The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 22, 1899, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMBLL.
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advanc
Largest Circulation in Red Willow C
TUB currency bill passed , this wee
by a decisive vote.
TUB death of General Lawton in tl
Philippines , this week , is one of tl
most deplorable events of the Luz <
campaign. He was shot in the breast 1
a sharp-shooter and died instantly.
THE next Republican national co
vention will be held in Philadelphia t
the igth day of June. The renotmnatu
of President McKinley is conceded at
the chances are good that Secretary
War * Root will be his running-mat
The secretary has made an enviab
record since his advent into the cabint
where he quickly became one of its uio
popular and efficient members.
The Poultry Show Awards.
The third annual exhibition of tl
R. V. D. Poultry association was not
bit behind any former show of this ass
ciation. The show room was ratbj
small for the size of the exhibit , bi
otherwise there were no drawbacks 1
the perfect success of the show. Tl
White Plymouth Rocks were there i
large numbers. Most of the utilil
breeds had a fair representation an
very few inferior specimens were showi
The following is a list of the awards :
Cullen , 1st pen , ist pullet , and cockere
David Magner , and pen , ist cockere
Mrs. J. F. Helm , ist cock , ist hen , an
Clute , ist pen ; Mrs. Mary Akers , an
pen ; Win. Smith , 3rd pen.
Deveny , ist cock , ist and and hen , an
ist hen ; Joe Wilcox , ist cockerel , ist an
and pullet * ; Mrs. J. S. LeHew , and cock
ist pen ; ist and and cockerel , ist pullet
Mrs. Wm. Byfield , and pen , ist cock , is
hen , and pullet. .
Baker , ist pen.
BUFF COCHINS H. W. Cole , and pen
Win. Little , 3rd ; Mrs. Ida Bard , ist pul
let , and cockerel ; J. Wilcox , 2nd cock
erel , 2nd pullet.
Mrs. Belle McDonald , ist and and pens
ist cockerel , and hen , 2nd pullet.
Bard , ist cockerel , ist pullet.
ist cockerel ; J. Wilcox , 1st pullet.
ist on pair.
Byfield , ist on pair.
PEKIN DUCKS Mrs. Hattie Byfield
ist ; C. H. Roberts , and on pairs.
BELGIAN HARES Roxa Byfield , ist
Mrs. LMausur , and on pairs.
There was quite a competition for Mr
Geo. Thompson's premium for the bes
pen of half breeds or under. Mrs. Briu
ton was the successful competitor.
Mr. Dennis Cullen had the highest
scoring White Plymouth Rocks shown
Judge Theo. Hewes purchased four o
Mr. Cullen's White Rocks to take eas
with him. It should be a matter o
pride to McCook that learned fanciers
find just what they want in our show
A notable feature of the show was
the fine birds from the farms. Rec
Willow county poultry , whether founc
in the fancier's pens or on the spacious
farms , is generally of first quality. The
scrubs have gone to stay.
At the close of the show the association
held its annual meeting and the follow
ing officers were elected : Dennis Cullen ,
president ; J. Wilcox , vice president ;
Benj. Gossard , secretary ; Mrs. Wm.
Bj'field , recording secretary ; Mrs. D.
Magner , treasurer.
Not definite arrangements were made
for the next annual show , as judges had
to be conferred with before the date
could be settled upon.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
- cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum bafang powders arc the greatest
xnenacers to nealth of the present day.
Barbed Wire
ton of Canon City or
Maitland Soft Coal and a load of
Hard Coal for Xmas. We have the
best in the market.
Barnett Lumber Co.
Fence Posts
The farmers have about finished sl'uckii
corn and are now devoting their time to she
ing the same. Carothers & Pate are doii
the bulk of this work.
The continued fine weather is the admir
tion and joy of all , but we shall not be su
prised to have some pretty stiff weather b
fore the season is much farther advanced.
That Christmas supplement was up-to-da
and a beauty ; hut THE TRIBUNE is always i
the fore-front in enterprise , and this late
effort will be accepted as a matter of course.
There was a large shipment of hogs froi
this section , last Saturday. J. B. Smith w ;
the largest shipper that we know of , sendir
twenty-six head that averaged 299 and 3-1
B. Wilson , who traded farms with M. 1
Brown on the Willow , has gone to Norl
Platte to help some friends , who have recent !
arrived from Oregon , move onto a farm i
Frontier county.
