The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 27, 1899, Image 8

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Results Fatally in Nine This fearful disease often first appears
as a mere scratch , a pimple < r lump in
the breast , too small to attract any
Gases Out of Ten- A notice , until , in many cases , the deadly
disease is fully developed.
Cure Found at Last , Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
operation , because the disease is a virulent
poison in the blood , circulating throughout the system , and although
the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away , the
poison remains in the blood , and promptly breaks out afresh , with
renewed violence.
The womlorful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate , deep-Heated
blood diseases which were considered incurable , induced a few de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer , Jifter exhausting the skill of
the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S proved
equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news
spread rapidly , and it was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last 1/oen
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has ucoti-
mulated which is incontrovertible , of which
the following is a specimen :
"Cancer is hereditary in our family , my father , a
sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease. My feelings may bo imagined when the horrible
rible disease made its appearance on my side. It was
a malignant Cancer , eating inwardly in such a way as
to cause great alarm The disease seemed beyond the
ekill of the doctors , for their treatment did no good
whatever , the Cancer growing worse all t m while
Numerous remedies were used for it but tin * Cancer MRS. S. M. IDOL.
grew steadily "worse , until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow the others of the family , for I know how deadly Cancer is. especially
when inherited I was advised to try Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. ) , which , from the
first day. forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
bottles , wlvn I was cured sound and WP ! ! , and hare had no symptoms of the
dreadful alllirtinn. though many years have elapsed. S. S. S. is the only cure
.for Cancer. MKS S M. IDOL. Winston , N. C.
Our book on Cancer , containing other testimonials rind valuable
Information , will In sent free to any address by the Swift Specific
Company , Atlanta , Georgia.
Most in Quantity. Beat in Quality. (
For 20 Years Has Led ail Worm Remedies.
SO I * 33 33 "X"jGk.Xi3j 3 > 35L"Cr < 3rGXJSQrB t
JAftlES F. BALLARD , St. Louis. ]
XTWW TN/X/ > / > Orf ' ' XN/\XX/NXVr\ > > N < ' > * > ' ' 1'
Three Doctors In Consultation.
From Benjamin Franklin : ' 'When you are
sick , what you like best is to be chosen for a
medicine in the first place ; what experience
tells you is best , to be chosen in the second
place ; what reason ( i. e , theory ) says is best
is to be chosen in the last place but if you
can get Dr. Inclination , Dr. Experience and
Dr. Reason to hold a consultation together ,
they will give you the best advice that can be
taken. "
When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina
tion xvould recommend Clfamberlain's Cough
Remedy because it is pleasant and safe to
take. Dr. Experience would recommend it
because it is prepared on scientific principles , i
and acts on nature's plan in iclieving the |
lungs , opening the secretions and restoring
the system to a natural and healthy condition.
For sale by McConnell & Berry.
Chester II. Hrown , Kalamazoo , Mich. , says :
"K.odol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe
-case of indigestion ; can strongly recommend
it to all dyspeptics. " Digests what you eat
without aid from the stomach , and cures
dyspepsia D. W. l.oar.
To Cure La Grippe tn Two Days.
ir ) Take Laxntive Hromo Quinine Tablets.
All drucgi&ts lefund the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Glove's name on every bottle.
= 5c. 4-1- j
" They are simply perfect" writes Rob't j
Moore , of Lafayette , Imt , ot DeWitt's Little ,
Early Risers , Hie famous little pills for constipation - '
stipation ami all liver ailments. Never gripe , i
D. W. l.oar. l
lumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldgf , Upstairs
. of Chicago.
:3-Office with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown. Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylorj assistant.
-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
1-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. ro.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the widow o
the brave General Hurnham of Machias , Me
when the doctors said she could not live til
morning" , writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln , who at
tended her that fearful night. "All though
she must soon die of pneumonia , but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery , saying
it had more than once saved her life and had
cured her of consumption. After three smal
doses she slept easily all night , and its furthe
use completely cured her. " This marvelou :
medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat
chest and lung troubles. Only 5oc and $1.00
Trial bottles free at Mcconnell & Berry's.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific com
pound having the endorsement of eminen
phyHcians and the medical press. It "digest ;
what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia
M. A Ketmn , Bloi > nvngda"le. Tenn. , says i
cured him of digestion ot ten years' standing ,
D. W. l.oar.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn , scald , cu
or bfuise. Hucklen's Ainica Salve , the besi
in the world , will kill the pain and promptly
heal it. Cuies old sores , fever sores , ulcers ,
boils , felons , corns , all skin eruptions. Bes
pile cure cm eaith. Only 2fc a box ; cure guar
anteed. Sold by Mcconnell & lierry.
