The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1900, Image 6

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A Story of Patriarchal Times. 'ft '
CorrnionTED 1890 , 1891 AJTO 1890 DT ROBERT BONXEH'S Soss. ft
CHAPTER II. ( Continued. )
She knelt behind the curtain of her
window as the troop came near , es
corting their leader to his home , but
her father knew this way of hers , and
sent a glad gmnce upward as he dis
mounted. Adina saw and understood
the look , and quick as thought , glanced
upward , too ; but while the look of
.Tephthah lingered on Namarah's case
ment , the look of the young man was
hastily withdrawn , and even In the
golden flush of the sunset the hue of
his cheek deepened. Namarah- saw
that it did , and the consciousness sud
denly reminded her that she was
thinking of some one else beside her
father , at the moment of his return
from battle , and that was a thing that
bad never happened before. She rose
to her feet and flew down the stairs
to meet Jephthah at the entrance to
his chamber , as the body of soldiers
passed onward down the street.
Into his arms she sprang , her soft
flesh crushed against the metal of his
armor , and her hands clasped tight
about his neck ; nor would she loose
her hold when he had kissed and fondled
dled her repeatedly.
"Dost thou love thy old father so
indeed ? " he asked. "And art thou
trembling ? Why , maiden , thou art
a soldier's child , and battles are his
daily work. Wilt thou never losft thy
timorousness ? Thou lovest thy old
father too much , my little one. Thou
ehouldst have some one else to spend
thy woman's heart upon. I would
fain see thee married , with a husband
and children of thy own to love. "
But at these words , behold the
maiden burst Into great sobs , and
clung to his neck weeping , and de
claring earnestly that she wanted no
husband she wanted no love that
would separate her from her father.
Then did Jephthah soothe and caress
her full tenderly , until the smiles had
scattered the tears , and she took his
armor from him , as was her custom ,
and led him to his favorite seat , that
he might rest
As she stood holding the great breast
plate in her little hands , she said sud
denly :
"Am not I as good an armor bearer
as the tall young man thou sentest
here this morning ? " Whereat she
laughed , softly and blushed again.
"That thou att , " answered Jephthah ,
fondly. "No one could perform the
office better than thou dost do it But
what thoughtest thou of the young
man Adina ? "
"He seemeth to be a soldier-like
young man enough , " Namarah an
swered , carelessly- and fell to polish
ing with a fold of her white gown the
shield-she was holding.
"Thou carest as little for him , I see ,
as for the others of his kind ; but , Na
marah , see that thou ever treatest him
kindly when he cometh in thy way.
But for his courage in the sudden at
tack this morning , thy father might be
with thee now dead instead of living. "
As he told the story of the young
man's bravery and self-devotion , Na-
marah's eyes grew brilliant , and her
breath came thick and fast ; and as
Jephthah dwelt upon the imminent
danger that had threatened both , a
look so terrified came into her face
that ho said again , as he had said so
often :
"Thou lovest thy old father too
much. "
It often happened , after this , that
the young man Adina would come to
the house in company with Jephthah ,
or by his ordering or permission , and
make his way to the great room where
were kept all manner of pieces of ar
mor and weapons , and other trappings
of war. And at times it transpired that ,
as he approached the house , Namarah
would be in the garden feeding her
doves. Sometimes ho would pass on
with only a gracious reverence to her ,
but again he would wax bolder and
come near" laughing with her to see
the white birds scatter at his approach ,
and then , as he would stand very still
by Namarah's side , settle back content
edly at her feet andgo on with their
breakfast. He delighted to see her
feed them from her mouth ; and they
soon grew so accustomed to him that
they would fly to her without heeding
him , sometimes perching for a moment
on his shoulders.and hopping thence to
"They are carrier birds , " she sajd
one morning , as he stood beside her
thus. She looked up in his face and
smiled , but quickly her eyes dropped
to the doves at her feet.
