The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1899, Image 8

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    * ? ' .
Nothing eUe adds co ranch
to the chirm of the drawing
room or Ixmdoir tha softly radi
ant Ilcht from OOKDOVA Candles.
Nothing will contribute more to the
artlatlo success of the luncheon ,
tea or dinner. The bent decorative
candles for the simplest or the
incut elaborate function for cot
tage or mansion. Made In all colon
end the moat delicate tinta bjr
* nd gold everywhere.
Five Cents a Copyi
Thai's tlie remarkably low price at
.which we are rlu.sing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
iiavy You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than hnlf price , and they are only a
few sets left.
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly
? u advance.
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waiipun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldg , Upstairs
. . . . of Chicago.
BS Office with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
J3p-Agent of Lincoln Land'Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank , i
Main Ofllco 11th & O Bit
12 years in Omulm nnd
In Nervoii * . Chronic and
Private DISEASES of
All Private Diseases and
enables us to guarantee to
cure all curable cases of
the Nose , Throat , Cheat
Stomach , Liver , Blood ,
Skin and Kidney Diseaies
Lost Manhood , Night
Emissions , Hydrocele , Vnr
ieocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Piles , Fistula and
Hectal Ulcers , Diabetes and Brigbt'a Disease.
CB $100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON wo cannot cure if curable
-Stricture and Gleet Qured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FREE. Home
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty.
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
write them today P , O. Box 224. Ortlce
In lilchardg Elk. , llth & Q , Lincoln , Nebr.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. in.
High mass , nnd sermon at 10:30 , a. rn. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. ui.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKBY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at ircoo
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. in.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at II. Y. P. S. C E at
7 Preaching at 8 Prayer-meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 Morning
subject , "Not Your's , but You. " Even
ing theme , "Seeking to Know God "
All are welcome
W J.TURNER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10
Preaching at ir. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3 Epworth League service
at 7 Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible
study on Wednesday evening at 8 p m
Morning subject , "Fisherman's Prajer. "
Evening subject , "Evangelist Moody
and His Work. " All are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Sunday-school at loa. in.
Preaching services at II a rn. and 8p
in. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m. Prayer-
meeting on Friday evenings All cor
dially welcome. Morning sermon , to
the children and the young. Evening
topic , "Christ's Mission in the World '
J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at II. Junior Union
at 3. Senior Union at 7. Gospel service
at 8. Lord's Supper will he administered
at the close of the morning service. Rev
D. L. McBride will occupy the pulpit
both morning and evening All are
welcome. T L KETMAN , Pastor.
Rev. J A. Badcon has been visiting in
Lincoln and Schuyler , this week.
MRS. J. W. Walker arrived , Wednes
day noon on I , from Eldora , Missouri ,
where she has been visiting her parents.
They have gone to keeping house in
the Widow Meeker dwelling in the north
western part of the city.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie E.
Springer ofi 125 Howard st. Philadelphia , Pa. ,
when she found that Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption had completely cured
her of a hacking cough that for many years
had made life a burden. All other remedies
and doctors could give her no help , but she
says of this Royal Cure "it soon removed the
pain m my chest and I can now sleep soundly ,
something I can scarcely remember doing be
fore. I fell like sounding its praise through
out the Universe. " So will-every one who
tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any
trouble of the throat , chest or lungs. Price
5oc and Si.oo. Trial bottles free at Mc
Connell & Berry's.
. . Host in Quantity. . Best in Quality. .