Hunting Not Allowed.
We , the undersigned , do hereby give notice
that no hunting will be allowed on our prem
ises or on land in which we are interested
Signed :
J. S. Modiell , Jnines Robmson ,
J. B. Johnson , G. Hendeison ,
A1. S. Modrell , B. O. Johnson ,
K. W. King , S. Newton ,
S. C. King , E. A. Phalen ,
W. Hickling. W. X. Johnson ,
Eliza Johnson , I. S. Johnson ,
W. E. Sherman , W. V.Johnson ,
N. J. Vinson , M. E. Steltzer ,
F. P. Sherman , James M. Brady ,
George M. Mohler.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county. Al
a county court held at the county court room ,
in and for said county October 23 , A. D. 1899 !
Present , G.S.Bishop , county Judge. In the
matter of the estate of John McNeff , deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of J. II.
O'Neil , praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to him as administrator.
Ordered , that November 13 , A. D. , 1899 , at 10
o'clock a.m. , is assigned for hearing said pe
tition when all persons interested in said mat
ter may appear at a county court to be held m
and for said county , and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be granted ;
and that notice of the pendency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof , be given to all
persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the McCooK
TRinUNR , a weekly newspaper printed in
said county , for three successive weeks prior
to seid day of hearing.
[ SF.AL ] G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be
received at the office of the county clerk of Red
Willow'county , Nebraska , formakinKtho follow
ing srade across the Republican river , south of
Said Krado to be 120 feet in lenjrth. Ninety
feet to have IW-foot base and to be S feet high ,
and 'M feet to bavo : H-foot base and to be 10 feet
Irish ; all to be 16 feet \yide across tbo top and
covered to a depth of six inches with soft rock ;
the sides to be walled with rock 1 foot thick ,
and south end to be walled up with rock wall 2
feet thick.
One-half of the money to bo paid during the
progress of the work. The board reserves the
right to reject any and nil bids.
Bids to be filed with the county clerk of said
county on or before noon of the llth day of Nov
ember , 1S90.
10-27-ts. ! ! R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ox-
i > cuti9n issued by G. C. Boatman , clerk of the
District Court in and for Red Willow county , in
favor of Melissa E. Payne and against J.Everett.
Logue , aud to mo directed , I will at the hour of
10 o'clock , a. in. , on the 8th day of November ,
1890 , at the residence of J. Everett Logue on
section 32 , seven miles touth of McCook , in Val
ley Grange precinct in said county , offer for sale
at public vendue the following goods and chat
tels , towit : One grind stone , one stirring plow ,
ono grasshopper plow , one back-setting plow , :
one lister , one riding cultivator , ono corn planter -
or and check rower , one three-section harrow ,
ono Jackson road wagon , one double harness ,
one 2-year-old filley , ono light-bay mare , one bay :
horse , one bay mare. Taken oil said execution
as the property of J. Everett Logue. Dated this
27th day of October , 1899.
10-27-uts. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff.
By ISAAC M. SMITH , Deputy.
, >
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Neb. , October 20 , 1899.
Hoard of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , lames A. Robin
son , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Holies , com
missioners . K. Starr , county attorney , and
K. A. Green , county clerk , by O. R. Kitten-
house , deputy.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
The following official bond was examined ,
and on motion approved. A. J. Crawmer ,
road overseer , road district No. I.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed , and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund
levy of 1899 in payment thereof , as follows ,
to- wit :
J. Menard , mdse . 19 50
II. E. Waugh , mdse . 8 75
C. A. Gentiy , sharpening plows . I 80
R. W. White , nails , . I oo
