The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1900, Image 7

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Sweet Soothing Slumber Man's
Greatest Blessing.
Nothing Kills so Quickly as Loss of Sleep
Best Needed for Repairs. How to
Obtain it Without Fail.
When you don't sleep well , look out for
Nothing breaks down a person so quick
ly n loss of Bleep , thut boon of mankind
which Rives the exhausted system rest for
No tlmo for repairs means destruction
of the machinery. It Is so with the human
You are nervous , have a load on your
chest , are troubled with unaccountable
anxiety and forebodings of evil , and roll
and toss all night.
Towards morning you have fitful naps
from sheer exhaustion , awake In a cold
sweat , unrcfrcshed , pallid , trembling ,
with a bad taste In your mouth and u
fcellnK of great weakness.
It's your stomach , your liver , your bow
els.Keep your digestive organs all on the
move properly and your sleep will be rest
ful and refretlilng and all repairs will bo
attended to.
The way to do it Is to use a mild , posi
tive , harmless , vegetable laxative and
liver stimulant Cascarets Candy Ca
thartic. They make the liver lively , pre
vent sour stomach , purify the blood , regu
late the bowels perfectly , make all things
right us they should be.
Go buy and try Cascarets to-day. It's
what they do , not what we say they'll do ,
that will please you. All druggists , JOc ,
25c , or BOc , or mailed for price. Send for
booklet and free sample. Address , Ster
ling Remedy Co. , Chicago ; Montreal ,
Can. ; or New York.
This Is Uio CASCARET tab
let. Every tablet of the only
genuine Cascarets bears the
magic letters "C C C. " Look
at the tablet before you buy ,
and beware of frauds , Imita
tions and substitutes.
Use Magnetic Starch it ] ias no equal.
"Oh I How Ilappr I Am. "
"HOW HAPPY I AM to be able to
say that I am free from pain after five
years of severe suffering from neu
ralgia , " writes Mrs. Archie Young , 1817
Oaks avenue , West Superior , Wls. "I
am so thankful to be able to say that
your ' 5 Drops' is the best medicine I
ever got in my life. When I received
it from you last November , I used some
of it right away. The first dose helped
me. It is impossible to explain how I
\vas suffering from neuralgia. I thought
r.o one could get worse and that death
would soon come. I was very weaK ,
and I hardly thought I could live to
see my husband coine back from his
daily labor. Now I can say that I am
free from pain , my cheeks are red , my
appetite is good and I sleep well all
night. Many of my friends are sur
prised , and say they will send for some
5 Drops. ' " Sample bottles of this
wonderful remedy 25c , large bottles ,
containing 300 doses , § 1.00. For in
formation write Swanson Rheumatic
Cure Co. , 164 E. Lake street , Chicago.
Deaf nets Cuunot Bo Cured
by local applications , as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness , and that is by consti
tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear-
inK , and when it is entirely closed deafness is
the result , and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition , hearing will bo destroyed forei'er ;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh.
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucus surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
sirculars , free.
free.P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by Druggists. Toe.
Hail's Family Pills are the best
Arc Yon Using : Allen' *
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Liberal religious literature ( Uni
tarian ) will be furnished free , on ap
plication to Mrs. H. D. Reed , 132 N.
38th Ave. , Omaha , Neb.
Magnetic Starch Is the very beat
laundry starch in the world.
FITS Permanently Cured. TTontsornprvonsneasafier
first day's UbO of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Hestorer.
Semi for FREE S2.OO trial bottle and treatise.
Da. R. U . KLINE , Ltd. , 831 Arch St. , I'hlladelphia , Pa.
1 never used so quick a euro as Pisa's Gnre
for Consumption. J. B. Palmer , bos 1171 ,
Seattle , Wash. , Nov. 25,1S95.
Semi for "Choice Recipes , "
by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. , Dorchester , Mass. ,
mailed free. Mention this paper.
Send 3'our name and address on a <
postal , and we will send you our 156- ]
page illustrated catalogue free.
