The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1900, Image 2

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F. M. , Pulllher.
Peru wilUtalco part in next Panama
Latest reports show that there ar
311,621) ) cattle In Wyoming.
Hamburg-American line of steamers
profits amounted to 18,000,000 marks
last year.
Princess Salm-Salm Is In Umcago
forming ambulance corps for war in
South Africa.
Dr. Keeley did not leave a large es
tate , J. R. Oughton owning a majority
of the gold cure stock.
War is now on between the Interna
tional Association of Machinists and
the Chicago Association of Machinery
The offer of Canada to garrison Hal
ifax by the Canadian militia and allow
the regulars to be seit to South Africa
has been accepted.
Assistant Secretary Miekeljohn tells
the Cubans that ne is powerless to pre
vent the appointment of Mgr. Sbarreti
as bishop of Havana.
President McKinley appointed Chas.
A. Sawyer to be postmaster at Jack
son , Mo. , and J. H. Smith to be post
master at Downs , Kan.
At New Iberia , La. , Reuben Cately
and Hypolite Brown , negroes , were
hanged for the murder of Martial Sorrel
rel , a storekeeper , near Olivier.
President Jordon of Leland Stanford
lectures on fate of imperialism in Chi
cago. He predicts the downfall of
Great Britain in the next century.
The democratic leaders in the senate
confidently assert today that if the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty Is not modified
in many particulars , it will not be rati
Senator Allen introduced a bill pro
viding that right of way across the
Sautee reservation be granted to Nio-
brara , Sioux City & Black Hills Rail
road company.
Our troops of the Fifth United States
cavalry in Porto Rico are under or
ders to return to the United States.
Native troops are now being recruited
to fill their places.
Colonel C. C. C. Carr of the Fifth
United States cavalry was a passenger
by the steamer Ponce , which arrived
from Porto Rico. Colonel Carr has
been ordered to Manila.
Mrs. J. H. Williford of Fort Scott.
Kan. , the woman who killed her hus
band at Cripple Creek , Colo. , last
month , was acquitted , after a trial
lasting three-quarters of an hour.
A disease that is almost as prevalent
as the grip is mastoiditis , an affection
of the ear. It is said that the surgeons
at the New York eye and ear infirma
ries have had many cases cf it during
IJP last week.
The middle-of-the-road populist
state central committee of Minnesota
has called a state convention to meet
at Minneapolis , April 5 , to elect dele
gates to Cincinnati , nominate electors
and a state ticket.
It is rumored that George L. Brad-
'fcury , .vice president and former man
ager of the Lake Erie & Western rail-
load , has been settled upon for the
presidency of the reorganized Kansas
City , Pittsburg & Gulf road.
Word was received at New York
City of the death in Paris of Henry
Maillard , sr. , a wealthy confectioner.
He came to this country in his early
manhood and made a large fortune
in the manufacture of chocolates.
A dispatch from Ladysmith , dated
March lsays _ that Colonel Knox , with.
a force of 2,000 men , made a recon-
naisance that day along the railroad
with the object of hurrying the Boer
retreat and preventing them removing
their stores.
A gentleman representing a large
firm of flour importers at London is at
Minneapolis , and says the outlook for
American flour and wheat exports is
not bright , as heavy crops are being
poured into England by other grain
growing countries.
General A. D. Shaw of Watertown ,
N. Y. , national commander of the
Grand Army of the Republic , an
nounced himself as a candidate for
congress to succeed the late Charles
Checkering from the Twenty-fourth
congressional district.
It can be stated on authority that
the failure of the senate foreign rela
tions committee to report back the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty is due to the
wide differences between the repub
lican members as to some of the
clauses in the documents.
Indian Traders Wissemyer cf Gray-
hcpe , and Gibson of Pawhuska , Osage
nation , are in Washington , supposedly
lor the purpose of pushing the bill in
troduced a few days ago to appropriate
out of Qsage funds $700 per capita to
enable to Osages to pay their debts.
The official call for the meeting of
the National Republican League has
been issued to meet in St. Paul July 17.
D. B. Skinner , one of the captors of
Jefferson Davis , died in Detroit recent
ly in poverty and was buried at the
public expense. For his capture he got
S320 from the government.
To use his own expression , Briga
dier General Funsto-n is "conducting a
Sunday school at San -Isidro , " Philip
pine * islands. San Isidro is about 100
miles north of Manila and thirty miles
from the railroad. General Funston is
in command of a brigade , including the
Twenty-second , Twenty-fourth and
Thirty-fourth regiments of infantry
and detachments of the Fourth caval-
iy and the Third artillery.
