The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 02, 1900, Image 7
Mr. Moody know his Bible so well that his eyes and fingers could find any passage that he wanted , from Genes ! : to Revelation , in the hurry of rapid speech , as easily as the fingers of a master musician can find the notes ol a familiar sonnata n the keyboard of a piano. One of the new ideas for home dec oration is the violet tree. It has been taken up with much eagerness by the New York women of society. Nettie Dickey , of Stan ton , Del. , hiu Just returned to her home , after leadIng - Ing the life of a tramp for several years. " I had a very severe sickness that took off all my hair. I pur chased a bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor and am glad to say that it brought my hair back again and I am not today obliged to be classed amen the bald-heads. " W. D. Quinn , Marseilles , 111. , Aug. 25 , 1899. One thing is certain , Aycr's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. If it were a hur stimulant simply , it could not do this. You must have food to live : stimulants can not take its place. Aycr's Hair Vigor feeds the hair and it grows. It could not do differently , for it's Nature's plan. It Stops fall ing of the hair , too , takes out all dandruff , and always restores color to gray hair. $ ! .03 a bottle. All 3E2K SSfcS Writs the Doctor If yoado notobtninall the benefits you desire from the uss of the Yifror , write the Doctor about it. lie will ten you just the right , thine ; to do , and will send jou bl3 book 0:1 the Hair and Scalp if jou request 11. .Address , lr. J. C. AVER , Lowell , 3Iass. No Boiling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all garment ? .fresh and crisp as when lirst bought new. Try a Sample Fackasre You'll like it if you try it. You'll buy it it' you try it. You'll use it if you try it. Sold by all Grocers. WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If youwantacoat that will keep you dry In the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If not for sale In your town , write for catalogue to "A. J. TOWER. Bosfon , Alass. FOR 14 GENTS | "Wb wish to eain this rear 200.00) nevr customers , and hence oner B 1 Pkg. City Garden Beet , ICc H IPkg.Earl'ittKxneraldCncnmberlSc aa " " La OroEge Market Lettuce. IBo < § Strawberry Melon , 16o 2 lJDay : RadNh , lOc < P Early Rips Cabbage. lOc If Harly Dinner Onion , lOc B Brilliant Flower Seeds , I5e $ Worth 91,00 , f ? r14 ccsts. ijl.iw * ) Abovolo Pkgs. worth $1.00. we will § 5 mail you free , toe other with oar ft great Catalog , telling all abont M SAUER'S KltliaH adtlAR POTATO Q upon recalpt of this notice < tl4c. & stamps. We inrite your trade , and j ' -U.knowwhsnyon once try Sal zer's S iBoeds you will never do wlthont. * * > * # 2OO PrireaonSalzcr'slMOO rarw estearliestTomato Giant on earth , mm ® J0115 JU 81LIER SEED CO. , la CUOSSE , nig. for OLD SOLDIERS Union soldiersand widows of soldiers who made homestead entries before June 22,1874 of less than rights should address , with full part.cnlars , giv ing district , &c. HEK2T H. COPP. Washhstss , C. 0. . CURES WHtHfc ALL hLSh tHM- l Best Cough Syrup. aiistesG o ® . Uea In time. Sold by drcgglsts. LIVESTOCK AND PRODUCE. Onmlni , Chicago E < I Kew York Miirkot OtinttttloiiR. | CHICACSO PRODUCE MARKET. CHICAGO. Feb. 20. WHKAT-No. 3. hpring. 6365c : No. 2 red , C ( I7Uo. CORN No. 2 , : j3',4c ; No. 2 yellow , 3340. OATS No. 2. 23ff5B9Ac : No. 1 while , 2C { > Wc : No. 3 white. 24i25c. RYE No. 2 , 54fJ < Q5y.e. . BARLEY No. 2. 37 , i * c. SEEDS FliiXBet'd. No. 1 and northwest. Jl.GO. Prime timothy , $2.45. Clover , con tract ffrade. $8.40. PROVISION8-MCH8 jiork. per bbl. . J9.SO < fil0.75. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , ff..75fcS.8 * . Short ribs Hides ( loose ) , * 5.75 I < I.O : > . Dry fuilted shoulders ( boxed ) . $6.25 < g .50. Sbort % clear slden ( boxed ) $5.95ig < 5.05. