The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1900, Image 2

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F. M. KIMBIKCI , , i'uhlfelior.
North Dakota is looking for a big
The earl of Warwick's oldest son ,
Lord Brooke , has volunteered for ser
vice In South Africa.
London papers , talking of peace ne
gotiations , say there can be nothing
but unconditional surrender.
Congressman T. E. Burton of Ohio
has been nominated by the republicans
of the Twenty-first Ohio district.
Miss Ella Little , an American , has
received a doctorate at the University
ot Heidelberg , "summa cum laude. "
This Is the first time the distinction
has fallen to a woman.
The lord mayor of London , A. J.
Newton1 , has directed that the Irish flag
be hoisted over the Mansion house on
fa i. Patrick's day , In recognition of the
bravery of the Irish troops in South
Anthony Hopkins was hanged at
Beaumont , Texas , for the murder of his
wife , In the presence of 5,000 people ,
who took up a collection of ? 100 for his
mother and sent it with his remains to
her In Waco.
The German reichslag has tabled
the motion to reintroduce whipping as
a legal punishment. Herr Oertell , the
originator of the motion , first made an
eioquent speech , calling whipping one
of the noblest flowers of civilization.
A resolution was unanimously adopt
ed by the Sangamon county (111. ) dem
ocratic central committee , indorsing
Hon. Alfred Orendorff of Springfield
lor governor and commending him to
the support of the democrats of the
Mr. Ray of New York has introduced
a bill to provide for the trial in Okla
homa Territory of causes wherein the
Ij United States is a party and causes in
I which an Indian under the charge of
I ' an Indian agent or superintendent is
I plaintiff.
Iji A conference between the type foun-
I ders of the Uinted States and their emi -
| i ployes regarding wages and hours has
j been settled in a manner satisfactory
I ; to both sides. The new wage scale
Ij and the nine hour work uay will go
[ ' into effect April 1.
lii Byron Leach , aged < years , a son of
I ' a widow residing at Sioux Falls , S. D. ,
I died , as the result of having adminis-
I . tered to him medicines which , while
lij originally perfectly harmless , had be-
I i come poisonous through standing in a
III bottle for a number of years.
| , A considerable portion of the crowd
ill the btirge office in New York the'oth-
er day was made up of Jews , and the
majority of these were from , llou-
h mania. The Mosaic Passover is five
weeks off and it Is expected that after
j ! the festival thousands of Roumanian
I1 Jews will leave their homes for this
" country.
The remains of Abraham Lincoln
have been transferred from the crypt
of the national Lincoln monument at
SpringSsld , 111. , to a temporary vault
just north , the removal being made
necessary by the demolition of the
monument preparatory to the entire
i reconstruction on a different plan for
i which $100,000 was appropriated by the
, last legislature.
The New York commercial organiza
tions of this city gave a dinner at
the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in honor of
Governor Roosevelt for his stand in
tavor of improving the Erie canal. The
speeches were entirely upon the sub
ject of the canal. The chairman , in
troducing Governor Roosevelt , pro
posed three cheers , - whichwere given ,
the toast being drunk standing. Some
persons shouted "Hurrah for our next
president ! "
Recent negotiations of the American
and Continental Tobacco companies to
arrange for a consolidation of the lead
ing snuff interests of the country are
said to' have been practically com
pleted , and a new § 25,000,000 company
will , It is stated , be organized to take
over all the snuff business of both the
Continental Tobacco and the American
Tobacco companies , as well as the At
lanta Snuff company and the Helme
Snuff company.
It is stated by intimate friends of
General Harrison that he is chagrined
that his name should be so freely used
in the newspapers of the country in
connection with public questions now
under consideration. Efforts to make
it appear that he is planning to step
forward as an anti-administration
leader , with the hope that he may be
called on to become a candidate for
president , is , it is said , especially dis
tasteful to him.