By direction of the Harvard univer
sity council every officer of the univer
sity , old and young , is required to keep
during each month of the year 1900 a
journal of his daily doings. The jour
nals when finished are to be placed
separately in stout envelopes and seal
ed by the writers.
Jim Hayward , colored , of Chicago ,
and Charley McNally of Providence ,
R. I. , were matched to go twelve
rounds at 128 pounds.
Big Ed Dunkhorst , the Syracuse
giant , knocked out Jack Hogan of
Lima , 0. , in the sixth round of what
was to be a ten-round contest before
tiie Still City Athletic club at Peoria.
Organized Parties Promise * Conflict in
the Streets of Prankfort ,
Newly Formed State Guard Stands Ready
to Protect tlio Executive Taylor De
nies Intention to Interfere As Gov
ernor He Pardons the Alleged Assas
sins of GoebeL
-FRANKFORT , Ky. , March 12. The
democrats and the republicans in Ken
tucky are today , for the first time
since the present political complica
tions at-vanird acute fotui. divided Into
t vo armed and organized factions.
Surrounding the capitol and state leg
islative building and camped in the
grounds around Governor Taylor's
home are nearly 200 state militia , well
provided with ammunition , while in
the corridors of the Capital hotel , in
which the democratic state executive
offices are located , and in the streets
adjacent to that building , are sixty
special officers and the men and boys
of a militia company that was organ
ized in Frankfort today as the nucleus
of Governor Beckham's state guard ,
besides scores of heavily armed citi
zens , partisans of the democratic claim
Rumors reached the democratic lead
ers today that an attempt was to be
made by the state militia to take Gov
ernor Beckham into custody , and in
side of an hour after the report was
circulated a petition had been circu
lated and signed by the requisite num
ber of men necessary to form a militia
company. The men will guard the
Capital hotel all night against any pos
sible attempt to arrest Governor Beck-
Only two days more remain for the
legislature to remain in session , but
the developments of those two days are
looked forward to with apprehension
by leaders of both sides. The demo
cratic partisans say that should the
militia attempt to interfere with the
session of the legislature , persistent
rumors of which have .been in circula
tion all day , it will/be next to impos
sible to avert bloodshed. The repub
lican officials , however , deny that such
action has been even contemplated
and say that the legislature will not
be molested in any way. That the re
port is believed in democratic circles ,
however , is shown by the fact that the
advisability of holding the session in
some other place than the state house
has been under advisement , and even
at a late hour tonight the question
had not been fully settled.
Several of the republican members
of the legislature left the city today ,
presumably for their homes.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , March 12. The
Sabbath day brought calm to the
storm which for three hours on Sat
urday night threatened to burst over
The adopting of a disguise by Davis
and Powers in order to' get out of
Frankfort puts an ugly phase on the
matter for the prisoners , in the opinion
of some of their friends here , although
they explain that they did so merely
to get away from the local Goebel in
fluences , which they allege Avould
work to their detriment in securing a
fair trial. Both tactily admit now
that in this they may have made mis
takes , as both strongly urge their in
nocence of any connection with the
murder of Goebel and insist that they
have no fear whatever as to the out
Judge George Denny , a prominent
republican attorney , called on the pris
oners today and was closted with them
several hours. He will represent them
in whatever legal steps are taken.
Both men are very calm and have no
further statement to make than what
was given out last night. Judge
Denny said tonight that the prisoners
Eire not averse to going to Frankfort ,
but they would like to have arrange
ments made to try their cases here.
This cannot be done , except as to a
writ of habeas corpus , which is not
likely to be sought in this case.
The Delagoa Il-iy Delay.
LONDON , March 12. Baron Wen-
lock , in the house of lords today , askj j
cd the government what steps are being - j
ing taken to hasten the Delagoa. bay
arbitration proceedings , and whether
the government is prepared to join
the United States in pressing for an
immediate award. The premier , Lord
Salisbury , replying , agreed that the
delay was most lamentable. Continu
ing , the premier said he frankly ad
mitted that the government's chances
of taking action was very small. The
delay was very unfortunate , not only
in its bearing on the fortunes of the
litigants , but in the discredit which it
reflected upon the principle of arbitra
Against Pugilistic Literature.
