The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 15, 1899, Image 8

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    An American electric manufactur
ing company has been awarded the
entire contract for the equipment of
numnvous electrical plants which v/lll
be installed along the line of the East
ern Chinese railroad. It will consist
largely of temporary lighting plants.
It is thought that ultimately $200,000
will be Involved in the contract.
pedltlon , but that he Is much inter
ested in anarctic explorations , and it
IB possible that his next trip will be
toward the south. He IB now engaged
on his large scientific work on polar
It's too risky , tliis
gambling with your
cough. You take the
chance of its wear
< . ing off. Don't !
The first thing
you know it will be-
down deep in your
lungs and the game's
lost. Take some of
Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral and stop the
gambling and the
"Iwas given up to die -with
quick consumption. I ran down
from 138 to 98 pounds. I raised
blood , and never expected to get
off my bed alive. I then read of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and began
its use. I commtnced to improve
at once. I am now back to my
old weight and in the best of
health. " CHAS. E. HARTMAN ,
Gibbstown , N.Y. , March 3 , 1899.
You can now get Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in a 25 cent
size , just right for an ordinary
cold. Trie 50 cent size is bet
ter for bronchitis , croup , whoop
ing-cough , asthma , and the grip.
The dollar size is best to keep
on hand , and is most economical
for long-standing cases.
Special Offer until Jan. 1st.
The Best Piano in the market.
We wish to immediately place one in
every town in the state , knowing by
experience that wherever we sell one
other sales are sure to follow. To in
troduce these pianos Ave will , from now
until January 1st , make a Factory
wholesale price on the first piano to
go to any locality where we have not
already sold one. This means a great
saving to the buyer.
We Do Not Mention the Actual Price
Because we will only sell one piano in
each locality at this extremely low
price , hoping through .the advertise
ment to sell others at a profit to which
every dealer and manufacturer is just
ly entitled. Terms cash or easy pay
Pianos sent on approval.
Write for catalogue and full partic
ulars. We also sell the Ellington ,
Hamilton and Valley Gem pianos and
Hamilton and Monarch organs.
1514 Douglas St. Omaha.
Send your name and address on
postal , and % ve will send you our 156S
page illustrated catalogue free.
174 Winchester Avenue , New Haven , Conn. @
To sell the products of
Swine plasue or bog cholera successfully treated
by inocculatlon. "We cure 85 per cent of sick hogs
and render well hogs Immuncs by our process.
For further particulars call en or address
The Swine Vaeclns Co. , Wymore , Neb ,
Highest Cash Price Paid for
Pooitry , Game , Batter , Eggs ,
Send for tnss and prices. KaUcrt Parvlit.
Established 1870. Omaha. Neb.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 50 1899
In tlms. S. by g-igjrfgts.
Qtualiu , Chicago nn < i New York Market
Stackers ami feedern were In very mod
erate supply and no great activity wnc
present. Good kinds could safely be
reported Kit sternly. The tendency on
everything a little off from the beat has
been lower. Beef steers , $3.251(5.75 ; cows.
J2.Gr.iS4.EO ; heifers. J3.OOfT4.20 ; bulls , $3.10' ®
4.7G ; calves , M.2C177G.75 " ; stockers and feed
ers. $3.0054.45. %
HOGS The hoc market opened strong
to 2Ac ? higher and active on the more
desirable load ? . Buyers seemed to want
the hoRS. especially the llpht and med
ium weights of good quality , and the
early arrivals of such changed hands
quite readily. Big heavy loads were not
so much sought after. A little later on
and before scllcis had time to unload ,
the more urgent orders being HHed the
market eased up and became rather dull.
Sales were at J3.70. J3.SO , | 3.S2 and J3.85.
SHEEP Then * was not very active de
mand for stock or feeder sheep and the
market on that kind of stuff was slow
and weak. Representative sales : 207
clipped stock ewes , $3.03 : IS native ewes ,
? 3.'JO ; 184 fed yearlings , 14.25 ; SI fed native
lambs , J3.25 ; 97 western wethers , $1.25.
CHICAGO. Dec. ll.-CATTLK-Gener-
ally htcady ; shorthorns sold at $7.35 ;
cow market and canners strong : active :
stockers and feeders about steady ; good
to choice , $3.CO'j7.33 ' ; poor to medium ,
t4.43fFf .50 ; mixed stockers , J3.00J73.7D ; se
lected feeders , fJ.COfc4.G3 ; good to choice
cows , $3.Cd4.75 ! ? ; heifers , $3.23-53.50.
