The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 27, 1899, Image 2

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P. M. KIMMEM , , Publisher.
The export of nitrate from Chili this
fear will exceed 30,000,000 quintals.
The Now Orleans board of health re
ports no new cases 01 yeilow fever and
no deaths.
The First Montana volunteer regi
ment was mustered out of the service
on the 18th amid great enthusiasm.
A New York petition in bankruptcy
has been filed by Ida L. ana May E.
Jenkins. Liabilities , $312,519 ; no as
sets. ,
Yauno , Fumlo , Japanese minister to
China , has been recalled. He will be
succeeded by Mr. Nishil , former Japan
ese minister to Russia.
Owing to the discovery of another
suspicious case of yellow fever at Mi
ami , Fla. , State Health Officer Porte ?
has placed that town under quaran
Dr. Charles Tanner , national mem
ber of parliament of Cork , was abusing"
the queen and the iiritish soldiers
whereupon a soldier knocked him
Emperor William has Issued a de
cree directing that all regimental com
manders shall strongly revive the cab
inet order of six years ago forbidding
gambling "in the army.
At Springfield , 111. , a conference ot
the "Mining Engineers' union and coal
operators of the state will be held
to consider the demands of engi
neers for an eight-hour working day.
Dr. Klapper editor of the Deutsch-
Aggrar Correspondenz , Berlin , has
been sentenced to imprisonment foi *
six months on a charge of lese ma-
jestee for criticising kmperor William.
The 18th was the last day for the
British reserves to join the colors , and
the latest reports from the principal
centers show that practically all of
the reserves have presented- them
The Illinois supreme court in the
case of the Wilmington & Vermillion
Coal company against the people , has
upheld the validity of the mine inspec
tion law passed at the last general
general assembly.
Governor Stephens has appointed
Charles S. Nelson , formerly of Kansas'
City , but now a citizen of Musqulz , state
of Coahulia , republic of Mexico , com
missioner of deeds for the state of
Missouri in that country.
An agreement has been reached be
tween the counsel on both sides lor the
postponement of the hearing in the
controversy between the state of Lou
isiana and Texas over the yellow fever
quarantine until Oct. 24.
A petition , in bankruptcy has been
filed by Alfred R. Sax , a New York
salesman , with liabilities of 3487,510
on notes made jointly by the petitioner
with Max ana Julius Sax and Adolph
Blatz , in Nashville , Tenn. , in 1891.
No assets.
Count Hohenan , commander of the
Garden du Sorps , Germany , will go to
Spain on November 2 to present to
King Alfonso the decoration of the
Order of the Black Eagle , which has
been conferred upon the Ger
man emperor.
The Kansas City , Pittsburg & Gulf
announced that , effective October 20 , it
will cut the rate on packing house
products to Galveston , Beaumont and
Houston , Tex. , 13 cents per hundred
pounds. The present tate is 55 cents.
A steamer from Spain arrived at
Havana with four ex-guerillas on
board. The boatmen and lightermen
who put off to the ship threatened to
lynch the men who , however , were
conducted ashore under a police es
A rear end collision occurred on the
Union Pacific at Granite canyon , twen
ty miles west of Cneyenne , in which
two men were killed and three others
injured. The dead are : Thomas J.
Parker , Salt Lake City ; Harry G. Pur
ple , Norwood , Kas.
The long peding question regarding
the payment of the 2,700 tons of coal
purchased at St. Thomas for the United
States government during the war by
United States Consul Van Home , has
been settled , the United States govern
ment paying approximately § 33,000.
At the national conference of Uni
tarian and other liberal churches in
Chicago , United States Senator Hoar
of Massachusetts , president of the con
ference , delivered his annual address
and took occasion to reiterate his
views on the question of expansion.
The last big shipment of gold from a
the Klondike by way of the Upper Yukon
ken and Lynn canal came on the 18th
on the steamer Ririgo. There waS
over ? 1,000,000 worth of actual treas
ure. The vessels now at Michaels or"
at * en route will bring , it is estimated ,
about $1,500,000 , principally Cape
North dust. ;
Among the souvenirs being preparea *
for the Twentieth Kansas volunteers
upon their arrival home is a letter
from the Kansas G. A. R. department
containing greetings from the soldiers
of the civil war to those of the Span
ish-American war. Department Com
mander Coulter has had Captain Jos
eph Walters prepare it , and the captain
has "spread himself. " The G. A. R.
department also proposes to have
enough medals made out of a captured
cannon to supply each volunteer with
one , but the cannon has not yet ar
rived and it will be several weeks be
fore the medals can be made.