WASHINGTON , March 12. Repre
sentative Hepburn of Iowa introduced
a , bill providing that no picture of de
scription of any prize fight , or pugil
istic encounter , or any proppsal of
betting on a fight , shall be tramsmitted
in the mails or by any common car
rier engaged in interstate commerce ,
whether in a newspaper , a periodical ,
or any other form. Any person send
ing or knowingly receiving such matter -
tor for transmission is made liable to
Imprisonment not exceeding one year ,
or fine not exceeding $1,000 , with a proviso
vise that the act shall not apply to
my person engaged in the prepara
tion , publication or sale of such pro
hibitive newspaper , periodical or pic
To Build Alaska Lino.
SEATTLE , Wash. , March 12. Cap-
Lain Abercrombie and forty-three gov
ernment engineers will sail for the
Copper river , Alaska , on the steamer
3t. Paul , Minn. , Tuesday or Wednes
day. They will at once prepare to lay
bridges over the Copper , Kitena and
Dther rivers for the. trail to the Yukon
ind then will begin setting poles for
the telegraph line. It is the intention
to string most of the wire for the new
line from Valdes to St. Michaels.
Hand of the Mexican Smites Heavily tlio
Vnqui Tribe.
AUSTIN , Tex. , March 12. A special
from Potam , Mexico , says that during
four days , ending on Friday , the Yaqui
Indians and the Mexican troops had
four engagements near Cocorit , Mex
ico. The Mexican troops are endeav
oring to force their way through this
section of the country so as to keep a
roadway between Torin and that point
open for travel. There are a great
many Indians known to be in this im
mediate section , and it Is evident that a
very strong force will have to be put
into the field at once to sppppress the
The engagements of the four days
mentioned resulted very disastrously
for the Indians , as in the neighborhood
of 200 are known to have been killed
? nd possibly more. The Mexican
troops suffered very little loss of life ,
though some twenty-five soldiers were
\younded. All the engagements were in
the nature of skirmishes , lasting only
a few hours , wlien the Indians would
The fact that the Maya Indians have
also taken to the warpath and are
Harassing the troops a great deal , gives
rise to grave surmises as to how long
it will take to bring the uprising to a
termination. It is feared that unless
both of the factions are brought in sub
mission soon thy will join forces.
A special from. Ortiz , state of Sonora -
nora , is to the effect that on Friday re
ports reached there of a bloody skir
mish between a band of some 300 Ya-
quis and about an equal number of
soldiers about fifty miles west of that
place , in which the fighting was con
tinued most of the day.
The loss among the soldiers was
slight , owing to their splendid fortifi
cation , being ensconsed behind a nat
ural breastwork of boulders on a hill
side with the Indians in the open. It
was a cleverly laid trap into which the
Indians were led , and while they leftf
none of their bead on the field it is
thought their losses heavy , as quite a
number were seen to fall.
Reliable information states that fully
,500 Yaquis are now in the neighbor
hood of Guaymas and fully as many
more are prowling between Medano
and Potan.
British Trample All Barriers in the
Effort to Reuch Bloemfontein.
DRIEFONTEIN , March 12. All of
yesterday was occupied lighting. The
Boers maintained a stubborn rear
guard action along a running front of
twelve miles on very difficult ground.
The British were advancing in three
columns. General Tu.cker , to the
southward , occupied Petrusberg unop
posed ; General Kelly-Kenny , after fol
lowing the river bank , moved in the
direction of Abrahams kraal. At
Driefontein , about a mile south of
Abrahams kraal , the Boers were found
posted in considerable strengtn on the
ridges connecting several kopjes ,
where they had mounted guns.
The action began at 8 o'clock in the
morning with an artillery duel. Gen
eral French's cavalry and Geneijil
Porter's brigades supported our guns.
The Boer artillery was accurately
handled and the British cavalry found
a task harder than they had expected.
General Broadwood with dogged per
severance moved altogether six miles
southward , trying to find a means to
tret around , but the Boers followed
behind rising ground and even at
tempted to outflank him.
Meanwhile the Sixth division of in
fantry , advancing on the Boer left ,
slowly forced the enemy to retire. Had
the infantry been able to move faster
the Boers would have been enveloped.
The last shot was fired at 7:30 p. m.
This morning not a Boer was to be
seen. The prisoners belonged to Pres
ident Kruger's own commando.
Six Thousand People Already Gone and
More Preparing : to Leave.