Christmas trees are the order for the hoi
days in this section : Miss Wootten in distrii
74 will have one for her school ; and distrii
58 will have one for their Sunday-schoo
while the Spring Creek people over in Froi
tier county will have an entertainment an
Red Hot From the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman c
Newark , Mich. , in the Civil war. It cause
liornble ulcers that no treatment helped fo
20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cure
iiim. Cures cuts , bruises , burns , boils , felon :
corns , skin eruptions. Best pile cure on eartl
25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Me
Connell & Berry.
I. M. Spaulding lost a fine blooded bul
ast week.
Wiljiam Walters is drawing corn to Me
Cook , these fine days.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoonovei
i daughter , December iglh.
William Kinck and son Alfred were tin
quests of John White and family , last Thurs
iay , returning to Indiahola , Friday morning
William Doyle is running a force of sevei
earns in his corn field , and if there is not to <
nuch snow will have his vast crop of corn ou
vithin the next two months. The cattle he ii
ceding are doing fine.
Quite a delegation of Box Elderites joinec
McCook's great insurance order , last Monday
light , at Center Point , Mrs. Hannah Barnes
Miss Mae Creasman , Mr. and Mrs. John Whitt
jeing among the number.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing tha
: yer was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills
Svery pill is a sugar-coated globule of health
hat changes weakness into strength , listless
less into energy , brain-fag into mental power
They're wonderful in building up the health
Dnly 250 per box at McConnell & Berry's.
E. R. Divine has leased the P. Blalt fanr
nd moved onto it.
Bert Wales and wife have moved onto the
V. O. Norval farm.
A protracted meeting is now in progress al
he Coleman school-house.
R. J. Traphagan has finished picking corn ,
le has nearly 3,000 bushels.
Robt. Moore finished picking corn over two
reeks ago. lie had over 2,300 bushels.
Harry and Clarence Wales are delivering
if teen tons of straw in McCook , for which
hey receive $2 per ton.
The Sunday-school at the L'oleman school-
ouse will have a Christmas tree on Saturday
vening. All are welcome.
H. Campbell of Mills county , Iowa , pur-
hased the Bergster farm , last week , but willet
ot occupy it until next winter.
Six days shall thou labor and do all thy
ork , and on the seventh thou shall sit around
i thy bath robe and read the Sunday papers.
Mrs. R. Churchill , Berlin , Vt. , says , "Our
aby was covered with running sores. De
Kit's. Witch Hazel'Salve cured her. . " A
secific for piles and skin diseases. Beware
i worlhless counterfeits. D. W. Loan
Andrew Carnegie's steel and iron dividends
> r the year are said to reach a total of 22- ,
x > , ooo. A contemplation of these figures
lakes a toiling newspaper man feel like a
lugged nickel.
It lakes but a minute to overcome tickling
i the throat and to stop a cough by the use of
ne Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quick-
cures all forms of throat and lung troubles ,
harmless and pleasanl to take. It prevents
msumption. A famous specific for grippe
id its after effects. D. W. Loar.
Thai Culbertson girl who is puzzling the
> ctors by persislently refusing to talk may
: making a carefully planned and shrewd
ay for a husband. .
Miss Anna E. Gunning , Tyre , Mich. , says ,
suffered a long time from dyspepsia ; lost
: sh and became very weak. Kodol D5'spep-
x Cure complelely cured me. " Il digests
lial you eat and cures all forms of stomach
juble. It never lails to give immediate ref -
: f in the worst cases. D. W. Loar.
Wonder what Mother Eve hung up in lieu
a Christmas stocking ?
Danbury now has an orchestra of six piec
thai is hard lo heal.
Wm. Eifert's new residence in the aouthei
part of town is about completed.
Manager E. L. Dennis of the Barnetl lur
her yard was in McCook , Sunday , on a tendi
B.N.Leisure relurned , Tuesday , from a slio
visit down in the eastern part of the state wil
The eclipse of the moort , Saturday nigli
was almost total to the eyes of the local a
Preparalions are being made by both of 01
churches to celebrate Christmas in the ol <
fashioned way.
Ed Dennis is helping in the headquartei
of the Barnetl Lumber Company al McCool
checking up Ihe business of 1899.
