The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1899, Image 7

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    Ex-Governor Frank S. Black of New
York Is a blanch believer in state
Patks and while in ofllcc he did much
to aid legislation in that regard. On
one occasion he said to a number of
prominent men at Albany : "What
we need now Is to have a counsel for
the forest commission. " "A coun
sel ? " Inquired a country member ;
"what has the forest been commit
ting that it should need a counsel ? "
The longest continuous run of a rail
way train In Europe is that from Paris
to Constantinople , 1,021 milen , in sixty-
four and a quarter hours.
Maurice Barrymore'awit is far-
famed , but a neat little witticism at
his expense was Augustus Thomas'
laconic criticism of one of Barrymore's
plays. The playwright had been
mercilessly picking flaws hi the actor's
drama until the " "
good nufured "Barry"
winced. "Oh , come , cttu.he inter
rupted , "don't be quite so hard , if Ire
not an 'Alabama. ' Just remember
that 1 wrote it in a week "Did you ,
Barry ? " retorted Thomas ; "Then you
must have loafed. "
return tliis coupon and three
one cent stamps to the J. C.
Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mass. , you
v/ill receive in return a copy of
the 2oth Century Year Book.
This is not an ordinary slmanac ,
but a handsome book , copiously
illustrated , and sold for 5 cents
on all news-stands. ( We simoly
allow you the two cents you
spend in postage for sending. )
Great men have written for
the Year Book. la it is summed
up the progress of the igth cen
tury. In each important line of
work and thought the greatest
living specialist has recounted
the events and advances of the
past century and has prophesied
what we may expect of the next.
Among the most noted of
our contributors arc :
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson , on
Agriculture ; Senator Chauncey M.
Depe\v , on Politics ; Russell Sage , on
Finance ; Thomas Edison , on Elec
tricity ; Dr. Madison Peters , on Re
ligion ; General Merritt , on Land War
fare ; Admiral Ilichborn , on Naval
Warfare ; "Al" Smithon Sports , etc. ;
making a complete review cf the whole
field of human endeavor and progress.
Each article is beautifully and
appropriately illustrated , and the
whole makes an invaluable book
of reference , unequaled any
where for the money.
H Addiess J. C. AVER Co. , Lov.-ell , Mass.
: < * S
of the AGE ,
No Boiling
US I No Cooking
It Stiffens the CSoods
it Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Qoods
It makes all garments fresh a id
crisp as when first bought new.
You'll like it it you try it.
You'll buy it if you try it.
You'll use it if you try it.
Try it.
Sold by all Grocers.
To sen tno products of
< ; wlna DlBcue or hog cholera successfully treated
bv Inoccnlatlon. We cure 85 per cent of elck hogs
aid render well bogs immuncs by our process.
Kor further particulars call on or address
The Swine Vaccine Co. , Wymore , Neb.
has stood the test of 50 years
Snd is still the Best Cougli
Kemccly Sold. Curesjvhen
ofner need ; remedies children like cents.KILL
y all druggists-25 cents.
quick relief and cures worst
s and 10 D1YS' treatment
IXJU U * * J * "H * * '
Inflmc. Sold by drugging.
The Leopard with Horns How Jimmy
Wan Cnaglit Up In n Tree An Alnolinn
iromo Grandmii'd Cut Btory An
Averted Quarrel.
An Averted { lanrrcl *
Toodles and Toddles were two little
kittens ,
Exactly alike , excepting in name.
Around Toodles' neck was a piece -of
blue ribbon ;
Around Toddles' neck was a piece of
the same.
Said Toodles to Toddles : "Get out of
my basket ! "
Said Toddles to Toodles : "This
basket is mine. "
And then there ensued a great spitting
and snarling ,
Till Toodles espied a small ball of
So , breaking away from his little white
brother ,
Ho started to run , on a frolio intent ;
But Toddles was cute , and divining his
purpose ,
To reach the ball first , after Toodles
he went.
But , eluding their grasp , the ball rolled
and bounded ,
And after it scampered each kitten
in glee ;
Till , quarrel forgotten , they soon were
A boisterous romp , quite good-na
Then old Mother Tab , from her seat on
the hassock ,
Said , putting her paw up to hide a
slight cough :
"I really should judge , from all indica
tions ,
The fight that was brewing can be
declared off. "
The Leopard with Horns.