& A- - - - a * K jfc j-fc j-fc rfjfc j-k j *
: For 20 Yeasj sd jaH
prepared by > JAMES F. BALLARD , St. Louis.J
' " * "
Ho Torture Not much attention is often paid to the
to tiie
Equal first symptoma of Eczema , but it is not long
before the little redness begins to itch and d
Itcliing and Burning of burn. , This is but the beginning , and will d
lead to suffering and torture almost unen S
durable. It is a common mistake to regard
This Fearful Disease. a roughness and redness of the skin as
. merely a local irritation ; it is but an indica
tion of a humor in the blood of terrible
Eczema which is more than skin-deep , and can not be reached by local appli
cations of ointments , salves , etc. , applied to the surface. The disease itself ,
the real cause of the trouble , is in the blood , although all suffering is produced rj
through the skin ; the only way to reach the disease , therefore , is through 3
the blood. 3U
Mr. Phil T. Jones , of Mixersville , Ind. , writes : d
"I had Eczema thirty years , and after a great deal
of treatment my leg was so raw and sore that it gave me j
constant pain. It finally broke into a running sore , and il
beganto spread and grow worse. For the past five or ilv
six years I have suffered untold agony and had given up
all hope of ever being free from the disease , as I have
been treated by some of the best physicians and have
taken many blood medicines , all in vain. With little a
faith left I began to take S. S. S. , and it apparently A
made the Eczema worse , but I knew that this was the
way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing
S. S. S. , the sore healed up entirely , the skin became a
clear and smooth , and I was cured perfectly. " ii
Eczema is an obstinate disease and can not be cured by a remedy which is iid iid
only & tonic. Swift's Specific d
is superior to other blood remedies because it cures diseases which they oan i
not reach. It goes to the bottom to the cause of the disease and will cure
the'worst case of Eczema , no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
the only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash , mercury or any
other mineral , and never fails to cure Eczema , Scrofula , Contagious Blood
Poison , Cancer , Tetter , Rheumatism , Open Sores , Ulcers , Boils , etc. Insist ii
upon S. S. S. ; nothing can take its place.
Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift 8p -
tifie Company , Atlanta , Georgia.
Good-by , Old Year , fjood-by !
Your destiny you soon will reach ,
And with you the century rolls away ;
On the billows you are rocked and gently sway
And the world is wrapped in sleep.
Go , go bury thv sorrow
Let the past be doomed with the past
Let your tears be tears of gladness ,
Let your life be of joy , not of sadness ,
For time drifts so silent but fast.
May we greet this Happy New Year
With a smile , but determined face ,
To unfurl the nation's banner ,
To imbue the world with honor ,
And lift up the fallen race.
* *
The mothers' meeting held at Mrs
Howe Smith's was opened in the usual
manner , by scripture reading and prayer
by our supeiintendent After which
she announced the subject , "Bringing
in the Sheaves , " and gave an interesting
talk , inviting all present lo participate
* *
The next business meeting will be
held at Mrs T. B Campbell's , Jan 12 ,
1900 , at 2:30 p in. Let all members re
solve , this new year , to be more zealous
in the cause we represent.
* *
A decision of the Kansas supreme
court , just handed down , affirms the
sentences passed upon a half dozen
prominent liquor dealers at lola and
Humholdt , Kan. , by Junge Stilwell
Some of them will have to suffer the
severest penalties ever imposed upon
violators of the Kansas prohibitory law
Joseph Langley and Charles Groth will
have to go to the Allen county jail for
600 days each , pay fines of $ rooo , each
and give bonds in the sum ofsooeacl
to guarantee their good behavior for two
years. John Whittick goes up for 360
days and must pay $600 ; Joseph Nagle }
must pay $700 and be confined 315 days
Frank Nimerick must pay $600 and be
confined 270 days , and D. Whittick mus !
go up for 120 days and pay $400. Th <
men were sentenced over two years ago
and have since been fighting the case !
in the higher courts , which have de
cided against them on every turn. Ex
Mayors McElroy of Humboldt , and Tay
lor of Tola , and ex Police Judge Card o
lola , were also indicated for officially
abetting the violation of the prohibitory
law by having an understanding with the
liquor dealers , and they are now in the
appellate court trying to quash tne in
dictments. Mida's Criterion.