Mrs. Isabell Saunders is very ill. She is
member of McCook lodge No. I , Slar of Juj
iter , which order has taken steps for assis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Havens attended the SU
of Jupiter banquet in McCook. Monday nigh
and ate 'possum and 'taters sweet to the !
hearts content.
John Evers of Wyoming , who has been vi ;
iting his brolher-in-law for the past wee !
left , Monday , for Old Mexico City , where h
will remain for a few months on account c
his health.
C. P. Underwood had business in McCool
lasl Friday. He has sold his properly i
this vicinily and will in Ihe early spring re
turn lo Illinois lo live , Sycamore being ih
abjective point , where relatives of his wif
reside. We shall be sorry to have them go.
Eleclion day has passed away ,
And Willie's won the tin ;
Some politicians smoked cigars ,
Some drank a little gin ;
Our customers drank water
And claimed 'twas rather thin ,
But the tender , juicy meat we sell
Caused them to loudly grin.
So everybody , great and small ,
Come in and see our goods this fall ;
Tho' we may fail , we'll surely Iry
To merit confidence while you buy ,
For all our goods will sland Ihe lest ,
Game , beef , pork , mutton and the rest ;
And the poultry is the very best
At the market of Marsh & Everist.
H. W. Keyes and G. W. Short had businesi
n the county's capital city , Monday.
Rev. J. W. Ilickey , Mrs. Anna Kessler , C
? . Lehn and E. J. Mitchell were among thost
rom McCook who attended the burial of the
ate Henry Colling here , Monday morning.
The remains of Henry Colling were shippei
icre , Monday morning , for interment. Tin
en-ices in the Catholic church were \er
argely altended , Father Barrett being as
isted by Father Hickey of McCook. Ar
mmense number of friends of the deceasec
ind of the family attended the solemn ser
ices , and paid willing tribute to the memorj
if a good man gone to his reward.
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to Ihe public le
; now of one concern in Ihe land who arc no
fraid to be generous to Ihe needy and suffer
ng. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Dis
every for Consumption , Coughs and Colds
lave given away over len million Inal bottle
> f this great medicine ; and have Ihe satisfac
ion of knowing il has absolutely cured thou
ands of hopeless cases. Aslhma , bronchilis
oarseness and all diseases of Ihelhroat.ches
nd lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Me
! onnell & Berry and get a free Irial bottle
tegular size soc and Si. Every bottle guar
nteed , or price refunded.
Skating is good at present.
Warm days and beautiful nights.
Everybody is making preparations for
Several of Ihe South Side people have been
[ tending the debates at Pleasant Ridge , anc
II agree thai they always have a good time
The programme for the school Christmas
itertsiinment will consist of dialogues , dec-
mations , selections by the choir , and a fine
.rge tree. The preparations have been care-
illy made and an exlra good lime may be
cpected. All of Ihe people in dislricl 8 are
> rdially invited.
Rev. J. W. Walker of McCook preached in
e Fitch school-house , last Sunday , and made
good impression on the South Siders who
: ard him. He is an interesting , earnest
eaker. He will preach again , next Sun-
ly , and would like to have everybody out tear
: ar him present the gospel in simplicity.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach , liver and kidney troub-
5 as well as women , and all feel Ihe results
loss of appetite , poisons in the blood , back-
he , nervousness , headache and tired , lists -
> s , run-down feeling. Bul Ihere's no need
feel like lhal. Lislen lo J. W. Gardner ,
aville , Ind. He says : "Electric Bitters are
st the thing for a man when he is all run
wn , and don't care whether he lives or dies ,
did more lo give me new slrength and good
petite than anything I could take. I can
w eat anything and have a new lease on
: . " Only 50 cents at McConnell & Berry's ,
cry bollle guaranleed.
Leach , the Jeweler ,
as a fine stock.
Our full line of Xmas Goods for 1899. In this
line you will find a large assortment of useful
medium-priced goods , selected with great care ,
with a wide range of prices in each department.
It would be impossible for us to describe each
line , so we invite you to
call and inspect them Magic
for yourself. We advise Lanterns .
early buying ; the result
All complete with
will please you. slides Ji.oo
Steam Engines . Celluloid Goods . . .