Colonel J. S. Culver , of Springfield ,
who is rebuilding the Lincoln monument
ment at that place , and who built the
Illinois monument of the .battlefield of
Chickamauga , has -written the gov
ernor or Indiana , offering without ex
pense to the state to erect a substan
tial monument at the grave of Nancy
Hanks Lincoln , mother of the martyred
president , near Spencer , Ind. He of
fers large pieces of granite from the
Lincoln monument and a carload of
stone from the temporary vault in
which Lincoln's remains still rest while
his monument is being constructed.
George Kapp , a wealthy German far
mer , who lived seven miles west of
Ottawa , Kan. , shot and killed himself.
Senator Lodge introduced a Joint
resolution giving to the senior major
general of the army , while command
ing the army , the rank of lieutenant
general , together with the emoluments
and pay of that rank.
Governor Tanner of Illinois is com
pelled to go south in the interest of his
The house committee on judiciary
has adopted a resolution offered by
Representative Overstreet of Indiana
for the appointment of a special sub
committee on trusts.
The Chicago & Alton railroad bridge
Ecross the Sangamon river , south of
Petersburg , 111. , went down with an
extra freight train , five cars being
precipftated into the water.
The president has nominated Max J.
Baher of Nebraska , recently appointed
consul at Santos , Brazil , to be consul
et Madgeburg , Germany.
Plots Said to Exist at Many Points in the
Some of the Insurgent Conferring at tlio-
CnpHal Arrested I'MllbuwtcrH Land
Arms from China Prominent SpiiuJsii
Resident * In One Province Said to Aid
MANILA , March 19. General Otis
considers Manila the most trouble
some center in the situation today.
The insurgent junta here , , in conjunc
tion with that in Hong Kong , is grow
ing active.
The military authorities have been
forced to put a stop to Mabini's inter
course with the public. The local and
foreign press considers his recent ut
terances calculated to incite the Fil
ipinos to a continued revolt and prej
udicial to American control.
Flores , who has just arrived here ,
says he comes trusting to American
leniency and that he would not have
dared to come to Manila if Spain were
yet in control. He cherishes the hopes
and aspiration which actuated him
when in the field and desires to watch
congressional action on the question
of the Philippines.
The insurgents do not expect to
vanquish the Americans , but are main
taining a resistance with the idea of
forcing congress to accord them the
best possible terms.
A number of representative insur
gent leaders from different parts of
Luzon have recently been in confer
ence in Manila. Some have been
placed under arrest , but the others
thus far have not been interefered
Louis Spizel , head of the firm of
Louis Spitzel & Co. , contractors to the
Chinese government , and himself a
suspected filibuster , came from Hong
Kong to Manila last week and was
temporarily detained in custody on
suspicion. It is asserted upon good
authority that three loads of arms
and ammunition have recently been
landed en the east coast of Luzon Cap
tain Taylor of the Thirty-ninth regi
ment captured twelve new Mausers
near Calamba.
Reports are current here of active
rebel reorganization in the province of
Morong , where the insurgent leaders
are said to be assisted by prominent
Spanish residents.
Inhabitants of this province who are
now in Manila have "been advised not
to return to their homes , but to remain
under the protection of the Americans.
It is also reported that the rebels are
organizing in the province of Zam-
bales , under Mascardo. *
Brigands are committing atrocities
in the province of Nueva Eciga , where
they have murdered twenty natives
and Chinamen. Eight other murders
have been committed near Tarlac.
The Nueva Eciga insurgents are
heavily taxing farmers and local trad
ers , Avith the result { hat business is
paralyized and there is a general scarc
ity of food. The funds for maintain
ing this guerilla warfare are collected
from the various towns of the island ,
whether occupied by Americans or not ,
even including Manila.