Once there was a little boy namcfi
Jimmy. He had always lived in the
city , and the only animals he had ever
seen were horses , dogs and cats. But
he had heard of leopards , because one
of his boy friends had told him all
about them , and how they' had spots
on them and they could climb trees
and eat people. Well , one day he went
to the country , and in course of time
his cousin , who was older than he ,
helped him into an apple tree , and then
went into the house to get something
maybe it was an apple. Jimmy was
rather alarmed at being left alone in
the tree , but he managed to stay there.
Suddenly he saw a beast come prowling
up the road. It was about the size of
a leopard , as he imagined , and it was
covered with spots even larger than a
leopard would have , so it must be
( thought Jimmy ) a very awful kind
of a leopard. And , to make matters
worse , this leopard had a pair of horns ,
and large , ferocious-looking ears , and
every now and then it roared like this :
"Mco-oo , moo-oo ! " Jimmy was
frightened half to death. But he had
the slim hope that the animal would
go away without seeing him. Oh , horrible
rible ! The animal came right up to
the tree and put its head right up
among the branches and began to sniff.
Then it ate an apple. Jimmy was sure
that in a moment it would climb the
tree after him , so he got up to the top
of the tree , though how he did it he
couldn't tell next day. He was weak
and white with fear when he reached
the top branch. The dreadful beast
now came close to the trunk and began
to rub up and down. Now he would
spring up into the tree , beyond a
doubt ! But just as Jimmy thought he
was crouching for a spring he saw
his uncle come out of the house , and
he screamed to him , "Oh , Uncle Ed ,
save me , save me ! This leopard is go
ing to eat me ! " Now , some uncles
would have thought the matter a huge
joke , but Uncle Ed was not that kind.
He knew that to little Jimmy the
horned beast was as bad as the most
terrible leopard that ever roamed the
jungle , and so he went over to the tree
and said , "My boy , you are safe while
I am here , because , in the first place ,
this kind of leopard can't climb a tree ,
and , in the second place , it isn't a leo
pard at all , but a cow , and , in the third
place , It Is Daisy , our pet cow , and if
you will take my word for it , you can
ride on her back as if she were a
horse. " There was something in Un
cle Ed's voice that had a very calming
effect on Jimmy , and inside of two
minutes the dreadful leopard that had
come to eat him was turned into a
good-natured old cow , and he rode her
all around the place , holding on to
Uncle Ed's hand. Now Jimmy is grown
up and has a Jimmy of his own , but
he will never forget the horror of that
five minutes with a horned leopard.
An Alaskan Home.
An Alaskan hut Is not the worst
place in the world far from It Its
interior consists of a square floor of
earth flanked on all sides by two wide
ledges rising one above the other like
a terrace. On the lower one rest the
cooking , weaving and fishing utensils ,
the knives and needles , pots and pans.
On the upper ledge , with much dis
play of wonderfully woven blankets ,
are the beds. In the center of the
room glows the fire , the smoke grop
ing Its way out of a hole In the roof.
After the day's work Is done , and the
stomachs of both people and dogs are
full , the family gathers around tha fir < 5 ,
Facing the door sits the father , next
him the motherj on ona hand the
sons and on the othef the daughters ,
even to the third and fourth genera
tion , it may be. Bsyond these are thd
servants or slaves. Each has Ills
place , and takes it as a. matter oi
courae. Without , in the darkness , the
dogs clutter around the door and howl.
