EIGHTEENTH YEAR . McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 16. 190O. NUMBER 44 Resolutions of Respect. At a regular meeting of McCook Lodge No. 137 , I. O. O. F. , held March 9 , 1900 , the following resolutions were unani mously adopted : Whereas , It has pleased the Great Ar chitect of the Universe to remove from our midst the wife of our worthy brother , I , W. Cox ; and , Whereas , It is but just that a fitting recognition of her nmny virtues should be had ; therefore be it Resolved , That while we bow with humble submission to the will of the Most High , we do not the less mourn with our worthy brother for the loss of a friend and companion , who was dear to us all. and whose upright and noble life was a standard of emulation to her friends and associates. Resolved , That the heartfelt sympathy of this lodge be extended to the bereaved brother in his affliction ; that these reso lutions be spread upon the records of this lodge and printed in each newspaper of McCook , and a copy thereof be pre sented to the bereaved brother. C. I. HALL , R. A. GREEN , Committee. A Tumor Sapped His Life. Willie Russell , the seven-year-old son of W. O. Russell , died on Saturday night last , after an illness of about three months with a tumor. Funeral services were conducted at the home on East Dennison street , Monday morning , by Rev. J. A. Badcon , assisted by Rev. W. J. Turner , burial following in Longview cemetery. Young schoolmates of the deceased were the pall-bearers. There were flowers and many kindly expres sions of sympathy from neighbors and friends. [ WILLIAM WESLEY RUSSELL was born in McCook , Nebraska , November nth , 1892 ; died on March loth , 1900 , of a tumor in his side. His illness was of three or four months duration , yet was he patient and sweet-spirited through all the suffering. Among his last words to his mother , who had so kindly and pa tiently cared , for him during his long sickness , were : "Mamma let me rest. " ] Of Public Moment. The change of time card on the Bur lington has made necessary a change in the Sunday hours at the postofSce , to which public attention is directed. From next Sunday and until further notice the hours for Sunday will be as follows : Lobby will open at 8 a. m. , and close at 10 a. tn. Lobby will open at 12 noon and close at 2 p. m. The general delivery window will open from I to 2 p. m. Mail for No. 6 will close at 4:30 p. m. Mail for Nos. 3 , 2 and 175 will close at 7:30 p. m. It will be observed that these hours are in force only on Sundays ; the week day hours will remain as usual. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice on March nth : J. W. Allen , J. A. Hensick , William Birch , John Wacker , J. Frutter , M. M. Weaver , G. W. Jones , W. A. Brackbill , C. H. Roberts , Mrs. HattSe Eagle , Miss Liccie Miller. In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster. St. Patrick's Banquet. On the evening of March ith in Menard's opera house , the members of St. Patrick's parish will hold a banquet commemorating their patron saint. The McCook orchestra will furnish music for the occasion , and there will be dancing from 8:30 to 11:30. Supper will be served from 6 to 11:30 o'clock. Tickets of ad mission , including supper , 50 cents ; children , 25 cents. The public is cor dially invited. Free to New Subscribers. As long as they last , from this date , all new subscribers to THE McCooK TRIBUNE will receive a series of U. S. navy portfolios , 12 in all , free. These portfolios originally sold for $1.20 a series. They are splendid pictures of Uncle Sam's victorious navy. The sup ply is very limited , and the offer only stands until the present stock is gone. We can't duplicate them. School District 46. Following is the report of school dis trict 46 for the term ending on March loth , 1900 : No. of months taught 7 Total enrollment 10 Average daily attendance 6 Pupils most prompt in attendance , John and Willie Smith. MAY D. SWART , Teacher. " Hello Central ! Give us everybody on the wires ! Mc- Millen has the largest line of wall paper he has ever had. New designs ; new colorings ; at prices that please. A. McMlLLEN , Druggist. Seed Wheat for Sale. Velvet Chaff seed wheat for sale. Call on or write to E. F. Couse , five miles northeast of McCook , Neb. 3-16-21 Coal to burn and tanks to hold water at Bullard's. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MRS. J. E. KELLEY is in Denver on a visit. Louis SuESS arrived home from Chicago cage , Monday noon on i. MRS. SAMUEL ROGERS spent Thurs day visiting friends in Holdrege. MRS. J. F. KENYON spent part of the week in Denver , going up on i , Monday. Miss SELMA NOREN went down to Lincoln , yesterday morning , on a visit. FRANK VAHUE returned , Sunday , from his trip to Denver and the moun tains. Miss FLORENCE PURVIS closed a five- months term of school in district 54 , last Friday. R. Q. STEWART , deputy revenue col lector , had business here and hereabouts , Tuesday. J. A. GUNN and H. W. Cole both had Star of Jupiter business in Benkelnian , last week. JAMES MALEN departed , Monday , for Nebraska City , where he will locate for the present. Miss JOIE ROY , sister of Mrs. G. W. Connor , departed on Tuesday for her home in Falls City , Nebraska. MRS. P. F. McKENNA has been af flicted painfully for the past two weeks with an attack of rheumatism. f GEORGE HOCKNELL arrived from Cal ifornia , Sunday morning. He reports a great orange harvest , this season. MRS. C. E. POPE returned home , Sun day , from Oxford , whither she was called by the , illness of a sister , Mrs. Lee. G. G. EISENHART and Henry Lehman of Culbertson were city visitors , Satur day evening , on important business. JOHN MUIRHEAD left , Wednesday on 6 , for Nebraska City , to take charge of Michael O'Leary's dray line in that city. BENJ. BAKER and part of the , family have gone to Washington. Mrs. Baker and the rest of the family will follow after the close of school. WESLEY VAN NORTWICK and family have moved over from the Beaver coun try and are located in their home recent ly bought of W. F. Everist. R. L. LAVERTY of Pond Creek , Okla homa , a son of George Laverty , formerly of this city , visited friends here , close of last and first of the present week. MESDAMES FRANK KENDLEN and Harry Barbazett returned , yesterday afternoon , from Denver , where they have been receiving treatment in a hospital. Miss ALICE GLASENER , who has been the guest of her aunt , Mrs. A. G. Dole , for a few months , for her health , depart ed for her home in Reinbeck , Iowa , this week. JOHN O'BRIEN , who has been spend ing several months visiting his son Charles , departed for his home in Utica , N. Y. , last week. He will visit relatives in Falls Citj' en route , briefly. MRS. THOMAS O'RouRKE and the little girl baby departed , this week , for Rawlins , Wyoming , on a visit to Mr. O'Rourke , who is running a locomotive on the Union Pacific out of that point. Miss LULU NORVAL arrived home , Saturday night , from Chicago , where she has been trimming in a wholesale house for some time , and will be a trimmer in S. W. Lowmau's millinery department , this season. J. H. O'NEIL and family will depart for York , next week. Mr. O'Neil has purchased a quarter section of land 4 2 miles from York. His new landed pos session is one of the best improved fruit farms in York county , with a nine-room house and other appurtenances. He has traded his farm a few miles south of town for a farm six miles from Geneva in Fillmore couuty. Mrs. Lottie Brewer will occupy the O'Neil home , recently bought by her , Tuesday of next week. COURT-HOUSE : NEWS. COUNTY COURT. The county judge has issued the fol lowing marriage licenses since our last report : Alfred H. McElroy and Amy A. Daniels , both of Bartley ; Parker D. Brooks and Cora J. Daniels , both of Bartley. These young people were mar ried by Rev. G. B. May field of Danbury on the nth. William E. Wyent and Zillah L. Styer , both of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas. John M. Miles of Elwood and Ida Canaga of Red Willow. Gilbert Caldwell and Nellie Bara- clough , both of McCook ; they were mar ried by the county judge on the I2th. Clyde Lutes of McCook and Edith Vandervort of Indianola. Harry Zink of Bennett and Lucy B. Frye of Indianola. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Obituary. We copy the following from the Atwood - wood , Kansas , Republican-Citizen of February 230 ! : "DIED At his home in Richland township , Tuesday , February 20th , 1900 , of pneumonia James B. Runyon , after an illness of but four days. James B. Runyon was born 45 years ago , the 7th of last mouth , in Butler county , Pennsyl vania , where his boyhood days were spent. In 1868 he moved with his par ents to Polk county , Iowa , where they resided until 1872 , when they moved to York county , Nebraska , where February I5th , 1880 , he was united in marriage to Martha Phillips , who. with seven chil dren three boys and four girls are left to mourn the loss of a kind father and model husband. In the spring of 1894 , Mr. Runyon moved his family to Raw lins county to the farm on which they now reside in Richland township. Dur ing their six years residence among us Jim has gained the reputation of being a square , upright , honorable man , always extending the glad hand of fellowship to his neighbors in time of need. He pro vided well for his family and was a firm believer in protection to his loved ones as was shown by him being a member of Oberlin camp , M. W. A. , and of Utica lodge , A. O. U. W. , of Utica , Neb. , and a member of Utica lodge , A. F. and A. M. "In the fall of 1899 he was the Repub lican nominee for sheriff of Rawlins county. The funeral services were held at the family residence , Wednesday , and were conducted by Rev. Vogt of the Congregational church of Herndon and were largely attended. The remains