The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 22, 1899, Image 8
HWord We have the highest regard for the : ncdical profession. Our preparations are not sold for the purpose of antagon iiia them , but rather as an aid. We l.y it down as an established truth that internal remedies are positively injuri s to expectant mothers. The distress : ind discomforts experienced during the niont'ss preceding childbirth can be al 3.-viated only by external treatment by : ' -lying a liniment that softens and re 3. .os the over-strained muscles We i - . : e and sell such a liniment , com ljin' ' . . . ingredients in a manner L.crto i. own. and call it Wo kow that in thousands of cases it , ' ; proved more than a blessing tent . - - --nt : mothers. It overcomes morn- : ' suicness. It relieves the sense ol t . tness. Ilradaches cease , and dan- ; .r fjom Swollen , Hard and Rising 1 r as.s ir. avoided. Labor itself is LJ .rleiti and shorn of most of thepain. \Vu ' . .now that many doctors recom- ni'T.t ! it , and we know that multitudes of women go to the drug stores and buy it because they are sure their physicians have no objections. We ask a trial jist a fair test. There is no possible e.iance or injury being the result , be- rase Mother's Friend is scientific ally compounded. It is sold ati a hot- t' ' ? . and should be used during most eli i e period of gestation , although greal relief experienced if used only a short lme before childbirth. Send for our il lustrated bock about Mother's Friend. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , GA. Burlington Route. Here's your cheap rate to Omaha. Only-f6.oo for the round trip from Mc Cook , Neb. , September 26 , 27 $6 So on 28th tickets good five days. This is the rate you've been waiting for it's made on account of the festivities of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. Take advant age of it ; buy your ticket over the Bur lington Route and be one of the two hundred thousand persons who will wit ness the series of gorgeous pageants for which Omaha is famous from one end of the country to the other. This year's celebration extended over four days from Thursday. Sept. 26 , un til Friday , Sept. 29 , and will surpass all previous efforts. The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It also heals the in jured parts more quickly than any other treatment , and without the burn is very severe does not leave a scar. For sale by McConnell & Berry. Develop IIIIIM- clCN , nerve * and bralUM tind make a man of yourself Send for one of our Doctor's Question blanks. No l\vo cases treated alike. Sexual ivoiilc- ii e M 1 o M M ol p o w c r , drains after stools , pre- mntiire discharge. Varirocelecured erne no charge. Where you are suffering from effects of well Jibuwe we an- Pleased to say that ve are today the only lit m who can ' { lunranii'p a run ? with our Turkish 1 \i * . . \Vi never fail to rure n U : IK < ' . Do iinr Joolj further , as wil. our "blank. I < > JlH' t" ) < > nrod. Our tm.-rtiflni-l.stiirii c 'rt , . ! I'many case , no matter Iioxv sevt-ivor jliotv IKMJsiaiidiiifr. . uilh Turkish Syphilis i.-nr. . $ -2 b ( \ Al ( oiulilicns cliJUij-'cd. Wihi- hinr pai' ml : ' r . Di-pi T KAHN'S PHARMACY. OMAHA. NEB MAKE American Beaoties RC' ' COBRECT SHAPES , ABTlSTiG FFEBTS. SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY THE THOMPSON D. G. CO. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. LADIE'S Friend and Pennyroyal Pills bring menstruation to the day. Never fail. No Fain ; No DlNnppofutnicnt. Sl.OO box ; a boxen cure any -ni p , no matter as to cause Kahn's Pharmacy , Dept. T. f. Oninba , - Nebraska Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the co-partner ship heretofore existing between M.L. Gaff- ney and \V. C. 15ufjcr ! , under the firm name of "The McCociiC Steam Laundiy , " is this day dissolved by mutual consent All indebted ness due haiil firm will be pud to M. L. Gaff- ney , she iilonc beiiifj aulliori/eil ! receipt for the same. The firm of Gaftney iV Mend- ricks assumes and will piy nil debts of the old firm. Dated this 3ist day of August. 1899. I 9-415 W. ( J. HUI.GKR , M. L. GAFKNEY. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior , United States Land Office , McCook , Nebraska , September lath , 1899. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed in this office by Jain.esV. . Nutt , contestant , against timber culture entry No. 4,005 , made June iSth , 1886 , for S\V M bE K , SEi S\V 1A of section 33 , township 2 , range 27V. . , by Henry Vosburgh , contebtee , in which it is alleged that the said Henry Vos- burgh , after breaking out 5 acres of the said tract named in suicl entry and causing part of the same to be planted to trees , seeds or cuttings , wholly failed during the years 1889 , 1890,1891,1892 and 1893 to cultivate the said tract and keep in growing condition 5 acres of trees , seeds or cuttings on said tract. That during said time the said Henry Vosburgh wholly failed to care for , replant or cultivate or cause the same to be done. 5 acres of said tract to trees , seeds or cuttings. That during the 5th , 6th and 7th years of said entry he has failed to cultivate and keep growing 5 acres of said tract to trees , seeds or cuttings or to replant any portiort then of. That the said tract is now coveied with weeds , sunflowers and wild-grass , and that said tract is fast going back to its original , wild state. That during the years 1896,1897,1898 and to the date of filing this amended affidavit , Septem ber 4th , 1890 , the said defendant has wholly failed to cultivate any portion of sai.l tract and to keep growing 5 acres of said tract in trees , seeds or cuttings , and that the weeds and Minitowers are now higher than what few trees are on said tract , r.nd that the said tract has been wholly abandoned and nowoik of any character has been done by the defend ant or any one for him during said years 1896 , 1897 , 1898 and to September 4th , 1890 , and that contestant is ready to prove at such time and place as may be named by the register and receiver for a hearing in said case , and he therefor asks to be allowed to prove said allegations , and that said timber culture entry No. 4,005 may be declared cancelled and for feited to the United States , he , the said con testant , paying the expense of such hearing. Said parties are hereby notified to appear , respond and offer evidence touching said al legations at one o'clock , p. m. , on October 23d , 1899 , before register and receiver at L. 5. land office in McCook , Neb. F. M. KATIIIIUN , Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. September 7 , 1899. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the register or receiver of U. S. Land Ufhce at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday. October 14 , 1899 , viz : Gottlieb Fiechtner , H. E. No. 11197 for the lots numbered two (2) ( ) and three (3) ( ) sec. 6 , T. 3 N , R. 30V. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : John Lorenz , Charles Welchlin , William Poll and John Heinlein all of McCook , Neb. 9-S 6t F. M. RATHHUN , Register. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. September 6 , 1899. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claimand that said proof will be made before the register or receiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook. Nebraska , on Friday , October 13 , 1899. viz : Nils Swenson , H. E No. 10020 for the \V y. NE X and N A N\V X sec. 24 , T. 5 N , R30V. . He names the following witness es to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Andrew P. Lar son , McCook. Neb. , Christoffer C. Dueland , Quick , Neb. , Dorsey Shepherd and Henry C. Shepherd , both of Osborn , Neb. 9 8-6t F. M. RATIIBUN , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. August 16 , 1899. Notice is hereby given that the _ follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the legister or receiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , October 7,1899 , v'z : Joseph E. Nelms , 11. E. No. 10430 for tlie NE X sec. 31 , T. 6 N R. 29V. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Milan W. Quick , William B. Whittaker , John Engstrom and Charles Wal lace , all of Quick. Neb. 8-iS-6ts F. M. RATHBUN , Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from : he District Court of Red Willow county , Ne- iraska , under a decree in an action wherein Lillian M. Pitney is plaintiff and Sidney Dodge is defendant , to me directed and de- ivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of Menard's hall in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 251(1 ( day of Septem- > er , 1899 , at the hour of I o'clock , p. m. , the ollowing described real estate , towit : The east half of the northwest quarter and the vest half of the northeast quarter of section wenty. township one , range twenty-nine , in ted Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 2ist day of August , 1899. J. R. NEEI. , Sheriff. C. II. Boyle , Plaintiff's Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from he District Court of Red Willow county , Ne- > raska , under a decree in an action wherein rredric Plasmeyer is plaintiff and Julia A. Mien and Frank P. Allen are defendants , to ne directed and delivered , I shall offer at ) ublic sale and sell to the highest bidder for rash , at the east _ door of Menard's hall in Mc Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 25th day of September , 1859 , at the hour of i o'clock , p. m. , the following described real "state , towit : Lot number four , block twenty- hree , Original McCook , in Red Willow coun- y , Nebraska. Dated this 2ist day of August , 1899. