The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1900, Image 4

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Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
Republican State Convention.
The Republican Electors of the several
counties ot the State of Nebraska are hereby
called to meet in convention at Lincoln , Ne
braska , May 2,1900 , at 2 o'clock p. m. for the
purpose of selecting four delegates and four
altcinate delegates to the National Republican
Convention , which convenes in Philadelphia ,
June 19 , 1900 ; also to place in nomination
candidates for the following officers :
Eight Presidential Electors , Governor ,
Lieutenant-Governor , Secretary of State ,
Treasurer , Auditor of Public Accounts , At
torney-General , Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings , Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction.
The basis of representation is one delegate
at large and one delegate for each 100 votes
and major fraction thereof cast for Hon. M.
1J. Reese for Judge of the Supreme Court at
the election held in 1899. Red Willow county
is entitled to eleven delegates.
It is recommended that no proxies be al
lowed , but that the delegates present cast the
full vote of the delegation. ' 1 he county con
ventions in the several counties held for the
purpose of selecting delegates to this conven
tion shall select the county committee and
officers thereof. At the state convention the
state central committeemen from the odd
numbered senatorial districts will be selected
for the ensuing two years , and the new state
committee will hold its meeting at the close
of the state convention.
J. T. MAI.I.ALIEU , Secretary Pro Tern.
Coming Political Events.
Republican congressional convention , Fifth
district , Iloldrege , Wednesday , April 251)1,2 )
o'clock. Red Willow county n delegates.
Republican state convention , Lincoln ,
Wednesday , May 2d , 2 o'clock. Red Wiljo v
county II delegates.
SENATOR LODGE made an able speech
out lining his views of this government's
dut } ' toward the Filipinos ami highly en
dorsing the policy of the administration.
He truly said that Mr. McKinley's "own
policy and his own acts in the east are
his all-sufficient defense , both now and
in history. "
FOR the week ending March 12 , 1898 ,
Chicago made a new record , having ship
ped by rail 158,232 tons of freight. This
was while the Letter wheat shipments
were in progress. This record was brok
en during the last week in February ,
1900 , when the freight shipments by rail
amounted to 2I23I2 tons.
THE average farm value of corn in
1894-1896 was 24.6 cents per bushel.
Last year , when the crop was 195,600-
ooo bushels larger , the average price was
30.3 cents per bushel on the farm. Dur
ing McKinley's prosperity there has been
a greater demand for this leading prod
uct of the farmers and at much better
prices. _ _ _ _ _ - _
NOT a single failure was recorded , last
month , among the manufacturers of
iron , cotton goods or hats. There were
only five failures among the earthen
ware , brick and glass manufacturers ;
and in woolen and leather manufactures
they were smaller than in any other year
except one. And still the Democrats are
not happy.
IT is recorded that a fanner in Fulton
county , Ohio , recently sold 125 head of
sheep for $800 , being an average of $6 40
per head. The farmers there say that
under the Wilson free trade period , that
number of sheep would not have brought
to exceed $125 , and that the owner would
have had to look around a long while for
a purchaser at any price.
"FREE bread funds for the poor" seem
to have passed away with Coxey's army.
It was in 1894 , under a Democratic low
tariff , that the lamp-posts in New York's
streets were decorated with such signs
and with contribution boxes to receive
the funds. At the same time the great
New York Democratic dailies were col
lecting free clothes for the men who
were unemployed under free trade.
SECRETARY WILSON of the depart
ment of agriculture is credited by the
senate committee on manufactures with
much interest and energy in endeavor
ing to expose the adulteration of articles
of food and drink that are too frequently
foisted upon the American people. But
these are not all American goods , the
committee finding "that large amounts
of imported goods are sold in this coun
try , the sale of which w < juld be prohib
ited in the country from which they
come.- "
THE TRiBUNE-will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
- cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
mcnaccrs to health of the present day.
Best Grades
CO. 01
Fence Posts , Barbed Wire , ( D
Wire Fencing , Poultry Netting U ( D
Building Paper and . . . .
. . . Corrugated Carpet Lining OQ
Our old neighbors , the Bakers , have all de
parted for Washington , except Mrs. Baker
and Millie. They will remain in McCook un
til Miss Millie graduates. It was so short a
time until that important event would occur ,
that Mrs. Baker secured a room in McCook ,
where they could stay till the close of the
school term , when they will join the rest of
the family in Washington. We regret the
loss of a good neighbor.
