The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
ENGLAND may be said to be having
au up-hill time of it in South Africa.
Tim remarks of the Hon. Arthur
Sewall , late Democratic vice-presidential
candidate , to the effect that he believes
Bryan will undoubtedly be nominated
but that he will be again defeated , are
not considered good Democratic litera
ture for campaign circulation.
EXPORTATIONS of iron and steel dur
ing 1899 amounted to $105,689,645 against
$15,422,874 in 1880 , while imports of
manufactures of iron and steel in 1880
were $63,956,853 and in 1899 but $15,799-
206. And all this under protection ,
which has been denounced as a some
thing which would prevent Americans
finding abroad a market for their prod
No LOYAL Republican will be dis
turbed in the least in his ultimate fidelity
and allegiance to the party and its presi
dent in the coming national contest by
the fact that he does coincide completely
with the expansion or colonial policy to
which the party and its chief executive
have fallen .heir by reason of the late
Spanish-American war. All Republicans
are united in the matters of stable cur
rency , protection , good government , and
have confidence that the party can take
care of the colonies and trusts with a
wisdom that the Democratic party has
never exhibited in its history. The Re
publican front will be a practically solid
one in November , notwithstanding any
and all miHor differences of opinion.
HARVARD'S professor of history , Albert
B. Hart , in an interesting article in Har
pers Magazine , calls attention to the fact ,
and illustrates his point by copious quo
tations , that the present debates over
the annexation of Puerto Rico and the
Philippines contain , with more prolixity
and less cogenc3' , the same passionate
objections and the same rejoinders which
busied the minds of the senate and the
house in the discussion of the Louisiana
purchase in 1803. Nothing new has been
raised by the anti-expansionists of the
present time over those of a century ago ,
although those of to-day must admit
that the reasoning of their namesakes
was defective. The objectors of those
days were simply obstructionists , as bad
ly divided in opinion as are those of the
present day , having no common principle
on which all could stand.
THE calamity shriekers , who did such
a thriving business ( at so much per diem )
in the campaign of 1896 , are liable to find
their branch of industry somewhat de
pressed by a recent publication in that
staunch Democratic paper the New
York "World. " The "World" calls at
tention to the fact that the New York
State bureau of labor and statistics in its
report for 1899 says that "at the end of
December , 1898 , 27.2 per cent of all the
working people in all trades were unem
ployed. At the end of March , 1899 , the
unemployed amounted to 18.6 per cent.
At the end of June the percentage was
10.9. At the end of September it had
sunk to 4.7 per cent. " And the "World"
adds that at the present moment it is
"incalculably small , " and further says ,
"How much these simple figures mean
of prosperity ! How much they mean of
happiness in the home lives of hundreds
of thousands ! How much they mean of
welfare for the counto' ! What a warn
ing they hold for politicians who would
start another 'calamity' campaign. " To
this the Democratic Washington "Post"
adds that "reports from other states are
of like tenor. Never before in the his
tory of this country was labor in such
demand as at present ; never before was
the general average of wages so high ;
never before were the deposits in savings
banks increasing so rapidl } * ; and there is
the strongest promise that this most
happy situation will continue for some
. "
years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum , baking powders are the greatest
menacers to nealui of the present day.
Best Grades
Telephone No. 5
Give Us a
Call and We
Will Please You
Our Coal is the
Hottest Stuff in Town
THE Populist state convention is an
nounced for March igth in the new aud-
torium building in Lincoln.
THE Republicans of Nebraska will
hold an early convention , this year ,
meeting in Lincoln , Wednesday , May 2.
IN spite of the reading in the senate
of Admiral Dewey's letters stating that
he never made any coalition or agree
ment with Aguinaldo , the anti-imperial
ists still maintain that Dewey did regard
the Filipinos as his allies. It looks as
though the Democratic campaign man
agers were proposing to go before the
country on the question of veracity be
tween Admiral Dewey and Aguinaldo.