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. Feb. 2tf. WHEAT Weak nnd heavy at H421c net declineMurcli. . 74 % < g7nc. closed at 74c ; May. 72 9-lG'o > 73V c. closed at 70'tc ; September , 72/72c , closed at 72' c. CORN Closed weak at V4c net decline ; May-400110 , closed at 40c ; July , 40 < 740tic , closed at 40Vic. OATS Receipts , IW.200 bu. : .spot weaker ; No. 2. 29c : No. 3 , 23V4c ; No. 2 white , 31 % c ; No. ; j wblte , iXI' c ; track , mixed western , 29@30Vic ; track white , . ' { I > < / ( iKc. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. CHICAGO. Fob. 2-CATTLE-Choice ( ! cattle , nominally steady , other steady to slow ; Tcxaiis llrm ; good cows about steady , other : ; , lOc lower ; canner.s .strong ; stockers and feeders active and about steady ; good to choice , 55.00'f.1).S. > : poor to medium , $4.0ufc4.7 : > : mixed stoeker. , $3.40@3.SO ; selected feeders , ? l.2o 1.7r > ; Texas fed beeves , fi.GQTio.CO. HOGS Active and stessdy to strong : top , $1.07' ; Rood clearance : mixed and butchers , ? 4.70ft l. ! 3 ; ffood heavy , S-I.Sr.fz 4.i71roujili ! : heavy , $1.70'4.SO : lights , fl.OJ ( fT4.83 ; bulk of sales ,54.SOf4.f0. ! SHEEP AND LAMBS Steady : lambs strong ; native wethers. $ .i.OOfff .SO : western wothers. $500.fi3.75r lambs , $3.00 7.13 ; west ern lambs , | 6.00IS7.0T . KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITY. Feb. Si. CATTLE Best grades steady ; common and Inferior kinds easier ; heavy native steers , $4.73'f : ) ii.30 ; light weights. $1.40fi4.7. . ; .stockers and feeders , ifl.30flii.23 ; butcher eows and heif ers. ? : ! .20t/4.40 ; canners , $2.50'fT3.20 : fed westerns. f4.00IT4.f.Ove.5tern ; feeders , J3.50 ( fTl.30 ; Texans . $3.535(4.13. HOGS Early markets steady : closed weak ; heavy. $ l.70 < Ttl.82& ; mixed. ? 4.Gf | < i 4.73 ; light , $ j..vfi4.75 : : ; pigs. s.now4.:3. : : SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , l.GOO head ; supply too light to lill demamls ; ( liilc-lc market ; Hun prices ; lambs , $ f ; . i'i fi.7T < ; ypjirlings. So.L'.Vfio.Cf. : muttons , fl.r.O'f/ . 3. : : . ' . ; mockers and feeders , $3.50T r .CO ; culls , 53.OOTi3.59. SOUTH OMAHA LIVE STOCK. SOUTH OMAHA , Feb. 2(5. ( During the first four days of last week there were re ceived at the four markets 1S.OOO more cattle than for the corresponding period of last year. The stockers and feeders trade was slow , as was also the cow mar ket. Here are some quotations : Beef steers , f3.23fi4.70 ; cows and heefers. $ : ! .n3 (53.S3 ( ; cows. " $ D.33 < ri3.S3 : heifers. $3.23W4.23 ; bulls , $2GOfi4.23 ; calves , $7.ft/'T7.25 : stock calves ; $1.23& ; stags. $3.30 1.20 ; stock cows and heifers ? 2.20'fi4.50 ' ; stockers and feeders. $2.50Tj3.CO. HOGS For a time there was not much doing , but after a little later the market picked up again and closed steady with yesterday. The hogs sold very largely at 54.C71tfi4.70 , with some of the heavier good loads at $4.73. The quality of the hogs was considerably better than the day before. In general , they sold about 15c lower. SHEEP Choice handy weight yearl- lings , $5.7n@G.Oi ) : good to choice fed ye r- lings. $3.CO < Ji3.7Er : fair to good yearlings. $3.40-53.60 ; godd to choice wethers , f3.30t' ' 3.30 ; fair to good wethers. ? 