Complete Mechanical Toys at in all the new and tip-to-date
650,51.00,51.75 and 52.50 styles and colors. smhffids.
in s
Fine Neckwear.
.and Handkerchiefs
Jusl lei us show you Ihis line ; it's a cure for sore eyes. Toy Dishes . . .
Dishes 100
Purses . . Fine China 250
to fit your pile. Also sets in tin and granite.
Tool Chest . . . . .
Dolls . . Candy
Like this 6oc
Get our prices.
This beauty
Celluloid Albums .
at - 49c
7 by 9 , holding 24 Mirrors
Others at ? Sc ,
pictures , only 2
. $1.00 , $1.25 , to Mirrors
We have 20 other slyles.
$5.00. Mirrors
Toy Trains . Queensware . . . . Doll
Iron Trains 9c When visiting : our store don't fail to look over Carriages . .
Others at 250 to $1.40
the line of Salad Dishes , Cracker Jars , Vases , Water . .
This one only. irc
Children's Books . . Sets , Fruits , Fancy Plates , Mugs , Cups and Saucers , Carts and Cabs
All kinds ; all prices. Etc. , Etc. from 250 to 53-OO
Shoo =
Like this one
Doll Trunks . . 75c
Drums to $1.50
with lock and keyonly35c , 25
Our line consists of new goods bought "
for this season nothing carried over
and we mean to maintain our past reputation -
tation of being
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook. Nebraska , December 15,1S99.
Board of county commissioners met puraiiaii
o adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson
Henry Crabtree and Stephen Holies , commis
sioncrs , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and R. A
Green , county dork. Minutes of previous meet
iug read and approved.
The following official bonds wer. ; examine )
and on motion approved :
Ornaldo L. Thompson , county treasurer.
G. C. Boatman , clerk district court.
E. A. Green , county clerk.
George S. Bishop , county judge.
D. C. Sullivan , Alliance precinct.
Soren Siinonsou , Beaver precinct.
Walter K. For ey , Coleman precinct.
E. C. Goehring. Driftwood precinct.
C. W. Hodgkin , East Valley precinct.
II. I. Peterson , Grant precinct.
Ira H. Harrison , district Xo. ( > .
John Droll , district No. 19.
Joseph Junker , district No. 22.
Frank Forbes , district No. 20.
John W. Wolf , Alliance precinct.
C. W. Ilodgkin , East Valley precinct.
R. S. Baker , Indiauola precinct.
II. W. Cole , Willow Grove precinct.
On motion of Crabtree , seconded by Holies
the bond of the county treasurer was fixed ai
The following claims were audited and allowei :
and on motion clerk was instructed to drav
warrants on the county bridge fund , levy of 1899
in payment thereof , as follows :
Charles H. Aiigell , bridge work $ 20 ( X
Eli D. Akers , same 12 OC
J. W. Speer , same 7 5t
Jesse Smith , same 6 ( X
George W. Cramer , same JIMS
A. J. Crawmer. liauliug lumber 4 2 (
Horatio Stone , same I OC
John Broomfield , nails- 2.
S. M. Cochran & Co. , nails and spikes. . . 1-5 S"
r. F. Welborn , nails 1 OC
George C. Hill , lumlwr - . . . . OOJ ih
Vf. C. Dullard & Co. , same 103 2C
Barnett Lumber Co. , same 104 31
B. F. Sibbitt , work per contract 94 00
It appearing to the board from the petition of
j. A. Roedel and others and upon examination
: he board finds that the public good requires it ,
) n motion the following road is established :
Commencing the southeast corner section 24-2-29 ,
; hence west one-half mile on section line , thence
lorth eight rods , thence west twenty rodsthence
jorthwest fifteen rods , thence west eighteen
ods , thence southwest thirty-four rods , to sec-
ion line between sections 24 and 25-2-29 , theiice
vest on section line to southwest corner of sec-
ion 24-2-29 and terminating thereat ; and clerk
vas instructed to notify overseer of highways to
ipen said road and also to notify owners of land
long said road to file claims for damages
aused by the location of said road , on or before
eon of the 24th day of February , 1900 , or no f ur-
her reference will be made thereto.
On motion board adjourned to meet Decem-
er ICth , Ib99.
Attest : R. A. GREEX , County Clerk.