The mysterious and Implacable sea
keeps up Its thunder. The snow-capped
mountains , with their Illimitable gla
ciers , lie Just beyond. The shafts ot
the northern light dart through the
sky , like the harpoons of a titan , with
incredible celerity. Is it strange that ,
amid sconea so wild and fearful , sup
erstitions also wild and fearful spring
Into existence ? Or can one bo sur
prised that In an unlettered country
the story tellers are of mighty power
and tell tales that affright the children
till they scramble to the safe shelter
of their mother's arms ? When the
family sings In strange broken yet
rhythmical measures , the dogs howl
louder than before and the women
sway their squat bodies back and forth
unceasingly , keeping their hands oc
cupied meanwhile at their tasks of
weaving or braiding. The men carve
their spoons or cut curious figures
from'the black slate. The suitor for
the hand of one of the daughters en
ters slyly and takes a seat with the
sons. No protest Is made..The father
and mother go on with their little
tasks , the young girls giggle after the
fashion of girls the v/orld over. Ant !
the suitor , thus unrepulsed , contents
himself , thinking his case won. The
oldest among them chants some old
folk-Bong , and the father rises. It is
the signal for good-nights. The ashes
are spread over the fire , and by the
light of a few llshea' tails , dried for
the lighting , the family goss to bed ,
forgetful of crashing bergs , of the
mysterious aurora , of the mountains
where the snow lies forever and al-
way. So is the home made anywhere
where the spirit of home exists. Self-
Culture Magazine for November.
Grandma's Cut Ktorf.
From the Philadelphia Call : The
family group were speaking of cats
and their ways , and the peaceful-look
ing grandmother was asked to say
something. The old' lady smiled , for
she is not often slighted when in the
company of younger people , and con
sented to tell a story about a kitten she
had when she was a child. "You
know , " she said , "I had a stepfather ,
and he liked to see me working about
the house instead of playing with a kit
ten , so he ordered me to throw it in
the brook which ran through our
meadow. I was forced to do it , though
I cried a great deal. I threw it in three
times , but the little thing struggled out
each time and finally dragged itself
home after me. Then I pleaded so
much that I was allowed to keep it.
From that time on it was kind of wild ,
not staying in the house , but skulking
around the barn. When it was full
grown it began to kill our chickens , so
my stepfather said it had to go. This
time he caught it and tied a stone
around It and drowned it. After an
hour or two he drew it from the water
and buried it. Now comes the yart
that is stranger than fiction. Two days
after the same old yellow cat dragged
itself up to the barn. We visited the
place where he had buried it and
found it had come to life and rid it
self of the stone , in what way I know
not , and dug itself out. It stayed by
the edge of our woods , getting the
milk I set out every now and then , but
disappeared when winter came. "
A Wonderful l > Iue.
Did it ever strike you , young people ,
to inquire why the cloudless depths of
the sky above us are so decidedly blue ?
It isn't that the gas we call air is in
itself blue. So far as we know it Is
quite transparent and absolutely color
less. No ; the blue comes from the re
flected light. Air is never pure. You
couldn't live in it if it were. Count
less millions of tiny particles , chiefly
of water , are always suspended in it ,
and these arrest the free passage of
light. Each particle has a double re
flection one Internal , the other ex
ternal and so the reflected rays suffer
the usual result of what is called "in
terference , " and show color. . You will
notice that the sky appears much bluer
if you look straight up than if you
look across toward the horizon. The
reason is that , in the first instance ,
you are naturally looking through a
much thinner layer of air than in the
second. If there were no air , and ,
consequently , no watery vapor , and
nothing to interfere with the free pas
sage of light , even at midday , the sky
would look perfectly blank , and all
the stars plainer than they do now at
A Fable.
Timour , the famous Asiatic chief ,
having , on one occasion , taken shelter
from his enemies in a lone building ,
saw a little ant trying to carry a grain
of wheat , larger than itself , up a high
wall. Sixty-nine times did Timour see
the grain fall to the ground , but the
next effort the ant carried off the
prize. "I was in despair , " said the
chief , "but the sight of the ant gave
me new courage , and I have never for
gotten the noble effort which it taught
me. " There is an old proverb which
says : "Perseverance conquers all
things. "
Tit for Tat
A bright 3-year-old , living on Can-
field avenue , induced her mamma to
get down on the floor with her to "play
blocks. " After the game was fairly
under way Miss Lou picked up a novel ,
clambered into a big chair and re
marked solemnly to her astonished and
highly amused parent :
"Now , I'm going to read awhile.
You play alone and see how you Uko
it ! "
Undeserved prates may often lead'
s to become really "worthy of praisa
On one occasion the Prince of. Wales
visited a Hindoo school In Madras.
