Beware of the Doctors' ' There is not the slightest doubt that the doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood 'Poison ; many victims of Patchwork You tiiis loathsome disease would be much better Can ; off to-day if they had never allowed them selves to be dosed on mercury and potash , the Cure Yourself at Home. only remedies which the doctors ever give for . blood poison. The doctors are wholly unable to get rid of this vile poison , and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the system , und endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash mid mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out into sores , and the fight is continued indefinitely , the drugs doing the system more damage than the disease itself. Mr. 31. L. Myers , 100 Mulberry St. , Newark , N" . J. , says : 'I hod spent a hundred dollars with the doctors , when. I realized that they could do mo no pood. I had large spots all over my brdy , and these soon broke out into running sores , and I endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as a last resort , and was soon greatly improved. I followed closely your "Direc tions for Self-Treatment , ' and the large splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller , and before long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my self at home , after the doctors had failed completely. " It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors to cure Contagious Blood Poison , for the disease is be yond their skill. Swifts Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD acts in nn entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the disease , while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever , constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat ment places u cur > within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad vice , free of charge , and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity. Write for full information to Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. "X" * T T fl < WHlila'S < JKfcAM YVORMS ! VERMIFUGE ! Most In Quantity. Best In Quality. for 20 Years Has Led all Worm ftisnedies. S03J3D OSY JXXiXi rDH-CrG-GrXS prepared by s3S JAMES F. BALLARD , St. Louis. McOONNELL& BERRY. His Life Was Saved. j. K Lilly , a prominent ci-izen of llanniba' , "Mi > , lately had a wonderful deliverance from n frightful death. In telling of it he says : "I -was taken down with typhoid fever ; that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became lai dened. T was seak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption , vthtMi I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it and now am well and strong I can't say too much in its prai-e. " This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the wet Id for all throat and lung tumble. Regular sues SQC. and $ i. Trial bottles free at McC'-nnell & Berry's drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. To Cure a Cold in a Day. Take Laxative Broiuo Quinine Tablet. * . All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. drove's signature on evei'y box. 250. 4 i _ _ _ _ _ A Sure Sign of Croup. 1 loarseness in a child that is subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the ills- easef Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse , or _ even after the croupy cough has appeared , it ! will prevent the attack. Manv motheis who | have croupy children always keep this remedy i at hand and find that it saves them much j trouble an.I worry. It can always he depended - ' ed upon ami is pleasant to take. For sale by ; McConnc'l & Itcrry F. D. BURGESS , lumber and Steam Fitter FtlcCOOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building H. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS MCCOOK , NEBRASKA C. H BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bid ? , Upstairs DR. JOHN JOHNDENTIST. DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. with Dr. Gage. J. B. BALLARD , DENTIST. All dental work done at our office is puar- anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Tlate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. -Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. McCOOK SUEGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. * " McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , t-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face , form am temper will always have friends , but one wlu would be attractive must keep her health. I she is weak , sickly and all run down , she wil be neivous and irritable. If she hasconstipa tion or kidney trouble , her impure blood wi ! cause pimples , blotches , skin eruptions and a wretclu-d tpmpjexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach ach , liver and kidneys and to purify the blond It gives strong ; nerves , bright eyes , smooth velvety skin , rich complexion. It will make a good-lookmp , charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cts. at McConnell & BerryV Geo. Noland. Uockland , O , sa > s , "Mv wife had piles forty years. PeWitt's Witch Haze Salve cuied her. It is the best salve in Amei ica" It heals eveiything and cures all skin d'se ises. D. W. Loar. Dr. II. II. lladen , Summit , Ala , says , " think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splendic medicine. I prescribe it , and mv confidence in it grows with continued use. " It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia anc indigestion. D. W. Loar. There is a man in a Colorado town who so greatly re.cemblt-s Dewey that hi * neighbors think of presenting him with a sword. Infant moitality is frightful. Nearly one quarter die before they reach one year , one third before they are five and one-half before thev are fifteen ! The timely use of WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE would save a major ity of these precious lives. Price 25 cents McConnell & Berry. You never know what form of blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipation and liver and bowe" troubles. D. W. Loar. ORDER OK HEARING ON PETITION FOR AI' POINTMENT FOR ADMINISTRATOR. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county. At a county court held at the county court room , in and for county October 23 , A. D. 1899 Present , G.S.Bishop , county Judge. In the matter of the estate of John McNefr , deceased. On reading and filing the petition of J. II O'Neil , praying that administration of said estate may be granted to him as administrator. Ordered , that November 13 , A. D. , 1899 , at 10 o'clock a.m. , is assigned for hearing said pe tition when all persons interested in said mat ter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county. _ and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said peti tion and the hearing thereof , be given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to seid day of hearing. [ SEAL ] G. S. BISHOP , County Judge. . ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received at the office of the county clerk of Red Willow county , Nebraska , for making the follow ing prado across the Republican river , tout li of Indianoln. Said crade to be 120 feet iu length. Ninety feet to have 30-foot base and to be S feet high , and : feet to have Ul-foot base and to be JO feet high ; all to bo 16 feet \yide across the top and covered to a depth of six inches with soft rock ; the sides to bo walled with rock 1 foot thick , and foutli end to bo walled up with rock wall 2 feet thick. One-half of the inonoy to bo paid during the progress of the work. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to bo filed with the county clerk of paid county on or before noou of the llth day of Nov ember , Ib99. 10-27-3ts. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of au ex ecution iss-ucd by G. C. Boatman , clerk of the District Court in and for Red Willow county , in favor of Melissa E. Payne and against J.Everett Logue , and to mo directed , I will at the hour of 10 o'clock , a. in. , on the 8th day of November , 1899 , at the residence of J. Everett logue on section 32 , seven miles south of McCook , in Val ley Grange precinct iu said county , offer for sale at public veuduo the following goods and chat tels , towit : Ono grind stone , one stirring plow , ono grasshopper plow , one back-setting plow , ono lister , ono riding cultivator , one corn plant er and check rower , one three-section harrow , one Jackson road wagon , one double harness , one 2-year-old filley , ono light-bay rnaro , one bay horse , one bay mare. Taken on said execution as the property of J. Everett Loguu. Dated this 27th day of October , 1899. 10-27-5ts. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. By ISAAC M. SMITH , Deputy. MC CON NELL'S BALSAM CURES COUGHS W. C. T. U. COLUMN. MRS. MINNIK FINITY , Press Supt. "God , Home and Native Land. " SONG OK TICK RYE. I was made to be eaten , And not to I'e ' drank ; To be threshed in a barn , Not soaked in a tank. 1 come as a blessing When put through a mill ; As a blight and a curse , When run through a still. Make me up into loaves And your children are fed ; But if into drink I'll starve them instead. In bread I'm a servant The eater shall rule ; In drink I'm a master The drinker a fool. Selected. * * The union temperance sermon delivered by Rev. Turner was well attended and attent ivelv listened to. May we be fearless o speaking the truths which are thrown in ou daily path way , if we would do justice to ou fellow-men and God. * * Would you have the children the future men and women of your community educatec to intelligent total abstinence from alcoho and kindred narcotics ? Placing the necessary appropriate text-books in our public school ; is the only scientific way. To do this foui things are essential to enforcement of a tern penance education law : First , Indorsed text books adapted to grade , in the hands of al ! pupils using text-books in such other studie : as geography or arithmetic , with oral lessons in the case of pupils unable to read ; second a course of study in this branch , with not less than three lessons a week for fourteen weeks of each school year below the second year oi the high school , the lessons to be taught according to the best modern methods ot teaching other branches ; third , the same ex aminations or tests for promotion , in this as in other studies ; fourth , the interested teacher In a large majority of cases where we have the first three , we shall have the last ; for the teachers of this country , as a whole , are ready to do iheir pait , if they are given anything to do with. BARTLEY. Geeige Carr had business in the counti capital , Monday. "Freem" Utter was down from the railroad hub , close of last week. J. W. Hupp of McCook was registered at the Hartley House , Tuesday. x S. W. Clark circulated among the voters in the county seat , last Saturday. Postmaster Miller received a metropolitan inspiration and put in gas lamps , this week. Thomas Robinson's new residence is now ready for the pninters. F. T. Brown is the artist. Geo. Babb and nephew , Mr. Babb , of Ober- lin , Kansas , were visiting friends and relatives here , Sunday. Agent W.C.Hanson icturned , Mondav , from his visit to Franklin. Extra