The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1900, Image 4
frii 9 * . By F. M. KIMMBLL. Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co , EDGAR HOWARD is for the Dutch , and he doesn't give a tinker's sample of pro fanity who knows it. CHAIRMAN JONES of the Democratic National committee now talks of regu lating trusts rather than smashing them. IT'S hard and disappointing , to be sure , but unless the wise men can come to an agreement , the great common people ple will have to worry through another year before they can speak or write oi being in the 2Oth century. AN evidence of the increased trade which expansion is likely to bring to the United States is found in the fact that the exports of this country to Cuba , Porto Rico , Hawaii , and the Philippines for the first eleven months of 1899 were $38,000,000 against $16,000,000 in the corresponding months of 1898 , and $15- 000,000 in the corresponding mouths ol 1897 , while the fact that we will be able to buy more and more of our tropical products in those islands instead of send ing the money , to other parts of the world is shown by the fact that our imports from them were , in the first eleven mouths of 1899 , $58,000,000 againsf $39- 000,000 in the corresponding months of 1898 and $37,000,000 in the corresponding mouths of 1897. JAPAN'S new protective tariff is reduc ing her imports materially as compared with those of last year , while her. ex ports , however , have gone on increasing. The growth of the protective-tariff idea during the last twenty years has been re markable. Nearly all European nations , except Great Britain , now have protect ive tariffs as do Canada , Mexico , and many of the countries of South America , while now the protective idea is making itself clearly felt in the Orient. Japan has made her new tariff protective in character , and the Australian colonies which are about to federate have clearly shown a disposition to adopt a protective system similar to that of Canada when they come to complete the details of their union during the present year. 1900 is the Year. I feel very grateful for the patronage tendered me during 1899. I desire to double my business in 1900 and if you will help me I can do it , and in return I .will guarantee you fair treatment and right prices. If you have not dealt with me in 1899 , give me at least a share of your trade in 1900 and I will try to make it to your advantage. Wishing a happy and prosperous New Year to all I remain , D. W. LOAR , the druggist. Opp. Commercial Hotel , McCook. The large and increasing circulation of The Iowa Homestead in this county is a matter for congratulation to the pub lishers and to good farming , for , of all the papers of its class in the country , it is easily the best and most helpful. Its Special Farmers' Institute editions , is sued with the regular edition the first week in each month , have been for years the admiration of all practical farmers. Written wholly by farmers , they are full of actual experience and smell of the soil. We have been fortnnate enough this season to secure terms for The Homestead and its Special Farmers' In stitute editions , together with The Poul try Farmer and The-Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal , four of the most val uable farm publications in the country , that enable us to offer the four in con nection with our own paper for $1.25 for the entire five , one year. This is em phatically a good thing , and no farmer in this county should fail to take advant age of the offer. For a large line oft thoroughly practical farm reading noth ing has ever been offered before that equals it. A county paper , a farm paper , a poultry paper , a farm insurance paper and the Special Farmers' Institute , all for $ i 25. Come in and order them. McCoiinell's Balsam cures coughs. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum * Alton bakin are tfce greatest ncnacersto tiiof the present day. ' ROYAL BUCmO POWDgg CO. . KEW YOBK. k- % % Best Grades Lath , Shingles , Doors , Sash , Blinds , r-4 Lime , Cement , Plaster and Hair. ALL KINDS OF. HARD AND SOFT COAL Barnett Lumber Co. Dennison Street [ OFFICIAL uv AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , December 27,1899. Board of count } ' commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson Henry Crabtree and Stephen Holies , commis sioncrs , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and R. A Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meet ing road and approved. Annual settlement of the following overseers of highways examined and on motion approved and the county clerk directed to draw certificat < on road districts in payment thereof as follows to-wit : A. J. Crawmer , district No. 1 , certificate No. 148 $2281 Ira H. Harrison , district No. 6 , certificate No. 149 29 9e J. S. Modrell , district No. 7 , certificate No. ISO 2981 