viz : 'Villiam S. Fitch , Orlando L.
Thompson. Clarence 15. Gray , William F. E\erist ,
all of McCook , Neb. l-iHts.
F. M. K.YTHBUJf , Register.
Indianola , Nebraska , April Cth , 1900.
Notice is horobv given that Anthony L. Haley
has tiled in the city clerk's oflice his bond and
IK > tition for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the Second ward of the city of
Indianola , from May 1,1'.XW. to April : * ) . 190J.
46JtsANTHONY L. HALKY. Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , April Oth , 1900.
Notice is hereby Riven that D. W. Lear has
filed in the city clerk's oflice his bond and
petition for a druggist's permit to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liqnor = in the IJabcock
building. No. UQ2 Main iivcnue , in the Second
ward of the city of McCook. from May 1,190J , to
April : a ) , 1901.13lts. . D.W. LOAR. Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , April (5,1900.
Notice is herebv given that Allen C. Cljde has
filed in the City Clerk's ollice his bond and pe
tition for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building on Lot 9 , Block
21 , in the Second WardOriginal City of McCook ,
from May 1,1900 , to April JiO. 1901.
ALLEX C. CLYDE , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska. March : , 1900.
Notice is hereby given that William Lewis has
filed in the city clerk's office his bond and peti
tion for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building at No. 10:5 : , Main
avenue , in the Second ward of the city of Mc
Cook , from May 1,1900 , to April SO , 1901.
3-oO-4ts. WILLIAM LEWIS , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , March 30,1900.
Notice is hereby given that Albert McMillen
has filed in the city clerk's office his bond and
petition for a druggist's permit to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building at
No. 209 Main avenue , in the First ward of the
city of McCook , from May 1 , 1900 , to April 30 ,
1901. ALBEET MCMILLEN" , Applicant.
34ts. ; .
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
State of Nebraska. In the matter of the estate
of John Kolb , an insane person : Notice is here
by given that in pursuance of an order from
Honorable G. W. Norris , judge of the district
court for Red Willow county , Nebraska , made
on the 17th day of February , A. D. 1900 , for the
sale of real estate hereinafter described , there
will be sold at the front door of the court-house
in McCook , Nebraska , on the 2Gth day of March ,
1900 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , at public vendue to the
highest bidder , for cash , the interest of John
Kolb , an insane person , iu the following de-
ecribed real estate , to-wit : The east half of the
southwest quarter and the west half of the
southeast quarter of section eight (8) ( ) , township
two (2) ( ) , north , range thirty (30) ( ) , west , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. Which sale will re
main open for one hour.
Dated this 19th day of February , 1900.
2-23-5t W. S. FITCII , Guardian.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
[ The above sale adjourned for want of bidders
to May 7,1900. at 2 o'clock p.m.
W. S. FITCH , Guardian. ]
" ' ' " ' '
IT !
We are now ready to show the people of flcCook
and Southwestern Nebraska our
ev A
Eureka Harness Oil Is the best
preservative of new leather
and the best renovator of old
leather. It oils , softens , black
ens and protects. Use
Harness Oil
on your best harness , your old har
ness , and your carriage top , nnd they
will not only look bettor but wear
longer. Sold every where In canH all
elzes from half pints to live gallons.
Made bj 8T1MUUU OIL CO.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
\Vhen things are "the best" they become the
"best selling. " Abraham Hard , a leading
druggist , of Belleville , O. , writes : "Electric
Bitters are the best selling bitters i have
handled in 20 ) ears. You know why ? Most
diseases begin in disorders of .stomach , liver ,
kidneys , bowels , blood and nerves. l lectii :
Bitters tones up the stomach , regulates liver ,
kidneys and Ixnvcl.s , puiifies the blood ,
strengthens the nerves , hence cures multitudes
of maladies. It builds up the entire system.
Puts new life and vigor into any weak , sickly ,
rundown man or woman. I'rice 50 cents.
Sold by McConnell iV Merry , druggist.
A man dropped dead in Chicago last Thurs
day night while partaking of oyster soup at a
church sociable. The cook who was so crim
inally careless as to put an oyster in his dish
should be held on a charge of manslaughter
at the verleast. .
Illinois has sent a man named Kruger to
pr.son for life. England would no boubt be
pleased to duplicate the act.
W.V. . Mayhew , Merton , \Vis. , says , "I con
sider One Minute Cough Cure a most wonder
ful medicine , quick miti safe.1 It is the only
harmless remedy that gives immeiliale results.
It cures coughs colds , croup , bronchitis ,
grippe , whooping cough , pneumonia and all
throat and lung diseases Its ea'ly use pre
vents consumption. Children always like it
and mothers endorse it I ) W. Loaf.
Main Offlco llth & O Sts
13 years in Omaha and
in Nervoti * , Chronic and
Private DlSliAVKS of
All Private Diseases and
enables us to guarantee to
euro all curable cases of
the Nose , Throat , Chest
Stomach , Liror , Blood ,
Skin and Kidney Diseases
Lost Manhood , Night
, Emissions , Hydroccle , Yar
i fcocple. Gonorrhea , Gloat. Piles , Fistnla and
Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes and Bright's Disease.
-$100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON wo cannot cure if curable
Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
1 xanmiation and Consultation FKEE. liomo
treatment by mail ia all diseases a specialty.
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
write them today P. O. Box 224. OHlco
In KichartU Elk. , lltli & Q , Lincoln , > 'cbr.