In the province of Albay the insurgents -
gents have ceased harrassing the Americans - j
icans , owing , it is reported , to a lack I
of ammunition , but they continue ravaging - |
aging the country by burning and loot- j
ing. The natives are tiring of this |
sort of thing and threaten to turn j
against the marauders. Already the !
townspeople of Legaspi , Albay and
Donzol are slowly returning to their
homes. j
Major Allen of the Forty-third reg
iment has been appointed military
governor of the island of Sarnar ,
where Lukban , the former leader of
the rebels in that locality , is still in
the mountains.
General Kobbe has opened twenty
ports in the southern part of Luzon
and in the islands of Samar and Leyte ,
the result of which is to stimulate
trade there , although only temporarily
as the country opened _ is nonproductive
tive and apparently non-consuming.
Owing to the political conditions of
the last few months , products accumu
lated during the blockade. These will
be shipped to Manila and then the
ports will be empty.
Jury Returns a Verdict of Murder In the
First Degree.
LEXINGTON Nob. , March 19. The
jury in the Dinsmore case agreed upon
a verdict at 4:30 Saturday morning.
Judge Sullivan and the attorneys in
the case were awakened and the pris
oner was brought in. By this time it
was 5:15. The foreman presented the
verdict as follows :
"We , the jury , duly sworn and im
paneled in the above entitled case , do
find the defendenat , Frank L. Dins-
more , guilty as charged in the information
mation of murder in the first degree |
and we do further find that said de
fendant shall suffer death for said of
fense. "
( Signed. )
"I. A. M'NBAL. Foreman. "
Pay Tribute to Ilayxrnrd.
WASHINGTON , March 19 In the
house Saturday Kahn of California
called up a bill to provide for the pur
chase by the Keeluk Packing company
ol a strip of land in Alaska used by
ihe company for the last twenty years.
The bill was passed.
Burkett of Nebraska then presented
resolutions in memory of the late'Mon-
rce L. Hayward , senator from Ne
Julia Arthur Ketln-s.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , March 19.
B. C. Cheney , husband of Julia Arthur ,
the actress , last night announced her
retirement fr m the stage for the sea-
sicn , and perhaps permanently. All
dates have been cancelled and the com
pany disbanded.
Gatacro Force Advancing.
BETHULE , March 19. General Gat-
acre's scouts have occupied Springfon-
tein. The country is clear of the en
emy. The main column is following
the scouts.
Two Federal Officers Leave to Ask for
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , March 19. The
two governors of Kentucky were en
tertained in this city today. Messrs.
Taylor and Beckham both insisted
that they had come to Louisville on
purely personal business and that their
visits had no political significance.
They spent the day quietly , though
both received numerous calls from
their political and personal friends.
Governor Taylor and his associates
among the republican party leaders
are very close-mouthed as to the na
ture of the mission on which Surveyor
of the Port C. M. Barnett and Collector
OL' Internal Revenue Sapp left for
Washington last night after their con
ference with Taylor , but there is little
doubt it has to do with the national
administration's recognition of the
state officers. The latter do not con
ceal their purposes to hold on to their
positions until the United States su
preme court has passed upon the question
tion of their right to hold them.
They do not intend to surrender the
state buildings and records after a de
cision by the state court of appeals , if
that court should decide against them.
1 here has been some talk that the
democratic officers may try to exercise
their functions in earnest in case they
are upheld by the court of appeals ,
which they regard as the court of last
resort in their cases and it is believed
the republicans wish to know the feel
ing of the national leaders of their
party toward their policy.
The governorship case is still in the
circuit court of this county. Judge
Field is expected to dispose of it this
week , when it will be taken to the
court of appeals. A week or two more
will be consumed by the proceedings
before that court.
Governors Taylor and Beckham will
return to Frankfort tomorrow.
Work Is Engaging all the Time of Rob
erts lit I'ri'hcnt.