W. J. Porter , district No. 8 , certificate No. 151 30C John Broomfield , district No. 11 , certifi cate No. 152 27 85 T. J. McCart , district No. 13 , certificate No. 153 29 91 A. V. Olmstead , district No. 14 , paid in full Nelson Downs , district No. 15 , certificate No. 15t 29 95 C. G. Willielm , district No. 16 , certificate No. 155 2678 S. C. Boyer , district No. 17 , paid in full A. J. Bair , district No. 19 , certificate No. 156 2693 Wm. Wallace , district No. 20 , certificate No. 157 2699 C. H. Angell , district No. 21 , certificate No. 158 2698 Joseph Junker , district No. 22 , certificate No. 159 2996 Andrew Anderson , district No. 25 , certifi cate No. 160 2279 Frank E. Forbes , district No. 26 , certifi cate No. 161 2693 James E. Wingate , district No. 27 , certifi cate No. 162 2999 H. Stone , district No. 30 , certificate No. 163 2298 E. C. Lakin , district No. 31 , certificate No. 164 * 2663 C. E. Likens , district No. 32 , certificate No. 165 . 2697 M. Fossen , district No. 33 , certificate No. 166 29 79 C. S. Blair , district No. 34 , certificate No. 167 26 42 J. H. Wade , district No. 35 , certificate No. 168 1648 A. Peters , district No. 37 , certificate No. 169 . - . . . . . . " ' : . : 26 69 Frank Carothers , district' No. 38 , certifi cate No. 170 2696 James Doyle , district No. 40 , certificate No. 171 29 74 The. following official bonds were examined and on motion approved : Martin Morris , justice of the peace. H. H. Berry , same. James G. Rogers , constable. ASSESSORS. Alex Ellis , John B. Fisher , George Bentley , Riley E. Divine , T. 31. Campbell , J. B. Goreley. OVEESEEES OF HIGHWAYS. A. M. Benjamin , Wm. Wallace , Arthur H. Tir- rill , H. Walton , Jacob Randel , A. V. Olmstead , M. L. NicLo'.s , James Lawthers , J. S. Modrell , John Girens , T. Ginther , M. Fossen , A.W. Butch er , Otis Coburn. The board on motion commenced the examin ation of the accounts of J. H. Berge , county treasurer , and continued the same during the 3 ay. ay.On motion board adjourned to meet December JSth , 18 9. Attest : R. A. GBEEX , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , December 28,1899. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Belles , county : ommissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to Iraw warrants on the county road fund , levy of 1899 , in payment thereof , as follows : 3. F. Sibbitt , road work per contract , ( assigned to county treasurer , ) $109 49 3. C. Boyer , road work 750 The board on motion continued the examina- ion of the accounts of J. H. Berge , county ; reasurer , during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet Decem- r 29th , 1899. Attest : R. A. GREEX , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , December 29 , Ife99. Board of county commissioners met pursuant 0 adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson , lenry Crabtrec and Stephen Belles , county ommissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk , linutes of previous meeting read and approvod. The board on motion commenced the cxamin- tioii of the accounts of R. A. Green , county lerk , and continued the same during the day. On motion board adjourned to meetRecember Mi , 1899. Attest : R. A. GREES , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , December 30,1S99. Board of county commissioners met purusant > adjournment. . Present , James A.Robinson , teury Crabtree and Stephen Belles , county ammissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk , tinutes or previous meeting read and approved. The following claims were audited and allowed ad on motion clerk was instructed to draw arrants on the county general fund , levy of 1899 , 1 payment thereof , as follows : arnett Lumber Co. , coal $11 OS . H. Dwyer , drayage 140 icConnell < fc Berry , medicines , oil and floor brush 9 15 . J. Rittenhouse , board and care of Geo. B. Rittonhouse 58 50 > s. Jennie Bower , nun-ing and caring for Delia Myers . 3300 imes A. Robinson , services as commis sioner 12 00 ienry Crabtree. same : . . 3210 tephen Belles , same 11 60 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1899. as fol- > ws : elson Downs , bridge work 6 50 C.Boyer , same 250 ] sseph Downb , same 4 00 James H. Everist , same 2 EK James Toner , same 2 OC J.G.Ervin , same 2 0 ( H.E. Woods , same 2 2E B. F. Tate , hauling lumber. 1 2 " , James Nutt , same 2 5 ( Nicholas D. Wyckoff , putting in culvert. . . 2 2 ! W. A. Minniear , moving piling 8 OC Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 50 72 And on county road fund , levy of 1899 , as fol lows : R. Q. Miles , road work $13 25 Wm. Wallace , same 9 OC Wm. Scarrow , road tax refunded 82 Geo. W. Crawmor , same 2) ) Rod McDonald , sharpening plows 1 00 Alex Brown , repairing scrapers etc 1 75 The board on motion continued the examina- tfpn of the accounts of R. A. Green , county clerk , during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet January 2d , 1900. Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , January 2,1900. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Belles , county commissioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of pre vious meeting read and approved. The following official bonds were examined and on motion approved : Joseph Spotts , county coroner. George F. Kinghorn , sheriff. Lillian M. Welborn , county superintendent. James Hetherington , justice of the peace. ASSESSORS. L. M. Howard , J. W. Dutcher , J. L. Horton , T. A. Endsley , Felix Wihlm. BOAD OVERSEERS. Charles S. Blair , E. B. Stilgebouer , Milton Leopold , James Tonner , H. Stone. Annual settlement of the following overseers of highways examined and on motion approved , and the county clerk directed to draw certificate on road districts in payment thereof , as fol lows : Sol Premer , district No. 1 , certificate No. 172 jaggs T. J. Ruggles , district No. 10 , certificate No. 173 2674 Ed Ruby , district No. 41 , certificate No. 174 'M 00 Alex Brown , district No. 43 , certificate No. 175 2988 R. F. Gorley , district No. 23 , certificate No. 176 2697 * The following claims were examined and on motion rejected : James H. Everist , fees , Eifert vs. Markham.$4 43 Mitchell Young , same r.t 3 30 H. V. Lord , same i 10 B. N. Leisure , same i 10 Mrs. M. Young , same i 10 W. C. Shockloy , same 1 10 Thomas Harrison , same l 40 Mrs. W. H. Eifert , same l 40 It appearing from the treasurer's record that the personal taxes assessed and levied upon the personal property of S. P. Hart of Red Willow county , for the years 1890,1891,1892 are due and unpaid and have been dueunpaid and uncollect- able for more than two jears , that the treasurer used due diligence , and that a distress warrant was issued upon the same and returned uncol- lectable , for the reason that here was no prop erty out of which to make said taxes , on motion the clerk was instructed to strike said tax from the tax list for the reasons stated above. Petition of J. E. Horton and others , asking for a public roadrcad and considered , the boart finds that all owners of land along line of pro posed road have given consent in writing there to , on motion same was granted , establishing a public road as follows : Commencing at the northeast corner of section four , thence west two miles on township line be tween townships one and two , between section four and five in township one , and thirty-two and tliirtj-three in town , two , range twenty-sia west sixth P. M. , terminating at northwest cor ner of section six. The following claims were examined and on motion allowed and the clerk was instructed to Jraw warrants on the county general fund , levj of 1899 , as follows : Wm. McCallum , mdse § 13 2. \ . McMillen , same 20 15 S. C. Boatman , C. D. C. , fees , state vs. Lofton , insane 3 J. R. Neel , sheriff , same 2 5 ( iV. V. Gage , M. D. , same S 00 J. E. Kelley , attorney , same - . 3 00 And on county road fund , levy of IS99 , as fol- ows : D. J. Ruggles , road tax refunded 53 On motion board adjourned to meet January 1,1900. Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , January 3,1900. Board of county commissioners met pursuant o adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson , lenry Crabtreo and Stephen Belles , county ommissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk- Iinutes of previous meeting read and approved. It appearing from the affidavit of Alvah jampson , that he was erroneously assessed for he year 1893 , on personal property located in loleman precinct , that said property was not is on the first day of April , 1893 , therefore , on lotion the clerk was instructed to strike said ax from the tax list. It appearing from the affidavit of George Le- ind that he was erroneously assessed for the ear 1887 , on motion the clerk was instructed to trike said tax from the tax list. The following official bonds were examined nd on motion approved. James H. Evorist , justice of the peace. R. H. Nichols , road overseer. Annual settlement of the following overseers f highways examined and on motion approved , ad the county clerk directed to draw certificate a road districts in payment thereof as follows : . J. Rayer , overseer district No. 28 , cer tificate No. 177 $26 83 . M. Williams , overseer district No. 4 , cer tificate No. 182 28 00 The following claims were audited and allowed ad on motion clerk was instructed to draw arrants on the county general fund , levy of 9 ° , in payment thereof as follows : . M. Osborn , drayage $ 1 00 . M. Kimmell , printing and supplies 21 05 istrict 21 , Furnas county , Ihigh school ! tuition 1222 A. W. Hoyt. fees , state vs.Kimball , insane. 2 01 I. M. Smith , cans of jury April term , 1898. . 20 01 J. R. Noel , fees , etate vp.Lofton , insane. . . . 