The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 06, 1899, Image 7
Brewers arc Interested in the claim that liquid air may bo used instead o ice -in the manufacture of beer and that one gallon of it , costing 1'cent will do the work of eighty-live pounds of ice. Consumers of the beverage arc concerned lest with such a process Uie froth will be greater than ever "The boys who fought at home , ' being members of the Firat Pennsyl vania reserved , who were engaged on Little Roundtop during the battle of July , 3863 , held a reunion at Gettys burg on Monday , September 11. 'Ihe homes of many of these soldiers were in plain view from the spot where they fought. Dcnfnnig Csumot Bo Cured by local applications , as they cannot reach the ' 5 ii' cllseit'cU portion of the ear. Thcro is only ono ' way to cure deafness , and Urn la by consti 'M tutional remedies. Jeifucss : is caused by an iiillamed condition of tin ? mucus lining of the Eustachlan Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing , and when It is entirely closed d' Is the result , mid unless the inllutnination can br. tulcen out and this tube restored to its normal fon.lition , heating will bo destroyed forever ; iilao cases out of leu arc caused by catarrh , .which IK nothing but an inflamed condition ol the mucus surfaces Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness ( caused by catarih ) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free. I-1. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. SoM by Druggists. Too. Hall's Family Pills are the best. "Wisdom is an excellent tning in its place , buts place is not in a love let ter if you would make it interesting. Do Tour Foot Aclio itncl Hum ? Shake into your ahocs Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns. Bunions , Swollen , Hot and \ Sweating Feet. At nil Druggists and Shoe Stores , 23c. Sample sent FREE. I Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y. There is no greater evidence of su itf perior intelligence than to be surprised at nothing. Is your breath bad ? Then your best friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation , biliousness , dyspepsia , sick headache. J25c. All druggists. "Want your moustache or beard a beautiful or 7irh blnrtc ? Tlien use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I 80 fT8. or pyjCf.HTS. on R. P. H LL A Co. NISHl'A. N. H. ONE OF OUR SAMPLE OFFERS buy this elecant Boucle Jacket Made of black curly boucle. all lined , in cluding sleeves , with silkoline and interlined double-breasted , storm collar , eight horn but tons. tons.Our handsome Illus trated Fashion Cata logue. logue.Mailed / Mailed Free to any address. State and Madison Streets. Chicago , III. Send j'our name and address on a. postal , and we will send you our 1 56J J ( ) page illustrated catalogue free. ® - WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS GO. 174 Winchester Avenue , New Kavcn , Conn. | | to teach to their pupils the liet-t of all patriotic Mines "TKE OlTHK A sample copy vrlll be sent 1'rec to mu lc and tclioul teachers. Addre."t- . t. CHHISM.V > . SInsir t * b.Uhir , hi. l.oul > v 3Io. ) si in 3 &u u BE i&tfiil has stood the test of 10 years and is still the West Cou * U Kcrnctly Sold. Cure * ; 'xxhPli other remedies fail.Ji i 's need ; children liKc it. t-olu by all druggists 2. Take no oh : . it is the best that can \f made. JIi Iiost fnsh t'rlrc Inl& for Poultry , Gair , Butter , Eggs , Send for taps ami i rices. IlaUrrt rnrvln. Vetublibhud isno. Omaha. HAY QIIDC We cay S4 a day salary A Uft I OUnt for a man with riff to introduce our goods in the country. Send stamo for terms. KANSAS FOOD CO. , 613 W. 5th St. . KANSAS C1TYJKO. for fall and -winter to Gent or - - oduclns our Epon * In 1C. U. CRJcIA L & . . - - , IQIRCOUUtJ. * v iif. . CO. . Publishers , > ew lorK uny. KoanU * . Cameras and Photo Supplies Cata lessee , llutccon 15 ) DouRlas street. Omaha. 