LONDON , March 19. Tl.e peaceful
conquest of the Orange Free State
1 ' 'egresses so evenly that it is now
believed there will be little or no
i'ghting until Lord Roberts reaches the
Vaal river. How soon he intends t3
siart out with this objective is not
yet hinted at , but the pacification o ?
the Free Staters seems now engaging
all his attention. When the move
comes it will doubtless be accom
plished with the secrecy and swiftness
vhich have characterized all the Brit
ish advances since Lord Roberts as-
cnmed command.
In 'the meanwhile the fate of Mafe-
Hr.g remains unknown.
The revolt cf the Cape Dutch in the
northeast seems to have had its back
broken and it is likely General Kitch
ener will soon resume his place besicK.
his chief.
The lull that lets the British troops
in Natal and the Free Stale recuper
ate brings no rest to the engineers ami
U'ansport service. Girourd , the young
Canadian officer , who rules supreme
over the railroads , is now putting his
system to the most severe test , in an
endeavor to pour supplies from Cape
town to Bloemfontein.
Commandant Oliver , affer leaving
Burghersdorp , went to Rouxville ,
vhere he is now reported to be with
only a small force.
Dr. Leyds , the diplomatic agent of
the Transvaal , -has disappeared from
Brussels. According to a Globe spe
cial he is believed to have come to
London , but nothing is known here
about his arrival.
It seems scarcely likely that hs
would jump into the lion's mouth ami
the energetic Boer representative is
more likely to be sono heard of ac
one of the other European capitals.
One Hundred Thousand Machinists to He
Ordered to strike.
CHICAGO , March 19. After the
conference between the representatives
01 the International Association of
Machinists and the administrative
council of the National Metal Trades'
association ended at 1:30 : o'clock this
morning , Pre.-ident O'Connell of the
union declared that strikes would be
called immediately in all parts of the
United States ami Canada. Such
strikes would involve 100,000 men and
cause to be shut down for an indefinite
period plants having an aggregate
capacity of millions of dollars daily.
AVheclvr Affair is Mixed.
WASHINGTON , March 19. It is evi
dent that an effort is being made by
some of the administration officials to
induce General Wheeler to "withdraw
his request for immediate action upon
his resignation. It is intimated that
this effort is attributable solely to an
interest in the personal welfare of the
In this connection it is recalled that
the president has had it in mind to
ask congress for special legislation
empowering him to retire General
Wheeler , General Lee and another ,
brigadier general of volunteers , with
the rank of brigadier general in ill * .
icgular army.
An Exposition for Kansas.
TOPEKA , Kan. , March 19. Kansas '
will have a big exposition in 1904 in
celebration of the territory of Kansas.
Steps in that direction have already
been taken. The Topeka Commercial
ciub has presented the matter to the
executive council of the state and the
latter will issue a call for the organ
ization of a committee to promote
the enterprise. The committee will be
composed of one member from each
county in the state.
Dewey Taking- Trip South.
WASHINGTON , March 19. Admiral
alid Mrs. Dewey left here tonight for
? i trip south. They expect to Visit
Savannah , Mocan , St. Augustine , Jack
sonville and Palm Beach. The ad
miral and Mrs. Dewey probably will
not return to the city until the lat
ter part of next month , at which time :
it is said they will sail for Europe ,
visiting the exposition some time dur
ing the summer. Mrs. Dewey has
been made chairman of the battleship
committee in aid of the children's Eas
ter festival for the Cuban orphan
- .
General Eoberts Promises to Soon be in
the Transvaal Capital ,
Soldiers of Clements and Pole-Carreu
Will Harrison lilouiufontciii Many
Burghers Have Kxprcssed Their Inten
tion of Lnylnp Down Their Arms.
LONDON , March 17. With the rail
way communication to the Cape in
tact , Lord Roberts will in a very few
days be in a position to begin the ad
vance on Pretoria. His deep political
intuition , combined with his bold strat
egy , is having the result desired in the
southern sections of the Orange Free
Slate , which are rapidly calming down
Mafeking is now the only point foi
anxiety , and as it is known that a force
bas left Kimberley its relief may be
announced before many days pass. The
efficacy of the relieving column is
iteightened by the fact that it is partly
composed of regulars.