3.1K ( 3.23 ; good to choice fed ewes , J4.COT/4.75 : fair to good ewes $4.COf4.iO : good to choice native lambs , ? O.COSi.53 ; ; good to choice western lambs. J6.fj0iilii.73 ; fair to good western feeder yearlings , $3.0 < Ki3.GO ; good to choice feeder lambs , $4.7rfo3.73. CONSECRATION OF A BISHOP. Coiuljulor Tor Kpigcopul IMnliop of Cht- capo Youngrst on Kccortl. CHICAGO , Feb. 2G. Rev. Charles Palmerston Anderson was consecrat ed Bishop-coadjutor of the Episcopal diocese of Chicago by Bishop Mc Laren , assisted by Bishop Gillespie of Western Michigan and Bishop Sey mour of Springfield , 111. The ceremo nies were conducted at Grace church , Wabash avenue and Fourteenth street , in the presence of an immense congre gation of laymen and most of the lead ing dgnitaries of the Episcopal church in the western and middle states. The occasion was observed by. the celebration of holy communion in ev ery Episcopal church in Chicago at 7 a. m. , while morning prayers and an elaobrate musical program were held in Grace house , adjoining the church , previous to the consecration ceremo nies. Rev. Anderson's presenters were Bishop Edsall of North Dakota and Morrison of Iowa. The sermon was delivered by Bishop Charles C. Grafton of Fond du Lac , Wis. Other participants in the consecration cere- moures were Bishop J. H. White of Michigan City , Ind. ; Bishop I. L. Nicholson of Milwaukee and Bishop A. L. Williams fo Nebraska. This evening the Chicago Church club will tender Bishop-Coaujutor An derson , Bishop McLaren and other visiting bishops and clergymen a ban quet in honor of the occasion. Rev. Anderson enjoys the distinction of be ing one of the youngest men ever con secrated bishop-coadjutor of the Prot estant Episcopal church in America. He is not as yet 38 years old. Majority Against the Ministry. VICTORIA , B. C. , FeD. 26. The Semlin-Coton government , which re placed the Turner administration in British Columbia local politics in 1898. was yesterday defeated by one vote on the redistribution measure , upon which it was intended to go to country. Tt is probable the government will refuse a dissolution and a trial will be made to secure a coalition government under new leadership during the remaining two ! years of the life of the Parlia ment. Want > "e\v Convention Date. CHICAGO , Feb. 26. At a meeting of the executive committee of the West ern Passenger association held today it was decided to issue instructions to Lhe various passenger agents at Kan sas City to wait upon the citizens' com mittee in charge of the democratic na- ; ional convention and urge that the convention date be changed. llryan Gee to Memphis. NASHVILLE , Tenn. . Feb. 26. To night at 11 o'clock Hon. William J. Bryan , accompanied by Secretary of State W. S. Morgan , left here for Mem phis. During the day Mr. Bryan was entertained by several promnient resi dents of Nashville and received many callers at his hotel. Kansas City Ships Mnio . KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 26. Four iiundred mules were shipped today for Kew Orleans for use by the British in South Africa. They were bought ay Captain Smith of the British army and were inspected by him last week. Glimpses Acroiis the Sea Is the charming title of a charming book from the facile pen of Mr. Sam T. Clover , the well known author and newspaper editor. The "Glimpses" arc particularly pertinent just now when so many people are considering about going to the Paris Exposition , and many people will be glad to know that the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway has purchased an edition ol Mr. Clover's work for distribution. In sending your address for a copy please enclose six cents to pay postage. Geo. H. Heafford , General Passenger Agent , Old Colony Building , Chicago , 111. FOR MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN. Two Letters from Women Helped Throngh the "Change of UIo" by Lydla E. Plnk- hatn's Vegetable Compound. " DEAR Jilts. PIXKIIAM : When I first wrote to you I was in a very bad con dition. I was passing through the change of life , and the doctors said 1 had bladder and liver trouble. I had suffered for nine years. Doctors failed to do me any good. Since I have taken Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Com pound , my health has improved very much. I will gladly recommend your medicine to others and am sure that it will prove as great a blessing to them as it has to me. " Mns. GKO. II. JUNE , 'J01 DeKalb Avc. , Brooklyn , N. Y. Relief Came Promptly "DKAiiMns. PIXKIIAM : I had been under treatment with the doctors for four years , and seemed to get no better , I thought I would try your medicine. My trouble was change of life , and I must say that I never bad anything help me so much as Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Relief came almost immediately. 