"Hast thou tested them ? " he asked.
"And will they , indeed , bear tidings to
thee from afar ? "
"Trulj , ! cannot tell thee of mine own
knowledge , " she made answer ; "but I
know it is their nature , and I feel as
sured that If one of my birds should be
taken far away it would return to me. "
"Maiden , I well believe it , " he re
plied. And at these words , so gently
spoken , lo , there came into her cheeks
again that treacherous rose-color
which he alone , or the mention of him ,
had power to summon there.
"Dost thou believe it ? " she made an
swer. "Then , truly , thou mayst test It
some day. When next thou goest on a
journey , thou mayst take one of my
white doves with thee , and we shall
see whether or not it will return. "
| So belt , maiden , " he replied. "There
is 'even now a message I would fain
send thee by it , had I the courage. "
And as he spoke he turned and left
her , before the wonderment his words
had roused found volce in speech.
"What message ? " she murmured
again and again , speaking in hushed
silence to her own heart as she wan
dered alone about the garden , or sat
with her maidens at her embroidery.
They were engaged upon the task of
working a rich vestment for the high
priest , and no one had so fine an eye
for the blending of colors , nor such
deft fingers in handling the brilliant
silk and golden threads with which
they wrought , as Namarah. But as she
sat at work today her mind and senses
were preoccupied , so that the silks got
tangled in her fingers , and the colors
were mismatched in a clumsy manner
that none had ever seen in Namarah
That evening , when her father Jeph
thah came home , there was a look up
on his face that made Namarah
anxious. When their evening meal was
ended , he called the maiden to him ,
and fondling her with more than his
usual lovingness , he revealed to her the
care he had upon his mind.
"I have not told thee of it , child , "
ho said , "because that I refrained to
cause tLee uneasiness until the time
were come ; but of late there hath been
great trouble and strife in the land of
Israel , and the children of Ammon
have made war against it And in con
sequence of this a strange thing has
happened unto me , foe , behold , the el
ders o'f Gilead have come to fetch me
out of the land of Tob that I may be
their captain to fight against the child
ren of Ammon. But I spake unto them
and said : 'Did ye not hate me and ex
pel me out of my father's house , and
why are ye come unto me now when
ye are in distress ? ' And the elders
of Israel said unto me : 'Therefore
we turn again unto thee now , that thou
mayst go with us and fight against the
children of Ammon , and be our head
over all the inhabitants of Gilead. '
Then said I'unto the elders of Gilead :
'If ye bring me home again to fight
against the children of Ammon , and
the Lord delivers them before me , shall
I be your head ? ' And behold they an
swered : "The Lord be witness between
us , if we do not according to thy
words. ' "
Now , as he spake , the maiden Na
marah had felt her heart within her
smitten with a great and mighty fear.
"Go not , my father , " she pleaded ,
hanging about his neck and hiding her
face against him. "Did not the elders
of Gilead thrust thee out and disown
thee ? Why goest thou then to fight
against their enemies ? "
But Jephthah answered and said :
"These be the enemies of the Lord ,
my daughter , who have lifted up their
hands against His people Israel , and I
must even go forth to meet them ,
strong in the power of his might"
But Namarah only wept and clung
to him , and said :
"Let my words find favor with thee ,
0 my father , and go not forth to battle ,
lest thou lose thy life , and I be left
alone and comfortless. "
"I would fain have thee take my tid
ings more submissively , my little one , "
made answer Jephthah , as he stroked
the masses of her unbound hair. "Thy
father Is a soldier , and thou art a sol
dier's child ; and I would have thee
gird my armor on , and wish me God
speed against the enemies of the Lord
and His people , trusting in His power ,
to bring me back , triumphant and vic
torious into thy arms again.
