The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 15, 1899, Image 9

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    Eureka Harnoes Oil is the best
preservative of new leather
and tbo beat renovator of old
leather. It oils , HoftonH , black-
one and protects. Use
Harness Oil
on your beat harness , your old bur'
ness , and your carriage top , and they
will not only look better but wear
longer. Sold every where In cans all
alzea from half pints to five gallons.
Mule by 8T1SDAUD OIL CO.
Private Sale.
Having rrnttd my farm , I will offer at
private salti > i iu.stock , farm imple
ments etc. . HS follow- :
28 head of cows and heifers lime of
thrill frei-h
One registered Durham hull.
, Several ijood hrood mares.
Fifteen stands of hers.
Together with nil farm imileme'nts. |
Four miles east of McCook.
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldg , Upstairs
. . . . of Chicago.
JSrOffice with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Cro'wn , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
SSg 'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
- McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank , i
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock u. tit
High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. lit.
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m
All are cordially welcome.
RKV. J. W. HiCKEV , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible school at to a m
Preaching each Lord's day , morning ant
evening You are invited to come am
hear the gospel in its simplicity urn
purity. Prayer-meeting on Friday even
ing J.V. . WAI.KJJK , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. ui
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock
Holy communion the first Sunday it
each month.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at to a. ui
Preaching service at n Junior Unioi
at 3 Senior Union at 7. Gospel service
at 8. Morning subject. "Genesis the
Wonderful Hook " Evening theme
"Sunshine and Slorm. " Prnyer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:30 : and nnioi
Bible study 318:30. : All wre wtlconit- .
T L KKTMAN , 1'a-tor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at tua.m
Preaching at n Class at 12 Junior
League at 3 Epworth League service
at 7. Preaching at 8. Morning subject ,
"Joys of Self Reliance. " Evening sub-
I ject. "The Cable That Holds " Prayer
and Rihle study , Wednehday evening ai
8 All are welcome.
JAS A. BADCON , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10 Preaching at n. Y. P. S. C. E at
7 Preaching at 8 Morning subject
"The Foreshadowed Christ. " Evening
a service for Forefather's day. Prayer-
meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. :
All are welcome
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
The people of the Christian church
have engaged Elder J. W. Walker as
their pastor for the coming year. He
preaches his first pastoral sermon , next
Sunday morning. All cordially inviier
to come and hear him.
Leach , the Jeweler ,
has a fine stock.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Nebraska
Loan and Trust company is plaintiff and John
W. Hall et al. are defendants , to mo directed
and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and
sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east
door of the court house in McGook , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , on the 26th day of December ,
1899 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the follow
ing described real estate , towit : The northwest
quarter of section 10 in township 2 north , ranue
28 west of the 6th P. M. in Red Willow county ,
Dated this 2Jth day of November , 1899.
ll-24-5t J. R. NEEL , Sheriff.
Jacob Bailey , Plaintiff's Attorney.
In estate of Virginia E. Wilson , deceased. In
county court , Red Willow county , Nebraska.
To the creditors , heirs , legatees , and others in
terested in the estate of Virginia E. Wilson :
Take notice , that Howe Smith has filed in the
county court a report of his doings as adminis
trator of said estate and it is ordered that the
same stand for hearing the 16th day of Decem
ber , A. D. 1899. before the court at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M. , at wliich time any person inter
ested may appear and except to and contest the
same. And notice of this proceeding is ordered
given in THE McCooK TEIBUNE.
Witness my hand and the seal of the county
court at McCook , this 29th day of November ,
A. D. 1899. G. S. BISHOP ,
[ SEAL. ] 12-l-3t. County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Nora M.
Kelley is plaintiff and Charles D. Cramer is
defendant , to mo directed aud delivered ,
I shall offer at public sale and sell to the high
est bidder for cash , at the east door of the court
house in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
on the 18th day of December , 1899 , at the hour of
one o'clock , p. m. , the following described real
estate , towit : The northwest quarter of section
thirty-one in township one north of range twen
ty-nine , west of the 6th p. m. , in Red Willow
county , Nebraska.