The St. Paul , Minn. , iron molders
have struck , and the strikers claim
there is no molder working in the"
city.The steamer Gaelic , from the orient ,
brought 3,000 bales of silk , valued at
$2,000,000 , and $337,000 in specie to San
Francisco. .
Yauno Fumio , Japanese minister to
China , has been recalled. He will be
succeeded by Mr. Nisnii , former Japan
ese minister to Russia.
The Exchange Telegraph company at
London publishes a dispatch from
Paris saying that Emil Arton of Panama -
ama canal notoriety , has been pard <
The Stronghold of English Porces in
South Africa Assailed.
Ocn. Kock of Krnjjcr's Army llcs of
Wounds Itoors Turn on Pursuers
Firing In Progress at .Lust Accounts ,
With Indications That Thcro lias Uecii
U Heavy Engagement.
GLENCOE CAMP. Natal , Oct. 23.
Heavy firing is now in progress to the
northwest of this camo.
CAPETOWN , Oct. 23. It is reported
here from Glencoe that the Boer forces
under Commandant General Joubert
has atacked or is about to attack the
British entrenched position at Glen-
LONDON. Oct. 23. The war office
this afternoon publishes the following
dispatch to the secretary of state for
war , the Marquis of Lansdowne , from
the general commanding in Natal , Gen
eral Sir George Stewart White , regard
ing the engagement yesterday at
Elandslaagte , between Glencoe and
Ladysmith. when the British under
General French routed the Transvaal
forces under General James H. M.
Kock , second in command in the Trans
vaal army , who was himself wound
ed and captured , and has since died.
"White , commander in Natal , to the
secretary of state for war. Filed Lady-
smith , October 22 , 10:30 : a , m. : In the
action at Elandslaagte yesterday the
troops engaged were the following :
Cavalry , Fifth Lancers , a sauadron of
the Fifth Dragoon Guards , the Imoe-
rial Light Horse and two squadrons of
Natal Carbineers ; artillery , Twenty-
first field artillery. Forty-second field
battery and the Natal field batterv ;
infantry , the Devonshire regiment , half
a battalion of the Gordon Highlanders
and the Manchester regiment. The
whole force was under General French ,
with Colonel Ian Hamilton command
ing the infantry.
"I was present in person from 3:20
p. m. to 6:30 : p. m. , but did not assume
direction of the fight , which was let
in the h'ands of General French. Al
though desultory fighting took ulac3
earlier in the day , while reinforce
ments , sent out later , on ascertaining
the enemy's strength , were arrived
from Ladysmith. the real action did
not begin until 3:30 p. m. At that hour
the Boers held a position of very ex
ceptional strength , consisting of a rock
hill about a mile and a half southeast
of Klandslaagte station.
"At 3:30 p. m. our guns took a posi
tion on a ridge 4,100 yards from the
Boers , whose guns at once opened fire.
This fire was generally well directed ,
but somewhat high. This time , con
trary to previous experiences , their
shells burst well.
"The Imperial light horse moved to
ward the left of the enemy's position
and two squadrons of the Fifth lancers
toward his right. During the artillery
duel mounted Boers pushed out from
their left and engaged the imnerial
light horse. In a few minutes the en
emy's guns ceased firing and our ar
tillery was turned on the mounted
Boers , who opposed the imperial light
horse. The latter at once fell bjck.
After the artillery preparations our in
fantry advanced to the attack , sup
ported our guns in the second posi
tion. The Devonshires held the en
emy in front while the Manchester reg
iment and the Gordon Highlanders
turned his left flank.
"The Boer guns , although often tem
porarily silenced , invariably opened
fire again on the slightest opportunity
and were served with great courage.
After severe fighting our infantry car
ried the position. At 6:30 p. m. this
was accomplished , the enemy standing
his ground to the last with courage
and tenacity. The Fifth lancers and
a squadron of the Fifth dragoons
charged three times through the re
treating Boers in the dark , doing con
siderable execution. We captured the
Boer camp with tents , wagons horses
and also two guns. The Boar losses
were very considerable , including a
number of wounded and unwounded
prisoners. Among the former are Gen
eral Jan Kock and Piet Joubert ,
nephew of Commandant General Jou
bert. One goods trains , with supplies
for Glencoe camp , and nine English
prisoners were recovered.
