The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 02, 1900, Image 7

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    Brotrn'M Ward , IMncIc.
E. Charlton Black , the new head of
Boston university's English depart
ment , was a ward of Dr. John Brown ,
the famous author of "Rob and His
Friends" ; a classmate of Barrie at
Edinburgh ; a friend of Stevenson and
Crockett , and afterward a regular lec
turer at Harvard.
Down lit KqilUHlivillc.
Uncle Josh I see Mrs. Asterbllt gave
a dinner with 100 coverr.
Aunt MIrandy Dew telLJ What on
airth did she want with so many ta
blecloths ? Brooklyn Life.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch ii the world. '
If Delagoa bay Is closed tne Boers
will raid Portuguese territory.
Sirs. AVltiKlow's Soothing ; Syrnp.
For children teething , softens the Rums , reduces In
flammation , allays pain , euros wind colic. 2ic a bottle.
You cannot calculate the warmth of
a lire by the crackling It makes.
Dropsy treated free by Dr. IT. H. Greon'/i
Sous , of Atlanta , Ga. The greatest dropsy
specialists iii the world. Read their adver
tisement iu another column of this paper.
Ambition jumps high but does not
always land right.
Use Magnetic Starch It liaz no equal.
First 'M. D. "What a lot of tilings
have been found in the vermiform ap
pendix. Second M. D. And look at
the money that's been taken out of it.
Dr. Couden , the blind chaplain of the
United States senate , shaves himself.
Coming Out
"About a year ago my tiir
was coning out very fast. I
bought a bottle of Aycr's Hair
Vigor to stop this. It not only
Stopped the falling , but also
made my hair grov very rapidly ,
until now it is 45 inches in
length and very thick. " Mrs.
A. Boydston , Atchison , Kans. ,
July 25,1899.
Have you ever thought why
your hair is falling out ? It is
because you are starving your
hair. If this starvation continues
your hair will continue to fall.
There is one go I hair food.
It is Aycr's Hair Vigor. It goes
right to the roots of the hair
and gives them just the food
that they need. The hair stops
falling , becomes healthy , and
grows thick and long. - *
Aycr's Hair Vigor -will do
another thing , also : it always
restores color to faded or gray
hair. SI.OO a battle. AH druggists.
Write the Doctor
If you do notobtainall the benefits you
desire from the use of the Vigor , write
the Doctorabout it. He will tell you just
the right thing to do , anil will send you
his book on the Hair and Scalp if you
request it. lv.drc ! S ,
Dr. j. C. AVER , Lowell , Mars.
i Ioeomoter Ataxla conk -
> k qucrcdntlast. Doctors
- - 'puzzled. Specialists
amazed at recovery "f patients .thought , incurablc.lnr
\Vriteine about your case. Advice and proof of cures
niEE. DK.iiiASE,224 N.IOth St. ,
B Bica DraJ % * w - otuui-utd uw
* Sj their homes In the fundamental principles of the
" law and such branches as constitute a ttnlshed
if . For circulars address
[ * lesal UUUtttilWU A " * * * * * -
2 EDW , BACON , 323 MainSt,5Feoria , ill ,
tii : rcir
w of the AGE ,
J No Boiling
. . . _ n No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
it Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
fresh a
It makes all
first bought new.
crisp as when
You'll like it U you try it.
You'll buy it if you try it. _ 2
You'll use it if you try It.
Try it. y al , Grocer3 >
Omaha , Chicago and New York fiXarkeft
Qcotutloa * .
Good feeders of good weights were all
right , being good sellers lit steady prices.
On the other hand , light and medium
weight stuff , especially such as was lack
ing in finality , moved mowly and buyers
Heemcd to have about all of that kind of
cattle that they cared for. Beef steers ,
$3.2oig5.25 : cows , $2.00ft4.10 ; heifers. $1.5 19
4. T ; hulls. J2.00tt-J.03 ; calves. $4.50t7.00 ;
stockers and feeders , ? .1.00@ J.23.
HOGS A large percentage of all the
hogs here sold at $1.55 , while yesterday
14.47 6-1.50 bought the most of them.
Choice heavy sold as high as ) Jl.Gj.