Dated this 15th day of November , 1899.
ll-17-5t. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff.
J. E. Kelley , Plaintiff's Attorney.
Host in Quantity. Best in Quality.
For 20 Years Has
SOX X > X > OtlTTC3irISTS. .
( Prepared by- JAMES F. BALLARD , St. Louis.J
When Nature is overtaxed , she has
UHFAlLifIGSIGN THAT her oven way of giving notice that assist
ance is needed. She does not ask for
help until it is impossible to get along without
RATUBE iS APPEALING it. Boils and pimples are an indication that
the system is accumulating impurities which
COD UC ! D must be gotten rid of ; they arc an urgent appeal for assistance
1 UII FiZL 1 i a warning that can not safely be ignored.
To neglect to purify the blood at this
time means more than the annoyam-e of painful boils and
unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to
remain , the system succumbs to any ordinary illness , and is
unable to withstand the many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L. Gentile , 5J004 Second Avenue , Seattle. "Wash. ,
says : " I was afflicted for a long time with pimples , which
were very annoying , as they disfigured my face fearfully. -
After using many other remedies in vain. S S. S. promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blood , and now I rejoice in
a coed complexion , which J never had before. "
Capt. W. H. Dunlap , of the A. G. S.
R. R. , Chattanooga. Tenn. , writes :
" Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me , causing
great pain and annoyance. My blood seemed to be in
a riotous condition * and nothing I took seemed to do
any good. Six bottles of S. S. S. cured me completely
and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since. " -
is the best blood remedy , because it is purely vegetable
and is the only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury. It
promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system , builds up
the general health and strength. It cures Scrofula , Eczema , Cancer , Rheuma
tism , Tetter , Boils , Sores , etc. , by going direct to the cause of the trouble and
forcing out all impure blood.
Books free to any the Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
- eue - -
? ; !
-fct T * " * Vv ff" *
Mttln Office llth & O St
12 years in Omaha and
in NcrvoiiH , Chronic and
All Private Diseases and
enables us to guarantee to
euro all curable cases o
the Nose , Throat , Chesi
Stomach , Liver , Blood
Skin and Kidney Disease :
Lost Manhood , Nitrhl
Emissions , Hydrocole , Var
icocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Piles , Fistula and
Rectal Ulcera , Diabetes and Bright's Disease
EB $100.00for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON wo cannot cure if curable
-Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FitEE. Homo
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty ;
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipt !
-write them today P. O. Box 224. Ofllce
In Blchards Elk. , llth o. Lincoln , Nebr.
Resolutions and Suggestions.
On Friday , Dec ist , ihe Woman's
Christian Temprance Union held their
regular mothers' meeting at the Congre
galionul chn'rch. Much of the regular
business was carried over to Friday o
this "week , Dec. isth , this meeting to be
held at the home of Mrs. J. I. Lee , 5i
west part of town. Among the things
attended too was suitable acknowledge
uient , by the Union , of their gratefu
appreciation of the collection on Thanks
giving day , which was donated to this
work. They also ordered a picture o
Miss Frances E. Willard for the High
School building , that the pupils may be
come familiar with the dear face whose
life and thought were used in an endeavor
to make safe paths for the young. The
following resolutions were unanimously
adopted and the mo'iun duly carried
that the city papers be requested to give
them publication :
Whereas , We , the members of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union , in regular ses
sion assembled , do understand fiom statistics
ofsgood" authority , that crime , immorality am
vice are alarmingly on the increase among' the
youth of our land. Having , as mothers , wives
and sisters of the young people and children
their welfare on our minds and hearts , we
present the following resolutions :
First , That we ask the co-operation o
the fathers and mothers , on these lines : Tha
they inform themselves where their children
spend their play-time ; that they be allov/ec
only sufficient lime to reach their respective
school buildings ; that they be required to
return to their respective homes immediately
after the close of its sessions and that on no
account are their evenings to be spent on
the street after dark , but rather seek to plan
and interest them , and thus keep them in the
safe shelter of their homes , unless properly
Second , That the custom of presenting the
young ladies , in society , when arriving at a
suitable age , has its recommendations , in this
way : A young girl is shielded from evil asso
ciates until she shall have learned to judge
others and to value herself , her character and
her responsibility to God. To this end we
plead that our girls be kept girls until mind ,
body and judgment are matured and character
and right principles formed ; and that our
boys be boys , and enjoy their youthful days in
a clean , legitimate way. We realize that many
of them are wasting health and strength that
should be carefully guarded in their immature
years , and that youthful marriages , as a rule ,
are not abiding , as the evidences from the
divorce courts abundantly testify , and that the
degeneration of the American people will
surely follow such conditions.