WASHINGTON , March 12. Under
date cf Dawson City , January 14 , Vice
Consul Morrison reports that nineteen
expeditions have left Dawson for Cape
Nome since December 4 last and as
soon as the weather moderates many
more will start. The population of
Dawson is 6,000 less than last year.
Late nsws from Nome confirms the re
ports of the richness of the district
and announces new finds in the inter
ior , but lack of fuel prohibits these
being worked in winter. Typhoid fever
has appeared , with increasing mor
In Dawson the revenue from liquor
permits for the year is placed at § 100-
000. Saloon licenses are worth § 2,500
per annum. Prices are still up. The
profits on drugs are placed at 300 per
cent ; groceries , 200 per cent ; hard
ware , 400 per cent. Beer is worth $100
a barrel and whisky from § 40 to § 60
per gallon. Owing to flooding of the
mines the gold output may be kept
down. It is estimated that between
§ 25,000,000 and § 30,000,000 will com
prise the output for the Dawson dis
Funeral t > f Edward Phelps.
NEW HAVEN , Conn. , March 12.
Funeral services for the late Edward
J. Phelps , ex-minister to England , were
held today in Battel chapel. Dr. Tim
othy Dwight delivered the funeral ad
dress. The college choir sang two
hymns , "Lead , Kindly Light" and
"Abide With Me. "
The plain black coffin was carried
into the chapel on the sholders of
bight seniors , members of the Wolf's
Head fraternity , of which Prof. Phelps
was an honorary member.
Tvro Presidents Ask Pence.
LONDON , March 12. The Daily
Mail has received the following dis
patch from Pretoria , dated Saturday ,
March 10 , and censored by the Boer
government :
"President Kruger and President
Steyn have wired to Lord Salisbury
peace proposals , on condition that the
independence of the two republics be
respected and the rebel colonials am
"Yesterday the foreign consuls were
called into conference and were re
quested to invite the intervention of
the powers they represented in order
to prevent further bloodshed. "
Spirit of-the Sturdy Men of the Bepublic
Remains Unchanged ,
Surrender of Cronje Will Not Discourage
Them In Their Defense Kruger S ys
God Is Testing Burghers lie. Brings
Tears to the Eyes of'JUlociufontcln
1'eoplo by a Speech.
PRETORIA , March 9. Secretary of
State Reitz has issued a war bulletin
in which , after saying the government
has no official tidings of the surrender
of General Cronje , but must accept it
o.3 a. fact , however painful , adds :
"The government remains assured
that the surrender will not discourage
the burghers in their defense of their
independence and standing as a nation.
The struggle thus far has shown the
republics have vindicated themselves
as an independent people. This re
verse will not stagger us. In the strug
gle for our cherished rights our belief
remains that , whatever happens , the
Lord still reigns.
"Owing to the invasion of the Free
State by a large force of the enemy
'and other circumstances it became nec
essary to take up other positions , hence
the burghers in Natal have returned
to Biggarsberg. All the commandos
have reached there safely , except a
few which retired in the direction of
Van Reenan's pass. , Thus , Ladysmith
and Kimberley are no more besieged.
"In retiring the enemy was time
after time driven back , so that our
laagers were not cut off. In these
fights a few men were killed or
wounded and the enemy lost heavily.
"In spite of all reports the spirit of
the fighting men as to the outcome re
mains unchanged. Among the com
mandos in Natal the burgners are full
of courage.
"General DeWet now commands all
the commandos at the Modder river.
"It is understood that President
Kruger's visit to Bloemfontein was to
try to arrange a compromise of the
differences between the Transvaalers
and Free State. "
A special dispatch from Bloemfon
tein says that President Kruger , ad
dressing a crowd of people Monday ,
said :
"Although God is testing our people ,
my personal opinion is that the limit
of the test is nearly reached. If the
people are sustained by faith in the
time of adversity , God will soon again
turn the tide in our favor. If Ave have
strong faith in God , He will surely de
liver us. The God of Deliverance of
the olden-time is the same God now. "
The speech of the venerable presi
dent brought tears to the eyes of men
and women alike. The Free State na
tional anthem was then sung.
The visit of President Kruger has
done much good and has cheered the
despondents. More recently he has
been visiting the commandos south of
Much satisfaction is expressed in all
circles at the courtesies extended to
General Cronje by the British.
Thee Battalions "Will Ue "Withdrawn.
From the IMiIHppineg.