MR. BRYAN'S eastern tour'was a great
success. He managed to get on every
side of every question which could be
possibly considered in the coming cam
paign , and therefore retires to the west
flattering himself that he has given
everybody a little platform on which to
stand long enough to cast a vote for
Bryan in 1900. The most striking feat
ure of his trip was the evidence which
he brought forth that the silver question
must be relegated to the background ,
that anti-expansion is the most unpopu
lar proposition he could offer , and that
his chief reliance now is the imperialistic
bogie , whatever that may be.
City Property Transfers.
Activity in city real estate continues.
The following transfers of residence
properties have taken place , this week :
Jonas Engel to James S. Doyle of the
Willow. Consideration , $2,500. This is
one of McCook's finest properties , and
the contemplated removal of Mr. Engel
and family from the city is doubtless re
sponsible for the bargain price at which
it sold.
The old Frank Hess dwelling over on
south Monroe street to Mrs. M. E. Bar-
ger. The consideration was in the
neighborhood of a thousand dollars.
The J. A. Snyder residence , corner of
McFarland and Dakota , by W. F. Everist
to the Leach brothers. JThe considera
tion is placed at less than one thousand
dollars. There are two lots. The boys
secured another profitable investment in
this purchase.
The J. R. Phelan residence , corner of
Dakota and Madison , to W. F. Everist
for $2,800. This property embraces three
fine lots and one of the city's best and
largest dwellings. The price is a very
low one for so valuable property.
J. E. Sanborn to William Wood , lot 3
and south half of lot 2 , block i , West
McCook ; consideration , $300.
Mrs. Sadie A. Bates to J. J. Barry , part
of lots 15 and 16 , block 27 , original Mc
Cook ; consideration , $650.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice on Feb. nth :
W. H. Burns , Mrs. J. G. Allen ,
John Cann , J. G. Frazier ,
F. Fowler , R. E. Stephenson ,
Charley Huffman , Charley Wantz ,
WillSmith.Mrs. , . Youman ,
James Tupper , M. L. McDermott.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMELI. , Postmaster.
A Word of Thanks.
We wish herewith to express our
thanks and gratitude to one and all for
assistance and sympathy in our late be
reavement. SAMUEI. SPENCER ,
McCouuell's Balsam cures coughs. I
MRS. PURVIS returned home , Saturday
night , from a visit of two weeks in
MiSS INEZ YOUNG and Ira Cole of
Culbertson laughed with those that
laughed , last evening.
JOSEPH ALLEN , the well known Os-
burn cattleman , is at the Commercial
hotel , being treated for blood poisoning
F. T. DlMlCK of Wauneta was in the
city , last night , to meet his daughter
Freda , who has been east visiting. He
took in the show.
ELMER ROWELL departed , Sunday
night on 3 , for the west , to be gone a
month or longer. He will go to Colorado
Springs , Colorado , and from there to
New Mexico. He represents a mining
company in his trip to New Mexico.
The cold snap hit us pretty hard on the 7th.
Mrs. R. J. Hadley is very ill with pneu
J. F. Helm has closed his meat market in
Johnny McNeal is slowly improving from a
severe attack of pneumonia.
The east and west roads are all drifted full
of snow , making traveling difficult.
E. A. Sexson and A. H. Reynolds attended
the banquet given in McCook , February 2d.
A horse belonging to Noah Sawyer was
badly crippled by getting into barbed wire ,
C. J. Suiter of North Branch , Kansas , is im
proving his farm in this neighborhood , and
will move onto the same and cultivate it , in
the spring.
It is quite amusing to see Pop-gun Smith
and Would-be-deputy Matthews trying to
emerge from obscurity by attempting to get
into a controversy with THE TRIBUNE.
We have five chicken cranks within the ter
ritory of three square miles and some of them
are cranks on the same kind of chicken , at
that , Brahmas , Barred Plymouth Rocks and
Wyandottes , and it makes a pretty cranky
time of it hereabouts.
We would like to see a good man establish
a general store at Redwillow. It is an ad
vantageous place to trade for people living
north and west of here , and we would like to
see it made a market-place for stock and
grain ; we believe that such a store would be
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of
the brave General Burnham of Machias , Me. ,
when the doctors said she would die from
pneumonia before morning , " writes Mrs. S. H.
