- f EIGHTEENTH YEAR McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 23 , 19OO. NUMBER 45 For Deaf and Dumb. According to all the information , re ports and estimates obtainable , there are in Nebraska a large number of deaf children not in school. Many parents of deaf children permit them to grow up in ignorance , not knowing that it is pos sible for them to receive an education , or that the state provides such education as freely for the deaf as for the hearing. We take this opportunity to call our readers' attention to the fact that Ne braska has a school for the deaf and dumb , located at Omaha. That the school is absolutely free for the deaf and dumb of Nebraska. That pupils 'deaf or dumb to such an extent that they cannot acquire an education in the pub lic schools , are entitled to admission into this institution. The school occupies six large brick buildings , located upon large and spa cious grounds , about five miles northwest from the postoffice , but within the Oma ha city limits. Twenty teachers are employed to give instruction in the liter- nrjr , articulation , art and industrial schools. It is the earnest desire of the manage ment to bring into this institution every deaf or dumb boy or girl that may be entitled to the benefits of an education there. Tax-Payer. Take Notice ! Your personal tax lor the year 1899 has become delinquent , and is now drawing ten per cent interest. . Your personal tax should be paid promptly each year by YOU and EVERY OTHER TAX-PAYER. The sooner it is paid after delinquency , the less it is , and the better satisfied are both yourself and the treasurer. An active effort will be made to keep the financial condition of the county up to its present high standard. Forcing the collection of the tax is neither a pleasure to the tax-payer nor to the col lector. Please attend to this matter NOW. Yours very truly , O L > . THOMPSON , County Treasurer. P. S YOUR REAL ESTATE TAX WILL IIKCOME DELINQUENT MAY FIRST. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoflice on March i8th : G. L. Tappen , G R. Perkins , P. Michels , I. F Kenedy , I. G. Kelly , W. G. McBride , Henrj- Bauer , W. A Brackbill , Charles Shepherd , Jas. F. Hardeman , Miss Maude Deuillers. In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster. Free to New Subscribers. As long as they last , from this date , all new subscribers to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE will receive a series of U. S. navy portfolios , 12 in all , free. "These portfolios originally sold for $1 20 a series. They are splendid pictures of Uncle Sam's victorious navy. The sup ply is very limited , and the offer only stands until the present stock is gone. We can't duplicate them. Death of an Aged Man. Lorenzo Brown , father of H. C. Brown , living OL. the "Jew" ranch , a few miles southwest of the city , died on Tuesday morning of gangrene , after great suffer ing. Services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Badcon , Wednesday afternoon , at the farm. The remains were shipped to Crete , Thursday morning on 2 , for burial. The deceased was 72 years of age. Did Better the Second Time. The first appearance of the Black Crook company in our city , Monday night , was somewhat of a frost , trace able largely , it is claimed , to a misunder standing of the merits and character of the performance. By request , the com pany played again on Tuesday night , tea a good house , giving quite general satis faction. The play is claimed to have been one of the most meritorious given here in a long while. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Lida Simpson , an experienced dressmaker , will be associated with Mrs. E. E. Saddler , milliner , after March 20th , and they respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Satisfaction guar anteed ; prices reasonable. Third door south of postoffice. Heilo Centra ! ! Give us everybody on the wires ! Mc- Millen has the largest line of wall paper he has ever had. New designs ; new colorings ; at prices that please. A. McMiLLEN , Druggist. For Sale. Five-room house , barn , two lots , hedge and fruit trees ; fine location corner of Dakota and Manchester streets , McCook. Write H. G. DIXON , Kennett Square , Penn. Seed Wheat for Sale. Velvet Chaff seed wheat for sale. Call on or write to E. F. Couse , five miles northeast of McCook , Neb. 3-16-21 To the Public. The drug stores will continue to close at S o'clock , except on Saturday nights and pay-day. The Cash Bargain store's delivery horse "got gay , " Wednesday , at the freight house , throwing out the delivery boy , Eatl Spencer , and Harry Campbell. Earl sustained a fractured arm at the left elbow and Harry was slightly skinned up. Miss Flora Hancock has returned to McCook , after spending several weeks trimming in St. Joe. She will receive her many friends , Wednesday evening , March a8th , at the millinery opening , third door south of postofSce. People who want the"top-notcher" in ranges use nothing but the Great Majes tic. There is no use looking further. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MRS. GEORGE S. SCOTT has been quite ill for the past week or two. MR. AND MRS. JOHN GRANNIS ar rived home from Chicago , Sunday. STATE SENATOR ALLEN of Arapahoe was with us briefly , last Friday night. Miss SELMA NOREN arrived home , Tuesday night , from her Lincoln visit. MRS. MABEL STRA'NAHAN arrived home , Sunday noon , from Cincinnati. S. W. GUYER of Charles City. Iowa , is the new clerk in C L DeGroff & Co.'s. A. BARNETT went down to Beatrice , Wednesday night , on a flying business trip. trip.S. S. A. MOORE has purchased the W. J. Krauter dwelling , which he will occupy soon. 'MRS. MARY S. EATON is here from Denver , guest of her daughter , Mrs. James Shepherd. T. F. GoCKLEY has purchased a farm a few miles west of Danbury , and has just occupied the same. MRS. FRED DUDLEY is up from Lin coln , this week , visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Traver. MRS. EMMA EASTERDAY has pur chased the F. S. Wilcox dwelling , corner of Madison and Douglass. MAYOR KELLEY arrived home , Tues day night , from his trip to Washington city and other points east. MESDAMES V. H. SOLLIDAY and J. E. Bej'rer visited their sister in Oxford , Mrs. A. Clark , early part of the week. Miss GENEVEVA FEENY returned to Hastings , Sunday , after spending a few weeks here , the guest of Mrs. P. F. Mc- Kenna. H. W. COLE returned home , Sunday , from visiting Alliance , Cheyenne and other points in the interest of the Star of Jupiter. LITTLE WALTER MCKENNA came down from Denver , last Saturday night , and is visiting his uncle and aunt , Fath er and Miss Marie Hickey. Miss ELLA LEONARD enjoyed a brief visit from her parents , this week. They were guests of Agent Thomson , and left for their home , last night. MR. AND MRS. G. B. DIMITT have moved to town from the farm and are housed with their daughter , Mrs. J. A. Ranney , in the Frank Hess dwelling. J. H. O'NEiL and family departed , Monday , for their new home near York , this state. May they realize in their new farm home their brightest expecta tions. J. R. KINGHORN , wife and children of Box Elder departed , Monday morning on 2 via Lincoln , for Olympia , Washing ton , where they expect to make their home. MRS. WILLIAM ANDREWS of Table Rock , Nebraska , arrived in the city , a few days since , being called hither by the illness of her sister , Mrs. George S. Scott. A young son accompanied her. Miss JULIA RYAN entertained the "Awl-Os , " Tuesday evening , very hap pily. The attendance was somewhat limited on account of the church services and theatrical entertainment of the even ing. Miss EDNA DIXON came up from Lin coln , last Saturday night , to spend a week's vacation. She went up to Den ver , Tuesday afternoon , to visit part of the time with her aunt , Mrs. Frank Carruth. RECEIVER PIPER will go down to Lin coln , tonight , to attend the meeting of the state central committee , tomorrow , and to attend the banquet , tomorrow night , given by the Abraham Lincoln club of Lincoln. REV. AND MRS. T. L. KETMAN will shortly depart for Fremont , where he will occupy the pulpit of the First Bap tist church of that place. They will carry along with them the kindliest wishes of many friends. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m. Preaching services at II a. m. and 8 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7. J. W. WALKER , Pastor. CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany. Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m. Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock. Holy communion the first Sunday in each month. HOWARD STOY , Rector. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at ii. Y. P.S.C.E. at 7. Preaching at 8. Morning subject , "The Church an Institute for Humanity. " Evening theme , "Truth is Personal. " All are welcome. W. J. TURNER , Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m. Preaching at n and 8. Rev. F. C. Bing- hain of Hiawatha , Kansas , who comes by invitation of the pulpit committee for the purpose of looking over the field with reference to the pastorate , will preach morning and evening. Every body is invited , and the friends and members of the church are urged to be present. GEO. ScoTT , Pastor pro tern. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m. Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior League at 3. Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible-study , Wednesday evening. Morning subject , "Christ Triumphing on the Cross. " Evening subject , "Revival Service. " All are welcome. Doors of the church will be open to receive those who desire to unite with the church. J. A. BADCON , Pastor. Lear he sells wall paper. i ft VniM fSS y S An Ugly Accident. An ugly accident befel passenger train No. 5 , last evening about 8 o'clock , jus as the train was about to enter the yarc limits. No lives were lost and no one was seriously injured , but the property damage will tfe considerable. Freight train 150 had just shortly be fore arrived from the west and its engine and way-car had been disconnected from the train , leaving a string of cars on a side-track. While making up the third section of 77 , cars were shunted againsl this string of cars , which moved out ol the yard onto the main line , without the knowledge of the yard crew. At this juncture No. 5 came bowling along in the darkness at a lively pace , colliding with a coal car and grain car with great force. The engine wentinto the ditch , Engineer Dave Magner sus taining injuries to his back not of a ser ious nature ; Fireman Walt Godfrey es caped with but slight injury. The tend er was jammed into the mail car , the end of which was badly damaged. Mail Clerk Hollenbeck was squeezed by the tender about the legs and was not able to resume his run east on 2 , this morn ing.The The two freight cars were considerably smashed up and the baggage car slight ly. Coal and wheat were scattered all over the track in the immediate neigh borhood. All the passengers escaped serious or severe hurts , a number being bruised and cut slightly in the severe shaking up received. The work of clearing the track was at once commenced , and No. 3 was able to pass without delay. No. 5 passed on its way west about midnight. Engineer 227 was greatly damaged , and the wonder is that the engine crew escaped death. Though a regrettable accident , in its results it was most fortunate in that no lives were lost and the injuries so slight. Name a Good Ticket. Pursuant to call , the Republican elect ors of the city met in the city hall , last Friday evening , and placed in nomina tion a city ticket. C.f. f. Babcock presided over the cau cus , C. W. Barnes and E. O. Scott serv ing as secretaries. The caucus was largely attended and its proceedings were most unanimous and harmonious. The only contest of the evening was aetweeu F. D. Harding and J. A. Beyrer for the clerkship , in which the latter was victorious. Practically all the other nominations were made by acclamation , as follows : Mayor A. Barnett. Clerk J. A. Beyrer. Treasurer A. C. Ebert. Engineer C.I. Hall. Police Judge H. H. Berry. Members of board of education D. A. Lucas and Harmon Thompson. Councilnien , First ward S. A. Moore ; Second ward W. T. Coleman. Communications were read from the Abraham Lincoln club of Lincoln ex- .euding an invitation to attend the club Banquet in Lincoln on the 24th ; also rrorn Chairman Teft of the state Repub- ican central committee urging early and careful organization of the Republican forces ; recounting the encouragements of the situation etc. The Republican city committee is as follows : First precinct , First ward , H. H. Troth ; Second precinct , First ward , C. B. Gray ; First precinct , Second ward , F. M. Rathbun ; Second precinct , Second end ward , William Smith. The work of the caucus was quickly Derformed and with a unanimity that promises well for the success of the ex cellent ticket thus placed in the field. A Profitable Success. The banquet held in the opera house , ast Saturday evening , by the members of St. Patrick's parish , commemorative of their patron saint , was a large and jrofitable success. Supper was served "rom 6 to 11:30 ; dancing was in progress from 8:30 to 11:30 : , and both features were generously patronized the net re ceipts being in excess of one hundred dollars. The ladies have been generally com- ilimented upon the excellent and liberal repast served it was notably fine. The McCook orchestra provided the music for the dancing hence that part of the programme did not lack inspira tion and zest. Freight traffic is very heavy , just now : Tuesday there were three sections of 77 n and out of McCook and two sections r > f 63 , together with one extra train. Wednesday and Thursday , there were wo sections of both trains. There were sixteen trains on the board , yesterday , up to noon. The protracted meetings closed , Wednesday night. Evangelist Rowland returned to Colorado , Tuesday night. We hope good results will follow. You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co. are at the head of the procession when good meats are on parade. Try their market. Don't wait 'til the next shower before you think to fix that roof , but get some of Bullard's shingles and fix it now. Brakeman C. L. Smith returned , mid week , from subbing a few days on the Oxford-St. Francis run. Miss Lillian Fitz is'here from Chicago in charge of the trimming- rooms at Mrs. M. M. Delhunty's. The great Majestic is becoming a household word. Ladies' Bicycle shoes with cloth and leather tops at the "Model. " Chas. E. Johnson is a recent arrival from Arabia , Indiana. Corrugated carpet lining at Barnett's. Bicycle shoes at the "Model. " Buy your paints of Loar. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. L. W. Stayner was a visitor in Edgar , Saturday. Engine 160 is out of the shop after a general overhauling. E. G. Evans of Holdrege is a new brakeman on the list , this week. Supt. Campbell went in to Omaha , Wednesday on 12 , on railroad business. Passenger train 5 brought 75 passen gers into this station , Wednesday even ing. Mesdauies L. M. Best and O. D. Keith are visiting in Hastings , pnrt of this week. Trainmaster Kenyon went up to Den ver , Monday , on business , returning on 6 , Tuesday. Trainmaster Josselyn was up from Orleans , Wednesday , on business at headquarters. Brakeman John Hegenberger returned to work , Thursday morning , after a week's lay-off. C. S. Prosbasco , formerly in the ser vice , was here , Wednesday , greeting the boys at headquarters. J. A. Bingham , the McCook-Imperial postal clerk , spent Sunday in Lincoln , not visiting his mother. Brakeman and Mrs. M. S. Parks are enjoying a ten-days vacation visiting relatives in Red Cloud. Fireman Thomas Orton is having a dwelling house built on the corner of Douglass and Manchester. Martin Thorgrimson spent Sunday in Roggen , visiting his brother Albert , go ing up on 3 , Saturday"night. Conductors Tom and Bert McCarl have exchanged runs , Tom now being with the ballast train and Bert on the main line. Operator Bert Pate returned here , Tuesday , from visiting his parents in Hastings , going from here to his work n Beukelman. Supt. of Motive Power D. Hawksworth was up from Plattsmouth , Tuesday , look- ng after improvements now in progress at this division point. Machinist William Lydgate and Helper Ed Greshaui went down to Woodruff , Kansas , fore part of the week , to make some repairs on the rock crusher at that place. Engine I , receutly arrived from the Havelgck shops , has been undergoing some repairs in the shop here , this week. The new engine has the bad habit of runniiig hot not an uncommon exper ience , however , with new mills. Tom Wilkinson was a visitor , Sunday , among his'oldtime friends at Western division headquarters. Tom has been doing some theatrical work , lately 'breaking even" at Oxford in an enter tainment by local talent under his direc tion. Engineer F. W. Bosworth and Fire man Otis Shaffer came up from Hast- ngs , Saturday night on an extra. Their engine went into the shops here for re- : Dairs , and they did not return to their Hastiugs-Oberliu run until Wednesday evening. Conductor O. R. Amick has taken a ay-offofafew days and is moving into lis lately purchased dwelling in the northwestern part of the city. Road- : master Hagberg will soon occupy his own home thus vacated. Conductor S. ? . Dwyer has had way-car 47 , mean while. JerryFitzmorris , a Union Pacific en gineer , made a record-breaking freight un with engine 1717 , a few days ago. The riln/was made from Sidney to Ar s cher , a distance of ninety-four miles , c over a 2ooo-foot grade , in five hours and 8 ive minutes. Fifty minutes of the running - , ning time was made up. The train car ; ried i.opo tons. Referring to the approaching retire ment of John Roxby from the Burlington employ , last week , THE TRIBUNE uuin- entionally placed the date one month earlier than it should have. John will not retire until the last of June , and an nounces his purpose to celebrate one more Fourth of July with us before re- iring-to his farm and engaging in the > eaceful pursuit of chicken-raising. As soon as the war in Africa is over and the Boers are defeated , if that should ) e the result , the Burlington railroad will have agents in that country working up emigration to the United States. As the Boers have trekked before to escape English rule it is reasoned they will dose so again if they have the opportunity. lailroad managers believe that no class of people could do more to develop agri culture and stock-raising in the west. An emigrant agent will leave for the Transvaal soon. Omaha special. The following facts are given about he size of the two classes of new engines recently placed in service on the Union ? acific. The 1,500 class of engines has 21x30 inch cylinders , fiftyseveninch : drive wheels , weight , two gauges , 200- , ooo pounds , weight on drivers 165,000 jounds , capacity of tank 5,000 gallons , otal weight of engine and tank 305,000 jounds , or more than 150 tons. The ,700 class has cylinders 20x28 , fifty- seven inch drive wheels , weight of en- gine"two gauges , 168,000 pounds ; weight on drivers 124,000 pounds , capacity of ank 5,000 gallons , total weight 274,000 jounds. The much-talked-of line of the Eur- ington from Toluca , in Yellowstone counti , Montana , to Cody City , in the Jig Horn basin , Wyoming , has been au- horized by the directors of the Burling ton and the sum of $2.000,000 appropri ated for the work.