"Our loss , I regret to say , was heavy.
It is roughly computed at 150 killed
and wounded.
"The collection of the wounded over
large area in the dark and the ar
rangements for sending them in have
thus far occupied our time and atten
tion. A full list will go to you later.
"Our wounded and those of the en
emy are now arriving by trains. Be
sides Boers we have many Hollanders ,
Germans and prisoners of mixed na-
ionalities. The behavior of our troops
and of the colonial forces was admir
able. "
Xlno rerish in a
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 23. A special
to the Times from Great Falls , Mont ,
says : Nine men perished in the recent
blizzard. Five bodies have been re
covered , and it is probable this is not
half the list. The last body found
was that of II. Herald , a sheep herder
The sheep had eaten off his beard ,
clothing and part of his boots' . Sev
eral bands of sheep without herders
have been wandering in that country
and point to unknown deaths.
Mystery nt Des Moincs.
DES MOINES , la. , Oct.23. The body
of a young lady was found in the Des
Moines river this evening , and identi
fied'as that of Mabel Schofield of
Macksbtirg. la. She was 21 years old ,
and came here a few days ago to visit
at the home of J. W. Thomas. She
was missed today , but no anxiety was
felt. The coroner and physicians de
clare she was not drowned , as there
Is no discoloration or swelling. There
were no marks of violence , however ,
and no poison could be detected. The
latter is a complete mystery.
Transport Hearing Iowa Troops Itenchefl
Port on Schedule 'lime.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 23. The
Fifty-first regiment of Iowa volun
teers , numbering 764 men and forty-
six officers , under command of Colonel
J. C. Leper , arrived here from Manila
on the transport Senator.
There was no sickness aboard. The
only death reported is that of Edward
Kissick , company F , of Oskaloosa , la. ,
who died at Nagasaki of dysentary.
The only incident of the voyage was
an accident that happened to Edwin
Statler , company M , and Homer A.
Read , company A , three days out from
Nagasaki. They were injured by the
breaking of an after sail which fell
on them. Statler's leg was broken
and Read sustained a fracture of the
skull. Both men are doing well.
Adjutant General Bycrs of Iowa ,
representing Governor Shaw , and 300
citizens of Iowa , men the Senator at
the Golden Gate in a number of tugs.
They received a royal reception from
the volunteers.
The regiment will be taken off the
transport today.
The Senator was caught in the tail
of the typhoon encountered by the
steamer Empress of India. She was
tossed lively for several hours , but
suffered no severe damage. So serious
did the situation seem to the officers
of the steamer at one time , that all
the passengers were ordered below ,
and the hatches were battened down.
Privates Russell and Morgan of
company D were left at Manila on ac
count of illness. They are expected
to follow on the next transport.
Governor Shaw arrived late last
night. It had been decided to dis
embark the troops at 10 a. m. tomor
row. They will march immediately
to the Presidio , where they will re
main until mustered out. This will
be about three weeks from their ar
The Senator hail two mustering offi
cers of the regular army aboard , Cap
tain Gesage of the Sixth infantry , and
Lieutenant J. J. O'Connell of the
Twenty-first infantry.
Passengers were : Mrs. J. C. Leper
per , wife of the Iowa colonel ; Mrs. H.
P. Williams , wife of the regimental
chaplain , and Mrs. J. E. Edamburn of
The body of Private Edward Kis
sick , who died at Nagasaki , was also
on the transport.
Private W. F. Shields of company
I brought home a 12-year-old Filipino
When the transport came to her an
chor in the upper harbor the Iowa
regiment was greeted by the men of
the battleship Iowa with three rousing
cheers- , which were as heartily re
Major Howard Son of Gen. Howard ,
Killed in an Engagement.
OMAHA , Neb. , Oct. 23. The latest
report from the Philippines , although
a private dispatch announces the death
in action of Major Guy Howard , chief
quartermaster of Major General Law-
ton's division. Early Sunday morning
Judge Woolworth , his father-in-law ,
received a cable dispatch from Col
onel Edwards , adjutant general to Gen
eral Lawton , telling of the major's
death , but giving no details or partic
ulars save that he met his end at the
front , facing his fate like the brave
and gallant soldier that he was.