The youngsters had been drilled into
the proporiety of saying , "Your royal
highness" should the prince speak to
them , and when the heir-apparent ac
costed a bright-eyed lad , and , pointing
to a primatic compass , asked , "What
is this ? " the youngster , all In a flutter ,
replied : "It's a royal compass , your
prismatic highness. "
Egypt and the Soudan have now
2,014 miles of railways ; the line from
Boeber to Kassala and Suakim is un
der way of construction.
An American lady who was In the
Highlands shooting with ler ; husband ,
attended the local kirk one Sunday
morning , but left it with scandalous
precipitation. For an hour the good
minister had been fiercely raging at
his benighted congregation , and wounu
up : "And pairhaps" ( with pious cun
ning ) "ye'll be thinkin , ' ye wairthless
waistrcls , that ye can daddle iulae
Paradise by clootchin' tae my coattails -
tails ! Dinna be deceivit , for mark
weel" ( a pause of stern and holy joy ) ,
"when the trump of Gabriel soonds ,
I'll sneck them aff ! "
There is more Catarrh m tills section of the
rouutry than all other diseases put together ,
and until the lust lew years was supposed to bo
Incurable. For a great many yours doctors pro
nounced it a local dKeat-c , and prescribed local
remedies , and by constantly Jailing to cure
with local treatment , pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease , and therefore require * consti
tutional tioatnient. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man
ufactured by ! ' . J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , j
Is the only constitutional cure on tins market.
It is takcu internally in doses from 10 drops tea
a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon 'he blood
and mucous surfaces of I he system. They offer
one hundred dolhus for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circularsand testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , Ohio.
Sole ! by Drujrj-'ists. 75c.
Hall's Family 1'ills arc the be.- .
Good counsel rejected returns ; to eii-
rich the giver's bosom.
Those little rubs which Providence
sends to enhance the vr ue of its
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
The constantly increasing business
of the B. & O. R. R. has necessitated
very m-tonal additions to the tele
graph service. During the past year
nearly 2,000 miles of copper wire , ICG
pounds to the mile , have been strung.
New lines have been placed in service
between Baltimore and Pittsburg , Bal
timore and Parkersburg , Newark. O.
to Chicago , Philadelphia to Newark.
Philadelphia to Cumberland and Cum
berland to Grafton. During the sum
mer several of those wires were quad-
niplexed between "niltiraore and Cum
berland and duplexed west.
The January Century will contain a
pcem by Rudyard Kipling , "In the
Matter of One Compass. " Dr. Mitch
ell's story , "The Autobiography of a
Quack , " ends in that issue , but another
serial by Dr. Mitchell will begin in the
March number. It is called "Dr. North
and His Friends , " and one who has
read the manuscript calls it "an epit
ome of the science , culture and com
mon sense of the nineteenth century. "
In Connecticut the percentage of
criminal population to the thousand
inhabitants has fallen steadily from
2.48 in 1S06 to 2.33 in the i-resent year.
Tzy Oraln-ol Try Graln-cl
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of GRAIN-0 , the new food
drink that takes ths place of fcaffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it , like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Jjvva , but it is made
from pure grains , and the most delicate
stomach receives it without distress.
One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c.
and 25c. per package. Sold by ail
Opium eating is described as mak
ing serious ravages amoi\3 the work
ing people in the fen district of Kantz
and Cambridgeshire , in England.
; AYS s
The Entire Country is
on the Move.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic Did It , and Record
a Phenomenal Victory. Five Mil'iac
fcoxes Sold Last Year.
From every part of Ameilca comes the
news that sufferers from constipation
have found relief in Casc-aiets Candy Ca
thartic , the wonderful modern scientific
laxative and intestinal tonic. Cascarets
are figuratively and literally In every
body's mouth. Thousands have tried Cas
carcts with the mobt pleasant and ef
fective results , and voluntarily testify to
their experiences. Here are a few ex
tracts from some of the letters :
"I have been using Cascarets for head
ache and constipation and have received -
great benefit ftom them. " Mrs. il. Gab-
ler. 512 Larrabee St. , Chicago.