Lincoln , who attended her that fearful night ,
"but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery ,
which had more than once saved her life , and
cured her of consumption. After taking , she
slept all night. Further use entirely cured
her. ' . ' This marvellous medicine is guaranteed
to cure all throat , chest and lung diseases.
Only 500 and $ l.oo. Trial bottles free at McConnell -
Connell & Berry's.
Work is resumed on the church.
The chief topic , just now , is the numerous
public sales.
August Broman writes that he will return
home soon from Chicago , where he has been
attending a pharmacy school.
The postmaster has the selling of several
more good farms near here , both improved
and unimproved.
Some have recently patronized the fake
concerns that offer to foretell your future , if
you send your sex , age , and loc.
C. G. Broman and J. C. Moore attended the
reception and banquet at McCook on the 2d ,
returning next day. They report a good time.
It seems evident that much money is sent to
such firms as Montgomery Ward and the
Searbuck people , which our local merchants
might take in if they would sell just a little
Stood Death Off.
E. B. Munday , a lawyer of Henrietta , Tex ,
once fooled a grave-digger. He says : "My
brother was very low with malarial fever and
jaundice. I persuaded him to tiy blectnc
Bitters , and he was soon much better , but con
tinued their use until he was wholly cured. I
am sure Electric Bitters saved his life. " This
remedy expels malaria , kills disease germs
and purifies the blood ; aids digestion , regu
lates liver , kidneys and bowels , cures consti
pation , dyspepsia , nervous diseases , kidney
troubles , female complaints ; gives perfect
health. Only 500 at McConnell & Berry's.
F. H. Strout , the rustling representative of
the McCook Milling Co. , spent Sunday at
home with the family.
Monday , at McCook , W. H. Wadsworth
bought the northeast quarter of section nine
teen and the northeast quarter of section
twenty in township four , north , range twenty-
nine , west of the sLxth principal meridian.
The price paid is 3820. There are consider
able improvements on the half section.
Court week has drawn quite a number of
our citizens to McCook , tliis week. We note
among those absent : II. W. Keyes , S. R.
Smith , A. C. Crabtree , William McCallUm ,
W. H. Wadsworth. John Russell , R. W.
White , John McCluhgV. . H. Russell , J. R.
Neel , Bert Miller , Edwin and Bruce Hill.
W. S. Philpot , Albany , Ga. , says , "DeWitt's
Little Early Risers did me more good than
any pills I ever took. " The famous little pills
for constipation , biliousness and liver and
bowel troubles. D. W. Loar.
We are having a severe spell of weather ;
and everybody is putting up ice.
J. II. Stephens is canvassing in the western
Mr. and Mrs. William Weygint of McCook
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William John
son , Friday of last week.
Two series of revival meetings were in
progress here , last week , one by Rev. Robin
son in the church , and the other by George
Oakley in the school-house.
John Miller has purchased the farm owned
by C. H. Boyle , located south of Ira Harrison's
place. This gives John a half-section. Dan
Doyle has bought what is known as the A. W.
Campbell eighty.
Thurston Doyle and Dora Little were mar
ried in McCook , Wednesday of last week , by
the county judge. Both young people are
well known in this vicinity. Thurston is the
third son of William Boyle and Dora is the
eldest daughter of David Little. Congratula
"After doctors failed to cure me of pneu
monia I used One Minute Cough Cure and
three bottles of it cured me. It is also the
best remedy on earth for whopping cough.
It cured my grandchildren of the worst cases , "
writes Jno. Berry , Loganton , Pa. It is the
only harmless remedy that gives immediate
results. Cures coughs , colds , croup and throat
and lung troubles. It prevents consumption.
Children always like it. Mothers endorse it.
D. W. Loan
The salesgirls of a New Jersey town have
started a crusade against slang and seem de
termined to do up the deplorable habit or
bust a cinch trying.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , February 8,1900.
Board of county commissionersmot , pursuim
to adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree , Stc
pUon Belles and D. A. Waterman , county com
missioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and
R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved.
The following claims were audited and 01
motion allowed and clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county Renorul fund , lovj
of 1899 , in payment thereof , ns follows :
Mrs. P. A. Brewer , use of building for
election $1 00
J. G. Stokes , lamp and fixtures 71
R. II. Thomas , Using pile driver 1500
McCook Electric Light Co. , material and
light for court-house 91 1 !