were taken to McCook for interment , February 22d. The bereaved have the sympathy of all who know them. " Additions to Shadeland. W. N. Rogers of Shadeland stock farm recently arrived home from making pur chases of "White-Faces" in Kansas City , Mo. , and Sutherland , Iowa. At Kansas City he bought two cows with their calves which cost him $1,005. One cow , Horatia by Corrector , cost him $600 ; the bull calf being by the famous $5,000 Sir Bredwell. The other cow , Lily2d , is by Great Autocrat ; the heifer calf by Wild Tom. At Sutherland , Iowa , he bought a bunch of five , four cows and one bull ; and all of them , Mr. Rogers assures us , will be excellent .additions to the Shade- land stock farm. Dave Risk , the expert animal sketcher of Weston , Mo. , spent Tuesday on the farm sketching and photographing. One of the sketches made is of the great Anxiety Monarch , head of the Shade- land herd. Mr. Risk considers this one of the greatest animals he has ever seen , and he promises a masterpiece when his sketch is completed. The Black Crook. At the opera house , last night , Rea- dick's Black Crook , Jr. , opened to a large audience. Space forbids us from saying more than that the scenery was grand , the cast superb , the girls young and pretty , the comedians up to date and the music charming. As scene after scene was raised the applause was deaf ening. They have the handsomest transformation scene , consisting of nearly twenty drops , ever introduced in this city and worth miles going to see. The Black Crook is on for a long run , prob ably one hundred nights. Boston Ledg er. At the Menard opera house , Mon day , March igth. Reserved seats at usual place. Don't be Deceived By solicitors who will claim to furnisher or hang wall paper at a cut rate. We have the largest assortment ever shown in McCook. Don't buy till you let us calculate exactly the number of rolls it will take and just what the cost will be. MCCONNELL & BERRY. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Lida Simpson , an experienced dressmaker , will be associated with Mrs. E. E. Saddler , milliner , after March 2oth , and they respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Satisfaction guar anteed ; prices reasonable. Third door south of postoffice. S. M. Cochran & Co. will meet any price made , this spring , on any good , re liable implements. You will save money by getting their prices and looking over their stock before buying. You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co. are at the head of the procession when good meats are on parade. Try their market. The "Smart Set" is the title of a new magazine think all Bullard's , we cus tomers come under that head. The great Majestic is becoming a household word. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Telephone 59 for milk and cream. Lear he sells wall paper. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. C. C. Calvert is working for the com pany at Akron noxv. Conductor T. E. McCarl received a regular car , this week. Engines 160 and 164 are being oven- hpuled , in the shops here. Switchman H. L. Thompson's family arrived from Geneva , Thursday. Mail car 63 of the Orleans-St. Francis line is in the shops here for repairs. Dispatcher W. F. Pate made his par ents in Hastings a flying visit , last week. Machinist J.E.Walters resigned , Mon day , and will go to Denver to work at his trade. Brakeman W. W. Webster is in Falls City enjoying a week's vacation with relatives. Boilermaker Adolph Mangless has re signed and will go to Denver to work for the Rio Grande. Engineer G. W. Starks was up from Oxford , Thursday , having some repairs made to his engine. Ed Fruin has retired from the com pany's service and on Wednesday left for bis home in El Paso , Illinois. Extending No. s's run on to Denver necessitated the putting on of two more passenger crews at this place. Monday was pay-day. The pay-car : auie in attached to No. 5 , which was , in ronsequence , over an hour late. Trainmaster W. W. Josselyn was up from Orleans , Wednesday , on important business at division headquarters. Agent and Mrs. A. P. Thomson visited Lincoln friends , Saturday and Sunday , arriving home on 3 , Sunday night. Frank Cavanaugh has gone to Have- lock to work in the Burlington shops. He visited his parents in Holdrege a short while on the way. B-ngineer C. K. Coleman brought in 25 cars of oranges from Akron , Sunday morning , 143 miles in 4 hours and 5 mii' tes. The special made two stops during the run. A pretty good run. C. A. Ward is making considerable additions and improvements to his res idence on North McFarland , which will give him a very cosy , comfortable and convenient home , when completed. The blacksmith shop has been raised two feet and the building is now on a level with the shops. The floor will be raised accordingly with cinders , which will necessitate elevating the fires , an vils etc. R. J. Moore of the freight