But Namarah seemed to get no com
fort from his words , and answered
only :
"Do not leave me. Thou art all I
have. "
"My child , my little child , " said
Jephthah , with a mighty sweetness in
his voice , 'if often grieves thy father's
heart that it is even so. Thou never
knewest a mother's care and love' , and
though , God knoweth , I have tried to
let thee * feel no lack of tenderness ,
yet often it doth trouble me that thou
hast on earth no binding tie of love
save this to me ; and it would even
fill my soul with comfort to see thee
wed to one who might worthily cher
ish thy youth and protect thy tender
ness. "
But Namarah , with her face still hid
against him , only shook her head , as
if in strong opposition to his words.
"Child , bethink thee , " Jephthah said ,
when he had gently kissed and stroked
her head in silence for a moment , "it
must never be for thee to die unwed ,
for who knows but the will and pur
pose of the great God may be that thou
shall be chosen among women to be
the mother of thy people's deliverer ?
It hath even seemed to me that in the
eyes of the Almighty thy meekness and
pureness and humility may have
found such grace , that this great hon
or , wherewith one woman is to be hon
ored above all others , may come to rest
upon thee. Forget not this , my daugh
ter , and order thy mind to become a
JB - _
true and loving wife , as thou hast been
to me a true and loving daughter.
Whether this glory above all glories
may be destined for thee or not , grieve
not thy father's heart by refusing to be
wed , so that he may see thee with thy
children about thee before he dletti
and sleepeth with his fathers. "
Namarah made no answer , but her
fluttering breath grew calm and though
shs spake no word to signify her ac
quiescence In his desires , yet neither
did she gainsay him any more , a thing
whereat her father marveled. How
ever , he spake not the thought that
was in his mind , but was thankful in
the silence of his heart
After these weak and faint-hearted
words , the brave spirit of the girl came
to her again , and she went about her
household duties , and particularly
the preparations for her fa
ther's going forth to war
with a courage even greater than her
wont. Her father she loaded more
and more with endearments and cares
ses , but she ever avoided speech about
his coming dangers in the field , except
that once she said to him suddenly ,
and with her head tent low over her
work :
"Will it be that thou takest with
thee thine armor-bearer the young
man , Adina ? "
And Jephthah answered : /
'Ay. "
"Then , " said she , with her head still
ben , , , "it is well done , for truly he hath
said to me that he would shield thy
body with his own. But go not into
danger , my father. Be careful of his
life and of thine own. " '
"Thou speakest unwisely , maiden ,
and not as a soldier's daughter. Thou
kuowest that in battle a brave man
must not shun the place of danger , but
if he trusteth in the Lord no harm
can hurt him. Adina also is a man
that feareth God , and therefore will we
trust to be delivered and brought home
in safety. "
"Amen ! " the maiden said , full rev
erently , and bent her head more lowly
yet , as one who prayeth.
The full moon rose o'er Jephthah's
garden on the eve of his going forth
to battle , and Jephthah's daughter
stood alone and held her heart to lis
ten. Her white robe fluttered In the
cool air of evening and clung about her
slender limbs ; and standing there , her
pale face settled into a mute repose ,
she looked like a 'fair white statue ,
clad in a wind-blown raiment. No
sound disturbed the stillness of the
night , except the cooing o'f the doves in
their house close by. But , after lonlg
waiting , there mingled with this the
tread of approaching footsteps. The
folds of her white gown trembled on
her breast , as if the heart beneath
them fluttered. Nearer came the foot
steps through the trees , beneath the
overhanging vines , until the moonlight
revealed the tall form and noble fea
tures of the young man Adina.
"Is it thou , 0 maiden ? " he asked ,
stopping a few paces from her. 'The
God of Israel bless thee that thou
heardest my prayer , and hast let me
speak to thee , before I go to battle.
Hast thou no thought , Namarah , of
the words I have come to speak ? "
The doves cooed and gabbled with
their little muttering sounds , but Na
marah answered not. They stood a
pace or two apart the maiden Nama
rah and the young man Adina but
still the silence was unbroken.