- The new road will be known as the Big Horji Southern , and work will be commenced at once on its construction. The firm of Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins , it is stated , has been awarded the contract for the grading work..The line will be about 200 miles long. This line taps the newly devel oped irrigated district , and brings one western terminus of the Burlington very near the Yellowstone park. " Some pro fess to believe that this"line will event ually be extended to Salt Lake City. \ 3 A. Barnett for Mayor. The Republicans of McCook are to bt _ congratulated upon their nomination for mayor. In A. Baruett they have secured an ideal standard-bearer ; a business inai whose reputation extends far beyond the confines of the city that should take pleasure in honoring him with the mayoralty ; a clean and honorable am upright citizen devoid of narrowness and bigotry , known for his fair and lib eral views and broad-mindedness. Mr. Barnett is a man of individuality of force and conviction. As a business man of large interests in this city , he is preeminently qualified to administer the business affairs of this municipality. As a lover of law and an upholder of public morals , he will be able to give McCook as clean an administration as can be secured in fact and practice. Though not seeking the nomination , and in fact only accepting it after most urgent solicitation , Mr. Barnett will give the business of the city the same careful , intelligent and energetic attention that has made his personal affairs succeed and prosper , being willing to make the sacrifice from his business affairs for the good of the city. COURT-HOUSE MEWS. COUNTY COURT. The court has appointed Samuel Sim- uions guardian of Mamie Shulse. The State of Nebraska vs. John F. Helm , ( on complaint of James Cadoun ) charged with assault and threatening to shoot with a gun said complainant ; de fendant held to next term of district court in the sum of $200. The State of Nebraska vs. George F. Eifert , charged with selling liquors with- aut a license in the village ot Lebanon ; Jefendant was placed under bond in the sum of $1,500 to appear in the next term jf district court to answer to said charge , rhis hearing attracted keen interest and juite a number of witnesses appeared at .he hearing. DISTRICT COURT. The following filings have been made since last week's report. Thomas E. Scofield vs. Alice M. Sco- field , divorce. Ella M. Little vs. James E. Lawthers it al. ; equity. The State of Nebraska vs. John F. Helm ; criminal from county court. The State of Nebraska vs. George F. Eifert ; criminal from county court. Bishop Graves' Visit. The Right Rev. Ansou R. Graves of Kearney , bisliop of the missionary juris diction of the Platte , made one ot his jccasional visitations to McCook , Satur- lay and Sunday. The bishop is always i welcome and prized visitor to the parishioners of St. Alban's and that pleas- are extends to many outside that faith. Saturday evening , a charming , in formal reception was tendered the bishop it the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. rartsch , at which quite a large number jf citizens paid their respects to the nild-niannered , retiring , lovable man .vho presides over this diocese. The adies of the Thimble club assisted in ; erving the dainty refreshments spread. The bishop conducted services in St. \lban's chapel , Sunday. His sermons ilways hold the undivided attention of iis admiring auditors. The following named persons were : onfirmed by the bishop , Sunday morn- ng : Mrs. W. E. Corwin , Miss Dora Archibald , Miss Niles , Herbert Frey and fames Kilpatrick. A Dangerous Epidemic. Assaults and attempted assassinations ire becoming dangerously epidemic in Southwestern Nebraska as directed igainst newspaper men. The last news- mper man to esrape everything but a evere scare is Editor Ira Cole of the Cul- ) ertson Era , who was made the target of L nocturnal would-be assassin , last Fri- lay night. Two shots were fired from he sidewalk above down through the vindow and shade into the basement of- ice of the Era , one of them striking the > ook the editor was reading and the > ther just narrowly missing its intended rictini. Truly , it's becoming dangerous o be safe. Had to Succumb. The following leading farmers had to iuccamb to the unexpectedly low prices 5. M. Cochran & Co. are making on isters : Jacob Wagoner , Mat Droll , John tf , Smith , Marion Plunimer , T. J. Par- ons , Dan Doyle , S. W. Bell , Henry tfoers , C. O. Hale , George Troendley , tfels Buson , Fred Troester , J. M.Hender- on. And others have bought largely in ither lines. Isn't it about time for you o get in line , before the price advances ? Trees ! Trees ! Trees ! Our Colorado-raised trees and plants ire the best that can be grown. They jrow where others fail to live. Write for irculars on the Colorado mulberry , > lackberry , and the Black Giant prune ree. THE INTERNATIONAL NURSERY Io. , Denver , Colorado ; established n ears ; or to T. F. RO\VELL , Agent , Mc- : ook , Neb. Seed Wheat for Sale. Velvet Chaff seed wheat for sale , ier bushel. N. J. Johnson , ten miles outh of McCook. 