office force matie his first passenger run , Thursday night , as brakeman on second 3. George S. Scott took Moore's place on the day force and S. C. Helliker succeeded Scott , lorn Robinson of Cambridge has Hel- liker's old place. John Roxby , chief of the blacksmith shop , and perhaps the oldest blacksmith in active service in the state , expects to retire from active work and the Burling ton service , June ist. He will retire to his farm near Arapahoe and will devote his declining days in the poultry bus iness. Here's many days and much joy to him. John has been in the company's service at this place since the fall of 1882 , and a more loyal and efficient employe the Burlington does not have on its pay roll. He will be missed. The new shop is about finished as to exterior and the work on the interior is rapidly being pushed along to comple tion. The vitrified bricks are now on the ground and the floor of the building will soon be laid. Cinders and sand will foria the foundation upon which the bricks will be laid. Two of the work- tracks are about completed now , and a stub-track is now being laid in the build ing on the south side. In a few days the building will be ready to receive its machinery the foundations for the same being now in readiness. The timbers have been placed for the line of shafting and counter-shafting carriers and shortly everything will be ready for a grand moving day. Engineer Monks and Fireman Rod- stroui went down to Hastings on 12 , yesterday , to bring up the new heavy Ireight engine No. i of the KS class , re cently sent out of the Havelock shops , rhey brought the new machine in , this morning. The engine is designed for tiauling heavy freight trains not for speed , so its drivers are but 64 inches , while it has I9s26-inch cylinders , piston palves , and carries 200 pounds steam pressure. It is one of the largest loco motives on the Nebraska lines of the Burlington. Seven more engines of this : lass are in course of building in the Bavelock shops , and it is stated that an srder for four more of them will be placed as soon as these are ready for the road. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. IS COMING AGAIN. Prof. Swift , who so delighted and in structed our pupils and patrons , last summer , has made a date for McCook again : On Friday evening , March 23d , in the Congregational church , he will present the wonders of the most power ful microscope on earth and his $130,000 telescope. He announces that he has new and brilliant illustrations and many startling sights. His microscope mag nifies two million times. His telescope brings the "Man in the Moon" within eighty miles of the earth. A journey to the moon will entertain you. There will be a number of brilliant chemical exper iments : Water burned with immense heat ; a knife burned. General admis sion , 250. THE GRADES ENTERTAINMENT. The children of the Sixth , Seventh and Eighth grades entertained a well-filled Assembly-room of pleased patrons , last Saturday evening , The programme con sisted of living pictures illustrating well- known nd popular songs , books and poems in a series of tableaux , together with several sketches in which the lan tern was used to advantage. It was quite a clever affair and netted $13 50 to the several grades engaged in its presen tation. Mrs. Hedlund of the Sixth grade was taken quite ill , close of last week , but was able by mid-week to resume her full and regular work in the grade. Miss Stroud of the South McCook school will i-ive an entertainment by the children of her grade in the Assembly- room , this evening , the proceeds to be devoted to the advantage of the South McCook school. Fourteen new pupils entered our al ready overflowing public schools , Mon day. The matter of providing enlarged accommodations and facilities is be coming more and more pressing ; indeed , it is hard to realize hoxv it will be pos sible to open the fall term without pro viding more room. City Republican Caucus. The Republican electors are called to meet at the city hall on Friday , March i6th , 1900 , at 7:30 o'clock , p. m. , for the purpose of placing in nomination can didates to be voted for at the city elec tion to be held April 3d , 1900 : One Mayor. One City Treasurer. One City Engineer. One Police Judge. One Councilman for ist Ward. One Councilman for 2d Ward. Two Members of Board of Education. C. F. BABCOCK , H. H. TROTH , G. R. JOHNSON , H. H. BERRY , W. F. LAWSON , Committee. Trees ! Trees ! Trees ! Our Colorado-raised trees and plants are the best that can be grown. They grow where others fail to live. Write for circulars on the Colorado mulberry , blackberry , andthe , Black Giant prune tree. THE INTERNATIONAL NURSERY Co. , Denver , Colorado ; established n years ; or to T. F. RowELL , Agent , Mc Cook , Neb : M. W. Gallagher , whose tragic death was noted in last week's TRIBUNE , was born near Altoona , Penna. , December iSth , 1847 ; removing