"I have been taking Cascarets for over |
a month and rtnd them just the thing for
constipation. " Albert B. Burt , 70 Main
St. , Andover , Mass.
"I am using Cascarets and have never
found anything so satisfactory. " Mrs. C.
" \V. Durrant , 57 Emerson St. , Buffalo , N.
"I have taken Cascarets and checrftilly
recommend them to all my friends. " Mrs.
G. J. Gradwcll , Frugality , Pa.
"Cascarets aie fine for biliousness and
malaria and are so pleasant to take. " Mrs.
Mary Cummlngs , Maud , Oklahoma.
"I use Cascarets In my family ami find
them all you recommend them to be. " E.
TJ. Irvln , Cor. Mead and Railroad , Mead-
ville. Pa.
"You can safely add appendicitis to the
list of diseases that Cascarets will benefit
or cure. " Eunice J. Smith , Rich Valley ,
"I have used Cascarets ; there is nothIng - '
Ing better for constipation. " Benj. Passage - i
sage , Knightstown , Ind. i
"Cascarets are all right. Tliv have ;
cured me of constipation , and I never expected - i
pected anything would. " Charles II. Nye ,
Lock Box 205 , Cincinnati , Ohio. I
"I am so thankful for your Cascarets.
They are better than any medecine I ever
used. " Mrs. M. Kew , Lacelle. Iowa.
"I do not hesitate to say that Casca- '
rets Is the very best "hied icine ever placed I
before the people. " Andtew Woodruff , ]
Daysville , N. Y. I
"Cascarets are the best cathirtic I ever ,
used. " Tom Holt , Well wood. Manitoba , j
"I have tried your Cascarets and I want
to tell vou they are just splendid. " John ,
Wiegmink , Box B61 , Allegan , Mich.
We could fill the whole paper with ex
pressions like the above. Thousands of
similar recognitions of the zneiits of Cas-
carets have been volunteered and prove
that this delightful laxative , so pleasant I
of taste , so mild and yet effective , has !
secured a firmly established place in the i
hearts of the people.
Go buy and try Cascarets yourself to- '
day. All druggists. lOc , 23c , 50c. Booklet !
and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy - !
edy Company. Chicago or New York. I
This Is the CASCARET tab
let. Every tablet of the only
genuine Cascarets bears the !
magic letters "C C C. " Look
at the tablet before you buy.
and beware of frauds , imita
tions and substitutes.
liobcrt Illlllanl , uio actor , brought
a young Englishwoman to see "El
Capitan. " She was much impressed
with De Wolf Hopper , and remarked :
"What a charming man your Mr. Hop
per is. Tell me , is ho married ? "
"Been married three times , " was the
reply. "Three times ! " she repeated ;
"and they are all three dead ? " "No , "
was the answer ; "divorced. " "Ah ! "
she rejoined , "I see ; he is a Grass-
Hopper. "
There is no character more con
temptible than a man who is a for
tune hunter.
The days of courtship sire the most
happy of'our lives.
For starching line linen use Magnetic
Finery is unbecoming in us who
want the means of decency.
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
The dullest reilow may learn to be
comical for a night or tvo.
The German government has decided
to build a railroad through Eastern
Africa , and will effect a 1'inction with
the Capota-Cairo railway.
The Hon. John Uarrett writott v/lth
his accustomed clearness and force In
the Review of Reviews for January on
"Our Interests in China A Question
of the Hour , " Betting forth the respon
sibilities , as well as the opportunities ,
devolving on the United States aa si
Pacific power.
The late Lord Watson had a habit
of interrupting counsel , and this often
caused irritation. One distinguished
advocate once reproached him on thin
account in private. "Eh , man , " Haiti
Lord Watson , "you need not complain ,
for I never interrupt a fool. "
Hospitality is one of the first. Chris
tian duties.
_ , _ . . Ti rf IT ;
Tiso's Cure for Consumption in the only
cough medicine use < l in my IIOIIKO. D. U.
Albright , Miillinbur , Pu. , Dec. 11 , ' 05.
Offences are easily pardoned when
there is love at the bottom.
Use Magnetic Starcli If has no equal.
Mortifications are often more pain
ful than calamities.
| None but the guilty can be long and
, complacently m'serablc.