"Hast thou even brought me here to
break my heart , Namarah ? " the young
man said. "I love thee maiden , and
unless thou'It love me in return , the
God of Israel grant that I may fall in
battle , for my life is naught to me
without thee. "
( To be continued. ) "
master of the Steam.
There is one thing for which an en
gineer is noted. This is the absolute
obedience of orders. He is brought up
on that from the time he starts to fir
ing till ie becomes a graduate and
takes charge of an engine. Then he
becomes the instructor.of others , and ,
of course , never loses the main point
There is a story told illustrative of
this. Two men were applicants for
positions on one of the railroads in
Boston not long ago. They both want
ed to be engineers , and there was but
one place vacant The superintendent
before whom they appeared asked one
a question , which ran after this fash
ion : "Suppose you were on a siding
with orders for a train to pass. A
message would go over the wire that
the oncoming train for which you were
waiting was two hours late. What
would you do ? " The first one was
asked the question , and 'he pulled his
hat down over his face and said : "I
dunno. That is the conductor's job ,
not mine. " The superintendent said
he might leave his address , and if they
needed him they would drop him a
line. The second man was standing at
a respectful distance , with his cap in
his hand , and was asked the same
question. "I tell you , sir , " he said ,
"if the orders looked all right , and I
thought the signature r/as good and
all that , I would stand on that siding a
forever. I guess you had better re
port to the roundhouse for duty , " said
A young governess , going on a long
journey , was recommended , among oth
er means of precaution when passing
through a tunnel , always to put her ed
hand in the pocket inwhich she kept
her money , so that it might not be
stolen. She acted upon the advice , and be
on coming to a tunnel put her hand In
her pocket , but was startled on finding
it already occupied by another. She
grasped the intrusive hand and held it
firmly until the train emerged Into
daylight , when the gentleman sitting
next tocher explained , with a smile ,
that both hands were in his pocket
Weekly Telegraph.
A Labrador Boar Story Arab Legend
of the Good Deed That Caused the
Thorn to Blossom An K c-KatlnR
Snake The Compass Plant.
Lot Us Gather Op the Sunbeams.
( Old Favorite Series. )
Let us gather up the sunbeams
Lying : all around our path :
Let us keep the wheat and roses.
Casting out the thorns and chaff ;
Let us lind'our sweetest comfort
In the blessings of to-day.
With a patient hand removing *
All the briars from the way.
Strange , we never prize the music
Till the sweet-voiced bird has llown !
Strange , that < flypuld | slight the violets
Till the l9vef4flHrers | are gone !
Strange , that , Kw skies and sunshine
Never seeznJ HaV so fair
As when wini widjvy pinions
Shake the wq Hewn in the air.
If wo knew 'thej Ky fingers
Press'd agalnsJKhe window pane.
Would be col iapd jtif to-morrow ,
Never troublaWs galn ;
Would the brigni Qjes : of our darling
Catch the frown upon our brow ?
Would the , print of rosy fingers
Vex us then as they do now ?
Ah ! those little ice cold fingers.
How they point our memories back
To the hasty words and actions
Strewn along our backward track !
How those little hands remind us.
As In snowy grace they lie.
Not to scatter thorns but roses
For our reaping by-and-bye !
A Labrador Bear Story.
A writer on Labrador , In an article
in an American paper , tells the follow
ing bear story : A couple of winters
ago a young lad left the mission house
of Nain armed with only a small knife
and an old-fashioned muzzle-loader.