Agent Bush re turned to McCook the same day. Dr. J. M. Brown enjoyed a visit , Thursday , from the county attorney of Furuas county , W. 13. Whitney. They were friends in Iowa and had not met for fifteen years. Webber and Dechant are laying the foun dation for the new M. 12. church. It will cost about $3,000 when completed , and will be sufficiently large to accommodate all the people ple in the community. Oar barbers have received their licenses to cut and carve , pull out and break off , during the year 1900. If the state board will now send us a bottle of chlorofoim and two boxes of salve , we shall retuin thanks accordingly. No voter who calls himself a Republican can excuse himself for scratching a name on the ticket , next Tuesday. All are good , clean and capable candidates , and should receive the full vote. Support the administration with your straight ballot. A. C. Shellenberger and J. T. McClure ad dressed less than three dozen citizens here , Tuesday evening. They spent most of the time denouncing the administration , and ar- ued that a vote for "Slippery Si" Holcomb meant a vote to put Bryan in the presidential chair , next year. One day last week , G. W.Jones accident ally unearthed some burglars' tools which had been buried back of his store. They were probably used in forcing an entrance to lis store some time ago. Parties in town claim the tools and that they were stolen from hem the night of the burglary. W. E. Rollings drove up to Indianola , Sat urday , to listen to Bryan's tale of woe , and tarted for home so enthused with Bryanism hat he thought the telephone company was a 'trust" and o show his opposition attempted o drive over a few of their poles , but after he impact the earth met him half way and lis hansom needed repairs. Any attempt to end a message with the kopecs will demon- trate that the company is not a "trust. " The "hello" man at the drug store and one of the Vickrey boys , accompanied by two Cambridge school-ma'ams , whose names they efuse to divulge , attended the enteitainment nd supper at East Valley school-house , last "riday evening. The programme , under the irection of the teacher , Miss Jessie Sipe , was credit to all concerned. At the conclusion liere came a wagon load of good things teat at , which were put up and sold to the highest ) idder. "Bob" Geoige-was the auctioneer , nd the boys say he was all right , for he Buncoed that hungry mob out of $17.50 with- ut taking a long breath. Proceeds were de- oted to the school library fund. Mrs. George vas in town , this week , to get a bottle of Mrs. Vinslow's soothing syrup for "Bob , " who still ries out in his sleep , "Here's a basket , family ize ; fifty am I offered , who'll make it sixty ? " ust as he did down at the school-house , you know. LaGrippe , with its after effects , annually destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure , the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs , colds , croup , bronchitis , pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. D. W. Loar. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Miss BKRTHA PADK went down to Hastings , this morning , to buy goods for the furniture establishment. MRS. A. W. UTTER is having u serious time with her bund ; she may have to have one of her fingers amputated. II. P. BUTTON moved into his lately purchased home , the Jacob Burnett res idence , this week Thuratlax , II. H. Tartsch moving out of the same and into the Suttou home just vacated. REMEMBER GOOD SERVICE. TRIJJUNK believes that lilt- people seldom forget good service well rendered , and therefore expects to see Conulv Judge Bishop reelected b > a safe plural ity. lie has , beyond doul.t , filled his place successfully , rare full \ and with Hbilit3' . He has hhv. s been found at his post of duty , tvei ready to transact tin1 business of the count ) judgcship , accord ing to law , prompt ! ) and fairly. He has merited a reelection at the hands of the people of Red Willow county , and he will get it , next Tuesday. JOHN BrjLl , has Ladysmith to remem ber on the Boers' account , as well as Majuba bill Oh , that was a hard blow to Albion. Death of a Stranger. A stranger giving the name of Charles McEnendie ! in the city jailWednesday night. He arrived in the city , Monday night , and seeking lodging of the night policeman , was placed in the lock-up , where be died on , Wednesday night * County Physician Welles gave him treat ment. The dead man stated that be was 38 years of age , and that be bad no relatives in America , his home being in Ireland. The body will be buried bv the county authorities , this afternoon. COURT HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. Fred Kissler and Mary Lesser , both of our city , were authorized to wed , this week. DISTRICT COURT. Mary C. McKii'zey v * . Joseph B. Mc- Kinzey : divorce. A Card of Thanlcs. We xvish to extend and express our heartfelt appreciation of and thaul's to the neighbors , friends and various orders for the every assistance rendered ns dur ing the illness anil and after the death of our departed husband and father. MRS. M. J. STROUD AND FAMILY. Five Cents a Copy I That's the remarkably low price at which we are closing out the remainder of our Navy Portfolios , those superb pictures of our splendid and victorious navy. You can buy the entire series of twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is less than half price , and they are only a few sets left. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .27 Wheat 42 3ats 18 Rj'e 39 Hogs 3.50 Kggs - 15 Butter 17 Potatoes 40 For Sale or Trade. A number of good horses. Inquire of or address , MRS. W. M. IRWIN , McCook , Nebraska. R. M. O.