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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1900)
- ; * ' , . M'COOK TRIBUNE. F. M. KIMMELt , Publisher. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA BRIEf TELEGRAMS. Hon. W. J. Bryan will soon visit. New Mexico. Near Danville , Pa. , Mr. and Mrs. Stout were gored to death by a bull. The state nominating convention of Nebraska populists will be held July llth.- It Is thought that the big Frick- Carnegie suit will not be tried until October. More than 13,000 Michigan farmers raised sugar beets for the first time last summer. The Detroit has sailed from Ha vana for Greytown to look after Amer- lean interests. At Sydney , N. S. W. , two new cases of the bubonic plague have been offi cially reported. Mrs. Arnold , widow of Dr. Thomas Arnold , the famous headmaster of Rugby , is dead. Sir Frederick William Burton , for mer director of the national gallery , is dead at London. Silver republicans will have a dollar dinner at Kansas City during conven tion week in July. The name of J , Gecige Wright of Rosebud was sent to the senate today to be Indian inspector. Ex-Congressman Charles A. Town , the well known advocate of free silver coinage , is seriously ill at his home in Duluth. A deficit of $80,000 has been caused in the revenues of San Juan , Porto Rico , by a slump in the receipts from liquor and cigarettes. . _ The secretary oftlie" navy has received - ceived a cablegram from Admiral Wat- ton stating that the gunboat Wheeling has proceeded to the Taku. The director of the census has ap pointed the widow of "Bill'- ' Anthony , the marine of the battle ship Maine fame , 'a clerk in tne census bureau. A military commission at Bayamban birs sentenced to be hanged on March GO two natives who have been found guilty of murdering their country men. men.General General Nelson A. Miles , command ing the army , who arrived in New Or leans from Washington with a party en route to Savannah , inspected the de fenses. Ali Ferrouh Bey , the Turkish min ister , is kept very busy hiding his wives. He contemplates moving his harem from the center of Avashington to the suburbs. The committee on militia in the house has adopted as its own repre sentative Stark's bill to increase the appropriation for the militia to $2,000- 000 a year. Charles Cass , 18 years old , was killed at Levin lakes , California , in a friendly boxing bout with Bert Whidden. Whid- den struck Cass with a six-ounce glove on the left side of the neck. The Constantinople correspondent of the London Times says eight ladies of the palace have been sent into ex ile for machinations in connection with the sultan's fugitive brothgMn-law , Mahmed Pasha. T. B. Carter , the wealthy Chicago horseman , has arrived in Louisville , Ky. , and made a bona fide offer of ? 20- 000 for Lieutenant Gibson , the favor ite in the coming Kentucky , Tennessee and Latonia derbies. General Joseph Wheeler was at the capitol on the 20th and was warmly greeted by many old friends. He will make no effort to take his seat until after Secretary Root returns and his military status is determined. Major Bellinger of the quartermas ter general's office has returned from New York , where he made an inspec tion of ihe new transport Summer , vhich , he says , is probably the finest vessel of her class in the world. The comptroller of the currency has approved the National Bank of Com merce of St. Louis as a reserve agent for the First National Bank of Albia , la. , and National Bank of Kansas City. Mo. , for First National Bank at Rapid City , S. D. Judge Swr.a , in the United States district court at Detroit , rendered a decision which denies the validity of an ordinance passed some months since y the city council , requiring the street ilway companies to reduce rates of to 3 centc , Admiral TTs.t.-jOn has not yet advised the navy department of the name of the vessel selected to proceed from Manila to Taku , in accordance with the request of the state department that a ship be sent to China to safe guard American interests. A. H. Hart , excursion conductor on the Chicago-Portland trains of the Un ion Pacific , will probably be named to succeed the late Charles Adams as pas senger agent of the Union Pacific at Cincinnati. Adams , it will be remem bered , was killed by his wife last week. Francis Truth , the head of the Di vine Healing Association , wnich bears his name , and whose advertisements have been spread over the whole coun try , was arrested at Boston , charged with using the mails for fraudulent purposes. Miss Catherine Wolfe Bruce is dead at her home in New York City. In 1888 she gave $50,000 to the Harvard College observatory for the purchase of a photographic telescope and later she gave other sums for astronomical work. . Professor Arthur Cushman McGif- fert , the theological seminary man , who has been prominent at New York in recent Presbyterian heresy pro ceedings. will be a member of the Uni versity of Chicago faculty during the summer quarter. Professor Dean C. YsTorcester , of the new Philippin commission , has ten dered his resignation , as a member of the 'Michigan university faculty , and it has bedn accepted. Dr. Samuel H. Pennington , who was the oldest living graduate of Prince ton , is dead at Newark , N. J. , age ! 