McCook. Nebraska , December 10,1899.
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
3 adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson ,
[ enry Crabtree and Stephen Belles , commis-
ioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and E. A.
reen , county clerk. Minutes of previous meet-
ig read and approved.
It appearing to the board from the petition of
. Bojce and others , and upon examination the
oard finds that the public good requires it , on
motion the following road is establishrd : Con
moncing at the southwest corner of section 12-
29 , thence running ea t on the section line an
terminating at the southeast corner of scctio
9-1-28 , and clerk was instructed to notify eve :
seer of highways to open said road , and als
notify owners of land along the line of the pn
po ed road to file claims for damages by rcaso
of thelocation of said road , on or before the 2tt
day of February , 1900 , or no further refereric
will 1) ) ' made thereto.
It appearing to the board from the ailidavi
of Joseph V. Harrison that he wa erroneous !
assessed in Missouri Ridge precinct for thn yea
lbll ) , for the reason that the said stock wn
as.-essed in Indianola city for said year , th
board orders saiil tax stricken from the ta
books for the reason stated above.
The following oflicial bonds WI-D- examine *
and on motion approved :
T. J. Dimmitt , assessor for Danbury preciuc )
J. E. Tirrill , justice Valley Grange precinct.
On motion the following claims were audit ) ' )
and allowed and clerk instructed to draw wai
rants on county general fund , levy of 1O9. in pay
rnent thereof a < follows' , to-wit :
Wm. McCallum , mdse $ 90
T. J. Cress , mdse ir 8
J. A. Wilcox ik Son , mdse 2 > 2
W. C. Bullard & Co. , coal 147
Barnett Lumber Co. , coal 22 &
George C. Hill , coal 41
J. J. Wilson , shoes- for prisoner 1 21
John P. Reiter , moving fence 12 U
John Coutlon , drayage 22 :
State Bankof Bartley. useof building for
election 2 W
W. H. Gartside. removing and repairing
booths T.
J. E.'Smith , same T.
A. P. Welles , med. services i er contract. 'M ( *
J. C. Oakley , board of pauper It G.
E. J. Mitchell , supplies . " > 01
State Journal Co. , same : 2T fc !
J. II. Berge , money advanced , trans
portation of pauper 25 V
J. E. Nei-1 , sheriff , jailer , l > oard of pris
oners , and supplies 702.
G. S. Bi-liop. expre.-s on supreme court
reports 2 M
Feeblc-Minded Institute , maintenance of
Claud McCroskey : ! 2 ( t
James A. Robinson , services as commi = -
sioner .Vi "it
Henry Crabtree , same 40 ff
Stephen Bollp , samp II 50
And on county bridge fund , levy of If'jC * . as
follows :
r. J. McCart. bridge work 12 00
Sick Uerling. same 14 Ul
\V. H. Adams , same tj 50
I. G. Ervin , same 525
lohn Girons , same 1050
R.H.Thomas , same i : { 50
Fame- : Doyle , same J7 50
jeorge Younger , same 7 50
And on county road fund , levy of l W. as
'allows :
Sob3rt Gorely , road tax refunded S I 45
LR. Clark , same : { 00
' ' . C. Monroe , same 9
' . B. Mclntz , same 75
? .E. Hatcher , same 1,27
Tames Woodworth , same 45
Tohn Conrad , same : ; : U
V. E. Rollings , same i ; 20
L M. Schamel , same .i9
linnie Schmelzer. same 'M
tndrew Anderson , sharpening scnijK-r- . 1 00
lerman Newman , sharpening road plow 25
Tarry Mjers , road -\\ork 10 U )
t. A. Jones , same : SO 10
On motion board adjourned to meet December
ith , ISM.
Attest : R. A. GKEE.V , County Clerk.
The mider-igued. President of the Board of
Regentof Univer-ity of Nebraska , will re
ceive proposition.- , until noon on .Monday , .Jan
uary 15 , 1900 , for leasing the following < k"-cribed
lands , to-wit : The southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter and the south half of tlm
southwest quarter of section eighteen , also lot
numbered three of M-ction nineteen , all in town
ship three north , range twentj-eight west , in
Red Willow count > , Nebraska. The -aid Board
has fixed the valuation of said land for rental
puriM es , at ten dollars JHT acre , subject to re
valuation after a in-riod of five jears from Janu
ary l t , 1900. Bidder- , will state tlio highest rat-
per cent i > cr annum UIHIIIaid valuation which
they an ; willing to IKIV annually in cash in ad
vance for the rental of-aid land , from Maj l t.