In the lobbies of parliament last
evening it was rumored that Lord Rob
erts is about to issue a proclamation
announcing that the former system of
government in the Orange Free State
is abolished and promising the Fro
Staters who immediately surrendere l
( . 'lie ' consideration.
It is understood that all the conti
nental powers , with one exception , un
compromisingly refused to intervene
The exception was Russia , whose re
ply was couched in less firm language ,
although , like the others , she declined
to interfere. It is said the pope als-j
\ as appealed to , but he declined to do
nny thing beyond writing a letter 'to
the queen , appealing to her to stop the
further effusion of blood. Dr. Leyds'
efforts with King Leopold were quite
The possibility of the destruction of
Johannesburg is still discussed here ,
hut it is stated that the French and
German shareholders Avould offer a
strong protest.
The latest development of the sur-
lender of Bloemfontein show that the
approach of the British caused a stam
pede. Thirteen trains , each composed
of forty cars , and all crammed with
Boers , hurried northward just before
the line was cut.
Mr. Steyn would have been compelled
to surrender , but he pretended that he
was going to visit one of the outposts ,
i'nd at midnight took a carriage which
was waiting for him outside the town
and thus escaped. The Boers got the
bulk of their wagons and military
stores away.
Lord Roberts' success in handling
the civil problems at Bloemfonteiii
r > nd the manifest equanimity with
vhich the residents of the capital of
the Orange Free State accept the Brit
ish occupation momentarily eclipse in
interest the military situation. It is
believed here that the commander-in-
chief of the British forces in South
Africa will soon push on to Pretoria
but Great Britain is quite content to
listen for a few days to the acclamation
of the people of Bloemfontein and per
mit the troops to enjoy a few days'
rest before expecting further success.
Lord Roberts made a quaint speech to
the Guards at Bloemfontein today ,
when , in his first congratulatory words
he expressed pride i" their splendid
march of miles in
thirty-eight twenty-
eight hours , and gave ample assuianco
of his ultimate design.
"Through a small mistake , ' ' said
Lord Roberts , "I have not been able
to march into Bloemfontein at the
head of the brigade , as I intended. I
promise you , however , that I will lea-.I
you into Pretoria. "
To Ask to Be Sworn in as Representttive
After His Resignation.
WASHINGTON , D. C. March 17.
General .100 Wheeler a- rived in this
city this mornihsr fron Atlanta , Ga.
He callfil ar the wai- department
this afternoon. In the absence of
Secretary Root ho if.orted formally
to Adjutant General CorUn , thus com
plying with die crdor iiom the de
partment , which brought him from
Manila to Washington. The general
was in the uniform of a brigadier
general of the volunteer army.
He looked the picture of health ;
better than when he left Washington
for Manila. He gave General Corbin
a brief description of the conditions
in Luzon when he left. He insisted
that the war was over and that noth
ing more was to be done except to run
down a few guerrillas and irregulars.
There was difficulty in this work , he
said , and there was danger , too , but
its prosecution was not "war. " Am
buscades were frequent and annoying
and it was not easy to tell whether
the hidden force was strong or weak ;
three or four men had been mistaken
for a company in some cases.
The general said that the American
troops are doing splendid work there.
I hey are sound and healthy and in
quite as good shape as they would
be at home , engaged in similar ser
vice. This was owing in a measure
to the excellent care for their men
exhibited by officers and to the watch
ful precautions of the staff of the
House 1'asscs Small Hills.
WASHINGTON , March 17 The
first private bill in the house under
the new rule was considered today.
Iwo hours were spent in the discus
sion of a bill to pay Representative
Hwanson ? 1,7G9 for extra expenses in
curred by him in hi3 contest in the
last congress , but the bill was ultimately
mately abandoned. Six bills of minor
importance were passed.