HOGS Active market ; averaged shade
higher ; closed strong ; good clearance ;
mixed and butchers. $3.003M.07' ; good to
choice heavy. $3.93/f 4.10 ; rough heavy ,
$3.S07i3.PO ; lights , $ : } .85'Q4.03 ' ; bulk of sales ,
$3.f.3'i4.03. ' ?
SHEEP Steady to slow ; lambs steady
to firmer ; native wethers , $3.S3'i4.73 ' ;
lambs. ; i.OO@5.rjO ; western wethers , $4.00 i )
4.40 ; western lambs' , ? 5.00t3.40.
Unchanged ; heavy native steers , $3.13ft >
C.OO ; light. $4.6555:70 : ; stockers and feed
ers , J3.35fjri.10 ; butchers' cows and heif
ers , ? 3.10Jj4.7r. ; canners , $2.50-53.10 - ; fed
westerns , $4.2511(5.00 ; western feeders ,
$3.30g4.40 ; Texans , $4.05@4.23.
HOGS Active ; of/V&c higher ; heavy
and mixed , S3.8713.97 . ; lights , ? 3.S5f
3.03 ; pigs , $3.fi3f3.SO.
SHEEP Receipts , 1.200 ; active : lambs ,
shade higher : others steady ; lambs , $3.13
& 5.20 ; muttons , J3.75ifF4.C3 : stockers and
fckeders , $3.COri4.37 ; culls , Jl.oO'SS.OO. '
CHICAGO. Dec. ' 11. WHEAT No. 3
Spring. G2fC3' c ; No. 2 red. G71/ > < fCS1/.c.
CORN No. 2 , 30ft31c ; No. 2 yellow ,
OATS-No. 2 , 23 23ac ; No. 3 white ,
RYE No. 2. 53 34c.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. ,
$8.2a@9. 0 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , ? 5.0 ! ) < fi5.32 ;
short ribs , sides , loose , $5.055J'5.40 ; dry
salted shoulders , boxed , 55'ic ; short
clear sides , boxed , ? 5.3o@5.45.
Otis Cables the Uprising : ' ' Xegros Is a
Suiull Affiilr.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. The war
department here received the follow
ing from General Otis :
"MANILA , Dec. 9. Dispatch from
Young at Vigan yesterday says escaped
Spanish prisoners report four hours'
engagement on 3d inst. between his
troops and Aguinaldo's guard near Cer
vantes , fifty miles southeast of Vigan ,
with heavy loss to enemy , who is heing
pursued. Our loss , one killed , one
wounded. Inhabitants of their own
accord join the troops in repairing the
trail and carrying subsistence. Have
pushsd column to San Jose , south of
Bangued. Howe's column on rear trail ;
Batchelor's battalion , Twenty-fourth ,
out of reach north of Bayonbong , evi
dently descending river. Natives re
port fighting occurred twenty miles
north. Navy reaches Aparrl tomor
row ; column of MacArthur's troops ,
Twenty-fifth infantry , reported near
Iba , west coast , Zambaleh ; Grant's
column near Subig bay ; Lawton in
Bulucan province today with sufficient
troops to overcome opposition and
scatter enemy. "
It is probable that the troops which
engaged Aguinaldo's guard are Hare's
command , as he was reported to be
close in the insurgent lead'er's rear.
General Otis also cables as follows
regarding the revolt in Negros :
"Information received that Negros
revolt of minor importance ; Byrnes in
rapid pursuit of disaffected party-
Hughes in mountains Panay enroute
to Capiz. "
TVaunamaker on BlR Stores.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. John Wan-
amaker testified before the Industrial
commission on the subject of depart
ment stores. He asserted these stores
were beneficial to society , having a
substantial economic and moral basis
for their existence.
"It is , " he continued , "a natural pro
duct evolved from the conditions that
exist as a result of fixed trade laws.
Cheaper capital , better transportation ,
more rapid communication , make the
modern retail store possible , natural
and useful , therefore , inevitable. Econ
omy in the expenditure of money , time
and effort measure department store
success. Just in proportion as these
ends are reached is it popular , power
ful and prosperous. "
Gossip About Union Pacific.