From all that can be learned in re
gard to the situation it is surmised
that the fateful engagement was
fought somewhere in the vicinity of
San Isidro , about thirty-five miles
from Manila , where General Lawton is
now making his headquarters.
Major Howard was the eldest son of
Major General 0. 0. Howard , for some
time commander of the department of
the Missouri. The son resided here
during his father's service at Omaha ,
making many warm personal friends
and marrying Jennie , the daughter of
Judge Woolworth.
Story of Attack Which May Have Caused
Howard's Death.
MANILA , Oct. 23. An American of
ficer was killed and two men wounded
by the Filipinos in an attack on a
launch with General Lawton's expedi
tion in the Rio Chiquita , near San Isi
dro. The rebels fired volleys from the
General Otis has replied to the tnree
insurgent officers who entered Angeles
last Friday with a request made
through General MacArthur for per
mission for a Filipino commission ,
headed by a Filipino major general , to
visit General Otis in order to discuss
peace terms and to arrange for the de
livery of more American prisoners ,
that the desired interview cannot be
granted , because the suggested propo
sitions of the Filipinos are vague , in
definite and unmilitary ana because the
Americans must combine to decline
to receive any report of the so-called
Filipino government.
Upton Will Try It Again.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. Sir Thomas
Lipton spent today on board his steam
yacht Erin. He saw a few visitors , al
though hundreds of small boats
floated around his yacht. The owner
of the unsuccessful cup hunter talked
freely to a reporter and chatted for
more than an hour about his plans for
the future.
"I shall not challenge for the cup
next year , " he said , in reply to a
query. "You see , the time is all too
short to design a boat , build it and
have it turned up to a concert pitch
to race next fall. I shall , however , is
sue a challenge for 1901 , and shall
complete the arrangements for it in a
day or two.
Col. Bryan.
TOLEDO. 0. . Oct. 23. Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Bryan passed thhrough the cily
at an early hour yesterday morning
bound for Harlan , la. where Mr. Bry
an h'as ' an engagement to speak Mon
day. He will go direct from there to
Nebraska , in which state he will make
a fight for the democratic state ticket.
He says the fight in Nebraska will be
an exceptionally warm one and claims
the state for his party by an increasnil
rtany Casualties Ilcportc-d lietweon the
Contending lforces.
LONDON , Oct. 21. A correspon
dent , describing the battle of Glencoe ,
sums up the casualties as follows :
"Our losses are probably 200 killed
and wounded and that of the Boers
thrice as many. "
Another correspondent says :
"A rough estimate places the Brit
ish loss at 250 killed and wounded
and that of the Boers at 800. "
LONDON , Oct. 21. A Glencoe cor
respondent telegraphing yesterday
says :
"A force of 0,000 Boers , led by Com
mandant Genral Joubrt , has been
beaten severely by a force under
General Symons and the enemy at
this moment are in full retreat.
"Nobody in the camp says General
Symons and staff were aware tha * ,
the Boers were going to attack this
morning. It was known , however , that
the enemy werefurther south , and it
was seen that unusual precautions
were being taken to guard against
surprise during the night.
"Just before dawn the Boer artillery
opened fire from the Glencoe hill. The
range was illy judged and the quality
of ammunition bad. In the two
hours and a half firing scarcely a
dozen shells burst in our lines. Our
gunners , on the contrary , put up an
excellent practice which began to
"At 7:30 General Syraons ordered a
general advance of the infantry bri
gade , which he himself accompanied.
The Dublin Fusileer.s were well in
front with the King's Royal Rifles
out on the front and the Leicester
shire regiment on the left. The men
advanced smartly , taking advantage
of every bit of cover tactics in which
they had been exercised for weeks
"The advance was covered by a
terrific fire from our three batteries ,
and several Boer guns were silenced
before the Fusileers began to climb
the hill. By the time the Fusileers
and the Royal Rifles got within 1,000
yards of the crest , the Boer batteries
were completely silenced , our batter
ies having pounded them at 2,500
yards range with crushing effect. The
Boers meantime were keeping up a
heavy rifle fire , which thinned our
ranks considerably.
"By 9 o'clock the Fusileers and
Royal Rifles had swarmed over the
hill and the Boers were on the run.
Meantime the Eighteenth Hussars
and the Leicestershire regiment had
moved north and east , thus practically
cutting off the Boer main line of re
treat , and the enemy , caught between
two fires , lost heavily. At this mo
ment fighting is still going on , but
the defeat of the enemy is already
complete and crushing and it looks
as though few would escape.