The Quny Vote In Two "Weeks.
WASHINGTON , March 17. Mr. :
Hoar in the senate , renewed hJs re- ;
luest of yesterday that a date be fixed
[ or the taking up of the case relating
to the seating of Mr. Quay , and asked
hat the time , be fixed at two weeks ;
Tom next Tuesday , the consideration
) f the case not to interfere with appro
priation bills , conference reports , un-
inished business or the Spooner bill r
conferring authority upon the presi-
lent to govern the Philippines. The e :
request was agreed to.
Umaliu , Chicago and Now York Market
OuotatlonH. ,
SOtJTII OMAHA , March 10. Feeding
cattle were In good demand , ! : ' tlmt
has been true of every day the i > a i week.
The feeder market did not break with cattle , and feeders have Hold at good
ilrm prices. Cows and heifers were also
in good demand and the market was ac
tive ftt prices showing just about the
same Improvement as fat cattlu. Good
kinds of cows , heifers and can1"nro
now pretty nearly as high as they were
before the decline of Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Beef steers , $3.25 < 8-1.70 : cows ,
81.50iH.00 : cows and heifers. $ :5.DOM.OO : ;
heifers. ? 3.5 < Vj ? 1.25 : bulls , $2.75ft3.75 ; culves ,
$1.7&S7.SO : stock calves , U.OOfffl.oO ; v'ock
cows and heifers , J2.70fjl.25 ; stockera u/id
feeders. $3.50J4.70.
HOGS Everything was sold anil
weighed up at an early hour. A largo
proportion of the hogs sold at $ l.2 > , < : fi >
was at $1.771.80. . It was rather a mean
market for sellers to operate upon Inas-
4 * ' ! / ! . while the long string yesterday
much as there was no reason early for
expecting so much , if any , advance and
for that reason some hogs were sold at
the very start at prices that were but
little better than the previous day. The
advance carries the market to a point
as high as It has been any time this
year and the highest that it has been for
tills time of the year since Ib'JX
SHEEP Quotations : Choice handy
weight yearlings , $6.1 ? 6.25 : good to
choice fed yearlings , | ( ; .CU1(6.15 ; fair to
good yearlings , $ o.srit(6.00 ; good to choice
wothers , ? 5.C5fjS.i)0 ( ) ; fair to good wethers ,
J3.50'55.75 ; good to choice fed ewes , Ja.lG'fa
3.35 ; fair to good ewes , $4.90'I5.15 { ; good
to choice native lambs , ? 7.00'5.7.10 ; good
to choice western lambs , $ O.S5fi7.00 : fair
to good western lambs , Jj.50fi.75 ( | ( ! ; feeder
wethers , ? 4.501(5.00 ; feeder yearlings , $5.00
< Ti5.GO ; good to choice feeder lambs , $5.25
Choice grades , shade higher ; plain grades ,
steady ; heavy native steers , $4.50'f/5.oo ' ;
lightweights , $ -1.15 $ 1.C5 ; stockers and
feeders ( J3.50tJ5.25 ; butcher cows and heif
ers , $3.3jfH.25 ; canners , $2.50 3.25 ; fed
westerns , $4.0.V < M.r 0 : western feeders , ? I.OO
1.50 : Texans , $ l.yyfi-l.0a.