NEW YORK , Dae. 11. The Times
says : Following the arrival here of
President Burt of the Union Pacific
company , a conference was held * on the
part of the Union Pacific and Oregon
Navigation officials. It was rumored
that a readjustment of Oregon Navi
gation affairs is contemplated , but
nothing definite on the subject can be
learned. At the office of the company
it was sai- that purely routine affairs
were discussed at the meeting.
In connection with President Burt's
visit it is said that the annual report
of the Union Pacific will be forthcom
ing in a few days and will show over
4 % per cent earned on the common
Fire In "Washington.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Fire tot
ally destroyed the Welling mansion at
Fourteenth street and Welling Place ,
occupied by Dr. L. H. French . The lessen
on the residence is § 60,000 and on the
contents about § 50,000. In his efforts
to save the female servants Dr. French
was somewhat burned.
Annual Seed Distribution.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. The De
partment of Agriculture will begin its
distribution of seeds a little earlier
this year than last , shipping them
south the beginning of anuary
Charles Curtis , of Topeka , a repub
lican leader of Kansas , ! s nicknamed ,
tlie "Indian congressman , " because ,
though of New England descent on his
father's side-his mother was a direct
descendant of Louis Gonvil , a chief of
the Kansas Indians. He began life
as a bootblack and read law by night.
A Pi evidence company has recently
made an emery wheel 39 inches in
diaraeter and 12 inches thick. It was
luilt upon a special iron center 31
inches in diameter , which ran on a
3 5-16 shaft. The whole affair weighed
cvtr 1,200 pounds. The machine was
designed for grinding wooden balls.
Of all the unties , the love of truth ,
with faith and constancy in it , ranks
first and highest. Truth is God. To
love God and to love truth are one
and the same. Silvio Pellico.
Bcwaro of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury ,
As mercury will surely destroy the .sense of
smell and completely derange the whole system
when entering it tluouh the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians , as the
damage they will do is tenfold to the ( 'ood you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. ,
Toledo. O. , contains no mercury , and is taken
internally , acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure besurcyoiiKetthcKenuine.
Jtis taken internally , and : nade in Toledo , Ohio.
byF.J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold
by DratfKists. price Toe per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
No pleasure Is comparable to the
standing on the vantage ground of
truth. Bacon.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
Ecclesiastical log rolling is only dif
ferent from political in that it is
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists rotund the money if it fails to cure.
c. E. W. Grove's signature on each box.
The unexpected happens occasional
ly but not so often as the expected
fails to happen.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
To be always bold is not always to
be brave.
FITSPermoncntly Ciireil. Jfoflts nrnervousnessa'ter
flit-t day's U'-e of I > r. Kline's Oical Kervo IteMoicr.
Send for FREE S2.OO tilnl botde and treatis-e.
JJa. R. II. KLINE , Ltd. , stiil Arch St. , Thilailelpliia , Pa.
Oil and water will not mix , neither
\vill love and philosophy.
Not Old Znrh'8
Letters from Southern members of
the Taylor family indicate pretty
surely that Lieutenant C. C. Wood of
the North Lancashire British regiment ,
who was recently killed at Klmberley ,
South Africa , was a great-grandson of
President Zachary Taylor , but not a
grandson of Jefferson Davis. Jefferson
Davis married General Taylor's daugh
ter. Sarah. Dr. C. Wood married Gen
eral Taylor's daughter , Ann M. , and
the late Lieutenant C. C. Wood was
their grandson , his father having been
Lieutenant Wood , of the Confederate
Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal.
In life's battle the safest leader Is
the captain of our own salvation.
Jnred After KvpuHtfil
I will Inform auillctcd to Murjililuo I.uudunuiii ,
Opium , Cocaine , of never-falllns. harmless , home-
sure. Sirs. M. H. llaUwln. Be * 1212. Chicago , 111.
What you are within , that you will
be without.
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
We are wielded by our wishes rath
er than by our wisdom.
Piso's Ccro for Consumption is our only
medicine for couglis and colds. Mrs. C.
Beltz , 439 8tb Ave. , Denver , Col. , Nov.8"J3. ,
Songs of triumph are possIbJe only
to the sons of tribulation.
lTryQrain = Of I
ryGrain = 0 !