'W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 40 1899 Cough Syrup.XastcsGocpo In time. SoldbydrngKiita. The arrival of Dewey in New York sept. 20 , two days ahead of time , changed the reception program to a considerable extent. Friday , parade of warships , with the Olympia at the head , up North river to Grant's tomb , to fire salute. Admiral Dcwcy taken ashore at 9 p. m. to spend the night. Saturday Admiral Dewey driven to the City Hall park , loving ctip pre sented on behalf ol the city. < \ ! luncheon the land parade and a smoker at the "Waldorf-Astoria. When the citizens' committee reached the Olympia Thursday , Flag Lieutenant Brumby stood at the head of the admiral's gangway. Capt. Lam berton was close by. Secretary Downes went up first , and as ho was greeting the lieutenant , Admiral Dewey came down the ladder from the after-bridge and took position on the quarterdeck. Secretary Downes , as representative of the mayor , was presented to him and to Capt. Lamberton by Lieut. Brumby , and then in turn came Mr. McKelway , Senator Depew , Richard Croker , "William McAdoo , Gen. How ard Carroll , Warren W. Foster , Ber nard J. York and Chief Devery. "Come to my cabin , gentlemen , " said Admiral Dewey , leading the way to his quarters , where the two six-inch guns will they get ashore ? I've got 350 men here and they all want to go , and how will they get over from where we are anchored ? " Mr. McAdoo explained that the city would supply boats for the transfer. "That's all right , " said the admiral with a smile. "That will be very sat isfactory. The men can go ashore in the morning. "I've arrived here a few days in ad vance of the time , " continued the ad miral , with a merry twinkle in his eye , "but I thought it would be better to be two days ahead than one day be hind. You know the state I come from. We have to scratch gravel up in Ver mont. I thought it would be beiter to spend the two or three days inside. If we were one day behind it might upset some of the arrangements. "Yes , " remarked Mr. McKelway , "and I might say that your habit of be ing two or three days ahead has con founded your friends as well as your enemies , " at which the admiral laughed heartily. "May I say , " continued Mr. McKel way , "that as the people of New York are ready to embrace the opportunity of honoring you , your arrival two or three days in advance of the celebra tion might lead you to proceed to New York , where , I assure you , yon would "It almost saddens me , " he contin ued reflectively , "to see what my people ple are doing for me. The pride and gratification is immense , and I cannot express the appreciation I feel. I didn't know , I didn't really perceive , until this morning the splendid wel come that my countrymen are giving me. " The admiral was then informed that during the time he is. a guest of the city the private house of George C. Bohlt of the Waldorf-Astoria would bu at his disposal. Uowoy on A iil "There are people Mehind him , sonic of them lawyers and able fellows , who make a tool of Aguinaldo , " said Dewey to a group of reporters. "Here , by the way , is a cane which he presented to me , " and the admiral produced a thick black stick carved and resembling Irish bog oak more than anything else , "i thought , " said the admiral , "that this thing in the Philippines would be over long before this , as it should have been I can't imagine how they have stood out until now. Of course there was the rainy season , and I suppose little was done. "Ono great trouble out there has been that Gen. Otis has tried to do too much. I told him so. He wants to //r ! J ! ' = 1811 c mfr - * ? ? * T- - .fjV * - m mm i mi i ! i Ml ' ' r m _ Jlll _ _ ' THE NAVAL PARADE , OLYMP1A IN THE LEAD. that were so successful at Manila are the principal features. Arrived there , the party sat down and the admiral plunged into a discussion as between the navy of years ago and now. "You remember , Mr. McAdoo , " he said , "how hard it used to be to get anything. All that is changed now. We had quite a struggle in our day , though. " Then Mr. McKelway began his work as spokesman for the committee. The admiral seemed nervous at first as the extent of the city's plans was revealed : o him , but he soon had himself well in hand. "Would it be agreeable to you to come to New York in your own launcher or in one of the city's boats ? " asked Gen. Carroll. "My launches are slow , " was the re ply. "Besides , it might be a bad day , and , anyway , the launch would be awash from the craft in the harbor. Now , " turning to Lieut. Brumby , "you inow all about these arrangements , Brumby. " "Not so much , " replied the lieuten ant. "I've had lots of programs and newspapers , but haven't had time to read them closely yet. " The admiral leaned over