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. . E. Kelley , Plaintiffs Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from lie district couit of Red Willow county , Ne- > raska , under a decree in an action wherein mma R. Reed is plaintiff , and William A. Vallin et al. are defendants , to me directed ind delivered , I shall offer at public sale , and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east rloorof Menard's hall , in McCook , Red Wil low county , Nebraskaonthe2d day of October , 1899 , at the hour of I o'clock , p.m. , the follow ing described real estate , to-wit : Lots num ber S , 9 , 10 and ti in section number 19 , in township number3 noith , range 28 west of the 5th p. m. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 30th day of August , 1899. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. | . E. Kelley , Plaintiff's Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the district court of Red Willow county , Ne braska , under a decree in an action wherein fames G. Johnson is plaintiff , and Alexander \V. Campbell et al. are defendants , to me di rected and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east front door of Menard's hall , in Mc Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of October , 1899 , at the hour of I j'clock p. m. , the following described real es tate , to-wit : The southeast quarter of the lortheast quarter and the northeast quarter sf the southeast quarter of section fifteen , in township four north , range twenty-nine west jf the 6th p. m. . in Red Willow county , Ne- jraska. Dated this 30th day of August , 1899. J. R. NEEL. Sheriff. IV. S. Morlan , Attorney for Plaintiff. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE Citizens Bank of McCook FCHARTKR NO. 276 ] at McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at th close of business , September II , 1899. KKSOURCKS. Loans and discount * § 104,886 29 Overdrafts , secured ami unsecured 5,13542 Stocks , secureties , claims , judg ments , etc 1,156 02 Other assets , revenue stamps , etc. . 736 oo Other real estate 14,938 I Current expenses and taxes paid. . 2.940 7 ; Checks and other cash items 1,248 3 ; Due from National , State and Pri vate banks and bankers 19,505 ' 7 Cash Bills § 3.671 oo Gold 4,5'o oo Silver 245 50 Nickles and cents. 40 07 Total cash on hand . 8,472 57 TOTAI § 159,018 64 LI A Id LI 1 IKS. Capital stock paid in 50,000 oo Surplus fund 5,000 oo Undivided profits 4,354 38 Individual dei-'sits ! > sub ject to check § 46,046 88 Demand ceititicates of deposit 20,103 67 Time certificates of de posit 15,11000 Cashier's checks out standing 1,78962 Due to State and Private banks and bankers 16,614 09 99,664 26 TOTAI § 159,018 64 State of Nebraska , County of Red Willow , ss I , A. C. Ebert , cashier of the above-named bank , do solemnly kwear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. C. EltEKT , Cashier. Attest : V. FRANKLIN , Director. II. I' . CIIUKCH , Director. Subscribed and sworn to befoie me this igth day of September , 1899. [ SEAL ] 11. II. HKRRY , Notary Public. Eureka Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils , softens , black ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness on your best harness , your old bar- ness , and your carriage top , and they wilt not only look bettor but wear longer. Sold every where In cans all alzes from half pints to live gallons. Wide bj STAMUUU OIL CO. r. D. BURGESS. Steam Fitter McCOOK , tJEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe. Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmil.s. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building H. P. SUTTOK" JE VELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , _ NEBRASKA C. H BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldg : , Upstairs DR. JOHN JOHNDENTIST. DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. with Dr. Gage. J. B. BALLARD , 9 DENTIST. ® All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK. NEBRASKA. E& Ajjent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. McCOOK STJKGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , 1-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. JgTMassage given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNETTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn } .25 Wheat 46 Oats 25 Rye 39 Hogs 3.75 Eggs 12 Butter 15 Potatoes . . .40 A diseased liver declares itself by uioroseness , mental depression , lack of energy , restlessness , melancholy and constipation. Herbine will restore the liver to a healthy condition. Price 5oc at McConnell & Berrv's. ' White's Creani Vermifuge is perfectly liarmless , and will remove every worm. It is also a tonic , and by its strengthen ing properties will restore to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health. Price 25 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. You may bridle the appetite , but you : an not bribe the liver to do its work well. You must be honest with it , help it along a little now and then with a lose of Herbine , the best liver regulator . . ? Price 50 cts. at McConnell & Berryr 'V [ "OFFICIAL HV AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Neb. , September 16,1899. Board of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson - son , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Bollescom missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk , Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. On motion Al Boyer was appointed over seer district No. 17 to fill vacancy. Pursuant to law in such cases made and provided , the board of county commissioners proceeded to select the names of sixty elect ors from which to draw a jury for the October term of district court in and for Red Willow county and Slate ot Nebraska , for the year 1899 , which list is as follows , to-wit : Alliance Precinct W. W. Lemasters , John Long. Beaver W. T. Heiilon , J. M. Thomas , W. II. 1 Ianison , James Toner. Bondville N. Downs , W. P. Burns. Box Elder All Wilson , John Johnson. Coleman Robert Moore. Danbury Gottlieb Weyeneth , Barnett Ash- ton. ton.Driftwood Driftwood Gus Speer. East Valley B. F. Sibbill , J. K. Stevens , E. E. Smith , W. V. Vickrey. Fritsch Wm. Bergen , Charles Masters. Gerver N. J. Johnson. Grant T. A. Rowland. Imlianola E. S. Hill , Willis Gossard , Jacob Short , James McClung , Martin Andeison , Henry Powell. Lebanon M. C. Stevens , Sanford Ralsien , II. E. Waugh , Platte Rhine. Missouri Ridge Ed Ervin. North Valley C. A. Bede , Wm. Wight. Perry II. II. Meyer , \Vm. Fleischman. Red Willow W. P. Elmer , John Broom- field. Tyrone P. J. Hickman , W. O. Dodds. Valley Grange W. H. Smith , Robert John son. Willow Grove M. E. Horner , J. F. Utter , R. J. Predmore , S. L. Green , Otto Ballew , II. II. Berry , Frank Theme , J. II. Ludwick , D. A. Lucas , ' 1 homas Rowell , U. J. Warren , E. J. Wilcox. 11. 11. Tartsch , Maitin Yager , J. N. Puivis , J. A. Beyier , W. U. Kiibsell. The lollowing claims were audited and al- lowid and on motion clerk was instructed to draw wai rants on the county general fund , levy of 1899 , in payment thereof as follows : J. Mennril , tndbe § 28 co Michael O'Leary , board and lodging of prisoner 2 75 W. C. Milliard & Co. , coal 3 25 Barnett Lumber Co. , coal 3 25 J. II. Grannis , clothes for Sam O'Con- ner ( blind boy ) 14 05 W. V. Gage , medical attendance 66 oo Joe Spotts , services as coioner 20 OO R. McDonald , trowel i 50 Win. McCallum , mdbe 24 50 Jas. McAdams , per contract 300 oo State Journal Co. , supplies 39 35 Stephen Belles , money advanced 2 90 Stephen Belles , services as commission er and mileage 31 60 Jas. A. Robinson , same 31 40 Henry Crabtree , same 34 30 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1899 , as follows : C. W. Peters , bridge work 4 50 Chas. Monday , same 15 oo Geo. Younger , same 0 oo Jas. Nutt , same 2 oo Wm. Pred more , same 5 oo R. O. Lawson , same 3 oo Chas. Moore , same 3 oo M. B. Leopold , same II oo R. O. Lawson. same I = 50 Joseph Junker , same 8 oo Ira II. Harrison , bridge work and grad ing 10 oo E. Price , bridge work , . 400 R. W. White , nails I 25 W. J. Porter , road and bridge work 13 oo Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 63 So Barnett Lumber Co. , same 74 96 Barnett Lumber Co. , same 46 46 Barnett Lumber Co. , same 23 30 W. C. Bullard & Co. , same 277 oo ' 1 he following claim was audited and al lowed on the fund donated by the city of Mc- L'ook to aid in the construction of the court liouse , and the clerk instructed to draw on said fund in payment thereof as follows : Yarger and Notley , work on courthouse per contract $80 oo On motion board adjourned sine die. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify that I have had chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. I jot so weak I could hardly walk or do anything. One bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Reined } ' cured uie sound and well. J R Gibbs , Fincastle , Va. I had chronic diarrhoea for twelve years. Three bottles of Chamberlain's Zolic , Cliolera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me. S L. Shaver , Fincastle , Va. Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are prominent farmers and reside near Fin castle , Va. They procured the remedy From Mr. W. E Casper , a druggist of : hat place , who is well acquainted with them and will vouch for the truth of their statements. For sale by McCon icll & Berry. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment re- ieves the intense itching. It soothes , leals and cures chronic cases where sur- jeons fail. It is no experiment ; its sales increase through its cures. Every ) ottle guaranteed. Price , 50 cts. in bot- ; les , tubes 75 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. We , the undersigned , residents of Driftwood and Perry precincts , give notice to hunters that here shall be no hunting allowed in said terri- ory. Signed : jpe Williams Bert Lufkin P. Caslien G.W.McFerrin .T.A.Williams C.T.Eller .W.Cooper A.G.Culbertson J.W.Speer S.C.Goelirinp E.W.McAninch Frank Green J.H.Wade I.H.Wasson W.S.Fitch .W.Jones J.A.Schmitz Frank A. Fitch L.J.Hawkins .T.E.Dodge George Heed l.Klemp E. Dunham W.C.Cooper V.Hillnot A.Wauy V.J.Gathercole I.Rowland T.M.Royer G.G.Roi > er V.M.Sigwinf : George Sigwing F.S.Loftoa Samuel Ellis Alex.Ellis N J.John = on ra Peterson Ed Lawthers Joshua Gerver acob Gerver George Tuttle William Tuttle V.G.Manor Andrew Manor John Jump V.Y.Olmstcad Chas.Olmstead Albert Klemp John Goodenberger YOU WILL FIND COMFORT IN A SQ CIGAR 10 * A.DAVIS'SONS & CO. MAKERS JDHNG.WOODWARD8cCO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWA- ' She washes her delicate laces With Ivory Soap suds , soft and warm ; The frailest in bottles she places , And shakes them it cannot do harm. If thoroughly rinsed with clear water , * n jl They're wholly uninjured when dry se Because , as experience has taught her , i > Ivory Soap has no free alkali. Mlt The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made fit it for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe or unsatisfactory. a COPYRIGHT moo BY THE PHOCTEII L GAMBLE co CINCINNATI OS OSof of tar . . -iJiSr rfVjflc * * * ft - jV.T f jte Jbtft , - VJtr tVJt , _ Jtr Jtt jfW JyWyfy i-jyn ayp. Jiy ajyr jr ay ngr ajjrajp : Jjjp-xgr J - V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. t ! CITIZENS BANK ! * OF MeCOOK , NEB. * * * # Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , § 5.000 \ ! = = = = - = r DIRECTORS = = / . FRANKLIN , W.F.KIcFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. f s 'i sE 1 ! 'sQr'sSs 1 ! f' > ' f''iJP'fif' ' fft f \ \ M ATI O N A. L + PS I \ Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60,000 GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass'f Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. Good Enough to Take. The finest quality of loaf sugar is used in the mauufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar to that of maple syrup , making it very pleasant to take. As a medicine for the cure of coughs , colds , la grippe , croup and whooping cough it is unequalled by any other. It always cures , and cures quickly. Forsale by McConnell & Berry. As an external liniment of most won derful penetrative and curative power , Ballard's Snow Liniment is not equaled by any other in the world. Price 25 and 50 cts. at McConnell & . Berry's. iliR'l iUOK EY1 OINTMENT ; CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. [ A SURE and CERTAIN CURE known for 15 years as the BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOLD BY AIX DRUGGISTS. nityHC2A3BSET 'M MCCONNELL & BESEY'S. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome fuinineTablets All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine lias L. B. f ) . or each tablet. Machine Oil. We can and will compete with a local or eastern dealers on Machine OiK Let us quote you prices. L & BERR THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa per you may want. Try it. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYEE , Proprietor. 3f Special attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave ordera at either lumber yard.