* * o
Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon *
O apaukngeof GRAIN-O , the ue\v food < J >
$ , drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may driuk it without *
0 injury as well as the adult. All who < >
$ try it , like it. ' GRAIN-O has that |
rich eeal brown of Mocha or Java ,
but it is nnda from pure grains , and < $
the most delicate stomach receives it
g without distress. the price of coifee.
0 15 cents aud 25 cents per package. .
* Sold by all grocers. $
1 Tastes like Coffee
* Looks like Coffee < >
$ . Insist tlmty oar grocer gives yon QRAIN-O
Accept no imitation. $
T50 TO 166
This Guitar is made
of the finest Imita FOR $2.65
tion with
mahogany No more , no less , than 5,000 of them ,
either solid rosewood probably the largest contract in Ruitais
or walnut fingerboard - over made an instrument that posi
board inlaid tively sells from $3.30 to $7.00. Whentbis
, pearl lot exhausted
is we cannot duplicate
position dots and this offer. Quantity talks. Only by oper
German silver raised ating on such a bis scale , together with
our well-known small profit policy , could
frets inlay
it has
; fancy such an offering be possible. Another
lay around sound reason for dispensing such a bargain
hole and best quality broadcast is the confidence wo feel that
every guitar sold will win for us a permanent
patent manent patron aud a friend whoso
heads ; the top of recommendation we can count upon. We
Guitar is beautifully will forward the guitar to any _ address
bound with celluloid C. O. D. , subject to examination , upon
; receipt of 50c. We , however , advise that
it is strung with a cash in full be sent , as that saves return
full set of best quality charges for money and we stani per
fectly ready to refund money if tlo
steel and is
springs guitar is not all and more than we claim
ready to play upon. for it. Remember our
special price on 5LOO of
them only is
? n which is listed at fewest wholessle prices
. [ everything to cat wear and useis furnish :
ed on receipt of only 109 to partly pay ,
postage or expressaSe and as evidence
W | oed faith the 109 is allowed on first
purchase amountin.gto 199 or above.
A French paper has this droll Btory
of a laundress who lately gained the
j first prize in a big lottery with the
I number seventeen. When asked how
: she hit on that number , she said she
! had dreamed three nights running of
the number seven , and paid , "Three
times seven are seventeen. Seventeen
i will be a luclcy ticket. So I bought It
and won the prize ! " It will be Been
that , in spite of "education , " super
stition still lingers , and is often foun 1
1 in unexpecidd quarters.
Perfect men belong to an order of
things not yet in effect.
One of the most Important American
exhibitions at the Fnrhi exposition v/lll
he a model , fome twenty feet lony , or
the Chicago drainage canal , in con
nection with this will bo ahown mod
els of all the great variety of ex
cavating and convoying machinery
which was used in thlu important en
gineering work. The models will bo
shown in operation and it IB believed
that it will be one of the msat Inter
esting of the engineering exhibition ! )
at the exposition.
The art of making work pay Is n
work of art.
Has io say who has had 35 YEARS of ccHve Practice of
I have never before in my 35 years of practice of r.iedicJnq jjivcn my testimonial of recommen
dation to any patent medicine , but there is a remedy , the result of which linscomc under my own
observation ; for tlierc is no Ul&ease which has eo baffled the medical rkill of nil open aa Rliciima-
tlsm and to finds Reltubie remedy for the same. At Inst wo have found it in " 5 Drops , " manu
factured by the Sv.-nnson Rheumatic Cure Company , Chicago , III. The " 5 DHOPS , " has proven
itselt wonderful for its curative power in Rheumatism , not as a Temporary Reliever only , but to
fspr- pive a I'crznansnt Cure even hi chronic cases. Sometime ago , 1 had
r * - among otln-rs several Hhcumntic cases under mv treatment nnii pre
scribed fur these patients the very lst Remedies which I skillfully se
lected , but without desirable results. I llion heard of "n DROPS" and
of its Wonderful Cures , and prcscrHwil it to a few patients who found
relief front its use within n few days. After that I prescril > cd it to n trreat
ntir.berand to my surprise , I will" . av that in the course of Two or Three
Weeks after they had used 5 DROPS" and " 5 Drop" Piasters they
were Cured. Among these wena few who had , for a number of yearn ,
lieon buffering with Chronic Rieunatlsn ! , who had piloted themselves
around on Crutches. They came to my office without Crutches and told
me they were perfectly Well. Tlvy iive all tin ; credit to " 5 DROPS"
ITKADE-SIARK. ] anil to " 5 Drop" Plasters and this is their testimony to the Swanaon
Rheumatic Cure Company for their kiiu'nios mid for the conscientious
way in which they arc placing these Wonderful Remedies among suffering humanity , which they
told me to write to the Company as an acknowledgement. As I haw i.ct-n the Curative Power of
"S DROPS" and " 5 Drop" Plasters , in a prcat many instances. 1 can Truly recommend them
and also that the firm is perfectly honest and reliable to deal with.
