The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
Coming : Political Events.
Republican congressional convention , Fifth
district , Holdrcge , Wednesday , April 251 ! ) , 2
o'clock. Red Willow county 11 delegates.
Republican state convention , Lincoln ,
Wednesday , May 2d , 2 o'clock. Red Willow
county II delegates.
NOTWITHSTANDING extraordinary ex
penses in connection with the Philippine
insurrection , the public debt of the
United States under Republican man
agement is rapidly decreasing. During
the piping times of peace of the labt
Democratic free-trade administration ,
the debt increased in just about the same
ratio as it is now being reduced.
IN its unqualified support of the Re
publican city ticket , THE TRIBUNE
menus no personal affront to the worthy
gentleman on the Petition ticket , but
with a full knowledge of the men on the
Republican ticket and of how they were
nominated , and feeling the necessity of
Republican success in matters great and
small , TUB TRIBUNE sees no sufficient
reason why the Republican city ticket
should not receive every Republican vote
in the city.
IT will be remembered that in 1898 a
party of silver Republican patriots ,
among whom was Senator Pettigrew ,
made a tour of Japan for the purpose ol
finding out why that country had aban
doned the silver standard for the gold ,
and also to learn how the gold standard
was working. They returned in safety ,
but for some reason their report was
never heard from. The mystery is now
solved. The Japanese minister of finance
has just issued a full official report show
ing that the gold standard has been ol
great advantage to all classes in Japan ,
clearly accounting for the vast improve
ment over the conditions found under
free silver. This may explain why the
members of the self-appointed Pettigrew
commission suddenly dropped the Jap
anese gold-standard question like a hot
cake and turned their attention to other
lines of opposition.
THE Republican city ticket is com
posed of clean and competent men who
highly recommend themselves to the
electors of this city for their votes at the
coming city election. The nomination
of each and all of these candidates was
fairly and openly secured in a regularly
called and properly constituted Republi
can caucus , and they as such nominees
are justly entitled to the unswerving sup
port and loyal votes of the Republicans
of McCook on the ground of party con
siderations as well as because of the rec
ognized worthfulness of the men on the
ticket. THE TRIBUNE desires especially
to urge upon the Republicans of this city
the importance of upholding and main
taining the party organization at this
time , just as the party is preparing for
the greatest contest of its history , when
organization and authority and harmony
are so essential to party success , next
fall. Stand by the city ticket !
THE pledge of the Republican party
with reference to money has been ful
filled. The new currency law breaks
the "endless chain , " and at the same
time established a sufficient guaranty
fund in the treasury to maintain at a gold
value every dollar of curreucy in circula
tion in the United States , whatever its
form may be. It makes the reserve fund
for redemption of paper money' $150,000-
ooo , instead of $100,000,000 , and author
izes the secretary of the treasury to in
crease this reserve fund whenever it gets
below $100,000,000 , by exchanging the
paper currency thus redeemed for gold
in the general fund , or by sale of bonds
if necessary to keep the reserve up to its
proper figure. The fact that the notes
redeemed cannot be used again to meet
deficiencies in the current revenues , and
only by exchange for gold , obviates the
possibility of pumping the gold out of
the treasury by the "endless chain"
process which proved so disastrous a few
years ago , while the fact that the law
specially names the dollarat " 25 Sgrains
gold , nine-tenths fine , " as the unit of
value , puts an end to any possible ques
tion as to the value and acceptability of
American money in any part of the
world , and of the relation ot any one of
our dollars to any other dollar.
For Councilman , Second Ward.
W. T. Colenian , the Republican nom
inee for councilman in the Second ward ,
is one of McCook's most substantial
business men , with large investments
and interests in the city. From a small
beginning Mr. Coleman , by careful at
tention to safe and conservative business
methods , by energy and push , has de
veloped his business into one of the
most pretentious establishments in
Southwestern Nebraska. Such a suc
cessful man of affairs is especially quali
fied to make a valuable councilman.
Mr. Coleman has ever been identified
with the law and order element of our
city , in which he is deeply concerned ,
and for whose prosperity and honor he
has always been a warm champion. He
will make McCook a most desirable
councilman. THE TRIBUNE recom
mends him warmly and heartily and un
reservedly' to the Republican voters of
the Second ward , who should see to it
that he is elected by a safe plurality.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
. cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum faking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Best Grades
Lumber Lime
Lath Cement
( D
Shingles Plaster
Doors Hair (0
(0P 5
Sash Posts T
Blinds Barbed Wire
. . . Corrugated Carpet Lining . . .