Roy Kennedy , repairing jail M
J. C. Oakley , board of paupers 10 VI
Jas. McAdams , coal forpauiwrs 'AIT
Albert Guy , merchandise for pauporu 10 0 (
J. A. Wilcox & Sou , same ! ! 9 1 (
Win. McCallum , same 17 M
State Journal Co. , supplies 70 7 (
M. B. Hogan , oiling furniture for county. . 7 15
C. G. Coglizer , Inbor and material for
tables etc 24 fcO
O. L. Thompson , transportation for pau
per UK
J. R. Neel , boarding prisoners etc 77 50
W. R. Starr , oflico rcut for December and
January 'M 00
S. R. Smith , printing bar docket and sup
plies 24 00
G. F. Kinghorn , sheriff , calling jury and
milngo 21 8 (
The following official bouds were examinee
and on motion approved :
M. McMillon , deputy clerk of the district
James Heatlicote , constable.
Mitchell Young , constable.
T. J. Ruggles , overseer of highways.
J. E. Rishel , overseer of highways.
Joe Ohlson , overseer of highways.
Bank of Bartley , depository bond for coimtj
Annual settlement of the following overseers
of highways examined and on motion approvec
and the county clerk directed to draw certificate
on road districts in payment thereof as follows
to-\vit :
George E. Carr , district No. 12 , certificate
No. 185 $21 00
Horace W. Olmstead , district No. 36 , cer
tificate No. 186 26 67
The following claim was audited and on mo
tion allowed and clerk was instructed to draw
check on the fund donated by the city of Mc
Cook , to aid in the construction of the court
house , in payment thereof as follows :
Coglizer & Horner , work on court-houso
per contract $197 00
On motion board adjourned to meet Februnrj
9th , 1900.
Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , February 9,1900.
Board of county commissioners mot pursuant
to adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree , Ste
phen Belles and D. A. Waterman , county com
missioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , am ;
R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved.
The following appointments were made to fll
vacancies :
H. W. Olmstead , overseer road district No. 'M ,
Martin Rinck , overseer road district No.IH.
Amos Thomas , justice of the peace for Leb
anon precinct.
Frank Moore , justice of the peace for Tyrone
Annual settlement of sqldiers" relief commis
sion examined and on motion approved.
Moved by Belles that the county clerk be ami
hereby is instructed to go to Lincoln and Oma
ha and purchase vault doors for nso in the
court-house , ono for vault in the county treas
urer's office and one for vault in the county
clerk's office , and one fire proof iron window all
complete for vault in county clerk's oflicu.
Ayes Belles and Waterman ; nay Crabtree.
Motion declared carried.
Crabtree gave as his reasons for voting no
that the county commissioners have already
expended more than the law gives them the
right to expend on public court house without
first submitting the question to the taxpayers
of the county by vote.
Belles gave as his reaton for voting jes that
said rooms were all ready for occupancy"money
having been expended for that purpose , " as
soon as said vault doors are furnished.
Moved by Waterman and seconded by Belles
that the bill of James McAdams , to-wit : labor
and material in vaults for county court house ,
§ 511 , be rejected. Motion put and carried.
Each commissioner , Crabtroe , Belles and
Waterman , gave the following reasons for re
jecting said claim : That they and each of them
admit that said claim is just and true , and that
the county of Red Willow is indebted to said
McAdams in said sum of $511 and that the > ; uno
is due , but that the same being for vaults built
in the county court house , and the county hav
ing already expended the limit allowed for said
purposes , to-wit , $1,500 , that said bill cannot bo
paid without a vote of the people apropriating
money therefor. HEXRY CRABTREE ,
In the matter of the county printing for the
ensuing year , the board on motion accepted the
bid of THE McCooic TKIBUXE , which bid is as
follows : Tax list , proceedings and legal no
tices at one-fourth the legal rate ; bar docket at
50 cents per page.
Bond for the faithful performance of above
contract examined and on motion approved.