SWAN-SON'S C. A. JACKSON , 1'hysicinn cud Surgeon , Kearney. Neb. , Aug. 20 , 1R99.
" Is the most powerful spcciac known. Frco from oi > lites anil perfectly harm.
less. UcUrrisii&uully felt the lirst nlKlit. IMsaposltlvocurcfor K
tUm , Sciatica , Ncurnlsin , Iy > ppli. Iluckache. Antlimu. Slay Fever , Ciitnrrli , Nlr < ; : > -
NcrvoimncKi , Xcrvna an : ! A'curalslc Zctdiclicu , Kiruc ! < c , Toothache , Iluurt
\VeaItne e , Croup , Swelllncr. ! - : Grippe , JInlnrIa , CrcrplnB Kuinlincnn , etc. , etc.
to enable miffercrn to ( jvo"B | DUOPS''nt Icust a trial , wo will r.cml nUftr rcunjiln l.ottln.
prepaid by mall , for 10 eta. A tunipiu Ixittio will convince you. Alio. Innro liottlea (300
dotes ) 11.00 , C bottles for T5. Solil by us n.1 t nffpnts. JU1EXTS IV.tNTKI ) In Xfw Ttrrllory. V > ItlTK IIS TO-IU Y.
_ _ . . ' bus1 * for 21.41. Rnvotho cunn mm FJJEE
Kctailerf. * Profil-s.-wo the Wholesalers
Front. ' . ' LANO CatnloKUns
Tukf > uiK''iutntro of our contract
' purchase. Otherx Invo advance , ! their of for it - cent
" prices of Parlor GtoTim.liut our contract STUMPS ftamp ' : > \
with the manufacturers compels theta l''umttnro.
Jto furnish us ivilh tlicse , oo w can Mill
them nt ft Mnal 1 iirolit nt $21.41. $21.27 and , oril Vehlclwt
ya.Tl. YOU weald bo proud of either C Stoves ii nilRingex. D AnrIcuUnrnl liij > l ni ntH.
ouo of the = e pnr'or stoves. The pictures E Ua'jy C.irri nFs. F Drue * rind I'ntontllufllcinc * .
pirebutr. fnintidcaof theirelegiiince. G MuKicul Jii'tiumenlH. H Or ann uml Hawing
SftntC. O. I ) , on recoiptof U7c , jouto Machines. | Uicrclen. J Oiiiitmnl H | > ortlii Uoo lii.
pit ; lialnnco to your hunker or freight K Lnulfs null Gents' KorniiliiiiK Gixidn. L Dry
nrent oo arrival at your depot. Goodn. Urncljr-Biml'j Clo'lilnu tor Men and ] to > .
jytrThuKreateotbanwina ever offered. N Uocls ami Shoo * . O Laillrs' Oape and ClmtliH.
A Larce Stove taken lopafiu ! than umnailouu for heat Soml 15clh uiil our LarRcHupiily ( litaliiKiie contain
1 ntipnirdnrlns. ing over lOjOimK a ovtrmn. ' hunt ! reiUuuUBCUil cull
I STOVK CATALOOHE 1'UEE. uuil pricei wil .unt CIITCBH
"Star" tin tags ( showing small stars printed on nntler fcido
of tag ) , "Horse Shoe , " "J. T. , " " Good Lnek , " "Gross Bow , "
and "Drurarnoml" Natural Leaf Tin Tugs are of equal value in
securing presents mentioned below , and inny bo usaortwl.