174 Winchester Avenue , Now Haven , Conn.
to V.'estern Canada and
particulars as to how to
secure 100 acres of the
land on the continent
can be secured on appli
cation toSupt. of Immi-
sratioD.Ottawa , Canada ,
or the undersigned. Spe
cially conuucted excursions will leave St. Paul ,
Mmu. , on the flrst and third Tuesday in each
month , and specially low rates on all lines of
railway are quoted for excursions leaving St.
Paul on March 20 and April 4 for ManltCfSa ,
Ansinibola. SasUachewan and Alberta. M. V.
Bennett , 801 New York Life Bldj. ; , Omaha. Neb.
Tbe addresses of all federal
Soldiers , their widows or
beirs. wbo mndo n UOMK-
STKA1) FILING on less than
_ _ _ _ _ . 1GO acres on or before
on i nirno jun ° i674n ° mi er
Xlll IllrKX whether FINAL PHOOff
OULUlLilU was made or not. I will buy
I I fH fl rrtTff ft n rt Address Comrndo
their homes In the fundamental principles of the
law anil Buch branches as constitute a finished
legal education. For circulars address
EDW , BACON , 323 Main SUeoria , III.
Tbo best Kcd Rope
Hoofing for Ic. per j
d. Snbstitutes for pljster.Sjroplesfree.
$50 for Half Dollar 1838 or 1853.
Uonblo face value for any coin with o. under eagle.
Send < c for circulars. C. W. GOYf , Hindoo , ni a.
Weak Women Made Happy by Lydia E.
I'lukhnm'a Vegetable Compound
Letters from Two Who Now llavo
Children. ,
" DEAU Mns. PINKTIAM : It was my
ardent desire to have a child. I had
been married three years and was
childless , so wrote to you to find out
the reason. After fol
lowing your kind ad
vice and taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. I be
came themother of
a beautiful baby
boy , the joy of our
home. He is a
fat , healthy baby ,
thanks to your medi
cine. " MKS. MIND A
FINKI.E , Koscoe ,
From Grateful4
Mrs. Lane
" DEAU Mus.
wrote you a let
ter some time
ago , stating my case to you.
"I had pains through my bowels ,
headache , and backache , felt tired
and sleepy all the time , was troubled
with the whites. I followed your
advice , took your Vegetable Com
pound , and it did me lots of good. I
now have a baby girl. I certainly be
lieve I would have miscarried had it
not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. I had a very easy
time ; was sick only a short time. I
think your medicine is a godsend to
Women in the condition in which I
was. I recommend it td all as the best
medicine for women. " Mns. MAUY
TjANK. fovtof * . Tonn.
Take Laxative B-omo Quinine Table Js. AH
druggists refunu the money if it fails to cure.
5c. E. W. U rove's sisnaturc on each box.
A hungry parrot comes very near
being a Hollow mockery.
Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's
Sous , of Atlanta , Ga. The greatest dropsy
specialists in the Avorlcl. Read their adver
tisement in another column of this paper.
That a woman never quite forgives
a man for kissing her on the nose.
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a ic. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health *
Insist that yonr grocer givas you Gil AIN-O.
Accept EO imitation.
Planning to Paper This Spring ?
There b nothing
that will to COM
PLETELY Transform -
form yonrllOMEIn
point of HEALTH
We carry ALL th
Jaleit de-ig tit nt pop
ular prlcM , from S >
to SO ctnts per single
roll. Our large trade
enable : ns to hsndle
tie complete line IN
hence ire can price
ALL grades eorprh-
toglylOtt * . A fall
line cf Samples cent ,
all charge ! prepaid ,
FREficpon request.
Our Spring
ofCOO pages , illns-
trailD ? some of the
line In XATl'lUb
COLORS , will bs
sept prepaid upon re
ceipt of lie , "which
pays part of the ei-
_ press charpei , and
( rill be refunded on r cf ipt of TOUT first order. This catalogue qnot *
Wholwal. prices on EVEUYTlHING you EAT , AVEAR sad USB.
1867. iso to 166 West Madison Si. ,
Ordsrbj-thisNo , & 11 CHICAGO , Ill-
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry in the hardest storms.