Columbia Easily Vanquishes English
Challenger in Final Race.
NEW YORK , Oct. 21. Through wild
md hoary s . ' : s , in a breeze that approached
preached the dignity of a gale , the gal
lant sloop Columbia today vanquished
the British challenger , Shamrock , by
six minutes and eighteen seconds ac
tual time , and six minutes and thirty-
four seconds corrected time , thus com
pleting the series for the America's
cup with a magnificent rough weather
duel and a glorious Yankee victory.
For the eleventh time the attempt of
a foreigner to wrest from America the
yachting supremacy of the world has
failed. The trophy won by the old
schooner America forty-eight years
ago. is still ours , a monument to th3
superiority of American s&a'manship
and American naval architecture , and
a standing challenge to the world. Th"
intrinsic value of the reward for which
thousands of dollars were expended co
secure , is small simply an antiquated
piece of silverware which Queen Vic
toria offered to the best sailing shin
in the world in the early days of her
reign , but around it cluster the nreci-
ous memories of unbroken American
triumph and the mastery of the
noblest of sports. .
Nebraska Man Honored.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 21 A court of
; he Knights Commanders was organ
ized at today's session of the supreme
council of the Scottish Rite Masons of
the southern jurisdiction. Four o ?
the twelve vacancies on the list of ac
tive members of the council were filled
by the election of the following as
sovereign grand inspectors general :
Dr. John W. Morris , West Virginia ;
E. T. Taubmin , South Dakota ; Harper
S. Cunningham , Oklahoma , and Gus-
tave Anderson , Nebraska.
Stockmen Meet at St. Paul.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 21. The ,
tenth annual convcntic\i \ of the Na
tional Live Stock exchange began a
two days' session in this city today.
During the morning an executive ses
sion of the officials was held , the for
mal open sessions of the convention
not beginning until aiternoon. In
dianapolis , Milwaukee and St. Joseph
are after the next convention , having
delegations here at work to secure it
Kansas Telegraph Iaw Void.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 21. The
Postal Telegraph company received
word today from Seneca , Kas. , that
Judge Stewart of the Nemaha county
district court had declared void the
Kansas law which permitted a charge
of only 15 cents for a ten-word mes
sage between Kansas points. The
case was a test one and this is the
first decision on the law , which was
passed by the last legislature.
Gen. Harrison in London.
LONDON , Oct. 21. General Ben
jamin Harrison and Mrs. Harrison arrived - J
rived in London today. General Harj j
risen has accented the invitation to (
banquet him at the London Chamber <
of Commerce October 25.
Former Iowa Governor III. J
WASHINGTON , Oct. 21. B. R. Sher
man , former governor of Iowa , now
in this city , was seized with an attack
of vertigo while on the street toniph- .
He was removed to his hotel and ia
now said to be out of danger.
Large Numbers Eeported Slain by Mine
Fifteen Hundred Dead as the Result of
an Attack on Klcrkndorp Wounded
Are Tnlceii to Johannesburg Urltish
In Camp Near Ia < Iysmlth uru Expect-
lug Jtiittlo ut Any Moment.
LONDON , Oct. 20. ( New York
special from Pietermaritzburg says :
"The Basuta natives arefighting witn
the Boers. It is reported that sixteen
Boers have been killed. The cavalry
is still bivouacked out and slight skir
mishes are frequent. "
The Daily Mail's correspondent at
Capetown , Thursday , says : "A refu
gee who reached Graharastown today
from the Rand states a train arrived
at Johannsburg Monday evening from
Klerksdorp containing at least 300
wounded burghers. "
The Daily News' Capetown corre
spondent , in the course of a somewhat
similar account , says : "The Boers
were drawn over Lyddite mines ,
which were laid for the defense of the
town , and the killed numbered 1,500.
Every conveyance was requisitioned
to take the wounded men to the hospi
tal. "
Yesterday was one of the most ex
citing days known at the war office
since the crowd gathered there t
learn the fate of the expedition to
Gordon's relief.
The news that the Fifth Lancier
had been engaged brought many la
dies and other friends of the regiment
to inquire for news.
The gravest intelligence today
seems to be the report of the capture
of a train with officers at Elandslaa-
gate , for it is understood that the
whole line was patrolled.