Ed. Jordan , boarding prisoners and
jurors . 40 oo
L. S. Phillips , supplies . 14 90
G. S. Bishop , tilings , certif. nomina
tions , etc . 39 10
E. R. Banks , fees , btate Neb. vs. Cul-
bei t.Non . 28 oo
E. R. Buiks , fees , state JS'eb. vs. Ellis 12 75
A. P. Welles , professional services , per
contract . 30 CO
A. F. Moore , defending J. B. McKinzie. 35 oo
II.W .Keyes , defending Herbert Miller 50 oo
Isaac M. Smith , services as court bailiff 20 oo
T. A. Rowland . 13 60
W. P Elmer . 13 oo
J. M. Thomas . 14 80
N. J. Johnson . 1530
J. A.Beyer . 10 oo
R.J.Predmore . 14 10
S. L. Green . 14 10
Platte Kinne . 13 oo
W. P. Burns . II oo
Martin Anderson . 1 1 40
U.J. Warren . 12 10
Robert Johnson . 4 60
Henry Powell . 34 °
John Long . 145 °
Charles Masters . 15 10
E.S.Ilill . II 40
P. J. llickman . 14 90
Thomas Rowell . 14 10
Charles Boatman . 14 60
A. Hammond . 13 40
Henry Walker . 14 10
Geo. S. Yarnal . 13 60
John Wesch . ' . . 1380
J. W. Bates . 10 10
J. C. Predmore . 12 10
S. C. King . 10 10
W. A. Holbrook . S 2 oo
John N. Smith . 2 00
I. J Reynolds . 2 oo
Win. Divine . 200
Bert Coulter . , . 4 oo
W. C. Bulger . 4 oo
Benjamin Tate . 4 oo
M. II. Meyer . 2 oo
W. G. Sheppard . 2 00
G. C. Boatman , C. D. C . . . $12 03
G. S. Bishop . 9 40
J. R. Neel . 95
I. M. Smith . 6 oo
W. F. Miller , witness . 6 20
Mary J. Miller , witness . 620
Wm. F. Eifertyitness . 4 20
Geo. Kelley , witness . 620
Amy Parker , witness . 6 20
H. W. Parker , witness . 6 20
Ray Markham , witness . 6 20
G. C. Boatman , C. D. C . $18 23
H. I' . Hodgkins . 10 90
J. R. Neel . 8 95
Anton Dietsch , witness . 6 20
G. B. Wheeler , witness . 6 20
Milan Beeson , witness . 6 20
J.B.Haining , witness . 6 20
Mrs. S.G. Wymore _ , witness- . . 6 20
J.E.Hathorn , witness . 6 20
Floyd Walsworth , witness . 6 20
Mrs. J. B. McKinzie , witness . 620
G.C.Boatman.C.D.C . $13 18
J.R.Neel . 10 75
J.R.Neel . : . . . . : . . . . 830
G.S. Bishop . 6 15
w.II..Hartman , witness . 5 4 °
W.H.lIartman , witness . 230
Abe Meyers , witness . 5 ° °
Abe Meyers , witness . 220
George Cooper , witness . 5 20
George Cooper , witness . 2 so
J. H. wade , witness . 4 So
J. H. wade , witness . I 80
R. M. Wade , witness . 4 SeR
R . M. wade , witness . I So
Chas. Parsons , witness . 4 10
Ivan Pickrell , witness . 5 00
Ivan Pickrell , witness . I oo
A.G.F'ischner , witness . 4 oo
A. G.Fischner , witness . I 10
T.C.Kelly , witness . 5 5 °
wm. Spencer , witness . 2 oo
Thomas Spencer witness . 2 oo
G. C. Boatman , C.D.C . $40'
G. S. Bishop . 825
G.C.Boatman.C.D.C. * . S 2 83
G.S. Bishop . 6 10
G.C. Boatman . S 4
J.M. Smith . 300
G.C.Boatman.C.D.C . $ 4 98
G.S. Bishop . 1395
G.C.Boatman.C.D.C . $ 2 93
G.S. Bishop . 6 20
Ed Jordan . 2 oo
John G. Hall , witness . too
John Stolken. witness . i oo
G.C.Boatman.C.D.C . S 7 13
G.S. Bishop . 6 05
J. R. Neel . 95
I .M. Smith . 50
G.C.Boatman.C.D.C . $ 4 33
G.S. Bishop . 8 07
J.R.Neel . 95
G.C. Boatman . 4 oS
G.S. Bishop . 8 07
J.R.Neel .
G.C. Boatman . 6 08
G. S. Bishop . 6 08
I . M . Smith . i ? o
J.R.Neel . 95
Henry Crabtree . 17 50
Stephen Belles . 15 80
Jas. A. Robinson . 22 95
And on county road fund , levy of
1899 , as follows , to-wit :
Daniel Lehn , grading . S 5 oo
Nick Uhren , grading . 5 oo
Finley Scarrow , road tax refunded _ 49
John Leibbrandt , road tax refunded. . 2 05
on county bridge fund levy of
1899 , as follows , tq-wit :
Geo. Younger , bridge work . 300
Chas. Monday , bridge work . 2 50
E. A. Ruby , bridge work . 6 50
S.C.Boyer.bridge work . 375
On motion board adjourned to meet No
vember n , 1899.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
How to Prevent Croup.
We have two children who are subject to
attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is
oming on my wife gives them Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and it always prevents the
attack. It is a household necessity in this
ounty and no matter what else we run out of ,
it would not do to be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than
jf all other cough medicines combined. J. M.
Nickle , of Nickle Bros. , merchants , Nickle-
rille , Pa. For sale by McConnell & Berry. .