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
1897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
It is entirely new. If not for sale In
your town , write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass ,
"We wish to pain this rear EOO.OCO (
nowonatompra , and hence offer I
1 Pkg. City Garden Beet , ICc |
IPkg.Earl'dt Emerald Cncnmberl&c i
" La Orosae Market Lettuce , loc J
Strawberry Jlelon , 15c
13 Day Radish , 100
Early Ripe Cabbage , lOo
Karl/ Dinner Onion , lOo
Brilliant Flower Seeds , 15e
§ L"K >
Above 10 Pkea. worth SLOO , wo trill © ,
mail you free , together with oar 9
great Catalog , telling all about M
nponreceipt ctthis notice 4l4c. A
| . stamps. We invite your trade , and 2
ti , know when yqa once try Sal zerjs 2-
iscodfi yon will never do wlthoat , V
"lasoo Prizes on Salzer'a 1SIOO rar9
eat earliest Tomato Giant on earth. na A
JOII.f A. S1LZEB SEED CO. , U. CROSSE , Tl 13. Oft
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 12 1900
I Best Congh Srrap. Tastes Good. Ueol
In tJmar- Sold brdrnzgists.
Dulmmel , Jan. 24 , 1900.
Dear Sir and Friend We had a
lucky trip , made good connections anil
got to Wetasldwin Monday afternoon ;
stayed there all night , bought a pony
and saddle for the boy and hired a
three-seated rig for the balance of us ,
and got home to dinner next day ;
caught the boys cleaning up and get
ting ready to come after us. Wednes
day the snow was all gone and we had
bare ground and bright sunshine for
a month , and it has been pleasant
weather ever since. The ground is
frozen about two feet and about six
inches of snow just enough for good
sleighing. We had one 'cold spell in
December. The thermometer went
down to 32 below zero , but we did not
suffer with the cold at all. We have
worked every day all winter , are all
well and feeling well ; have built a log
house 18x18 , two log stables 10x18 , and
are now busy on a well. We have 10
cows , three other cattle and six head
of horses. The boys send their best
respects to Mr. Huchison , and say they
will talk to him" enough to pay for not
writing when he gets up here ; will
write you again next spring and tell
you all about the winter. We all
unite in sending you and family our
best wishes and respects and hope this
will find you all well.
Yours very respectfully ,
( Signed ) THOMAS TATB ,
Duhamel , Alberta , Canada.
P. S. It has not been down to zero
this month , It is 22 above now.
Literary Crooks.
Servant girls in Boston who read
homer , Foethe and Schiller are spoken
of in the labor bulletins of Massa
chusetts just issued. Investigation by
employes of the state board of labor
as to the style of books common in
Boston kitchens showed that while
cook books of various make are th j
mest common , that good books of oth
er kinds were not at all unusual. In
two or three cases history , either of
the United States or England , seemed
tc be preferred. In one a philosophi
cal or critical wont was mentioned'
in one the works of Goethe and Schil
ler and the poems of Homer were spec
ified , and in one the Chautauqua
course was followed.
Viarnedfornjlio. . "
Two young men raised a row in
"Vfallack's theater , in New York , the
other night because they wanted to
see Olga Nethersole in "Sapho. " They
id not know that the police had
stopped the play , and when they found
themselves looking at "The Second
Mrs. Tanqueray" they howled dismal
ly for "Sapho. " They were ejected ,
and when they tried to force their
v/ay into the theater again , still with
plaintive wailings , for "Sapho" they
Vrcre locked up.
In his book on "Mad Humanity : Its
Forms , Apparent and Obscure , " Dr.
Winslow states his belief that insanity
is on the increase ; that the degenera
tion of the human race is "in grad
ual and sad progression ; " and that
much of this result is due to indul
gence in alcohol. His attempta-1
proof of Lombroso's theory that gen
ius is akin to insanity consists merely
in a list of geniuses who were moro
or less deranged.
Tim and John.
Timothy Healy , the well known Irish
leader , recently said in parliament in
reference to the English , "You are as
God made you. We suspect you. " Mr.