SHEEP The receipts were larger , but
apparently none too large , as buyers were
out early and the yards were soon
cleared. Lambs were In active demand
at prices that were lO&lCc higher than
yesterday's market. One bunch of the
same kind of lambs that were here Satur
day and sold for $ C.12 * < > . brought $ ( J.ri > .
Other western lambs sold at JG.OO&G.25.
Sheep and yearlings were also in good
demand and the market was strong.
CHICAGO , Jan. 29.-CATTLE-Native
steers slow ; Texans strong , active , 530
head ; cow market active ; canners and
bulls steady ; feeders quiet ; good to choice
S5.25p ! .2.r ; poor to medium , J4.00jia.00 ;
mixed stockers. $3.23 ? : 11.85 ; selected feed
ers. $4.2 < Xi4. 3 ; good to choice cows , $3.40
4.50 ; heifers. $3.25fi5.00.
HOGS Averaged lOc higher ; top , $4.85 ;
good clearance , mixed and butchers , $1.50
W4.SO ; good to choice heavy , $4.iO'S4.85 ;
rough heavy , $4.55(34.03. (
SHEEP In strong demand ; lambs. 10ii >
15c higher ; good clearance ; native weth
ers , $4.50g5.00 ; lambs , $3.00 < LtG.75.
ceipts , 4.900 ; desirable native steers , $3.0J
( fi5.70 : lights , $1.C5/5.G3 ( ; stockers and feed
ers , $3.50514.10 ; butchers' cows and heifers ,
$ U.lU@5.0u ; canners , $2.501i3.13 ; fed west
erns , $3.90514.73 ; western feeders , $3.50'o >
4.50 : Texans , $3.G71Mi4.'iO.
HOGS Receipts , "ll.gOO ; niftlOc higher ;
heavy. S4.60S4.70 ; mixed , $1.55'tf4.CO ; lights ,
$ i. > ti4.57& ; Pigs , ? 3.G31i4.20.
NEW YORK , Jan. 20. WHEAT No. 13
rod. 76c f. o. b. , afloat , prompt ; No. 1
northern. Duluth , 79c f. o. b. . aloit ! ,
prompt ; ; No. 1 hard , Duluth , 81c f. o.
b. . alioat ; No. 2 red , 74c elevator ; op
tions opened strong at y.c advance.
CORN Receipts 117,000 , exports 31.142
bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2. 40-TiC f. o. b. ,
alioat , and 40Vic elevator ; options opened
steady with wheat ; eased off later
through favorable weather news and
heavy Chicago selling , but rallied again
with wheat in the last hour , closed firm
at unchanged prices ; May , UO'/ic.
OATS Receipts , 30,200 , exports 7,000 bu. :
spot quiet ; No. 2 , 2V4c ! ) ; No. 3 , 2SV > e ; No. 2
white , 31 ic ; No. 3 white , 31c ; track mixed
western. 29730Mc ; track white , 21@35c ;
track white state , 31fi35c ( ; options steady.
CHICAGO , Jan. 20. WHEAT No. 3
spring , CCHC4c ( : No. 2 red , CS QJJS ic.
CORN No. 2 , 31V'C ; No. 2 yellow , 31aic.
OATS No. 2 , 2323&c ( : No. 2 white , 23 %
< 0233ic : No. 3 white , 255r231 | c.
RYE No. 2. 5L'fa54c.
BAR LEI No. 2 , 3S@43c.
FLAXSEED No. 1 , § 1.52 ; No. 1 north
western. S1.52L
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . $9.25
( fflO.CS ; lard , per 100 Ibs. . S3. 73ft 3.92V. :
short ribs , sides , loose , SS.Gofin.tlo ; dry
salted shoulders , boxed. 51'i5-ic ? ? ; short
clear sides , boxed , ? .3.90Z6.00. (
Roasts War Ofllcc.