On Wednesday morning , William Byfield
and wife , Clyde Lutes and Miss Edith Van-
derwort set out for McCook on very import
ant business. On rearching the great city , the
two gentlemen went at once to the court
house ; after which it was announced that Kev.
Turner was waiting to finish the business , so
the quartet repaired to that gentleman's house
where he , in an impressive manner , proceeded
to make the young couple one. It was a quiet
little wedding , but the young couple are just
as happy as if it had been more ceremonious.
Mrs. Lutes will spend a couple of weeks with
Mrs. Byfield while her young husband builds
a new home. He has been in the employ of
\Vm. Byfield for the last two years , and the
same roof has sheltered his wife for half ol
that time. This year he will stay on as a ten
ant. The acquaintance of the young couple
lias not been brief , and it is with the good
wishes of many friends that they enter upon
their new life.
On Sunday , Ida Canaga and John M. Miles
were joined in holy wedlock by Rev. J. W.
Walker. The wedding took place at the
home of the bride. The guests were the boys
and girls who had grown up here with Miss
Ida her schoolmates and iellow-members in
the Christian Endeavor , where she was ever
an active member. Mr. Miles was unknown
to many of us , being a resident of Elwood ,
whither he takes his bride to the home he has
for some time had in readiness. Most of the
guests had some token of love for the bride to
take into her new home. Below we give a
list of these tokens : Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ca
naga , set silver knives ; Nellie Canaga , set
silver teaspoons ; Mr. and Mrs. Maynard
Loomis , pair large pillows ; Longnecker boys ,
tureen ; Katie and Gabrielle Longnecker , meat
plate ; ISernice Loomis , pin tray ; Lewis Enfield ,
parlor lamp ; Dr. and Mrs. Walter Rowland ,
set silver spoons ; Louis and Nellie Elmer ,
berry set ; Emma Howard.Turkish towel ; Kue
and Ida Hauxwell , berry set ; Hatcher young
people , silver pickle dish ; George Loomis ,
pair fancy towels ; Elvira and Jennie Loomis ,
fruit dish ; Miller young people , sofa pillow ;
Lafe and Elias Method , pair towels ; Laura
Ruggles , bread plate ; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Strayer , silvei salt and pepper shakers ; Tilly
and Roxa Brown , bed spread ; Horace Taylor ,
pair fancy towels ; John.and Rufus Sinsen-
taffer , parlor lamp ; Rev. and Mrs. Walker ,
sofa pillow ; William Sheets , book , "Prince of
* he House of David ; " Anna and Ira Clark ,
fruit and celery dish. The good wishes of
Mrs. Miles' many friends follow her into her
new home.
Banker Routs a Robber.
J. R. Garrison , cashier of the bank of
Thornville , Ohio , has been robbed of health
by a serious lung trouble until he tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Then he wrote : "It is the best medicine I ever
used for a severe cold or a bad case of lung
trouble. I always keep a bottle on hand. "
Don't suffer with coughs , colds , or any throat ,
chest or lung trouble when you can be cured
so easily. Only 50 cents and $ i oo. Trial
bottles free at McConnell & Berry's.
A great many farmers have begun to sow
\ \ heat.
The Browersale was well patroni/edevery
thing being sold satisfactorily.
Mr. and Mrs Albert Osborn visited her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Warner , Saturday.
Colonel and Miss Mollie Stephens visited
friends at Bartley , Saturday , returning Sun
Miss Lucy Miller entertained her many
friends , last Wednesday evening. The usual
good time reported.
James Oakley has just purchased twenty
head of horses. Must be he intends starting
a horse ranch on his new farm.
There was a supper at Box Elder , Wednes
day evening , the proceeds to insure the church
and parsonage , also to buy a carpet for the
church and other improvements.
Frank Boitnott left for his home at Max
well , Iowa , Monday. While here he has made
many friends among the young people , who
all hope to see him here again in the near
Lewis Ackerman , Goshen , Ind. , says , "De-
Witt's Little Early Risers always bring certain
relief , cure my headache and never gripe' ' .
They generally cleanse and invigorate the
bowels and liver. D. W. Loan
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier
of Cherokee , Iowa , that nearly proved fatal.
It came through his kidneys. 11 is back got so
lame he could not stoop without great pain ,
nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions.
No remedy helped him until he tried Electric
Bitters which effected such a wonderful
chr.nge that he writes he feels like a new man.
This marvelous medicine cures backache and
kidney trouble , purifies the blood and builds
up your health. Only 500 at McConnell &
Berry's drug store.
T.A.Haleyyas a business guest of the
west end burg , Tuesday.