1 have better health now than I ever had. I feel like a uew woman , perfectly strong. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound all the credit , and would not do without her medicine for any thing. J have recommended it to several of my friends. There is 110 need of women suffering so much for Mrs. Pinkham's remedies are a sure cure. " MAHALA BUTI.EII , Bridge- watcr , 111. Another Woman Helped " DEAR MRS. PISKHAM : 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during change of Jife and derived great benefit from its use. ' ' MARY E. JAAIES , 13C Coydon St. , Bradford , Pa. CENTS we will send yon our TWO-QUART FOU1 * . TAIN SYRINGE , fitted with n fall lenplh 1 STKEL NICKEL-PLATED VALTE 4 TIIHKE I hygienic , hard rubber pipes for INFANTS , ADULTS , RECTAL nnd VAGINAL. These pipes have the slip expan sion air-tight joints , Kunrnn- > teed not to loakcrvrenr. All csrofully packed in n strnw- bonrd , paper-covered boi.Tho postage will bo2cts. Our flprJns C'ntnlosnc of 1.0UO illustrated pages will bo Kent prepaid on receipt of 15 cents , which pays part of the express charpea , und will be refunded on receipt of yrur fimt order. This catalogue quotes wholesale prices on EVJiiiYTHIJJG you EAT. WEAR nnd USE. Established JOHN 51. SMYTH COMIMXT , JSG7. 150-160 W. Mndlnon St. , Qrder Style No. A 11 CHICAGO , ILL. Fiso's Cnre for Consumption 1ms save : ! mo largo doctor bills. C. L. Baker , 423S Re gent Sq. : Phi adelphia , Pa. , Deo. S , 1893. It is well to keep lamps about two- thirds full of oil. PAUKFR'S HAIR BALSAM keeps the hair soft and plentiful and restoreo the color when gray. HISDEKCORKS , the best cure for corns. 13cts. The cauliflower is a patrician among A cgetables. GREAT BARGAINS FOR ALL. Tbe ads of the John M. Smyth Co. in another column of this paper should be of interest to every reader. The firm is one of the largest in the United States and is thoroughly reliable. Their catalogue of everything to eat , wear and use is a mammoth one and complete in every particular. AVrite for it today. To be afraid of your friend is to lose him. A IJook of Clioicc Recipes Sent free by Walter Uaker & Co. l/.d. , Dorchcs'.er , Mass. Mention this paper. tinii rti'ljtutnitjtt _ iiiiuit'HiM umim minium m'"i m iit'ti i le Preparalionfor As - similating IheFpodandfieguIa- tirig theSloinachs awlBowels of Promotes Dige3lionCheerfuI- ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor fineral. an Seetf" s4fx.Smna.-f Skanf Itintttyratn.Skanf . A perfect Remedy forConslipa- Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oF tfL&ff&tc&K NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Ojitnlon. Sage says the Boer war is n good thing for the commerce ot this country. He said to a New York newspaper mar. the other day that the war "is emphasizing the independent position of this country in the money markets of the world. The longer that war lasts the more benelit this coun try will derive. It is estimated that the war is costing over $1,000,000 a day in destruction of property and financial waste. " A light head makes an easy running tongue. STATB OP Onto , CITV or TOLEDO , i cc LUCAS COUNTT , j5S- Fraptc J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is the senior partner of the llrm of P. J.Cheney &Co. , doinjr business In the City