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer-
rs have proved their matchless merit for
ick and nervous headaches. They irtake
jure blood and strong nerves and build up
four health. Easy to take. Try them. Only
55 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by
SlcConnell & Berry.
"God , Home , nml Native Land. "
* *
I apologize for not having a represen
tation in our column , last week , but the
"grippe" having taken possession of the
body , the mind was incapable of doing
its duty. Bin since the election of of
ficers I am still to resume the work. I
hope to receive aid from my co-workers
in making this one feature of our union
a success.
* *
The last business meeting which was
devoted to the election of offirers , was
not a difficult task , as all the old officers
were re-elected. This Mirely indicates
entire sati-furtion on part of the officers
in discharging their duties
* *
The following temperance resolution
was adopted at the session of Ihe Meth
odist conference at Los Angeles : "We
will vote f > r no man who will not pledge
himself not to repeal the present local
option laws upon our statute books "
* #
Other resolutions declare the army
canteen to he an unmitigated curse and
that the dilatory methods of the admin
istration with the canteen question are
worthy only of the united condemnation
of the millions of Christian people who
have called for its suppression.
* *
It has been decided by the adminis
tration to expel all white men and others
who sell liquor to the Pillager and Chippewa -
pewa Indians from the reservation at
Bear Island. Leech Lake , Minn. An
investigation shows that whiskey was at
the bottom of the trouble which occurred
between the Indians and whites , last
October , when Major Wilkinson and six
soldiers were killed. All saloons have
been ordered removed , and if any one
is found selling liquor to the Indians ,
he will be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law.
* *
The degenerating influence of dime
novels and cigarette smoking are as
signed by police officials as the cause of
one of the most dastardly atid cold
blooded murders ever committed in
Chicago. In his signed confession one
of the murderers says : "Ever since I
was able to read I have read dim
novels. I have read every number o
"Old Sleuth" series and the Jesse Jame
and his gang did their best work in an
about our county , " etc. May the ap
peal reach all our good , moral news deal
ers to stop the purchasing and placing
before the young minds all debasing
literature such as dime novels and thei
High winds prevailed , first of the week.
A. Hornkohl is selling off his crop and wil
soon start for Washington , to make his future
home in that state.
E. T. Woods has secured J. Simonson's en
gine and a grinder from the old Decatur mill
and intends to do some grinding in the future ,
A number of Lebanon Christian Endeav <
orers paid a visit to the workers of this _ place ,
Sunday evening , and a profitable evening wa
W. Van Nortwick's new house , in course o
building , burned down , last Sunday night
The cause of the fire is not yet known and
Credit is due Rev. Mayfield of this place fo
his talk to the young men and boys , Sundaj
evening. The chinch was well filled with
young people , who listened with much in
Joe Dolph and John Leisure drove in , las
Friday night , with 117 head of last spring'
calves , which they raised out near Newton.
Colorado , this summer. They drove them in
from Colorado , the bunch arriving in fine con
On Wednesday evening , as was announced
Hon. Judge Tucker of Humboldt delivered
fine address on Republican principles to a
crowd of goodly proportions at this place. H
is an able and eloquent speaker _ , and won
much applause by the points made in his
comparison of the two parties since their or
ganization. It was one of the best addresse
the people of Danbury have heard for some
time , and will undoubtedly clear the minds o"
those who have been in doubt for the lasi
year or so. Nominees Kinghorn , Cordeal and
Clark were also here making friends among
the people and are receiving much encour
agement from those they meet. The band
provided plenty of music for the evening , and
a general good time was had.
A quiet little Populist rally was held here ,
last Saturday afternoon , by a few of the party
who are still holding on. The announcement
had not been very well circulated , for some
reason , and consequently it was a very quiet
one. It seems that no one here would take
hold of this important event and "pull it off
in good shape , so Deputy Sheriff Smith took
charge of affairs and arranged for the speak
ing by securing the town hall , introducing the
speakers , and performing such other duties
as came properly before the meeting. When
the speaker of the day , John T. McClure of
Beaver City , arrived at the depot , he failed to
find any of his political friends waiting to escort
cert him to a boarding place , and he therefore
asked , "Is there any Populist in this town ? "
A party who overheard the remark replied
that "There used to be a few here , but they
are scarce nowadays. " On coming up the
street he found a few of the aspiring county
candidates , and they began to make arrange
ments for the day. The band was aroused
fsom its slumber and caused to play a few
tunes on the street to make known to the people
ple that something was going to happen , after
which they marched to the hall , headed by
our gallant deputy sheriff. Mr. Yocum made
the first talk , which consisted principally of
jokes having no bearing on what they were
here for. John T. McClure followed , dishing
up some statistics intended to show where all
the marvelous McKinley prosperity we have
been enjoying for the past few years is going.