No reporters are allowed at the
front , and it is impossible to gain in
formation , and it is learned that Gen
eral Sir Stewart White has been mak
ing extensive movements in that di
rection , and developments are hourh
The news that Commandant Jou-
bert's northern column , with twelve
nuns , is now at Dannhauser , is start
ling. Although the Boers have shown
considerable activity in Natal ,
there is nothing to indicate that they
are yet prepared for a serious combin
ed attack , and the general belief
here is that unless something unex
pected happens General Sir George
Stewart White will remain on the de
Mafeking news is still confined to a
repetition of the stories that Colonel
Baden-Powell mowed down 300 Boers
with his Maxims.
Oiuahans and Wiiinebagoes Soon to Ile-
ceive Sung Sum.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 20. Commis
sioner Jones of the Indian office today
issued an order making payable to the
Omaha and Winnebago Indians in
Thurston county , Nebraska , the semi
annual interest on tribal lands , an
nuities and leases. While the interest
is not payable until spring Commis
sioner Jones has made an exception
to the policy of the department in or
dering this payment , largely upon
recommendations of Senator Thurston
and Secretary Meiklejohn , who have
represented Agent Matthewson. Agent.
Matthewson , according to the state
ment made to the commissioner ha ?
increased the revenues of both tribes
from rentals over what they had re
ceived in previous years more than
50 per cent and he wants the Indian'
to have a portion of what is their duo
at this time rather than defer pay
ment until spring. The Omahas will
receive in all probability a § 15 per
capita payment , the balance to be paid
next May. One payment only will be
made to the Winnebagoes , but it will
reach about 520 per capita , the in
crease of rentals on grass lands this
Ml * " b.'iastns about a higher per
capita than last year.
Secretary of War Instructs that They He
Sent Tree.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 20. The secr-
tary of war has instructed the quarter
master general to forward from San
Francisco any Christmas boxes which
may be delivered there prior to No
vember 20 for officers and soldiers in
the Philippines.
Such boxes should be consigned to
Major 0. F. Long , general superintend
ent army transport service , San Fran
cisco , Gal.
Also to forward from New \ork any
Christmas boxes for officers and sol
diers in the Philippines which may be
delivered there prior to November 1 ,
such boxes to be consigned to Major
F. B. Jones , general superintendent
army transport service , Pier T2. Co
lumbia Stores , Brooklyn , N. Y.
Cases Prove to He Plague.
WASHINGTON , D. C. . Oct. 20. Sur
geon General Wyman today received
a cablegram fgrom Inspector Woodbury -
bury , dated at Rio Janeiro , Brazil , say
ing that the plague had made its ap
pearance at Santos , Brazil. He sai-1
that there had been nix cases and two
deaths , and that autopsy in the fatal
cases confirmed the diagnosis. He
also said that isolation was possible. .
Miss Gould Guest of Town.
WICHITA , Kan. , Oct. 20. Mis *
Helen Gould. Frank Gould , Vice President 0
ident C. G. Warner of the Missouri Pa d
cific railroad. General Manager Dod- :
dridge , Dr. Munn. director * and Mrs. t
; (
McCracken , wife of the president of the „
University of the City of New York , ir
arrived here today on a special ti in
over the Missouri Pacific railroad tc
attend the street fair.
Miss Gould was given a reception at
the train , and is the guest of the town. w
Governor Stanley is her escort. Miss g <
Gould sa3's that Kansas people Ci :
her too well. {
Plo Ucl I'llur Auks Oil * tor Aalt Million
MANILA , Oct. 19. General Otis has
received messages purporting to come
from the insurgent general , Pie del
Pilar offering to sell out his army anil
to deliver Aguinaldo into the nands
of the Americana. Although he is not
satisfied that this offer is authentic ,
it is not intrinsically Improbable. The
policy of General Otis is llrraly set
against buying any surrenders.
Pie Del Pllar offers for the sum of
$50,000 to refrain from attacking Ma
nila with his army ; for the sum of
$250,000 to surrender his army aftsr
a sham battle , both sides firing into
the air. and for the sum of $500.000
he says he will procure the overthrow
of the insurrection and the capture of
Aguinaldo , Paterno and the other lead
ers. In the course of the communica
tion he refers to Aguinaldo in contemp
tuous terms , indicating that stralne'-l
relations exist between them.