94. It is Again to Demand the Attention of the Senate. AN EFFORT TO DELAY ACTION ThoKo for Free Trnilo Hope to Itccclve BJore Kncourngcment From the Coun try , Thu Canning Them to Postpone Vote-A Determination for Amendment. WASHINGTON , March 26. Again this week the senate will give the greater share of its time to the Porto Rico question , and the outlook is for a continuation of the animated scenes of last week. Porto. Rico , however , according to present" indications , will step aside temporarily at the beginning of the week in order to affbfd' Senator Car ter an opportunity to secure consider- tion for his Alaskan code bill. The present condition of affairs in Alaska j and the prospect of a still greater influx - j flux of the people into that territorry , make the Alaska legislation very im portant , and the condition of Porte Rico legislative affairs is such as to make it convenient to cive Alaska the much desired opportunity. The republican caucus will take the Porto Rico question in hand again to- lorrow and until it acts the senators having charge of the measure will not j desire to press it. The republican senators who support the house tariff j bill hope to get the measure out of the j caucus after only one sitting , but the i free traders are not so anxious on j that score , and the latter element may delay matters there , as they are dis posed to do in the senate , with the nope of receiving still further encour agement from the country at large. Some of the members of the free' trade republican element declare their purpose to vote against the bill if re ported without amendment. They threaten to offer many amendments and to make speeches in opposition j ' and otherwise to do all in their powar to prevent the passage of the bill as i it stands , but the caucus of course may j find a means of preventing the- open rupture. At any rate strong effort will be made in that direction. The democratic senators will sup port a free trade amendment when \ presented , but they prefer to have the \ bill voted upon uuamended. \ According to a certain man the j nomination of Bynum to be appraiser j at New York should be taken up in \ the executive session tomorrow , but | the republican caucus may cause postponement - ' ponement for a day or two. The democratic - ocratic leaders will oppose confirmaj j tion. tion.The The committee on privileges and elections will hear the argument of counsel in the case of Senator Clark i beginning on Wednesday. The report ' on the case is not expected for several f > 0'S The navy appropriation bill will be taken up in the house tomorrow and doubtless will serve as a text for a wide latitude of discussron on military affairs in general and the cost of mil itary establishment unaer the new condition of alairs. In anticipation of this an understanding may be reached that three days will be given to the debate. The bill itself covers no legis lation on the organization of the army , but is strictly a supply measure for the army on its present basis. The latter part of the week will ba devoted to the naval , the agricultural or the fortifications appropriation bills , although no exact order has yet been fixed for taking them up. The naval bill and report are ready and Acting Chairman Foss is rather desirious oO ] -aving the naval discussion follow that j on the army , that the agricultural bill can be taken up on short notice. The fortifications bill is already on the cal endar. BOERS SEND WOUNDED BACK. Officers YTho Ventured From Bloemfon- tcin Return. BLOENFONTEIN , March' 26 The Boera wh-o yesterday killed Lieuten ant Lygon of the Grenadier Guards and wounded Lieutenant Colonel Crabbe , Lieutenant Colonel Codrington and Captain Trotter of the Coldstream Guards , who had ridden eight or nine miles beyond their camp on the Mod- der river , without escort except one trooper , were members of the Johan nesburg mounted police. After dressing their wounds , they sent them to the British camp in an ambulance. LONDON , March 26. Except for the "unfortunate occurrence , " as Lord I Roberts describes it , which resulted in j the killing of Lieutenant Lygon and ; the wounding of Lieutenant. Colonel j Crabbe , Lieutenant Colonel Codring- ton and Captain Trotter , the campaign presents no new features. The mis hap to the Guards' officers is a testi mony to their bravery , but not their discretion. They met a party of five Boers , whom they tried to capture. The Boers took refuge on a kopje , where three of their comrades were hidden , and within five minutes every member of the British party was hit. The Coming Commercial Congress. HOUSTON , Tex. , March 26. Assur ances have been from every state and territory west of the Mississippi river that delegates will be present at the Trans-Mississippi commercial congress to. bo held here April 17-21 inclusive. While the program has not been finish ed , replies have been received