LONDON , Jan. 29. The afternoon
papers describe the general's dis
patches as unpleasant reading for the
British people , intensely mortifying to
the national pride and damaging to the
country's prestige , and scathingly de
nounce the gazetting at the present
time of reports , which , the St. James
Gazette says , "displays academic
frivolity not uncommonlj- found in
combination with considerable practi
cal incapacity , lapsing into sneering
when they ought to rebuke , and filled
with the slang and humor of Kipling's
subalterns. "
The St. James Gazette sums up its
opinion as follows : "These dispatches
sweat the folly which has prevailed
throughout the period the campaign
has covered and which has exacted its
usual tithe of lives and men. "
There are signs of important move
ments developing in the north of Cape
Colony. General French has succeeded
in getting in touch with General Gat-
acre , possibly presaging a combination
of the two columns and the commence
ment of a concentration of the forces ,
which is believed to be the groundwork
of Lord Roberts' plan of campaign.
The War office announces that the
casualties reported by General Buller
yesterday occurred in the battalions of
General Lyttleton's brigade , which , so
far as known at the War office , was not
engaged in the capture or defense of
Spionkop. It appears , therefore , that
they are additional to the considerable
casualties which General Buller has
reported as having occurred at Spion
British Ambassador Absent.
PARIS , Jan. 29. The morning pap
ers comment on the absence of the
British ambassador , Sir Edmond Mon-
son , from President Loubet's diplo
matic dinner Thursday evening , at
which Dr. Leyds was present. The
Echo de Paris says :
"His absence was the cause of much
remark. Moreover , the receptions at
the British embassy have been sus
pended for some weeks past. Marquis
de Gallifett , who was formerly a con
stant visitor , has not been seen at the
embassy during the last fortnight.
"We may add that the recall of Sir
Edmund Monson , which was so much
discussed before the Transvaal war.
is only delayed. He will be replaced
after the exposition' "
Troops on Brazil's Frontier.
RIO DE JANEIRO , Jan. 29. Braz
ilian gunboats Juruema , Jutahy , Tim-
bira and Tocantins , besides a force of
troops , have been ordered to proceed
to Acre to enforce the protocol agreed
upon between Bolivia and Brazil and
to protect all citizens. General Leite
Castro has been made'commander of
the National Guard in place of Gen
eral Ferdinando Mendez , editor and
proprietor of the Journal de Brazil.
Shell Fire Kills Horses.
BOER CAMP. Modder Spruit. Upper
Tugela River , Tuesday , Jan. 23. The
British are now endeavoring to force
with 40,000 troops the Spionkop route
to Ladysmith. The firing on General
Botha's position yesterday was terrific.
The grass was fired , rocks dislodged
and trenches pierced , but the battle was
practically one-sided , the federals only
firing thirty shots.
A ball from a shell landed in General
Botha's pocket. The only Boer casual
ties were some horses wounded. The
firing ceased at dark , but was resumed
this morning in the vicinity of Lady-
smith and here ,
A Gront 3Inp on View.
The topographical map of the city
of New York , which Is to be placed
on exhibition at the Paris exposition ,
was opened to public a day or' two
ago. It represents 1,000 square miles ,
and shows every house In the city , in
cluding farmhouses in the outlying
A Onii from I.uimon.
There is a young man in London so
careful that in calling on his girl he al
ways knocks , for fear if he came with
a ring she might consider it a pro
posal. Tid-Blts.
The United States may buy the
Danish West Indies for $4,000,000.
Your clothes wal not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
Boutclle will probably never return
to congress.
France and England may have trou
ble over New toundland fisheries.
Deep AVator Ports.
The growing interest in deep water
seaports and cheap transportation by
watcry gives added importance to the
buildi g up of the city of La Porte ,
Texas. The high , dry ground of La-
Porte is in direct contrast with the
greater portion of the Mexican Gulf
Coast. Marshes , malaria and fevers are
unknown. La Porte is to be formally
"opened" and introduced to the public
February 14 to 17 , when it is expected
a great crowd of Northern and Texas
people will be on hand to inspect the
much talked of new seaport of the Gulf.
So great is the interest shown that the
American Land Co. , 188 Madison St. ,
Chicago , acting as Northern Manager ,
is deluged with letters of inquiry.
The Boer trenches at Colenso are
bomb proof.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been
a God-send to mo.Vm. . B. McClollau ,
Chester- Florida , Sept. 17.1595.
The Denver Postscript's man sug
gests the name , "The Hen House , " for
the proposed § 400,000 hotel for women
in New York.
Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets removes
the cause that produces La Grippe. E. "W.
Grove's signature is on each box. 23c.
An English military expert asserts
tnat tne time has come for a change in
the cabinet.
We always lose the friendship of
those who lose our esteem.
Sf ( SS ] S t SS3S SSS-
rrTuAi'j i ireg.i'.nFiivii.r.i'.iiica.i.iiiiiip.iii..j ! : ! :
A gdable Preparallonfor As
similating ( heFoodandRcguia-
ling iheStomaciis andBowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur-
ness anclltest.Contams neilher
OpiumMorplune norliineral.
sllx-Scmia *
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa-
Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Michel In Pa rift Again.
Louise Michel who has just entered
her seventy-second year , has returneed
to Paris. She Is halo and hearty and
full of energy. Oil one day she de
livered two lectures at Bodinicre on
"Concord Between Nations" and "The
Traffic in White Slaves. " Her voice
was as resonant as ever.
A man is said to have been elected
to a responsible state oflice In Penn
sylvania and to have served acceptably
who could not write his name. He was
intelligent and of sound business judg
The astronomers learned just about
enough from the recent nonappearance
ance of the Leonids to prouict that the
real exhibition will tak place next
November. The many experiments
made , however , demonstrated the feas
ibility of using curved i-hotographic
plates in astronomical work , an Im
portant item in the study of the heav
ens , 'ihese plates gave excellent re
sults at the Allegheny obr.ervatory.
Try Graln-ol Try Grstn-ol
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of GRAIX-0 , the new food
drink that takes ths place of Coffee.
The children may drink It without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it , like it. GRA1N-0 has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java , but it. Is made
from pure grains , and the most delicate
stomach receives it without distress.
One-fourth the price of coffee. 15o.
and 25c. per package. Sold by an
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
Oregon woolgrowers expect to get
20 ments for their 1900 crop.
No man is strong enough to do
wrong with impunity.
Ttakcr's Chocolate nn l Cocoa.
Look for the picture of "Ln Belle Choeolatlerc. "
It Is on every genuine pixcU
British Columbia has sent a gold
display to the Paris exposition.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
The man who starts to go nowhere
will usually get there.
He who boasts of a ? oed deed shows
that he is not used to them.
In Mexico 110 distinct languages and
dialects are spoken.
Eor Infants and Children.
in your kitchen will save you money ,
save your temper , and make cooking a
pleasure. It requires less fuel and gives
g7v better results than any other Range.
of acres of choice agri
cultural LANDS now
opened for settlement
in Western Canada.
Here is srrown the cel
ebrated NO. 1 HARD
WHEAT , which brings the highest price in the
markets of the world , thousands of cattle are
fattened for rnarUet without being fed train ,
and without a Jay's shelter. Send for informa
tion and secure a free home in Western Canada.
Write the Superintendent of Immijrratioi. Ot
tawa , oraddiess the undersigned , who will mail
vou atlases , pamphlets , etc. . free of co u W. V.
Bennett 801 N. Y. Life liuildin ; ; , Omaha. Neb.
has stood the test of 50 years
and is still the Host Cough
IJcmecly Sold. Cures when
other remedies fail. Tistes
peed ; children like it. Sold
bv nil dnirei ts 25 rents.
tms paper to advertisers.
"We wish to pain this year 2COCf 0
new customers , anil hence oiler
1 Pkg. City Garden Beet , Ice fi ?
Earl'fi Emerald CncnmberlEo f *
La Crosoe 3Iarfcet Lettuce , loc
Strawberry JIcloc , 15c
U Day IladNb. IOC
EirlyRipo Cabbacc , loc i
Karlj ; Dinner Onion , IOC I
Brilliant Flower Seedf , 15c :
Worth 81.00 , for 14 cents.
Above 10 PlrsiTworth S1.CO , wo will
nail yon free , together with our i
great Catalog , telling all about i
npon receipt of this notice < tl < 2c > i
Btamps.Vo invite yonrtmde , and ;
a bnowwhenyou once try sjnl zcr's
Is yon will nev r do without. '
i Eriieson Salzej'a IMIO rarest - I
est tAiliestTotnato Gir.nt on earth , wnn |
. B.C.
. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
I IatePrincipal Exdmfner 0,8. Pension Bureau.
13 y rt in civil war. 15 adjudicating claims , at tj : uct.
The homeliest man in congress Is
Eddy of Minnesota. JIo rather glories
in the distinction of iigllnesH , especially
as all his other characteristics are en
viable. During bis last campaign the
enemies of Mr. Eddy charged him with
being double-faced. He met the charge
In a manner that disarmed all criti
cism. "Great heavens , " said Mr. Eddy
to his audience , "do you think that If 1
had two faces , I would wear the one
I am showing you now ? "
An Ottawa dispatch says that trea
son is talked openly among the French
Buckle attributes the great sue-
ccs of Scottish mon of science to
their preference for a priori or do-
ducivc argument. The following
atory of similar trend WUH attributed
to Sir Henry Campbell-Oannerman. A
Scotsman wan assorting that all the
great poets were of his nation. "Well ,
but , " said one , "how about Shake
speare ? You can't Hay ho wan a Scots
man. " To which the other replied , 'Ills
talents would justify the supposi
tion. "
He who has none of the weaknesses
of friendship has none of Its powers.
Gentlemen : I have been sending' to you for your " 5
DROPS" for several parties who have l it and who
say it is the best they overused. One old ladv has had
NEURALGIA FOR 40 YEARS , has tried nearly everything she could hear of
without relief until she commenced using1 " 5 DROPS" and now nlic is not
troubled with the disease. Each otic that lias used it says it is the best reme
dy , and all join in praise of " 5 DROPS. " For the enclosed money please
send me three large bottles of " 5 DROPS , " one package of Pills and one
Plaster , and hurry them forward without delay.
Jan. 11 , 1000. SAMTJIU. SI'KKOI.K. Kalkvillc , Ala
Gentlemen : My mother , Mrs. Eliza Austin , of
Fremont , Wis. , has been almost an invalid for years
with RHEUM ATISA1 and for the past five years has
not been able to walk 40 rods until she began to use " 5 DROPS , " about two
months ago. She now walks a mile at a time and is doing all her own work in
the house , a thing she has not done for years. You are at
liberty to publish this testimonial , with my name and also
my mother's. Dec. 27,130 % MRS. C. II. I tii : : > Y , v.'aupaca , Wis.
] HtIinnin t | > nwcrriil uperiao known FTC from njila'ctniul i--ifertly lianiieif . It
irii-fHitliiio-aliisturitiiiieiiiK rolit'f , tuicl l-tapoMtlv * ' cine fur llln'iiiiiallxm , Mol-
atli-n , \fiirilirlii , Hy- . : > < - : > lu. HucUnchv. A tium , Hay l-t-vor , ' -
fiirrli. Z.n CJrlp'.c.iriii | > , lileei lt : U'n , Xrvoit ni" . J.fviiii - mill
lc IIr iiirli ! < > H. Kiimrlir. TooJhjiHiiEluiirt 11 vuknt : * * ,
Malarlti , CrrcjilMR A'uiiiliiiCMi , etc. . vie.
R \C & ' 'naMo tmuVrprs to giro " & UllnI'd'.it Icnnt a ( rial , wo
jF * B O will HiT.l , i . ; < Miinplu bottle. pn-r.iM l.v i.i.ill fur I Of. A
xninplo uoltlt > willnmvim-oion Al-o.liirpi'linttlc-iK.KWilii-Hs. tl TO. ( i Imttit-n fort ? ,
holil by us unit u outH. ACK.VTS H'ANTKO In % * TrrrJliirj. Writ ? UH t - tij' .
< -UKK ro. . too t > i < u ! : ! . . sCI : < M O , u-i-
Hands and Limbs Covered with Blisters and
Great Red Blotches. Scratched Until Almost
Wild , Burned Like Fire. Sleep Impossible.
CUTICURA Remedies Bring Speedy Relief
and a Permanent Cure at a Cost or Only $2.