Reports are being received from the
districts occupied by the enemy that
Filipinos believe that Pie Del Pllar has
an audacious plan to break through the
American lines into Manila and seize
General Otis and the archbishop.
It is needless to say that the Ameri
cans would welcome an attack of that
sort. There has been much specula
tion regarding the whereabouts of Plo
Del Pilar. The recent attack at La
Loma is credited to his men. It is be
lieved that he is now in the viciniity
of San Mateo valley , with a force of
from 1,800 to 3,000 men.
Ills Family Enter Into n riot and Jtnb
MARYVILLE , Mo. , Oct. 19. A new
kind of buncoe game was worked near
Hopkins last night. Three "days ago
Thomas Cox and Mark Carmichael of
fered to bet Calvin Cox , an old and
wealthy farmer , that he did not have
the nerve to take $1,000 from the bank
and keep it in his house all night. The
young men are respectively the son
and son-in-law of Cox. The latter , to
snow his courage , took the wager and
went to get the money. The bank al
lowed him to take only $700 , but with
this in his pocket and a large revolver
in his belt he returned homo.
This morning when he awakened the
first discovery he made was that the
entire $700 was gone and further In
vestigation revealed the fact that his
whole family , including his wife , were
missing. The officers were notified and
set out in pursuit , but when last heard
of the fugitives had crossed the Mis
souri river into Nebraska and were
forty miles ahead of their pursuers.
To Urge Itcmoval of Otis.
VANCOUVER , B. C. , Oct. 19. Prof.
D. C. .Worcester and Colonel Denby ,
Philippine commissioners , arrived here
today on the Empress of Japan and left
this afternoon for Washington , where
they will make their report to the pres
ident. Until the report is made public
neither gentleman will make a state
ment for publication.
Among the passengers was Mr. Let-
more , proprietor of tne Manila Ameri
can. His mission is to urge the re
moval of General Otis and the promo
tion of General Lawton. Letmore says
Lawton is frequently denied the fruits
of victory by the hesitation of General
Philippines Are Kouted.
MANILA , Oct. 19. Batson's Maca-
bebe scouts encountered the enemy at
San Mateo , near Arayat , at dawn to
day and attacked them on the front
and Hank , driving them out of the
trenches and dispersing them completc-
Several Filipinos , including a captain
and a lieutenant , were killed. A quan
tity of arms was captured. The Maca-
belie scouts had but one man killed.
I.fiw Katrs for Conicntion.
DENVER , Col. , Oct. 19. The com
mittee having in charge railway trans
portation for the third annual conven
tion of the National Live Stock associa
tion , which meets at Fort Worth next
January , has been notified by the pas
senger associations that one fare for
the round trip rate will be given on
this occasion. This concession covers
all points in the Southwestern Passen
ger association , including Memphis , Sr.
Louis and Kansas City and all terri
tory west of the Missouri river to Den
Kaiser Will Visit Kngiand.
LCNDON , Oct. 19. The" Daily News
this morning , referring editorially to
the coming visit of the German em
peror , says : There is no reason why he
should not meet with a hearty recep
tion. The emperor's neutrality and
pacific counsel to the Boars have atoned
for his famous Kruger telegram. It
is quite clear that some negotiations
of which Samoa is the turning point
are in active progress , and the under
standing will probably extend far be
yond the Sainoan question.
Hattlc With iundit. .
NOGALES , A. T. , Oct. 19. Depury
Sheriff Fiewelling and posse returned
today from Harsnaw , where they went
yesterday after their encounter with
bandits in the Patagonia mountains.
Fhe posse struck the camp of the ban-
lits in Box canon. It was just at sun
rise. On command of the sheriff to
surrender the bandits , who were sit
ting around a camptire , sprang for
.heir Winchesters and opened fire.
Montana Troops Start for Home.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 19. The
First Montana infantry left this city
for their homes tonight on a special
Otis Reports Movements'
WASHINGTON , Oct. 19. General
3tis made the following report under
late ; of October IS : Lawton , with care-
ully selected column , reached Cable ,
en . miles south of San Isidro , this
norning. Thirty days' supplies , and
aore at Calumpit to be forwarded
fhird and. Fourth cavalry with him"
mder Young. Bell , Thirty-sixth in-
antry , scouting northwest of Santarita
vith part of regiment , struck Insur
ants , killing and wounding several
apturing thirteen prisoners and fif *
een rifles. '