Every man , woman and child can find something on the list
that they would like to have , and can liavo
1 Matcl ) Box 25 Clock , 8-day , Calendar , Tliennom-
2 Kn fo , one biado , KOOI ! fitfel 2 > etor , lliroinu r U'l
8 Sci sors , < > f inches 25 ( tun case. leather , no Ijottor niailo. 1W (
4 Child'- ' Fet , Knife , Fork mill Hpoon 2i Uevolver. Hi-tuiiittic , doublu action ,
5 tn'.t anil Pepper Set.oimeaoli , quad 22 or ; 8 caliixir G'M
ruple plate on white meta ! W Tool Sat , not pluythliixi. l > "t real
yreiu'h Briar Wood Pipa 25 to < t > "X )
7 Eazc.r , hollow ground , fine EngliHli Toilet Set decorated porcelain ,
eioel 60 very handsome 80. )
8 ButtPr Knife , triple- plate , best Iteniin tun JCill N'o.-l , 2-Jor 32 cat. ft ? }
quality fiO Watch , s'e.lintf silvur.fnll jewelikl 1IWJ
9 Suptr Shell , tnt'la plu e , beat qtial. . fit ) Dress Sui' Case , lcallie. % linndionm
10 Stamp Box , sterling pilver TO and dnraliln 10JO
11 Knife , "Keen Kutter , " two bladew. . 76 Sewing Machine , nrst class , with
12 Butcher Knife , "Keen Kutter , " 8-tn all attachmi-n's 15UD
blade 75 Hevolver. CoU'M , 28-calil > or , blunil
13 Shears , "Keen Kutter. " ft-incli 75 frteel 15IK )
14 Jfnt Set , OiauLer and t5 Picxs , silver 33 JiiHd , ColtS , 14-shot. 22-caliber. . . .15J )
Pitted fQ\U \ Guitar ( AVashbtirn ) , rosewood , in
15 Ua e Hall. "Avncia'ion , " best qual.KHi laid 2WX )
16 Al irm Clock , nickel 150 I 35 Mai'loiln. very hands > in : * SIKW
17 SixGenuineRocers'Teaspoonsbest i , , .
" * > Wiiirlirster KujiOAtlng Khot Gun ,
11 ite.l goods IV ) ,
18 AVafcli , nickel , stem wind and het. . 20U IS fa.-ii > .o 2WU
19 Carvers , gooil . ' teel , buckhurn in. ( li > uble-jjrrjl , liarn-
handlei 2Ki ( t Gin. Uor UKUIIKO 2CUO
20 Six Genuine JJogers' Tnblu Spoons , Uicyclo , stairlard make , ladies or
l.pst plae-l goods 250 ( , ufcl . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OS M > IJ I
21 Six each. Knives and Fork-f , buck-
horn handles 2jJ ( Shot Gan. Ite-iiington , double bar
* rel , hariiiii3rlu-- < .3000
22 Six exch. Genuine Iii ) urs Knives
and Forks , l > esf plat"d good1 ! 60J Ilegin.i Studio U.jxVt inch DUc..WuO
Rlnfiop J 1 > Inin "Star" TlaTiii/thV i-s , S ar tin ta-s with no sm > ll
umioP . stars printo 1 on un-lor idp of tail , aru not ij-toil fur jjrcu-nt.i ,
but will he raid for in CASH on the Labis of twenty ceutapor
hundred , if received by us on or li fort M-t-i-h 1st. 19 13
IN TiIIM ) that 11 ilimeN wcrjli iif
lonscrsir. l nil'onl in Are pleasure than a dinjc'.i worth of any
otht-rbmntl. IV1AKE THE TEST !
Send tags 13 COX n.VE VTAL TO 13 1CCO CO. , SI. LoniMo. .
Sick headaches ! Always trace them to a lazy liver or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter , instead of being
thrown out , is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion
and that dull , awful , throbbing , sickening pain. CASCARETS remove the cause by stimulating the liver , making
the poison move on and out , and purifying the blood. The effect is almost instantaneous. Ladies , whose sensitive
organisms are especially prone to sick headaches , do not suffer , but find relief in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic.
Look : out for Imitati.oras
funeral ! " Kansas City Independent. * tL
the ,
"Both my wife and myself Iiave been Dela
usiuz CASCARETS , and they arc the best
medicine we have overbad in the house. Last as ?
week my wife was frantic with headache for ing.
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