HOGS Market active , S'filOc higher ;
high mark of year reached ; heavy. 54..r f4 >
. . .00 ; mixed , Sl.SOfN.SO ; light , $4.55 4.90 ;
pigs , $4.25 ( 4.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS. Quality poor ,
prices averaged steady ; Colorado Iambs ,
? G.7r < fiO. 0 ; yearlings. JG.OOfjS.30 ; muttons ,
55.20fi5.G5 ; stockers and feeders , $1.00110.00 ;
culls. $3.00@4.00.
ket generally firm ; natives , good to
prime steers. ? 4.75fj5.SO ; poor to medium ,
i4.OufH.CO ; selected feeders , strong , ? 2.10fJ
4.SO ; mixed stoekers , strong , $ > . IOfi3.5Q ;
cows , steady , S3.GOfi-l.25 ; heifers , $3.:5'u450 ;
canners. $2.4U < S.95 : ; bulls , $3.00i/1.25 ; calves ,
HOGS Averages fully 5c higher ; high
est hog market since July. 1F95 ; mixed
and butchers. $ ! .S51 5.12JA : good to choice
heavy. $5.00'5.21rough heavy. $4.85 ®
4.5 ! ; light , $4.SOf25.02' ; bulk of sales , $3.00
fj'5.05. '
SHEEP AND LAMBS. Lambs , steady ;
good to choice wethers , S5.75fn5.00 ; fair to
choice mixed , $5.00f(5.50 ; western sheep ,
? 5.r.OTff > .M : yearlings , $5.t,0f < .50 ; native
lambs , ? 5.50ti7.25 ; western lambs , $ ij.00fp
CHICAGO. March 10. WHEAT No. 3
ipringGSfiCBc ; No. 2 rod , G9f69VLc.
CORK No. D , 3G ic ; No. 2 yellov.- , SC'/A"
OATS No. 2 , 23. . < ? I2-i1/4c : No. 2 white ,
2C271'1c < ; No. : i white , 25. . < ! t2 < i1/ic.
RYK No. 2. 3UV-C.
BARL.EY No. 2. ? .GVic < t 12c.
SEEDS Flaxsectl. No. 1 and northwest ,
§ 1.6. . Prime timothy , $2.42 L' . Clover , con
tract grade. JS.30J8.40.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . $10.-
.7) ) 11.15. Lard , per 100 Ibs. $3.OffC.02vf. ! ) .
Short ribs sides ( loos-e ) . $3.KitB.20. Dry
salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $ t > .25'iG.50. Short
clear sides ( boxed ) . ? G.30f G.40.
March closed at 77'/8c : May. 73 4fi73c.
eloped at 73' c ; July , 73 o-lGt 73&c ; Sep
tember. 7 : ' . % 731/ic , closed at 13 , ' c.
CORN On reports of a liberal export
trade the market rallied , and closed firm
at 'ic advance : May , 42iTi-52I/2C , closed at
42c : July. 42Vfcfi42c , closed at 42c.
OATS Spot , steady : No. 2. 2SUc ; No. 3 ,
lYJHc : No. 2 white , :52c : ; No. : ! white. 3i/2c ;
track , mixed western. 28fi20V&c : track ,
white western. Sl'.iSSoHsc : track , white
state ,
Uundonald' Cavalry Forces Succeed in
Fimlinic Opponents.
LADYSMITH , Friday , March 19.
Dundonald's cavalry patrols reconnoi-
tcred the Free State border of Basu-
toland to DeBeers pass , where a slight
skirmish occurred , in which two Brit
ish were wounded.
The Boers were concentrated m
strength at Van Reenen's pass and
Tintwa's pass.
Kaffirs arriving here report that the
i3oers are manifesting a vindictive spir-
ir under defeat and that many kraals
hitherto respected have been burned.
The German ambulances attached to
the Boer forces were found near Mod-
fler spruit , having been abandoned by
the Boers because they were unable to
' \eep pace with the They were
'wrought into camp , where the wounded
were cared for. Transports were sub-
cequently supplied and the ambulances
' .ore sent to the Boer lines.
Londoners Confident that Hostilities AVill
Cease In May.
LONDON , March 19. Predictions
and bets are being made that the
var will be ended by the middle of
The news from South Africa today
s entirely satisfactory to the British
public. The relief of Mafeking is not
yet announced , but this may have beei
already accomplished by Colonel Plu-
ner's advance. Lady Charles Ben-
tmck , at Capetown , has received a tele
gram from her husband in Mafekins
oated March 12 , saying that he ex"-
pected to join her shortly.