31 2. And on county bridge fund , levy of 1899 , a follows : Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 4 01 Sol Prcmor , hauling lumber and bridge work 14 ( X II. P. Wai to , hardware and nails 52 Leisure Brothers , nails and spikes 10 H Murray Graham , bridge work 2 2. And on "county road fund , levy of 1899 , u follows : H , Stone , road tax refunded , 301 Charles Colling , road tax refunded 5 , Ed Ruby , work on road 501 Frank E. Forbes , grading and repair on road tools 4 5 ( Charles Masters , grading per agreement. . 75 0 ( On motion board adjourned to meet Januarj 4th , 1900. Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , January 4th , 1900. Board of county commissioners met pursuan to adjournment. Present , Henry Crnbtruo , Stephen phen Belles and D. A. Waterman , county com missioners , and II. A. Green , county clerk. Min utes of previous meeting road and approved. The following official bonds were examinee and on motion approved : , Edgar S. Hill , county surveyor. A. C. Crabtroe , deputy sheriff. B. G. Gossard , deputy treasurer. Michael Esch , assessor. Julius Hinz , road overseer. C. F. Waterman , constable. The following claims wore audited and allow ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund , levy o : 1899 , in payment thereof as follows : State Journal Co. , supplies $ G2 37 J. R. Neel , sheriff , boarding and care of prisoners ' 49 50 And on county bridge fund , levy 6f 1899 , us follows : George Younger , bridge work $ 3 00 And on county road fund , levy of 1S99 , as follows : J."R. Neol , services in various road cases.$53 75 On motion board adjourned to meet January 5th , 1900. Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , January 5th , 1900. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree , Ste phen Belles and D. A. Waterman , county com missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min utes of previous meeting read and approved. Annual settlement of the following overseers of highways examined and on motion approved and the county clerk directed to draw certifi cates on road districts in payment thereof as follows : W. S. Fitch , overseer district No. 9 , certifi cate No. 178 $29 l > M. B. Leopold , overseer district No. 2lcer- tificateNo. 179 26 79 John Fiechtner , overseer district No. 18 , certificate No. 180 26 98 John L. Poole , overseer district No. 42 , cer tificate No. 181 26 97 On motion the following appointments wore nado to fill vacancies : Mitchell Young , constable for Beaver precinct. James Hethcote , same. J. A. Schmidt , overseer road district No. 9. John Brown , overseer road district No. 13. The board having made a careful examination > f the accounts of George S. Bishop , county udge , finds that he has received in fees from January 1st , 1899 , to January 3d , 1900 , both in- slUbive , $7.12.91. On motion board adjourned to meet January 5th , 1900. Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , January 6th , 1900. Board of county commissioners Inet pursuant o adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree , Ste- jhen'Bolles and D. A."Waterman , county com missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min- ates of previous meeting read and approved. The following official bond was examined and jn motion approved : Olive R. Rittenhouse , deputy county clerk. The board having made a careful examination ) f the accounts of R.A.Green , county clerkfinds he following to bo a true and correct account ) f all fees received and disbursed by him from Fanuary 1st , 1899 , to January 3d , 1900 , both in- lusive : total fees received $2,522 86 'aid county clerk $1,50000 3aid deputy county clerk 70000 ' 'aid assistant 15 CO 3aid county treasurer excess fees 307 86 $2.32286 $2,52286 On motion board adjourned to meet January Ith , 1900. Attest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. McCook , Nebraska , January 8th , 1900. Board of county commissioners met pursuant .o adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree , Ste- ihen Belles and D. A. Waterman , county com- nissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min- ites of previous meeting read and approved. The board having completed making final set- lement of the accounts of J. H. Berge , county reasurer , were present and saw the balance on land turned over in cash to O. L. Thompson , ounty treasurer , and his receipt given therefor , vhich receipt is as follows , towit : County Clerk's office , McCook , Nebraska , Jan- lary 9th , 1900. Received of J. H. Berge , the cut ting treasurer of Red Willow county , Nebras- : a , the sum of fifty-two thousand three hundred ighty-two and sixty-eight hundredths ( $52,382. 8) ) dollars , in cash , with the exception of $125.39 n deposit at Kountze Bros , of New York city ; aid sum being the amount found in said outgo- ng treasurer's hands as per his settlement with he county commissioners of said county , Janu- ry 8th , 1900. O. L. THOMPSON. Treasurer of Red Willow county , Nebraska. Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro- ided , the board on motion selected the follow- ag named persons from which to draw a jury sr the February term of district court : Alliance Arch Mann , George W. Wyrick , P. [ . Lambert. Beaver M. J. Walters , M. M. Young , William ullivan. Bondville Frank Weaver , Dan Lehn. Box Elder Josiah Moore , T. M. Campbell. Coleman M. H. Cole. Danbury George F. Godown , E. T. Woods. Driftwood E. C. Goehring , Harry Wade. East Valley S. W. Clark , L > man Jennings , ' . S. Minnich , J. A. Curlee , Fritsch William Barber , C. M. Gobcu. Gerver Frank Lofton , A. C. Ely. Grant Joseph Relph. Indianola Willis Gossard , William Short , B. . Sibbitt , W. H. Smith , F. M. Goodnick. Lebanon Charles Nichols , Samuel Kinkead , ilward Pennington. Missouri Ridge John B. Fisher , J. A. Strain. North Valley W. D. Williams , William 'ight. Perry J. A. Brinton , Adolph Reischeicfc. Red Willow John Longnecker , R. H. lomas. j Tyrone Isaac Horton , John Hummoll. Valley Grange W. H. Smith , T. H. Brittain. Willow Grove A. J. Warner , John McPhee , J. Wilcox , George B. Berry , Henry Tartsch , W. I Coleman , I. B. Taylor , Joseph Menard , J. H. C tz , Ray Yahue , D. C. Marsh , H. P. Sutton , H. f Pade , A. Barnett , C. B. Rowell , Charles Lehn. f On motion board adjourned sine die. I ittest : R. A. GREEK , County Clerk. t ( McCook , Nebraska , January 9th , 1900. Board of county commissioners met in regular You are Interested . . . . like other people In the best opportunities for purchasing ingtbe necessities and comforts of life. Our January Clearing Sale. . . . . . . Is thrusting1 a thous and such under your very eyes , and the news of it may be heard on every side In the remarks of many gratified purchasers. Our sale , this January , Is running- ahead of last year , owing , no doubt , to the fact that people know Its genuine ness and its teneflts by that of last year , and respond promptly to our offerings : NOTICE THE FOLLOWING : $3-75 All Wood blankets , large , heavy , reduced to J 2.00 Wool Mixed Grey blankets , large , heavy , reduced to i.oo Heavy Cotton blankets , reduced to .39 Full sized cotton blankets reduced to Ladies' 4.00 Fur Collarettes reduced to Ladies' 4.75 Fur Collarettes reduced to Ladies' 6.00 Fur Collarettes reduced to Ladies' 7.50 Fur Collarettes reduced to , Ladies' .25 All Wool Hose reduced to Ladies' .20 All Wool Hose reduced to Men's So.16 Woolen Sox reduced to Ladies' $2.50 Flannel Shirt Waists reduced to Ladies' 2.00 Flannel Shirt Waists reduced to Ladies' 1.35 Flannel Shirt Waists reduced to Ladies'J2.OO Fine Kersey Jackets reduced to Ladies' 9.75 Venetian Cloth Jackets reduced to Ladies' 7.00 Heavy Uoucle Jackets reduced to Ladies' 4.75 Beaver Jackets reduced to Children's 4.00 Fur Trimmed Jackets reduced to Children's 3.35 Braided Jackets reduced to Children's 1.95 Braided Jackets reduced to Ladies' $ i .75 Combination Suits Underwear , now Ladies' i.oo Combination Suits Underwear , now Ladies' .50 Combination Suits Underwear , now Ladies' .3 ? Combination Suits Underwear , now Ladies' .40 Heavy Ribbed , Fleeced Vests and Pants , now Ladies' .50 Heavy Camels Hair Vests and Pants , now Ladies' I.oo Heavy All Wool Vests and Pants , now Children's Underwear , seven different grades , now X off. Men's $ .50 Double Chest and Back fleece lined underwear , now. 35 Men's 10.00 Fur Overcoats , 52 inches long , Shields , Wristlets , guaranteed , now i8c Heavy husking Cotton Flannel , now Men's 34-50 Sheep Skin lined duck Coats , now Men's 4.00 Heavy Mackintosh duck Ulsters , now Men's 2.50 Heavy Mackintosh duck Coats , now Men's 1.25 Blanket lined duck coats , now Men's .75 Blanket lined duck coats , now Boys' .85 Blanket lined duck coats , now Heavy 50 cent shirting and skirting flannels , now Heavy i6K cent shirting and skirting flannels , now Men's 40 cent heavy Jersey Knit Overshirts , now Ladies' 65 cent heavy fleece lined petticoats , now Si.oo Lined Gloves and Mittens , now .75 Lined Gloves and Mittens , now .50 Lined Gloves and Mittens , now .25 Lined Gloves and Mittens , now . 15 Lined mittens , now .25 Yarn Fascinators , now .40 Ice Wool fascinator ? , now .75 to 65 cent Ice Wool Fascinators , now.- i .00 , 90 cent to 80 cent Ice Wool Fascinators , now - . - . . . All wool black stocking yarn , weighed out , 35 cents per pound 1000 olher , equally allraclive ilems. BEARING IN MIND that these are a11 clean new , dependable goods and garments , manufactured for this season's at the lowest notch of the market use , purchased , and since ad vanced in the markets 10 to 25 per cent the advantages of this clearing sale are seen. We Solicit Your Trade , Postoffice Per in same Building. GEO. E. THOMPSON. ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES CASH ONLY ession. Present , Henry Crabtree , Stephen Jolles and D. A. Waterman , county commif.