of Toledo , County nud State aforesaid , and that said llrm will nay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each.iml every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. PRANK .1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my presence , this oth day of December. A. D. I860. f SPAI" 1 AW. . U LEASON. lfaEAL-J Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , and nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of thubyttem. Send for testimonials , free. i P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , a Sold by DniRRlstS , 7.C. Hall's Family Pills arc the best. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. God's rewards are often greater re sponsibilities. An All-Year Resort. The Crescent Hotel , Eureka Sprlnps , Ark. , opens March 1 , 1900. A most , desirable , at tractive and convenient resort for health and pleasure seekers. Ideal climate , pure sparkling water , best accommodations. Through Sleep ers via Frisco Line. Write for particulars to Manager Hotel or to un representative of Frisco Line. This new , earliest , corn wlrcroln ! - EAREDThis growlns , yielding In EARED 1839 , In Jl iunrEoia. 100 lias. psr acre. niGFUUKOATS yields 250 bus. per acre , and jou cm beat that I ? / , SPELTZ 180 ' bus. per ncrc. Greatest grain 'anJhayfjodthlseldeoftbs itanl BAUI.EY , KEAKDLEBH. Jlsld 121bu3.lnN.Y. Wonderful ! KAPE aBc. A TON Gives rich , green food for cattle , cheep , swine , poultry , etc. , at25c. a ton. We sell nine-tenths of the Rape Ecerl used In the U. S. BKO.MTJ8 INEIUIU8 Greatest frrasi on earth. Grows to perfection In America everywhere. Salzer warrants It I THE MILLION DOILAH potutoli the most talked of potato tate on earth , and Salrrr yir iVccLn ; both will make you rich. I.argeit grower of I'otatoci and Farm Serds In the world. VEGETABLE SEEDS Largest , choicest list In U. B. Onion Seed , 80c. Ib. Everything warranted to crow. 35 pkgs ear liest vegetable ! , postpaid , $1.00. FOn 10c. STAMPS nnd this notice , we mall great Seed Catalog and lOpkgs Farm Bee. | .Voveltljs. tj Catalog nlotio , Cc. postage. . nu JOHMA.SALZERSEEDCO. LACROSSEWIS. S3 3S © SHOES . . . S4to$6compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. tacnuine haveVL. . I Douglas * name and price [ stamped on bottom. 'i'ake ( no substitute claimed to be as good. Your dealer should keer > them if , not , we will send _ a pair on receipt of price and 250. vssextra for carriage. State kind ot leather , : T N25J size , and width , plain or cap toe. Cir. free. couatYans wL. . DOUGUIS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mass. GUARANTEED with no fee un less successful. Patents advertised free for clients. Frco advice RS to patentability. Send for Inventor's I'rlmer. MILO B. STEVENS & CO. , Kstabllshetl 1861. SIT 14th St. , Washington , D.C. Hrnnch Offices : Chicago. Cleveland and Detroit. Locomotor Atas'a con quered at la t. U.ic.ors puzzled. pecla'lMs amazpd at recovery of pntlcnts thought Ine-urahle l > y OK.CIIASK'S BLOOD AND KliltVEFOOD. "Write me about your i-ase. AdUccnnd proof of cure ? FUEE. DK. tlUSF , 224 N.IOth St.rilILADCLFIIIM'A For Infants and Children. Bears the Signature of The frankest as well as the most comprehensive and statesmanlike view yet published of our foreign policy is that of the Hon. Richard Olney , to ap pear in the March Atlantic Monthly. It Is marked by Mr. Olney's power of trenchant and compressed expression , yet it is also moderate and far-seeing. The recent movement among Indiana Democrats to nominate Mr. Olney for the Prcsidentcy gives additional inter est to this paper. The French government has just or dered ten locomotives from this coun try. Mr. Ernest Scton-ThouipHon. the au thor of "Wild Animals I Have Known , " and whose "Biography of a Grizzly , " will soon be published by The Century