I. M. Beardslee had business in the county
capital , Monday , driving up and back.
Mrs. W. H. Allen visited her daughter. Mrs.
Ed Jeffers , in McCook , close of last week.
Miss L. M. Welborn of the county superin-
: endent's office transacted business in the
: ounty seat , Saturday.
C. B. Hoag drove up to McCook. Sunday ,
ind visited with his wife , who has been
visiting her daughter , Mrs. C. B. Gray , for
Mrs. Harriet Evans , Hinsdale , 111. , writes ,
'I never fail to relieve my children from croup
it once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I
, vould not feel safe without it. " Quickly cures
x > ughs , colds , grippe and all throat and lung
liseases. D. W. Loar.
To secure the original witch hazel salve ,
isk for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , well
cnown as a certain cure for piles and skin
liseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits.
I hey are dangerous. D. W. Loar.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Telephone 59 for milk and cream.
Frank Fitch is putting in wheat.
According to present indications , this is to
be a fruit year.
There was a good attendance at the Bible
class , last Sunday.
There was a large turnout at the South Sid
literary , last Wednesday evening.
Henry Gale and family , moved onto W.
Fitch's lower place , Monday of this week.
Roy Jacobs has just returned home from
teaching a very successful term of school.
Sermon and Bible-study , next Suulay
preaching by Rev. Walker as usual. All ar
cordially invited.
Wm. Orr , Newark , O. , says , ' 'We never fee
safe without One Minute Cough Cure in the
house. It saved my little boy's life when h
had the pneumonia. We think it is the bes
medicine made. " It cures coughs , colds , am
all lung diseases. Pleasant to take , harmles
and gives immediate results.
The weather is fine.
The ground is getting to be in splendic
condition for the spring plowing and sowing
Robert Traphagan expects to put in 15
acres of spring wheat ; he now has consider
able fall gram sown.
John B. Smith , one of Coleman precinct'
successful farmers , is preparing his mille
seed for market by cleaning it. It weighs
cleaned , 58 pounds to the bushel.
No one knows the unbearable torture on
undergoes from piles unless they are s-i
afflicted. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment i
a quick , safe and painless cure. Price , 51
cents in bottles , tubes,75 cents. A. McMillen
Miss Julia Sly spent Sunday at home.
Jacob Pickrell has taken a little girl to raise
Charles Woker's family is entertaining com
pany from the west.
A brother of Mrs. Dodge arrived from Iowa
last week , on a visit.
Considering the weather and roads , the at
tendance at church was good.
May and Don Thompson entertained'
number of their friends , Sunday evening.
Rev. W. E. Sitzer , W. Caton , N. V. , writes
' I had dyspepsia over twenty years , and tii
doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 was
persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure anc
it helped me from the start. I believe it to be
a panacea for all forms of indigestion ; " is di
gests what you eat. D. W. Loar.
I Babies and children need |
| proper food , rarely ever medi-J
| cine. If they do not thrive I
i on their food something is s
| wrong. They need a little |
f help to get- their digestive j
machinery working properly. |
I will generally correct this I
I difficulty. I
j If you will put from onej j
| fourth to half a teaspoonful |
I in baby's bottle three or four 1
! times a dav YOU will soon see
* *
| a marked improvement. For ]
f larger children , from half to f
s a teaspoonful , according to =
I age- dissolved in their milk , i
| if you so desire , will very |
I soon show its great nourish-
I ing power. If the mother's |
i milk does not nourish the !
] baby , she needs the emul- |
I sion. It will show an effect 1
t 5
7 at once both upon mother f
1 and child. i
I 5oc. and $1.00 , all druggists. J
* SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York. %
+ 4 ni
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman , Milesburg , Pa. ,
says , "As a speedy cure for coughs , colds-
: roup and sore throat One Minute Cough
Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for children
to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers. "
[ t is the only harmeless remedy that produces
immediate results. It cures bronchitis , pneu
monia , grippe , and throat and lung diseases.
It will prevent consumption. D. W. Loar.
M. R. Smith. Butternut , Mich. , says , "De-
Witt's Little Early Risers are the very best
pills I ever used for costiveness , liver and
jewel troubles" D. W. Losr.
Bright ! Crisp ! ! New ! ! !
The choicest , best and largest line of spring goods ever
„ unpacked by us is now upon display and upon the
move. If your purchases are made before viewing
our offerings , we are sure you will regret it later.
We cordially invite your inspection and trade.
Curtains . . . .
Lace Curtains , Chenille Portieres , Tapestry Portieres.