Third , We also ask that honorable body , the
mayor and members of our city council , to
cooperate with us and the parents in this way ,
that all places of business be closed at a
seasonable hour , thus removing much of the
allurement for both old and young , and in this
way releasing from duty those who have been
Behind the counters and in the offices since the
morning hours , realizing that the All-wise
father knew our needs when he made the
night for rest and sleep.
In all the foregoing we plead , not for our
own alone , but for you and yours , the tempted
and weak ones.and to insure to the innocent
heir rightful heritage.
All of which is duly submitted.
W. C. T. U. COM.
December 1,1899.
License to wed was issued to George
F. Kinghorn and Laura B. Woodworth ,
joth of our city , this week.
Amanda Listen vs. Charles H. Listen ;
Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. vs. Lau
rence McEntee ; equity.
J. M. Gilchrist of Nebraska City , one
of the state examiners of county treas
urers , is in the city , this week , exanrin-
ng the books of County Treasurer
terge , who is desirous oP giving the in
coming treasurer a clean bill of health.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice on Dec. 3d :
Wm. Englehorn , Robert Rankin ,
Chas. Green , Miss Lillian Stall ,
P. W. Webster , Mrs.Maudie Waller.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMELI , , Postmaster.
The Omaha Bee announces another
colored edition of its illustrated paper.
The Illustrated Bee is the handsomest
and most interesting paper published in
he west , and no one should miss a
Christmas issue. For your subscription
o the Illustrated and Sunday Bee bother
or $2.00 a year , or to the Illustrated and
Weekly Bee both for $1.50 a year. Begin
with the Christmas issue.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
The Way to go to California
Is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via the Burlington route. Yet
don't change cars ; you see the fines
scenery on the globe ; you make fas
Your car is not so expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper , but it is just a
comfortable , just as a , d to ride in , am
nearly $20 cheaper. It has wide vesti
bules , Piutsch gas , high-back seats , n
uniformed Pullman porter , clean bed
ding , spacious toilet rooms , tables and a
healing range. Ileing strongly and heav
ily built , it runs smoothly is warm ii
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is ui
experienced excursion conductor , who
accompanies itright through to Los
Cars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday , arriving
in San Francisco on the following Sun
day , Los Angeles on Monday only three
days from the Missouri river to the Pa
cific coast , including a stop over of 1 %
hours in Denver and 2j hours in Salt
Lake City two of the most interesting
cities on the continent.
For folders giving full particulars am'
information call at any Burlington route
ticket office or write to
J. FRANCIS. G P. A , Omaha , Neb.
Took Carbolic Acid.
Word was received here , last Saturday ,
from Akron , of the sad and shocking sui
cide , by drinking carbolic acid , of Mrs.
Carl Smith , formerly Mary Swarlz , a
bride of a night. Both are remembered
by many here , both having been employ
ed in the Commercial hotel here -during
the regime of T A Erb in that hostelrie.
The remains of the unfortunate woman
were shipped here , Sunday morning , and
from this point taken over to Herndon ,
Kansas , for interment. Her husband ,
Carl Smith , was a clerk in the Akron
lunch counter , while she was a dining-
room gill in the eating house at that
Attention , Clergymen.
Applications for half-fare permits fo
the year 1900 will be received , am
clergymen are urged to make their ap
plications at once.
A P. THOMSON , Agent , McCook.