Co. , has written for The Century Maga zine several articles on "The National 'Zoo' at Washington. " the first one of which will appear in the March num ber , with illustrations by the author. Mr. Seton-Thompson , in this article , will make a powerful plea for the preservation of wild animals now threatened with extinction. He raise ? a question as to whether domestic ani mals have , not been of more value to mankind than human inventions. MILLIONS OF WOMEN USE CUTICCRA SOAP exclusively for preserving , purifying , and beautifying the skin , for cleansing the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and the stopping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and healing red , rough , and sore hands , in the form of haths for annoying irritations , inflammations , and dialings , or too free or offensive perspiration , in the form of washes , for ulcerative weaknesses , and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women , and especially mothers , and for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. No amount of persuasion , can induce those who have once used it to use any other , especially for preserving and purifying the skin , scalp , and hair of infants and children. CUTICTKA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CITICLIIA , the great skin cure , with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. Xo other medicated or toilet soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving , purifying , and beautifying the skin , scalp , hair , and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap , however expensive , is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Tims it com bines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE , viz. , TWENTY-FIVE CENTS , the BEST skin and complexion soap , the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world. . 4. COMPLETE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOR S1.25 , constating of CiiTiccu \ SOAP ( i'x ; . ) , to rltMii u the btln of rrutnii'l M-tUes and borten the thickened cuticleCLTIIVKA OISTMK.NT .W. ) , to in-tnutly all.-.y it--iiin . InHaniiu.uiun , and Irritation , anil soothe and Sic-al , ami Crrirt-'KA ' . - . ) , to roul an l < -I.-in.-.e the blooil. A SlNiJl.E SKT I- often Mifllricn : to cure the most tott-im : , It.-i iiru akin , eralp , and blood humor with 5o = s of linir , when all t-Ue fails.ul < J throughout the world. I'OT- ' . > . ' . , Boston. " Allabotit . - . . . " . i-al TEK DlUJG A > 1 > CUEM.Cou , Solei'rops. akin. | > .an.l Hair. free. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS IN ! gDEPEnDEfOE * ASSURED If you talff up vour homes in V. i-siern C an- ada. the lat 3 of plenty. II ustrated jumptilets. frivinc t-xp vlenrps of farmers \\l < f. have be come wealth,1 in grow- WK wheat.eport > o delegates , e < . . and ful information rs lo reduced railway IMCS can l > e had on application to the Superintendent of ' Immigration. Department of Intfi-jir. O Canada or to M. V Bennett , SOI New Life Bidg . Omaha. Xeb. Is THE BEST ink. J V NEW DISCOVFSY ; 9 qulclc reliefar.iJ'rnre casep. ] ! ook of te = tlmonalb ! ami 10 nil treatment FHEn. DK. II. II. GUECVS POXS. Dox E , Atlvla , Oc. [ Thompson's Sys Wafer. toie eyes , l . \V. X. L' . CMIAII \ . No. y I'JOO C.C fc + J S r In Anrrlcs. . Sl.-JOi up. > nerD c Iorlicr : ra < . , < i.irr d Kirm ( Sk " * ! Srrris. Scnil IhU cot'rami JOr for cautnr < 1 1 * Sk V RIKK F4K31 iLED ffB fff - T * . W.S rLU. V ? U LJ V EL K "dJOIIX ! i. . < ULZKB SEKU HI. . 1.1 I KOSSE. HIS. woo' * . has stool tlie t - t of a vf-ars fife ff\ § andist'U the i : - t O.n Ii MK&Jla. Itcmcdv Sn(2. ! C rw'scll " * * * . 1o 1 i * . . ' " bv ail ill Oi i | | 8 Be ! Tuur Pension 1 8 DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'F RRHLL. Pension Agent , -J2C "few York Avenue. WASHINGTON. . C.