and put a hand affectionately en the shoulder of his flag officer. "Gentlemen , " he said , proudly , "this s the man , Lieut. Brumby , who hauled down the Spanish flag at Manila and put the stars and stripes in its place. "How about the crew of this ship ? " then inquired Admiral Dewey. "How be most warmly received , but if you anticipate the celebration " Admiral Dewey fairly shook with laughter. "Oh , no , " he said , "you needn't be afraid. You can depend on me. I shall remain on board and right here until the mayor calls Friday morning. " Then Admiral Dewey spoke at some length of the reasons which operated to bring him home ahead of time. "The Olympia has been steaming at the uniform rate of nine knots an hour since we left Gibraltar , " he said. "Sev eral days ago we knew that we would arrive before Thursday unless we modified our speed or went somewhere out of our course. "Capt. Lamberton , Lieut. Brumby and I thereupon held a consultation. The propriety of running into Hamp ton Roads or some other port in the south was spoken of , but we concluded that we ought not to touch land first anywhere except at New York. "It was suggested that we cruise some distance outside New York har bor until Thursday , but we knew that if we did that we would be discovered and reported. "The weather looked a little squally , moreover , and it seemed better to be inside the Hook than outside. But the consideration that really decided us to come into port was to give Capt. Lam berton a chance to clean up the ship before our voyage up the harbor. Capt. Lamberton and I are very proud of the Olympia and we wanted enough time at her anchorage to rub her down and make her look spick and span. be general , governor , judge , and everj-- thing else to have hold of all the irons. No man can do this. This is the great trouble. It is enougn for a man to do one thing , to be one thing , but when a man tries to do everything and to be everything it is easy to im agine the result. "The fight in the Philippines should be easily ended. The people had been so badly treated for such a length of time by the Spaniards that they are distrustful. This is the great difiiculty in dealing with them. Where we have met them and they have been in such contact with us as to learn that we mean to treat them well ; where they have seen that we mean what we say. there is no trouble. They stand by us all the time. "All of them will learn this in time. The } ' will get from under the influence of Aguinaldo , or rather those people who are behind Aguinaldo , who , as I said before , is a mere tool. "Do I think the Filipinos are fit for self-government ? Well , no ; not just now. The } ' probably will be in a littie time. They are a very queer people a very queer mixture. Many of them are quite civilized and good people , but I do not think they are fit for self-gov ernment just yet. But when I say that , I must add at the same time that it is my candid opinion that they are more fitted for it than the Cubans , that they are a better people than the Cubans ii every way. " Self-admiration is ample proof that there is no accounting for tastes. Colored waiters are to take the place of the undergraduate students of Yule , about thirty in number , who have been helping to pay thsir way through college by acting as waiters in llu Yale commons. This is in accordance i with a decision ot the faculty , which holds that such work interferes with study. The question has frequently been asked : Who was Bronx , whose name was given to the Bronx river and to one of the five boroughs of the Greater New York ? It appears that the river derives its name from .Touts Broncx , who settled in that region in 1G39. Married people live longer than the unmarried , the temperate and indus trious longer than the gluttonous and Idle , and civilized nations longer than the uncivilized. The New Englai.J Education is laboring for a cli"iin book peat by which books from public lllirnncH maybe bo conveyed as BP "JK I clasn mamr at 1 cent per pound. Somu HbnirlaiiK who have boon consulted iMfj ent that It that rate could not l > c miulo jun < ! VuU it might be applied for a short car riage , ' as fifty of one hundred milca , and prove profitable to the tfovorn- ment , or at least cover the coat ot transmission. A patriot nsea Ills private influence for the public good ; a