John Morley has since ventured th < 3
epigram :
" 'Tis very true , what Tim avers ,
And handsome of him really
If God then , made us Britishers ,
Pray who made Mr. Healey ? "
Salisbury's T onfi : Cureer.
The Marquis of Salisbury is 70 years
old , his birthday having been Febru
ary 3. He entered parliament in 1857 ,
and , had his elder brother not died ,
he would be the next oldest member of
11'e commons. There is but one man
who was elected before him , Sir James
Ferguson , who began his career in
as iv Page.
.1. C. W. Beckham , who is contending
the right of Governor Taylor to the
chief executive of Kentucky , was for
years a page in the state senate , to
which he was elected on the first day
he was eligible.
Helen Gould's Annoyance.
Miss Helen Gould is much bothered
liy requests for autographs. She re
ceives' sometimes as many as twenty-
live of these requests in a day.
When General Kitchener was a
schoolboy his leading characteristic
vas laziness , and as a punishment , his
father sent him to a woman's school ,
ll'is had the desired effect , and young
Kitchener , on being sent back to the
public school , acquitted'himself with
Mark Twain was recently asked'
what were his boyish ambitions.
"First , " he replied , "I wanted to be
a circus clown , but I modified that
ana decided to be a. Mississippi con
gressman. "
Few of us gain by the mistakes of
others , but he who fails to profit by his
oven mistakes will soon be bankrupt in
The rate of vibration of the rattle
snake's tail is said to be sixty per
second. If you doubt it count for your
That a woman doesn't mind if her
new photograph doesn't look like her
provided it is a pretty picture.
That the man who boasts that he
pays as he goes sometimes has a rep
utation for staying.
That it doesn't keep one dry to know
that behind the darkest cloud the sun
is shining.
That only 1 per cent of wealth is
real comfort.
Progress The motive power of life.
Court Room Scene -where Judgre Chambers maintained the supremacy of the United States in Samoa.
la a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co. , Chief Justice Chambers says the following of Peru na :
"I have tried one bottle of Peruna , and I can truth
fully say it is one of the _ best tonics I ever used , and
I take pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers who
are in need of a good medicine. I can recommend it as\ \
one of the very best remedies for catarrh. "
W. L. Chambers.
For starching fine iinen use Magnetic
That some men would rather hunt
work * than find it.
Keep looklns younc and save your hair , Its color
and beauty with PAKKEU'S HAIR BALSAJI.
HINDURCOP..VS , the best euro for corns. 13cts.
Today The living word that is read
If you havenot tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
From JHl Factory to USER.
ONE Profit. Oar
( iotvlngr Machine Las all
the Up-to-Uace Improve-
inontfl , necessary Attach ,
merits and Accessories ,
with choice of onk or wal
nut cabinet. Is furnished
with the latest improved
TLE. By one movement
the nhiUtlo is threaded
rondy for service. The
MKLUA hns the patent
TAKE-UP. Automatic BOBBIN WIADKB , find a
COMPLETE eet of best Pteel attachments , carefully
packed in n handsome VELVET lined case. Weight of
the machine , weather wrapped and crnted , is about
110 Ibs. It is shinned at first-class rnte. The freight will
average about 1.00 within 00 miles of Chicago. The
cabinet work is ornamental , the seven drawers and cover -
er being HAND OAKVEDnnd highly finished , having
the heavy NICKEL-PLATED Ring Drawer Pulls , etc.
Each machine is carefully tested before leaving our
factory. A MELBA Pole to us means n new friend and
customer for our general line of EVERYTHING you
EAT , WEAR and USE : therefore we can nfford to sell
it on n close margin and fully GUARANTEE it for
TWENTY TEAKS. We will Bhip this machine C.O.
D. , with examination privilege , to any point in the U.
S. on receipt of 82.OO with order. Price o 7-drawer
machine , nil complete , is 814.25.
pages will be Bent prepaid on receipt of 16 cents , which
pays part of express charge1 ; , and will be refunded on
receipt of first order. This catalogue Quote * ? wholesale
prices on EVERYTHING you EAT. WEAR and USE.