I was a sufferer for eight years from that most distressing of
all diseases , Kczcraa. i tried some of the best physicians in the
country , but they did me little
good. The palms of my hands
were covered and \votilcl become
inflamed ; little white blisters at
first would appear , then they
would peel off , leaving a red ,
smooth surface which would burn
like fire and itch ; well , there is
no name for it. On tiic inside
of the upper part of both my
limbs great red blotches , not
! unlike hives , would appear , and
as soon as I became warm the
burning and itching would begin.
gave them a thorough trial , and after a few applications I noticed
the redness and inflammation disappear. Before I had used
one box there was not a sign of Eczema left. 1 can truthfully
assert that $2.00 worth of CUTICURA REMEDIES cured me.
There has been no sign of its return anywhere upon my body
since I wrote you I was cured , nearly four years ago. Hardly a
month passes but what I receive a letter or some one calls and
wishes to know how I got cured , if I had Eczema bad , and if
the cure has been permanent , etc. , etc. I always take pleasure in
enlightening them the best I can.
JOHN D. PORTE , Pittsburg , March i , 1899.
Of JOHN D. PORTE & Co. , Real Estate and Insurance ,
428 Fourth Avenue , Pittsburg , Pa.
The agonizing itching and burning of the skin , as in eczenn , the frightful scaling ,
as in psoriasis ; the loss o ! hair and crusting of the scalp , as in scalled head ; the
facial disfigurement , as in pimples and ringv.-urm. the awful suffering of infants and
the anxiety of worn-out parents , as in mill : crust , tetter , and salt rheum all demand
a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That
Remedies arc such stands proven beyond all uouBt. No statement is made regard
ing them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. The purity ami sweetnesH ,
trie power to afford immediate relief , the certainty of speedy and permanent cure , the
absolute safety and great economy , have made them the standard skin cures and
humor remedies of the civilized world. The treatment is simple , direct , agreeable ,
and economical , and is adapted to the youngest infant as well as adults of every ago.
Bathe the affected parts with hot water and CcricunA SOAP to elean.-e the surface
of crusts and scales , and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry , without hard rubbing ,
and apply CrncuiiA Ointment freely , to allay itching , irritation , and inflammation ,
and soothe and heal , and lastly take CCTICUEA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the
blood. This sweet and wholesome treatment affords instant relief , permits rest and
sleep in the scvorest forms cf eczema and other itching , burning , and scaly humors
of the skin , scalp , and blood , and points to a spredy , permanent , and economical
cure when all other remedies ami evm the best physicians fail. CmcuiM THE
SET , price Sl.-'j ; or , CrnrcnA SOAP , 25cCUTTCITUA OINTMENT , f 0c. . CtTicuKA
RESOLVENT , 50c. , sold throughout the world. " Ifow to Cure Eczema , " iree c the
Sole Trops. , POTTEII Ditcc ASD CUEJI. COKP. , Boston , Ma3j.
Use CUTICUUA SOAP exclusively for baby's tin , pcalp , awl hair. It is not only the purest ,
sweetest , and most icfreshim ; of nun-ery coapt. . but it roiita'i < < I < 4iiate < * m [ ! ! cRl proper
ties , obtained from Crru t'ln , the jr eat rkn nire. wh'i ! jirf-ertc , , mrit\ , , i > i beautify
the skin , sc.ilp , and h.tir , an < l prevent Dimple skin bleni hos frutn becom. i. ' - MOUK < > r
distressing heat raliufhalinz ; , innamination . anil erui > tii > nf. . r fu- : < > i. : hsns irriti-
tions of tliecaip. . with dry , thin , and falling hslr. for ml. rou Ii h. b i- , . : i > l
naili. and ainiulc infantile humors , it is absolutely
W. > . L' . OMAHA. 5 100O
quick relief ondrnreswor > t
CIKCS. Book of tliiionlalD and in IHTS * treatment
FKEK. UH. II. II. GKEEVS hO.SS. Box E , AtUot. . Cl.
Bert Cough Sjrup..Tastes Good. Use
In time. Sold by druggists.
& i & a ; M
Ijnrwt SfrA POTATO Or-rw In Anrca. Prirn ;
V" 31.21) i uLnnnr'iut , < : < > t : ( > r Grain , llnirrcad I'trm &
i W. hurte. 'roil IhU not ( nrd 10e for raulo-j anil " "
o. . 11 KOS-K. wi > .
rnoraasonrs Eya Wafer.