He encountered no game till several
miles from the mission , and his first
quarry was a thin , hungry-looking
grizzly. Either from nervousness or
overanxiety to secure the bear , the
boy fired carelessly , only inflicting a
flesh wound , which infuriated the crea
ture. Before the young hunter could
reload the bear turned and came dash
ing J upon his assailant. The proverbial
tree , which boy hunters climb in story
books , was lacking , and the hero fled
most unheroically , with the certain
knowledge that certain death was only
a l few yards behind , if he did not put
speed into his heels. The ill-luck of
] his first maladroit aim was repeated In
a clumsy fall over bowlders , during
which Bruin made such time the boy
could gauge how much his pursuer
gained j on him by the nearer sound of
something hulking over the rocks
closer and closer at every leap. The
trail was rough and uneven , but that
was a greater disadvantage to the boy
than to the bean With that versatile
presence of mind bred by daily dan
gers , the lad tore off one mit and flung
that behind. There was a momentary
halt , on the part of the grizzly and the
hunter made speed , but the way was
long , and his strength was giving out.
Presently he could hear the thud , thud
of the bear again in pursuit. Off
came the other mit , with the expected
result of another stop behind him , re
newed pursuit , and repetition of the
strategy till cap , coat , shot-pouch , shirt
and boots had been thrown back , and
giving the fagged runner a chance to
traverse the long distance to the mis
sion house. "He come run , run , run ,
run , panting to the door , " said the
Moravian minister's wife , shy and
modest as a nun , from long isolation in
the north , "mit-mit-mit how you call
it in English ? midout clos'es. "
"Naked ? " asked the astonished lis
tener. "Naked all but his gun , " an
swered the missionary's wife.
An Arab Legend.
Once upon a time , away out on the
desert , an Arab was traveling with a
caravan and a large amount of valua
ble silks and rich goods. He knew
that the portion of the desert through
which they were passing was frequent
ed by robbers , and he was anxious to
reach the end of his journey riefore
The men and the camels were all
weary , for they had come a long way
across the dry country , but now they
were looking more cheerful , for they
would soon be at a place where they
could rest and not fear.
The chief was leading the caravan
and looked carefully in every direc
tion , BO as not to be surprised by the
enemy. All at once he heard a cry of
pain , and , peeping around , saw a boy
not far from the path. "Are you sick ? "
asked .the chief. "I have a thorn in
my foot , " said the boy , "and I cannot
walk. " Then the chief got down from
the back of the camel and went to the
boy and gently drew the thorn from
his foot. He even delayed to cleanse
the sore and rub some ointment on the
wound made by the thorn. He Inquir
ed about how far the boy had to go
and if he had any money. Learning
that the boy had but little , he gave him
piece of gold and then went on his
journey. Many years after the chief
died and went to paradise. What was c
his surprise to find himself at once in 1
the midst of the most beautiful roses. *
"Why have I so many roses ? " he asked
an angel near him. "There are
many others who have done more good
who have not as many beautiful
roses. " The angel smiled and answered
: "Years ago you drew a thorn from
the foot of a boy who was crying in
tne desert. That thorn has grown to
a large rose tree , and the roses you
see around you are the blossoms from
that tree. " One good deed done here
below is returned many fold in jjara-
An Ejic-Katlnc Snake.
Now , how does it manage to get
down its throat such a thing as a
duck's egg , not only so much larger
than itself , but also hard andm perfect
ly smooth ? We know that a common
snake is aided in swallowing a toad
by Its hook-like teeth , which hold the
prey while the upper and lower jaws
glide over it alternately and thus push
it backwards. Lizards , boas , the Ho-
terodon of Madagascar , etc. , are said
to. place the egg of a canary or other
small bird , that is against an Irreg
ularity of the ground or within one
of their own folds , which enables them
to ram It into their mouths. In the
case of our "dasypeltis" and Its duck'3
egg , however , these explanations do
not suffice , this genus being destitute
of true teeth. We can , therefore , only
suppose that a couple of membranous
folds , which have been discovered , one
on each side of Its mouth , lay hold of
the shell like cupping glasses , and
thus work it into the throat. But here
we meet with another difficulty. After
the egg has passed between the pro
digiously distended jaws and upper
esophagus , it would seem as if its bulk
and solidity , when lodged in a compar
atively Inelastic part of the digestive
tube , whose juices are unable to dis
solve the shell , must quickly prove fa
tal to the animal. A remarkable in
stance of natural adaptation is afford
ed by the manner in which the danger
Is provided against. The anodon , as
already observed , has no true teeth.