Don't waste jour money on worthless
toys , but buy a handsome , durable pres
ent at S. M Cochran & Co 's.
W. N. Rogers of The Sbadeland Stock
Farm had an expert here , this week , do
ing some sketching of choice animals on
his stock farm near the city , in prepara
tion for the sale he proposes to hold
early in the coming year. He was most
enthusiastic over the beads of Mr.
Roger's superb herd of Herefords.
The first snow of the season fell over
Southwestern Nebraska , Wednesday
morning The amount was slight , but
it was the real thing The temperature ,
Thursday morning early , was about
zero , but the sun of the afternoon raised
the temperature considerably and quick
ly dissipated most of the beautiful
Don't forget Leach ,
the Jeweler.has a fine
I If so , there must be some j
f trouble with its food. Wei ! |
I babies are plump ; only the ]
[ sick are thin. Are you sure |
[ the food is all right ? Chil1 1
[ dren can't h ! o but grow ; ]
they must gi . if their food =
[ nourishes them. Perhaps a |
F mistake was made in the |
[ past and as a result the dij j
[ gestion is weakened. If that |
[ is so , don't give the baby I
| a lot of medicine ; just use j
syour every-day common ;
| sense and help nature a |
- little , and the way to do s
I it is to add half a teaspoonJ J
I fal ° f
: to the baby's food three or |
L four times a day. The gain I
! will begin the very first day j
i you give it. It seems to r
correct the digestion and J
: gets the baby started right s
again. If the baby is nurs-1
: ing but does not thrive , then |
. the mother should take the 1
emulsion. It will have a i
: good effect both upon the I
mother and child. Twenty- ]
f five years proves this fact. =
Soc. and $1.00 , all druggists. I
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York. 5
. . . . . . . . . I
In fifteen- minutes , with only a cake of Ivory Soap and- water ,
you can make a better cleansing paste than you can buy.
Ivory Soap Paste will take spots from clothing ; and will clean
carpets , rugs , kid gloves , slippers , patent , enamel , russet leather and
canvas shoes , leather belts , painted wood-work and furniture. The
special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it
can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles
that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free applica
tion of water.
DIRECTIONS FOR MA KING. To one pint or Niii'i ! ' < r w.itsr nJ.t one and one-half
( o.iL-quarterof thesrr .11 size cai.e ) of Ivorv Son ' cut ! ! . ' ' . tij- ; : . lt/1 five minutes after the s > oap is
thoroughly dissolved. Remove from the firs aaJ i ii i i i./ ; c.ib.'t Cii'.iCJ ( not tin ) . It will keep well
in an air-tight glass jar. .
Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5000 * *
* * * * * &
-s = DIRECTORS - -
? | { xE J5a.jBtjacjffln.fS
Reno Is Coming- .
The great Reno Novelty company is
coming to McCook Wednesday , Decem-
jer 2oth. Reno is indeed a wonder. He
s equal to the Herman of the past. In
act , the entire program is one to inspire
a person , carrying the mind of mortal
nan above the things of mother earth to
the immortal sphere. One of the great
scenic productions or transformations is
mown as the "Streets of Gold , " or a
; limpse into that great beyond.
Professor Reno has spared neither time
nor money to make this shour the best on
the road. Reno alone is worth more
than the price of admission. The trained
dogs never fail to please both old and
young. The flock of trained pigeons
captivate the audience. The entire even-
ng is one continuous round of pleasure
and enjoyment.
Don't forget the date , Wednesday ,
December aoth. Seats on sale at McConnell -
Connell & Berry's drug store , 15 , 25 and
35 cents. Better get your tickets now.
Nearly one Tiundred and fifty are sold
Five Cents a Copy :
That's the remarkably low price at
vhich we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
nctures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
welve numbers for 50 cents. This is
ess than half price , and they are only a
ew sets left.
Notice of Estray.