Our 75c , Si.oo , 51.25 , 51.90 , $2.35 , 5300 and $400 Lace
Curtains are all beauties for the price. Large assortment.
Dress Goods . . .
Black and colored Dress
Goods in plain and fancy
weaves. Wash Fabrics in
large variety from 5c to 350
per yd. Cotton Coverts in
plain , plaid and stripe pat
terns the most serviceable dress material obtainable
IDC to
Wrappers . . .
Our line includes the
good things from SGC to
$2 oo and prices are not
a penny above the level
The new , desirable styles are
of last .
here in underskirts from 45c to
51.75. Also white muslin ones , 35c
to Si 25. Also our own make of Dress Skirts all wool ones
$2.50 and up.
Sun Bonnets . . .
like cut , but cross-stiched like quilt
ing , with adjusting cord at back ,
in plain colors blues , reds , pinks
in stripes , in dots on black
ground. All at 25 cents.
Also children's sizes ; all at 25
cents , except child'b gingham bon
nets , 10 cents.
. . . .
Your own interests suggest coming in to look Muslin
our goods over. Buy or no buy , come and see. Underwear
We have no way to gain your custom but by A very complete line
superior service in our line that is , better of Corset Covers , Night
i goods for the price , newer goods , more judiciously Gowns , Drawers , Chem
ise , White Underskirts
iously selected to your needs and taste than and Children'sLWhite
general stores can give you. These are our Cambric Dresses. New
levers and our only ones. Your trade solicited. est styles at old prices.
Postoffice in Same Building. McCOOK , NEBRASKA
What's Your Face Worth ?
Sometimes a fortune , but never , if you have
a sallow complexion , a jaundiced look , moll
patches and blotches on the skin all signs ol
liver trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills
give clear skin , rosy cheeks , rich complexion
Only 25 cents at McConnell & Berry's.
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family
with wonderful results. It gives immediate
relief , is pleasant to take and is truly the
dyspeptic's best friend , " says E. Hartgerink
Ovensel , Mich. Digests what you eat. Can
not fail to cure. D. W. Loar.
Robert George has so far recovered as to be
able to be up town , Wednesday.
Charles 11 opt and son Erwinjwere McCook
business visitors , a day or two mid-week.
The saloon and nnti-saloon question will
occupy the nttention of the voters at the next
town election.
Lyman Jennings has a large bald engle
penned in at the corner of his store , which is
quite an attraction.
Ehler Speck of Council Bluffs , low a. is con
ducting protracted meetings in the hall here
used by the Christian people.
Mrs. Ed. Bechtel was buried , Sunday after
noon. Many followed the remains to the cem
etery. Rev. Mayfield of Danbury preached
the funeral discourse.
Amy Daniels and Herb McElroy and Cora
Daniels and Park Brooks were married , last
Sunday forenoon , Rev. Mavfield officiating.
Weyish that they may realize their brightest
1 he G. A. R.-W. R C. dinner , last Saturday ,
with the band concert and play in the evening ,
were decided successes ; about $25 , net pro
ceeds , went : nto the band treasury. The band
will repeat the concert and play in Danbury ,
tomorrow night.
James Sipe has rented the Ransom property
and will now be a Bartley residentwhich will
be much more convenient to his business. We
welcome Mr. Sipe and family and hope they
may find their home in Bartley as pleasant as
it has been in Cambridge. „ & ! &
Sanford Robison , residing about nine miles
northwest of Bartley , accidentally shot himself
with a 38-calibre revolver , Tuesday afternoon.
He was handling the firearm , when it was ac
cidentally discharged , the ball passing entirely
through the upper third of the thigh. The loss
Df blood almost caused his death. Dr. Brown
was summoned and reports the case danger
ous , from the fact Mr. Robison is , about 70
years old and his preMOUS health has not been
; jood.
To Cure La Grippe in Two Days.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
A.11 druggists refund the money if it fails to
: ure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle.
25c. 4-1-
i m
Monitor Windmills
Baker Pumps
Pipe and { Fittings.
" "
Bores Wells and"
Repairs Pumps.
First door east of Predmore
Bros. ' blacksmith shop.
of the
busy store in
desires to call public attention
to the fact that his superb
Ready-Made Clothing . .
NEW Ladies' & Children's Shoes
OF Men's & Boys' . . . .
Spring Caps . . . .
is now ready for inspection ; also
to the fact that his line of . . . .
is unequalled in Southwestern
Nebraska. AH lines full , new ,
fresh and complete.
He challenges all competition in
variety , richness , and price.