* *
It has been decided that the nationa
convention for 1900 will go to Washing
ton , D C. This is the choice of a large
majority of the state presidents for a
number of reasons It is the consensus
of opinion that having been to the mid
dle West last year and to the far West
this year , we should go East next year.
Washington is very accessible , especially
to the southern women , which cannot be
said of many other places. The thought
is to call the convention for November
30 , let the executive meetings occupy
the first two days as usual , and the con
vention proper be in session the first
week in December. This will enable
most of the delegates to spend Thanks
giving at home , and allow them to be
present at the opening of the United
States congress , which bridges two cent
uries. We can thus celebrate the close
of this wonderful nineteenth century
and make an impress upon the first year
of the twentieth century , viz , 1901. Our
twenty-seventy annual convention should
be worthy of the notable time in which
it is to be held , the notable city where it
will be entertained.and the notable work
which the organization is called to do.
Already the fine new opera house , La
Fayette , has been engaged for its sessions
and for headquarters. Ail energies should
be bent toward making the progress of
this year surpass that of any other in the
history of our organization. Indianapo
lis , Milwaukee and Pittsburg were next
in the hearts of the women , who are be
lieving that time cannot kill true love
and that these cities will renew their
liospitable proposals to the national con
The Way to go to California
Is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via the Burlington route. You
don't change cars ; you see the finest
scenery on the globe ; you make fast
Your car is not so expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper , but it is just as
comfortable , just as good to ride in , and
nearly $20 cheaper. It has wide vesti
bules , Pmtsch gas , high-bad * seats , a
uniformed Pullman porter , clean bed
ding , spacious toilet rooms , tables and a
heating range. Being strongly and heav
ily built , it runs smoothly is warm in
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor , who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday , arriving
n San Francisco on the following Sun
day , Los Angeles on Monday only three
days from the Missouri river to the Pa
cific coast , including a stop-over of 1/2
lours in Denver and 2 hours in Salt
Lake City two of the most interesting i
cities on the continent. .
For folders giving full particulars and
nformation call at any Burlington route
icket office or write to v
J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
License to marry was granted Mahlon
Boyer and Katie Berger , both of Ludell ,
Kansas , Wednesdav , and the judge then
repaired to the home of Herman Hegeu-
berger and united the young couple in
marriage. Mr. Boyer is a brother ol
Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Joseph He > ; eii-
berger , and the young couple will go to
house-keeping on the old Lunmn N.
Howe farm , recently purchased from J.
S. McBrayer by the Hegenberger broth
Mary B. Harden has filed her petition
in divorce against her husband. Burl G.
Harry G. Brown has filed a case in
equity against Sarah M. Chenery.
Farm filings , $13.139 17 ; relras s , $19-
357 5 ° - Town filings , $5,150 ; relrases ,
$1,600. Chattel fillings , $38 728.47 ; re
leases , $41.658.37 The recapitulation
for the enure year is as follows : Farm
filings , $123,494.42 ; release. , $220,410.59.
Town filings , $19,772.21 ; releases , $36-
012. Chattel filings , $418,343.41 ; re
leases , $410,031.66
Five bberiff's deeds were filed in
Decembei ; and during the year 44
The south front room on t ie first floor
has 'hi- week been completed , and the
same was occupied by the county judge ,
3'esierday Judge Bi-hc-p t-n now claim
one of the be'-t offiiin the court hou-ie.
Rval modest , couples can be tdken into
the van 11 and married.
Tribune Clubbinj ? List.
For convenience oi readers of THE TKIIJ-
UNKve have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and peromc.db whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
I'ltlHUNr at the following very low prices :
. \vi i H
Detroit Free 1'ress Si oo 5150
Leslie's Weekly 4 co 300
Prairie Farmer i oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean i oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. i oo 50
New-York Tribune i oo at
Demorest's Magazine I oo yf
Toledo Blade i oo 2 }
Nebraska Farmer 1 oo 5t
Iowa Homestead I oo 45
Lincoln Journal . i oo 7 ]
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo y.