from many distinguished men accepting in vitations. WILL Af FECT 30,000 MEN. New Torlf Machinists Likely to Go Out Daring This Week. NEW YORK , March 26. A strike of 30,000 members of the International Machinists and the Amalgamated En gineers in the New York district may be precipitated this weeirby the action of the New York and New Jersey Ma chinery Manufacturers' association in organizing to resist the demand for a nine-hour day , which was to have been made on April 1. CLASH TO BE AVOIDED. Adjutant Generals of Uuul Military 1'orccs at Frankfort Confer. FRANKFORT , Ky. , March 26. Not withstanding that troops recognizing the dual governors were quartered within two squares of each other , the republican troops at the state house under orders from Governor Taylor , and the democratic troops at the court house , guarding the Goebel suspects , Powers , Culton and Davis , under or ders from Democratic Governor Beck- ham , the day was quiet. The repub lican adjutant general , Collier , and Democratic Assistant Adjutant General Murray were together some time this morning. General Collier called to disclaim re sponsibility for the mine before the state arsenal , which some of the sol diers made a pretense of laying , but it is understood their talk took on a wider scope and that they discussed and mutually agreed upon plans to avoid possibility of any sort of a clash between the troops. The examining trial of Powers , it is believed , will be completed either Tues day or Wednesday , and that if Powers is held over the other defendants will waive examination. Wharton Golden , the state witness for the common wealth , whose illness on the stand yes terday forced an adjournment of the court twice , is reported by his physi cian as very much improved tonight end in better condition to go into the witness box than he was yesterday. If Witness Golden really goes on the stand for the cross-examination to morrow the defense hopes to conclude the examining trial on Tuesday. Golden is the last of the prosecution's witnesses , so it has been understood , yesterday afternoon and today he has been seen on the streets. It was stated today that he went to Georgetown. It is the general impression that the defense may make no effort to contro- ert Golden's statement in the examin ing trial. An examining judge needs to have only a reasonable suspicion of guilt to bind a prisoner over to the grand jury and as it is evident Judge Moore has this , it would be 4 liy for the defense to sho'iv its hand before the real trial. OTIS SUPPRESSES A PAPER. Spanish Organ of the Kvtremo Filipino 1'arty Too Critical. MANILA , March 26. La Patria anti El Liberal , Spanish organs of the ex treme Filipino party , have recently been publishing articles inimical to the military government. General Ot- ir. has suppressed the former journal for sedition and imprisoned the editor , at the same time issuing a warning to the extreme party that it should exercise - ciso greater moderation. Senor Pa- lernc , at one time 'president of the so-called Filipino cabinet , is expected to present himself at San Fernonda , province of Union. The rebels in Young's district are be coming aggressive. The American bat talion garrisoning the town of Nam- agapacan was attacked on four con secutive nights recently. Reinforce ments are now arriving there. Gen eral Young proposes to pursue the reb els aggressively before the rainy sea son sets in. BOOM IN IMMIGRATION. Increasing Number of Foreigners Coin- ins : to the United States. ALBANY , N. Y. , March 26. The re port of John McMackin , state super intendent of labor statistics , says : Immigration returns for the quarter ended December 31 , 1S89 , show an in crease of 19,914 arrivals at New York over the preceding quarter , and 23,912 more than in the last three months of 189o. In the latter quarter the arri val : : numbered 51,880 ; in the same three months of 1899 , 74,892 , and for the quarter ended in September , 1899 , 56,978. Comparing the returns for the clos ing quarter of 1899 with those of the corresponding period of 1898 , it is seen that the largest proportionate gain of these races records at least 2,000 arrivals were made by the Slovaks , whose increase was 3,418 , 121.7 per cen ; . The Polish race was second with an increase of S4.2 per cent , or 3,105 in number ; the Croatians and Slavon ians being third , showing a gain of 1,845 , or 85.4 per cent. Taussig Goes to Manill-i. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 26. Commander Edward Taussig is to be sent to Manila in April , to take com mand of the gunboat Ycrktown in place of Commander Sperry. ' The lat ter officer is near the head of the list of commanders and is about to become a captain under the terms of the per sonnel act. Mormons Going to Mexico. CHIHUAHUA , Mexico , March 26. The several Mormon colonies in this state have been increased in popula tion by the arrival of over 5,000 Mor mon immigrants from Utah during the last two months. The colonies were established under concessions granted by the Mexican government. To Increase Refund to Statcp. WASHINGTON , March 26. The ar my appropriation bill will be taken up by the house on Monday and in anti cipation of this the house committee on military affairs revised the bill Sat urday , making some minor changes , the most important being an increase of | 500,000 in the refund to states for expenses incurred during the war with Spain. MUST POUR IN SOLDIERS. Churchill Shows Need for England to Have .iroro II' lp. LONDON , March 26. Winston Churchill , in a dispatch to the Morning Post , says : "It is imperative to continue ship ping troops to South Africa. The stream should never cease until the Boers surrender unconditionally. At ihe end of the war Great Britain will possess the finest army in her history Fhis , however , must not lure the nation trom the fertile fields of trade and L-ommerce into the stony wastes of mil itarism. " Senate Adopts Conference Report on Porto Eico Measurei STEWART VOTES WITH MAJORITY Tlllmnu Occupies Most of the Time , hut is Called Down by Some Other Sena tors TurIff and Beet Sugar , ami Other Matters Touched Upon in IJlscusslon. WASHINGTON , March 24. The senate today adopted the conference report on the Porto Rico relief bill by a vote of 35 to 15 , practically a strict party expression. No democrat voted for the report , but Stewart of Nevada voted with the republicans. The time of discussion was con sumed principally by Tillmah , who made a fierce attack upon the meas ure as agreed upon in conference , and accused the republican senators and republican party of indiscretion , hy pocrisy and "dirty work. " Gallinger followed with a temper ate statement of those who not only favor the report but the passage of a Porto Rico tariff bill. Spooner closed the debate with a forceful statement in opposition to Tillman's speech , in the course of which he took occasion sharply to criticise the South Carolina senator for dragging the measure into poli tics. His colloquial tilts with Till- man were immensely enjoyed by the auditors. Tillman sharply criticised the method adopted by the United States of extending hands full of food to the people of Porto Rico as a gratu ity. "As long as you continue to feed these people down there , " declared Tillman , "you may feed them. So long as the freedmen's bureau was maintained in the south the colored race there amounted to nothing , "hat's a race characteristic. This government will set itself up as an elemosynary institution by the mes sage of this bill and I do not believe we would stand on any such ground. " Perkins of California inquired if Tillman was in favor of free trade with the Philippines , knowing that those islands had the advantage of peon and Malay labor. Tillman If we are to continue to hold the Philippines I'm in favor of free trade with those islands. Those who voted to bring into the country those islands at their caeap contract , peon and Malay labor were told of the results that would follow the ratifi cation of the treaty , and you could not get the votes necessary to make that treaty law until you had bought some men to vote for it. If it is now proposed to send a horde of carpet baggers over there , backed by the bayonet of soldiers , so long as I have a voice I shall protest. "The people , " Tillman shouted , "will teach you next November that trade and the flag and liberty and the constitution go together. " Disclaiming any authority to speak for the president , Mr. Perkins of Cal ifornia said that tae belief that the sugar tr.ust had acquired a greater part of the sugar product of Porto Rico and his desire to build up the best sugar industry in the United States had induced the president , he ( Perkins ) believed , to favor a tariff if it were true that he did favor it. TO INVESTIGATE CODER B'ALENL Senator Allen Introduces n Resolution in the Senate. WASHINGTON , March 21. Sena- ator Allen today introduced in the senate a bill to provide for pensions to certain prisoners of war ; also a resolution for an investigation of the Couer d'Alene matter , lie called up and at his request the senate passed these pensions : Charles A. Perkins at $36 per month , Oliver Doman $30 H. K. Willliams $30 , J. W. Blake $72 , Hannah G. Huff $12 , Marie Wilersang $12 , David Tolman $24 , and John M. McCord § 24. WANT TREATY DECLARED VOID. Sioux Indians Claim that Only One-Third of Tribe Signed It. FORT YATES , N. D. , March 24. The Sioux have ust finished a protracted council at Oak Creek with Maor Bingenhei- mer , the Indian agent , over the Black Hills treaty of 1876. The In dians have long claimed that this treaty was signed by only one-third or' their number instead of three- fourths , as required by law. Major Bingenheimer corroborates the claim. The Indians will employ legal aid to have the treaty declared null and void. Train Holdup at Hamburg. ST. JOSEPH , Ma. , March 24. A Icne robber , wearing a false face , with a huge black moustache painted on the mask , held up the southbound Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs train four miles south of Ham burg , la. , at 1:30 o'clock in the morn ing. The train was in charge of Con ductor Billy