1000 , the date of the expiration of the present
lease thereon. Bidder.- must also state whether
they de-ire to lea-esaid land fora ix-riod of one
or more year.- , not exceeding live , stating sep
arately th- rate of lease rental they an ; willing
to pay for one year only , ami aNo for n term of
years not exceeding live. Bidders mu-t ac
company their pn > iMitions re. pecti\ely , with a
certified check UIHIII some Nebraska bank , or
with cash , in an amount equal to oni ; jear'c
rental as bid by them. All certified checks must
be made payable to the Board of Regents of the
University of Nebraska , and check * or cash
must be deposited with the President of said
Board. All bids must be sealed , addressed to
said Board of Regent.- ' , Lincoln , in care of its
Pre-ident. and must bo plainly marked ou the
outside with the bidder * . " name anil the words
"Bid for renting laud. " All bids must be filed
iu the office of tinI'rpsidmt of th > ; Board of
Regents , in Lincoln , not later than 12:00 o'clock ,
noon , on Monday. January 15th , Mil ) . 'flu-
right is n-erved to reject any and all bill-- .
C. II. MOKRILL. President.
By virtue of an order of sale i-sued from the
Di-trict court of Reil Willow count ) . Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Nebraska
Loan and Trust company is plaintiff and John
W. Hall et al. are defendant. , to me directed
and delivered. -hall offer at public sale and
sell to the highe-t bidder for cash at the east
door of the court hou-e in McCook. Red Willow
county , Nebraska , on the 2 5th day of December.
1S99. at the hour of one o'clock , p. in. , the follow
ing described real t-tate. towit : The northwest
rpiarter of section 111 in town-hip 2 north , range
2.- ) west of the tith P. M. iu Red Willow count ) .
Dated thi21th da ) of November. 1-99.
H-2l-5t J. R. NEKU Sheriff.
Jacob Bailey. Plaintiff'-Attorney.
To Valentine Bogle , John Stan-bury , Win. P.
Clark , Lemira M. Beaty. ( ji-o. T. Taj lor. Jam < * .
Cody , Walter M. Sheppard , William Gingerich
Sarah E. Hoagland ar.d to all whom it ma\
concern :
The board of county commiionerhave e
tablished and ordered ojiened a road commenc
ing at the < -outh\\e-t corner of-Action 12. in Box
Elder precinct. Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
running thence ea-t ou section line 4 miles ,
-outhea-t of section 9-4-2 .
terminating at - - corner - >
west t p. in..and all objection- thereto or claim"
for damagemut be filed in the county clerk-
iiflice on or before noon of the2Ith da ) of Febru
r ) . A. D. 1OO ! , or said road will b" e-tabli-hed
without reference thereto. 12-22-4t.
R.A. GKEE.N. Count ) Clerk.
BO ID NO : { J:5.
To Randolph L. Hnllard. Jo-ephine B. Ham-
nond , Alfred Reed and to all whom it may con-
: ern :
The board of couuU cornmiionerhave < -
tabli-hed and ordered oix-ned a road commenc
ing at the southea-t corner of M-ction 2J , in
Talley Grange precinct. Red Willow count ) .
Nebraska , rum.iug thence wetj mile on sec-
: ion line , thence north * reds thence west 211
od- , thence northwe-t 15 red" , thence west 1-
od- . thence -outh\ve-t . ' 'A re * ! " to section line
letween hectiou ? 24 and 25 in said precinct ,
hence west on section lice , terminating at
outhwost corner of-ection 21 inaid precinct.
Hid all objections thereto orclaim" for damages
nu-t be filed in the county clerk's office onor
efore noon of the 21th day of February. A. D.
900. oraid road will be establi-hed without
efer.-nce then.-to. 12-22-lt.
R. A. GBEE.V , County Clerk.
"I was nearly dead with dyspepsia , tried
octors , visited mineral springs , and prevv
, -orse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. That
ured me. " It digests what you eat. Cures
idigestion , sour stomach ; heariburn and all
s of dyspepsia. D.V. . Loar.