In the matter of the establishment of road
No. 12 , all the requirements of law having been
complied with , the following claim ? having
been filed and damages appraised were exam
ined and on motion allowed :
G. W. Wyrick , damages to e Yse H 28-4-27 ,
one acre § 5 00
Louisa C. Mann , damages to n V nw J { : } -
1-27 , two acres 16 00
J. W. Dolan , damages to the w Yz sw H ' & -
4-27 , on acre 5 00
On motion clerk was instructed todrawcer-
rants on road district No. 4 in payment thereof.
The following claims were audited and on
motion allowed , and clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund , levy
of 1599 , in payment thereof as follows :
W. C. Bullard < fc Co. , coal for paupers $42 75
G. S. Bishop , exiwnses of office of county
judge 3 25
O. L. Thomp-on , expenses of office of
county treasurer 3 35
Henry Crabtree. services as commissioner 159 bO
Stephen Belles , same 23 60
D. A. Waterman , same 22 60
And on county bridge fund , levy of IbW , ns fol
lows :
Rod McDonald , blacksmithing and mater
ial $400
John L. Pool , bridgework , claim , $10 ; alld. 6 00
A. Brown , bridge work 1700
August Bahr , hauling lumber 5 00
Everett Oxley , same 6 00
W. C. Bullard & Co. , lumber 10 05
And on county road fund , levy of 1S99 , as fol
lows :
Frank Carothers , grading approaches to
bridges $10 00
George Harbor , road tax refunded 26
W. B. Wolfe , same 29
Tlios. Real , same 62
G. W. Cramer , appraising damages , road
No.342 2 60
J. W. Dutcher.same 4 20
Israel A. Sheridan , same 260
Oa motion board adjourned to meet February
23d , 1900.
Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk.
There were four cars of hogs on this market
E. E. Thompson went to Omaha , early in
the week.
Ike Becson sojourned in the county capita
a brief while , Monday.
Robt. George , who has been very low will
pneumonia , is improving.
C. W. Rogers shipped a team of fine horse
to Omaha , first of the week.
Mrs. S. B. Rowe is confined to her lied will
an attack of inflammatory rheumatism.
J. G. Ogg contemplates putting up a busi
ness house for his own use , in the spring.
Banker Vickrey transacted matters of busi
ness in the county seat , Monday evening.
Will Wight was circulating sale billsThurs
day , for Mrs. C. A. Bede's sale , February 20th
The band boys are planning for an enter
tainment to be given on the 22d , Washington'
E. E. Smith , W. V. VicKrey , G. W. Jones
and h. C. Wolf have a force of hands filling
their ice houses.
F. A * . Hodgkin is repairing he house re
cently vacated by "Fighting Jake" for the oc
cupancy of L. S. Griscll.
How surprised "Dick" Green will he if he
ever learns that he is assisting in writing the
Bartley correspondence.
The League entertainment to have been
given on Wednesday evening , the lath , was
postponed to next Monday evening , the ig
Ernest Anderson , who has been visiting
friends here for the past week , departed on
Thursday for his home at Greenwood , this
Edgar Beghtel's new four-horse power en
gine for his feed mill arrived on Tuesday
lie expects to soon have his outfit ready foi
Our postmaster was not buidened with val
entines , Wednesday. Cupid has other am
more effective means of accomplishing his
mission in this locality.
The new organ for the M.E. church arrived
last Saturday. It is a fine instrument the gif
of the Epworth League and a beautiful re
minder of the enterprise of the donors.
The jack-of-all-trades in charge of the loca
patent-medicine sheet appreciates his own
efforts to such an extent that he runs all eve
town with a proof of his "roasts" he say :
that's what they are two or three days befon
the "squirt-gun" makes its appearance , tha
the people may know what a bad man he i
with a pen. That's one way of getting tin
wild ravingsread , any how.
Since the last election , "Vinegar Bitters'
Matthews has been discovering what a small
bore politician he is in the estimation of othe
people , and he can't fully realize it yet. Be
fore the election he announced that he carriet
five votes in a certain family in his ves
pocket , and the blow almost killed him
when one of the boys said that they were
looking for a photograph of the man he couk
influence to add to their freak collection
Among politicians the amateur editor re
minds one of a plugged nickel in a bag q ;
double eagles attracts attention by his infini
tesimal calibre and relative value. Havinf
made a failure of everything else , he shoult
get a job as an animate comic valentine ; he's
admirably adapted to the part.