So-called gular teeth , however , are
present , these being really the tips of
the long Inferior spines of the first
eight or nine vertebrae , protruding
through the esophageal wall. When
the shell is broken by the gular teeth
It Is ejected and the fluid passes into
the stomach. Popular Science.
A Disgusted Blonntnln Lion.
"People who imagine that animals
haven't got human feelings don't know
them , " said a Yellowstone Park guide.
"One day was cutting a trail and laid
my coat on the end of a log. I was off
at some distance when I saw a big
mountain lion creeping along to spring
on the coat , which lay on the log in
such a way as to look like a man
stooping down. It deceived the lion ,
which skulked along until within
twenty feet and then he made two big
jumps. As he flew he uttered a fright
ful screech , and if that coat had been
a man he wouldn't have had time to
wink. The lion lit down on it with
claws and teeth , and in ten seconds it
was in rags. Then he realized the
cheat , and you never saw a human be
ing look more foolish. His tail went
down to the ground , the fire died out
of his eyes , and altogether he looked so
cheap that I laughed right out , and
that seemed to break his heart. He
looked at me and whimpered like a
puppy , and when I laughed again , he
sneaked off like a dog caught killing
sheep. I believe I could have pulled
his tail without exciting any spirit in
him just then. "
A Trlckr Goat.
A crowd of children were playing on
a vacant lot in the suburbs some time
ago. Among the spectators was a large
white goat , that was looking on as
though he were watching his opportu
nity for getting some fun out of the
game himself. The children , who
were very much scattered at first ,
finally came together in a very com
plete ring , the largest boy in the crowd
being closest to the goat. The goat
did not argue with himself long , but
smiling his peculiar smile , made a bee
line for the boy , and , striking with full
force , knocked him winding , thereby
sending the other children tumbling in
every direction. "I don't believe , "
said the man who told about it , "that
any animal but a goat would have
struck just at that time and in the
manner in which he did unless he had
been prompted by a sense of humor ,
even if it were only a goat humor. "
"Bobs" Afraid of Tats.
Lord Roberts , commander of 200,000
British soldiers in South Africa , pos
sessor of the Victoria cross and all
sorts of medals , is about paralyzed
with fear at the sight of a cat. No cat
has been admitted to the Roberts
house for years , says the New York
Herald. During one of the actions out
side Cabul , when bullets and gunshot
were freely falling around the general
and his staff , he was , as usual , coolly
indifferent , but all at once he was
seen to tremble and pale with fright.
The hero of a hundred fights pointed
helplessly over his shoulder to a neigh
boring wagon , and the staff saw a
half-starved black cat perched on top
of it His strange fear of the cat was
so great as to completely distract Gen.
Roberts' attention from the field of
battle , and it was not until a subaltern
drove the animal away that the Eng
lish general was able to bring his
thoughts back to the conflict.
A London Apprentice.
Richard Whittington , famed among
London apprentices , at the age of 39
was appointed lord mayor of London. \
Born in 1358 he was the youngest son
of Sir William Whittington of Punt-
ley , in Gloucestershire. His father dy
ing , Richard set out for London wnen
aged 13 , and apprenticed himself to
Sir John Fitz-Warren , a prosperous
mercer , whose daughter he afterward
married. He became a member of the
Mercer's company in 1392 , the year af
ter an alderman and sheriff. In 1397
he was appointed lord mayor , and on
two subsequent occasions , in 1406 and
1419 , he was again appointed to the
same position. He was knighted by \
Henry V. , and died in 1423.
Retort Courteous.
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Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally. actIng -
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Planning to Paper This Spring ?
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rnla civil war. 13 adjudiiatrnff claims , attjr aiuca.