NEW YORK , March 9. A special to
the Herald from Washington says :
By direction of Acting Secretary of
War Meiklejpohn , instructions have
been sent to Major General Otis to re
turn to the United States some time
in May one battalion each of the Four
teenth , Eighteenth and Twenty-third
The withdrawal of these troops was
recommended by Major General Miles
several months ago. He pointed one
to the department that the three reg
iments designated would have been
two years in the Philippines next
There is no doubt that the decision
of the department to withdraw three
battalions which number more than
1,000 men , is influenced to some extent
by the disorganization of the rebel
army and the prospect that the Amer
ican troops will no longer meet with
resistance from an organized force.
London Paper Hears Keports of Informal
LONDON , March 7. The Daily News
makes the following editorial an
nouncement :
"It was rumored in London yester
day and we have some reason for be
lieving the rumor to be correct that
the two republics made informal and
unofficial overtures of peace on the
preceding day.
"Unfortunately the conditions sug
gested were of such a character as to
preclude the possibility of leading to
any result Terms which might hav-
been gladly accepted before the war
in order to avert it are impossible after
tne war , with all the sacrifice it has
entailed. "
House Mourns Another Loss.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 8.
The house was in session but twenty-
five minutes today , adjourning out of
respect to the memory or the late Rep
resentative Harmer of Pennsylvania ,
"the father of the house , " who died
yesterday. The usual committee was
appointed to attend the funeral.
Populist National Convention.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , March 9.
Arrangements for the national populist
convention are being rapidly perfected.
A letter has been received from Chair
man Butler of the national committee ,
denying the report that the commit
tee contemplated changing the date
and place of the convention to correspond
spend with the democratic gathering
at Kansas City. As the new audito
rium will seat but 4,000 , it is planned
to secure a huge tent , seating 30,000 ,
and offer It to the national committee.
A number of temporary buildings will
ae constructed to supply sleeping quar
W. II. Coulton In CuRtody nnd Warrants
Indued lor bthors.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , March 10 W. H
Coulton , a clerk in the office of State
Auditor Sweeney , was arrested ant
placed in jail tonight , charged with
complicity in the murder of the late
Governor William Goebel. The arres
was made by Chief of Police Williams
at 9 o'clock. More arrests are likely
Warrants have also been Issued for
the arrest of Secretary of State Caleb
Powers and Captain Jphn W. Davis
but they have not been served. The
warrants also charge them with being
accessory to the Goebel assassination
and warrants against ex-Secretary of
State Charles Finley and John T
Powers , brother of Secretary of State
Powers , have been sworn out and have
been sent to Whitely county for ser
vice. Davis is in the city tonight but
was not at his residence , and up to a
late hour the police had not found
him. It is not known whether Secre
tary Powers is in the city.
Several witnesses who testified at
the trial of Harland Whittaker Tues
day swore that the shots at the time
of the Goebel assassination were fired
from the direction of Powers' office
and he and all of the parties for whom
warrants were issued tonight have
been under the strictest surveillance
ever since the assassination. Captain
Davis was an appointee of Governor
Bradley and was continued under Gov
ernor Taylor. He also kept a boarding
The warrant on which Coulton was
arrested and for the arrest of the two
Powers , Finley and Davis was based
on an affidavit made by Thomas B.
Cromwell pf Lexington , Ky. , before
County Judge Moore. Cromwell has
be-en assisting the detective in hunt
ing down the case , and it is said that ,
acting under directions from Colonel
T. C. Campbell and Commonwealth'
Attorney Franklin , he spent several
days in Hardin , Bell , Whiteley and
Knox counties , where it is alleged the
evidence against the parties arrested
was secured. Public admission to the
state house grounds was denied to
night to all , by order of the military
authorities , but whether this is to be
enforced longer than tonight is not
known. v
Asserts Congress Is Still Legislating on
Revolutionary AViir Cases.
WASHINGTON , March 10. The first
day pension session of the house pro
vided for under the new rule adopted
yesterday proved a great success. There
was comparatively little friction and
ninety-seven bills were favorably act
ed on in committee of the whole and
subsequently passed by the house.
The only incident of the session was
a brisk exchange between Loud of
California and Sulloway of New Hamp
shire upon the general policy of spe
cial pension legislation , in which the
former attacked and the latter defend
ed the system.