Ike Sheridan made the closing speech , calling
for a full vote and as good a showing as pos
sible at the coming election ; after which they
sang the doxology and all departed except
Ihose who had already disappeared. In sum
ming the whole thing up it would be hard to
say if any increase in the Populist strength
tvas made , but it is the general opinion that
lone was.
Spain's Greatest Need.
R. P. Oliva of Barcelona , Spain , spends his
.vinters at Aiken. S. C. Weak nerves had
aused severe pains in the back of his head.
3n using Electric Bitters , America's greatest
jlood and nerve remedy , all pain soon left
lim. He says this grand medicine is what
lis country needs. All America knows that
t cures liver and kidney trouble , purifies the
jlood , tones up the stomach , strengthens the
icrves , puts vim.vigor and new life into every
nuscle , nerve and organ of the body. If
veak , tired or ailing , you need it. Every bot-
le guaranteed , only 500. Mcconnell & Berry- .
f I
- < <
fcrrfNs I l sti Sfe\
J\ \
He sells cheap soap ; the sale , once made ,
Brings larger profits for to-day.
The soap , when used , offends his trade ,
Which deals , henceforth , "across the way"
Both purchaser and seller lose ;
But Ivory Soap makes steadfast friends ;
'Tis best to sell , and best to use ,
And brings best profits in the end.
A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps , each represented to be " just as Rood
as the ' Ivory' ; " they ARE NOT. but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting it.
Dry and dusty.
John Hurtlcss finished putting in wheat
Wednesday of this week.
Enoch Hoover left Tuesday night for his
old home in Wisconsin where he will spend
the winter.
Frank Fitch visited the Epworth League
of McCook Sunday night , and reports the so
ciety doing well.
The prize given by Cochran & Coleman for
the best stalks of cotton raised in Red Wil
low county was taken by Geneva Fitch , who
has proven beyond a doubt that it is possible
to raise cotton in tiiis state. The pri/e con
sisted of a fine set of silver knives ami forks.
The hearts of the people of South Side go
in sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Button in their
late bereavement. The saying , "Death loves a
shining mark , " is surely true in this case , for
little Acil was both bright and beautiful.
Mr. and Mrs. Dutton have many friends in
this vicinity and there was a large turn out at
the funeral.
We noticed some very interesting news in
the Sunday Morning Call of Pittsfield , Mass.
As the Call says , in a special correspondence
from South Lee , Mass. , "A quiet but very
pretty wedding was solemnized at the home
of Mrs. William Breed in this village on Wed
nesday evening October nth. at 7 o'clock ,
the contracting parties being her daughter ,
Miss Amy Jane Breed and Mr. Archie Nettle-
ton of Waterbury , Conn " Archie Nettle-
ton , formerly of South Side , has many friends
and acquaintances in Red Willow county. At
present he holds a very responsible position
in Waterbury , Conn.
While driving in a cart , Sunday evening ,
May Mangland , Julia IJaker and little Ellen j.
had the misfortune to be thrown out. AH '
were badly shaken up but able to be at school ,
next day.
Benj.Haker and wifewho were visiting their
daughter , Mrs. Nesbit , in Frontier county , re
turned home , Monday of this week. By the
way , that was not a pleasant day to go any
where or return either.
Clark Boatman was electioneering in the
neighborhood , first of the \yeek. If we had
not burned the pies while discussing the po
litical situation with him. in place of our
absent prop and mainstay , his election would
have been assured. Owing to burnt pies , we
shall now exert our mighty inflnencc for the
G. O. P. Do you hear , Clai'k ?
Julia Sly commenced teaching in district
30 last Monday.
Many of our farmers are waiting until it
shall rain before sowing small grain. -
Fannie Meyer is somewhat better at this
writing. Four more of the family are sick.
Enoch Hoover is around bidding his friends
good-bye before leaving for his home in Wis
Roy Jacobs has secured the Anderson
school for this school year. lie comes well
Mrs. Harrison and family and the Haux-
wells from the Willow were guests of the Sly
family over Sunday.
Grandfather Wade and wife are visiting
their daughter at Danbury. They have a.
daughter from Chicago who is visiting them.
- f-
- -
I ?
Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000
-JRr * fjr & * ittafftr Wgrfjr tf&r l&r tfirrflj - JV ilt
. .J . , J. , .
' * ' > ' i > < i > < l' > > v > v WNA > < A > w
J Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $6O,000 u
GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros.
fF. . LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.