The actual relief movements have
'ot been publicly developed in detai' ,
but it seems that Lord Methuen only
fctarted very recently and is rather en I
raged in dispersing the Boers of the
'istrict ' than aiming at actual relief.
( > ooft I'rirfs for Horses.
RAPID CITY , S. D. , March 19. Two
arloads of average range horses were
old to Sioux City parties last week
by Frank Stanton of this city , the
iverage price being § 60 per head. The
rice received is much higher than
Sias been received for some time.
Total Uoer I.os , es.
PRETORIA , March 19. The chief of
he intelligence department , Molen-
raff , announces that the federal losses
irior to the relief of Kimberley and
Ladysmith were : Killed , 677 ; wound-
d , 2.129. Accidents , sickness and other
lisabling causes , he asserts , brines the
ctal to 4,351.
Railroad Is Reopened.
VANZYL , Friday , March 19. The
ailroad has been reopened from
Bloemfontein to Novarlspont. Gen-
ral Pole-Carew and the grenadiers
lave just arrived at Norvalspont.
© f th ® Bi@@sS
of nil the
certain percentage
Come to a
76 cent. of them
people. Probably per
people are cured every year by Hood s
6arsaparillc , and wo hope by this
advertisement to get the other 2o per
cent , to take Hood's Saraaparilla. It
has made more people well , effected
more wonderful cures than any other
medicine in the world. Its strength
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its marvelous cures of
Scrofula SaltRhoum
Scald Head Bolls , Pimples
All kinds of Humor Psoriasis
Blood Poisoning Rheumatism
Catarrh Malaria , Etc.
AH of which are prevalent at this season
You need Hood's Sarsaparilla now
It will do you wonderful good.
Is America's Greatest Blood Metf.clne.
Do Your Foot Ache and Burn ?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-
East , a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S.Olmsted.LeRoy , N. Y.
Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
Mrs. "Wlnslow'B Soothlnff Syrnp.
7or children tcethlnB. softens tno Rums , reduces In-
tiainmatlon , allays pain.cures wind colic. 2oca bottlo-
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
Yesterday A memory or a night
Tliqrc is more disability and
helplessness from
than nny other muscular ail
ment , but
. Jacobs
has found it the easiest and
promptest to cure of any form
Be Wonder
ol lii :
No Boiling NoCooklnij
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It polishes the Goods
It makes alt garments fresh and crisp-
ai T/hen lirst bought new.
Try a Sampio Facka-re
You'll like it if you try it.
You'll buy it if you try it.
You'll use It If you try It.
Try It.
Sold by all Grocers.
April 2d.
L !
Commercial and
Shorthand iHepe
Bee Building OMAHA , NEB
Complete Business Course
Complete Shorthand Course
Complete Typewriting Course
Complete English Course
Ladies and Gentlemen who desire
it will , upon application , be assisted to
positions to earn board while in at
tendance. Catalogues mailed free.
S & 3.5O SHOES
V/orthS4 to S6 compared
\ with other makes. '
.Indorsed by over
> l.OOO.OCO wearers.
Thegenufnc have W. L.
Douglas * name and price ]
stamped on bottom. Take {
no substitute claimed to be
as good. Your dealer
should keep them if
not , we will send a pair
on receipt of price and zsc/- . * , , .
extra for carnage. Stte kind ot leather ,
1 , a d vndth , plain or can toe. Cat. free.
W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton , Hiss.
' " " " * * r KM V U
Union soldicrsand widows of soldiers who tnadf
ipmestead entries before June 22,1874 of less that
60 acres ( no matter if abandoned or relinquished )
f they havt not soM their additional homesteac1
ights , should address , with full particulars , giv *
ins district , &c. HSU2T K. COP. Viiib : : . D. C.