Loud delivered some general re
marks on the policy of passing pri
vate pension bills. He said that 95 per
cent of the special bills passed by con
gress never should have been favorably
considered. All of them , he said , had
been rejected by the pension office after
the claimants had exhausted every ef
fort to establish their claims. He knew
it was unpopular to say these things ,
but , said he , np man ever made a mis
take by pursuing the right. Of the
million and a quarter soldiers and wid
ows of old soldiers who survived the
war almost 1,000,000 were on the pen
sion roll. Loud warned members that
if things went on as they were going
during the life of the direct descend
ants on the youngest member of the
house , congress would still be legislat
ing for the pensioners of the civil war.
flicks-Beach Says End is > 'ear and It
May Xot I5e Needed.
LONDON , March 10. The amount of
the new Avar loan will be 30,000,000.
The interest will be at 2 % per cent
and the bonds will be redeemable at
par May 5 , ' 1910. The issue price is
89 10s.
4:15 a. m. , March 10. Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach , chancellor of the ex
chequer , explaining to the bankers
the terms of the new loan , gave them
an intimation tnat the government
Considered the end of the war near.
"Since the estimates were prepared , "
he said , "events have taken place that
have changed the situation and prob
ably not all the money will oe re
quired. "
Whatever the government may know
or intend , unofficial opinion seems
everywhere to think that the Boer
power is collapsing.
John A. Mandeville of this city is
named as his successor. The chief
cause of the dissension was the chang
ing of the name from the Union Vet
erans' union to the Union Battlemen's
Plague Scare Unfounded.
WASHINGTON , March 10. The sur
geon general of the marine hospital
service has received the following
trom Surgeon Cassaway at San Fran
cisco , dated March 9 :
"Reliable information that the Chi
naman who died and was suspected of
having had the plague had been in the
city continuously for fifteen years , and
for the last six months under treat
ment for other diseases. Probable
cause of death congestion of lungs or
pneumonia. The result of the bacter
iological examination not yet received.
Advinop for Iron Workers.
YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , March 10. At
the bi-monthly wage conference here
yesterday between representatives of
the Amalgamated association and the
iron manufacturers an advance of 25
cents a ton in the rate for puddling
was agreed upon. The rate will now
be ? 6 a ton , the highest paid since
18SO. This will mean an advance in
the finishing department also of about
i per cent The rate for puddling is
now 50 per cent higher than in 1895 ,
and for finishing the advance has been
37 per cent since that time. About
0,000 men are affected by the ad
Medicine j
There's no season when good mcd- jj
Iclnc Is so much needed as In Spring ,
i imd there's no medicine which does j
so much good In Spring as Hood's
Sars'hparllla. In fact , Spring Medl- i
i clno Is another name for Hood's Sar-
saparllla. Do not delay taking It. Z
§ Don't put It off till your health tone ?
gets too low to bo lilted.
Will give yon a good appetite , purify J
and enrich your blood , overcome that S
tired feeling , give you mental and i
digestive strength and steady nerves. X
Be sure to ask for HOOD'S , and be S
sure that you get Hood's , the best |
medicine money can buy. Get a bot-
tie TODAY. All druggists. Price $ ! S
To Aid Widows anil Orphans of the
Boer. * .
A pathetic appeal of the committee
of Africander and Bond members of.
parliament was issued at Cape Town ,
Oct. 10 , 1899 , signed by Messrs. N. F.
DeWaal , Joseph N. Hoffman , J. H.
Hofmeyr , Thomas P. Theron and D.
J. A. Van Zyl , which says among
other things :
"What msty , what can , we colonial
Africanders do In this sorrowful time ?
Join in the work of warfare with the
weapons ? The law and our duty as
British subjects forbid this , even
should other circumstances not oppose
such a course of action.
"But what neither the law nor the
duty of the subject forbids , and what ,
moreover , agrees In every respect with
ail principles of religion and human
ity , Is the offering of help to the
wounded , to the widows and the
orp'hans. "
In the name of the Africander bond ,
on behalf of the citizens of the South
African republic and their noble ally ,
the Orange Free State , I appeal to all
Americans to show their sympathy
with the brave people who are now ,
in the words of John Hancock , liter
ally offering all that they have , all
that they are , and all that they hope
to be , upon the altar of their country ,
fighting to the death the arrogance
and imposition of the great British
empire , in order to remain free and
independent , as did our American
forefathers in 177G and 1S12. THERE
"tend to me your subscriptions ,
iall and large , and I will send the
amount to Mr. C. C. de Villiers , Cape
Town , the honorable treasurer of the
committee of the Africander bond , to
be expended under that appeal. I sent
$2,000 on Feb. 23 , 1900.
American Treasurer.
No. 141 Broadway , New York City.
Feb. 24. 1900.
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