Dennison Street
Republican Congressional Convention.
Notice is hereby given that a Republican
convention for the Fifth congressional dis
trict ot Nebraska will be held in the city of
Holdrege on the 25th day of April , 1900 , at
two o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of choosing
two delegates and two alternates to represent
the district in the national convention which
convenes in Philadelphia , June igth , 1900 , and
for the placing in nomination a candidate for
congress for said district and for the transac
tion of any other business that may properly
come before said convention. The basis of
representation for each county shall be one
delegate at large and one delegate for each
100 votes and major fraction thereof cast for
Hon. C. E. Adams in 1898.
Here follows number of delegates for the
several counties :
Adams 19 Harlan g
Clay 17 Hayes 4
Chase 3 Hitchcock 5
Dundy 4 Kearney 10
Franklin 10 Nuckolls 13
Frontier 9 Perkins 2
Furnas 13 Fhelps 10
Gosper 4 Red Willow II
Hall 19 Webster 13
C. A. LUCK , Chairman.
Superior , Neb. , March 13,1900.
The Assessors Meet.
The assessors of the county were in
session in the county seat , Tuesday ,
every precinct in Red Willow county ,
but one , being represented. The follow
ing basis of assessment was determined
upon :
Horses and mules , $3 to $20 ; average
Cattle , average $3.50 per head.
Sheep and hogs , average 50 cents.
Steam engines , $10 to $100.
Fire and burglar safes , $2 to $50.
Billiard tables , $5 to $20.
Carriages , bicycles , etc. , $2 to $20.
Watches and clocks , $ t to $10.
Piano-fortes , $5 to $40.
Organ , melodeons etc. , $2 to $15.
General merchandise , one-third.
Land , one-third value.
Investments in real estate and im
provements thereon , $5 to $125.
All other property at one-third.
Through Sleepers to Frisco.
No changes ; no delays ; no chance of
missing connections , if you go to Cali
fornia via the Burlington Route. The
Burlington runs through sleeping cars to
Omaha , Lincoln and Hastings , to Salt
Lake City and San Francisco , daily.
Dining cars all the way , Library cars
west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the
world. See nearest Burlington ticket
agent , or write J. Francis , General Pas
senger Agent , Omaha. 2-23-513
Petition City Ticket.
The following city ticket has been
placed in the field by petition : E. H.
Doan , mayor ; B. G. Gossard , clerk ; J. J.
Garrard , treasurer ; H. H. Berry , police
judge ; C. I. Hall , engineer ; G. R. John
son , councilman for Fiist ward ; D. A.
Lucas , councilman for Second ward ; R.
A. Green andj. W. Hupp , members of
board of education.
Gold at Cape Nome.
If you want information about the
Cape Nome country , how to get there
and what it costs , write to J. Francis ,
General Passenger Agent , B. & M. R. R.
R. in Nebraska , Omaha , Neb. 2-16 5ts.
Otto Pate of the Cash Bargain store
and Harry Walters of Honest John's are
both considerably elevated in spots
with mumps , this week , and temporarily
out of commission.
Remember the coal season is not over
and we can furnish you with just what
you want. BARNETT LUMBER Co.
Sometime you may want to buy a rick
of stove wood , and when you do , you
should buy of Bullard.
McMillan's Cough Cure is sure.
City Clerk Bond had business in the west
end town , Wednesday.
Ex-Sheriff Neel made a business pilgrimage
to the county's capital , Tuesday.
Miss Welborn transacted business of the
county superintendency in McCook , last Sat
The city fathers expect soon to have another
edition of the city ordinances off press. They
are gradually replacing the blanks , stationery
etc. destroyed in the late fire.
Mrs. Harriet Evans , Hinsdale , 111. , writes ,
"I never fail to relieve my children from croup
at once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I
would not feel safe without it. " Quickly cures
coughs , colds , grippe and all throat and lung
diseases. D. W. Loar.
J. II. Relph had his corn shelled , Monday
and Tuesday.
Everybody is busy preparing the ground or
sowing wheat.
The literary is holding its meetings every
Tuesday night.
B. W. Benjamin was a Cedar Bluffs , Kan
sas , visitor , Tuesday.
Ed Lawthers looks lonesome now that the
rabbit harvest is about past.
Sunday-school at the school-house , every
Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Preaching every other
T. A. Rowland was in McCook , last Friday
night , learning the mysteries of Odd Fel
Mrs. T. W. Benjamin of Grand Junction ,
Colorado , visited Banksville relatives and
friends , last week.