3-23-213. Attention is directed to the circular etter from County Treasurer Thompson ippeariug elsewhere in this issue. This s an important matter as much so to he tax-payer as to the treasurer and ill persons concerned should give it > rompt attention. It is the part of wis- lom to keep your taxes paid up and t's economy , too. Have you bought your spring stock of > otatoes yet ? If not , come in and see iur stock and get our prices , and you rill not need to look any further. We ire too busy to say any more , this week. Yours for business , R. T. ELLER & Co. Bicycle , Tennis and Baseball shoes at he "Model. " MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. McMillen's Cough Cure is sure. Don't forget Loar's is the place. McMillen's Cough Cure is sure. Loar's Cough Killer does the work. We have stovewood to burn. Barnett's. New plaids for skirts at DeGroff & Co.'s. The season of milliner } ' opening is up on us. Hose repairs for 5 cents at S. M. Coch ran & Co.'s. Marbles , tops and house-cleaning are now in vogue. Garden hose best grades now in stock at F. D. Burgess' . To make your hands smooth and soft use McMillen's Cream Lotion. Now in stock a large display of hose and fixtures at F. D. Burgess' . SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Bst in the market. Speaking of "McCook's Finest , " don't overlook the Great Majestic. It's it. Best hose guaranteed by F. D. Burgess. * an be returned , if not as represented. HOUSE FOR SALE Seven rooms and three lots. J. H. IJERGE. Horse , carriage and household goods for sale. J. II. BERGE. Increase your supply of eggs by using McMillen's Egg Producer. Guaranteed. At F. D. Burgess' you have a large stock of rubber hose and fixtures to se ed from. Have you-seen the stock of stock tanks iiullard has ? You can save money if you my there. A great excitement over Loar's beau tiful line of wall paper. Don't fail to see it ; prices right. Hose nozzles , hose couplings , hose re pairs and all kinds of hose at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Speaking of long-felt xvants , a few Iwelling houses come under that head , n this city , at this time. Mrs. S. E. Griggs will return from Holdrege in May and will respond to any calls for nursing as before. Burk's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. .ravel in their own train of palace cars. Menard's opera house , April 5th. WANTED A girl for general house work. Inquire at residence of H. M. Tyler , North Manchester ave. 2ts. The display window of the "Bee Hive" las been lowered and other improve- nents made thereto , this week. "The Right Place" to call up is No. 12. You are sure of getting just as choice neats by phone as by personal inspec- ion. Those American clothes wringers at S M. Cochran & Co.'s , with rolls guaran- eed for five years , are all right so they all say who use them. The lawn season \\ill open , April I5th. Select your hose now. S. M. Cochran & Co. have a splendid stock and their > rices are right , all right , all right. We are prepared to furnish you with a house bill or any part of it you -may need. A visit to our yad will convince ou. BARNETT LUMBER Co. Ice cream will be served free during Vlrs. Saddler's millinery opening , Wed nesday evening , March 28th. Every- jody invited. Third door south of post- office. Think as you please about the time to ) lant potatoes and other garden "sass , " > ut when you want a fence to keep the chickens out , be sure you get the El- vood at Bullard's. It is not a debatable question but one of privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh & Co. , when in quest of the best the market affords in the meat line. They are prompt and accommodating in the bargain. Phone 12. People looking for a large range foi either cattle or sheep will do well to cor- espond with Arterburn Bros , of Imper- al , Chase county , Nebraska , as they lave several ranches for sale or lease in racts of 320 to 10,000 acres. The immense amount of hose that S. "M. Cochran & Co. have piled up in their tore would lead one to think that every- jody needed hose. It will make your > ocket glad to step in and get their ) rices , if you want any hose. C. W. Thomas , a recent arrival from \urora , Illinois , has purchased the Way- son restaurant on South Main. He will thoroughly overhaul and rearrange the restaurant and hopes in due season to give McCook what may be called a long- felt-want a first-class restaurant. The old soldiers are raising a fund of about $25 with which to make some im provements about the base of the sol diers' monument in Riverview cemetery. It is proposed to put a curb around the base and other improvements which will add materially to the appearance of that creditable monument. The parade given by Burk's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. is actually a novelty. It's worth coming miles to see. Burk's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. at Menard's opera house , April sth , is the largest and most complete company of its kind trav eling. Press and public with one accord pronounce this a grand production of Mrs.Stowe's immortal novel. The grand band concert you cannot afford to miss. Lear he sells pure drugs.