politician ur.oH the public influence for his private good. One way to reduce rents its to Hew them up. very word "operation" strikes terror to u woman's THE . Nearly ahvcyr. thccc operations become neccssa7y through neglect. If the menses are very painful , or too frequent iind excessive , pet the right advice at once and stop taking chances. It will cost yon nothing for advice if yon write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , for it , and if you let the trouble run along it will surely cost you a rjreat deal of pain and may mean en operation. SARAH J. GUAH\M , Shcridanvillc. Pa. , writes : "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : I had suffered for several - eral years with female troubles and doctored until I was discouraged. I felt wretched and tired of living. I had dis ease of kidneys , bladder trouble , dropsy and bloating , had womb trouble and a large tumor had formed ; in fact all my organs were out of fix. Sceinga woman's letter prais ing your remedies , I wrote to her and she begged of me to try it , telling me all that it had done for her. I bought sire bottles of Lydia E. PinkhaniY. Vegetable Compound and now cannot cx- press my gratitude to you. The tumor began to come avay in pieces and I got better all the time. T believe r.ow that I am entirely cured. "My doctors could notbelievo it at first , as they all had told mo that my case war a hopeless one , and no human power could do mo any good. Tl.ey were astounded. If I can say anything that can help other women , I shall bo glad to. " It is not safe to wait until the last moment. Head off trouble by prompt attention to it. Don't be satisfied wthout Mrs Pinkhain's advice. k nn , < 5 E n efv ECU P\ ' LHOUSE WKADUON 5T- eg - ) CHICAGO. Pfo. 110. T-adieV Rojal Cape- Facilities Ma , kmto.-h Coat inaiic uf li'h ties are [ II. dc ( tixtnifvccl cashmere ii na\y lilncr such that l.l.irl : , iint < l throughout vith I..IK > plaifl. lull iv < < i > ilouMt- wo are bn act < cl cjr : .T > lo f PKvitl. . to liise j > f : : rl i nttonc. inl.'iiclcl - \ < t collai , O' ' a j-irit in Lnck- quote nc-.v S'ISJ.P i > kirt with ono oiit- si ! r > i/crK ( t and c.cnn in that prices tide ' ani to ; ill'j\ acre-)1 ; to sn- < lr fs. pccktl ; bKttoaholps arc P Wf W. . . . \vcrkprj v.itii * ilk nnd all EcTnii1 ? stron/ly sf.v.ed. Tiio Jf Pf/Pf : / ; ; ! - - iraniifartnrer's iiuarantPc for eco.-som- entire fatr-f.-Tlic i 'tinds bnrk tea ? buyers. ot every ani * 'it trjis rcupltd with th - way trv. : : price we Our goods should M ttkalldruLt : is ' to the \alur. A K"r'l Machii- are 'the to Ii i' a wi , , : investment , tmsl- v.-hereas a poor one is nicniry thrown away. Our sticni ; worthy kind points nr < - practical kncv.'leil u ot qualit } ami buying in large that ! a ways cji . "ititic0 at tic lowest casli give satisfaction prices ; these a lvautagcs vui rxttric ! to cur csi'tciners. One faction * ot tlie f iiiarkinto'lif s will pro- Our ti-ct > ou from rain and dainp- values rifami give bt--t of atisfi > - - are the un tion. SJ7C5 , 56 , 5 . Co and ( s inches Iccg , 20 larger. Price approach able kind > that never lean be reached elsewhere. In which is listed at fewest v/holesale prices everything to I eat , wear and use , is furnished on receipt of only lOc , to © partly pay postage or expressage , and as evidence of good | faith the lOc. is allowed on first purchase amounting to I SI.OO or above. WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber ccat. If you ttantacaat that il ! keep you dry in the hard est s'jc.rsi buy the Fish Brand Slickfr. If not for sale in your o\vn. wrire for outoeue to A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. I ti $3&$3.5Q SHOES * Worth $4 to SB comoared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearer * . ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES Illi : .f.\t m. hair W. J. . Ilbnglj , * Damp uil ytlff tttofri oa b tt vu Talcc no Fub tltnt3 cl ? ' " > p < J to ! * a" KIMJI ] . Laive-it makers ot * 3 and 3.aj nhoes In the worM. Your dealer ch'jnM k * > ep their If not. we will M > nd yo-l a patron receipt of price. Stam kind or leather lre end width , plain or cap t'a Catalogue A Free. W. L. DOV3LAS SHOE CO. . Brockton. Max to travelforold cetr.h. nmi. Salary. Vflaino. lv < t expcn o . No previous experi ence needed. VT.U. HOCfcE.l JJ Itace S.I'hllx. 1'a.