H. I. Peterson keeps himself out of mis
chief , these days "blasting" rock and occas-
onally the cows.
Several parties from the north side have
jeen rustling this neighborhood for corn ,
which is becoming a scarce article.
Frank Cain is boring a well for John Burt
Wm. Thomas has a hard cold , accompanist
with a severe cough. He says , "If it is 'tha
straw' , I think I must have it about 'coughec
The district No. 8 literary was reorganized
\Vednesday evening , with Roy Jacobs to pre
side ; Oscar Schmitz , vice ; George Smith
secretary ; Charles Wasson , treasurer ; Fay
Jacobs , editor ; Philomena ' Schmitz , chairman
of the programme com'mittee , and John Whit-
taker , sergeant-at-arms. The attendance was
large ; the surprises in the program were prom
inent features of interest and enjoyment. Mr
Thomas' song"The Lost Sheep on the Moun
tain , " awoke the natives in good shape.
Andy says : "John , can I shoot off o
Bill ? " John : "Yes , I guess so. " Andy takes
his gun and "Bill" and rides to where he
thinks he can reach the ducks with No.
shot , and John watches to see him "shoot of
of Bill. " Andy raises his gun , aims carefully
and fires ( or thinks he did. ) Then follows a
commotion and a blank. John says : "I saw
him shoot ; then for about four seconds there
was a mixture of BillAndygun , when Bil
broke the combination , leaving the gun some
where , and Andy , plainly visible with his feet
flourishing heavenward and his head in the
mud. " All of which John thought was very
amusing and Andy didn't ; for after digging
himself out , he came back to the house and in
a tone that showed that his confidence in Bill
and John was about on a par , says : "John , I
thought you said I could shoot off of Bill ? '
John , laughing hard , said : "Well , if you
didn't shoot off of Bill , I'd like to know what
you'd call it. "
Rev. W. E. Sitzer , W. Caton , N. Y. , writes ,
' 'I had dyspepsia over twenty years , and tried
doctors and medicines without benefit. I was
persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
it helped me from the start. I believe it to be
a panacea for all forms of indigestion ; " it di
gests what you eat. D. W. Loar.
Ray Gale is expecting to farm , this summer.
One more week of school in district No. 8.
Roy Jacobs has taken up the study of the
There is a great deal of winter wheat being
put in , this spring.
The preaching and Bible-study was well at
tended , last Sunday.
Roe Wasson returned , Wednesday evening ,
from the cattle country , and expects to spend
the summer at home.
Owing to the spring vacation , next week
will bring home several of the South bide
young people who have been attending the
McCook high school.
Lorenzo Brown , aged 72 , passed peacefully
to his long rest , Tuesday of this week. The
kind old gentleman had been ailing for some
time and the sad news was not unexpected.
Wm. Orr , Newark , O. , says , "We never _ feel
safe without One Minute Cough Cure in the
house. It saved my little boy's life when he
had the pneumonia. We think it is the best
medicine made.1' It cures coughs , colds , and
all lung diseases. Pleasant to take , harmless
and gives immediate results.
Do you take cold with
every change in the
weather ? Does your throat
feel raw ? And do sharp
pains dart through your
chest ?
Don't you know these are
danger signals which point
to pneumonia , bronchitis , or
consumption itself ?
If you are ailing and have
lost flesh lately , they are
certainly danger signals. The
question for you to decide is ,
"Have I the vitality to throw
off these diseases ? "
Don't wait to try SCOTT'S
EMULSION "as a last re
sort. " There Is no remedy
equal to it for fortifying the
system. Prevention is easy.
prevents consumption and
hosts of other diseases which
attack the weak and those
with poor blood.
the one standard remedy for
inflamed throats and lungs ,
for colds , bronchitis and.con-
sumption. It is a food medi
cine of remarkable power. A
food , because it nourishes the
body ; and a medicine , be
cause it corrects diseased
5oc. and $1.00 , all drugghts.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York
Goods Well Bought
are half sold , runs the familiar saying. Tis true , and
we demonstrate it daily. The New Silks , the Shirt Waists ,
the Wrappers , the Pulley Belts and Elastic Belts , the Ribbons
bens , Laces and Embroideries , the Dress Goods and Wash
Fabrics , the Lace Curtains and Portiers , are all handsomer
than ever before and not a penny above last season's prices.
Summer Underwear
for men , women and children. Plain and fancy , wltite
balbriggan and black , lonjj sleeves , half sleeves and no
sleeves. Ladies' union suits and knit knee pants. All
prices from 5c to $1.25.