Established JOHN M. SMYTH CO. ,
1867. 150-100 W. MadUon St. ,
Order by this No. A 11 CHICAGO. ILL ,
/ f\L Uli O Thiinewe rlcstcornitl'r [ ! Tolu.
J > > ar\ri tlonlxscorn growinc. yielding la
* i-ftlplj 18U9lnMlnn0n.40QI > ui.peracra.
- . . \ \
& * f * / > r\6i J'eKj 2W b0'P" * " * < md J ° a
_ .Dl\N eenlieatthtttl
v w i \ 11 . „ . BPELTZ
( , ( 601ms. per acrr. C rcatcat grain
nmlliay f.wl tMsuldeofths stunl
jielda 121 ban. io N.Y. 1Voa < ! erfuI !
Gl7 4 rich , green food for cfttllc ,
htep , iwlue , ix > utry , etc. , at2Se.
ton. tt'c "II nlr.c-Ituthnof the
Itape tcr.l useil In the U. H.
nuom's iNKu.-iius
. , Cr'atcit rras" on tarlli. Omws to
fl ! < ptrfection ( a America everywhere.
Salzer warrints it I
Tiu:3iiL.i.ioH Dor.i A.n
potato U the roost talki-d or potato
tate en earth , an l Salzer Hlx
\7ccI-H ; lioth will m kc you rich. grower of I'oti-jci and
Farm Seeds In the irorld.
Largest , choicest list in U S.
Onion Seed , 0c. Ib. Everyttlng
\7arrantedtocrov. 35 pkga earliest -
liest TegeUb'.e . pnatpatd. Jl 00.
and tbls notice , ve mall crrat Feed
ttalog and lOpligi Farm Seeil Xoreltlti.
! * tale { alose , So. poitige. .rrnn
All Druggists , 2Gc
quid ; relief and cures woret
cases. Hook of testimonial ! ) und 10 WAYS' treatment
FKEE. DK. ir. If. GKKCX'S SOXS. Iox E. ACanU , Go.
Gii6sino New Census
Tlic Weekly Knqulrcr Is nn.xlorri In nsnKO 11
Iliu HitaiTlberH In a htuiiy of their own country.
To thlH end It haa placed In tli mifo of Ilio Cln-
clnnnll Knqulrcr Company caili amounting to
rr . < M. It wfll. for HI > niloiH rerclveil of tlio
population of the United States , to Jwj verified. Uy
tlic Director of the United States Ccusua , ct e
as follows :
To the Nearest Correct
Guess received . . . $3,000.00
To the Second . . . , 1,500.00
To the Third . . . , 750.00
To the Fourth . . , , .500.00 .
To the Fifth . . . , 250.00
To the Sixth . , . . 200.00
To the Seventh. . . . 150.00
To the next 10 , each $100 ,
amounting to . . , 1,000.00
To the next 50 , each S50 ,
amounting to . . . 2,500.00
To the next 100 , each S25 ,
amounting to . . . 2,500.00
To the next 503 , each S10 ,
amounting to . . . 5,000.00
To the next 1,530 , each $5 ,
amounting to . . . 7.650.00
Total number of prizes , 2,197 ,
amounting to . . $25,000.00
Subscription Price fur tlie Weekly Enquirer
( Including < iues > )
For further particulars. s < Jdrc B
Copyrighted IS'JO , "V/ceJcly 1'utiulrer.
TVrltc today. * Tbl3 ad. appear * but once.
Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP (25c. ( ) , to
cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and
soften the thickened cuticle , CUTICURA Oint
ment ( ( ) instantly allay itching , irri
tation , and inflammation , and soothe and
heal , and CUTICURA RESOLVENT (50c. ( ) , to
coo ! and cleanse the blood. A SINGLE SET
is often sufficient to cure the most torturing ,
disfiguring skin , scalp , and blood humors ,
with loss of hair , when all other remedies fail.
Sold throughout the world. Poma D. & C. COUP. , ftops- , Boston , liow to Cure gpr&g linxacr * , fr