- ! oners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes f previous meeting read and approved. The following appointments were , on motion , made to fill vacancies : W. II. Staples. o\ereer road district No. 12. J. E. Dodge , justice of the peace Gervor prcc. Joe Ohlson , overseer road district No. 1. Frank Pennington , justice of the peace for Lebanon precinct. Petitions of the various county officers asking for deputy and clerk hire for the jear 1900 , read and considered and on motion granted ; fixing the number and commutation of each an fol lows : G. C. Boatman , clerk district court , one depu ty at $ { 00.00 i > er annum. O. L. Thompson , county treasurer , one deputy it $500.00 per annum. G. F. Kinghorn. sheriff , one deputy at $700.00 E > er annum. R. A. Green , county clerk , deputy at .57(0.00 ( ; issistant at § JtX.00. Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro- ided , the salary of the county superintendent 'or the ensuing jear was fixed at $88.OQ. . The following resolution was introduced and > n motion adopted : Whereas , it is difficult to keep track of and > roperly economize the excuse for supplies for he various county officers entitled to the same ; Be it resolved , that from and after the fourth lay of January , l&OO , the chairman of the board if county commissioners of Red Willow county , Cebraska , is hereby appointed and authorized o purchase all necessary supplies ; and'/hat ach officer shall make out and sign an itemized tatement of the supplies necessary and desired ly him for use in his official capacity , and prc- ent it to the said chairman ; upon the receipt if which the said chairman shall procure and ssue said supplies to said officer , if the same .ppear reasonable and necessary. Any bill for supplies , purchased by any officer > n his own responsibility , without complying rith the foregoing requirements will not b > i al- awed against the county. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that the county coir.- iissioners _ of Red Willow county will receive ealed _ bids for printing the commis-uioners' pro- uedings , legal notices and delinquent tax list ir the year 1900. Party receiving contract to jrnish good and sufficient bond for the faithful erformance of said contract. Said bids to be led with the county clerk on or before noon of ie 8th day of February , 1900and to be endorsed iiereon. Bids for the county printing for the ear 1900. Dated this llth day of January , 1900. M2-4t. B. A. GEEEN. County Clerk. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams of Manchester , Mich. , tells how such a slave was made free lie says : "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters , she is wondei fully improved and able to do her own work. " This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness , sleeplessness , melancholy , headache , back ache , fainlmg and dizzy spells. This miracle- working medicine is a godsend to weak , sick ly , run down people. Every boltle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by McConnell & Berry. J. I. Bevry , Loganton , Pa. , wriles : "I am willing to take my oath that 1 was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough. ' ' Quickly re lieves and cures coughs , colds , croup , grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. D. W. Loar. It is said that Victor Hugo's love letters soon to be published were all written to the same young lady. Perhaps the other girls re fused to return theirs. 'I he modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles the fam ous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. D. W. Loar. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. In domitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach , liver , kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qurlities and the success they" bring : use Dr King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at McConnell & Berry's. , ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , . . . At a county court held at the county court room in ? n < if ° r.s.aul county , JanuarySth , WOO. Present. G. S. Bishop , county judge. In the matter of the estate of John Schilz , deceased. On reading- and filing the petition of Mary Schilz , praying that administration of said estate may be grant ed to her as administratrix. Ordered , that Jan uary 27th , A. D. 1900 , at one o'clock , p. m. . is as signed for hearing said petition , when all per sons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county , and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of th pendency of said petition and the hearing there of be given to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in the Mc- LOOK TRIBUXE , a weekly newspaper printed in wild county , for three successive weeks , prior to ? aid day of hearing. ( A true copv. ) [ Seal. ] M2-it. : G.S. BISHOP , County.Judge.