"I had bronchitis every winter for years
and no medicine gave me permanent relie
till I began to take One Minute Cough Cure
I know it is the best cough medicine made , '
says J. Koontz , Corry , Pa. It quickly cures
coughs , colds , croup , asthma , grippe am
throat and lung troubles. It is the children's
favorite remedy. Cures quickly. D. W. Lear
A Chicago jawyer says a footpad robbec
hini of everything ; but his honor. That came
mighty near being a clean sweep.
John Dirr , 1'oseyville , Ind. , says , "I ntver
used anything as good as One Minute Cpugl
Cure. We are never without it. " Quickly
breaks up coughs and colds. Cures all throal
and lung troubles. Its use will prevent con
sumption. Pleasant to take. D. W. Loar.
Carrie Chapman Cat has purred forth the
encouraging belief that we will see a woman
president before the 20th century has been
filed away as a back number.
Nervous children are almost always thin
children. The "out-door-boy" is seldom nerv
ous. White's Crenm Vermifuge is the besl
preventive of nervousness. It strengthens
the system and assists to that sort of flesh ,
which creates strength and power of endur
ance. Price , 25 cents. A. McMillen.
A New York man who was attacked with
typhoid fever was operated upon for appendi
citis and died of pneumonia.
Did you ever try to dodge the
rain-drops ? Did not succeed
very well , did you ? It's just
as useless to try to escape from
the germs of consumption. You
can't do it. They are about us
on every hand and we are con < =
stantly taking them into our
Then why don't we all have
this disease ? Simply because
these germs cannot gain a foot =
hold in a strong throat and
lungs. It's when these arc
weak that the germs master.
The body must be well supplied
with fat. The danger comes
v/hen the blood is poor and the
body is thin. If your cough does
not yield , and your throat and
Jungs feel raw and sore , you
should not delay another day *
Take cott's
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos-
phites at once. It will heal the
inflamed membranes and greatly
strengthen them as well. The
digestion becomes stronger , the
appetite better and the weight
increases. The whole body be
comes well fortified and the
germs of consumption cannot
gain a foothold.
it's this nourishing , sustain * *
ing and strengthening power
has made it of such value in
all wasting and exhausting
eoc. and $ r.oo , til druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York.
. . . .BRAND. . . .
On your Gloves
or Mittens is a
positive guaran
tee to the wearer
The Best of Ma
terial and a per
fect fit. For sale
only at
McCook , Neb.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing that
ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills.
These pills change weakness into strength ,
listlessness into energy , brain-fag into mental
power. They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 2 c per box. Sold by McCon
nell & Berry.
Historian Lecky recommends memorizing
and repeating poetry as a cure for insomnia ,
but which is preferable , the insomnia , or the
result of the cure nightmare ?
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled
for piles , injuries and skin diseases. It is the
original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. D. W. Loar.
The Approach , of Motherhood is the
Occasion of Much Anxiety to All.
Every \voman dreads the ordenl
through which she must pass in hoccm-
ing a mother. The pain and suffering
which is in store for her is a source of
constant anxiety , fear and dread , to
BUY nothing of the danger which the
coming incident entails. The joyous
anticipations with which she looks for
ward to baby's coming gives way to an
indescribable dread of the ordeal when
she fully realizes the critical and trying
event which will soon approach and
have to be endured.
Women should hail with delight a
remedy which insures to them im
munity from the pain , suffering and
danger incidental to child-bearing.
Such a remedy is now offered , and
women need rot fear longerthe hour of
childbirth. "Mother's Friend" is a
scientific liniment and if used before
confinement , gently and surely prepares
the body for the great requirements
and changes it is undergoing , insures
safety to both mother end child , and
takes her through the event with com-
Sarative ease and comfort. This won-
erful remedy is praised by everj
woman who has used it.
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Prepared by E. C , 4 Co , clfcagS ? '