McGee. Flagman Moore was first accosted by the robber at the rear end of the train. Using Moore as a shield the robber went through the sleeper and chair car , get ting § 200 in cash and a gold watch. He pulled the bell cord and , when the train slowed down , jumped off and escaped in the darkness. Jack Graham Put Out. HOT SPRINGS , Ark. , March 24. Jim Scanlan of Pittsburg knocked out Jack Graham of South Omaha in ten rounds before the Hot Springs Athletic club tonight , after both had made a hard l-.attle. Argentine Niro to Spain. MADRID. March 24. The president of Argentine , Lieutenant General Roca. through the minister at Buenos Ayres. Henor Del Aleno , has cabled thanks to the Spanish government for the enthu siastic reception given to the crew and officers of the Argentine training ship Presidente Sarmiento. RELIEF IS HELD BACK ( Vhllo Mnfuklng SufTorg , IKorghcrs Hold HrltlRh In Check. LONDON , March 23. Again there Is a persistent rumor that Mafeklng has been relieved. It Is even asserted that the war office has received a dispatch announcing the relief , but that publi cation is withheld because the form of the message admits the possibility of a mistake. The war office , however , declares that there is no confirmation of the rumor , and no further news Is on hand. / It seems certain that Mafeking's on ly chances for relief are by the column supposed to be advancing from the south or the possibility that Colonel Baden-Powell is still strong enough to attempt a sortie with a view of cap turing the Boer guns at a time when Commandant Synman has withdrawn his men to oppose Colonel Plumer. It is reported from Lourenzo Mar- quez that Pretoria is prepared to stand a siege of two years and that the Boer- women , frantic at the reverses to the Boer arms , are entreating to be al lowed to shoot the British officers im prisoned at Pretoria. It is also announced from the Trans vaal capital that the Italian govern ment has declined to intervene. A dispatcth to the Times from Kimberley - berley , dated -Thursday , says : "The date of the departure of the Mafeklng column from Warrenton has not yet been fixed. The pont at Four teen Streams is guarded by our troops. Skirmishing continues around Warren- ton. The Boers are reported to have fou guns , but this is doubtful. " KIMBERLEY , March 23. There was a smart artillery duel at Warrenton yesterday. A battery under Major Blewitt , supported by the Kimberley Light Horse , located the Boers , who had four guns , two of which used cor dite , but ineffectively. The British battery replied with effect and silenced the Boer fire. The Boers scut two shells near the railway station , which was not damaged. A scouting party got too close to the bank of the river and encountered a hot fire. The men were unable to get away and it was impossible to relieve them without loss , the party being obliged to wait for darkness in order to escape. The reconnaissance suc ceeded , and Major Blewitt retired with only one v/ounded. This morning brisk firing was re sumed at Warrenton at G:30 , but it has now slackened up. A detachment of fusileers has arrived. A detachment of Vryburg inhabitants who had been imprisoned by the Boers was sent in to Warenton under a white flag after be ing taken from laager to laager around the district. They say the big gun from Kimberley has been taken through Christiana to Pretoria. There are women and children in nearly ev ery laager. LOUD BILL IS RECOMMITTED. Decisive Vote lielicved to Have Knocked the Measure Out. WASHINGTON , March 23. After a spirited discussion extending over three days the Loud bill , relating to second class mail matter , was recom- committee on postoflice and post loads. The majority in favor of the mo tion to recommit was so decisive that it is regarded as unlikely that the measure will appear again during the present congress. Loud said after the \ote was announced that this was the "third time and out , " so far as he was concerned. The vote on the mo tion was 148 to 96 , with sixteen pres ent and not voting. Ridgley of Kansas declared that railroad companies were today tele graphing members to support the bill. He deemed this particularly signifi cant of the interest the railroads had in the matter. A telegram from the Ohio Farmer , saying , "Our 100,000 subscribers ask you to support the Loud bill , " was presented by Burton , who declared that it was high time special classes which had grown up in the country should be forced to pay their way as other people did. Cowherd of Missouri , speaking in support of the bill , said every official who had investigated the subject had given his approval to the measure. He held up to the view of the house a ccpy of the "Velvet Hand , or the Life of Injun Dick , " paper bound , which he said was entitled to second class rates , Avhile a cloth bound copy of "Rob Roy , " which he had purchased for 5 cents , could not be sent as second end class matter. His argument elic ited much applause. A number of minor amendments were adopted be fore the final vote. Shoots Himself. YANKTON , S. D. , March 23. Emil Corson , a partner in the largest busi ness firm in Gayville , committed sui cide last night by shooting. His wife died last fall and he has been in low spirits ever since. He was seen in Gayville at 11:30 last night , but soon after must have started to walk to the cemetery at Mission Hill , where his wife was buried , , about six miles away. He was found there this morn ing , his feet on the grave of his baby and lying on his wife's grave , with a bullet hole in his left temple. Osman Pasha Not Deail. CONSTANTINOPLE , March 23. There is no truth in the report pub lished in the United States that Osman Pasha , the hero of Plevna , is dead. The famous Turkish general has been sick for a week past , but his health is now improving. Affects Northern I'acllio. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 23. Senator Penrose ( Pa. ) , today intro duced a bill reciting the history of the Northern Pacific railroad , especially \vith reference to its recent reorgan ization and declaring that the sale of certain property was illegal and re solving that "all transfers of land to or by the said Northern Pacific Rail road company to be illegal and void , and that the committee on Pacific rail ways be hereby empowered to send for [ .ersons and papers , and are requested lo examine into these charges and re port thereon at an early date. " .1' ' WliltnryM Falnce. Though William C. Whitney is very in home l.roud of his splendid new beautiful the mosi New York-probably ful in all Ihe land-he says ' * * ° not advise anyone to under'ff ht elaborate similar a task of erecting residence. The first floorsuite.which , . includes the ballroom , dining room and two drawing rooms , cost about ? WW overcomein 000 , and the difficulties carrying out the scheme of decoration decided upon were enormous. Weak men hover between opinions ; strong men decide. From Washeagfaff3 How a Llttlo Boy Was Saved , Washington , D. C. "When our boy was about 16 months old he broke out with a rash which was thought to be measles. In a few days lie had a swelling on the left side of his neck and it was decided to be mumps. Ho was given medical attendance for about three weeks when the doctor said it Avas scrofula and ordered a salve. He Avanted to lance the sore , but I would not let him and continued giving him medicine for about four months when the bunch broke in two places and became a running sore. Three doctors said it was scrofula and each ordered a blood medicine. A neighbor told me of a case somewhat like our baby's which Avas cured by Hood's Snrsaparilln. I decided to gi\-e it to my boy and in a short Avhile his health "improA'cd and his neck healed so nicely that I stopped giving him the medicine. The sore broke out again , however , wlicrcnpon-1 again gave him Hood's Sarsaparilla and its persistent upe lias accomplished a com plete cure. " Mits. NETTIE CHASE , 47 K St. , N. E. fc Lucumotor Ataxta con- Ji quereU at 1a t. Doctors 9 puzzled. pedalHW : nmazcil at recovery of patients tlmMKliUtuMJraWe by IJK.CI1ASKV5 JJLOOD AND NKKVEl'OOD. . Advice anil proofot cure * Write me about your cuss. FltLK. Hit. UUSF , 224 H.IOtll St..PlllU .PA CANDY CATHARTIC S45 WILL KEEP YOU DRY , j Don't be fooled with a mackintosh [ | or rubber coat If you wanta coat J j that will keep you dry in the hard-1 lest storm buy the Rsh Brand ! j Slicker. If not for sale in yourf j town , write for catalogue to 1 A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. Be Wonder cf flie Age No Boiling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh and crisp a * when first bought nev.- . Try a Sample Package You'll like it If you try it. You'll buy it if you try it. You'll use It If you try it. Try it- Sold by all Grocers. ENORMOUS GROWTH ! Iflne large and Growing Institutions Under One Management. Prof. Theo. Kharas. the renowned Magnetic Healer who began business In - " - Nebraska City about a year ago , has met with phenomenal suc cess. His method of curing all chronic dis eases without the use of drugs or surgery has astounded the world , and his com bined system of "U'elt- mer - Kharas - Still j methods -of Magnetic i Healing and Osteop- . . . . , - .Jathy has brought him lame and fortune. He now has removed headquarters to Omaha and has patients here from all over the United States. He will gladly send you literature and testimonials if you will write for them , we and ilrs. Kharas now own and ope rate nine large infirmaries in different -J ? 10/1 and Nebraska. HELP . \VA.NrED : Honest , earnest men and women to work in these branch offices at salaries ranging from $ r/0 to $125 month ly. I-or full particulars and statements from prominent people , many sworn to address , with stamp. THE NEBRASKA MAGNETIC INFIRMARY , 1515-17 Chi- sago St. , Omaha , Neb. SPRING TERM April 2d. YLE'S t 'j Commercial and < f Shorthand College Jee Building OMAHA , NEB Complete Business free.'j Complete Shorthand Course Complete Typewriting Course Complete English Course Ladies and Gentlemen who desire t will , upon application , be assisted to ) ositions to earn board while in at- endance. Catalogues mailed free.