New-York World I oo 6 ?
Om.ih.i Bee i oo
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo
St. Louis Republic I oo 75
Kansas City Star 25 i
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to Date Farmer 50 I 2 $
Kans-as City Journal , weekly. 25 I
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
\ \ e are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THK TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident , of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia , was the subject , is
narrated by him as follows : " 1 was in a most
dreadful condition My skin was almost
yellow , eyes sunken , tongue coated pain con
tinually in back and sides , no appetite giad-
ually growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians had given me up. Fortunately , a
friend advised trying 'Electric Bitt- * : ' and to
my great joy and surprise , the first bottle made
a decided improvement , 1 continued their use
for three weeks , and am now a well man. I
know they saved my life , and robbed the grave
of another victim " No one should fail to try
them. Only 50 cts. , guaranteed , at McConnell
& Berry's. _ _
The modern and most effective cure for
constipation and all liver troubles the fam
ous little pills known as De Witt's Little Ear y
Risers D. W. Loan
A learned professor of Boston says the
Western girls are heavier than the Eastern
girls. Query : How did the scholarly gentle
man make the interesting discovery ?
You may have heard
and have a vague notion
that it is cod-liver oi ! with
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive fea
tures. It is cod-liver oil , the
purest and the best in the
world , but made so palata
ble that almost everybody
can take it. Nearly all
children like it and ask for
looks like cream ; it nour
ishes the wasted body of
the baby , child or adult
better than cream or any
other food in existence. It
bears about the same rela ;
tion to other ejnulsions that
cream does to milk. If you
have had any experience
with other so-called "
- "just as
good" preparations , you
will find that this is a fact. ]
The hypophosphites that are
combined with the cod-liver oil :
give additional value to it because
they tone up the nervous system
and impart strength to the whole
body. .
5oc. and $ ( .OO. all druggists. )
SCOTT& BOWNE , Chemists , New York.
Sweetest tiling that can be seen
Is a baby , fresh and clean.
Dainty clothes and tender slcin
Need pure soap to wash them in.
Nurse and mother must be sure
Baby's bath is sweet and pure.
Free from grease or alkalies ;
Ivory Soap their want supplies.
JO * _ . . .
* *
Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5.000
DIRECTORS = = = = 55 #
- 3547 ? -
X V NX *
T. A. Rowland marketed hogs in McCook ,
The children and grandchildren , numbering
about thirty , ate New Year dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Relph , the occasion being their 39th
wedding anniversary.
The literary was not very well attended ,
Wednesday night , but a good program was
arranged for the next meeting , which will be
Friday , January I2th.
Dave Goodenberger shelled corn for Ed.
Lawthers and A. V. Olmsted , first of the week.
Mr. Adams and daughter Nellie of La
Fayette , Indiana , have been visiting with rel
atives , William Relph and family , during the
James Houchin and family and Alex. Ellis
and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. H.
Relph , Friday evening of last week , the for
mer returning to their home in Iowa , Monday.
How does the head you are now nursing
size up with the post-New Year head you
wore this time last year ?
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for sick
and nervous headaches. They make pure
jlood and strong nerves and build up your
lealth. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25
cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by
McConnell & Berry.
It is reported that sickness has broken out
imong the Missouri mules in Africa. Prob-
ibly home-sickness.
To Randolph L. Billiard. Josephim * B. Hammond
mend , Alfred Reed and to all whom it may con
cern :
The board of county commisiioners have es-
ablished and ordered opened a road commenc
ing at the s-outlieast corner of Fection 21 , in
Valley Grange precinct , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence west Yx mile on sec
tion line , thence north b rods , thence west 20
rods , thence northwest 13 rods , thencewest _ IS
rods , thence southwest ! 54 rods to = ection line
between sections 24 and 2.1 in . aid precinct ,
hence west on section line , terminating at
outhwest corner of section 2f in said precinct ,
md all objections thereto or claims for damage
nust be filed in the county clerk's office on or
iefore noon of tlio 24th day of February , A. D.