How a German Uaroii VTsis Klado to
Fosl Little. -
This is a story of an international
marriage that didn't take place. It
failed twice , the first time for reasons
of the man in the affair , or his family ,
and the second time for reasons of re
venge on the part of the once young
woman , now three times married. It
is safe to say that the German baron
will not dally long again with a Blue
Grass belle. It was half a century ago
that Miss Marie Goodloe , one of the
most beautiful girls in that state world
famous for three beautiful products-
girls , horses and whisky went abroad
and formed the acquaintance of Baron
Von Norde of Berlin , nephew of the
late Prince Bismarck. They became
engaged , and everything seemed to be
going smoothly , when the parents of
the young man announced that it could
not be , and the affair was broken off.
Miss Goodloe recovered , and in time
became successively Mrs. Shreeve , Mrs.
Ransom , and Mrs. Cuthbert Bullitt. The
first two husbands died , and divorce
separated her from the last one. Per
haps the old flame lingered in the heart
of the baron , and it certainly burned
with vengeance in the heart of the
lady. Last summer they met in Chicago
cage , and again he asked her to be his.
The long-awaited hour had come. At
last the proud Kentuckian had a
chance to show the baron what sort
of woman the Blue Grass country pro
duces. She told the baron that she
would consider the matter , and give
him an answer in person at her home
on Nov. 1. He came in advance of the
date , and found Louisville society wide
open. She gave a reception in'his hon
or at Fountain Ferry park , and for
two weeks showed him every attention.
On the first of this month he knelt
with becoming baronical grace at the
feet of the beauty , and offered to share
his castle on the Rhine with her. With
an arise-sir-knight air she bade him
regain his feet , and when he was suf
ficiently braced she remarked that she
preferred a cabin in Kentucky to a cas
tle in Germany. The baron quit Amer
ica , and Mrs. Bullitt gave out the
story. Thus was she avenged.
Clothing , Hats , Caps
, , , and Gents' , . . 1
Furnishing Goods f
Small grain is looking fine. .
Seeding is about finished in tins section.
Vina Divine is learning the dress-making
trade in McCook.
Miss Traphagan is in McCook learning the
di ess-making trade.
Robert Traphagan is putting in a crop on
the Easterday farm , as well as on his own.
William Divine is spending a hundred dollars
lars in improvements on his farm , this spring.
The following farmers from this precinct
have been on the McCook market , this week ,
with hogs : \Y. M. Kozell , W. 11. Epperly ,
Frank Carothers.
Harry Wales has about ioo acres sown to
wheat. Thomas Real finished sowing no
acres , last Friday. II. B. Wales has in an
even quarter section of the same. M. II. Cole
finished his seeding , last week.
W. II. Shipman. Beardsley , Minn. , under
oath , sas lie suffered from dyspepsia for
twenty-five years. Doctors and dieting gave
but little relief Finally he used Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure and now eats what he likes and
as much as he wants , and he feels like a new
man. It digests what you eat. D.V. . Loar.
That New York woman who has just se
cured a divorce at the age of 70 will scarcely
think it worth while to set the trap again.
Most women with female weakness suffer
dreadfully from piles in addition to their own
pains. They may be cured by using Tabler's
Buckeye Pile Ointment. Price , 50 cents in
bottles , tubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen.
minute after obtaining divorce a Chicago
cage woman embraced her late husband in
the court room , and , womanlike , told him it
was all Ins fault.
Perfect digestion is the only foundation for
perfect health. The food we eat makes all
the blood we have , \vlucli in turn feeds every
nerve , muscle and tissue in the body , ller-
bine quickens the appetite , aids digestion ,
gives tone and vigor to all the functions and
ensures good health. Price , 50 cents. A. Mc-
A Chicago man has had a pretty young
woman placed under bond to prevent her
from hugging him. We would lynch that
fellow out here in the more appreciative
II. Clark , Cliauncey , Ga. , says DeWitt's
Witch I In/el S.ilve cured him of piles that
had afllicted him for twenty years. It is also
a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of
dangerous countt-i feits. D.V. . Lear
A Kansas paper says : ' Judge Mycis pro
nounced Staync/straw Bac/ynski a citizen
last week. " What a severe strain upon his
pronouncing works that must have been.
A Horrible Outbreak
"Of large sores on my little daughter's head
developed into a case of scald head , " writes :
C. D. Isbill of Morganton , Tenn. , "but liuck-
len's Arnica -Salve completely cured her. " It's
a guaranteed cure lor eczema , tetter , salt
roeum , pimples , sore , ulcers and piles. Only
250 at McConnell & Berry's.
To Cure a Cold in a Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. K. W. Grove's signature on every box.
25c. 4-1.
lumber and
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - -
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
MeCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
. . . . of Chicago.
with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be firstclass.Ve do all kinos of
Crown , Bridge and Mate Work. Drl 1.13.
Taylor , assistant.
3 Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National hank.
THIS masterpiece rep
A PARKING GROUP resents a family of peas
ants in the harvest field.
The Balloon" It is noonday no air is
stirring , and away off in
Painted by Julieii Dupres the distance where the
A MOST BEAUTIFUL PICTURE villagers are holding their
FOR THE HOME. country fair a balloon
hangs in the sky. They
gaze in mute astonishment , wonder , awe and admiration , re
vealed in their faces and attitudes. It is the work of a mas
ter hand. This is in colors
reproduced , 22x30 inches , in a
marvelous oil painting effect. You could not buy one for
$2.00. We bought them in ten thousand lots , so can offer it
mailed in a tube , post-paid , with a three months' trial sub
scription to THE WEEKLY BEE for 25 cents.
Address The Bee Publishing Co. , 2051 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
I Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5000 S
c ? B B B a a
of the best selections of Hen's and Boys' wear
ever offered the people of this part of Nebraska
Our goods and prices are right. See for yourself
J . fceutfdje
Opera House Block. THE LEADING CLOTHIER. McCook , Nebraska.
r i