Came to my place , Nov. 10 , one black
cow branded "A 4" on left hip. Owner
can have same by paying charges.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
Forty-acre farm , one mile of McCook ,
for rent ; well , windmill , house and barn.
ust the place for one who wants to do
ight farming and work in town. Call at
S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Watch for the Christmas issue of the
Omaha Illustrated Bee , sixteen pages
and a beautiful colored cover. The Oma-
la Bee has spared no expense in prepar-
ng a Christmas feast for its readers in
ts Christmas issue of the Omaha Illus-
rated Bee , The cover will be in colors ,
and , taken as a whole , although it
eems bard to believe , it will surpass in
jeauty most of the eastern magazines.
The Bee never does things by balves. j
To Cure a Cold In a Day.
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails t >
cure. h. . W. Grove's signature on every box.
250. 4-1.
By yirttiu of an order of sale issued from thu
District court of Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Ida M. Fisk
is plaintiff arid William Relph et al. are defend
ants. , to me directed and delivered , I shall offW
at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for
ca h , at the east door of the court house in Mc
Cook. Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the 18th
day of December. 1899 , at the hour of 1 o'clock ,
p. m. , the following described real estate , towit.
The west half of the east half of section twenty-
thriMj , township one north of range thirty , west
of thi' Oth p. in. , in Red Willow county , Nebras
ka. Dated thi.l.'ith day of November , 1899.
, . , , , . , , J- RXEEL. . Sheriff.
C. II. Boylf , Plaintiff's Attorney. 11-17-51.
ROAD NO. : H2.
To George W.Wyrick , James W.Dolan. Louit-a
C. Maun and Daniel Courtney , and to all whom
it may concern :
The board of county commissioners has estab
lished and ordered opened a road commencing
at the southeast corner of section twenty-eight
in Alliance precinct , Red Willow county , Neb
raska , running thence west on section line be
tween sections 28 and S } , and terminating at tli-
southwest corner of section 2S-4-27 , and all ol > -
jectiqns thereto orclaims for damages must b <
filed in the county clerk's office on or bofor *
noon of the loth day of Januao- . D. UJ. . or
said road will bo established without rffcn-nc-
thereto. 11-17-Jt.
R. A. GBEEN. Count } f'lcrk.
O. R. Rittonhouse , Deputy _ _
By virtue of an order of sale issued from th >
District court of Red Willow county. Nebra-ka
under a decree in an action wherein Tlio Pee
ple's Building. Loan and Saving association i-
plaintiff and George W. Short et al. are defend
ants to me directed and delivered , I s-hall offer
at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for
cash , at the cast door of the court house in Mc
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 18th
day of December , 1S99 , at the hour of 1 o'clock ,
p. m. , the following described real estate , towit
Lots eleven and twelve in block thirty-eight in
the town of Indianola , Nebraska. ll-17-3t.
Dated this 16th day of November , 1S99.
. , , , J- RNEEL , Sheriff.
AS. . Morlan. Plaintiff's Attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from th"
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Nettie L.
Croukhite is plaintiff and George B. Dimitt et
al. are defendants , to undirected and delivered ,
I shall offer at public bale and sell to the high
est bidder for cash , at the ea = t door of the court
house in McCook , Red Willow county. Nebras
ka , on the lath dav of December. IsOO , at the
hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following de-
cribed real estate , towit : The south half of the
northwest quarter and the north half of the
southwest quarter of s-ection twelve in township
three north of range thirty west of the 6th p.m. .
in Red Willow county , Nebraska , containing
ICO acres. Dated this 15th dav of November,18&9
JR' NEELSI eriff.
ViM1.n . - ' -
. , ,
- -
J. E. Kelley , Plaintiff's Attorney.
In county court , within and for Red Willow
county , Nebraska , December 5. 1899 , m tht
matter of the estate of Allen Phillippi , de
ceased. To the creditors of said estate : You
are hereby notified that I will sit at the county
court room in McCook , in said county , on the
6th day of June , 1900 , to receive and examine
all claims against said estate , with a. view to
their adjustment and allowance. " The time
limited for the presentation of claims against
said estate is six months from the 5th day of
December , 1899. Witness my hand and the
seal of said county court , this 6th day of
December , 1899. G. S. BISHOP.
[ SEAL. ] 12-22 f-