1900 , or said road will be established without
eference thereto. 12-22-H.
R. A. GEEEX , County Clerk.
BOAD XO 344.
To Valentine Bode , John Stansbury , Win. P.
! lark , Lemira M. Beaty , Geo. T. Taylor , James
2ody , Walter M. Sheppard. William Gingerich ,
Sarah E. Hoagland and to all whom it may
oncern :
'The board of county commissioners have es-
ablished and ordered opened a road commenc-
np at the southwest comer of section 12. in Box
21der precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
unning thence east on section line 4 miles ,
rminating at southeast corner of section & -4-2S ,
vest 6 p. m.and all objections thereto or claims
or damages must be filed in the county clerk's
ffice on or before noon of the 24th day of Febrn-
try , A. D. 1900 , or said road will be established
rithout reference thereto. 12-22-4t.
R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Bnrt G. Harden , defendant , will take notice
that .Mary B. Harden , plaintiff , has filed JUT
p-tition in the district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , against i-aid defendant , tin-
object and prayer of which ar to obtain n
divorce from said defendant , on the ground of
non-support , and plaintiff further asks that shf
I ) ' ! restored to her former name , towit : 3Iary IJ
You nrercQniral to answer said petition on or
before Monday , the 12th day of February , U X > .
Dated January 2nd , 1000.
, - , . r&AST I- HARDENPlaintiff. .
l4ts By W. S. MOKLAN , Her Attornej.
Unit l States Land Office. McCook. Nebra-ka
_ Notice is hereby given that in purMianw of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
oral L.aml Oilicc. under authoritj rested in Imr.
by Section 2,433 , U. S. Rev. Stat. , a- !
the act of
approved Februan 2U l * ' 3
we will proceed to offer at public sale on tli"
ir i"r f.ob aO- , next , at 1 p. M. . at thi-
oilico , the | following tract of luud , towit : Th
fcoutli half of tlie northeast quarter , section
s ° ne' nortl' * rante tlllrt >
. .Vnyind' all pori-oiis claiming adver-elv th.
above described land are advised to file 'their
claims in this office on or before the daaboti -
designated for the commencement of sa'idall -
otherwise their rights will bo forfeited.
Dated this 29th day of December , lj9
. . . . . ? M. RATHIICX , Regi-t-r.
l- . > -Ct- . J. A. PIPEK , Receiver.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , , . - .
At a county court , held at the county court
m'4 ? an(1rsaid county , January 2nd , A. D
ISKX ) . Present , G. S. Bishop , county judg.I
the matter of the estate of Ifenrr Colline. d *
ceased. On reading and filing the petition of
Peter H. Colling , praying that the inotniineut
filedon _ the 2nd day of January. ] & ( * > . and pur
porting to bo the last will and t tament of th-
said deceased , may b > i proved , approved , pro
bated , allowed , and recorded as the la-twill am !
testament of the said Henry Colling , derea- , ]
and that the execution of ? aid instrument maj
be committed and the administration of aid
estate may be granted to Catherine Collim ? a-
cxecutrix. Ordered , that January 20.A. D. I X >
at lo clock p. in. , is assigned for hearing -ai < i
petition , when all persons interested inanf
matter may appear at a county court to lx lit > Iil
in and for said count ; . and Miow cau e whth -
prajerof petitioner should not I > egrante | - at i
that notice of the pendency of said petition awl
the hearing thereof , be given to all per-on it
forested , in said matter . .
bj paWL-hing a cop\ '
this order in The McCook Tribune ; a we. k' '
newpa per printed in = aid comity , for three -u-
ce-sive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
( A true copy. ; G. S. BISHOP , County .Iiidsf-
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest-
ant and tonic. Iso other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
SickHeadacheGa8tralgiaCrampsand -
all otherresults of imperfectdigestion/
Prepared by E. C. OeWitt AGOChicago. .