Shirt Waists
will impress you with their
shapeliness , their beautiful
patterns and colorings-and
their general air of style
and worth. Prices are from
40c for a good , tasty , well-
made waist up to 52.25 for
the beauties of the season.
Muslin Underwear
is now very active. Handsome assort
ments of corset covers , drawers , night
gowns , baby dresses , chemises and
skirts. Extra values in chemises at
c , 5 ° c and ? oc.
We Solicit Your Trade.
Postoffice in Same Building : . . . . . McCOOK , NEBRASKA
Monitor Windmills
Baker Pumps
Pipe and Fittings.
Bores Wells and
Repairs Pumps.
First door east of Predmore
Bros. ' blacksmith shop.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman , Milesburg , Pa
ays , "As a speedy cure for coughs , colds ,
roup and sore throat One Minute Cough
"ure is unequaled. It is pleasant for children
o take. 1 heartily recommend it to mothers. "
t is the only harmeless remedy that produces
mmediate results. It cures bronchitis , pneu-
nonia , grippe , and throat and lung diseases.
t will prevent consumption. D. W. Loar.
One of the favorite daughters of the sultan
f Turkey has run away with a poet. It must
iave been purely a love match. No such in-
.ucements there. _
What's Your Face Worth ?
Sometimes a fortune , but never , if you have
sallow complexion , a jaundiced look , moth
latches and blotches on the skin all signs of
iver trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills
ive clear skin , rosy cheeks , rich complexion.
) nly 25 cents at McConnell & Berry's.
A traveler tells us of a tropical country in
, -hich there are no changes of the weather.
Vender what the oldest inhabitants find to
ilk about in the corner groceries ?
When children have earache , saturate a
iece of cotton with Ballard's Snow Liniment ,
nd place it in the ear. It will stop the pain
uickly. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
It is announced that the whiskey trust is in
nancial trouble. Whiskey is in the habit of
etting private individuals , as well as com-
ines , into just that sort of trouble.
To Cure a Cold in a Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets , .
Jl druggists refund the money if it fails to
ure. H. . W. Grove's signature on every box.
A New York judge has decided that an
vercoat is not a necessity. It is hoped that
ic courts may leave us our heavy underwear
ntil spring , sweet spring , is here to stay.
M. R. Smith. Butternut , Mich. , says , "De-
k'itt's Little Early Risers are the very best
ills I ever used for costiveness , iiver and
Dwel troubles" D. W. Losr.
A $500,000 yeast manufacturing plant has
sen added to the rising industries of the land
: Peekskill , N. Y.
No one knows the unbearable torture one
fidergoes from piles unless they are so
dieted. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is
quick , safe and painless cure. Price , 50
: nts in bottles , tubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen.
The old maids of Coffeyville , Kansas , gave
social a few days ago for the especial benefit
r the old bachelors of the town. The affai
d not prove so pop-ular as they had hoped.1"
To secure the original witch hazel salve ,
ik for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , well
lown as a certain cure for piles and skin
seases. Bexvare of worthless counterfeits ,
hey are dangerous. D. W. Loar.
Nazareth Waists A
have established themselves in the good sense /L
and care for comfort of their children that most mothers
SKIRTS possess. They are knit , hence conform to all movements ,
save buttons , save mending , permit growth , and , last but
not least , are only 25c.
We are always right
on underskirts right in
styles , prices and assort
ment. Our line noxv will
repay examination ; 45c
to $1.75.
We Make Dress Skirts
just as well cut , sewed , pressed and ' -I WSNAHRL
finished as any dress-maker makes them , and beyond \YEARSTtE
comparison with the factory kind. Handsome all NAZARETH WAIST'
wool plain black ones from § 2.50 up ; black silk ones
We sell :
Best Shirting- Prints , 4c yd. "Toille du Nord" Ginghams , 8 l-2c
Best Fancy Dress Prints , Sc yd. Yard Wide Unblchd Muslin , 4 l-2c
Best Black and White Prints , 5c yd. Boys' and Girls' Rubbers , 25c.
Best Black and Red Prints , Sc yd. Dog- Collar Belts , 25c.
of the
busy'store in
Bank ill
desires to call public attention
to the fact that his superb .
Ready-Made Clothing . .
NEW Ladies' & Children's Shoes
OF Men's & Boys' . . . . x
Spring Caps . . . .
is now ready for inspection ; also l\ \
to the fact that his line of . . . .
is unequalled in Southwestern
Nebraska. AH lines full , new ,
fresh and complete.
He challenges all competition in
variety , richness , and price.
)3 ® @ < < i