to Iowa when but a young man. He was wedded to Emma Hesiatt in 1876. It has been acknowledged by all the best farmers in this vicinity that the American woven wire fence is the heav iest wire and the best woven wire on earth. It's for sale by S. M. Cochran & Co. No. i was partially derailed at Ottum- wa , early Thursday morning , and its ar rival here was delayed about three hours. The damage was $9. For a low-price paint our Silver Seal brand has no equal. Get our prices be fore you buy. McCoNNELL & BERRY. Go to the barber shop for a shave , to the feed store for baled hay , but for your lumber and coal go to Bullard's. Barnetts will furnish you an estimate on a porch , addition to 3-our house or anything you want to build. Remember that William Hawley Smith will appear in our city on April 4th , un der M. A. C. auspices. While summer and winter play hide and seek , Bullard keeps right on selling the best coal in town. When cleaning house , use Barnett's corrugated carpet lining. Moth proof. The city election will be pulled off , April 3d. See notices on the walls. Just a touch of responsible winter weather , this week. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Buy your paints of Loar. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Burn Barnett's stove wood. Buy a Majestic and be pleased. Don't forget Loar's is the place. McMillen's Cou h Cure is sure. Telephone 59 for milk and cream. McConnell's Hulsani cures coughs. Loar's Cough Killer does the work. New plaids for skirts at DeGroff & Co.'s. Superb and unusual weather for stormy March. Garden hose best grades now in stock at F. D. Burgess' . Call up 19 if you have any newspaper or job printing business to do. To make your hands smooth and soft use McMillen's Cream Lotion. Now in stock a large display of hose and fixtures at F. D. Burgess' . SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. Best hose guaranteed by F. D. Burgess. Can be returned , if not as represented. HOUSE FOR SALE Seven rooms and three lots. J. H. BERGE. Horse , carriage and household goods for sale. J H. BKKGK. More than a quarter of a million eggs were marketed in McCook , last Saturday. Increase your supply of eggs by using McMillen's Egg Producer. Guaranteed. At F. D. Burgess' you have a large stock of rubber hose and fixtures to se lect from. Conrad , the new dairyman , as an in troductory scheme , is selling 40 quart tickets for $ r. A great excitement over Loar's beau tiful line of wall paper. Don't fajl to see it ; prices right. The large number of Majesties in this vicinity is the best evidence that its the finest range on earth. Mrs. S. E. Griggs will return from Holdrege in May and will respond to any calls for nursing as before. WANTED A girl for general house work. Inquire at residence of II. M. Tyler , North Manchester ave. Tell us what you want to build and we will fiunish you an estimate of the cost. BARNETT LUMBER Co. "The Right Place" to call up is No. 12. You are sure of getting just as choice meats by phone as by personal inspec tion. Attention is directed to Mrs. E. E. Saddler's millinery announcement. She is now ready for business. Formal open ing later. The McCook Athletic club placed the net sum of $55 65 in their treasury as a result of the minstrel entertainment in Cambridge. It makes no difference how fine your stock is , the American woven wire fence will hold them. Sold only by S. M. Cochran & Co. There are still about 60 vacant call boxes for rent in the McCook postoffice. If necessary , more combination boxes will be added when these calls are all taken. This week. S. M. Cochran made a neat investment in McCook city property in the purchase of Dr. W. V. Gage's hand some little home on North Marshall. Consideration was $2,150. If you would drive in comfort see Cochrau & Co. and get the choicest buggy or surrey in the market. They always keep a large assortment in stock and they would be pleased to show you their line. Clyde Lutes and Edith Vandervort , both of Redwillow , were united in mar riage on Monday afternoon of this week by Rev. W. J. Turner of the Congrega tional church at the parsonage. We con gratulate. It is not a debatable question but one of privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh & Co. , when in quest of the best the market affords in the meat line. They are prompt and accommodating in the bargain. Phone 12. People looking for a large range for either cattle or sheep will do well to cor respond with Arterburn Bros , of Imper ial , Chase county , Nebraska , as they have several ranches for sale or lease in tracts of 320 to 10,000 acres. Why , yesl We can fit you out in any of the latest improved implements. We make it a specialty to study just what the farmers need and then keep them in stock. If you buy from us you will get the best goods on the market , every time. S. M. COCHRAN & Co. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Lear he sells pure drugs.