For Infants and Children.
TO lie Kind fi a < S
. . !
, u ( ( itilit't' i i m HV tut i .mi * i tit n n u
lable As -
simiialing iiieFoodandBcgala-
UttSloinaclis andBowels or
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur-
ness and ItestContains neither
Opium.Morphine norJIiiieral.
/tlx.Samii *
tit f
iVuizyifn. fitnv :
Aperfccl Remedy forConslipn-
Hon , Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh-
ness am ! Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
"Star" tin tags ( showing small slai-s prmtel on under side
of tag ) , "Horso'Shoe , " "J.T. , " "GooclLnck , " " Cross Bow , "
and "Drumnioud" Natural Leaf Tin Tags arc of equal value in
securing presents mentioned below , and may bo assorted.
Every man , woman and child can find something on the lial
that they would like to have , and can have *
* - * % "fw" * yj * " rrt" C3 "T'
Jar * Jblt Jfeu j
1 Match Box 2 ! n.i'li / , raci-ar ! ! , Tlicnnoia-
2 Kii f , ouu lilii'to. t.'oii < l eel
8 Sill ' ( M > ri,4tiincli s ' > , no l
4 CiitM't Set" KiiifpVi'oric . ! Spou'ii 2i j 25 Kevolsor. ii'oni it artj > u.
rnplejtlatc on liitp metal. . ' . fo i 23 To. I Sot. pot jil.i * tlii igs , Im'
Frnch BnarVo < > d I'lp- . 25 | tonN f A
7 Bn/or , bolluw ground , Cno Kngli li - * ' -Toil" Hedec.jratcd iHiffelaiii.
8 B-ittcr Knife , triple plato , best 2S i : < -niiitoi ; HillNo. . 4. ' 'Ji r : < 2ifil. H > 0
* 1030
"KFtjh " all attai-hmt-nts 1WJ
12 Butcher Knife , Kutier. 8-ia !
blade 75 32 Revolver. Colt's , ffi caliw ! , llu < - < l
15 Shears "K > en Kutter " 8-iiicn 75 | sti-el l.v/0
J ut Spt. Ciaoker and 6 Pifi- < , silver | 33 Itiflrf. CoItX H-shot , ajn-alliwr la- ) }
pHted * 0 i 34 ( itntar ( Wasliburn , rowocd. . in-
16 Urne 15oll , "Asoclation , " best qual.KiU laid 2J < W
16 Alarm Clock , i--kel 150 i 25 Mandolin , ve.-y liantln ) . < > 2000
It Six Genuine Rogers'Teaspoons , hest ! _ . . . . . . . . .
11 tied goods " * Co mr.rhf-ster Ki > watum hliot Gnn ,
18 Watch , nickel , stein wind and set. . 200 12 I .2000
13 Carvers , peed f-tcel , buckhom 37 Kpiuli ton. donble-Inrrcl. lia-n-
liandle- < -W incrSliot G'Jli. lOor l Kau e . 2000
10 Six Oennint-lingers' Tibia Spoons , 38 Uipyi'lo. Stamford ma ] > i > ,
l'.t pla'tt.l t : ( od 250 300
21 Six en ! i , Knlve-inml For' , buck . , , , , , , , .
horn bandit- . v0 ; 39 Sliot O in .iKton , < lonbla bar3000
22 Six e-irh. Genuine JioierV Knives | rt'i. Lami.- . - , - , 3000
and ForkiIPS' plat" ! ! goods. . . .50J 40 110311:1 Minn : Uir , 15' inei ! Mr }
MaHrp I ! ' ' ! "SUr" Tin Tai < s. that i , S'ar tin t.t-t : with no sin 11
niiU'jQ . Etars prlnte-1 on under side of t.- ) , are not { fioil for pretexts ,
but will bo paid for la CASH on the basis of twenty cents pr
hundred , if roeoivod liv UP on nr hpfure Ma-cu 1st. 19-X > .
IN WIND timt a tiimc'i worii of
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ctherbrand. M AKE T H E TEST i
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Here is trrown the cel
ebrated NO. 1 HARD
WHEAT which brings the hiahesi price in the
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