-born's black learn has made itself famous , this week , by two runa ways to its credit. In the first one they came in collision with an electric light Dole , breaking it off like a pipe-stem. Halloween evening , Alice McKenna entertained the members of the Girls' jicycle club of which she is a member , and a very happy social time was had b ) ' hem. _ An expert trick bicycle rider drew a crowd on the street , today , and incident ally some coin. He was fine. There was the usual Halloween cele- ) ration , with its pranks , numerous and bolish. Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB UNE , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. Detroit Free Press . $ i co $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly . 400 300 Prairie Farmer I oo 25 Chicago Inter-Ocean i oo 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 50 New-York Tribune I oo 25 Demorest's Magazine oo 75 Toledo Blade oo Nebraska Farmer oo 50 Iowa Homestead oo 45 Lincoln Journal oo 75 Campbell's Soil-Culture oo 50 New-York World oo 65o Omaha Bee oo ; o Cosmopolitan Magzine i oo St. Louis Republic lee Kansas.City Star 25 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 50 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 \\e are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. J. D. Bridges , editor "Democrat , " Lancaster , ST. H. , says , "Une Minute Cough Cure is the jest remedy for croup I ever used. " Immedi- uely relieves and cures coughs , colds , croup , isthma , pneumonia , bronchitis , grippe and all hroat and lung troubles , it prevents con sumption. D. W. Loar. Dr. W. Wixon , Italy Hill , N. Y. , says , "I icartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure , t gave my wife immediate relief in suffocat- ng asthma. " Pleasant to take. Never fails o quickly cure all coughs , colds , throat and ung troubles. D' W. Loar. ) \ The bath can be made an exhilarating pleasure by the use of Ivory Soap. It cleanses the pores of all V impurities , leaving the skin soft , smooth , ruddy and healthy. Ivory Soap is made of pure vegetable oils. The lather forms readily and abundantly. IT FLOATS. . COPYRIGHT 1008 DY THE PROCTER t GAMBLE CO. CINCINNATI COLEMAN. II. K. Bixler was threshing , Tuesday. II. It. Wales is fencing his half section. K. Traphagan has seventy-live acres of wheat sown. W. M. Kozell has over or.e hundred acres sown to wheat. I It is reported from the northwestern part of the township that a Hair caught a rabbit up there. E. R. Divine will move on the P. Blatt place about December 1st. He has also rented the Shaffer farm. Mrs. Clara Smith of Guthrie county. Iowa spent a few days with her sister , Mrs. Maty Sharp , of this township , recently. II. B. Wales is ready for a storm so far as corn is concerned , as he has picked out over I,6oo bushels. lie has foity-five acres to pick yet. II. B. Wales was in McCook Monday and sold one thousand bushels of wheat at fifty cents per bushel. It was fall wheat and tested fifty-nine pounds to the bushel. For burns , cuts , bruises , lacerations , or in juries of any description , BALLAKD'S SNOW LINIMENT is a sovereign remedy. It never fails to do good , and so quickly that its wonderful curative properties frequently create surprise. Price 25 anil 50 cts. McConnell - nell & Berry. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand , but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy Buckleii's Arnica Salve , cures them ; also Oh1 Runningand Fever Sores.Ulcers , Boil.- , , Felon Corns , Warts , Cuts , Bruises , Burns , Scalds. Chapped I lands , Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 2i cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Mt ConneH & Berry , druggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ District School Report. i Following is the report of District No. 6 ; for the month ending October 27 , 1899 : Number enrolled , 18 ; average attendance , 15. Those not absent during the month are , Vernon Boyce , Dorothy Doyle , Bacil Doyle , Bessie Doyle , Daisy Doyle , Ethel Oakley , Dossie Younger , Leroy Younger. O. N. BI.XIK , lencher. If you have sore throat , soreness across the back or side , or your lungs feel sore or tender , or you are threatened with diphtheria or pneu monia , apply BALLAKD'S SNOW LINI MENT externally and use BALLAKD'S IIORE1IOUND SYRUP. McConnell. From New Zealand. KKF.FTON , New Zealand , Nov. 23,1896. I am very pleased to state that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines the sale has been very large , more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years 1 have sold i more of this particular remedy than of all other makes for the previous five years. A.s to its efficacy , I have been informed by scores of persons of the good results they have re ceived finm it and know its value from the use of it in my own family. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle be yond the reach of the children. E. J. SCANTLEBURY. For sale by McConnell& Berry. i - - V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. IT ENS BANK * * i OF MeCOOK , NEB. I * # ft ft ft Paid Up Capital , ยง 50,000. Surplus , $5.000 DIRECTORS = = = = = = = = * V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL1HAN , C. H. WILLARD. n R. S T i. , . - , * * * * + f * * * * S& l ii ? & * coo Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO ! ff 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. H. FREES , V. Pres. 'I W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRAHK HARRIS , Director. I